Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1911, p. 2

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rsfrfflrr buutu astee on ttiurrir wi n to mr sad mrs w u k tuair tiu usaaimfobeat chnrvh hueat anton oo thantoav mirnabm bmb u mr add mr w w 1 i bazaar a financial success at johpha churdh lmpfovmt ejoelety have rntlpu or abouilmwo dtuain h4m in allomepollar mlon am hovmubvxmb bjilev k a urakr jtramum i atnv via fjja blij fa itaruokioa mi hmf howt h ktrnnt uitlhu bw1 wit p kw hill it a pa4nv melbodut cltnl cdm4u she ctoit jree reffis tuuitsuay dhokuukr 7 1011 oitoriat notm huhhia i naw waking up to the lt of tbf liquor irmho a bill paeaed by uw duiwuhl petersburg last week for the prevention of dniukcnno p hlblts tlw sale of ihinitr on government work in ll luatlimlloa aniiihi msnt places a m anllvkhto issued by the 1 tnili ion alli4iim lut woek ealts upon the elector of the 1mvlnoe to work and vol foe the election of candidates who are known avowed and trust worthy supporter of temperance ra- foruiand wboun he deneoded upon lo do nil in thlr power to kur el the first opportunity the enactment of iftctlta legislation against i be lur room evil end who hold them free from party dlotmtlon in relation to such legislation hk itrittirr or the lvtraaater inn erel which he just been issued ihowi uwt the aiulrlin miller in canada sent boim money orders antountlng tn no lees i ben t28io000 ihle year which lee ullllon inre than the year of 1010 the italian in thla country even h tbui record aod wnl home 92072 010 the few jape id canada niuat be pni parous for they seat home 0hn 670 the british born also niuat be doing well la their adopted country for nooey orders to the extant of t8 ou3 xulsrer issued a nuubkm of prominent oanadlai wrlteee aa artlat are contributor to tbe christmas number of the cam dlan afagaalna which la a uaoaj moat attractive issue the writer li dodo arthur stringer isabel kocle- ton eleckay newton mctevuh virne sbeard frank i- packard uaoeg herbert clark 8 a while madge uacbecb a- u carmen i u montgomery g b burgln peter mo arthur btbelwyn wethersld oure olfflo w t allison and a clarke etocardy tb artists include v w jefferys a ilalen carter arthur g lor nod uw frontispiece i by lloener watson tn total aauu in potato roots fodder crop bay and clover this year in canada wee 0007403 seres with total prodnoe aloe or s3 id 065 000 thla la 91000000 more han laat year and there i a decrease of 9311000 in hay and clover the largeet increase la in potatoes which la nearly 90000 000 more than last year although tbe product a less by 8000000 bosbels the average selling price being sixty cents psr bushel aa compared with foity five cents a year ago tbe valoe of this years product of bay and clover and fodder corn is 1boooc000 which is lees than last year valoe by 2008000 pota turnips and other roots and sugar beau have a value of 50 000000 showing an increase over hut year of lilovooo the quality of all the crops this year u est at 00 fcmr cent and over the nominations in halton dt a w mbna ekd d wai tbi uk7tioh msuct monday tbe nominations far the provincial elections took place at milton on linn day dr a w nixon georgetown was twtnlnated for the conservative by john jdtpsrlng seconded hy it j oanpfaell b dwerren georgetown wea noeslnated for lite liberal by w p w tuher and seoonded by j itlind eayj after the noinlnatlon ur nixon addreeeed the audience- in hl own be half and air warren alter brief speech was followed by mr b ii cleav of burlington tbe last provincial election ofdatal itetturtm or ut vou poll4 fcv mill k d wmva od dniw muum om tub itbor junk leoa ttm fouowlos r tlw eompjeta r tpnw of tb vote in ilmlton for th nwmlmr of tb provinoul ltnlilatur on tb bth of juna 1008 1 kixok wuuutx do n32 105 8s uarilngton no 1 h2 d do no 3 81 m ukrtuwo no i 1 h8 do no 3 x 03 milton k want co 37 n dt n du m no do h do rvv w 1 m okktllk wrd 1 to 88 do do 2 76 u do do b v os os wquealno bbcoala 74 to stowwuown h 09 dilhio 25 00 thommon m vt otaawnitem ua do jfjumaoawkya ouapbmwui braokriu hi a 45 ndhm vulun 71 gssar s bpu 7 81 sssx r lljjoritr fc nion 1 imi nn npol m tlul miindnni nfiy tt tlie iienberi of ht joseph m cbuteb have liwri lnmy ntnntli in preparing for nd tinrrylng t ut tit flelnlui of their lutsar and enterlalnineel which culnjlimlnl wlih three day flnalefforl in tbn m wn iihii ual week tbe re milu wfim rralifylngly aiiccesftil for when lb i flounce wnrn totalled up at tu canclitslun uf the affair on hlur- dsy nlgltl it was found that the ag gtegale lectlpts from lb vatlous entaiprlsne exploltetl leorlitml just atkitil si quo ut jomkt 1ih 4iiu1uii attom ttte bexaar was under the auplce ofbt jtiarpha inpioviitenl hitcty organlxd in hepteinlter last with ibi following officer i hon pre pwler olbbohs hr i presldeitt a j lh tnitn ut vlttelree jno jlbtniia 2nd vlcepra jeo itfulholland i 3rd view pren- john dunn hecretary treavurer iuv pother tryo r i ool lecloiv u ry ii ohinplwll and untrge uulbiluod it is the intention or the society to ut iii the funds realised front tlte baxaar fur effvcllitg a number of de sirable improve men la to the church premise among which will he a new heating system decoration of tbt interior of the church rearrangement or the pew hew carpet and furnll lire in the sanctuary repair tit the base ment and roof the baxaar opened with a largely attended concert on thursday evening the programms being provided by atlas lauretta cjray pianist air harvey lloyd humorist miss whaon ol kramoaa a pupil of professor kelly guelph enprano vocalist and the or- clteetra of the church of our lady uuelph ilev father tray nor pre sided and every number rendered was given a cordial reception by the large audience harvey lloyd sustained bis previous reputation in all parltcii lara the artistic number of mies gray and her splendid work as scoom- pantst were highly appreciated his wilson la a sweet singer and has great possibilities in bar rich toned voice the selections by the orchestra under the leadership of mr k a steeman were exceptionally good at the conclusion of the nrogrenmie the audience inspected the well filled boot ha and selected purchase on friday afternoon tbe baxaar did a rushing bualoees in the evening the sales were discontinued while rev father packer of blora gave a highly interesting lecture on bermuda the land of the uly and the hose rev father parksr spent four years in tbase sunny islands aa chaplain of the catholic soldiers in tbe british military forces he gave very vivid descrip- tions of the cllmatr the people the products and tbe pleasures tff a stay there tie extensive coral reefs were explained also the general floral beau- ties of tbe bermudas and the lectnre throughout was both instructive and bumoroua the acton orchestra enlivened the proceedings with numerous selection 0n saturday the climax was reached the booths did a rushing buslne and during the afternoon and evening very tot ng on sale found a44jreliaaeeev the various booths were siperln tended as follows i genera merchan dise mrs lehman and mrs george mulbollattd t refreshments mtssee mellon and johnson l candles mrs w w beardmore mit mmkxle i mrs mitchell and mies lena holmes i fish pond misses mcintosh and mul- hulland art gallery mr t j lea thern the general committee uf ladles comprised the following i mrs a j lehman mrs geo mulholland mrs nell mcintosh mrs john mellon mrs m lawlor mrs john gibbons mr d osrty mrs jstnsa gibbons mrs o benton ml l holme m mo- iiltnsli aggie mulholland and a gib bous tba evening was devoted to the distribution of the numerous baxaar and special prlxes to the fortunate holders of the numbers drawn as follows i i ax a ail i nxjm 1 10 00 in gold donated by lit father treydor won by mr wldock uomewnod sanitarium guilph 91000 in gold donated by a j lehman acton won by mr j p brett laonnn ortt a 910 00 in gold donstrd by mr m lawter aotoo won xfilr j t ryan queens uolel mont real 4 a t glm crain pitcher and sugar buwl donated by mp1 k w uuiuphrlee qualph woirty jcoonty aoton 0 vnsnlooeut piano eoarf 9000 by 0 w kelly gutlpb won hf mrs cross aolon t 0 two palre storeys kldgloves by w li fchomy tfc boo aoton woq by j ooortey aoton 7 pair of handambroldsred linen towale b parish ady won by juno joe aoton 8 flaudereon do aeton tudae 1400 won hy mr- dwlsr uuuburg 0 caddie or tea hyt u uyao co montreal won by mrs win kally gunwllhaius 10 an eleotrio battery value 910 by mr sullivan toronto iron by- jno simon owsn sottnd 41 nelonssooactonuulse200 won by m a qrueoll aetort f 14 pelr ladles htm by keeoey i broa acwo ton by v ltmlhaco acton n ji 18 pilr ladles kid 9s by xx b maodonamfcjoo guelph worr by j flynoabtoot ivar- will like the fine flavor of red rose tea it has the cup goodness thai comes only from red rose quality the reason why it holds first place in thousands of cana dian homes will you try it i ij 111 i t ii i i i i redrose i teawssek mcvsa sold ei bulm your grocer will 11 fi0u donalml by wotulliall si mckay aoton won hy mr j mo i ion aclon iv mtlse s2 00 donated by it v johnstone aclon won by mrs mcott georgetown 10 2 donated by v j lultfnid dnigglst aoton won y joiimou it ma spefslde 17 92 00 donated by n ptflluraon meat market acton won by llointtrri doyle wimtdrord 0 ib picture ratnmit woik of nrt hy mr wui uiunmn aclon won by j a flyun aclon 10 9200 donated by mr george bopert merchant aoton won by mrs foley kdsn mills 20 9200 donated by mr a mc tavlah tailor acton won by ml ada olarksracvbn 21 91 00 donated by mr walter colon meat market acton won by mrs j kaley hanuton 22 91 00 donated by mr k h ulcv grocer acton won by m a drlscoll aoton hi kt im i uixhh 1 comforter donated by miss m a johnston acton won hy miss m wylds acton 2 table by mrs nell mcintosh won by mr tonuon 10i 1 halle ave chicago 1l cake donatrd by t h tat ha in si bon acton won hy john b nelson aclon 4 cltslr donated by adams la- run to won hy mrs wm kally br acton 6 barrel of apple donated by mr john p gibbons hpeyalde won by mies irene gibbons 0 comforter donated hy miss kaley won by miss kathleen gibbons 7 hat donated by g j wallace acton won by joe plynn aotoo 8 cushion donated by miss lena holmes acton won by mrs frank olaary toronto a doll donated hy mrs frank oleary toronto won hy mrs w w beardmore acton 10 cushion donated hy loretlo abbey won by p j gluttons 11 clock donated hy st josephs hospital hamilton won hy mr j j kennedy acton 1a point lace handkerchief do- nated by st josephs convent la fontaine ont woit by mr james mackle aoton ltt oil painting memories do nated by ursullne academy otiathanj won by d oarty aoton u unlbn scales donated by bur row stewart mjne hatuutoii wmi by s d cutcplngs w nlse josephs convent toronto won by miss gladys lehman acton 10 work of alt by mr levins won by miss c o noll llniehouse st jeeephs improvement society dei ire lo acknowledge the follow i ig donations from rill sons nt atn towards lln ir ptuu list and batlthr iuv1 atbcr traynor 910 00 mr j cjarke luardinoru ac cu 920 00 w 11 hlorey a hon ud 910 00 a j llmian fiaoo m j lwlr 91000 a 1 1 lend 910 00 john kennedy j 10 ul t htslham hon fine cnruuna cake u hendereon m l50a j uacklnnnn 9500 lltfidrrsim a i imu95l0 k v humilius 1 de j w 1 w kelly md4fn 00 ii ft holmes 100 woodlwlt a mrky indse9ii0o actnnfiikklitkmm mm nelson co mii 2m g j wat lace mde 9is0 tfwo dunn uw n patterson u 00 uoo hoprr mdr uw ic j hataxrd jioo a mctv uli 9200 it v johnstonr milr 12 00 a t brown j 00 wm j ho stono odse c200 kenm y r ondsc 92 00 k h itlce rod- j 91 u w oinisou picture 91 w walter ii ooxon si 00 dr k u ault 1 x geo havlll ii 00 w williams v 00 caster ac co 1 1 00 hugh mckay 1 00 v a mcloin merahunls bank si 00 0 j wauon 1 00 u nol lr si 00 u it- burling melr hi1iinu bank si 00 j alallxooc us fattier traynor desire beiw li expie4 bis grattfol iijijn ol illixt if urn gmeioiih donation and lllwi il ptlioiiagn of hie buxaar oil the jmil f tbe general pollll of afllou and 111 c immunity liihmiiuch na u was this gvnerat asslstaica which ensured the success of the undertaking among the visitors from out tnwii who gnve fnlher traynor hie pleasure of tin ir presence during the holding of the baxaar ware uu father o loenr s j malone h j and llionipklna ofgnolpb parker f klora and meyaf of ht iusiu brant ford i lev falher frcticy of dnndss sent his regrets owing lo his inal lllty- to ite present and itev falher arnold of drayton the pr d ceaor of fallirr tiaynnr also wrote expressing illnap point men t that owing to illness lie was ihtable to lie pi fit end 1 tllcl pate in the success itihlimd by lluv father traynor und his parllilonrs while the inemltere of tlio church were all active and in lores ted lliem selves in making the enterprise m sue cess a great measure of credit is due lo hr father traynor the p jmla priest of the parish he was hie mnv ing spirit in the affair throughout and lb ron kb his direction careful org mil atlou of force and general snjmrln tendance this llrst puhlio funotlon ol this clmracter since ho was promoted to tint priesthood was brought to inch a gratifying and successful tnruilnu hon jhllj j j i i l specials i i for xmas g canadian chrl stmas cards i handpainted china b b k imitkh quan71tv j real ebony gpods lkavk youh uhduk ro nlh b christmas globe s i afbrqwn i actorf oni j hmmhainqtidaaaanandsi ontario elections yuu are invited to vota or rdwarren all youb rsvhiubntativk in till ontauio luoiblatukk a strotir and progressive policy in all miilttirs thut nitoct the welfaro of the peopleoi ontario god snub thb kino 15fe metropolitan bank hud offle toronto ont i undividod rrni ww l00wx mo00o fioaooo 8yumtlo 9vipt ampkibm nor 1ia0 li rmllmd two dolr dcpbilud vry monlti unoonl w will nfoonf wiiblalnlla ira yr 10 r ssteae open if nceotinl lo our flavlaf dsptf iment ad msk it a mint to lay mtyji 19 msoh svary moolh on dollar li iufftclsm to make a start actonbranch i gel e burling manager winter fair week will be celebrated at guelprvs big store with many unusual specials in all departments which will enable you to secure tte very kind of merchan dise y want ond need at very close prices rlduchu ratcn will be in tcct on nil rallwjyu leading to guelph dar ing winter fair week arid reduced pfilett will prevail at guclphs most modern ind popular hturu by t j king advantage of the special rates out out of town patrons and vihitora from i dlhtincc can combine bun ncsi uiih plcisurc and profit by the outing i his will alno be a splendid opportunity to do jour chiutmaa hoj- pin at i slorc that tg fimoun tot the atcrling qunltty of its merchandise and its mod trite priccu held i 1 hen come and profit and enjoy yourself in guelph 2flu xbbrrtiirmtnts wjjn skwino mll wliil uttuy hat mihi axb i i l t rtu 1 1 til ulli4 lv tullutvo l u i 1 lil a chance for j8 men 1u mtvu tlullais en a winter evuti til itlili eluht men a winter ovsrteats in both ulster an 1 1 lain cheat field stylo ttieae intliide plain tlnd fancy twoe la in iionl kiays and i ruwns aa well as some blatks and plain trart tills lot r reent broken incs frum uur regular sloik iiiliiiiiii g mine of the famous soth century make touts that were snlil retjntuily ut fl6 jo fituttd t t lulr wuok nl9ioh mens coon coals at cost we have too many man m cool i coals in kxk uiid rat uur llieii hold the until lb end of i lie sainton have tihlit te clear them out at attual coat as these toau slvnnie in inite from year to yeur vou imii leudlly so the advantage of buy ingnow t 7sicoulafor 13 5 boys suits j295 boys two nul three piece suits mail from good stroni tmttoda in inedlum and dirk tolois all klics u tlio lot 31 to ji worth regularly up toff on clat fuir wcov ol fur collared overcosu 15 00 mule from heavy i isik rngliii butl ch and lined tkrtobrtt with besvy s lining ana rob- uf interlining- finished with geod itiajtly dark mutnva fur cellar tb bl it oi its klod in c a ikrttsritrade in same uvuefteat aiih cli kuran 1 rur heed ccf 1 1 i mt 73 p mens ties 2k hllltmue tuf clirwinsas elt as they a trrsorarl in prlty seasonable u se v y special at c combjoitkmi sets 50c ii nutaling f mn btacaa raftera and stee hbulers mii arranged lo ptiy lx aad salcsbu for giving waif tapers bedttced our big clearing sale of wall papers aad room mouldik is in full blast roees uxm and eada tout jo tegardlea of coal vult rjna darpartoseat il will pay you carpets and carpet ends at greatly reduced prices our bekt selling line lit till ilejkirtroent are t r pkio itriikaela cnriwl fawn with border to mulch regular l so yd now khc i piece hrnfticl cariet fawn scroll design tegutar 9 yd now k5c ih yds itct ilriikscla mgular so yd 1 t r llbl border u match regular 9 1 41 itlu ilruuolii litis ground with fawn thc 3sdrt hnihaola carnel 91 35 yd in reduced to wogle lc and od thai rsoa go acroll design regular si 31 yd- aew 9sc aj yds best wilton green shad regular 9s a j yd new t tlece bruaseu carpet cbiaudeuge regn lr s 35 yi- r lileco tspesuy carpet greeai gieand regularise yd now sc piece tapestry carpet faem and red regular bjc yd now greatly reduced about as sijiim uf caritot tungiug from s yds u o yds iu length at greatly reduced pticea iso carpet tuimtilea with fringe ou ends suitable for bedroom rugs icsa than half price runs rufs rugs 1 ilrututuu uug iyiwx1 ydu regular 1 hriluu rug 3 d3v ytu regntar sisoo nnsulaat lso 94 00 on sale at 4 tapestry- hugs 3 yduif4 ydjlregnur 4sc sia sotos 00 ou sale at d e macdonald bros guelphs big store guelph near g t r stauon ontatio hiaikji0 lthnt m h i- t il 1 i hmkkulv hay yon salk 1 cauisllk i lt4 h tut h tlfui r km- avv1 va r jukl kkwtom i0si awl1 h i l u fcjv kl4 h4 ia u uliri w w htfasdmoaa ciiofck ituibdino uyrs 1 ri ali h 4iu aha iii mdul la vm 1 lee llmhi mm wmi fc 1411414 vti llrasiinonu a co hiker hikaykii tounikit m1kck books 1mk rasa rasas u prn4 u ail u a1 kw cau sae ne oi b mj- m sfteila btiiou tmbm ta twiy if m sj i w- i uw w 3fll- snxb acton auction ajle tvuvlvh stock fl i wuas tartmmbmama aim le bur- if f cut this out send this stwusmsombioc ul raaniw by rasora nsau ten bean tifol xllas aad new years post c trds- tus hi bssrely an sineiiiiuin cfle ta tawrast yea la post card sltpcy co oepti ui queen bt e tacoeta cksh prid tor fowl raw furs junk ithonutll kinds oi fuknituki select it now 11 1 youit j b dressing gown smokintf joket 5 and bath robe silounklwknlttitdsilk nbckwkak ch jc arniumr ulilpmont o qknu1nk wool 3wkatbr coats oiwnwl thly iriitfipifiee- press isk r 1q0 r e nelson mrhnt tlllu w w i mna vamuhw umlpu shtw j mumnnhnnnw saskatchewan farmbar grains own 9 afwnpa thta wilt ly for ttsmir with om crop dott 4pytbnt- t9 acre li near town r very snail cash payment balsnos hlt cop paymeata tmproeed- good baudlan n with stock adjmejbmnls acre sit under cultlvauoa town good buimlaga ajmall cash meat bmlaao netc jags staall tnh py- hau cfop aaviaeiits write forytiriejtkstuars a 1 write for ntrffuntealan a4lresabg aocoukt second annual fat stock snow ttcksts good going via p m tralsat dec 9th sod aulrstas dec loth nth tsth hstara lunlt ijth it through train bervich and pullman slrbrera but wren toronto and po nostmsouad leave toroetobsq p m artuing 8osth porcepte 4 yo m lollow tag afmeeoa t j southseuiin leave qoetb purcnptas a jo p nv rrlriag toreeito yjo e tolloniih ewrolsst miwimulilp esssmes as eatls eke sul 9avastls1 smfty fsu la4ulon frm h 3s holmos ayont t

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