Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1911, p. 2

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moan o tuob1b iwn u m4 i b duwtm twhulai hi albutl ultsmb aolan on rrwt lllh auo- bvlt r kll man n a kfltur nontoo to rtkwb ana uublrluaud twmdato amoa wikullkhtpnlka at kw ubsroli mw o tmtt utta aras by h j c wiiho tt a umw whiimt tomato to miosis aassfau ot arob ibrmn uu dm wn 1 m j o wilm ii a mr lunim lb tale ld datitu si ifctaalda malfem hmirrilbav hl lsl minn oa htuf iihi 1uii john htwpanf s yaus 11 ho at im jisfiba np4mj lealpb rtwsj 1u aau andr juas k- lslm and it day tiiuhhuay auuuht 17tli lull editohul notmts to till uuuii reciprocity means frfwtnt to ii liu cattl htt barley l lit hlshvr level rutin tn united hlate market to th eon- uoiar it tneana thn prlvllr of hoylnfl mti ready fur the uw at lower price than our how meat trust ha been charging farmer hun tuuoohultmionkk of immigration stimates thai 400000 immigrants will eater canada ud jear tlila ii alinoat equal to the numr received by the united bmm in iwuwhn the population of that country waa mm- 001 it will ft trtmaniloui task ut asalinllau mi ur j number or strangers with our population of 7000000 or 8000000 lllcluutlfvino katlhl three of the greatest nations of the earth ha united in a treaty fur peace thowt the tendency of modern time to make cold crual war feature or bygone year it should uo go a long wy towards preserving peaca among other natlont britain france and tl united states make strong a ii lane it u hoped that japan will join hands with tbla trio ilrluln has taken care tbat the interests of bar colonic will not be arglected blh wllxlam uackkkbik la report ed a baying that lbs annexation ids ha baoom so alttehed to i be reclproo- ity sateense u4 jka dtffeat of the utter in the coining election u highly probable sir wluiatn mackensi la another patriot of the sir kdmund walker olua the lviatt of tha ilank of commerce sac no danger to our political institution when he eo million of dollars of canadian money to be loaned on speculative securities la the new york stock market a th bead of the canadian northern discover no- lurking danger of annex ation in hia movements when he links up his line n the wottrn frovlti aa part of a ay si em operating in the noatltwaaumt states both of tie kulgpta ae grava dangrr tn canadian nationality if the canadian farnifir la allowed to sell barley hogs and dairy producta in thn american tnarkrt both rat the intelligence or the can adian farmer at aa low a level ma his pauotlsin weekly hun wabmt it just a little beneath hill to say aa mr henderson was reported by the mall and km pi re ae saying t the conservative convention on satur day that the reciprocity agreement la intended by the united states to have a purpoeo beyond the trade agreement and that their chief design vraa to realise aa a result of the trade arrangement that the stars and stripes would fly over canada at a time not far distant mr ilehderaon surely doea not mean to infer that the eloo tore in favor of reciprocity are leea loyal to the llrlllah kcnplro than those opposed or that to peraolt the farmer to trade in the wider market will make thetn annexationist this inference will certainly not be a vole maker for him sir jamiw whitney ihegonaer- vatlv premier for the province of ontario said in a speech recently that you might search over the wholu nl canada and you would not rind a thousand annexationists in the whole country ah auitrrm in those columns last week mr d henderson the old mem ber of the house of commons accepted the nomination of the conservative party at the convention on saturday and la now in tha campaign of course be took pains to impress in hi speech of acceptance that his opponent mr walter harland smith is note realdant of hal too except for about six months of the year and tha his business inter eats extend to toronto as well as in ilsiton well tbat all may be vary true though the electors of the county will not likely treat it very seriously as a matter of fact it is a good many years slnoe mr henderson himself spent more than six month in any year in ilalton and as for biialiioaa interests ills are reputed to im groat outside tit oounly and ootelde 1 1 it- pro v i nor forsooth than in it how ever these i natters are not worth men tioning kleotors generally will im glad that the candidates are both men of recognised ability and engaged in wide wid profitable business intertills mr henderson for tenth time hie isi oonrioint or election a very large hint rrprtwnt stive ntlon at ullun m havurday ivd hendrewt the unanimous ohnlctt of his party aa caiidulatr for the house of ouniilinoi election on ihe 2iaf krptrutbor dr it k anderson of milton prcltenl opened the convention with a aholl address after which mr j i j rim i luevfl of nflmtn nnlntl mr lleodoiwxi mr h k kuihlrit of klonlog beotndrd the nohiall no other candidal wit nsmrd and the ixiiulnallou wu carried with tliuum mr iinndr saul lit ppclatrl the great honor done hlui it waa tenth apieaiiirit aw thw canitidmlf 1u parly fir the hkuuoua ki whitt he had mrrn and heard luut thsroiinty he was confident that li wiuld he re ehrled it had leen r hrtrd that he would not acrvpl the tiomhiallou llti wm hloiarlf rtly reoiialhlt for ihla when norolimt rl for lst terllot he ld told 11 auphrtera thai by the time of he r election lite age would iks ovar three score and ten and they nilghl eipect lo have to look for another candidate he would aland by his leader hon it it hortlen than whom no man nada utday stood higher aaa states- rnan he could not refuse tlienomli atlon ottered him et sueh a lime with such an laana aa that which was iwfors the country he accept rd it and he lhanketl his supporters he would a pare no effort to carry the otyunly and he was ronlldont that he would trclprocliy waa a hard nueallon to understand he bad studied it thoroughly foil that lie uoderatood it and at his meeting throughout the county he proposed to explain it and lis farreaching effect the ulierau or hallton had a weak ness for toronto men as candidates or were weak in suitable ilalton men mr walter llarland smith waa neither a native of ilalton nor aa claimed a ilalton county farmer he lived in toronto and his business was there owning a farm in ilalton and spending hie summers on it did not make him a halton fanner mr hen- duiimin claimed that besides lie log born in and a realdent of ilalton he waa as much a farmer as mr waller harland smith dr nixon m v i and mr haugli ton itmuox of south slmcoe hi so addressed the meeting the meeting closed with elisor for the king for messrs heudt rson 1 nox and r nixon actons kate for 191120 m1js a hill loww thmkt lh rata btruadc taxes in two ihstaljslcnlw it will be agreeable news to rate payer generally that hie rale of uxa tlon for 1ui1 la a mill lower titan that paid laat year at the meeting monday evening after carefully estimating th receipts and expendi tures for the year it was found that by economical management all expendi ture can be met with a rate of 20 mills on the dollar all tbn member were present and at eight oclock the iteeve called the council to order the commute on finance present ed their 10th report and recommended payment of ihe following accounts ceo ullla work 6 23 i carnahan work 10 co h iaby teaming at 30 w 1 anderson freight and cartage h 00 acton tanning co belting 100 municipal world stationery u go n hrle building bridge and retaining wall 200 00 the report was adopted the finance committee then pre sented their annua stalwmonl of the estimate of receipts and expenditure fof the year as follows iieokiitu icieotrlc lighting plant huo0 00 ml 00 71 10 uo 00 1g0 00 150 00 town hall uetit sale of oemetery iot vie streets and wslkw frontage for oil etc county grant lood itoad park rent hallway taxes prov int ernment heard more co annual payment church st property owners payment on cement walks 100 property owners payment on cement walks 50v miscellaneous lucelpts assessment of 20 mills on s1170m aw oo 875 00 5 60 awqo mori guookmrul arrudbnts claw who i trteulauon the following are the auocesafiil candidates who wrote on the mstrtcv ulatlnn axsutlnauons at the various high school and cotiltnuallon sohnoujnjlhuon t ad a clarke a a h keuney w 8 mckay c u massoo u ivart d m snyder a u speers m sulli van m turnbull b8 arnold u k drake m w plsber p u uanllusr q j john- atone w o klly h p price c j llvcfatke k k praker m ic dotlditn tf c jivce m mocnn- netl j a maomijnihy j v magwood of thq ftbove the following wrote at- actoo i arthur a b kenuey mar- antnittqrabujl qerlrude j johnstone iusdsl a mmlmurebr- domaj otewtendjolid u olaike ware acton todetlu a 6rgenwn high sohnol 1 kxiknmniuku henture debt sinking fundiiamj 7 ihentur debt in terest how 17 illktaluianl dolmin- ture hi an maluteuance inlhllu kchool bleetria ugbtiikg icxpense salaries preeubrary printing and stationery plrehrlgsd- town hall itepalr work at cemetery cranu interest park plreand ijght jnml itoad county systepi h treat ami walks county hate contingencies i1ui tccu no 7d0 00 00 01 1710 00 lbs 00 uawt ia oo iui 00 110 00 iso 00 no oo ii cm 2iao0 h76 rrt gootmt mil ml uui fit estimate wore adopt ed ami his rnle llxeil at 20 lullla tlie dale for payment or taxes wale iwbd for saturday september wilt anil saiurday novenilter ibth the council kdjournwl at 10 oclock diarnioct cannot bk ourad bv local applmlmhl as i ibaased portion el ike ear tfcere i oalf ea wzrawdssamsa aaa ibal is bt itoaal raawdlsa usstasa is ssnaad b as ta- flstnad eoaaluasi el uwt sssasae uslnx f u e wv bsvs akwnbhsd f s sd wbsa it u saltrsly vtassd dasfaesa u mill sad nnlsaa lb laaamnatioa eaa 1m ost sua utu taba rastevea le ua aerasal essaws two markets better than one to the electors of halton i if you have anything lo mill two ituyont am ixjlti is thn ttauc fart underlying ihe pithllon of malkrls within ten honrn ndeor niagara pallft aie so million buyent whose tiada w otcnod to canadian farmer by kocu pixily hen ihi ifescnt pilual in this now maikel are higher than those whlcti ihe causdlaa farmer can obtain in ih homo market thn ad- ventage of reciprocity te the cahmllad farmer will u wwt- iuoub if you am luteickteil in lh1 kacts of thu kit us tlon plciii lomuder the following oaaparillvo price fculliiit of the canadun and united itate marketk which tro the average prkrm for the fust mx monllihof hull taken fiotn a coverament report of the dnpattmcgt id tiloiir wkaal winter onullo toronto b4 ic no 1 northern winnipeg 1 t oala no a wlilto toronto 33 j starter no a toronto d j h atye no a toronto 17 stuckwksatkiloaverskn tomato 5 5- morili atli hay no 1 timothy toronto jn m hiilfulo 17 all nov vork 33 hi callle cholcehtcent toronto jm fliiflulo veal cslvr toronto s s mtlfuta h 6 sksaa ifwes torouto 4 54 huffolo ifocs- choice eletb toronto 6 bo lluliulo imiolt mlniicapoliuyj s huftulo y i liuffulo v c iluirwl 7 a nilc ilutth 71 chkago 7 3 clikugo 4 3 thkugo oijl tliese am only a few of the ijuolatlonu which wo huvo ul li iiii hut they wdl miitnce to show the trend of the inurltatu ulnnjf the border 1 linic suluulc were collected under the direction of tha irofewnr of lolllk il kconemy in 0enk unlvernily jiliiton and nre iilrlaly iioh iwrlii and reluble i will imi very glad lnlel to ntiuvr by lettur uuy qiietlioim in reference to themi klatlallca or any otlmr price tpioltttioiin a glance at the altovo table altnwri at onco the iiilviiiitao li tlm canadian farmer of acceuilo hie uiiiicki ktulort murkuhi ucciprocity will remove ihe only luirrief hint prevenlil tlm fanner of hulloii county from securing the adihtioual profit millo 1 liu li not u fpiculoii of ijhcnd or conservative politic il in u qiiortion of icciulhjt or r ruhlng n himineui advantage just one exanipla a clcniiil tirrur ill tlm priming of lltu united uutw tailff of 190b admitted trcani ul flvo coiiim per gallon lindcud of ut fitfa cenbl xt pound a hileuilod iirl yenr cniiudliiu furiutin klilpicl acroaa the lino cream to thn value of simhooo iuki received for it oo turn mora than they would have rmeivod from tlm dirt io factoriiil mid cream erica ixsftidoj having the kuidi milk to feed at home yoiiro faithfully walter harland smith addrem uldgawooil 1arm trofaliar 1 o ontario wnodino bilusthia waekk wahhivkr ucrilkiouw a pretty church woddlug was cold- hraled in knox church on tuesday ettcmoon at thren oviookth prin cipals n mia minnie daughter of arch mcphersou ki acton and mr heorge warrlnsr of toronto promptly at three oclock the wedding party entered the church lo ihe sweet strain of the wedding march played by mis lauretta cray the hridn was given away by her father uov j c wilson ii a permimed thn ceremony misses margaret symon aoton aod pearl colby toronto war flower girls and messrs harry noble toronto and lleglnald johnston acton brothers in law of the bride were the ushers the bride waa daint ily attired in cream silk crepe dn ohenn trimmed with lace with whltu hat and uartled a wuipiot of lurid rosea her travelling gown was of tali cloth with hat m match after the cere mony to party proceeded to the home of mr james symou hrolluir- inlaw of the bride where the wedding dejeuner waa partaken or the groom present to the bride was a unburst of pearls and to the flower girls pearl lings the bridal guu were very numerous and attractive mr and mr warrlnsr left by the h2h train for llocheeter lluffelo and other polntu their borne will lie at lflul llloor hi rout west toronto the guests from 11 distance who attended ihe wedding were mrs m warriner and misso irene and gladys mr alice colby mr and mr harry noble toronto and mr john moffat hrantford iubr mclminm a very pretty weeding wa moihiiiii- ixad yesterday afternoon at four oclock at inverness the residence of thn bridsa mother corn or park and laki avenues when mr utrachail donald croft agsntnf the grand trunk llal way at walkekon and miss margaret donald daughter of be late leter modonald were married by he v j c wilson 11 a the pastor of the bride the bride looked charming as she me in wllli her mother while mi delasobns wedding march was being played by miss annie sister of ihe bridsv during the coreinonyhie bri dal pair stood in the parlor latfore a hank of towers and fern the hrldu wore a gown of cream satin- du chen trimmed with lace a bridal veil and orange blossom and carried a bou quet of white ros her going away gown was of peatl gray a loth with hat match many beautiful wedding favors were bestowed the grooms present was a set of pwralan fa nib furs on article much prlxed was a uhlna teapot which baa desoandsd to succeed ing generations or mrs mclonald famuy for iso year mr ami mrs croft mtby the evenlig train on their honeymoon tour which include a trip through i he thousand klauds their home will lie in walkertun schools estimates for 191 amount asked to be dauxl by tax ation la than tea oh see salakte an important iiiecllng or tlm duurd or hdiioalimi waa hd on mnnilay evening the estimate for lho ye were pnta1 tint coal of lho llllill and continuation hnhoolu for the year will im vmfcl m of till- utim bldlt ho will be rorolvnd in oovnrntnfliit utul county k continuation hcliool fnnf olo hiki the tiiuiilulpnllty will uupply 874y thero ha uortssiully imori a oonuldnialiht iiildltl amount of tlm utahicr sihuluu this year hut foi tiinatuly tlm oovi rimniil mid county grunt huvo imhiii nuitir ally inorijiuiul tim it ohm inol ut fight oclock muhiwu pfiynil 1 m hiitulniaon clminnuii j a mowat win john btniui and it adit tliu coiiimlltoe on riiuimii huhuilt- iihi thulr lioviiulh tiport and r tiro m mimdcd puyuifliit of lho following acodiiuts i it w chmiolm a co vuti tons noal ju k7 crand ti link hallway freight tu tr cuytonis duly on cnl it 1 huiidiirson piuulillug uln cno ilynda atulloiutry for i-x- aminatloiia woihlhail a mi icuy brooms j s colsmatl siippllns jamas ii head 11 days uhlug- xt 011 mil hi i order o rid your scalp pf lllthy dandruff you mutt kill tlo germ tjiere is a hair dressing called larklau sage which is rlow sold lp every town in canada it i guaranteed by a t 11rownto eradicate dandruff atop felling hair splitting hair and scalp mph in tvyo weeks or money back if you wave dandruff get a large fto cent bottl today and rid yourself of it itetdeniber tbat it dandruff genu aranot deatroyed in lima th hair will surely fall out and hsldnss will fol- low i v w 11 waluci whitowanliliik seven rooiuu 25 00 11m hikirotary advortlulug for tescherurntn t ho jjw ho tlia coniuiltto on finance then mih- inlllidtliu following oullinatd of re ceipts and txmiullurotf for tlm yuan liicmtiiiii legislative ormiit toconllimn- tlon hohool lltf 00 county oranl lo continuation hohool itui 00 ijuglalativu j runt to fuhllo school continuation hohool pi llhsrdmorn jb co non-ltnitl- dnut vvau irlnnhuil htowwrl lobntn on halary mm mouth caretaker oolvinaii fmomuliln work amnniil tn lm rund by muni cipal aasoshliumt skttl wl sllttl 00 20 00 100 00 71 s1 to oo jo nl 7ft 1 uxllfndilulllt4 halaiinh fuel 0 ilulldliig and luipalr lusiirancu three year mnim and apparatus huppliaa interest and dlmooiiut he 1aymiint of uinns uu0 00 cuullngencles rr khki ho tlirt oillumlfls wen passed and uiv mnohlpxl coimtill wm nijlilsll inum for tliooaratakpr luiulud hi lll tor ouuliln work im had dnnr- fcfnvitlby wmi jolmstoit mmondid by i d ault that the ilulu f l w opening or ihe sohonla bo tuowlsy rth heptemhur thn lloaitl ihiiii adjourned amcwsonb ouiinieiis ml vida mmwc or kniituhbiilt spent h few dhys wlln mrs mnlnlosh mr and mra k j iminhlo und miss llielmu of acton vultml relativca ire on hunday mr jaa clamhlo wuut- to lunlph tlnneral hospital mi tuesday where ho will undergo an opu ration his many friends hup for n speily rc- corery mooooooxxxxoxxocoqoyc summer sale aiiunl is leucn up iiionlli with us already larn kliipmtnl of kill good iru irtiviiiu ml wc irc anxioui lo have all summer goods moved out lliis uiontli t you will lind luru bright now goods at attractive prices and there are many snaps t he had in broken lines a i i clearing lots flrlii jilurrlistmrdli 110 astralf special clearing prices on white waists muslins dress goods clnghams etc boys and mens straw hats underwear mens suits fancy vests special reliable shoes at lowest prices we have till a few shape and trimmed hats in ihe millinery depart ment we will clear them at half price henderson co mill st acton ont wall paper room mouldings and home decorations ottii arc now letting ready for our kail business in the wall poncr section vvc find wc have a number ol lines that arc broken therefore lor the next two or three weeks wc will clean up our stock by offering all lines at ics than cost thrrc arc roohn lot i suitable for any room in the house to be cleared at half- price and less this means a bi savin to you wc advise any one who contemplates papering or redecorating the home this kali to arrange a date with the papcrhangcr at once so that you will be assured ol getting your work attended to just when you want it arrange with your papcrhangcr and then sec our beautiful ringc of papers specials i 300 mraa and hoys gap hrobrn linn bill all sites worth up lo 5 or in clear at loo each jo piece ol mens while ltutiiiran crnlef woar regular joe tin on akia ai 32o icartaeol olhar iidb of mens and hoys tlndnruair on sal this week at ureal reductions men rstrarut straw list q0a mens clolhlnf d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdoncu streets guelp1i 0kt dress goods in tub political viklu dial uk the weok naudldatns for thn coinhik llousa of common tdootion linvn taken placn in ilalton and adjoin ing oountlrs in this county david hndrwon who has reprosentud llin county iwr so many years waa tlm unanimous ooni lno of the conservative cortveutlnn at milton 011 saturday to opjmmht walter harland hmllb the ultoral candidal n mr henderson was pro vail nd vikhi to accupt tha uominallon in boulh welllndton on katurtlsy dr a clove or lerus was nomlu atfwl by the consorvallvra to try con- rhislona with hukii outhrlt tho pvipu- lar inombsr of cuotph in tuot county w h lmvr a will known farmer and cattle dealer or hnullifrovu waa nontlnatckl o-ktur- dayldtheyjlmrlliilrot tjhuin orilramptou thn lain niemlter will imi his npmunt wfi o hooluy thn lata member re- ilvod the unanimous nomination ol tho tmwraj or wrnlworth on hatur- iy- bxlllinarau mr it hewllia stnul the latlnr und of the wsxk at mount slwrk vulling his k rami mot bur who has been ipilte iii mis kllsa cook wnnl lo cuolph hoapltal last wusk for truatmniit tho thresh i uk machlun made it uppnuralice in our midst laat wink miu hnrry hitchcock tururl on filifuy laul from a pleauant vlalt with kolutlvum and friends in toronto mr 0 a illank or acton wau in out village on huslnass mi rrlday last at tlm rusidnnce of wr john mc- lctohnle m sou was imru to mr und miw john kcntnor on thursday last ilothdoinu well ihu misses holder of toronto who vmled thrlr aunt mr henry hhortlll for the paal week rvlurnnd houin on hutlirtlay john mcdownll or thowylln on the 0th line intmlnk met lib a severe accident on wedueadsy of last week hu fl from the rack which was being llfthd by tho lirter and after a descent of alutnt 11 fst landud on hla head hltlnk a sovere blow his condition at present la as kiul aa can iw sspectvd but be will be laid up for some time mr ahred vanalter is advertising his farm just north of thn vtllsk for ivdn or to rent it is an excellent pmitunlty for soma enterprising urmer who has plenty of help mlas nell in anderson of anton itjmint a week with mlis hell crip pa mr ii mclean of new york vuttrtl at mr jas oahihle miss tjladys malughlln ut k natch bull visited at mrs m orewson last week 1 mr j drown of antbn catlml on mr j liimlilo on hunday farm laborers 1022 to winnipeg 1 end certain polnls in western cattails including polola on craod boo additional returning iail 1rooi loronio and station east injqntarlo kuoeut august 16th ohiu asd bcall janclion la satala j jlrom all iilstions toronto north luy and west la augost zord jonurio august 25th irom all tlalloaa toronto and csat of orillia sod ftcoda junction in csoaila canadian national exhibition toronto tnirvi p fapf aurfual 261k to sejpl 9th jxlhkjmll jl jttxjy lncluatve minimum char 35c roin all llillon hi catud wett nl cornwall awl ottawa iiliclal low 1u1us nd utaln suhvicu on chittain dates kull i4rikuur irooi any trantl trunk acenl oraddreu a li duff dia- tilct 1aawnipjr agent loronln dont shingle that roof use samson ready roofing mude lit tlirco thicknohheu 1 ii and 3 ply 36 inches uulu minli roll will cover 100 kuuro foot net inrludmjf 11 3 inch lap at the kcutni nnili cipi and cement are furnished without entrw chure k roofing that protects the building it covers jut a flint luiw roqulred lo bty jhe rimtlliitf antl it rimpilrnt no fuitber a- teoiloo liivlng a water- tlj til h nkl lolloki fii tnt that will hi ibikt tin value of youjr bulld- liif ami piolnit tlm contents aide your dealer jo show you samson ready roofirur tho kind thai lasts anyonn an put ii on will not taint tliojn in water c1ipr than khlnglea rtvo piftt kalirai lion us ilowluml sonscoljwj t toronto ak ftf gamaos bniul on the farm tmiih ou imy bantses brsrsmji mean mmnith and durability food matnial and aado fact ion iiokk ihjiluino lots i uk balk i iiaaufjuumm a vo ikaminij iiusinkto ill 114 ll 1 lu hiii ui i l m i u all tihiu ui jmubih lo uw l s wmu ltt 1 libiimi iuikm j u kuiihiir it hhtiy cuhntkk ohkck imxk8 plt fn i u birl ui ah nil d ii ill ton cream and jtutlcr co milton ontamio mr aruli thompson anion la iui lll wul arfil ilm uohx u im-j- us wa lukiia ivuiy wluum fo ul tut mu4 wh hum lo muulu sad l uohiui ur lolly ulwr our rtinn jollx ihmmfj u kau51 v011 baijk t l l- hu s 1t luiij lui litu aiii in cood oobliiiaa a tesll ai iliaouiif ku k lnin svv rr tr virf luiuitvr utlaulai ahj oa um iu viuul j vuku tuilk jbaksl jfojt sale oh to hunt nolice l0cnkih0ji8 la uie blatter of tb katel as bobart muawsll lai of u twwnalilv a tn in ua county 0 waulnjrtoa nutiuh u liby iim surwtsjii to jbs wtou- or uvuiu 1 uc- iu- am luptal mh ilk i sil elwjlfexj u ui islitli iy ul w tpia nralitaf in vj hullclum lu mm osubty at iikimu luuiul u uulf ui ui tuicu or tbutt u ui utit in llautf u bskl rn nn u st lululhf luui mrau whwm ol l msthhmmkldtldaadtluodiilisihiiihh n pure spices i tt 11 oarlio j tumcnic culbiiv sklid cunnv powdbh i jhixsd bpicqb m etc glo 8 a m bottle sealngl necessities ii n tt itubberjar itlnue j lix lio lhia j corks sll slits ooltla wax ittotitt fj iurs itarined raraliia tier twsaarviits jll fl j a t brown j acton b mnmiiahuuudaauuuui ont tlkawp

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