u- be jlclmi jfret freis tiiulkhiay january ii iqi3 waiti o tha lit 1 1 whii iliuruiuk luklr wlillo ummvx man inart would ba glad of hara i ltut m high oul uf rswiu atlwl m a ward i y placed la ui hi in ih w rid tlml u u waata- it i rlaklna miri life to attampl but a last white hut dula without la aluw daaih ir i ir of till ion in i ha wnald that u run tlna l wls whlu llirm ntmuj wuum it k lllcv i lb iuii ii ii u homki ik a1hbni horn lir- lu ni llhb la lhitlr be mu iliil 11 id ur iwrl i jrveco ami ihs- lmu ii of be lturv lu iih ilia whca ar utile known lu lite arcsoca enatlan rvtulrr un diw rluu at tonsth ur vpttiuuiu lui ibul tha g rasas do not lnu wnlblus nboot tba art of nmlinjt a loom oo wj b with cxqubulc clean ba write wlili bcaallrally rated with bat mitf willi what we by cosine tba otwi an fwr baaa la tbalr bot than w are od whan they ara at bom tbry appear tn- apand snoot of tbsir hum la looklnc at of tba window tbey ara oat alrcsl to lbtlun their frlawds la tbrlr ho am ubm that ibcy are nts arobr far they wlu stadlr entertain toot at ft rostanrant at far creetsr coat to tbaaasatraa but it does not ntsr into thatr ideas to aa yoa bone to t altar an acquaintance of tney do not ask each other so it caa hardly be expected that tbey aaowm make en exception in iba case of fnralaxmra tba cons hi a r beano to tbecn there tbey meet friend and coaslp that u one reaaoa perhapb why they dislike country ufa it oftotw no altematlre to tba home tbero tba hearth fat the aortal center while la town it is the cafe in athena those who do not own the boose tbey dwell la aeblom remain ions la tba a a abode two or three tears la cjalta a ion tenure uany people make a point of movlajt every year the imposing facades of albanian bo u conceal for tbe moat pert a bar and comfortless interior and a well kept cardan la rare a garden la not made in a year and a person who chances bis residence every twelve months does not want to be troubled with amnch fo rail are nor la he por- tlralar as lo ita amassment aaetna that it wol be carted away in a few t ufa baa no i secure ae for tba greeks as it has for as it a doras iii 11 utile orcflpattoo and no imim- an tbey like to eat and drink la crowdo whers there ta noise fend more- aaeatc taatr tnattnets are too ereeari- ooa to allow them to appreciate tbe d intimacy which we prise the day r for marriage in greece ta asualty sunday bat tbe day of an daya h tbe year la tbe sunday pfecwdtha the christmas feast- it ta not fashionable now to be married in chorea in athena tbe ceremony takes petce in tba boose of iba brideo par ents a taanporary altar is act up in at the caa of the c tha priest and iba couple join hand and walk three times round the altar tba sweats them with comnta tba mast important part of tbe cere- aaoay la the crowning- of tbe bride and bridecroom with wraatha of orange moasom banco n waddlna la popular ly called tbe crownlns lore marrlajis are rara axcepllons tba match la mads by the parents and ratatttm rather than by the parties principally concerned there are cer tain eetabltsbed nsagaa which tbonsfa net nasally bladtnj are not to be con ti mewed wtlb impunity then it w considered wrooa for brothers to marry uoljl their autors hara b wod assln clrta must marry ta order of aenlerlty it would not b rtsbt for a girl to be married whoo aba bad an elder sulcr who re- aaahud alnaio tbe men of a family aia thus naratrally anxions to sea thl mara settled npd am a dowr is in- dbmansable its prorfctloii otcn n matter of aarlooa anxiety and mte fratt of great aelf denial on lite- isirt of tli brotbers if lb rairaals are dead there era cases in wblcb itroilters bora remained unmarried for jeara ml barn drrolrd all thtlr bard earned earlns to tbe dowries of tbetr sulen amobs the poorer cjaaaes cmlgratloa la ranorted to not infrequently solely with lb object and many a dowry iilii ion o tba atlantic oruerty to animal in france a aoelttjr fortha prtcntion o cruelty t6 animal has wen organised in parti where no irguuuon on that obloct has bean pasted since ibm bo long aa the beast was not tba pro- patty- of tha frff acts oi oruduf- vdutnb anlmala euuld not ct acoonllng to renntl pub- aooonnta a man who bad pour- ad tnrptnuna on a dog and then ap plied ntatob and anollier who hail bean dlacharged from service slul bad tsjcabutaranga fayteariuf bit former osftitara home ycs out wn in cswrgod by foagthtratk becaum thn bralal tnn went not the uwiiara of the tortnred antrnau tim act under which the new society was organised provide thai any person shall be puiu chad who maltreat a dumb animal a round of oalsty on tha occasion of the vtiltr of a tratallng cdrcna- lo small own the jwventle of the neighborhood wore in ft whirl of excitement the young son fpf a notoriously closeflited farmer aagarly importuned his father for ss with which to are the circus fwhati exclaimed hie old man twentyfiw eenls to m the clrcui won lo farmer jones held lo see ipstrnf the moon 1 young man do you wont your lifn to bo ana perpetual jsvaud of gaietyr i find the cudlf altar tw wng expcrleiicti ye cood oc- llflldbhaye air thered bo nu uuknui7iwotwnhtti whenifi tha wbola parish wad yr find olwbody ri m tf miiderhfluv w duaao bta- t know hi miutnv on a itlstlun wlut im dm moat uii nomnxm lir1nrilintf man in ottawa it lujjtlil lx il an chamwr teittviian llolwr of thn illack tod a nnrn illmpao lb raplaln in hia orlcial toga la cmuli lo ronflini tttat a r pirhiro on ui i mre lint it nertr roqulnxl mrn rtotwa lo make ilapt lliainlwfa a figure nf intcreat in a twcml h h woukl allll be the man who know morn slxiut the mill tary hintory 4 ontloti tlian any other mw that ar iivimi kven capl kred ilunilloii i ollawa will ailmil that cap oluailmtin has wntlnn pine military histories tit csnsdlsn rtgi- tntnta inohtding tla prinze of wains uontmal third wonural rim bai lor y quaaii a oan uiflaa uonuasl llighlaml adets uurerno mien aral lutdyguatd lluko uf cornwall own mnta dou winniprg lllflra itoyal boau of canwls in honlreal the goth fiahlnlt ra uontrnal a hialory of tlto korihwrat uountd polioiranil a eonv plou history of the canailian ultllia- ilnntlo as a book worm h brlallaa with points ol war tho tariff may b a big subject but the captain is let ter postod on tbo machinery that cartaim cnauiutas canada has tor looking after hcrac f in a tlmn or war lie also knows a good deal about tho rsmolo worth wliilepesa of tint country that our regi ments exist for il has written a numlnir ol tooka on ilia far north and the northwrbt and ha know a a great deal morn alxnil the subject than mot of uia profound parsonages in the ren ala where bo liimtolf the most lm pressivo and olrcumhtapua figure of course his inttmaln knowlwlgo of tho far country la nl iirsrly a malnh fur that of hnstdr irliio from luttl farl but it muat not be forgollrn that ho uenilimam uahor of the ben a to ittnh itotl was for two years edi tor nf iho 1ml daily newspaper weit of winnipeg the calgary herald for two years ho w both editor snd proprietor of tho military uasott but whon all tills baa been said about cant chambers when you re member that ho is um caplnu ttl uto corps of guides that ho is thn direct deaoendant of rear admiral thomas chambers under saunders on lake champlaln in i7e0 the one moat im port ant fact about him is that lor three jears past he ha bean the auth or of one of the moat remarkable pe riodical books in the world tha par liamentary guide canadian courier the morning tonic the appeal el the cold water bath qrews with habit the habit once formotl tho dip and splash in a t i of cold water every morning gives a stimulus to tha be ginning of thn day that makes ufa well worth jiving i s lack on tha con trary leaves one feeling like a mol lusc but aa it is not a difficult luxury to procure and a the milder old anonge halh in some moaaure takes ita place should a urge enough lub be out of reach that dull feeling need not be risked of course there are some forbidden tha oold dip by doctor orders but it is to those who have not yel expert- eneed its toys snd who have no physi cal disability thit these hint are given the ideal ume to get the habit is in summer time or in early september before a chill is in the air then it will carry itself on into cooler wathcr imporcepuli um good senso shout it jumping from a warm bed into a waiting tub of ley water ami the resultant glow la a thing to bn rad about inflates where tha hern a a hlg muscular ath leto in actual thn hero does no such thing if ho hai had good phy slcal training he precede uio plunge by standing up and taking many good deep hroalhs filling the lungs full to start circulation holding the breath for a moment then exhaling qteadlly then he rimi through soma stirring ezexcuea which may ho simple enough to suit any constitution tak ing deep breath a all tho while and adding a half doati for good measure between racli art of movements then whan in a ann glow he drops into tho tub of cold water and plashes fur a mlmilu or two spring out drlta hlmsttlf with a rough towtl and goes through a series of rubbing exercises in thu oourao of which every part of his body g is a good atlmuuf ing friction with his palms then to dress and he goes forth reeling fit to conquer a mini share of tho rarth but the niaseutlne part of the com munlty has no mortgage on hat plondld sensation of vitality and energy any girl who goes si it with good sense can share in us joys es pecially f hu baa a warm bathroom at command if nlily drawn cold water be illll tuo utueh jo i hur41 first it may 1 tnumrvd or if drawn over night tho clillj will go off v t after a little slm nruhably wl com actually to crave llic ral live fml 154j tjhellkilrcuntacl a noted ksl tiiduii uulliorlty o physical well hninif autl iho niihti fur attaining it neoinm nda sllghlly dilterdt routine lu hint ho tolls one to leave tho skin allghtly inolat in ataad of drying tlion uglil to sllpu tha ndergarniptandtjj ijttriliu to this ho aaa nj lili wirxl a fully coufirmed nmn who tipae trlod it briiiii u qtiuk glow and a foellog of exhllarulloi delightful lo experience hut rlther progrsm lowed faithfully will maka tkmasvi best rnatlrartt nrhnvr ouusdmorfjedymtvrfual not xahootic v-savjkddawzlriitvjdr- apadcc1laetiwdyforcscriaav ikwtsotb- saiaaarhpaanwdaw tstss amlokoraxip ncsaaaw snpasor t htwtfohk exact ctsorwlaswaiai gastoria jorlhftuitj and chlldron the kind you have always bought bears the thgaature of for over thirty years gastoria oocsaip ttquslchbed bm that woman f what of herr 8be u perfecuy infatuated with that man really r yes nod he a a married man too wboable wlfet ahel- i wolderrm discofeby an eminent ocjaatlxt tha other day cava hi opinion that the moat won derful discovery of recent rears waa the discovery of eambuk just think a boon as a a ingle tbla layer of sam bqk 1 applied to a wound or a sore audi injury la insured against blood poison i not ana species of microbe baa been found that sanvbak ooob not kill then again aa boon aa zambak is applied to ft aor or a cut or to skin disease it atope tha smarting that la why children are such friend of zambuk tbey earo nothing for the aclenoa of tha thing all tber know la that xambnk stopa ihelr pain afothera should never forget tbla again aa boon a zam buk is ap plied to a wound or to i diseases part tho coll beneath tha skins sur face are ao atlmulated that new healthy tissue la quickly formed tata forming of rreab healthy uaaue vw oebw i xambuka aeoret of healing the tissue thus formed la worked tap to tho surface and literally east oat the diseased tissue above il this 1 why bambuk cum are permanent only the other day ur uarah of 101 delorlmler ave montreal called upon tho eatnbuk company and told them that for oven twentyova years ha had been a martyr to csema ilia hands were at ono time ao covered with sore that ho had to bleep in gloves four years ago kambuk waa lotrodaeud to him and in a few month it cured hlnu tpday over three years aftor hi euro of a dlaeeaa he had tor twentylive years be la till cured and ha had no trace or any return of the ecsemal all druggtata aell zambok ft eoc box or wo will aend tree trial box if you send this advertisement and a le lamp to pay return poatago ad- crs zambuk co toronto the worlds annual match bill is ihaoooooa the 1hii thal loads theiu all pllla are tbe moat portable and compact of all medicine and when easy to lake are the moat accept able of preparations rut they must attest their power lo be popular as par- melees vegetal pills are the most popular of ail ptlla they must fully meet all requirement accurately oompoulded and composed of ingred ients proven to be effective in regulat ing the digestive organs i bare i no surer medicine iq bo bad anywhere when a man i puffed up he is easily blown away the day a different matter to tho one who has usally found beginning right no easy tldng to accomplish an arrow at a venture the minister had just flplahed a lit tle opening talk to the children ita paratorfvto tho morning service wheri mrs berkeley suddenly teallxm with all the agony of a careful house- wife that she had forgotten to tarn the gas off from the oven in which she had left a nicelycooked joint all ready for the anal rohcatlng vi ions of a ruined dinner and a smoky kitchen ronaod her to immeduto ef fort and borrowing a pencil from the young man in rront she scribbled a note i juat then hvrmrtiabaiml in usher of the church passed her iew with murmured hurry 1 shu thrust tha nolo luto his htftul and luu with n understanding nod turned passed up 1 tha alalo and banded tho pate ta tht minister rtfa uerkehy saw thrct 1 r horror ami shuddered u site aaw ploliter smtllngly open tho not castor i a for infmnta axul gbjudram th km ya hnt mvm bagm down pink now willie said ilia auperlnten- deula little wy addressing tbe buck tnlthw little loy wlut bad conie aver forhfoolia arall play tjabbath bchooj youudvanioa ulokl ftvery fiumlay fur six iuonllia and than at cbrlatinaa ill give you a tastoant baa of candy a weak achihg back caused her mock misery mrs xv jt hodge ikllh fk write a few bnei hldl rotutmicmi inx ihiann kwlney ioit ior tin but ar i have u n troulilcd vny much with iliity haidmtkcj bihi b weak aching bicl wlnui caused inc tnltch mnrry t jf i c mild not work nn i hail no omtullon f tt any lltln- my kulurya were very badly ou of order and lrpt me ron alcrping at t ihll 1 trieil many lu of plus auditicilicinrt tut h lecmcd u l tu vail i l cjii to tna up in uiir of eer ixnix u snd tlrong 031111 whu a kind nelkhsor wtvisrd ran to try 1uii a kblncy 1du wbi h i dwl mid am tbunklul for the irlief i obtained intm hrm ur now i am bfvff lioublcd with ti t ac back ur ikk beatbichcs i will always cay iviana kidney rhtla for utul can htxuy reconuuciid tbcm to any sufferer icncc 511 cents per boa or ulwuca for si u at all dralcrs or nuilnl diikt on recrinl of prkn by thr t klillium co litnitc j turonlo oat wfacnonlenngtbrectkiiccdy 1 iias- love a aacrlflce are life most ttla- fylng luxuries kven the almighty cannot tio people who were born putrided ho- popular is blckles anil conautii- uvesyrupasn matllclne lo the treat mant of colda and coughs or ailtuaiita of tbe throat due to exnoatire to draughts iw tudjon changes of temper ature thatdrdgglataaodallotherdaal- era in patent medicines keep supplies on hand to meet the demand it is pleasant to take and the use of it guara freedom from throat and lung troubles ubtadquatvrbrs a tall urbane man with black moustache was a guest at a faahlon- able hotel in new york not long ago when a lady on bl sight aftitr men tioning that the had iut ret tinted from a trip to huron proceeded to roast william loeb jr the collrot- or of customs for the city she pan ned that individual to a rich dark brown and did it in such a witty man ner i hat the tall lirlunn luan laughed uproartoutty i think the appmpiula death for him alia said would bn choking with irish ucoand id likb to contri bute some of the lactt for the purpneec after dinner aha asked her boetreat what waa the naino of the black mouatachrd man on my left dearf he talked so intelligently about thn cus tom bnute i should think he would rrplled the hostess that waa ioeb bliu aelf t splolj jaai mgan j read t mm of dhunay waa fully equalled by pi itta loohofi unturmaiti atid wrath on oo hopo am og tml wastroubled with heart disease aid ervousess ukvkrax doctors could dobxb mo good three boxes w m1lb0rw8 heart ard rtkrve 1ills complbtklt ctjrrd wou mua mary lcbcau bdison fiak wrilesi i was troubled with heart illiasa and nervousness for over two years and was so hod at times i jfcv to dt up at ulbhtbcirig unable to braathe and every little notse would males mo limaiml shiver i tried several doc- torvbat they wa unable to do invaoy gooi anelthbortnenadvntnatotry o i begsn to take eni i began to feel much belter and by the tealls lunl i woacom- wtety enroa woold odvfaw anybody crfartag frotn 1 heart duaacn and ntmav- n to iry tbe plus they wtd save oajmablltiadoctoraiccs w muburna heart and nerve pub cure b heart and nerve trouble by tbdr touxauveinflotac onevcry orgaii and thwue of tbe body f price 80 cent per box or 3 boxes for tlm at oil awakwa or maued direct oq receipt of price by the t utlbam co lunited toronto pnt raandauoa tpvtoelplew plrst j when we undertake lo your preacwpllonswo give theut our andivlded attention and beat caro tbe patients welfare our first eon aiderallon second we guarantbn our drugs to be of full alrength a well aspuro atwl fresh third e our customer am supnltod with just what iheyask fort sutmiltut ing i never allowed kaixors oaxituy vuiintuni if you aro m bufforrr rroni k hi toy dlaeaao liver oomplalnt wood troubles rheumatbmv neuralgia or tturvnus prowl ration we ccnddeully rooora nsond ihwuboof lines qalory com pound this reliable and ttevor dis appointing medicine is trtic dlaeaao banishes- and system bulldur we supply the genuine pain celery compound at brown ajoton ont hint ror thb1 autldananooal dont imaftln you are anybody dont say a word rlveryhody will know it dont let go hvr hand you itilht loaa her dimt hand the conductor nelloket aa usual dont apeak of my wlfn too irin walt ult you retoeed to it dont thlnk that xniiare the only husband ever was dont work your aollclludo for her overtime dont h duturhrd when people look your way and suiuc dpntsay wo whru is what yod mean dont forgot to put two name on tha hotel regis children qxy v for fletchers qa9toria i suffered intense pains in my left s- lue do you realise it is better to bo ndo than sorry that it it the best polity 10 lo k the stable door before he horse is stolen dr miles heart remed- curcd mrs c c gokey of a stub born caie of heart disease such u houtanda arc now suffering with kcxd what mhc says idiom i began ukfng br miles llt utwd i had ben saaviaaj liun kmrt tr kia over five year i bad gtows weak that st waa latpoaalme tor bw to do uurtv aalaulra woik in a vbele day i au0fl btleomi paloala aaylvnalde d mb tba left ilnaikl made i du aul abwp na iba ult sufc aad f lhmll ukhtoi tnatb that 1 taeagbt ike efsu r be abta to take a wuwld tmag on tl lakts ala botilcs i 1 ukv ou cokfv noriuald vl if you have any of tba symptoms mrs cjtikcy mentions it t your duly to protect yourself dr miles heart remedy r what you need if the first bot tle fails to benefit your money 1 returned ask your druggnt klllli3 u ii dic ac co teranto can mot ror kim a tnurut conrludlng a vml to ill kuterald lata ttu lidding nrewfll i- an altrndant cood by i i u wjoodbye yer honour and ma iwaven bleas you and may every hair on your head be a candle to light ye to glory on your last day i wall iat aald the tourlat show ing him a bald plate when that day cuwioa there won t imi much of torch light procession 1 clean skimaclt clear ulod the atomaeh la the woikahnp of the vital fund limn and when ll gets out ot order the wbolx ayatvin clogs in sympathy the aplrlta hag the in i ltd droops and work imc hioa impossible tito first earn ab old lie to train healthful aoilnn r bo frtomach and the itest preparation for llitt purpoee is lar- melees vegetable lills caneraj use foryenrlims won i hem a leading place in tif i id lie a tllt will attnt their nono 10 liiil ij ly ufr and am audi burden to themanlvna aa i hour who do nothing jordan ivftvub pale reatlraa ami sickly children owe their condlllon loworma uotber flrvew worm k terminator will relieve tbeni and restore health truth crushed to earth will rlae again but a silk hat may as wd lie sent to the repair shop children ory fdr fletchers c a3to r i a we dally caal over each ether an in fluence for good or evil let us not be the occasion of misleading others by our alienee when we ought to pek newman corns and warts disappear when treated with uolloways com cure without leaving scar you hit no one by looking down your noee htna crown la so constructed thst it soon iteoomee halakis collar slaking wealth common will hot make the ideal commonwealth the oil of iower it is not claimed mr dr thorns kclectrla oil that it wlllaureevery iii its useaare so various that it may lm looked upon a a gener al pain killer ft has achieved that greatness for itselt and all attempta to surpass il have failed it excellence le known to all who have tested it vir tues and learnt by experience tub kinos gaud indkof llreat is the part which tho card index system play in ibe social lire of king george of kn gland people presented to hltti are invariably as tonished and flattered to find that he know all about them their family their achlet omenta he puis soma kindly question that thow in tmst knowledge ttie explanation lies in i lie card dex nobody has access to tho king without an appoliitmniil or an invl teflon ao that he has always um to oopault the prlvato directory bronchitis was so choked up she could hardly breathe bronchitis la art acute inflammation of the mucua inerabrnue lining the air tube of the lutiss and should never be ne glected for if it is very often tbe disease become chronic nnd then it li only a short step to conttntiillon on the first ti 11 cf bronchitis dr woods norway 1 mo byrup should be token and thui prevent it uccomlnf chronlc mr john d mac donald coileg cnuit nu writes my little c seven years old cstiht r bad cold which developed into bronchitis bite was so choked up she could banlty breathe- reading about your wonderful medicine dr woods norway pine syrup 1 decided to fry a liollle and with such good re sults that i sot another w tilth completely cured her i cannot say too much ui lu praise and would not be without it in the bouse dr norway pine syrup u put up ioj yellow wrapper three pine trees rtld ti dc mark trice 35 cents 1 maamarmrdontybythetbiilboro cow tivjtifdi tsapiutf out in the an and bttand oieiuy aliituglrl by the name of jntl wltncaaed a great army ro view in 4bru any 1 liouaanda tili i hooiiid0famitaliiwcriiwled around tbo alaml bofore wblcb llie enperor waatowalcb lbs passing rcglmrnta ivbllx jeanxtle was aeated in tbe stand alio aw an old fxeblu witian trying hard lo g i where the could m tho utile durmast ji i aald to hersolf ita not right for tint lo alt hare when i am strong and hi i and ban atand while thn poor woman can see nothing h then aha gave op hnr rat to tha old woman and wri if1 stood in tbe crowd lint llllle j u lielle waa landing tin bar llptoee try ing in vain to when a courtier of tbe riuperor covered with gold lace elbowed ilia way to her aide aa ho ald utile girl lor tuajuaty would iw pleased to see you in the roynl ixix jwliaii the aliaahad gill atooil itefore the ampttsa all graclooaly ald cotue litre my daughter snd alt with me i aaw you give up your mat lo that old woman and nnw you moat remain by my tide ho cod honors those who hoimr the agrd ml the helplca htileclrd h utb1 to crack wbatllndoftlgbla did nomii iurf am llnlt- did you rvnr hv a walking u aln no 1ml i once saw a miming tttr la iro lo loin ilol lite ul plr lo liivtl la to tiirlm aluor lllarka while aid while a uaek mall thought a fellow uamed ilrown was pretty green and tried to aell him a white horae lint ilrown was well read und he durelved them both in fact got all their money and now lllaek and white are blue here not lo tho ulrl when alio uu khwed who gnee and telle her mother hut in lurilo the girl when a lie knt itlsmkl who smothers it with another after 7 years suffering i wis cmnd hy ly- e plnfc- hams vcgctible compeond the grand trunk railway wauriksokla ii r i few i 1 11 ble for sevtin yeira waa all run down eld not do a y g ho dortoia ll n u nllf- f k rent lungs but did p no romi i got bo had thu i i could not ahwp day or night wlnlitn this condition i re ad of lydla e i nk hsms vgottmn mpounil end began its use anil wrote to air 1inkham for advice in n short time i had gained my average woloht and am now strong and well mrs haujk stkvsnh il d no 1 ilo 31 wsnrika oku another cratelwj looonaisi iontlon ont i feel aa if i old hat tact ula iaaaay alary gen llem en asking for liter the new alald no mum 1i described the lady be waulvd lo see aa being abput forty and i i old mm it couldnt im yon mlfs siay 4julu rlghl luy dear and you shall have an extra sfli off to in tt nw thenrtv md you miiut lhan ker mum ym tuuin i told hint it couldnt lie you as you was about fifty alius 1aaaej- and while youre taking your afternoon off youd bet ter look fur a new place h children ory for fletchers castoria not tell othnra enough alioot the gool iydla k i inkluunb vegetable com pound has done for m i was ao wnak and urvl that 1 could not rrat nights a friend recnmmendtxl yoor c4mpound mil i aoon gslnixl linallh and strength and could not wiah to aleep itettar 1 luow other women who have in ken it for thn same purposo ami thtfy join tn in pruufnrf ltatrt wat a ilurrv dos dame st london out iyili i i i inkhams vegetable com pound iihm a ifly curwl many com s of femslw l i aurh os inflammation ulrer- stitin thnplaromonts ftbnild tumors trnrgtilarltua rterlodic palna back nehit that bearing down fethitg and 1 1 uta proatration the poor dyspeptic suffers uuiold agony after every meal nearly everything that enter a weak riyaocptic alnntocb act as an irritant hence ilia difficulty of effecting a cure llunlock wood hitters will relieve all the distressing symptoms of dyspepsia and in a short time effect a cure mm f c gro berlin ont writes i have been troubled with my stomach for lite but seven years and tried all kinds of medicine for it but none of them ever cured me for as aoon as i would quit tiling any of them tbe same old trouble would come back last rail x was ad vised to try burdock blood bitters which i did and used lour bottles and now fed so alrong i can do all my house work nicely and can cat almost anything with out it affecting me la any way ottr boy li also mm if he always complained of pain in ha stomach and all over like rheumatism and at the age of ten bad to stay home from school he hnsn t quite used two bottles yet and b lectin good can attend school regularly anlcati heartily b b ll b manufactured only by tbe t mllbum co- limited toronto oat this maws store is crowded because we do his printing we can crowd your store in ttoc same wav cntnlotfues handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty call or ctaj office for jobboork the kcton freb prgss moves well blade good fitting that we lnovv how to make glovef that will piitwith hotiumtlic mast crltl cnl lmuiiiuuliuu iu rlgurdu quality ui wkiu lillalilht unci strength iicatnusa of mitcli- iiik mill nil roitiul nercction ytctiii prove youraclf by n kitij for storey m r dealers tint thtj will outxreapyuiir most sanguine oxikctntuiu 1 our finiilaxitef iltrilit ou money i it uk stores w h storey son limited acton ontario canapars olmest- smjowemx conscgntious plumbing heatings fs mot k hcvth lilith us to the contrary wo make it iu most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smi qtrebcosf pamunouii trainb no 4 i 1 i 1 it it ui no a iu h4h m nn v ava j5he excelsior bakery 1 pirst quality brbad cakbb weddinq cakes ctinibtmau cakes etc hyc ovbtfcna and fisil gall today t statham son bakers nnd groctrs main sl acton tba bulla stun granite ul huub works cabpkh braun deslfmirs sod ilutlders ot blslass uaua- lanmi mooamanls usrliefb sod hssd stooaa and all kinds of artistic gemetefy work wm hemstreet aglnt acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping nhiis klour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co everton eden mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for sale cash for wheat aiyk oats henryhortop mr ao ywutw patents 3 ssetsfiffjort marion 4 warlon j datkitq rn i l11 i o ipbdmptly asadaaara- jsatkai of in pre maoaremaloa 2u ago lrtacatg 3311333 ixx lnantetil sad la pram pt rsrswat h