headquarters you wedding and birthday presents solid silver i and ijm i luch cut lass llrr itiwli tii cnimv 1847 itngar mlvarwaio im hand palnlxl china wedding itlna manniaoh liokk8s8 ib9ukd geo hyjstus toronto on iul u cwli wall iuu loniiubr ta iirtton u l1ulr vill luils our utalogup ae keajl estate ny te loan at lowest rate of later larw nrtiubrr forma tar alr cheap dwellings and ther riery la all part othe itwm w havn nvrry larlllty tor traajwctliut ur bnmliirku to your i caaaptataaallxiaftloii j 4- wlxxoucuhy crorerlown 9ije rtott jm rccs thulwday hkitkmilkk af llu brief local items october comes in next hunday tills hu been flim hepterolicr the squirrel eyes askance the nuts now browing now the erlrkel chirps nil day o alreet umiif i- ty the froel 1- nn thu pumpkins tfa fodder in the shock waterford i oat iob waa burg larised on friday night and ux cured j yeaterdaya rain slotto interfered seriously with ilia county full fair at mil ton mease 1 1 a mcdonald of tba fourth hon had splendid i yeelerday notwithstanding tint nxoltrmnnt tba election wwit it very good naluredly flrr all the auiumnil pilnox of lull will always be remembered by thu orlf yea and by the tories to sir jamee whitney immler laid tha corner alone of the aduilnlat ration building of the prison farinl at lilelph on blond y mr jarne imeo haa purchased frcan mr harry unwell hla brick house on ttlgln street mid will take poeae- lon in fw wmu iiow many people are like the oftaa wti who it celebrating an election victory they make a lot of nolee but dont say anything soon on flald and bill tbo wind ball whistle oblll and patriarch swal- low will call their iiolw together to fly to lands of balmier weather th oourt or uevlslnn of the voter ut of acton tor 101 1 an nounced for monday was ponlpoued by the judge to tuesday ilub oclolier mr m l 1 lorry la shipping bl flist car of turnip from anion this week hu in paying ho pv bushel but expect the priio will drop before long a meeting will ihi buhl in llmtown hall this availing to nrgaulu a young liberal olub mr walter llarlaml bmlth nd olbera will addrtm tbo mung i umu ltroii and waluou horae buyara will bt in jowu lt wadnoaday to pumlinau it cur of licnvy oonatuollon boriti llv y old nod upward hrantfonl olty joimcill lliriilim a canimil bti uuiom of j a hpltlai proprlfllor of ivlnga llolnl a bousa without a uiiiur llconao for bull ing ugerinu on tbu hahbath tba opon anuson for liarurt and ootlonlalla fpmancon i oct lt partrldga and black and grwy inilrrula aiw protected in haltnn for atiotliur two yoari undtr a pcui ordor-lu- counill it u tborttforu llcgul to hboot thani hrlw twuhara convanuon xbo annual convention vof iluluin taaehgrtldftlllumwillbplirm in the metbodut school ttthtin on thursday and friday ootolwr luili mid 20tl the progranimo u h uiihi draftul on practical hoc with a view to tho mut ual imlruotlon and ndlflcallim ol the teacbrreof ihu public achoola of tbu county mr u t haaton ua will attend the aeveral acuurfttand give addrmaaa on outicatlona toplca he will alao glvi- an addrea on friday evening pn soliooljlumi uucoratlon aotonbaaalwaa accorotj tliulracli- era of uts county ft wrlcomt mill their hoepltallty will nu doubt 1m n cordial aa uaoal on tbia ocnailorf wtn mow foa omoea thevplendld new p4iat oflloe build ing at blora and 4urgun are aliout cootplclod tliuy are bandaooie atruo- turee and coat about 91uo0d rach w a clark jeweller ouelph baa been awarded tba contract from the depart ment of public worka for placing a tower clock in eauh they will be imlur tolha clock b the tiuulpb poat offloo and are of a fine hngluh make thay will atrlke- the houti on an boo pound bell and wllrhafe four illumin ated dtabi acton juatly fjitltled to m oltnllar public building with a cub- toaa bouao attaobed mr u mender- aad m 1 had a wiheiiio for tho erection of audi a building in ibwi but the change of- government then unfor tunately frustrated bla plana now that bla parly u again in power hu will no doubt proceed promptly in kcciiro tha o of- bla exoellcut propbaal of the prevloua date news of l0ca1 import the umtnlni tog of lbti 1 minion itajiway oninilalonfra t oliawa on the lulh liil lh pplin tlou of mnurt lleardutore te jo for llipconnlnictlouorthr new awllch and hldliia w granted oboaned jawuth new vear the jewiah community here obeerv- d tho new year hollday of itoah kabaiia aa it la called on haturtuy and kunday they will al olaerve tli day of atonement or yon kl- pur on monday auber2 tlielr wtr- vlcea are held in llltla hall childrens uy mt kbdx chunh tim annual children day aervlce or kno ohurch hunday hctwxil will be hnld naxthabbalh the regular bun- day hchool anrvlce in thn aflrrnoon wll tm withdrawn and the evening arvce yf thn church will ixi entirely davotrd ti he cblldran aepeclal programme will imi iroaanted and pedal oiterlnga for lb nxuinalon hutuuy hrhool work will 1h taken an irlah vlaltor to anion frtanda mr john hill of comity antrum ireland wa here thla week vialtlng bla unolu mr lloijtnln klnuard oliurrhutreet mr hill la a promln- out farmwr near llalfaat and la engaged in raining ilex oata and htatoea ho ramu to uanada in auguat and baa ient a month or ao in llllg frlendv andattending tbo toronto exhibition up baa eujoyel hla vult u thla country very much itmv ifynda inwaoba la peaiacy kor thirty yeara heeve llynda baa ofrnplud mp wellknown premie on mill htreet aa a atom and realdence kor many yeara he haa had a etandlng otfr with tho owner for the purcbaae ol ihia valuable property it haa ault- h hu bulneaa and he ml it highly dlralln in anciire it on monday be succeeded in cloalng the deal with mr ell wimm the owner at tjnelpb and now feel very comfortable in mlng into ioaanalnn mr hynda ill proceed at once to put in a new finland loeftect nlber impmveinenta ihiiii htorm and dwelling an amoquent l rroaa u ataait the congregation of the methodlet tjliumh la to bo favored next sunday with apnclal aerutona by itnv j w aiknna fluid eecretary of the dopart- mnnl of tutuperance and moral lurorm hev mr alkena la one of the moat magne o a ai alwayadimiply inter eat a hi nongrega- whlle in the regular work in hcotla he waa paatnr of three of the larifaal chore boa at truro ilrone- ink ht halifax and aniheret since entering upon the work of held eecre tary of lb la important department of the church he haa been recognixod aa a great preacher and a mighty force for ivangeltam arrted veajtenlay at at joeipha a ojulet weldlng waa celebrated at 81 jokophe church yeaterday morn ing at eight oclock when mlaa mary mabel the younger daughter of mr john j ulbbona of unee- oottage lecame the bride of mr hugh cetnp bii g t it auction foreman the ceremony wau performed by lie v father traynor the bridal pair worn accompanied by mlaa annie ulbbona alatnr of the bride and mr james o hecourcy toronto a the cere mony the party proooedod to hoae cottage for the wmldlug breakfaat and and mr oampltell lea by the iolock train ou a trip to toronto montreal and qunlxwi victoria mlajaaoa band conoert vlotoria mlaalou hand of knox ohurcb have aeciirwl very fine talent for their concert in the town hall next monday evening mr donald o mac- lregnr baritone eololat toronto la one of thu flneat vocaliala in canada and alwnya dellghtjl bla audlencea miaa maul iwrence entertainer toronto cornea highly recommended mr j hlapella vlollnlat of toronto will appeal to all lover of laatrument- tit-mnierm-tlnr- xervtcaa otm in iauretta oray a aocompaiiut adda an excellence to tba galaxy of artlata which every patron of the concert will appreciate the object of the concert ia highly co in mend i ble i a doaan ttriaht younf hen don tho npportunltle and attraction of the cltlea and large town a take many f our brlghteat and beet young men from their home here during the present week a full baker duxen of our young men left home aa follow i harold nlcklln u the school of prac tical bclence italaton brown to vlc- lorlo university to take a course in theology hrneat lllack to mcmaater university i howard hlaok to the hchoot of practical science toronto nelson llauer llerlln andrew and michael oorlen to the model school at north uay john mcmurcby to toiunlu uulveralty alfred storey of the metrodolltan hank at if to the head ofilce toronto jem llendrr- sontttoronlotjnlaersltyttraywal hoij to werer drug store klmlra arthur krnnoy to dental ctuegr to- ber la btors qstanlt in thla aaetlon at u jaur than ail olbar dlsaasaa iu toaatbar u4 noil ui last ra yew waa aadeosed to be a wvh it a looal itlssaae aad nraaeruxhl ml tarn a11 aa ana tr oooalantlr lalllol to wlui loaaf uaaloiatit dronounoad it inanr- betaee baa pretaii niuih to be a con yjulloetl dbaaa and tearalore raqnlreaioen- xtuusasl trasuuant llalla oslairfa our keaaabetered by e j otuy a u tolado obvavlauie eeleenuuuuadal ratnady bn uia rn 5 m luiamally in dosm tram w brsi hi taundrad ilallan tat aii u aare sand for elranlara and uaumoni 1hmy a co toledo jliio eoeau patio fajitte xadmmirjcflhnavaco combsunc the whlla rtafu the cruaade agalnat uonaiimpllon in liloh uaoada ia eacli year taking a greater part and in which tba nation al sanitarium association haa done pioneer work throughout tbu bouiln ion la rapidly growing in atroiigth the tjreat whltn plague la much more prevalent than moat people have any idea of kxpert medical authorl- toll us that one person in ten la doomed to de of lonauuiptlnn at pre sent a freoiuuat rated lecture with 110 lantern views will imi given on friday evening akb iut t eight oclock in the town hall by mr j ii wataon pleld secretary of thla aaaoclatlon a collection will be tak en at the cloae mr watsons lecture plalna in a simple intereatlng and complete way exactly what tho dla- ease i and jiow to treat it iv rents especially should know how to protect tbemaelve and their children kvery private indlvldiiafinau woman or child la in danger and should know how to combat it hchoul of practical science of toron to mr hurry prankum left last week to attend tlie college of phar macy robert ralkasf rally day the service of the methodist chuiuh and sunday school last sunday coin uieinoraliv of the nna hundredth an niversary of ilia death u hubert halkes thu lllustiloua rounder of the modern sunday school were full of interest and very largely attended in the morning ltev oumu draper preachod a forceful serwocoo the lut kirtance of the sunday tfctaool and methoda of work for which it is especi ally adapted at the sunday school service there waa a eplendld rally with nearly every leaoherand scholar present an aggregate attendance of 21h thd programme was varied i interosllng with siteclal muslo and apuoilve cxenjlee and brief dilrera oi hubert luikea and the sunday school by mrs u pf moore kov ohad draper and itavl j is 9a nd- iiraon m a or ilowtnanvllle the men aervlctt in the evening wa very largely attended it wa under the direction of the kings urdorlle mens iwile tjuaa had a men a choir of 115 voices and a lrge attendance of men in the congregation the solo by mr w wdy umehouee latm railway to heaven waa much appreciated llev mr draper preached m powerful eermun on the theme i iiaa the goa- iwi itt it tiow r the nicy r t social and plrsonal mr john hills and fajillly have rn- uiovrd to uuulpll mis- it arthur- tv t uu imi for klkhorn man mlaa hsslo ilulml was homo from toronto over hunday mrs dr lowry of umlph vilird acim f rlanda lal weik mr warren drown mturued from juwgaada on saturday mr clarence ling of toronto vilt ed friends litre during tho week the miasea dale of toronto ahuil rhinday with mrs jennie hnlth mr will forboa of toronto apent hunday t hi- father homo hrv mrs v a llrlok of rmhihvmrutiu sriieel at the methodlat iaraooage mr- mowllljama f high hlvnr alt vliud aoun rlnda till mr a ii kiidmau tart on monday on a vilt to hla old hone in kngleud mr will johnauoe ami mlaa wlhi httiirnl frnu haakaloon laat wihlnea- dy mr aitd mrs jama j i waterloo vlallml fainnda here last week mr and mrs u hlldeubraoil returnvil to llovuravllle n y laat mr end mrs w- insl and ualer kdwln vllt friends in detroit laat week mr itliliod hherlock or toronto ha immid seodlng several wenks with friend here mr toy mnlntihth haa retuovhl hii family to cuelph and taken up hi residence there mr wi hmall and ml- muril ol kilbride visited at mr wm john- atonee over hunday mr ami mrs w n winnipeg apent a day work with frlenda here mv t k mroallum kaakatihhi saak endlng hie month vacation hm mr p c matldock lfi ou saturday to ape ltd a few mouth with her brother mr a- k matthews at denvr ol news reached hm last week of the safe arrival in new zealand of mrs jos montgomery and balm afur a six weaka voyage knnmly of or two ijsi last week afl hie campbell v 111 rtintorw wa hi tw tbr- hoohwoou a largii atioiiilanco at tbu prnaliyterlaii church on hnnilay last it being flower hunday heclnl tnuaic waa rendered ltev mr webb prearhud his faro- well sermon in the pi lends church on hunday ut to a large congregation tally hunday was otwervrd in tho methodist church on hunday lust there was a large attendance ie kpworlh league predentin ltiv webb with a puranoii the ve of his departuro for nuwmurknt mr chsa hamilton or ktuikwood recalxed tho iuul or the aitdden death of two of hl- brother children sympathy is ux- tended to mr and mr hamilton in their sad lieroavenienl mr cohland of the 1 t it city office in toronto ent hunday with hla mother hare habsauawiova one of the prettiest weddlnga of the season took place on snturday at the hooteofmr and nrmurray 1rw funlljambellyllle wliof tliilr ccoiul daughter jertrude liecamu the wito of mr james k mahnn of naaaaga- weya the brilo who waa given away by her father wore a gown of white lace over satin witli marl trim mings and carried a liotiuet of white rosea and illy of the valley miss pearl crawford hlstur of the bilde was bridesmaid and looked charming in a dree or pink allk eollentiii over pink silk a carried a bouquet of pink roe- tlie groom wassupikiried by his brother mr k d mahijn of thn groom gift to pearls and turqunleeend to the brides maid a gold bracelet hla pieaeilt to the beat man wa a pair of gold cuff link- the bride and groom loft the evening train to spend their honeymoon in toronto hutfalo and new york the ltev a ulalr h of nasasgaweya performed the at muny forregulatingr the bowdla invigoiraung the kidneys and stirring up the lazy liver dr morses indian root pills have proved for over half a century in every quarter of the world absolutely safe any most effective 25c a box everywhere w will like therfino flavor of red rote tea it has the cup goodness that comes only from red rose quality tho reason why it holds first place in thousands of cana dian hom will you try 1l tttrjwtrjsij ffeujyw redrose teamsesf your cmoer will kecommend it oniwaoma con nana mr win murray who la noted for hla acta of klndneaa waa again the moving fli it brenuay whan ha organ ised a ivr and had mr jaa cambua crop of corn cut mr camble who haa uat returned from undergoing a aovere operation ln juelph general lioaplt greatly appreclataa thl- ant of kindness f on him by bis nelghlmira mr win miner has bought mr peter hilts rarm mr hilts left laat week on a trip to the west mr wm crlppa and eon aie both under the doctor a care mr and mlaa mclhedraii of naa-a- bhweys were gurit- of mr in d v j ii orlp laat w mlaalta he and kdna cjewson of mihon are visiting tirefr grandmother mrs m crrwson mrs oil ins and mis k pluniii of iljckwoud miit a lay ual w with rrlsnt capt ch oainblu was home fnml fort krln on tliurd mr and mrs m crewaou of milt spent huiiiuy with mia ciewaon i v6e right house i v hamiltons favopite shqrpino place everything here for babies the- largest bbt appointed section of infants needs in the citv id in lined l- lila applhti bubinms bo all acooiiit now duo ate payment exenled tosjuahaiid larita alike me at thu same hue to thank you all for liberal patronage during my three yiare lu acton 0 a llitok hjnting o qur stock of those linen iij complclu and comprises joodi from tho best makers in the country wj will he otiicc pluiiud to ghow you our line whether you buy or not doubln riarral qum utnul nirioe 122 a 311 pat bley or crown bhell bmouele bhell u2bhort c art r ida a aalohtf cartrldbe u o caiia par ioo iiabhort carirldna guns to hire 25c per day r f johnstone acton esquesing fall fair at georgetown oct 4th and 5th list of special prizes hokbes iht druft team wy c i komit ilent luily urivar lilt by juu a 1111 willlnmh lroi liouri mitcliliio wliiiirr lo uy mitt unit liy j a clllfl ill nmcmiiti winnrr 10 p t j nnt spiliifccolt by oruilell ylvoii by a 1 out or iut wrvllc for 1913 arnlsi ird j ucfct sprintf colt ahcil bv lluruii cimlnw 4 imi bewt spring colt by hyrfroguti i- i sj to w lcdiutil trout 1 itvuti 1013 of liny horut owuetl liy ifckeuxie llrori iu piour by l 1 trber 4 3iid s ijirviln 1913 oi liny iinrui owned ny silkeuxie itr itaiit tiixlug colt by tlioioiilibred llorue inn uw keinicuy sod u 1 auli by h k niimi v x homi 1 yr keuilnter colt mt bweater coat by i j it cents hut hyl j wallace sa 1 ilukt puny in llrupiw s un black ten by hurnlllll ev co g oattlk het dairy cow 9y h tl clurk ileut llcnl of duhy cowli exhibited by otto who huu not imiii llir winner of uny kuton prluc 011 uny pievlmm m luhion 11 7iiecu dinner set w 10 nwiioil 111 1miu juvo ireuldant rteilt iiulr cotiuolil tlloilln lloiiilan011 deal jtnlr lihurllog kwnii by win ci i poultry ilobt imlr klmilo lulutullted pull u by l i kiolt citmu ciiiluoiiu by imjarlmtl hoit wyandotte cockrell by a illuck i niil nortlicru bpl juikiwii pruit by i mclleuu t mutiauul wuhhluv muchlhe by hctit hhl nortliorti splch by a j leliruaii by vvcamnbell by j k kalur fireculngu by j 15 kalilui j dairy rent s hi- butter niuilo by ukuiitrrlcd indy by jobeph howmui ihmt iu 11m bntlor in rolls by w tioiileu host s llw butler in 1 lb prima by maar orjmt heal b itw butter luilr shoeu by j ho derm id ileit sltxt buuer wheellwirowby i n onell ileiit s hm butter ladloh imud luig by it ii nlxen ilest 10 iu butter hi 1 lb prlnta open to towiiship of kuuicung by ileuilorhoit anil co llcst 9 11m butter by d omit j l inmllhnr prlnbjiy mubuou co ao cmck curiiet iuimro by adamu bt ce villi tjio prlvllciie of buying bulter nt sju wr lb value 11bhi iuum crock htltter by woodliall uckuy v jo u hujl 3 tjoi 7 so 1 lo miscellaneous nlxnu miltila a ib iw imlr droaud cliltksnu by millar a co aprlitg soalea by m ic n lluit dmurind chicken by k l john ton licit lulr diohued chluketil by at ilrowa u u dueks ttyw p hear 1 ilkht dresud duuk by am bmlth t ilcht to ibh hetioy bnttruck by w r itruwn ijiugaat down hens uggh by caorgc udwunln coeijx relit loaf hreud by furiuerh wife or rtntighter by ii 0 kuld ilent pulr drvsoed duoun oak rouker by w h wukoii rest helmun of poiininnhlilp by public uclioel pupllu hlhelumlilp by central duhluehh college oftoronto l hyj m uoore r leat half doieii rillih ceorgelown hernld i yenr large t j iloiell hell kggtt nest and tientvht t lb riillur lurgeiit j dox onioiih 1 00 largeut llinipkln 1 00 heat liagof potatouf by i m moore 9 so heat ihuliol of yellew ouloiih by j m moore w 3 5 lr laut i men to be delivered to donor n itjplonue iielid entries to the hocrotniy liofoic thu uhuw end brlnj yuur trit mitt ind niombetu ticket with vou j krutid inuceri in town hull on nctond evening uffali trials of speed seceod day trot or pace hullmild named rulo for green horuos beat 3 ln 3 piuxo divided ou 00 10 00 opbn trot or pack iwmo 10000 s 00 3000 jo 00 iotir to eiitur nnd three to start iculrrtdco s er tout of puree and 9 per cant extra from money- winner 111 each and every event tho rloclcty reserve the right in case of bud weather to poatpohe 0110 or all raen in which case entrance mousy will bo returned wm cleave president j a tracy secretary i never go to hamilton but what i drop in tin rioiii iiousji and look through ijabylani said t young jvctoitinotlier last week there is always omethiiif featured there that delights the heart of a fond mamma wc do not know of anyllilnr that babies require that is not included in tliii new stock llly llmiml hoola iin uohleia wllh lllp- doll lubv llauka at mly llaliloa smiiiuiod italtlea oblton lloliml palitle uxlb powder puff i ox- at ii by armula stul lutcli cailsfi lwel and l rlikol iiohm at iwiler pull iby inlinel ilamiwrssi llaajnela willi willow stanln 1ayeltes 10 lo jfi piece 410 10751- v ij o rc to si it sjlln 111100 lln lhlilni- oaruetl lions kallua si kaltuaiuj ifnvolvlntf lull llaby uiuah and comb il lalruni sh alarm al kap ijiahea al only llaby cloilus trees si flcabia for wellilnk llaby oal ilangeis al 1 ifnllimmliabui lukda cabinet haaliell linllnxl iiiuki hamptrra al kmlwoldere1 mll jullla ilonnela and hals ltnpold kk0 73 up 65c up i or babies many requisites in the toilet goods and notion sections wc have added another new department to the rlrht house usf 1 hii in a stock of fine tweed and other cloth suitu for boys up to years of age these arc sturdy handsome little suits that will gland all kinds of hard weir bring the little scamps in the next time you arc in hamilton well warrant to make them look like new prices very low new tall shoes for women children and babies dress goods of quality gloves for all needs new latitats coat and suits at low prices dally 25c luncheons railway fares refunded thomas c watkins limited r52 king and hughson sis hamilton ont aomh obseiivationb thire was an equinoctial storm all right on the 2ut ilu day the sun crossed the hun no titers and ntripou over tho town hall nn the fourth of july dearer produce ami at the same time cheaper food while perhaps ex- laluablnas ait academic iuatlnu was a practical dlrllaulty in the eyes of lauy inospahlii of explanation die r lad hand was much in evl- iiucii on tlilirday reader in church life wrlto and smak luuoh of individual work politicians show how to do it if there waa more or the glad hand imitweeu elections ufa might he bright er for many a man of the overalls fraternlly whllt the conaiirvatlvu meeting lankml uiuah of the uuthualaxtla ec- f former rampalgna wbon sup pose illy telling point were lifadr thla waa well made up for when it wa safe to holler on thursday night autnmobllea are vary useful but it so useful houietlmva aa voteej which wa the motive for the hard campaigning all round patriotism partylsui or prospectlvii patronage jamea ivhey a hilltiaal mragraph- uud clever speaker of aeveral deoado ago hold this view nn he patronage pull 1 dig lleax hive tltttitnoaji ilmin their liacka to bite tnu ami these in turn havo leaser ilea and mi ad infinitum maokonalo rcltiga magnificent ora tory ao ioucii ndmlred lu acton ueltluir aavod the alltiatlou for the goverineut calidhlato here not for himself in north waterloo whim mr- w if alaolean liuuntil tho possible itnikirlntluu of ilcgaucr atlng ulemeuth from thu hlutea did he forget the name of the publisher of the only canadian sunday papr on of tho worst fehluru of amur loan olly chairuiau mukliinon will evidently have to refrain in future at liberal meeting from thn time worn phrase our coining member that venerable man of straw an nexation wax stood up ami knocked down very iliau times ampwlll now retire to rest for awhile acton town hall will either need to be enlargentwelaetii tti i ill ropiii ileal tneetlnga the elector be rclliuatetl lo kindly refrain from attending so aa not to overcrowd tlm ladles and oh lid rem however entargemenawuld lie too i test aa the presence of the jadls cer tain yaa urea a better type of public address about twice was ull the ap proach to profanity and lhti children aiu receiving a apluudid uducatlon lu national history and current affair what h pity thai the moral senti ment of a community at the tints of great publlo event atloh aa thla haa leeu ahoiild be huiregetl by such re port of swilling unpolled beer and the gaining or losing of beta on th leans the enhanced price for barley to follow in the wake of reciprocity will not uow tempt the enthusiastic lew peraiice farm fir to blunt hi conscience by eel ling barley to make beer but he wlluuii lake th yankwa advice- to the antl oratyr 1 ilalso more hug and leu hull the yorld gooa on die who will and canada may bo governed without laurtortat lout they are going lo try it ejury plow and plow repair uiuy be had from w j gordon the harness maker aula agvnt for thl dlstrluu 1- bank of hamiltli capital paid up 2700000 iteaerve undivided frontal bjtojooq toual aeaeta u0ooooo it la nol easy lo alter i lie hablis of a lllc lime no una 1 1 mailer lo loiaxka eairavx- bico end bctf 10 save vou ulll never loam unlsaa you luve the inocnilve of a havings account do not pionsidnale call at the 1juiu olhxinhou and oiwn an account gkokuktown bkancu w m moxy ta head obica hamilton w6e metropolitan bank head office toronto ont capital paid up j reserve itund undivided prorta vuukuloo v100000 farmers business receives every attention advances made lo responsible farmais sul notes discounted or collected hunk notea in convenient form supplied without charge savings department depoluoi one- dollar and- upward received on deposit and jutcruit allowed at current rales joint accounts may lie opfaned lu the names ol two that any one of llieni may withdraw funds acton branch r e griggs manager farm tools- thatearn money whrn you buy tfurm tooih atwmpetl wjth samron hrnml you cart bo uhiitaiutety iiure thut you are jjoltinjj big value for your naoiiey hon estly coiihtructcd of tlie lieut ntutci rlnl kcioiitklcnlly ichlgoetj 10 ni to do the most work with ho ient1 exertion 1 smnaon brand farm tools give natiftfaction go id our tlculor unil alc to seo snmiou hrand ltirn tools try thorn iri your work vou will unil ilium ull you expect of ilgh- gradu tools afik your dealer 11 ti iiowiahii sohh u co liuituo toronio smmson rtjady itooflng- protect t tlio bujldinjf it covers