Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1912, p. 1

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voijumk xxxvii no 2h kry kbri1llon lald la ad acton ontahio tiidithday mollnino jamuary ii j91 balwilplkn riht ft 8be acton y 3ress kvjuir tuuilhdat alollnlmu sum i aotom uny tamaw m aaaalam oiw collar paa- marvatricur m itfttuw all aob- erlfruona dteoontluuod whan lt llaae i4t whlvb ttiay uv bnan paid baa a atras th ante to which evarv ub- erlpuec i 1i1 1 deauieal on lb ad mlwimul 1 mau par mouitnroll una lor orat martian cattla par una for mhh butieequant neartloa advertise nwnf wltnbut epeelao dl pmumu wu1 be ibkcm till forbid aa eaknrgnd aooovdlaaly tmnaiant ad vert u sea ant niul be paid in advene eartlsaaaante will ba ebaasmd one mh asonln it oealrad kvr cbucm aaftsamr tan above biamloued ut ova- far at regular its payable itbljr gh onto m stat btraar ion km c c where maaara u and x hardy oowlll raoalva far am nana lnwnllllliiiia and ad h i man la and warn ear reader nn tree ox oh a sea ar paper whan in bntudd h p moohjb bdltor and pr i rmiur rjw aasituu fiiratarp ios cray u i cm mcclil x1blof oaa- ibslv r sb ouhii ihrumimiui aasmjiaviom mto 1 b holmes u d lnod jf m 1 s o ia be bargaon la st jha lloapllaj baas obiaf iiitiii rfaralalan to lha victoria hoaalul haiaaoa to tba mara hawrmuy lluanllel london fobm m hacoysf ald v dou iaua prop and hapt msaaey hoanltaj fnwm and uanaral norgarr 3 hmkinnom tmdrma convtr ohiim urn atraai in biorl illoali j mohabb njaavvaanth dlriale taw cnmuhrimi firaan ulawmllaaaa i jlonaytou jo it j m bblxi udhldh dunn a miaaoa odtmc mill and vradatlak r b s hakdip l d s jlr dbbtibt rtrnl elan daouatry in all ita brancua fmaoauda uuhltii rll brhnkttdbftibt omuiu hook nomnarow ttjlamp ujlrdvovco abyutlim contactos ad naya cdbkuroadkntv jo ftooi st loodoa b c kagund to fraaofabana a advlaa paua a vua of inta fanar oaa b nuujsoib muhab bookbuidkb wananani tt flna oalarlo wjnarit- ot ay btota inn 1 bwki ntaiiklaja nrtslwtt r ralieaaaal 1 nvonpuv ooaa m abblagh l10bhbbb h t- mooaul itfuuhmlt intnbal bmad j a black llckmtad auctiommit m in oaanuaa of ballon and walunftoa aataao k jtaloa oa- raaa pnaaa omoa vvtm hbmbtrhkt gtlaiwiaaln artnn will bvfewpu aandamtn sanaa mo tifaanaaf tablowaat ralaa ol lnlaai in hnataf aamand npwaada r ettftrvhabbta an is dataa andadvar- h aka unuuiuau aa 10 dataa andadvar- aaintbajlrda ulta famn run nahaswttotw j qdrtoal ualwaw uakar anaawtwol naatv intaadlald atlnun ttngsh aunato ua l vlw an wniiy vanm fdbw vaubs mcdonald v jllcsmaxo auotlonaka qhlt j2lttm 8 oulmi the ola and bailable granite and warble dealers n ad dlraet intwrtan anwaaanannwhf aaa ajya amlomata la moak of oranlu la tba utaa nay ikraa daaiati la hamilton son amm iwrtwan aoowii oir 97 catalogue demlgcmxl in nflor a faw ahf lion aa in tha ranjro il our imkla ami p afl ml an i lea of our price our incraa a in bualoeaa enelu ua lo improva our buying facltlltaa an tltla tpcalbar wllli oar rala lively null aapaoaaa puis ua in a poalll n tojuoto prices as low aa am cuniul any a ik re tnf gtxxla ol eual ijualli a xmal l will i i y u lh calalukuo savage co establisttcd u4m quclph ontario waryvwwofnwtamamft hot n now hkiivui tha aicallenw of nur hoi i drlaka loctodlnc beef tea torato bullion j coffee ooooovoto haa boon nail provaa la paal aaa aona w contmanco aarving iheao on saturday hejroidwues tmk actom cava waters bros quelph headquarters tor o a c ahp school supplies mature study botanical rtomolooioal drawing painting 41 wyndham sired phoiwuo letters on poorly printed stationery 60 into the a maaajr looauia lallar bfa arlna alien uao and pula lha raelplanl lnlo a plaaaanl irama ol and for lha ullar unlirnaala w print that kind of lailunrv w ar ready lo print vourj be utoir jtte 3itss paper makers oaoaomto try out f hook n1cw8 ani coljonnn ialltiw jko nbaulieu t5t gimson fmlnuir ppr baw piotpra fnunr bto bega to inform the ladies ol acton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appbinted agent for three qfjhe largest wall paper houses in ch- ada 100 samples to choose irom prices righu also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum enameled ware knives and seiamground furni- tre siiof musrnspt acton 11 a xolo weather sporting goods snowahoea toboggans 8kl blaldha hoba skatu hookay qoodv anklo bupporta our prioeb are rioiit the bond hardware co umlud rmaii phooa 07 auexrn the best in glasses at reasonable price a d savage oucipu ukmr at ma posmincu rcton xjx at eh jl bus likie the udderalgnot reapecllully tollalla lha patronage of i ho puli lie and toforma ibom that vfrnil labia a comfortable bus meal a all traltu between 1000 m and 6 0 p m careful attention ivan lo every order tbe want of com nterclil travallera fully mat john lnirli77uts holiday siuggestiois kellys music store rsfye bell realwl of h uulght pianos xsfie victor a ckauoihone of which nvorylwdy le proud xsa edison tha only fitmi clu ihonograi ii ol i violins a good una of medium prlcad liulrunienia you are invited lo inapccl our atuclc of sheut mubic music dookb dl musical instrumlintb g w kelly 13p uppar wyndham st guelph ont ready for u ilioull t rij cekeaui hi an id shouts 1wiiolu chackhd in mkais oats wholu i ckushuo in ueais hay and salt kaa all omlrabl food eluhi r noble n t moore manager winter footwear boots kl shoes we have a full ilock of winter weight boot and shoee of men women and chlldreo in all be naweat ahapea ateo a plandld line of man a walerproof shoe rubbers oqr block 4iftbem including babban pyaraboea and rubber bootp lt ua supply your whtei footwear tfda w wjtiuiams mill street actocr floeirn am old times tuknilmttt n lnra1 anil woodland breaka no jar ring aountl l mar thr wrfpct alulnrtee of the day t iheteryetin that ahtda lie radiance round a klluttt imtitedlrll in mrnii to mmf whrie yealerday the atunly ran per preaaad awartby way tbrouglt yellow dtpthaor wbaat tlio kracerulehtiavaa in golden ripe ilivlehed the while by toilful feel how calm tin day and aac redly a r what gracloua lutpreaa etantpe it on the aoiil 1 i low ihrougb hie cbangoful yea la that intervene ilehalf wad memoriae uui the life i all 1 appy lliny wb kticlitrue hb- uttbi know a i bleat the unil where audi true hat bathe reign i a 1 mil they bring no wealth can ear iwatow loured imvy can trenth 1 attain imilllp 11 smk audkn oloaed the door aohly lelilnd bin reeling llko a truant lie drew a deep breath of relief aa he croeaed wide porcli and tleaoendexl tlis utapa at the end of tbe floata were oanoee anil row boat watden lifted one of ibem over the aide eelaed a paddle and embarked a dosen atrokee placed him nut of eight of the landing ami all elae he lifted the dripping paddle and laid itaalde then be fill exl and lighted lu pipe and elbowa on lu kneen el a ml atieed into the peat i y mlt wardon 4 preaenci at a country inmao party meant jollity and high carnival and with hie arrival at ulroh drove a now regime had hvgun he will lmttrtlkatin ae a ihivlaeiir nintlumle of entertain men he played thti role 1 f boffinin ae faw oould play it and alwaye without leaeenltig a whit th liking and r ipeol in which ha wax held anil if eometluina hie heart aohed when the meiriment waa loud eul few if atty overgueeaetl lr lfu reallaed uneaaily that the feeling ordugiiit whloh fllletl 111 m thla morn ing waa not new 1 during the laat elz uonthe he hail experienced it fre ttnntly hn waa thirty one yaare of ago and hn wondered blankly what ufa would bo llko ten year from now elnoe already the aavor waa gone i intend you to in m ginllrman stophen hla father had often aald to him the warden have been that nlwatye anil you wilt not need to dirty your band n wlih trade nor aoll your honor in a petty fogging profeealon therr will 1m money annugh spend it like agnatic man aave acme if you can hut dont hoard it when the time ooinee marry a good woman and make yooreelf a home llaveohudren and teach thoni above all jjiat a warden le a gentleman and that a gentleman le uod a greatest work he obeyed hi tallior in all i hinge aave one he had never manled he had loved one woman eupreiuely and even in that hail followed the example of hie forbenra anil loal her in eplle of all hie money that had been two ycara ago until that kiltie he had ttevav dimtbunjuuie efocaayof wealtu it had alwaya performed every miracle or hla aaklng lut it had failed to aeoitre kdllh lovell ul pipe went out with a aoft tuoutr elaxllng aound mechanically be fllled it again and rellghlud it when be went on with the train of thought he lhonnaonuy upok aloud what a the tie of it all r he mut tared i ra no uae in the world 1 if i tiull llil moment not a living aoul wouldoara yea they would though mck at i bo itmlge there theyd diim me lr a day jove but t hinge are dull elnce blevu warden left i theyd aay lhat would be a good epitaph tor me 1 in gvtllng to be a eort of a clown a mountebank i there waa alienee a moment ii looked about him info the atlll gray vapor why not throw down lha card nowf in aald nomy out bere in the allenou and tnktp why not go 11 donuynd- eaally and like a gentleman im ink or it he was bllent again look ing wpnderlngly into the amooth clear water there waa never but on iblng i really wanted in my lire he aald presently in tone or eelfplty i wanted udlth i i want bar yet it eeifia bat when a fellow wanta juat thing he might have it other fellowa have eo much proreealona honor all klndaofgood thing while i he broko olf arid abook hla ahoul dre 1 don whine like a kid he jd utter ed dlagntungly hvhnaa fault waa u but your owtip she wanted a man you fool and yet yet i loved herao much it might have made tipuat a little i think i could do thing too with her to help me but i auppoee a loan e a coward who hat to have a woman behind hlitii yea tuace lt onward lie looked nouderlngly down at the thadowleae atirfaoe am i ton nmdh of a onward oven rorforthur a ml mite paiia he ratd hie head again with a tiilrtbleaa laugh of jjirt vb noeu rrtrer ktfbvfi foraure aocidant la an eaay in a canoe yea an accident ha algbud aa one who bad made up hla mind and thereby found peace aa hn looked about lilm into the blank base reality faded it aeemrd that be waa no longer of the world but w nlone in noma dlaa gray place of aloud and alienee tlie placid watrr aided in the delualoni the canoe hung fn etheral apace at drat warden real laed that it waa a delualon but it pleased him and he welcomed it t be waa a spirit fret wild untroubled afloat n peaceful aollln le a dreamer in a world of dreauoa into the dream crept music at tint it was apart of the dream he smiled aa tb sounds grew nearer for they renolved ibeuiselvee luto a bong ig softly in a clear sweat voice and both eong and volcn were known to 1 of old that aha would come to him singing the aong he loved was ily natural i audi beautiful tiling hapiened in the world of dreams nearer and nearer came tbe voice he raised his head and waited from what direction be could not tell 1 the aong aeenied all about hlra dear where thou goeet i too will go hotrow thou knownat i too will know wide a the world is deep ae tbe aaa wider and deeper la my love for thee deep ae the nee there waa more than rattelo in the womans voice there waa pain and i lining and old memoriae and war den a heart grew troubled memnrlee wded about hltn again came the ear eel voice aoft and low from out i ho alienee 1 hear where thou h ideal i too will hide 1 where hiou abueat love will abide firm as the mountain deep aa hie sea i irmer and deeper is my love for thee deep aa the sea a shadowy form took substance t there came the gentle drip of a lifted pad lie 1 a canoe floated out of tbe gray old first tbe high lifted bow then i be sloping widening aldee- gently slowly wardon held hla breath mossed ajmoet frightened an strangely so myateriouely did the little craft f fhlon itself out or the mist and lake form before him hie heart beat alckeolngly dreading tn find that after all it waa but a phantom a frag nienf of the dream in the stern of the canoe sat a girl a blue cape hung from her shoulder and the fold atlrred aa aha dipped the paddle to avoid collision a white tamo ahaulera glisten with drops of mist full over her aoft brown hair and liene th wide gray eyee stared atari led ectoea the lessening space the mhlle reeled motionless upon tbe water the two canoee touched with a friendly rasping aouild tha gray wor 1 of mist waa very silent for a space then hjilbl he cried aoft ly wonder and j iy struggling for mastery the girl e hands fell from the paddle and clapafd themselves at her braaat the varied llpe closed in a smile kditbt he aald again and this lime only a great joy spoke in the word the canoee swung softly and slowly together aide by aide stephen aald the girl with a little laugh that failed to hide tbe tremor in her voice la it really you here t i don t understand 1 nor do i be answered i don t want to perhape lr i understood id find it nnly a dream like the reet will you let im touch your band please i think lhan i could be eure hbe laughed aoltly and stretched a bare uiolat band aeraea lo til 10 lis touched it bald it for an instant and sighed happily yea he murmuted it la really you htllth-kdlth- i where bave you come from haw does it bappan you re here f no never mind dont tell me i you are here 4 hats enough ills eye devoured her from the dripping faaaal nf liar linuyiiantw to tbe up of her damp ehoea aa though he feared the eight of ber would be denied him the next loataot the color crept across ber cheeks and ber eyee dropped to the clasped hands qn bar lap but her llpe smiled tremulously we got hack from huftipe a fort night ago and cam upbareyeaterday father wanted aoine fishing it eeetna eo good to be back stephen that thla morning i bad elmply to come out here on tbe water and look at isnt my hair awful my skirt la soaking too ob but what doea that matter rverythlnga bo beautiful and different he waa watching her every move ment greedily almost enviously the world of drearna had not quite relln qulshed him and doubts still crowded hla throbbing head and he good to gat hack to your own paoplav htepbcn she went i hong i fh they they are different too and i like the difference she added with a whimsical smile do you some tl m re 1 re had to oonjiire ymi up before me stephen just toto aave my faith 11 your sex mel he cried increduously yea you ahe answered iia done bio good to remember that across the ocean there waa a tuan who who waa houeat and brave and oouregeoue you thought of me murmured warden in awed tone than after a moment of alienee ed 111 ba asked did you really do that i mean did you really retneoi ber me over there 1 but yew she a wen ted why ahouldnt i haa stephen weren t we very good friends p bub lo think or me that way 1 he marvelled the blood rushed lnlo her cbealti and ahe threw a band impulsively totvud him stephen i ebe cried i know vhat yon are thinking of shease forget it i wjuit to take it alt back pleaee i dldn t understand ive aeon men since then sttipfien andi know idw wliak i tusk knvw ufn 1 w hikoiib copies tjikhjfl cjjcjnj that n itawn who haa oouragar and honor who la kind and gnneroa to other that no man ilk that hlaphen la wasting hla itte thank yon kdlth be answered but what have i dona with myself i em thirtyone now kdlth and nam in my life have i earned a dollar not one thing have i done that i can feel a little proud of- j huab please aha interrupted how about horace kent t kenir beaked yaw i met him in dresden laat winter and be told ma about you and what you had dona for bins he couldn t have answered war den hut dbn t try to make a virtu of that kdlth it waa only what one poor devil would do for another i had money time notlltng to occupy he was down and out doubt leee he thought lhad done more for him than i had and ha told me other lovely thing abdut you stephen the girl want on a aoft light in her eyes don t kdlth be begged they were only the every day things that one man would du for another tell me he aald after a abort si i ence bow did kent happen lo talk no much nonsense to you f we became rather good friend laat winter ah ana wared he aaked to marry him stephen ab r n dropped hla eyea for an instant to the small hand which reeled upon the edge of hla canoe he did not ere what he feared and you you are not married to him kdlth f no stephen ahe said why were you glad to eee me awhile ago oled he cried glad why he echoed you know why dear i don t want lo bo i her you any more kdlth only only there e no harm in telling ynu 1 there that i haven t changed that i never shall that el wave and always it will be you dear i you you don t mind my saying that f no she answered with a little catch in her voice i do not mind stephen i i in glad 0 lad t ha whispered what do you mean kdllh don t i mean this she went on rapidly her hands clasping nod unclasping on the edge of the canoe i came back here home here to beg someone a par don for for thing i once aald and didn t half mean even then to tell him that i waa a fool and and didnt know i to ask him ask him to forgive ue ad forget and and with a cry be bent toward ber and lifted the wet flushed face tbe canoe rasped a protest agalnat tbe pebble kdlth be whispered brokenly kdlth my lover the breese brushed away the laat ragged wreath of mlafc and the eun bathed them in a noontide glory a bird near at hand bunt into rapturous aong over their bead the leave of tbe white blrcbe whispered joyously clone we the world of dreams how to oaim im weight in tbe october woman home com panlon dr jean wj 1 1 lams writing her regular doctor page tells how thin people can gain weight she aay a in part cream butter and olive ol are all highly valuable and aa a rale one or more eometlmea all may bo liberally used if well tolerated they may be taken as follow 1 butter thick ly spread on bread at each meal or in gravlae aaucee and hot cake etc in which form it ia lea eaally digested bream la beet taken on cereal in tbe form of rich milk when used whip ped with sugar or flavoring on deaerte it la41farwlto dlgeev o tmuttvute combination la olive oil may be tak en directly after each meal or one hour after beginning with one teaapoon ftrl the amount may be gradually in creased to one tableepoonful after each meal in addition to thr tt may be uaed freely on salad cereals bread potatoes etc l it la tbe tnoet valuable we bv aa a flesh maker and may be taken unlike fate and auger in generous quantities jfats and sugar are eo bgbly concentrated that a comparatively email built furnlshe many units of- heat and energy and the body chemistry is soon disordered by more than can be conveniently handled itemember it la not the quantity we eat that give result in energy and flesh but the amount that is assimilated too much unas elmllated food heavily taxes tfce ellm inatlve organs thus producing a con dltlon that help to defeat our ob jects thb woman who plbabs she know juat how to talk to all kind and conditions of men waa the reoommendatlon given for a bright woman who makes her living as much iteaxtta by t actual labor seeing that woman afterward and observing lier closely one could not but be impressed with the truth of what had been aald she was gay with tha gay and silent when anyone else wanted to talk talkative with the shy nlwatye good tempered never too animated and never never visibly in pain nor lo tears she war always charming bright eytapaihet lo and sweet she was witty too but not terribly so she kept her wit to illumine conversation and to lighten dull spirit no to burn hearts or aoorcb aenaltlve feelings kverybody weol from beepraeenc feeling com fortabla in spirit and with treasonably s mailed hearts she wm apeacemak- r und a courage itrengtbbner there are two or three dosen such women in tbe world end when you and oh she will tall you that it is almost impos tble for her to get an evening to her self because eo many dear kind friends are apt to drop in of an evening and she will add i i am glad it is so fur 1 should not be able to get through the day without the prospect of these plea sant evening twisli the day might bo afl ereqjpc with a lime table that never crept beyond tha limits of eight lo felttfttbsh twsbjtv ybar wood la coming in pretty freely w n storey at hon ar putting in naw corrugated iron celling in ha basement of the factory no of tha butleet men in town dur ing tha cold bdsp was mr h grlndll aa ataam fitter mr w ii htorey recently purohaa- d a couple of beautiful fawns from huakoka tbey are wild aa a deer and one nf them 00 saturday jumped clear through the stable window tak ing bash and all mr alex orippa has sold his farm lot j kramosa on the krln townllne to mr w oaburne f r 12wd mr- allan mann of dakota is ve iling at mr hugh manns thla week mr harry arnold wlto haa been in acton for several months ha return ed to johnstown n y m near a jame brown james cob ban geo ilynda andrew ford and itobt thrown were delegate from acton and vicinity to tbe conserve- tlva convention in millon thla week the paisley advocate report lhat llev joe kdgea anniversary aertnone in the mat bod at church there were attended by many former friends who were delighted to hear him again and and 111 ened with marked attenll n itobm pllh in ksqueelng on tbo 2nd december to mr and mr wm plank a eon uvnnikii wxiurmii goi u11 in the hngluh church norval on january 0th dr samuel webster to bella daughter of f w oollop all of norval short men short men might look a if they bad a harder time to succeed than the the tall man but auch la not the case most of the beat knqwnjnen of the world have been and are small men napoleon nelson and lord itobert are only a few of tbe fa the small man has the samo anted heart lungs and brain as the big man t or at least to apeak more accur ately the vital organs although thy are actually larger in the larger body do not increase in slse in anything like proportion l0r instance a fivefool high man has a heart weighing- about 10 1 2 ounce a alx foot man a heart weigh barely i ounces whereas in propor tion it should weigh something over id 1 j onnoea lro port innately the taller man ha lea heart power yet his heart baa to do tbe harder work it bee to raise the blood higher the result of this is frequently seen in everyday ufa tasks that tire out a big man and leave blm limp are not likely to have the same effect upon a small man the latter haa a greater capacity for sustained energy because be ha a proportionately greater heart power thellttle man also scores in having lees balk to carry about that is why short men eo frequently rxcel in ath letlos the mttnrrjuvknilboourr full many a man has gained re nown and brought great credit to bh home town by claiming he started li hie own way these juvenile court that we have today but i wish to go on record and slate that all of these lawyer are year too late twaa in evenly three that mv old man ran a small court on tbe juvenile plan right back of our bouse in the old was often led presiding as judge was my own father who never bad any trouble or bother bux handled our case with justice grand while mother stood on tbe witness stand some bf us kids was in court every week of thing lhat transpired we cared not to apeak for a hickory stick and dad a strong arm kept many a kid from future harm special sessions of court hed often bold and impose a sentence both swift and bold though many thing happened bebloltonr backs instinct informed us thatnotblng wa lax for this kind of punishment makes ybu feel that it best to stand up when eating a tneal though none of us kid grew up to be saints no one has ever made any complalhts none of us ever were osrisd to jail or needed a lawyer to eee about ball for which we thank father the very ant man to establish a court on the juvenile plan old man darby a ian trick we walled for the bride and g mm to atari tbalr trip tliern was enough rice hi llio lloulo toalnk a ship kaeb fellow held a rusty a i ion behind hla back and there were riblioub ink ami blue upon tbe back hie bride ami groom tbny hell ul i f lo our dismay then look an elrablp from the rw f and go away louuvllle courier jouriiul strikes the hiiiriiia 11 if tin rt ra lenre of alrlkoa la rxanstrattd mot ooraoti full to rocnjiulro hint they nre turept tonal jlie a v uracil woruliigmno loses lrsa unto oaa day n j mir in thla xnf a strike lasts juat twenty three onru 1 11 the arernse and the nv urn in employer 01 r rim on 111 bualneas juat thirty years vrlhi out a striker iltrni no mora bo an id hint hibor unions rlialr slrlkoa becnuac they are rvudy fir instil thou that tie unltiil 01 ales rnnts war because it has n lnrse rim t nnd army union lam tin a tnnde ita nilalnlra i ut hie life of rami a abort and evo lution la sure flicro will be tlie cbli ami flour anl the uiote liken t is onward and upward john mlltliell a orkat day th abit ov 1iavino timk the people w work the hard eat lie a great morning ian t it r call ed a cheery business man as be hur ried down the steps orhls home to catch a train why so it la thought the man hailed looking up in surprise from bis moody contemplation or tbe sidewalk and unconclously hs straightened his shoulders and stepped out more brisk ly as he want on hi way it a a great morning isnt up said the business man to a bootblack aa lio stopped for a ahlne and the urchin gave a vigorous polish to a spot on the heal that he had been minded to leavn unablned and whistled as he wnnl hu way it a a great day in t it r said bu to lha stenographer aa he entered hla office and tbe girls fingers flew faster the key clicked merrily and tbe tired eyee euilud a she worked that day it baa been a gnat day said the man to bis wife as business over he sank with a sigh of comfort into ibu easy chair at home and ho record ing angel cloalng the account of that man a day smiled and echoed softly a great day kpworth herald a workman noted for bis skill in putllng up lightning conductors was sent for in a hurry one day by a brow re who had juat erected a tall cblm ney tohla brewery on arriving thero the brewer said you see that chlm ney what will be tbe cost or uniting up a conductor i em afraid if a storm should oomebomedamage might happen will you undertake the job lr i agree to you a lo terms that require some consideration said th mau t for you eee if it waa tbe lord a will to send a flash of light nlng to knock down yonr brewery i shouldntllke to be the man to pro vent ic alliance news continue couatlha continue your courting attur mr tlagr llev a w main said in mont teal lo a sermon on juno bridegrooms have yeu e ua l cuango-iu- a woman a fso after she is engaged it la because she baa received that for which she hungered 1 but after mar rlage have you ever noticed that aha loses that happy expression f iave you seen the joy go out of her face v it la because she received affection from her lover whloh ahe doe not ro celve from her husband tbo cause of so many unhappy homes la that tliu men neglect to coutlnun courting 1 they neglect their wives not hadb a young man apnedlng hi holliluys hi the country fell in love wtli a pretty milkmaid at a farm near by pay after day he hovered about the farm hoping to get a glimpse of herf till one day tbe farmer caught him peering into the yard what i your business horop ho shouted the poor chap was eo surprised bo could only stammer hows iho uilllc maldr wbatp roared the angry farmir our tullk isn t uiadu it uouies from the cow and accomplish the most are not those who complain of lack nf time those who constantly put their time to good use do not excuse themselves from duty on th plea of lack of time the people who have the most iron in the ore are those most ready to receive and forge another goethe one of the busiest men that ever lived has said 1 time la endlessly long anovevery day ha a vessel into wbloh much may be poured if one will readily all it up and again rjono has always time enough if he will improve it well but we are also to remember what another wise german has ssldt to day is the opportunity for enjoyment and work knowest thou where tbdu wilt be on tbe morrow p a greater spirit than sltbsr ha said are there not twelve hours in th day se looted hurrah matmual this item in your campaign ex pense account mystlfles mj said tba auditor i dutil understand what you mean by raw materia h thats an error on the part ol the stenographer replied 8riatyr sorg hum it should road bumtb mi- drfat llisre never wa and nevei will be a universal panacea in one remedy for all 111 to which llesh i heir what would relieve one iii in turn would aggravate the other vve have bow ever in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and grievous hu by it gradual and judicious uso tbo frailest systems are 1ed convalcu oenoeand strength by the lulluooo which qulolno exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves ihosc to whom a chronlo rtato of luorbl 1 despondency and lack of interest in lire is a disease and by tranlulllxik the nerves dlsposee to sound atid reftesblog eleep imparts vigor to tit action- of lbs blood which being stimulated course through tlio veins strsdgtbsntog tbo healthy animal functions of the eyatem thereby making activity a neoeanry rvnult strangthenlng the frame ami giving lire lo the digestive organ which naturally dornami increased subsist mj ieault improved appctto north rop sv lyman of toronto lwr giver to the publla their superior quinine by tbe opinion of scientists tlio wine approaches nearest perfection of any rfataftinarkst ad fttffcww rolmt

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