1 omwbuim aa as trtaay 1 sa taaattv mhaam a amm oa vter t uuihai oaawoaa mlealnaa aa ha da la daaaafciroauwau hbmhmk i art ef eataa a rasis keavasa tha ho of aw taw hlslhlbkmwa i the sbe jicton jfm rtas thursday dkokubkr xi 1m1 a milhvohmiffnim it umlura not imw hilma cnns into the christian calendar 6otom to bo greet day yeaalor joy n gladness tba aged a lull cup of hal memoriae ad to the youth end middle aged etmndanoe or irsent pplnee end pro-r-l- or future j y with this large ineor of joy chrulnauda there should eoaw uo tmi gratitude and thaukfnlneee thero en bo o true rjaletiut without thanksgiving it thu spirit bo ibo kru of all our holiday joy thu immhi u really not hard to learn thenkrnlnee borneo of not oompartng oor relate with that or others rlehsr and more prosperous if w uara this and re member bow much wa really hava then- oud hearts ball blend in ruloi oug and cheer ibo unwearied hours along and mtmorim iwmt of other days with tender swall suffu our lays and how ilka eome on written part tha ad low musto of tha heart withal may all remember that christmas joys have noma bacai lb edvent of christ as mans saviour on earth if wa emmulale tha chrut rplrlt wa will enjoy god a good thing and abara oor joya with other hay tharabaa happy christmas in bom rbtcules mp proof gloves tkakntarprtaorwr h btorysan ilailtai green kite ihmle a valu anla haw invanuoa kvkry pair iff ouarantud kur fatty four or lb 0iij ul- works of w u fl ry a 1j billed have uwi mipnlylnff the pat pi f canada with tha vrry heal good that could la aiianufaclmod tn glow- and inltta the name storey cuird with frjovrs ha brcmu- houmlniul wihii and an auuranr of excellence lt hand waar thu vsnsraulo manufactory which ha played ao important a part in tha progrrea aod developmani of ihu town tpclslty kino incorpor ation 3h year ago when the royuvi tha lata w ii blowy wa unanimous- ly sleeted our oral itaeve baa oonatanlly wan intro ducing improvements in tbair eslenalv- llnaa of good on lite first of janitary- tbay will tut upon tha aarkwt a nawly invanlad lu which will raw llonlaa il utanufactura ot gkivo and graally n haiion i hair dumullty thu u i heir nmw guaran taad line tha llercuua itip itoof jlovaa and ultta tha llercula u mada with a triplelockad alllch lh dotalu of wblcb ara ibown in lla angxawlng harawilb nacnlflftd tan tlmea thu omiiul moras tu local orncw ooktawrln llep- worth vlluca wlu ba aajpacully intar- aatioc that municipality rapaalad looal optloa wban it waa brrt aapar- atad from tba lownahlp and nowyaau tha injury dona by tha ehanwa thara will ba a boa bshu plooaar aokhsuabrjixjctthuaoad thla waak abowa canada popolauoo to balos ss8 an locraaaa of 1jbuqu in tan yenra of tha aboaa 818069qo are duim and 8877037 f amah tha pop- ulauon of haltoo county u nals an ineraaao of 1070 naarly of wblcb la in tba looorporatad lowoa satirikn that tha dominion got eromaot intanda id tba near fnlura to tajka onr tba uaminal alaaatora at port aruftur and fort wimum ibo domlaloa mluara atociauou l w at qwtlph pw a revolution aaklnfj forqaiek action aadappolntlns a apaelal oomatluaa to bring tba matte to tba attention of tba lpremler tub awictax bnancul etatannt of tba mnnlelpauty of anton from jan uary let to december istb abowa the receipt from all eooroea for tba yar to bate been v17sbiofi and tba as peudilnree eu56otos leaving a balance f 14s81q at abova data tha oripu from the electric llghtlag ayattwi totallad a800 78 and tba paym ebargad to thla aeeoant 9tjhl70 for tboamma tlma laet year tba raoalpu ware 91787 87 and the payment 9x 070 irnui wrntmsof tbalauarto the fttmspbbsa abjood thraa method- lata aad thraa praautaruuia nc fanlt with tha dgaraua by4aw of tbla mowlfflpatlty paaad by ara without oooaldcring tba opinion of tha maajorlty and aaoloalng a ouppiog from an allagad leading paper caaom mawrllnw tba nee of etgarettae wiu itnnleh tbatr aamea tba common uoa wm ba given doa csonaldaratloa wa fear however tba praahytarlan aacuon of tba antbore of tba apletla wiu bardly ba raoognuad by tba praa- byterlan body in gawwi whan tbay do not bnow bow to epall the m tbay ftlalm to bear tookmbow xt so4t bm ataluv ty for tba nomioauon of m bar of tba manlelpal ooooeu and board of bdikoilion tba fact that nian mauar ara unoao- by qolat m manlfatfc avldeooa that pabllo aftalra bavabeen atiefaitoruy admlojetaraddorie tba yaar by tba a i pwiubt in ofaoa tbay ara tfae one ell aaddthonl board it will ba agreeable to tba majority of eleo- tora tb tbay bare alactadhy npalaaaa- uon tba 9m pawn tbarafora pro- poaa oao jhypde for brave a ball a brow morray aluooald aod wjooonnr lorltoaneulor nod jan a uewtl d u heodanon and dr ault for school truetaaa maka it anaal nona ataatora at tba nomination to thnafairrrobl flraln growara aaao- fdatloa compuloa vary atrandonaly of luea avnuhad for tba moving ottba crop of fba waatarn provlooe tba amonnally uofavorabla oondltlooa for tbraablog tba aroptbu year have left m great deal of grain not ihraabaj tat la the raca of that fact there u mppoead to ba mulfoaa of boabala of grain lying in tba bald with nothing to protaet it bat utue atraw thrown otnrjt in addition to that tbara ara wjimona of boaheh of grain in granar laa that hare bean ttwmabrd au tba mtatoralotbawretaraauedtotbale ntaaoat eapaolty tba aaaoeiatloo any rtbtk i a aaa where it wwm ab- aolataly naoasaary for tba doiefnlon and provincial gnvarnmanuta take a nuroadt a y am not able djrnwoatratad that tbey totmkaoajtaxof tb irafflo oannotour nntborltfaa ttow atrpfh andoompelour rallioade to maka ppejoulifaaaato reaah bmrkatf ova tba an railway r it not a ooloaaal volly a pravaat tha oanadjaa hmr from taking dvan of aanrkat at hi door for wa ss rtaniaw abbcn mu tdjn mi aa iua i fiau efc of hla away v a to ayjrtam that admlttad- kftfabt rm wrib um daval- oloiaoonntryr make tba atrangtb of tba aaam tba etrength of tba thread but even ir the thread ehould break tba glove wlu not rip tbara u no auoh thing a unravelling llercalmrtpproof lotaa and mltta fit better feel batter on tba hand and waar the lire of tba leather for thee reason thu reluue firm u inserting in every pair of tba now glove a coupon bearing an iranclad egrreroeut to replace any pair of which may rip in tha neams and reqoli mending within a year from the data of their w to the wearer whan such a firm a w 11 storey a sonare prepared to back up their tenement with no lubatanual a guar antee tba public may reat assured they have put tha greatest confidence in lu tjmkwaofcta oobhkrs wv cjalta n number from here auanded the winter fair in goalph ust week tha bpworth laagu aod prayer meeting of tba ebareb bar was ra-or- ganlaed for tba eomln year tin tnea- day night with tha following offloer pras chaa lsmbert 1st vlcnprce walter lamb xad vloaprem msgla deanu 3rd vicepree netue wans- aorough 4th vieapree roy wi borough sec lira w lluiray treas orria lamb cor sec rdlth bennu organut maggu dennis on saturday morning ii r hobt brown 8r passed away at his home in acton lie was for many yeara a highly respected resident of thu place bat removed to acton a few years ago w ara pleaaed to state i bat uiaa irene carroll who recently underwent a vary sarlona operation lo new york u now out of danger llr and ura j walker ami alias agnea of portage la prairie are at present on a visit to friends in ontar io it la nine years since they ult here for tba west and their many friend are pleaaed to see them llr win couman and mr n lam bert of acton spent sunday wllh frlenda her lira w g carroll many friends will sympathise with her in the sud dan death of her brotherin uw mr jtwn madlll of alton kauumalrad u jama blnnu continue quite poorly but wa hope for hu predy covery mus vema wiggins of cheltenham baa nulla a large chua of muala piiplu here now the children are busy practicing for school and other entertainment to he hold neat week and ihu mr r ii wine made a visit to hu home at montsberg on saturday mr john mclean of ibu vlluge ha just planted several evergreen trree around hu new house several wadding aj reported to take puoe daring the hqlbiay oar village store 1 nrcely decorated for christmas dr gear of erin lost a valuable eoule dog u thu vlolaily the other day ba light fall of enow baa mads fair ly good sleighing although some loggtee ara still seen 1x portsrflsld of bookslde yas in ur village on monday ca for municipal honor have brgno canvassing our township the remain of one of our oldest residents will ba interred in the came tery here this afternoon mr jere miah kmtitarvwnn want to spend a few moutbe with h daogbjtar mrs jo benham glanwiiuauia departed thu life on tuesday morning after but a few days lllnea ttsrotd lady waa utbarsoui year liar husband pre- neerasad bar aaven yeara ago ut may fo many year tbl eataemad family resided on lot u alatbttw ktqumlng wbera mr joseph alun ton in4aw u now living two eons and two daughter survive t mr jdheph alun on tba bomaatead t mr joaaph ben- ham and albert at glanwllllam and alva in brln lira kentna waa a barajor nany yaar sarrloa will ba aondoatad by bev dr mcarthar lo tbahrwimrno umrnfmbaint in tba adjoining cemetery f jsm a canadian woman arttjt tn puoa upon cava mi oarrv ttack to kurop soma of lha ronat striking itnd loptring rsaniple of the liiea itmitatlbu acanlc beeutinaf her nallva latkd u lb chuf purpose of the pres vull lo nada or mrs uary hilar hamilton an artist whose work dur ing ibci tn year she ha spent in paruand ilerlln ha attracted the at tention and appreculloo of tha bat crlllca two year ago said aire hamilton lit daarlblng her planc for tba linnicdule fa lure 1 saw hs pavu kabla exhlut or norwegian cenea palnled hy a young norwegbua woman at oooe the thought canoe to me i nat perhaps f might venture to the iwnt for the glntltvua acenary of canada my studlss abroad aod jottro in some of lliv heauly apnaa of lfanpe- b wt mij io pen wiy appreciation of and vv for canada a tnalcblewi variety nalurv- moothi and i hope before re turning to parle to paint a sailroof canaduu pictures which will in v oe meaaure at least help to make 01 r widely known ilia natural lovlln it canada uary hilar hamilton who thus kxidaally dsaerlbae a plan wblcb any canadian might be proud of bawl ig adopted u a native of tee water in broc county and from her girlhood her beat has been artutlc liar drat lesson wet a racajod from th wait- known canadun artist mr u a held and mr h wylu urtar who both encouraged her tn pereoe her atudua abroad wadded and widow nd boforti she wss twroty thraa abe went to burope wbera for the past too yeara she has worked faithfully first as student and then aa pain tar and teacher going first to berlin she studied under tha ula fran hkaiblna for two yaera at or stay in holund in the couvse of which she obtained eonia dljtmn dutch sketch- as aha want lo iaru and was enrolled at vhj academy wltare bar leachere were mentou gervau and buncb barflrat salon picture waa exhibited hs 1900 and she ha been s presented tbara in four suberquent years her fallur to submit picture tba other two years being due to sickness or travel in thu years salon mrs hamilton had three picture on the una flva yaar ago so had aa ax hlbltof her work at hackeojdaa gal leries in toronto and a number of her dalntlnga were then secured by toroo to and montreal art patrons shaba recently held an exhibition in toron to at townsenda galleries aad wtyl exhibit later at montreal and ottawa saturday night mrs hamilton u a daughter of mr o bitar naa mus charily zimmer man of ardeo man who spent bar girlhood daye ta acton sbeuantec of mr chrlstophsr swaokbab acton chtlkoulll on tuesday evening of lt v about a joora of friand and neighbor gathered at tha home of mr and 1 stanley swackbamar who have just nettled on lotsl cooosasloo 4 kqu- lng aod presented tbeut wllh chair and tha following oongratuhuory ad dramt mr amu mtth stjinlkv swackiiankr dkab fhikkdh w are gal bared sttious accident at the glen he iskowinootl i uoarital attliur tiowar a young man no ployed in the woolun lullte at uleti wuium was ihe victim of an ortfor- lunat accldafil ot puay night laau ue wa caught in the ahaftlag of the mill while adjusting a belt with the machinery in motion theaxesult bring that hi lift arm wu lorn out of he eocketheshla owe of hu leg being broken medical aid waa quickly summoned and uu injutue dressed temporarily altar wmch ha wa taken to gnelph to um general hospital he is doing a wall as can fan espeatad under llj circumstance- allhoogb suffarlnft a great duet of pain the injuries will not likely be fatal dacath or nv atljioltk harn1w hamloolght to spend a ing and to extend our oongratulatlona to yoa as you ara now beginning life in your own hornet and also deali to convey lo you soma visible exi slou of our kindly feeling and good wishes for your success and happiness we therarore ask yon lo accept those chair a slight teaticuonui tbay ara oor joint conlribullona and wa hope that tba year which yoa shall spend in our midst may be many aod aa yoa look back in after yeara hope that ibo tseohectlon of il day may ever ba p to yoa signed on behalf or tba friends pwram hmuuy kvsnrr darner mr swackhamer replied in feeling term in behalf of himself and hi bride and thanked the rrianda for their beautiful gift and also fur th kind word spoken a very enjoyable eocul evening fol lowed auction bxa1 raxhattaut fnnr dax 2sndstock imphv uients grain ate of the aetata of lb hue w a stawart lot 90 con x kueing half a mil from acton bknj pktcu aucuoaear krurt dv ddiun ouook the following wa tha standing of the pupiu of dublin school at hut examinations 8k i vprarl stawart willie doog la j ii iv minnie stalker bobbie wlntqft sit hi sandy molasac jay stew- srt berta stawart floasla joe coale keith arthur thompson alllo mo- isaac jm lub jh ii sarah craantsr johu frank kllnor stawart sh ijcku waldla alice stawart lawrenc gibbon willie kauy paimph a beatrice mclaaac b- trloa oraajnatv john graamar bena joe bfrank creamer o john udstec battrick frrsobnald teacher 0 h0wjitcireo what lung nerveracking day a of const ant torture what sleepleee night of irrrible agony itch 4tch uob constant itch until it aenmefl that i must taarntff my very akin then instant relief my akin cooled heal ed and soothed i the very heat drop of d d dalopped that awfahtcfa in stantly yee the wry nostml djd d touched my skin i ha t nae d d d bs bran known for yeara aa tha only absolutely reluble caama cure dusta mild soothing pleasant wakh made of oil of wlntsrgrecn thymol and other lagredlenta but tba instant reluf p d d iva toall kind iif akin trouble eeran ilv a miracle and when utcd with d d d iap ksrpv tha skin to perfect eondl- if you have any kind ut akin trouble bcxema paorlasjs salt bbaum no matter what it is invcstlgato the woo- derful d d d preecrlptlon write r t btut um pi in laboraloriae dapt a t oolborne utturont it will be eeut at oooe and you wlu gat relief from your liwmalmtnadlataly you apply it ptoooooooooooootxxxxxxxxxxoooooocxg winter overcoats jttfto jlbbfrtibftafnu for the mco eifid boys this i very live subject last now wc are shgyring a very large range in these foods the styles are correct but not extreme the pmces are the most reasonable possible in every line sa attaafc nf w a oabu dupalnb frot dalbl indu says that luv dr klmnr hanu ilia dutlngnlshed luptut mlouler and pbluntbmpul of toronto died afc tltatcityfmm suutllpox harris wa on a weddlog trip around tba world and waut to india lo ultlhamuai t raids and attend the durbar he was a member of tha masse j- harru co and was worth about a million iar dr harris addraasad be an nual mealing of acton branch ol the blue society two yeara ago on tba tha m of the verbal inspiration of tha blhu and 1u aulhentlo bulorkliy rock wood mr david stewart farmer or bra nosa passad away no friday aged 1 years daoseaed was a native f the townahlp a aa nf lha lata d htswart bodied in uockwntal at an advanced aga recently aod iui lbjr it oh homestead mr htswart waa a pros perous and wallknown farmer ha had been iii for wan wveka with an abscess on the lungs deceased waa a member of the disciples cbuicb and tha funeral took puoe sunday after noon at kverton a widow and grown up son and daughter survive thb ourrattautnanibdrm thu u tha um whan yoer ought to take thought of the other man tha way to do it u not to lake sdsnf of him tba matter of advent eg i not alwsye obviously on of money though it amount to that tn the long run hoar of servi mean money ultimately to tba individual whether it shows in dollar or etrangtb you can serva your fellow man now hy not taking undue ndvantagaof him in the matter of um whan it comes to tba rush day and they are begin ning now it will be en easy matter to take advantage of great many people for nearly all of u eervo noma one eoma many dont overwork jour employee dkmtt overwork lb shop people dont throw ami burden upon your fi lends or your servants they will have eno to do be good- natured be oourteoo and rem ber that what yon glvet now wlu help to maka a tot rj gbrutma for tha other person that thought ought to help nuke a marry one for yoar4r tha delineator mens and boys underwear iine and heavy natural wools iilastic ribbed scotch knit wool fleeced for comfort durability and value we particularly recommend the penangle and hewson lines which we are showing the way these lines are movingout shows that the buying public appreciates teetr worth we are heavily stocked in all liner of cold weatilbk goods at values unsurpassed anywhere henderson co mil sl ixtorkxaooc acton ont joki on thb tpalntatltal three painters ware painting tha in side of a house in uw country dur ing the day these painters began tn crave for soma thing to drink ac cordingly they pot their bead feather the result of their conference waa tbrir leader went to the mlatr of the boussand said the frame of your oil painting are vary dingy cnaeini wll clean them for you if youve any whiskey bow mi whuaey will be mededr asked tba gutuuss old lady about a quart maam said the painter ho tba old lady brought to the three pa in tare quart of whiskey and they drank it up and cleaned the picture frames with wster on toward sunset tba old lady coming to intpect the fran expre herself as delighted with them oh sh said they ara 1 and wood haws thought a quart off wblsky would dean an many it waa lucky i aaved it it was what i waab- ftdo in last week ntrraj tfo o u an engine u stauonary u it wril ing material r are you folks well to dot no they erejhard to do h um sanitary officer cam into tha yard would formaldehyde r h you steal an egg from your mother a pantry and you see her com ing will you boat it r can a scavenger be a cheerful man when be alwaya in the dump p if you wanted rour hand would you doabw your asia if a person staying at a hotel want ed to puy baseball would ha flod tha pitcher on a waabstand t you lift bo on hy l king down your nose lov s ecriboca ara urn moat sat isfying luxuries can a man bnlp imitating that which ba hold in raverantui converse plato colden opportoisttir t aaws vasaw sas wab w a i sa tillelph iwjsiness college h ww payaaiaiewtliiaa waasrnsws f hmhtaimwl h i m i mtlcola ccaack b a fra ohildron ory mil futcrcrs castoria last call to xmas shoppers only three more days left in which to complete 3 our buying of holiday gifts come and see oor window look np our last weeks ad and wc feel sore that ou will 6nd things exactly suited joyoar taste and also jour purse we will be pleased to show you the goodu if you will only come oor store will be open every night this week to our customers and frishds we wish yoa one and all a vcy merry girlstaias and greater prosperity li fot2 r f johnstone mill st hwrpwwrb acton ont imam us1mnawuraunnimalatau select ii now s 3 dressing govm smohintf jftcket g and bath robe 3 s 1ai mw knitted siuk mvccwbab raok hc ah dilpoct of genuine wool sweater 5 j coats warf touy j au 1 ready va4lnasr for father aad fv 4 santa claus mother pribfle reryu0ar cuapn la the j jewebeiy uae w bak of hamilton aa waa iwjr di 1 pot ol am dolluvra u m nlit t- t fr i uriudiriunloibranhoikv geoeotstowji ww laaxtaadoaanda presents christbus oft prablens j saved a tew bom oar sslectloetssll i abu far yoaag or old rseaai raam wtthia uaanaau aa aaw isa a toalsluw ooaou hal pawt of qwee wim ba lata vuiagaj ot aaeaea b limit of m mr limit or ruartn tim oaaaul a uta maawaauljr iu a um aiptnuoa of aaa aaaum baa la pwi as sy hmil st aoltatl aay aaa vhaw laae au ba pmaimaly kxaotad umnfay aad aaost utu inn auction saxte jr btock implesleuls gttatn vvkslf due taa a has a imaraiuaaa tnwmumaioluwami lrw lata wa biraustamf uwuhfaauhaaaua a m mv aaa a ii laa sail aius baaa friday dwcu a and at oaa s ele utv au4mwai t uunasa- saj nates wa nl u lha liafmrairaiaiikimmtelmmllwat lyaarasmamtkia 1 ra saw aa asu anokibuiuw l an s ran na aiufclsa 1 mens saw aa jaasuf insratsam t tawnee aemat a aar taa m m jraus ass 1 as esw aa jsu aaa ma ktyaataskl liwitiiwniaiiamssa inf smsusad 1 jataay bauar ijt ysata ud hailar awilal 1 aatlar yaan aa inobasn t stews vasuaam a aaaiyaswsaaaomi laaoais s4 all ut easa aaa hnkucr a nuui iu and why wat bavw v vassor at brown otuooar stattofmrn b acton ont 5 mmiujuiiijddanaooumm cksh jtid for fowl raw furs junk i dao u jl kbdm of furmitu8e ut sma rcton 2 wabojstl3i your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rookwood ohopplng mills flour oatmeal bran shorts 1 he best at lo prices harris at oo tfuar gtlittson plcinm fnumnr to- begs to inform the ladies of acton and surrounding vicin ity that he ha been appointed aient for thce of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1300 samples to choose from prices right also that he i prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors urouna jamu- tare repairrjd 4ttop mill street acton uhwmh net aaaapulu ruuitrmyib aha iknwiianwaaiijrii liplbjaitanawlva maaar t il ari aaa as aaa l sanoar iv as a nl isuaar aat uiu w r uhaui a auvm 1 baabiai i aa ssaa e1 sea j aw a asassntaasm hu ton tehai at sea eaam b souam uou4jb klaalaa aa llaavf lbaabt aau task aataaai hi i i t aauskawtwammjiha raauu or uajunuata ts mats ssj soatamaeeaaesan auavsw las aattam hw nrcu asanas ha hasauuit h i wwlastbtfrk octin slramswppasmje booked from aqtom iatenaauaa abaarmly clvas wiia j bbrvatrxamoaaatatatsst t5owaaha- look here apotltlvecura for thka ncfct q csaosra tamora diopay oravelsadbrlnk hit by rabies can sad em what i can do for too i villi be st in r- deminloii hotel acton monday january 8th 1912 mooxa ran loa m to 9 p m afske npelatment to avohsdafcr mrs f gibson son 7 king st rasl berlin onl mas and newxeab excur8ibas barabaknwimimt ummm u ulloos in cuviaa uw i l sinolb fabk iftima otaif saw lura ult d 611 ipi auo pod olo tho ydk fjiu 11 1 1j0 m igi kot hilt i od iu fare and zz- hlo4oaii ohhati h 8 holmw lfcim