vouihli xxxvii iko 7 hmy 0willfi laid if advua acton ontaltfo tjiuhhday mobniho august 17 lll hinuije copies run em cbmtk ije acton jtrce rfci3 bv1cht tliliunjjty aloilnlnq tan lwuit- dollar ar ywr atrloily in ulfunin all nub- ortptloaa dlacontluud wlmn th tlu for whlnh tbaj tva ihmhi raid haa ex pired 1ta date to will ib aviry nub- ortpllon la paid in danotad ud tbo d- jrone label lor arattnearllmi- ooia ur lln tor eoh uthmm4ufll ituhciiud jusverataeraanta without apealllo dl- mliona will tw loaerted till forbid u4 ntiarad nacordlualy tratuloat md- vertlaeenenla muit b bald la tdbo advertleomanla will ik ohndcxi nn nah monut if deelrad v chati aftenar tbmn abuva naenllonad lb dun- poallloa muit be jtald for ml raular rntee ciubcm for contract edvavtuhunenla wl be la tbe oiiue by naua on tur- jtooounla tabl monthly jenajlufa tom it knt btret l- loa k c wbr unura la nrwl j hardy a co will hnilv for u m banrlptlonn and mdvartlaenbebta and hut our readera can fro o obars ana ar paper wben la icasland it if uoonn hdli or and irnurlulor amines fiirtxtory t mjtdicjll iios ghaym c mmcgili l1lo p hi lu1m h hi mimuddutiu klbll oaorrdui hi aaaoolltlot knl 4oumobl r it no i mi m d lund m p o lata houa lturituil lo lit joaapha foaiui late onlaf itoua ibytleuli to tba vlntotla uoaptlal tuaa to tba undltli uautoilal malaiuiiy hoapltal iadiiud onlae at hicimh mill hi i i t lhlt oyada jewellsry blot lbooanolv autom on jonuuaiauwaiiiu iu uu imv o4lui uwyllixiilul imaeeaeaof woman and itnuil ualbsry ut papa a to onto rnaae stwlbtcfi ucoajl a j hukimmom naaurraa nouurroa ooavavakuaa oiriw- uulnuet inuliju llloolt mgmajjb tjji7lroniljiluloo lou louaty ol ooqw l n c u wtalbtlit- uouay tolu4uiata uk a 1 arrymao l aotoh dlt j m hull d i x 1 ii ithxtibt 00 at uaaljaoq- tutwt utll uj vladatlck too utt ajaaaauiaua uaaj ii daailaj dh u l halldlk i u ukntlbt rirat jaaa uou11 la u i la trantm oeftoa10 kou iualll ii d h e re a a walch i liavo carri ftvfl oara wllliuul any ponao or rapalra ecpl v 1 lruke ilia cryul halt enlttublaalk owner lln l lay w u not hv look cluurly id boa tunl lialr anl loltacco in movitnt lu ui walcli in jjfhkl nrilnr ct iliillara aiwl ll a owner h htod money in itu mul ii llelr walcli wo u 111 wtililla ulieii lltoy tieodoil cloaiilntf savageco o t ii watoti irunpootonat guelpk ortfario istf gimson lemintolr paper tluitfar ploturo yramar tta begs to inform the ladies of acton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from prices right albo that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scifasoru ground furni ture repaired siioi mi 11 stiikht acton cash prid pou fowl raw furs junk i 1m mil till unit oi luhnitukii jvc skxb kcton hh1cxlxamkovs im and haunvco allvuhtiuiho cohtt mttwacmmrii jo fll slrofli ifiitlon h c 1 knglaitd by ialtra to inithloa la mliiua ulvioa kiatl wlllb lolf iulj jillahulti nun an uuukliihilklt wyxlbkjda hi lualnlt ouutiu tua wllllauii utoia book of all kln1 te yariajuaalaolotwydaantutluboa rutrbaiabrt promptly doo m ajtuiauh uoenukh ii v uooum myauqme mowltoa atuovn ua lug a o0oa xvtcoh r m1il1gan chnaall allgtiomuk vm tb couqum ol lullon hj 1aal all aaua amandad to looiplly vat lit ttoak a poauky uodaxata abatawi apply atora djipoalla lhluhua llolal amm or hob it uaorbotuwo ga ulack llcahhui aljctionukh vov uh ooiintlm of halloa and wallliitftou itlva htook and linulaltiallll wurnllura and ibjal ktatau hl4 aollaitad hatufaatlun uar- llos sko aoumi or kmkm 1 mhk olllo talapliom m lloaaabll auatlomkka r lb oouniui at wallioiton and lulwin oadaralallatitbavma 1aaaa olboa aotou or my raabtoboalo aotoo will ba ptotupfty at- lobdadto tar nm hnpoabla alao monoy to loan on tha tuoat hnmsu urnaaotid altntlowaal ralaa ot inuroal lr ana of hhtn4 upauili r j kkiui iiqmkaai auirriohkhu aar til fjouullaa ol wa11inuii ilallill auil basotln halaa oonduotod lttr aalaotlll alii upott raaaonabbi tauiu ucdara by lauar uj ullnoa v o ulapboda lit mlmoaa or oauiluaa or lalt al vhkh 1 aaaa dhm or wltb w j lloraoi iiiiuhi uakor anton will luibiadlau allaiillou upyolal attoutlud to salaa in valon ami tlolnlty jamks mcdonau iicxnaklt altctiomkkm vor tba ouuallm ol wallliidtou llaltuii wauiloo wautwuitli and uia ity ol aualfti kalaa oouduoud on raaaonabu tarina aud aauafaouou huaranuad in ovary tui vor unnt data ata apily tt uok hi bwlimikmll hyuaubabl hi 1ukii ii onl tlfbona lt lualyb ualaainay b artantfad a klti lbku offlfla melon waters bros ouclph headquarters ror o a c school supplies nature study 1 botanical etomolooical drawing paintino 41 wyndlwm street phom aso special sale of seasonably goods kki kigiltatoit ham iiook- schkhn noous d yiuihiw wo aim li tluu y iiulmiim loalmnt pfimi inllvory ami rfkml kooda at noajaooablo prtoatal atlri the bond hardware co umlud uoudl iboim 07 aukllii eyes ijtaoiincd classes rhed ndshuhge oiuinliu atu optician hlglit l lla 1iki ohwj kohi bar oualtu harold wiles ran quality confectionery fee cream fruits coot orangeade summer drinks and fees i mhlst acton your chopping will he done tpjickly and well on cither plate or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co the berlin stun granite and marble works caipkr miaum proprietor ialgimra im ltullur ol ijuiuo maui lruma monument malkara ami lloail aitmmik anil all klnda of artistic cemetery work i h wm hemstreet agent acton for example tta haraj dollar 1 salary pill- it jelloroiia oomlluianlan look like oood taniuiiorutlun for uio acrvlceit of a boy uu ilia tooiih who ban nut completed hill odtima of training nl tlia cuelph business college guelfh ont kaolla l1w iko akova uxo uti nacoltoiil ichtof ilia mumrln- trulnliic for htihlnowi jiurhiilto fflveu ity tlilu animih liu tlhitlon lliora lit no ttflllor llnifl to cm tor or u lourm tlmn now thli in lli uyof inriai oiiiiordiuily coma tllmct ui tba coi ofho 137 ullxr wymlhm stroct or ndtlrotm malcolm maccormack b a irlu stathams rou ice cream the old and reliable granite and marble dealers it all klndaof uonumabtaladdliaadalowa work w rll dlraal toouroualobiaraatwbola aaia prloaa thua aavlntf our ouatomvta 0 ar oat wo ba uia baat aoullanoaa and tba aaly asaabanl in tba lonlnlp who oau ojiar- at poaaotalla toola nroparly wi aait gin lafatatiaao front hnndiada of our eaatotnata it toronto aad otliar plaaaa wliara othar ha a to i a ad law au ii in ontar to oolloal wa ha aba built and boat aloak of orattlta n uia uoaalaloa or mora than auy uirao daalara in too wm wa ara laflltlmal daaur and ant ploy no fanta and da not annoy b naat aoa- lonxkra by mbdldg ou t ifnorant atnt to mltoll nr wa aniploy tnaahanlea only and defy otnpetluon hamilton son m norfolk ftd wtfvlrloll tf uuhlfu a cuniinous imalullll iwficioub hll hksiiimg maui ol luku inxmdii nil llllblllt cuhamb iiiist ilavorinc3 a oki igiit to tlllt whii nouhiblllnfi to tlllt invalid a joy to tiik ciiiiidkhn twine luvory ileal quality al iowou imcoa plymoutt anit wa am iuia 10 busily vlhl r wotjlk acton plobr peed s a ii ally i nci bono hoii1iiion truatlul rio fnarlul im tliu world o ahwlink wrong homnllnim joyful urtnn uarful hllll im till mil rally l w ayn in lunlnru and in kuiiihik nomy act forfjutl lu nltif wlirtn iprtrinhmmhl ly iltwp mi1 tiirrow ijfn ttoooatli dm darbl akioo horn i ao draar tliat mi ti tuorrow hiimh a tirtaur rforar- aurprua in audi aditiwu an lit lad una nilly act for iihi u war i i m n our aitiiu arn irunl and tnnibl htrnio unoblo tnh to boy roln llm oownril a imnda aiiilml iit hi roaolutnly rry kvlt mvt mil tlil lt not c nobly nnt fiy lod u nl mhckvtaln iuii im monday iuvuw rlrtl 3familjj ktabinjj braacf cokai and pastry frobh ovary day full llrto of grocerlaa and provisjona trulta a vvtfatabla t statham qon bakers and grocers rialri st acton mill sttcoi new footwear ubipmenl of tlm moat up lo- lain footwear trom lltn very uloal amorlcaa kit a ioolwoar lhal will oiully dolloht un women and cldldren ilrop iri any tlmo und inapnrl ihu complele alock of hlflti claaa summer 1obiwoar w tatill1ams nill- ir abtrlhii klmiill a rk bnror tbn ratfiil day in rnu- iim willi ihn rat of llm hrltub ibiiiilulonx ll ivaul or aimii iii rr in gironaliim rrmra tloiiu mild ilir hhiiafllf a wnll i111i11 d loyally rimttlbiilod bid tlu tliolir aiirroaa hub nlioli inlrrratexl in tbn itma ti inbratlony in fact bo mai jimt womli ilntf how tin abould oacami tlto coronation dlmivr at i tin alr- iou arum ami lb iillxitilnt jtre- miilalioii of tlm riat tnaul wblrti bad ihwii rnlruattd hi lilni now liter bad tin k of llm bki a h lilnnmilf uiikbl bavironnrchmil it anil ma lack nr rnady nnili mil citut blm anvnral ibiiik in ill rourto of liu lhro and tblrty yari of hfh hut tlm only tbliik bnrnltd about win llm lll bo livrd wliimi aimllier of m tnorn pmi ioiih inukui anil 1huiiiuk wnyu bad btnluti fimu blm i uixwt m4 llm jwr bt 111 lo hi inlii tlm inu und iiiiim of imiitu lovii htoty ftom llm lwluiiltitf 1 wliitt wo utv rbbrly concorimd vvitb lo dty u llu und it wuua tmnny linn inoinliis wild llmni wtui wthltlvoy imtbhik lo imi itotin on llm ritrm r uu in lunibitil 1 rrl witlt llrsl fin tlm liay lntrvual ttml thtin fiu lliu corn nut and tinm wmii buulii boavy on ivtitubaitdh iiu bad haver vialtetl ijindiui and im airmd nut bin ropy of ibn inorttliifr thivtnhkr wilixlly illnutrutiil and iflvlnp all aorl of at- tiltud ontiiimtlon iiumib tin wan unit denly boikmi by hie ditulrt lo m and nthi it for lilumnlf tbrrti wiim 110 iciifon on inrlli nx rnpt ibnlllliuu of im ilmti ut aluir- oln atuih lo nfvont blm dolii wbat bo ltkud willi llm roul or llni wrok and tlimt would imi m dlflloully canity tllaiutcttl of ii iinii only lo ult down to alxrlirli will- mini invito ilnmloru hbaw lo itku lilu iiiiick and im would im- joyfully tpllevetl au a inuttoi of rrtnl lltudiiip wlm lovd tbn l1111111i of bin own mil- bad foll kic lv d tliml lint bonor ubnubl bavi i ird o imi- mitculnro hiii tbtil hu urruitunntt bud boi it imtultkl on inilni- littd un women folk i fmiu lioiiin of lllllu imiiball oxiil bin boiiutkofimr icttny ailann wbo uiivor lultrriitd wllb lilni and wli would look ufur bla bit hiwain in h uluionco inouunly aa if alia bud immih x rtoalltif bia crltlouhi tlm nat mill 11 1 11 now wan iutar cllanoo tit inn m bllof life mitl by lbrvtt of tlm afur d hiitllchl in bu own ntliid aitd by ala ull llm diulu worn ar- titrttd llm tifxt iiiornlnu im itnimrl- fiom alwulojjui htallon in conimiiy ilb a nimrlntoub am mil old initlinwd jtmilulonn buy wud a fiunlliitf of buoy- nay lu bid imhil wblob look blm back tn bu imiiiiiii iuy lit huh oul in ulurcb of ndvonlurv mnd nnlliiljialthl lib tinmtiliiinuu willi llm iuidualumtlu- uillon atrlwiiikmt liiuton hlatiim utid nn iultltk for n btd ml llm bolfl liifwau liifoiinnd unit tliom wuh tint 111111 uvmilitblti mild that lio nurd not iroublit blmuulf to cihjuiiu kt duo of tbo lilu linttd hu llnly wiim not only mu full is iit bud m wwlltiik lll or tbimowbo bnhil tn itllt by olmnon duinlniiut viny wlt uititl 1olft tlouily itll ittt ht 1 if i dlllllh tllld m ikkl un ldt bu iihk in tlm slnak uoin mild uit out lo exnlom lllooinaluiyy hih nmoiti of lliat nliililx uamrbmof nhmiltly if omioliml in ivtmw own rrpblo idiom would mko a uohi lory in 1 1 an f bill w tnnab iimhicd on to tlm iiolual iurimt of putttry vlult nod lln umxmtid tlniuuiiiinil hu fnitlul h ifllni- in it huimii kldn alreot in lar vicinity of tlm llrltlali uttaoum and n mood tn pay liandaoinely focfa attlu nir tba ky lbty lo mr blm m iiionl of world mild limvlttr atnokrtl u tioil lw lit lurutd in and altpi iuiuhi by tint dlatnlil tout or itndou wbl nl 1 atiln up to bin prophet obmtnbtirllko minor imulc un awokn ifirouub forre of liwblt a i alx omikik und kfini woudtirinir ftiamlly wbrro im wu turimil titer imitlwiilidly wt yntt to alvop anulii lly 111 im b imi brfaufkated am nt out lo vxploru llondon hut tlral it bad to iwduoovurwl under ltildoua mini unacutiatonithl paooply of wood tbnro wan tiulliliif but wootln htand mtid tutriura anil iut forma ovry- wbart tbfi nlr full of llto mine uf anw- tbiht and klniflug wllb llm catpun i or uatumen abovn a blaalng aim find imiow at u tiling- nlreetn ao ooimoated wllb iiiolor aud veblolo and fulk that rrtllou nihiiu wm at pnubletu ehmilmlly to iiuiilry fulka it waa all llure and b epent m dnilebtaoriia day towarda llm nlnjr aftar taklnp irtaln counael with bbnarlf ha do- oldrd to pfcy call in a dlatant auburbj wbrraba itad diacovertml that j van la flntluy oncaj hie nweothaarl lmlrcd bad aftr brcomlrtp nngp i lu vvllor hiiulvnn who wa a clotk in 1 big wholeaala drapery bouaa in lha lly akan a ailuauitn in uia nurtb or findon in order lo ll nrar blm tlm truth waa aftr bur trattnent or maifjiurf whom ovorybody tllud in aim thmlayaiid bar ngmamiit will wboio nob- m y tiknl ah had found llm noclal atutoaplmro boa- tlle and had boon ud to fnt away it wajiailrr wadlnra flral vult boutr to which im broughl a bit of inndoit lira and a atork of what limy called linptdonce in alierloffl that jranla 1 ad thrown 1etar over tbongli ahw iad imnn rotllnr bor providing roady for over a yrar lcter uarounm bail aaltl liowu mm- ilir u ibn coronal lint lull at tbn hack of hl mind lhorn waa only on lliltm in lmdou be particularly wantrd to aud that wmm jttatila beraolf ho tiar ha would at all coata mnd aatury hlnnelf that aim waa happy hundry titnoura to ibn loutmry had already eachod atiarloklf and ho wuhad to arlfy them tir coronation wm not rly an nxcuao whlclv wthiltl abut wopua nioulha and pravent litem maklnr awkward tpteatlona pvter loyal f nongh imi im bed no par ticular internet hi mooing klora nd with their crnwna on ttiey werji out aide bla achetna of ihiiira hi- honeat hcolch mind waa llled with wotmlermeiil at llm martib tiuhiof tlm prrvaratiooa hi tlm rliy ml tbn nolao and ibn hubbub and llm mnornioua tnaaaeeof tbo rilk ilka idi ot llil- era lly hl hi hnad d mtid lln lonrril for llm poata of mil flelda and even lhoonhl llibt if h- bad no luck with jraule llml hiriii bn iiiikiil ro bourn nrv l day net a puor uian and tlm aavlur t m alupfliicn or ivcn of h fnw iirnov was not viimi to blm lberv fom ho nnht from llm miloglcal flar- dulia wbtni im had apnt the imetparl mflnro lo bia lioardltir- liouimt in m tanlci 1 whrll ha roar hod thailthir im rnteitml lulu a amall mrrii- moiil wllb llm climnffiur roncorttlor ihciealritnim repldlly with which llm lupponcua bad inouiilbd up on llm hi ihvatm dmliir urn ho1 half ii- f 11- jourutiy hut ho did not rufuwi to puy nor uvmi to iimrri miuuii llm nlc ll waa only a alvll tiling li on lm way mhkhir lm utld with hi alow lloimnt aiiilb which tlpilod into a lilllif uurii uu bn turind towwidu llul door of llm botun at lltn inomunl lboiw lnio mcrow llm atrmt u riii jo m black alrluml m wbllu lln a hat wrtuttheil in popple und it a tm kiiuahmdw which hid her face an he cuiim ltiwartta lln- alepa of thu liint to which ivtor wau aaeklnr admliutlnii lio aluod aalde for liur and hutu to ida auiaaiuiinut ta aim patieod lo alint up luir amikhitdr lio aaw that it waa jteaiile jiimulftl ho m bid mtid ibvtw wmh aountthlnu t itiratlur in hlu volcti which macbid the hratt of ihu rlrl mtul iiimiim htr uwitit tmco ritw rather whltit inilfil why iotor it runl im jonl ulut iwld rmltmliirly ill- urn mtul ii w-m- juanbtl i whm cotiiluu up tn urn yon loulrhlmlltr i rol my futu waabetl mild my iinppt whlnh tbty lold itm would imi ready hl btivnt oclock only they call it ul ihnm r hi t- yen but how did you noiiiu to ihli mldreaaf i i ii v horn tnlur von llvo herwl im up for the coronation i caiun berw by clianoa aflor itiiulltir fur w hotl for wan timu mtul w half by my rraudfallmia wmtcli you live hero i hut it ul to ba hniuacy joanut lt did but im in annlhrr achnol now nit llm knwum ittntd and thla la ur convnnlimtt it the iiueeroal thlnil i over brartl lull of fnr you or rktlmr you dont tbo alae tif vnidou and tbrrtt ara biiudrrda nf hiuiaoa llkn thla fnr folk mini j ft hern wo urn on un attum dimtrwii p t i itu m riild onion jitanlo ara you roiiir lu mini whoii cmii wo havo m j wank lorolliorr i afui dlnnii if you llkf tho mtid rtedlly i iimvo a lay of tlm ranleu in the nc i mpoiro i rol ll tlitoufli a rliap that lotlrta in m h thtjut nut wllrr unllivmir lm aald jlotuly oh un nul wultor uulhvont and you ara mil for roiur out with hlui nfti- driiuor timu llm nllfhtr oh un i hut wod litttor ft inaldr fur mr oollln la mlwmya aurty if any of uu io utc ttiala what i halo mlkillt m lmmirtllntrlioiiaa you iimvu to krap in tho liourai tint it ohrap mlitl it aaa trouble ilia ooloiir had come tmok to her fatfl na ttio door waa omtuetl and lsslor llionrhlbo had novtr aacn ivr lotik ao ihiiihio hut aim wau thin vry thin and later whan limy tno6 among all thauieor th nt thu ihwrdlitrhouaa tahla ho untlcad a v wlalful ttwtk n heraya tltera wau rood drat of talk ut llm imblr chiefly aliouu tlm oorouallon and boron coiialderajbla hrarrlnr for i ho itanvllt of the coun try look iiir atrangor who apparenuy bad ao httla ut aay for himself jaanla aeeuiihl lo im a favourite and aim talked in a fileudly way to lbaiit all hut polor tlniu ho bad nu maimer of bualntntu whh jmmiiiu at all wlabod there wra not ao many re nil rut en imuttiltiru in tba houenwllh aoceaa to jimnlp ifftell that lhcy bad clmncea tlaiijetl lo batter tunn what kind of wark do tlicachmw duf he hiked n llttlu uter wtieiilm was ainnklur a vttry comforting dpe in tho aquara rartlan in tltti dojlclotia yloatiiltig wllb joanla ona of lhatn la a medical aludanl and the ooirr a juuruallat ohat and tbn aald 1otnr xr- with enough lhara aa win fort aide aa i can imi any wlirra alaa in indon i jarn tou not liking it lhn w well a you elhl y lm aakad airaply no i ha la it ha ana wared a alonataly and i wlah f bad narer 1 it nr btft abrrbiglb and how could im both rod to coma up for thla coronation i cant lblnk i a tor 1malck ludnalh r it and llm nolaa or tlm atraela and all ibn talk of it id ilka nllhnr to go hark to ahrrlogln right down into tho country lilt ite ar and i wllltiinutfrowjthc llavt- wllb ltutbve rnlly nux ahn ana werrd- jlnut kulbven and 111 im vary much obliged to you initrr uacctura if you 111 not iki ituthvefilug me avory mln uta of tlm lima im done with hltn if you really want in know but i ont want to talk about lilni any tticn an eatraoidluary lirblimaa of iaart awapt over ivtar mactjlurc and ha felt that tlm coronation wau a thing nr joy and gtory aomathlng to lia thankful for and tn blaaa cod for only ha would nut havo liked lo lt aukad why iodnu hmiklu ipinor jlat ilka a big aawyalrd ha aahl wllb an air iff tpilatatupldity which tmarly drown bcr iran tic for aha bad fulty ax poo tad italnga vary woman lhal her itm would tnnka an inatanl lmraa alon on iniler uacctnrr mnd cauaa him alilliltat laaal tome amall algu of aattafaclbin hut intler tnadn no algn lln bad hater imhiii ao ramotn mo undrntonatratlvr mi allogathar and n hopelowaly hcolcb lln waa jutt iatnt macclura frotn altering villi ttot an ounca of imagination hoti i blm r ara yn aaein it fraa f ilave yagot a baat onywhniar lm naked in dlrrerenlly ma a atl not llkidyl im ill liar loeda of money nor am i car ing m aingh dump about ll tim cor nnallona for king ami qiiaana and rich folk not for a poor and mlaarahlu hoard school teacher with bar heart lu her moult i aupoo you have taken a tan pound meat on a aland icwherr ila jnfct tbn aort nf thing a hcotchman llkn you would do when rmiim lo iindon ml m lima llkn ibis im tint lhal limit mtid ii j tin uri it oiit uotliinr and can tnl um how lo gel lo that nice ptara in tbo country you why lulling ma or a maonlt ago wa might go thfrlllii r juan if mini lry mtid think nuraalviiu lu alhrlngia therou tlm river who aald aagrrly i know a lltlla 2otlro at ctwikham wbara wncouhl get our tnoau and i hava lnarna lnriont alnca 1va hcail lu lomltln oh iaur id ilka that if youd ha willing i am willing wallkaapa corona tlon of our bin laaa ha aald tpilatly limn after a mnmont bo added tpilto uletly on wan condition wall f tlimt if yon tak tlm wco bit jour ney wl mo for miild laug aynr jraitlc youll taka thu longer wan you mean iwck to atierlogla r i inlcht mean thai and again i mkhtnol to alkerlofflr maytc but rartaluly to dunplimll jaanla gava a httla fobbing cry hud limn though ll waa a iontlon mptarr and all tho aarrowu bad not gnnn lo ateep and it wuh cnroiimllnn nvc blm looked lip into hlu face ao wluaontely that ha rorgnt wvarytblng but ttimt lit tovad hf r mtid that tin had got hor lutok ll wau tho rraiuliut coronation llor nlmccluru butl ttver aanii or evar wlahetl to boo htitlah wofkly kviuknonrontim ocrkhgi now then aald tbn marlatrauln a loud voice mr llaunirmrtimr want pteoanl at tha fray did uur- phy tlm pbtlntlff mfm cariliil away with axel lament r noln i ho vtmcmrrlcd avay on two piece poardlu mlt hla i mail cut that will do ymi may btaiid down twenty vkarb aoo aewfa mr liavld bwackbatnere bouaa on tha fourth una waa daatroyrd by flra a few day a ago tha greater part of tha furniture waa aavnd hl joeephe hucrli lower and aplrn hae ln raclvng nonaldarabla re pair and improtaoumta that pa at week a h part haa haan rellnnrd iba aplra haa barn repalnlad anil ia now i by a giddei al inchea 1 it tharrtrhrlnal jj alono which horn tha inachptlon vuun allakltb oftimr it lu otto thing to lie aoominilcat of tltlia and anotlmr to ha a muer hava ll twit do not bcrimp it tliani ara people who 1j0 not hava tlma for llielr filandw tlioy cannot hfar a atory of tnufortuue without ktatlug an ayn on ilia clock and lldrnllng if tlm recital la piomrrd uvur vight or ian ml utile 1 tlmy do nut havo lime for leal or rtsadlng mild laat of all for fiiilel thinking tlm a 1 ml thrift of tlmo llliira hlu i if away and lima nolhltig to khow rur it- tim mlutir of tlmo ttpuiatta ntnry mliiuln in rut tba moht out of il mint haa nothing tn ahnw lu tbo ant congregational cburcb ihto haa boon removed and a baaulwul marble alab imwrlng uiauanmr4bv cliunh ingllt lallrra tlow occuplaatttu place an agitation baa liaen aa on foot by llm iindya iim hlatorlckl hocbty to accmv m an labia memorial atone to tnark tbn laut raallng plana of tha bravo and nobla womaii taiira hacnrd llm followbir tdelirmtloo baa latan mpihiiiiimi to attend tha hlatrlct coun ell 1lt of t at milton on llm jhlh and lami inata hroa j w uc j l warm 11 ir liwry ii 1 moora and c jnimcr and hlalrra haillo tor i on hattlotlitrraton mary lambert ini tio h l and ada clark mr anaon km i lb hr atlaudnl tha hla hmibrrm funeral in j tan ford yaa- larday mm joacph uwri and rhildrrn r ivmilang ara vulllug filondu hi re mr aud mm if i moora and kdlln wura at crlmahy i ark for a fw dayw meaata john and u c matthowu vimiimi frlenda at niagara kalla and hamilton lhlu weak mr v c maddock wmh imra on iu i dnnu civic holiday mauler charlie hilt imroll haa liaau vuitlng ida grand fa liter mr o t hill miaaau jnaala nl u ami km la mtid kitty a burn ara at orlmahy iark mr ceo wllllamu ami family bava returned from llltaburg mr wii- llama will commence a naw contract at ienatang aotin mr w h mclhall and hrlda havo arrived from it vchcator on a vlalt lp hla molher mra mclhall willow htraet v lleva j w 1u and jou kdgo have imwu having a couphi of dau al iriiiia- hy park j hoitv at hntyldo on aurtiat loth to mr and mra jamna mmrtlu a aon hoiiv iukipio4liig ouatigiial imb to mr mtul mra hnnry cole a datigb ur maiiiiihion augnat isth it dub lin httarl mntliimliat church olielph hy hov jmimm waa southampton u p hnydtmaiiag hank klmlra lo mary h pmfotd dmugliter utthdlata sauiucl pen fold guolph ill- in cuufortl on auguat 17th hiram mmllh mrmi uj year hlultiu tlm canarml hoapltal cuolpb on auguit loth tlm wlfo or john hlack kramniu in her n7lh year uanokuouu okenmnosirv it waa a largo imy apple him applnu wini notimwliht kcmrn that uaaon mo that it mim umtural that llm other chlldroil abniild ivcriii tn quca- tlou wtmra ltob aocurod hla print jerry lukar gavo it to nm ha id ltnb loaning the louipllng imtl from otio tiknd to dm oilier ho bail a whole luuktl of thtmi 011 hlu wagon i didnt know jatry hakvr had a wagou aald itlicin hiluu from wbl ml bta lie wait put ob ho linunt olio or hla own hut ho tlrkaa adilivory wagon for m gro eery mtid i tidn with blm lulu of llmew kveryhotly tlkoa him bo l ao goimrona and good tihturiml hu ollon brluga tua all tho wayjioim wliru tma going i lack lu ihn atom i ho alwaya aaya ll la not much out of bla way then ilm tho grocery uimiim teal and tlmo that lioa ao gennrtittu and gtkx nalurod wllti la llr inqulrad utiflla hllau why hob imtighad hud im juat thu aamu wllb hlu own uncle tillaa hfa llimt kind or a follow and thu upplo to which lm trealed you waa from a haakui that motnelxmly i imught at llm atoro 1 uupptiar aud lhal ho waa taking humor pur- mi ltd unclohilaw rallitcllvtily snallb for ibvkrv day n monday theroa a auday amall ijka aoap and lioiling cloea on tuaaday lheroa a aoorchlng ami from ironing 1 auppoaa ii wadnraday therea a amall with lit tie toavaa for mo on thursday ii a moll a vary good whan mother rata llm tea i on friday theroa a amall or doat and pollah for tlm floor haaidee llm a tuff tbay uaa to alilna tha handle of tha door on halurday iba amella ara fine for thata l dmy wa itake ami yellow rlngar caku hot hahbalb luta tlm atrangaat amalla- homatltnaa ita llkn tha pewa and aometjmaa ilka tba blackening ttn hrotherharolda ahoae it make yon feal ao vary allll tbo hahlialh email and rood you wouldnt run or climb a tnv not even if you could moal awry day liaa got a amall uiiun good otiaa and aoma not tlm worbl la full tr funny liiiiiru ami you can learn a lot tlm nunboam thorn iinvnr waa and imvnr will ho a ttnlveraal mumcrm lu ona ramctly for all ilia to which llh lu hair what would tatlnva 0110 111 lu turn would aggravatu tho tithora wo have how- over lu qnlnlim wine when ohlalno in a bound uiiatlultaratod fttatw a ramatly fur many and gtmvouu ilia dy lln rradttal and judlclotia uae llm frallaalayatrrua ara imi into oonvhlaa- canca and alrangth by tha infill which quinine vxertu on natutva oyn raalnrativimi it rallavaa whom a clironlo atata of mot hid dempondoiioy and luck of inlftitat ii llfnlm a dtaaaar ami by ira tha nerve dhioma to mium mimi rafreahuig bleep lintarta vigor to th- acllon of iba mimki which llug llmulatod courtton tbrtiugh tho voi atrangthetilng thu hoalthy animal ffunolione of tba ayalani thtiraby making actlvtly a tteooaaary rrault atrcngthnnlng tbo franm and giving ufa to llm digaatlva organa whloli naturally demand hicruaacd anlwtniicc loaull improved ajipellle north rop at ionian ut toronto havo given ltn llm pnldlo tbalr a u per tor quinine uy tha opinion of aolentlata tlm wlno llila timu hub llulmd why it didnt count fot anything in that housing hauknt nnttody thlnka ythlug of that i thu grocery limn rx loot it lliatiiirty lrmy bty prtibawy lt4 lw lm la ao and i am not aaylng that jorry lukor lu any lea- trustworthy tir rail ablolbanoihoiaot hla kind but 1 do aay that living gouorouu with other pooplow pmporly lu a vi ry dungortnia aoit of tfi noroulty to uultlvata it la veryraay lotto hlhral with ihhiga thai dont ikiour f yon from igrocfr applea to colu nomiintmlmantu apd a good many purtuma pahiuadtt tbani molvouand othfttn that thny ara targe- htiaytihl and liroad mliidad hecaiiaa j n i u iiiouiiiiiiuii i jiniu1 itliwr a travallor theyre vai y approaclim tvaraal par fee tlon of any acton lutonaaly intoitealltiil lu potdc una- kind la me and im cdtufclrtahla on tha market auurtirqlrt cllll uitolraolloo that aort of lllwrallty hut it iu not t ight it ud it la not tafc fllvo fraidy of wbat lu your own hut guard bmurvdly wtint imiioiiru to aiiothor holoctctl an alttllioial mam a horlln 1 11 von toe taa auccootled mftor jmira of ltih in making an artlfl utal inati whooan walk luako all move- tmiuta upauk aiiig laugh and whlatla hla a uftauel tlgum and mo natural mii i in it alt on mw to bo completely ta- tpttvtnryaiti iway ocoal llm flguro lu liamatl olmya worda of coniiuaiidaifch aa marchaoil halt and bo anatrora any luoalhiti put to blm ll tu not an lllualon or a trick it la a ploca of puta mboliaiilcal work batiaracnronv bqahrorowj touvlat do thoau ooitrocrowe aave your cropa t km 1 1110 r thoy work aral rate you ara tivary tramp lhal donin along roaa thtt field in boo if li olottio hi wilth ateatln whloli limy ulti t iu tbnt idarca tho crowaaway whv tom was choaen a lual blluatlon writes m i iind lnteniaranca ilaiiuftr waa not itum hraatow had id mind fur had bet hla heart on going through colloep juat aa tha way mix clear for blm to carry out hla charlahed dealm bla father loot with a wil acculaut that would dlaable hint rat monthu when bn waa laid up hlu earning of cotlrea coaaod muil not only glvn up llm idnaa of college and atudy tut ha nuiat aeak a ultttallon that would bring in an income for tba aupport of the family un kather envied lulph may- inl who could go u collrga but aforred 111 a lead to take up aotno huainaaa that would ylaltl a largo in iaka hint wealthy and allow him lollvi ilka m prince ha gradu atad from achool juat aa tba very boat opening for a lad in tha whom city waa vacant aud having a ppliod for it he tmver doubled that hlu own honor- abta record with hla father influence ou id aecura it to him mr maynard wau a wnalthy man lib a largo walneaa actmalntanro and occupying a high aoclal kwllion mr hraatow wau only a flrat claau mrcbanlc wltlt hut a limited mcualut atico beyond hla own i mined lata circle it wan turn hieatow howevrr who rrcalvrd tha appointment ao much dealrod by italph maynard 1 mtipioaa you bad your rnaaoua for deciding againat my aon aflorwatln ramarkud mr maynanl lo oua of llm gnu lie men with whom bad reotwd iho declalou it would jm in mrr tho truth u aay thai wa had our roaaonu for dncldlng inravor of youtirrltaratowi wn- plied tin waa racommandad aa hav ing every ipiallflcatlon for tlm place i think my aim aa wi 11 qualltlihl aa 1 know of nulhliig tu the contrary hut young tiara tow really natta to narti money while you ara tpilla ahlo to pro v ida for your aon that may im true but you ara not running a charitable inatitullon you mutt havo had other rcaaonu than ihoae yon bava mentioned mr maynard to you reuicmlier lhal laal year when you wlahed to en gage a young man to learn your btul- tuau you gavn tha preference to unit who bad lieen brought up on elrlctly total alwllnenca prlnclplea t waa thtn aaketl abruptly r i do remember ll anawured tha murchatit with aoum hoaltutinu and you mailo your aolactlon au cordlngly i did ho did we mr maynard you ami i ara in 110 danger of drinking to ox- ceaa butlltulla faat aga wa need to took out for tha boya tom hraatow baa boon laughl to regard wait llm ulutlorata um of aloobollo liquor wllb abhorance and that fact counted atroiigly lit hlu favor to tblu tlm disappointed rather inndn no toply lln could not blame otlmm fur ualng the precaution lm bad hltn- aatf thought neceeaary- lliu ox parl ance wltb young matt had convinced him that total aba 1 1 notice from all in toxicating drinka weu the utrougeal aafaguard agulnat racklaaa dialiomibty although in the training of hla aon im had entirely ignored thla aafegunrd and ia that ur oxoulmad uelpb when told why another bud immmi pro- mnat a thiy hwia hlu aba nee hecauao hla father drinka wlno and he aometlmau lautnu of it c if tlilu la tho way llilngu nro going wo had better give up tho wlno ihom are four nf 11a itoya to imi toualdittd and i heard a man any yuatottlay that total ahullunnqa young tunn warn lu groat dnttimud for plitcoa of turn i ho aald too ttiat tha utaml taken nn tint tempcranro lunation wau gelling to ito rcgunled mora and mora aa a teat nf character if ihal lu llm caao 1 go in tor total mtialliionov aud my liroihorw miiat do tlm uauio wo cantmt atford lo loan out cham in life for tlm uakn of sipping wine and champagne it wont pay a ittiyachanceuaroworth too much foundation frdnolplaa firati whanrwvt undertake to 111 your preecrlpllonawo give thnui our undivided attention and boat care the patient welfare la our flrat con aldn ration hooond 1 wo guarantee our drtiga to baa w i pnm a fraah thlnlt our ouatojnam am aiippllm with juat what theyank for muluditut- ing tit never allowed fatnh8 ckltutv cohcounil if you are abnnatvr rrourkilmty dleatbillyarrmptalnfbtiodtroiilibhi rheumallnm nnuralgta or uorvouu proalratlori wn ocnfldohtly rooom- mnnd tho tuwt of painot oolary cjttni- pound thla rellalilo amt never din apjiolntlnginefllcliia u a true dlmnaimt latnlaber and ayalcni builder wi- atinply llm gen ulna palnon lolnry cttirfifdunu at utvlwti autoii tint