slje xtan 3fro ress thuuhday dkokui1kr 21 1011 jl look lnil hald thlttiilimie trr a jolly young averyreeii i in dreedrd up hvr larf a show tlil a clra and am anslous o b eh to brow in wmd fa very good trifle war ogrow uy fa ry good of sir tih llul l 1 dp declare that it oannomonip to block on th prlr fliror ytiu way stand in 0- nub tih osnlury old no hlowmmu to pk of twum but hr in an hour mm all lit flowrr will mlllrn- and doll and drums and i know well wm i drw not lh ho ouolt tliit 1 nl i wely lo burst t tiirwe uiys ry bung f r mum eorv iwmii onab brarieh frmn 1414 n ii ow 1 d low to about all my fowling nut 1 hut i dr not n jiwt oough for about lb half or a great big laugh would bake all my candle off 0 i bee lo hid al the fun inside till im rull ulnnk wburtou say im king ofth day held this jolly christmas tw fcttmmj frm p salary tn finish your courm if you will wthlin if b would lt hlo i jennie look lug at th glrla transfigured fcrl uad that false pride would b little ehaae with ntuu flnub ray ooiw r the girl ah- obltmm b i you eaat wean it t 10 too won derful to be tru tbn before ibey knew it she was kail way aeross tb room crying wildly oh mother ooen quick 1 oonm a vary body i ob its too good la be truer u wu a long urn before tbey got away trout um blair and mir king drove swiftly to deacou itobert oot- tag lb paw little place aaerlqced la an oaavajulag effort to ease his boys ufa ttw old nan waa pathetically gudtoeur king his wife busy log herself with preparation for a christen dinner which jenala tas- psotcd to be a rrugml on waa uaa cor- dial yoa had look i bear george down in use hty wau torn folk gu and eoena i and i cant see that there aaueh fairness allbar way bba vbaekad bar hoabaad wbaa ba waxad garratooa ovar bta mtafottooaa whats tha oaa talking aboot that jo t aorc dotnt can to baar of bvao wbaq tha cback waa la har haada bar daeavrootad ooavlotloa thai aba waa lb victim of lojuauoa did not at one gia way ua all a joka aorga kujr aba gaapad you know yoor trying to- bava noma fun with oa and than whaa bar boa- band bad com to mr king aaut- aafla nd aaada etaar iha caet that th law handred douara tha chack irpra- aatwd would rauava lhant from tha aaeiaalty of taking op tbalr nboda with jamoa wllr mr llarta aat mouootaaafbramoomol tha nuacb of br faoa twitching and har up uiwilmw1 bba waa not tha aort of woman for fertant gratitude tboa who buma otbar for tbalr mufor- tnn or ukly to aootpt aoooor tbalr right oat it was worth much jannl tboogbt to a tha haunting draad drop off ilka a dlaoardad gar- mank and ruf bayond word taka it plac aa aba drovo baok to tha famhoom at a gallop o aa not to baap aunt jooalyna dlooar waiting jaoola pr ad bar ebaab agaloat ncrfatbara ahoul- dar how la thla ohrlataaaa panning out bba kaaw tha anawar to her oowtlon but aakod it for tba aatutao- tk of baarlng hla reply ha mnltod at har hafora h anoka m tb qt bt 0hrltna to tha on whawl oought tb llttl bootblaok bu aboa nrt year wa muat do aaaro jannla if wa a tb otbar ah in your prorlp- tlou tbarall ba bljng aboogh la obrutnwa to katp n man haart light all tha yoas iound twihtv yiaii aqo limm of intat nrom our lw ot tnumdu da4th tsm 4l fimicim li inwii ppoliit iiwuikul r llu kortb lg fill iii iraunojf cu1 liy ill r whi r ur 1 jmm mihirr 0ull mim kun wlio iim bid chr l itrnc 1itbllo hoiki1 lb ptyr will ia ikmiiiui lo oun il tlie toronto abol mr yhi oyn r lb mid line lt gv1 workug bar- satur day by lla mllpplng on tb icy road op- pou klrvlw avanur brklng it l ii bd i b abut tba muiudut sunday bobool itfflcl- ary for lhtt h bn anpolntad aa rollowi hupl ii p moor i a 8uul i- france i bvo y o qnjwnt aal 8oy it j uumay i llbrruis glut 4punr nd oario whuroi organut ulaa kmin m mixir t taaeuara luv j kdg mw rattle k bpalgbt maggl mt tbowa kit i fraocaa j c nalaon ur jioa moor mr ii p moan ml uary 11rowontuaourk hai ti tduntoa ad lit julm strn on t itr tvacbac t mr jaa moor j h caiuaroti n k moor ur a hlpltnaon mim alll iing addla stalk hannah btng- bant and ibbl my th rg attandanoa la now 1ih mr t j moor aon or principal t t moor who rtmovm to oualph to irlnelpal of ht oaorg hohool thr baa bcn a raaldvot of anion alno bdyhood and njiya lb hlghttaam of all who know hliu st albana sunday bohool g a oautata king winter in lb town 1111 on monday volng th till row waa lkn by mr a o luard oaor who lookad wary kingly in a rutin rob crown and anavry brd a banta claua luv mr oook wa ffetwly dcortd mim unl si on wqua or th court or sjumbr- lad with courtlar lq attvndano mr john ivrklna waa pag to tb king bawaral pretty puca wra auog and praaaot war dlatrtbutad mr john kvrrta an old raaldvnt of krbboa nrar hvvrtoo died vary aud- dnly on wadnday but wk at lolng axrelaa hold at oublln school on tuaaday a ganaroua lunob wa partakan of by thoaa praaaot in- cludlnfc many paranta and frlaod of tb pupil altar which a very ad ad draaa waa prtd to the retiring twbar mr t- f- moora together with a aple watch chain andanat- gant ahavlng t mr moore made an exoellant aprfoh id reply liar kara a stafford a wall known uathodlat minister who ba been pas tor- of oantauary church hamilton died on th slat thef aanaul statement of the nun- lelpallty shows tb inoom as 0611 83 and axpandtttir wiwasi aaeau are maimo nd uabluuas s4v7 ffl castor a 9aia klna ten hato always dooghw and whleh be been tat nee fbe over so srean baa irarao tlto blgnaiairo of and luux beoo modo wader ku i onal aoneivlaloik alnoo ita infancy auou- no ono todoooh o yon in tht all ooobcorfbltm imlbrntlon and jutactol nro but axpertmenta uiot trlflo with n iilomlinrr tlio bea4th of sosd gbjadron bxnertonoo nsniiut bxportuoot what is castcria caatorh la a bormlont anbetltato for ctuttor oil pnr- gohfc irbpa and bootnlng- hyrup it is imcoimnt it contains neither opium morphine nor titer uarcotlo anbetaaoos ite ara uluc jkrantee it doktmh wonna ad allaya fereriahneaa 1 i enroa ilnxrlco au 1 ytlnd oolle it rellevea tootblnrr troublom euros coiiuption and pkonlenct it osaln lotos tbo fom1 iriilntu tbo btoannoli and bowl gil ig- nooltby ond nnturnl aleep tao ndldrena renaooa ai hothora xvicnd ooht arva n kiddibmi vqv lnpult i n pf ring imwullaa okjmuihe castoria i bean the signature of always the kind you toe always bought use for over 30 years in to headoff a headache ihawlifcltarau dr moe antipain pill for lour years i waa subject to almost constant headache at limea ao aver i waa unfitted or work through be advice of a friend i waa pcrauaded to fry lr milea anil pain pilu and the rrtult ha been thai i liave entirely eradicated my aysteiii at tliose conttnuimia lieadachc that followed a hard and continuous mental strain o i rusiell act cam w hy i- aily ia- or sata by all druogurta bs doaaa 9o cwit milks medical co toronto call wiixisra sahta cutoai twaa the night bsfore ohrlstmas and all through th boo utile wuuewaaatawiing as atlll as a moua ha heard aueh slranga tala of th dear patron saint that b wanted to ae an old fallow ao uualat t so ba watched tb night through for old banta to call but though h lookad sharp ii came not at all so this la a warning to all children bright go lo sleep in th evening and sleep till daylight 1 if the liver is lazy 8ta it up by thk tjsr of milburns uxaliveb pius they alunuiale the aluitbh liver ckftn the coated tongue sweeten tb breath clean away all waste d pobon ous matter from the xratemi and prevent as well as cure all sickness arbing from a disordered oobdlliod of tha atptnach utoj and tipel idrs uatlhew suulvau mn ludre n b writes- i had been troubled with liver complaint lor a long time i tried most everything i could think of bat none of them seasnedrtn do ma any good but when i at last tried muouros lasa- uvtr pilts i soon began lo get well again t thanks to the t saubnrn co i would not ba without them if they cost twke uilburas lata liver pius are 25 cents pur vial or 5 iu lor si 00 for sal at jf dealars or mailed direct on receipt ofprkebytbet mubuxn co lunltcd r was and never will be a universal panaoea tn on remedy for ell 111 to which seab la heir what would raueve on iii in turn would aggravate um cdaers wa have bow- ever in quinine wine when obtained in a eound unadulterated state a remedy for many and ferlvous ills by it gradual and jodlcjowi ju the frailest systems are led tnto convales cence and atreogvb by th loflosooo which quinine xrt on natures own restoratives it ru those to whom a chronic mate of morbid dipoodeoey and lack of interest in uf u a die nd by treoqullwoc tad nerve disposes to eound and refreshing sleepimpart vigor lo th action of the blood which being eumuwted courses through the veins trengthenlo the healthy animal function of th system mwreby umtklng activity a roceasary result streagthsnlng ibn ivmiuljal life to the dlgesilv organ which naturally demand increased substance insult improved appetite north rop lyman ot toronto have gwec to the publlo their superior qulnlner faydhe opinion of sdenukte lb wine approaches nearest perfection of ttnr on th market all druggist sell it two viawa what did you or obrulmas r oh oothlni much hesafd nothing bo a nlolurbook and a pair nf skates and a aled and a new fur oapaud a mufflsr and a train t care and a bafj and lop and amiots an engine and oto ondy that waa all what did yon get ftta christinas f on lot of things t said he w bad a duck ftw dlanav and wa bad a oh rial mas tie and ibeb we sang suffered willi nerve trouble for two years was impossible- voal him to slbbp mr chas w wood m torrance street montreal que writes for two years i suffered with nerve trouble and it was impossible for me to sleep it did not matter what tune went ta bed in tba mornuui i was even worse than the night before i consulted a doctor endhe g ve me a tonic to take a half hour before totag to bed it was all right for a time but the old trouble turned with greater force htfcfore one of the boys who works with me gave me half a box of mobiras heart and nerve pius i took thenvand i got such attraction that i got another box and before i finished it i could enjoy aleep from 10 p tn until 6 m and now feel good the price of mlfburns heart and nerve pills la 0 ccnu per box or 3 boxes for tl2 they arc for sale at all dealer or will he malted direct on receipt of pnoo by the t ullbura co lunltsd toronto oal nothing is nan t be tarn everything to account la fontaine no surgtoal operation la uacaaasry in removing corns if uolloway com curebensed sin crown la so constructed that it soon become satins collar making wealth common will not make the ideal commonwealth to discern and dl immedlauly with causss and ovcrcomh ih rather than to battle with effects after the disease baa secured a lodgement is the chief aim of the medical man and bloku ant consumptive syrup is th result of patient study aloog this particular un at the first appear- aoo of a oold the syrup will he found moat stllceot remedy arresting davelppement and speedily heating tha affected parta so that the ailment dl appsare some people sre so interested in making money that they forget bow voapendu worms cause fretfulnee and rob the infant of sleep lb great nouruber mother grave worm bxtermtnator will clear tb stomach and intestines and restore bealthfulnasa to be lioneal to bo kind to m a llttl and lo pnd a llttl loss to tnak upon the wuol a family hap pier fitr hi pranct lo reuounc when that shall tie nrcaaaary and not baembltlrredt to keep faw it lends but th without capitulation abov all on the same grim condition to kerp friend with hlouelf hare u a taak for all that man lias of fortitude and delicacy ue lias an auiwlunia soul wh would aak utor he has a hopeful spirit who altould look in auob an nnterprlmi to 1 succeaalul tin- la indeed on elnint in human dewltty that not hlludnee itavlf can contro vert wlatver els w are lnlamld to do wtp are not lotanded to succeed fallui is the fate allotted it u ao in every art and study f ll is so above all in lb continent art of living wall here la a pleasant thought for the year end or for lb end of iii i only self deception will ba sauabsd and there need be despair fur the d- palrer too numy people fondly imagine that oue day work la a auro cur for poverty the oil fur the frmsr a bottle dr tiomav bcleotrlc oil in th farm bouse will save many a journey for the doctor it is not only good for the children when taken with cold and croup and for lb mature who- suffer from pains and aches but there dlreo uons for its use on sick cattle thr bould always be a boul of it in the house nouah oh liza thorn was j y in the houa of a family in lb poortiiarler of lon don for tbey had received from th bakers pi of far greater ala than the mean hill pie tbay had sent to be tlul whan jack served ll out hla wife exclaimed i why jack we hav hn married thirty years and thla la the first i line you lie served in first iluah istt replied jack i know the man who owns this pi will he yna i hup th first hi i a chokes the one who eats if so get on with your dinner like a good woman in every human itreaatawa ml with lirvath llaelf an lovatif ihlnge immtitiriil i ik if nature of art of letter llut thin glorious olfl baa too often been trampled out of eight boyond recovery early in life by a prrcocjoue knowledge of thlnga unreal things abnormal tilings unbaautlful rhls kpnwledg may hav its be ginning in liahyhood daya when un if loyw and hldeoualy ugly dot la teach laaaon never forgotten during a hole lirtmr when you gwo child u dolls ich ate uolllwoga and iuncbea crook d men and women you are rob bing the child of hla opportunity lo see th hesnllful in all humanity you wouldnt give tb hby a i legged horse on olirlafinsi i would ynup you don t want the llttl one t the idee that vlrptialite promt nlefiinl are without runk t there no good mani f ir leaching liaby that robin radbreaat hav a flare expression and la perbapi an ugly bird of prey bo u you glv picture books ae thf tb picture in th hooka ar of robin rdbraat a b truly la ooojlc dolla may ba all well enough hut giotii dolle distort young mind a if boy lal have a by doll tliat looks like a good boy a clean boy a ganaroua hoy let rive lh klddlxe a pa ik htah1 home of the llttl people will toon rioiigb heoornw peealmlats or groucbe without your helping lite bad work along by presenting lhm with atro cious impossible repulalre ugly replica of human lialngs in the ebape of doll bable severe cold developed into pneumonia doctor said he would not live next to coownipl ere w deaths from pneumonia th4n from any other lung trsohle there b only one way to prevent poeamook and that la to curabe cold just as soon aa it appears dr wood a norway pine syrup will do this quukly and effectively ur hugh ucleod kaletbssy sat writes my httle boy took s very severe cold end it developed into pneumonia tb doctor said he would not live i got mat of your dr woods norway pine jpyrap and he began to improve right away he ra now a strong healthy chtkl and shows no signs of u comuuj hack do not h talked into buying an olh norway fine syrup but lariat on grttii the original dr wood s it ti put in a yeuow wrapper three pin iicli l trademark price 3s oral a manufactured only by tlc t i ceu limited toronto ont tilt grand trlnk railway passknokr taaisia th inllnvlh la lli ilea at tiub reiarse aon wa- mn 11 itm ha i ff aa k a ljsaa n ll no ml lapa nt sssfkk bus lisj th mulrralgned reaptel lolly oik ha ih paiionaga of th pub lic and lafonb ihcrrt thai uu quipped and bkyuaj all ipped i allaai ai his blocerlty deep genulor hesrlfslt sincerity is a trait of true and noble manhood dubay ohildren ory for fletchers casxori a when a man is puffed tip he is easily blown away a straight hfo la hie siiprlesl dl tance between honesty and honor burdock ulood bitters cukes all skin diseases a y o a troubled with any itching burning irritating skin dbcaae can jilac full rellanoe on burdock blood hitters to effect a cure no matter what other remedies have failed it always budda up the health and strength on the foundation of pure rich liluod sod in consequence the cure it makes are uf permanent and lasting usture mrs richard coutme while head que wi ilea ibevebcen bothered with talt rheum on uty hands for two years and it itches ao i did not know what to do i trie three doctors and even went to montreal to the hospital without getting any relief i wss advised to try burdock blood hitters so i got three bottlea sod before i bad the second used i found a big change now today i am uurdock blood bitters u manufactured only by the t muburn co umlted toronto ont vounuauota pvtnelplea first t when sre undertake to fill your preaoripl ions wo give thorn our undivided attention and best care the patients welfare la our first oon sideratlon second i wo guarantoo our drug to be of full strength aa well as pure and rreeh third i ouj customers are supplied with just what ibeyask for substitut ing 1 nevotallowed faurwb ckutuv compound if you are a sufferer from kidney disease lar complaint blood trouble rbeunaatlam neuralgia or nervous prortisulori we confidently rsoonr- mend tha use of palnes celery oora- pound this reliable and never dis appointing medicine is a true disease beqbuor and system builder we upply l genuine pain celery oompound at brown aoon ont you cunot hplfi ifal world liy hid ing from ll ohildren ory for fletchers o r a fills of attested value parmslees vegetable pills are the result of care ful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs and tha action of such as sedatives and laxatives on the dl gesllv apparatus tha success the compounders have met with attests tha value of their work these pills have been reoogplsad for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can he gat their excellence was reoognlsrd from the first and tbey grow more popular every day castoria for infanta and chilrlrtm n kind yoi hni ahrrn bnm christmas appeal lon tti hospltalhfsick gblldraa dear sir kdltor thanks for yoar kindness tn allowing m the privilege of appealing st this christmas urn on behalf of tha hospital for sick children toronto i make this direct appeal lo the people of ontario for the fathers sod mothers of ontario outside the city ot toronto have precisely the isiue clslna for their kick children aa tegards the privileges or the hoipftsl as parents who reside in thla city in brief the nick cblldrtti irani any plsce in ontario thbru iiarciita cannot afford to ha la on certificate from a municipal officer uf sny clt town village ur toftnshlp treated rue this la s prlvllcgs not granted by any loiults in tho dominion or on this continent let niu in h taw feorta lists that in ths lat so years lilacs 1hui thore haw been 4 731 hattottu from loo idacei outalds of thla ilty ir rated frew iti the parents rs uhuhte to pay for treat msnt iiat year shi pallenta from 134 place onlime toronto were mu treated the lltuiiltal la not s oil hut a innhulul itutltullon the oriiurstloo of turuiilo granta iihuotl uul only for city lhlldrvu hiit limsrdm the nmlnlen snoe of r utlent in in hoipllal kll thu tltlann of luron 0 lotinte an everag of vioiuuu to ih tualulenanoa hind of tlti koanllal it would lake innr hiuit thmi yuu can suire lo tell uf the good ork don for the ales snd deformed children of this prdvluce why lo the orthopedic dspbrttnent in so year nearly 700 children boys and girls have been i mated for club rest snd shout too wars corrected twothirds uf ihrae came from places outside toronto from parents who could not afford to psy surely we have a fair claim for hslp from the pgvulfl of thla provlno every day is christmas lo the child whose little life is saved or whose crippled limb is straightened wllh th might of money jour money and iha mercy of the hospital wl you the reader of this letter think of whit your dollsr will dot it helps to resmrs eesllh and- strength and gives sound limits nrd straight feet 4o- crippled boys and guli you give wealth to the iloipltnl snd hospital glvca health in the jhlldron t s your money can put golden binge on the door of the ilospltsli mercy will you kind reader help ua and kdd a spare dollsr to douftlsa david nmfa icrretso treasurer of th hospital or jmbrmiwrtaon 7aignsa ot tfi trualeel toroirte deere th slgnetnreof ixloo is bittr hut its fruit is aweat itoseeau tby ulns wbue tbey our tb vegetahla compounds uf which irmla vegetabu ttlu are com posed mainly dandelloo and drake elaar the aloma and intestine of dltrtou snsxtar and reator lb daraaged organ to healthful action hence they are th best remedy for indigsetlonavalubl today atrial of them will etbllsh lb truth of this aartkm awd do moratoeonvlnce theau- ingthan anything thatean be written of lhasa pill meaning of the cross a t this cross in red has been adopted in supflvmt canada and all over america as the emblem jtt under which the crusabe against consumption t is carried on m every reader knows of the ravages or this p disease how too often the breadwinnec of the family falls a victim or the young man or young woman with a promise of a happy and useful life is stricken down this modern crusade like the one of old is a winning fight the death rate from consumption in this province shows a decrease of over 25 in the past few years nearly 6000 of these poor sufferers have been cared for in our consumptive homes in muslcoka and near weston today we have 300 patients under treat mentpatients who u they bad the money could not through fear of contagion gain admittance into other hospitals in the muskoka free hospital alone we are now caring for 156 patients 128 of these cannot pay a single cent for the cost of their niaintenance 15 pay 70c per day 1 pays 57c per day 12 pay 50c or less per day our trustees having faith in the generoushearted people of canada have continued to carry on this work during the past year money to pay doctors food nursing and caring of these sick ones is urgently needed will your readers help and have the joy of sharing in a work that has the promise of the masters reward w j gage chairman bxccout cnittee national spad1na av sanmtruaa association toaohto i a comfortable boa meals trains between to oo sua sad 6g p tn careful mfaoitoa gtwee to every order th waala of cos mercf jl traveller a fully mat john w1llihks papjer makers omoaaitowm out hook nkws and golorkd pa1bkb jno hjtaltkklt tin bifui stew 6tmhi a mvhi works caipcb rraun saw issue- designers and bollders of bialoae asans- kvmms uonnmsats markers and head end all kind of artstlcdsstiriwlrt wm hemstreet acknt acton wanted i a live nrpreesaiatlre or aotoit and sorroandlag dhurlct to ssll high class stock for iba fonthujl mubbsaixa mors fruli t 1 ihan wui ba plaahml in sd sprlsg el lots before la tb history of th tall of nji i sad sprlsat cl lots thsd eier before in tb tuv ontario the orchard of tb future will be th best paying part of lbs aim we teach our men salssnranablp tie collar and bow big profits in fruit growing can b made fay weekly permanent employ meet exclusive territory writ for ruuiiculsr stone wellington tpkomto omtash warm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or knitta in horaehide calf or buckskin sheep qr muleakin be certain to specify storeys in no other will you get equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every milt ib tagged storeys insist on storeys w a storey son limited acton consc19ntiovs plumbing heating i is not 5pe myth with us to the contrary we make it the most important actor so it you favor uswith yoar patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smrtfh plumlier quebec st uti na isfejif evebtoh e0en mills tho best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for sale cash for wheat and oats henry hortop nfisintssrm t patents patents nmptjy stsmea sad jlwjarasi a waauea orlwpr rsereiammibi assssatsst ftsta grbtaiaa rkn 1 lairs caperts end belli