wkt tttm jfrn tt i volume xxxvii no 27 kvsrv satiscrtptkmi ram la ld acton ontaltlo thursday mokning januallv i ll mimnivo rk rr hinujlk copies tultjbk ojjnth 9bt utott jfre press victoh umt actlattfceaa dolul rr etrtetty mviih all nb- pmiiimi mwuaubua4 wlu tat usaa r whwk uaejr nave tva 4ld baa sras taa eat to wtuca svara- eub- iwuki a a a- r moapull lias cents par uh far aesrtt wwwmh wtuaoul apealaa hi- lmmmrm u forbid xrdllr tremlut d bmu will beeaa if 4 pm4um mm fa pel or at rserular ftstiit cor contract ajwrt as ha la taa 0taoe by moob est tuee- asmsamta asarnble alk mil gwiinni fitrtttorp ios cray m d c m uccill 1 b holmes m d loud 1 jtt u1vso batbboa ta ttt joaspbs llmpatsl lyslsts ur use vmottt frbs msrdiui usaaorlsl street oeeaslt j muokinhon t3raexttmvtslea oeun ooaetf ft tsso a aotoa tun ujeiftax fes j- m bklol udblbb a- mill sad rratou d d b i u bbhmktt obntibt tj- mid hardy co advkktisimc comtkactou ani news cauiuondtiin y pleat sir- london hc klsnd tosvsa nbiiro iishdham dsaosss oaalfhoaurto- m ismobxjokhhbb lasiiss mimwi l o a black icvmakd auction b k ft f balmn ui walllactoa fif- ul 1- jambs ucdonald ufsrilp auctio hi aumlrn as fsxss el the old and bailable graoitemnailarble dealers jawk i5s irofc fe80ns oir 9 catalogue la designed to olfcr a fan rags lion eslo lb rsage ol our 0oia sod to afford an ida of our prices our lncaa la budo ua lu tmpftvouibuiu acllulea no j ibla tofalher wllh oar xli lively maji eipeaaes mt u in a ptiaiiloo i u prices as low u ara lottivl anjrwhcra lor gooda ol etjual until x potll can wll ij i af y hla calalaxua savage co bstaaltsmbd jm qfielph ontario hqt h now kkrvad beef tea tomato bahloa ooflitw oooo baa boaa osli ptovaa in past ana apn wo cocnraaoc aarvlak ibaaa oa balantay hoaroldwuos twk actom caiv h1u strat waters bros ouelph headquarters rcir o a c sckool supplies vom nature 3tudt botanical etomolooioal drawing paintino 41 wyndham street phomoso hand us your orders for job iprintinc the work 18 thbbest vthe price 1 right is ji utou fxtt ibxg vst ftlmson palntor paer bangar piotiln yr begs to inform the ladies ol aclon and surroundings vipin- ity that he hasbeen appointed agent for three of the largest walt paper iiopscs in can oda 1500 samples to choose from prices right abo that he is prepared to rcpaieallgranite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors gorind furni ture repaired l o 1 1 snip miixstrbpt acton watch this space all the i time bonds ii la utlcrwj f r you l hvary laji jaal ith u- gooi good hight icij iholik skttvicl iftomi r 1i iviuy ixihkiunci will you iloal talit u lor ujuf the bond hardware co linutad allfhl o u7 ouelp1i yhc best in masses at reasonable price a savage ouciph mmttr at run posrtwrtar jtcxxom liyery bus jiki tha ddderalfttted roarpacllully aotklu tba patrooajra ol lha pub he ud informs ibera ibai vtall auialmfetml bvbd iylladbi bin cn alwaya bo aacurad si bis ubua x a comfocubla baa meat a all trains bmvraeq loooin and 6 10 p n carsfnl neaiioo lai lo nary ordar tba was is of coas- narcul travellers fully mat john lnitlirt7uts hopribtom holiday keuy music store 13 bell giaalast of ftll uprigbt 1ianos x3t9 vtctor a gkamohionk ol which evarybody teals proud b edison tha only unt cum lhohogkaiii uow violins a good llt of tnodlom prlcad insliumants you am invlled lo impect our alock of sheet uublc music uookb and musical instruments g w kelly 133 upon- wyndham st goelph ont eeady for tj ivtjovumt wheat cbheal3 nhamad shorts 1wiiolu ckackkp in mkal3 1wiiolu uiu8ieri im tlbal3 hay and salt and u dmlniu 1 j siom r noble n r moore manaar j t winter footwear boots ta shoes wabsva m fpll ilooli of wlnlar lht booth and shoes for meo woman sod children inall lha nawnl shapes also a aplandld uo qf ua wslarproof shoes rubbers oar slock of thesa goods is vary complete tnctamoft rabbejrs wdol fjn4 robber ovarsbom and robber boots lalui supoty your wntsr root w ntsexfs w wxlliams mill street aton jortrrj oni day at a tlhat onuta tlnial tftala all ii cm no tabtar llian lhat is lha lwnlaat fata ami day han lbr limit bowerar itbln tlwtii too aarla add atntcb lltpm lata oneuay a lima i wholeaonta tthytua r a rood one to live by ada jroodo day at a tin kaery itaart that kmmeonly 1m wall li iom i can aeatn hut u a never today wbioli tba spirit break ll darkaned future without a kleatn one day at a tltual its a w ht iloaoma rbyttta a bihki one to lie by a day at a i into day at a timet a burden too ureal liittaborna for two can be borne for one i who knows wrhal may enter tomor rows gate f ilia yet one day at a llua i its a wboleeooitr lltyttta a rood one lo live by i a day at a tlinfi one day at a lintel when j y is at betfbt buch jy aa lit baart can never for- bet and pdsae are throbbing kh wild dallhbt how bard to remember that aunt must eat i one day at a lime i ils a w rhyme a rood on in ilea by j a day at a lime ooa day at llnia but a alaajle d-j- whaurer its load altaurtr iu length and tharee a bit of precious hcrlptura lossy thai according to each kdtall be our mtrenptb onaday at a llmel it a wlhilesntpe rbyme a good ona in he by t a day at a time helen hunt jackson select jnanut kmwdjj isnl it a ahatne about mr la sour herbert bad haan off tba train flea minutes olam was waiting for blot at the station and the two boy bad graetail asch other nonchalantly as if the months of separation bad meant nothing to either though uodarneath the elaborate indifference of i heir manner aomelhlng was evident which in girls of tba same age would bav found vent in k and tears clem relieved hi feeling by carrying her berts grip and calling hltn mom when ha protested tba balidosan inevitable riueeuonb had bean ex changed how is everybody f has it been hot bore t etc etc then lha bomb exploded isnt it a sham about mr parkinson t what about blmr herbert de manded glancing up quickly mr iarklnaon was principal of tba blgb- school in he town sod also superln lendant of schoolx both boys bad graduated under him and both were coiqlng to m fuller realisation jeer by year bow much tbay owed to this whose aim for his student went be yond scholarship and ooaiprabended character havent you beard r exclaimed clem surprised tbre hasnt been much else talked of in this own for a week mr parkinson is going to lose his place h whaatl herbert gasp showed incredulity ha had frequently to himself that some day lb town would lose mr parkinson lhat tb man on abilities and consdantloua- noa demanded a larger held but this wan not olenv wy of putting it lose his place that was different it all ootuea of tba new mayor clem continued wralbfully ii hasnt the intellect toapfsreeute wha mr parkinson hadaam for the schools bere and be a cheap politician into the bargain he wants tba plmoe fore friend and i be school board are nnder bl thumb and are going to do a he ays hut its an outrage herbert pro tested and what is more the people know it wb tbu town 1 full of mr pi4naonarfriendr sou of hb gradu a the leading roen a wuinen hem i astjijrbo3ly wko knowaaoylblng about it yea youre right as far a that hi concerned olam lone wu gli but whajdlfferencedoe it make a long aa the people donl gel any eay whit eliaaoe have you and i for in stance to protest p nest election ibaroll probably be a new mayor but hulls tbree year ij and the mischief will be done by that time herbert bad stopped abort ill blue eyeswora aflame bh senaltlv lip set in a straight decided line llook berr- ohmi ne emclalmedv im here for a vacation and id con sider me fun planned out a you know for youre in pretty near all of it what do you say to letting all that go and miulng in our fjma trying lo atop ibla thing yll clreqlat a petition and give the paord a chance to be beard well make tbe polltl olans afraid to put bis thing through oleui did nut heelute ii lor an in stant m thoughts turned regretfully toward the projected oemplng pedl- rjnoadd itbn dxerloo notflsag tn his iiiabuer betrayed t isuwjth yuit bit exclalmej abdvthi twojbook bands ttie wmr was on herbert dean was a wldqawak ywang wlirw wlo tmaigbs to khv undertaking in which ha wse interest ed a tremendous fund of enthusiasm ind energy tliat very evening an formal uteatlng was itcld si his fathers- botnr or soote of the leading graduate of i be town highschool wuo knew by personal axperl rt iiin little lite community could alftrd to lose ib services of a man like mr irklnson preparation wrre made for tbe speedy preparation of a big petition and lb town was districted each of th e present being assigned a specified i rilory ideas more or lees practical lt h aiiggastlng tbeiuselves aa theaul cl wahdisc and those which promised result wrre enthus iastically adopted while lha otlter ecaslawlde though herbert wu one of tbe younger set be was un animously elected eommandrrln chief of the campaign and be accepted without protest the editor of tl dally paper was visited and after reflection agreed to publish each day a haircolumn article from prominent men in the commun ity emphasising the vajua of mr parkinsons service to lb town the aforesaid prominent man to whom this situation wu r plained readily agreed lo contribute such article the petition was being circulated and signature were piling up herbert worked all day and late into tbe even ing and if his vacation was not prov log restful it at least could not be called uninteresting tbsn a most uneipactad obstacle rose he came in rather late one jghl tired but eiithuslasup to find mhiie one waiting to see him mr rray kaa been her sine eight dock brt his mother said glanc ing at the cloeb it is half past tan w herbert apologised laughingly these are busy days mr murray be rxclalmed and instantly became wi of a peculiar constraint in the msmnrrofbls old friend mrs len slipped out of tbe loom and left tbe two alalia mr murray crossed bis feet ami cleared his throat you poke of llng busy you ar refer ring to certainly rrrtalnly the petition was presented in today and i gtadly signed it at ibe same lime bart etkitded mr murray pulling bis handkerchief from his pocket and polishing bis bald head nervously at thesame tint v regret that you are taking so active a psrt in lb matter the young man stared lint if people who are interested are mtuasd with lukewarm rorlbodav just a moment i am referring to your ease peel lea i if has it not occurred to you that your position is a rather delicate oner herberts pusxted silence answered tbl question in the negstlve you are in tbe employ of wee and com pany mr murray continued pub lishers of school book i belle re one of your books was introduced into the schools here only last year why yes our new algebra its mad a tremendous suoceas that book it pretty generally admitted that for beginners its ibe best tblng lhat has appeared mr murray ignored the young man outburst it is being stated generally that mr parkinson gava your firm that order on condition of just such support front you as be is now receiv ing i have heard from several eouroea that you are bere at the ex penae of luos and company and lhat in sase mr parkinson is retained a number of yonr firm publications will be introduced into the schools next year well of all absurd stories i angry a he was bert was able to laugh itloe and company bave a much a the emperor of china to do with toy action and nd more i came home for my vacation and went into thl be cause im devoted to mr parkinson and because i believe bl removal would be a public calamity im glad to bear you say so as a matter of fact mr murray seemed decidedly relieved of course your staumsot settle lb question a far ae im concerned but th general public my dear boy may look at ibe matter in another llgh you are young bert and perbsps you do not realise how carefully a reputation needs to be ssfegoardjd while you are not accused of anything illegal it is sharp practice lo sy the least the people who are interested in you are made uncomfortable when such report are circulated i hope you will see your way to dropping out of te lime light in this matter sign the petition of course and use your influence with a few of your intimates who will not misunderstand your attitude but dont appear pubjfcly a mr parkin- son champion you cant afford to yphbgjb3tpur oworaptiullnn lo think ofi if it had seemed a utile difficult for mr murray to get started it was equally bard fur biro to stop he talk ed oa ror so hour dwelling on the re parts be bad heard and emphasising the obligation reeling on every youth of protecting hi reputation when at last be rose lo go be said good night to a erydejected young man tred as he was berbertj found it impossible to g lo sleep theprepos- tecoua story that mr murray bad ray- pealed cut to the quick he fancied that perhaps some of the iueif he bad seen that day and bad urged to sign the petition hatt smiled contemp tuously after he bad left them setting down all hudlnplsy of enthusiasm a a clever counterfeit due solely fe self interest tfae young man was very ensltlvr valuing highly tbe good opinion of his little wwtd- iirftlt a sodden dltusls for tba work lis- had been doing it seemed to hltn almost impossible lo start out on the cam- lmrtht wpftiuitnutt atwt interest fa had brought to it hitherto btt on the other band bl with drawal was likely to have serigus re- tulls ibs sudden cooling oft would oottalnly awaken the sukpwon that lie bsumrwrttbeurnge bis mind thern is a conlsglon of apathy as wall as of enthusiasm pur him to stand teck now ntight mean b- failure of tbe cause for which he bad been wock- all at once ha reached a aecislon 111 doubts end vaselllatlon were at an end hi in ind was made up to slay when a fellows working for what is right be cant afford oj called off to look after hi reputalion it a good thing to have people think well of you hot you cant eacrtltc too h for that he turned on bis pil low and in two mlnula br wa asleep at the esl meeting of tbe school board a petition was presenled which is wss i ib poss to ignore the people of th town were not humbly craving a favor the retention of their school superintendent they were demanding their rights tbe govern ing body the people spoke to it ser vant in accent of authority tb list of name stood fur the intalllganoe- tba morality the prog i salvages and prosperity of the town tbe school board had been in a measure prepared for it member bad been buttonhol ed by indiguant wot era who warned them that tbe encroachment of pou- ucs on tb school ays tern ws some thing which tbe public would not stand in view of lb prevalent excitment gentlemen said tbe president of tbe board speaking in a low voice a if apprehnsve that some one might be listening would it not be as welt td postpone tbe action in regard to change of superintendent f in six month be a hopefuy public will b interssted in socoexblng else and wo absll be at liberty to act as we see fit ills fellow meuibsre agreed with him a far a tba advisability of postpon ing tbe removal of mr parkinson though some were i optimistic than he of the future success of their plan tlloee a pprebeo si ons were justified there never cam a time during tbelr term of office when they could with safety make tbe public school the mean of paying political debta their places are bow filled by men who look upon tbelr post as one of grave responsibilities and put the in terest of the rising generation before everything else herbert bean i older than be wae when be led tbe ca lhat meant so much to his native town but tbe year bave only strengthened tb con clusion it reached in tb thick of that memorable fight that if a young man give himself unreservedly and con scientiously to doing the right be can aafsly lea bis reputation to tb car of a power greater than himself mot ma eorap pit a blacksmith about eight years after he had givsn hi heart to cod was approached by an intelligent on believ er with the qnestion i wby is it you bave so much trouble 1 i bave been watching you since you joined the church and began to walk square and rm to love everybody you bave had twice a many trial and acetdeubi as you had before i thought that when a man gave bl heart to ood hi trouble were over isnt that what the parson tells us- with a thoughtful but glowing lace the blacksmith replied do you see tbl piece of iron it is for the springs of n carriage i bave been tempering it for tb do this i heat it red bot and then plunge it into a tub of loecold water this i do many uma if i find it taking temper i beat and hammer it unmercifully in gel ting the right piece nf iron i found several that too brittle so i threw them over in tbe scrappile those scrap ere worth about a cent a pound thl car riage spring is very valuable ii pa and his listener nodded tbe blac coo tinned ood sere us for sornetblug more than to have a good time thats the way i see it we have the good urn alright for codf tmlfo meaoi heaven but he wants us for service just a i want this piece of iron kver since i saw this i have been saying to blm t test me in any way you choose lord but dont throw u in the scrap-pile- sabbath heading throuoh lir with a bkjmo our moment of gloom are largely tbe creation of our own imagination- it is true we all bave times of depres sion but there is no reason wby any man shook go mourning through this fair world ir there u gloom within onr hearts it is because we are so far from him who glvelh songs in tbe night the fact t we h opposition if i wyou i not a cause for dejection poor miser able weakling would we be if every thing in ufa were to flow on as smooth ly as a summer see trials have their use clear lha atmosphere and so the tempests that beat about our soul help to strengthen thern wby need anyone fear who trust in godr all this outward oominotion does not affect him i have seen a shadow pass over the meadow caused by a cloud coming between it and tba sun but tbe meadow was not changed nor did it lose anything by the aloud 1 let every man of elouasdpnta look up and beer what ood baa tossy tbe lord of all tbe earth will oertalnly do right suppose be does take your property is not the entire un- reblp suppose be does take yooi health or friends la he uotabl to compensate you p lie la doing every tblng o make your life a happy one and you should go through the yearn with song on your up what we ej it la not what we make but what we spend that determine the slse of our oank account at the end of the lying to la practical tw tmtty ysttaj aoo tnawdnjr jss 7ua tjsos lome school has now a f sirly good toned bell mr alex lasby was tba trust elected to lorn school board o- cls mutation runderlsnd villa mr htory beau tlful residence narrowly escaped sari injury on hunday morn log from reason lbs boiler waa found to be without water and a atrong ore going th lira was at one drawn bot it was seen that lb flue wrs bedly burned it took eltoul tw-nly- four hours for repairs and aa the weather wa very inclement and no lire but in tbe grates lb situation wa serious mr robert holme editor of live clinton new kra preached in lb methodist ohurch at both services on sunday ii i a good preacher knox cfaorcb sunday hcbool nler tainmanl in the town hall was vrf interesting and soccessful a large number of choruses were given by the school and a duett by mi se a not llynds and jennie smith there were tan redtatione a christmas pray er klala 0alttner j a little oirie trouble may prentice j jesus love me maud ryder tbe i j til mouse jennie cameron the five peaches nettle cobban i if i were a bo may hyder the tele phone flora murray i a little bird tells jennie smith tbe blocking for somebody else nellie holme and the ship on klre in concert mabel iu clara cobban nellie low- ry and hay prentice bl krls and three boys gave a dialogue in concert christianity in history or skepticism convinced miss wet herald elocu tionist toronto gave a large number of reading school attendance aver age 121 j total collections aiia17 au to mission tbe church pay tbe run ning expenses of tbe school rev j w rae presided and rev it il cook offered prayer in ibe municipal election the larg est vote ever given at any municipal lection her was polled resulting lo the election of john harvey alex secord a o beardmore and j b peareon dr lowry had been elected by acclamation for school tr robt holme oeorrre hyndaaad rev o r cooke these with t ii hard ing james mclim and robt wallace will constitute the board mr henry smith and ml mary visiting at owen sound mr arthur lslng leave this week to take a term in the military school toroolo mr james wilson who has been pending the holidays with hi family returned to hi dull at stroke bay on monday mrs p thurston spent several days this week with friends at auburn uokn aonkw- in acton on new year bay to mr and mrs john agnew on meo htwou- in nassagaweya c december soth to mr and mrs bui can mcgregor a son matuuicn bkxstobbty at tbe manse c january sth fay rev j w lue mr james bell cleveland ohio to jennie daughter of jama storey nasssga muiirryutcgahuueat tb resid ence of mr kdward cleave brio on december aoth by rev john hart roekwoodvjohn mclntyw to rmma jane oamble all of krin ntcituk dtmioity in georgetown on new years eve by rev p m bu chanan warner nleklln sou of mr kdward nleklln to mi badle daugh tar of robert buxbury of manltoulln island dikit stoby in acton on january t tbe infant daughter of mr thomaa storey aged s year hulks tpr maximo bunbuima when you ilse in tbe morning form a resolution to maka jdbe day a happy one to a fellow creature it is easily done i a left off garment to a man who needs it a kind word lo tbe sorrowful an encouraging y to tbe striving trluna in tbaoimlvee light air will do it at least for twenty four hours you send one person only one happy through tbe day that la three hundred and sixty five daring the course ol tbe yeart and suppose yon live only forty years after you com mence thai practice you have made fourteen thousand six hundred human being happy at all events roc a time now is not this simple it is too short for a serin in too homely for ethic too easily sooompllshed or you to eay idofurtiinltti there nkyer was and never will be universal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to which flesh is heir what would relieve on iii in turn would aggravate tbe others we have bow- ever in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state recnady for many and grievous ii by lie gradual and judicious use the frailest systems are led into convales cence and strength by tbo inhuenoe which quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieve those ta whom eohronlo state of morblr despondency and lack of interest in life le a dease and by tranqulllalng the nenres dispose to wound and refreahlng sleep imparts vigor to um action of ih blood which being umuuted courses through the vein tretagtheouig the healthy anuaal function of the eystem uereby making activity a necessary result strengthening t fram and givina llfefto tbe digestive orgaaa which blmo a bomo or wlfhkby slng a song of w la key a pocket without a pence rirse tnafa si way a amply bead that baa no sqn- pourand twenty jail bi ro under look and key urse tbe drink that ctwt tin mi tlwbbhhrigbtnfthe free when their cells are opunud drinking more and iuiidi a drunkard life behind blm a drinkers life before tt brewer in hi uiuiitl i counting out his money tbe barman in it is psrlmir i eating other honey while starving little childtoo and women lean and ptr in rags and broken baerted i teg from door to door king a song nf whiskey bound it all the time i tb horrid eong of whiskey horrow sin bind crime opportunity is the fmtt xprtss whining into the station and stopping long enough for jhosfl who am ready to get aboard but i be loaft r on the station pisiform sees train her train pull in end pull out sgaln without getting any nearer taking a journey th opportunity for a waiting pascen ger i not an opportunity for him know where you want to go get your ticket be ready to start when th uma corns opportunity runs on no used schedule it is due to srrlvn at almost any time be ready hbj msbntula a boy hi wan face pinched with hunger wa gtvn a blckol try a char table woman and at once made a lioti hoe for a bsk eshop hu emerged half a mrautta latrr with one sntsll frosted cake which he quickly dupos ed of after which he looked hungrier than ever and no wonder lha nickel invested in a sandwich or a bowl nf soup would have helped to supply a reed need sometimes you see a girl going to her work on a rainy uornlng with an elaborate lace collar and no rubbers many a working girl chooses a new dress in preference to the boy with ibe frosted cake is not an axoepllon thousands on thous ands of young people are giving to ilia nonessentials t he attention they should bestow oo the fundamentals recrea tion is important but recreation ex aggerated into the prime object of life become a monstrosity tim boy who picks out his college by thai prowess of its football team is a good example of tbe sort of tblng we are seeing wvrf day there are some things that are essential ulve them your attention put tbem first and let other matter take tbelr chance dont try to satis fy tbe craving of hunger with a frost- ooltuasa lo artemus wsrd wss once tusking a railroad journey dreading to be bored and feeling miserable when a mail ap proached blm sat down and said j dm you bear ute last blag on hor aoeoreelyr tiraalyr oreely r said arurmu horace oreely who is be p tb man waa quiet about ii vo tujn out pretty moon he said 1 ccurge vrancls train i kicking up a good deal of a row over in uogland do you think ibey will put hint in a ha uir train train george francis train said artemus souitnury i never beard of him thulgnormnco kept the man quot for about ofteeo minutes then be said what do you think about gen eral grants chance for tbe proaid- encyp do you think they will run himr qrantp grant p bang it man aid ar you appear to know more stranger than any man i over saw the man was furious lie walked up the car but at last came back and aid i you confounded lgnoramoiisl did you ever hear of adam r artemus looked up and said what wss his other name selected hnttti iron tn iiomb clothes lines should he brought- in doors when the clothe are dry dry tbem and put away till required again a mirror should never imi hung where tbe direct rays of tlio ami can come to it or the glass will noon ihi potted clean window a with iiwmmntr lightly moistened with methylated spirits and you will be surprised with titrcaull ums7 isaui awiuuui auw st raw jma u tb triuvt i iiajj-jrauj- lunand intafjasss lesult improved appsajte norur rop k lyman of iwontu bnva gtvec to the pabllo tbelr mpatrto tttnlolne by the opinion of scientists th wine epptouee nearest parrfrmuan of any on ihfl marker a0 ttgguam mu l before washlnn flannels shako thetu well to get rid br any dust that tyuy be in tbem hltake again imforo havig ing out to dry a nourishing dish may be made from cooked meat by stowing it vry lowly in good gravy for an hour or an hour and a hair when gtrese- 1 spilled on tlio floor pour cold water oa it at oncuj tbo water will harden it so that it cu be easily scraped off with a knle coal ash la a fine polisher for tbu bright parts of tba range djpawcl rag into tbe lino ash and rub well and aflne polish will be- the result laos curtain should soak for two hour before waamnftnjdawaafir ij which a litje borax has beau sddtd tbay are much easier to wash after and it rid them of mio smell of amok aculonlon will absorb all liiipuil- tie therefore if you want a small ineee cut one end off aud put thu vtid downward on a plain or saiiocf- kt that notuagcan touch it v pencil mark on a whlln door tbe are bomeuraos dlfllcult to mud i eatorrom talnt tiy rubbing with india rubber if that fall- rub wljth a flannel nuuned with itn-pvii- ppipippl jiaiautulj lel a j alanbtssbkkli rvawiiraa