zhe tet fflrfcss volume xxxvii no u vtt stafaecilntloa rat la m acton ontauio tj1u1isday morning january t8 1jt12 hingis copies tnilee cjbntrf lj jlcton jfrce jrtss hvklut tiiunazxat sioiihimo 1ll sctrwjrr acton umt ear veer iirlouy le adi erlpuoea dlaoonuau bp lb tlm lor walea uey mi paid eee ex- tared tee dale to waion evey e-ab- torlptim la bald la diauli ika b4- ireae label dye rtaeiia walea transuat advar- tleaaaasul is uu t noayuil lis lor grat lemrlio 4 dmu pr 11 or oh mbaiqunt inert in a uwri iwwtm wluwtot aveciae ol- vaeuoaa wul be laaertad uu wud aad iteiiad eeoordlaalx traealeat ed- vsjrusaaaeala aauet be paid la edvaece advertises eete wlu be o aeea saoeta t desire rl wo ctoor taea above amalioaed ao saueft bo paid ror at nepala mo cleanses for contract ijnhu moot bo lo tae omvw by eooa oe tnee- aeeouata payable mmluy kwkllab oaso m rkm btra loe- dsaa at c where minn xl aad x hardy oe will revolve for ae now a hilamil llnaa end eavetfaeaala mod where oar readers oaa free oi num see eeu- pape whoa lo baalaoa h p atobbjs sauter mad frerfator otfiub srtttnrp to ios gray m d c u uccill 1 b holmes u i load xve u p so loot boom batsoao lo hi jcephv haasl ita gwef ttoaea nyeietes to tea vtowta nflll snwa to tba mn mmmy mnojlf 1 loadso mm at a ai ee amoa jewellery mova hui bih njavaha aotom oht roaui m augdomalo m d a u 4tta rropi ead bap moway hoop dense h of wnsaaa ul earl itaraavy salapea rbooa aorta w xaawajl 5ft ieaoaaisjeiealaaairiiiial ifi it lloaowaoxamibtmuty to toaa sta i jvqtojf d rtnt elsaa deetlelry is all its uabalea oeteamdeslhbpstura uusuu jjbi j amd hardy ft co abvkrtlslkq c0ktkactom amd hkw comkksrpmostrra float stram laodon h c bmliwi s a ww at taw faoar aom faa aaaa tta at owp by vtoltora to ijaaooo ta abi advua oiada wulb ivodttntamd v pffiahoib huham boozbihdn hmil niifcf r all kiwi aaaaa i u ro01xrotv m abbiaqb li0bnbk8 b p kooma 1 no- mlwit i mioaboa 1 jtt a black for loa ooaauo ot halloa tal wauloflao um stoak aoa laplwi aoia raoltata aoa flaloa aallallaft uauasaouoa ar tm ffbmatrkkt aim mmwt ta looa on tbo auktraau amit lbalwom vatoaa laii la hat of hmaad aawohu k dawtmmw ot walllaatoa halloa paa tba attj oranalpb 1 wlia a aad aaoo ortmaliuruaram i w j oordoa lliiaaii hakor bpaitiii bluohoh ta aal lo aotoa aod latohy vaom o au oo uxor jaubs mcdonald llckmud adcnohebk vor tko aoaauoi al wolitattao hauoa vmatm woanrorua aad lb city o okasmuotroaiaotaiid lo for torou aaua ota apply lo uw ka t fdaohom bl aublth the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wm in joaaataaumn aad aimt laapohan aoiy oieabaalea u tbapomlalaa woooaoaaoo- lwiafooa mrowov of qnoltata ibo ifilam or lobmi owtt u4 wi link atmuii our- 9 catalogue u daucoad lo olur a i llooa aa lo ibo tanfo ol oar good aod lo afford an lloa ol oar pitta oar locroaao la tt lo improvoour balox ucitlllo oj this toxlber xdlb oor rau i inly atnall oapoaaay pola oa la a poaltloo lo ool prices as low aa ara toaad adysbcra lor guotla of oiuj qoaljiy a poalal card wim b log yuo this savage co quclph ontario hot d kow bkhvki s tha a of oor hoi urlnka tnclodloc baettwk tonuto buhiod ooflbav oooo to il hrold wues fl tmk actw cafk wo sum waters bros ouelpb headquarters tor o a c amp school supplies w nature studt botanical etomolooical drawing paint1no 41 wyadbam street nuxwsso a society card of any character printed at thb office get thb best mmpla shown and price fur nished on abullcatlon sbe option yr jress paper makers omomomtowhotlt v bookttws and oolobkd patkjis jnp khatujku fist qimson vaintttr fkimt bamfrr vloian rnnir xto begs to inform the ladies ot acton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest vail paper houses in can- da 1500 samples to choose bom prices right also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum apd enameled ware knives widscteors ground furni tire repaired snor mill street acton uklfr thb snowstorm wtii a hmilb bv iiav1n a lihck- nt 8uuhkntif snow shovels ice scrapers and brooms bxtn hhowl ml 3jc lc hctper jc u e broom ftl 3v lo the bond hardware co ambu rboii bt the beit in glasses at reasonable prices a d say age aueiph mmmr at rite nuromar- bcton i j jaf hj x bus lin too oodtlcoed raapodlally boudla loo pairooai ol iba pob- ilc aad lotorma ibaai thai woll tqailppora aad bruftaal bin caa alwajra bo lacarod a hla a coaforuua boa rsosta all tralm batwooa aouko a at aod a ip pw a carofal almotloo strao to ovary o tbo waau of com biorciatravauara fully mg john will i pc tuts ritoraibtoh travel aa far aa you uko bul you canorx a awav from i ho lad ibai iba bod boeaas coo talo aod ibaboal waocaai oao caoadani loading maao the bell wait a voa oaiaxocua amii paitfklur chas w kelly ready for tj lloub 4 rndm cbkkals bkahudsiiokts wiiolk coin chacked whole crushed in heals hay and salt ajmi ill idmlnu fmd slnftc rrnobiie n r moore muksatv winter footwear soots e shoes wahav foil nock of wlrtmr walcbl baou ud skcaa lor m worna ud calldra ta m ihm m umim oka a apkadkl uaa of uoaa vnuarprool sfcoaf rubbers oar stock ol l smal u tcrfrorapleta lactadlac rabsars wool llaad raboaia omrsboa aaotabbar boola lat us supply tour wtntor fonli namaris w wttiiii4ms mill street acton oetri thk laaalt to cuddl1 doom- i alt a tort a halfoof i an i am my larrr n fhon or fronilt daviirtera in for a my fuuk aro lan an jiihn i bat waa ntf aln gudo an ould fratl ldy uko myael ila u1m0 that i abould gang lito wio moana roun auld bouae an ahakro uia ao fir tro an ao it ootwcltm it wakana up auld hilnga ru doar lo mo if i could only groat my hoart it wad no bo aaoaalrt hut loom aro gao an balrna aro an hetlth c04no back nao tualr- av tata plr tarn tme f u o fun ho ian tfala world a fotcltt an aalr oalr ho wu baudon doon vi mouy a woorrwolch ii lioro it a until lho and hot whon wo laid blm doon tlko array ha ira ihoro aforo uielr lima woro thick among tbo brooo an jatnlo wl lho ourly hold ko bolhy big and brow waa cut doon in lb irrlmo r yimth tbo flrot amang thotn a u i had toaro for tli auld ovn tbo onold i groat fu rl to think o jatnlo lyln drld aneolh lho ooglno whool woo lub wnft can i y him hoa wour tbon- dold taa me i nao word frao him thaa wrary yrara uaa romo a tbo aoa could i hut kon that be la wotl aa bora i alt uilo nlcbt trhla world wl a ha taunt an car wad look a woo thing mont i ait boforu a hairoot ore an i am a my una nao irion hao i to dannor in vnr a my fnnk aro gana i wnaa that llo who ruloo ua a krmo wboro ho dwole aban wad tnneh my auld gray hold an aay tlmo taa troddlo doon author uiiknnwn id tntttilo rtamng vt nu i cant do anything for him holonojjngu thing i and jack ahook hie brad nouro fully aa ho arrlwd at lh aor- rowlul cuncluelof i cant go lo oao him and alt with hint bocauaal hawoat got tlm lliutn i cant aond him frulta and ikmika and thing like well dr folkadnoa whin thlr fjka haa to go to tltahiaital booaiiamp i havent got tiia oioney i cant oam a cnt uioro than mother and lho young onea n0 no help for wily frotn mo hilly mm an orphan boy youngor than jack ho had rocenlly roovod into jack neighborhood uolng tin an orrarwl ho had tamon from a street car anil broken hla leg jaek waa omoo i lu a uto which inadtt large dentandaon bla time and indeed on ovrry othar thing lajhlou might be aald lo oolong with a grow ing boy llta dm loa were many and hla router ox acting llutft naver oc curred to jack to notation urn reason alloieaa or olharwlae of anything which waa rrqulrad of him ho waa nothing more than a good plodding boy hawing very axed notjona on the subject of hla duty which notions wore ampro in a few words 1 im going to do tbo beet i can there came a day when jack stood face lo face with hard quaauoo taking a moment on hla way home to run id and e how billy was galling along bo found blm with a cloud over his usually cheerful face whats lho matter hilly r tbaio been tailing roe and ullly shook his head despairingly that i wont get well u no ullingwhoo unless igolo someplace in the coun try when i go away from here ibew billy r ald jack in dis may the folks hare are telling ma of a real ntoe place where 1 oould go for tweotyfl dollars where id got good treatment and stay ae long aa i need ed they think thats awfully cheap but poor billy sighed woefujly twentylive dollars is a lot of money it is thai so ill be bacllnrar you tit htfn- nlng of tha week and than ill be with you evenings and hopefuly 1 guaf ill grwl without anytwvnty- ave dollars jack talked about it with his mother i wlah tha poor boy oould go she al it might be the set ting of his health for years to come but bow can bef said jack in a discouraged tone f it oould bo paid a dollar ftt a tltno abe as id half quest ion 1 rig ly you might be able to put by a dollar a weak for it i dont see bow you will apare it mother w might pinch a little closer after a little more talk jack niade hla plana uo went next morning to his employer and asked if be oould ad vance the twenty ave dollars deduct ing a dollar a oh week from hla pay untfl tha amount was made up mr strong looked keenly at the buy p with iquob hnltallon baprsaod bis request tailing of bhly and hla noeds how do i really know that youll work it oat p asked mr qtroog you oant give me any security can you r no llr and jack dropped his head forlornly you might you know leave me before the twentynre weeks were up id promise not to said jack aarn eallr byt i havent a thing to giro yon ffrssrciirity ytntr pminlae wtllbe annugh air hlronga manner haud as tie went nit imjblka your word jack for more than twenty five doflurm you have wdrkud fov tna quite a while and i know what you are your good name makes your promise all tbo security i want as jack turned away hla face crimsoned with gratl ocallou at lbs kind word a ur huong added i li epaak more about it to morrow if if j ik atrow lo stammer out hu thanks if there a thing more about the plaoo that i can do that 1 dont do id be glad air there lanv said air hlrong kind ly you are itonest and falthfol in evsrythlng hnih a reputation la a valuable thlog lo start on n life mr- hirrnt 00 going home that evening spoke to his growuup daugh ter ilertha havent you to do will some of those froah air bualneaaos r yes father you have given me money for them where limy sand poor little lade into tha oounlry anil feed them and brace them up and return tlium as good aa new ksactly that kind of thing said bertha smiling v well i have a boy for you one for whom i want a top seat ho billy went out to one of tha places provided by some of the lavs faithful who strive to follow hi hla footslepe in showing lovlngklnd noes to his little ones jacks heart gave a great hound when he learned that alias bertha hlrong was to see to luiia noting for surely it must be bet ter than could bo offered by anyone lae i oklng into hla pay envelope it the end of the wk he turned to ilr hlrong youve given ma a dol- lir too much sir- theres uieexpense ror billy you remember 1 emembur but that goes on i lis aooount of your good name theres nothing more to pay and there will 1 vacancy in umj ufflco nrxt door by the time billy cornea back if he is your kind of boy he can have the pure yonths companion thb ast ov rgstima tin to are few people whoknow how to real and this ignorance according lo a we known medical man accounts for much f the modern nerve strain and insanity the average man he said recently panda his day workings and when he cotues home instead of resting be begins tn work again and work hard he reeds gardens goes calling is called upon dresses and uurriee off to the concert hall does anything in fact but real bis brain and body the only real rest he gets is when he is sleeping in other words his brain and body are at it hard from the tlulr he rteee until he gets into bed at night bul the brain rapeclally want conscious mat whan the brain i woiklng it is producing toxins just aa in the case of the muscles theae toxins orpolaons have to be cleaned out of the body hy real and to change ones work does not do this it ooly only ratiaes more toxins lo be formed the way to got rent u aa follows sit or he down perfectly comfort able think a hoot nothing duttotdlrvol your brain i let it wander do ot talk about anything that ret u i res menial effort listen tn simple conversation ducuu nothing that you feel strongly about or which worries you make no pletis kxoept whan a wan is asleep there la a constant stream of ideas running through his mind it is lulle impos sible to be awake and have an empty lod but it is quite possible to make 1 effort to direct that stream if you make no effort you will get rest bee mental mollusk take nothing into your mind which requires mental digestion if your brain insists upon going on working listen to light music or read an easy book things to avoid are s anything spnroxlmatlng to your salary work clever conversation things to tnejaa you think chess worry differences of opinion an author whose work islmaglna- uve abould for a rest do aomotblng logical such ae playing patience an aooountant on the other band whose mind will run on flgur should not play patlenoe ue abould mould figures out of rjlay or paint or do oav- thing art istlccblcegd tribune ajr abouhhht local option experience in lenawee county has provided an erguinant in opposition to the saloon thai cannot be answered or la any way dupoeed of through brewery aaeoclatlon circulars or liquor trefoil deception abeenoe or the saioona from adrian and tn- wee county has brought a change for the better in every respect that has far exeeeded even highest expectations at the present tlmo there are hut two prisoners in the lsnawee county jail which during saloon times usually held from twenty to thirty offenders abeenoe of drunks aod drunkenness freedom from violation of laws more money spent fnr boms needs and for borne occupants are facts eloquently testlbedto thecogh the desert cells of the lsnawee county jail slooe local optlpn closed the doors of that countys saloons a ru9x rmbvarmtivs to keep lion goods of any kind and especially those parte of machlnee which are mada of steator iron from rusllngjakeonehauounoeof powdsr- ed camphor and malt it before thf firo in one pound f good lard to give it a dark colour add as much fine black lead as is ntwesaary to pcibduce the desired effect clean the ironwork and smear it over with this prepara tion after this id ehuuld be allowed lib remain untouched fflial hour i when uw grease abnuld be trnrpved by wiping the ironwork with a soft cloth thb kloa jupqa itvnver is an anlerprlalng go ahead western city wilh fine buildings road streets besutlftd parkland anergetlo hualneas ineu it la quite eafat lo aay tli at nn oaa in this busy young metro- polu isao widely and favorably known s judge lindsay who came into fame because of what he has done for the had boys of ibis city and who le now familiarly known as the klda judge the old way of dealing with juvenile criminals was to treat litem wllh sever ity without inquiring very rducb into ibelr surroundings or early training one lad who had bean convicted of stealing i bus describes hla trial awde guy wtd de w maker wot sit up on de high bench looked over at de cop and do cop be says die le a vary bad kid be broke into hmitha barber shop and look a rasor and he admits it yer honor den de guy on ds high bench sends ma up wldout givtn me a chance to say a word thus the boy was well started on a criminal cireer before he was ten years old judge undae follow a different sort of treatment altogelhar he gen orally tells a boy who has been brought before hint that he does not believe he la half as tough a kid aa the polloe malte out lie tries to gain the ctavu4- enoe of the lads and assures them that they shall always have a square deal if i hey will make a clean breast of evsrythlng the judge baa introduced the proba tion system and allows many boys to go on suspended sentence with the understanding that they shall report to him every halurday morning bring ing a written statement of their eon- duct from their teacher at these saturday morning sessions judge ltjtdsey makes it a point not to sit on the bench he goes down among the boys end examines the report of each one with the deepest pereooal so licitude if the report la good he con gratulate the boy telle lb other fol lows that billys got the laugh on the cops now because he lias cut out swiping things and is beating every other boy in the class if the report is bad the judge follows up the boy with kind questions until he gate at thaoause and decides upon a remedy ills method of examination is frater nal rather than paternal he even fswtare in the boya the klee that hie own tenure of office depends upon utelr good behavior its just thla way he says id like to keep you fellows out of golden the town where the boys industrial hchqol4s located but im afraid if da i ii lues my job tpeonle are al ways saying that i am too lenient with you kids anyhow and if i do let you pff you will go out and swipe some thing again end then 111 get blamed for it and then like as not ill get klakod out of this court the consequence of this is that judge undeey is ofton earnestly mured by the hoys that he neednt worry about them getting blm into trouble an assuranoe which judge lindsay al ways receives wtb grave thanks statistic show that os per cent of the boys are treated successfully with out being committed to jail not long ago a boy cams up before the judge and handed lu the report i ileporuiient bad arithnietlo bad bred what doa this mean he asked i couldnt help it the culprit re plied couldnt help it is the most serious crime in the juvenile record lvery hoy in the room was listening with strained ears and bated breath you couldnt batp it i now fred look hare werent you sbout the meanest boy ever horn whsu you came here ave months ago with a cop beg ging me to send you up you were such a nuisjuica to everyone who knew youp didnt you lie arid steal and didnt your own mother beg me toaeod you to uolden where someona would make you mind the boy nodded aaseut the sobs ware too masterful for him to venture to open hla mouth the childs hand reached along the arm of the judges chair mutely pleading ua waa a utile chap ten years old and not wall grown at that there was a sigh of relief from the loocnful of boya we know it was so fred i know it and all the kids know l i gueaa we knqw bow you have had to fight to get over all of that ao you era a good boy and your mother told me she nevec knew what a happy place it was at home till you straightened up the sobs ware burled in tha judge coat dont you think ilaratharlow down of you altar yoti have proved that you can conquer all theae bad tbnge dont you think it la low dowo lor you to aay you oant help it to anything f l each boy aa be came to the chair re ceived the commendation or the re proof that want straight to tha heart of bucasevfor asthe boys aay the judge knows ills oompleta winning of the boya has given rise to the story that ha uaea hypnotism or occult suggestion ha isadsepstudentof auggestlve science and psychology the best books on these auhjeota are within his hands rbeoh lo hlajioine library and he baa to the fullest degree vrbat far need of a batter word we call magnetism yt he denies that ho ever osee hyp notlain what he doe do la to take the boy by himself put his arm around blm and aay impressively you are not a bad boy you are not going to be you are going f stand by me and to doaouy what i waat you to do the boya nearly always justify he oonfldancq that la imposed a them tfoul- i will- vnur 1 will makes you master of today and tomorrow it render you kins of your environment determin ation is invincible whll it remains it air maone la beaten uu bis will lij -ta- twbrty ybvakal aoo many of oor cluseno have la grippe councillor and lira havlll rotsrf aln ed the members of the old council at their hoooa on church street on thurs day evening the cold weather has advanced the price or pork to i75 le nivw q anted i w 1 campbell had the mlafortuvie to fall off the roof at councillor har- veya house on monday no bonee were broken but he waa badly shaken up mrs h a heoord bad an ugly fall at john street crossing monday morning aod sustained painful bruleee tbe new c t it- bridge over the stewartlown creek will make travel lers feel eater mr john kenney jr of kenney bros who had bean living with hla father in uw mr john nkkell fourth line rqueeing haa moved into town i km numerous friend a here welcome him the beading boom scheme haa not badbairatrlal in fact the reading desks which belong lo a properly equipped room have never been ereo- edi mr john logle ot naasagaweya died on friday at the ripe old age of os and on the prbvioos day his eon rev laorge logle who had bean 111 for some time with lung trouble died in the same home tbe latter was a probationer tn the presbyterian church with good prospect of suo cees in hie holy calling he leaves a wife to mourn bis lose a bxrge double funeral was held on halurday in tbe municipal council tbe com mltteee for the year are t vlnancej b ivareon john harvey atreete walka and lampaia o beard more and alex record l town hall w ii lowry and a o beard more cemetery w u lowry and alex beoord 1 audltorsa k nlcklln 1 o matthews in the publio school board mr ceo ilynda was elected chairman for tbo year committees were appointed ao follows 1 muanoe t ii harding and bev o b cooke t property james mclean and itobt holmes 1 ruppllsa geo ilynda and itobt wallace tbe board will consider the matter of the new school on monday evening 26th inst the kramoaa agricultural society a officer for 1bu are t itealdentcolln cameron 1 vice- pros john duff secretary treasurer b dredge dir ectors joseph croft john mutrle jr obrien norris black a j cur- 1 he w hitching wm llemstrect auditors henry strange c j xase- lorr tbe contest for tha seat nbe com- mons in the byeelection for f is i ton will be between mr david henderson the late conservative member and mr j i mcgregor on behalf of tbe patrons of industry both candidates add rr as id a public meeting in acton on tuesday evening tbe duke of clarence eldes son of prince of wales and heir pommuptive to the british throne died on the lltb lost tito pnkyjvas only hi years of age and wae to have been married next month the prince of walea objected to exposing tbe troops to a military funeral in such very severe weather mr samuel denny or norvat visit ed here this week mr w l worden beu hss been hi for some time mr nell mcnabb of klrkbelj is visiting bis brother mr arch mc nabb mr wm moore of toronto waa lu town for a couple of days last week mr w j moore of toronto has been home for a day or two reeve lowry and mr john m war ren were delegates to the ilalton county temperenoe union at burling ton messrs tbo kston tbo perry- man and itobt wallace who have been uu are recovering tbe canadian kvangellat reports that bev w g chariton la engaged to give all his time to the disciples church at acton bokv bsaudatoak in acton on january 17th 10 mr and mrs a o bearduiore aeon died loaf u in naasagaweya on january lbt b j oho logta aged 83 years loo ik in naasagaweya on january hth ilev geo logle aged vi years blrst when we undertake to fill your preecriptiona wo give tbeui our undivided attention and beat care tbe patients welfare is our first 000 aldesuon second 1 we guarantee our drugs to be of full strength aa well aa pur and froah third our cautomera are supplied wllh juatwhattheyaakfori substitut ing is never allowed paufmstrklsuxy oomloupp if you are a amffcrrr from krluey dutoaae liver complaint blood troubles rheumatism neuralgia or nervous ptwtratton we pcnddently recom mend tha use of paloe e celery com pound tiuarejjbh and never dis appointing medicine la a true diocese banlaber and system builder we eupply the genuine palnea celery compound at brown anton out k1ndni i without qoavt it is not strange perhaps that we hesitate sometimes to do thoklndneaav ee whloh mean sacrifice and effort but it is mysterious that we so oltan make hard work of kindnes wbleb cost nothing smile words of appre- clatlou little oourtealo which involve uo inconvenience aie frequently igi nored and nrgleeted a goodly pro- portlnn of the heartaches in the world oould be cured not merely if people were ready v wrtlft that end but if they were willing lo do the tlllngv tba tbst rfo saurllfa haettv judonrmt i run never convnnt abe waa aay log to my daughter becoming your then aad le my fale t am dooblv ftsrsaken the young man replied for lite goal of tny twofold desire i foolishly fancied i uw a bride wllh the grace of an angel and a young looking mother in law then her voice it was sweet with rrno lion im oftenlluiee hasty i and and if here i have erred i alio u id do but justice in changing my mind in woman a houte companion i agitation ac tal i011 im i in method that pjtllu tlisi a li mil lay imt aide of the ltlol boa atttalun pre vents tvltrlllfht trrps iim peare and aerurrs rtimi krery alep alw calns i ealnl forerer uua- ketsarvibe weopooa of aaltnala arllathui u lliw atnioibrv or the bralh w rfjrll ihllllp tiiai mibhaoe or aoo christ himself uvvd ierfeclly the life he taught he was himself the living word uoda revelation ot the lire he calls all gods eons to live coming from lllm ills words had a meaning that they could not have bad from any other source kven yet ills words demand constant translation the ancient language may still have all its ancient force though il has liv ed for centuries only tn books bul tbe life itself must speak for the words of jesus still convoy the divine life speaking from faith to faith they bear the message of god and they eak to all that ladivlne in every man aa they are proclaimed the christ atui appeals for all the divine tn man la one it is the one divine life the life of god and nf ills children an old sjarvartr probably few people in england can claim a record such as that of mlaa sophie groom or watford who haa been in tbe service of oqe family in 00a house for seventy years ray the london chronicle she haa never de- aired any other employer baa never looged to see the world and although now 81 years of age abe has never bad a weeks holidays in her iffe ae a scholar at the baptist sunday school she went to the seaside or to tha crys tal palace on the annual treat but these are believed lo have been ihe only hofsoaye ihe ever bad at no time baa abe spent a single night away frotn watford the joy ojrconqukvr glory in the hard times do not sigh and pity yourself and point out the fact that some one elae has ao much easier tlmee than you do and try lo imagine how it would seem to have everything you wanted without working for il glory in the thought that you can succeed with nothing but grit in your favor that out of what la hard and dlsoouraglng you can wrest the sweet of sucrose what ever satisfaction there may be in bev ing an easy time take the word of the wise for it that it is not for a moment to be compared with the joy of con quest tur f khd or bkautv tbe heed of the beautiful la not aa insistent ae the need of fkm and drink but it is no less real in the loner life as well as lho outer beauty is not lo be disregarded hnnnaty tltat le harsh and blunt kindness that wounds through lack of tact courtesy that cloaks itself under awkwardness is not enough not content with cul uvatlng the virtues we should try to ex press them beautifully if we put pictures on the walla of our homes and train vines over the porch we abould be ready to do as much lo make the lire of lb apltlt beautirul omatj oh th tkaohbr willie you may correct the sen tence where waa i at i dont see anything wrong with it maam you do not f no maam its correct sometimes anyway will you give me au instance in which it is used correctly p yesm where was 1 at j oclock yesterday afternoon 1 hello jack old boy writing homo for monay p no what aro you taking ao much trouble over thenp youve been fussing and fuming over it for the laat two hours im try- to write home without asking for money there never waa and never will be a universal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh la holr what would relieve one 111 in turn would aggravate the others we have how ever in quinine wine when obtained in a sound ttiadult crated state a remedy for many and grlevoua ills by its gradual and judicious use tbu frailest systems are led into convales cence and atreugb by the laouaoco whloh quinine ojteru on nature s own restoratives it relieves those to whom a chronlo state of morbid despondency and tack o interest lu life la a dleeaee gn4 by tmnqullulog the nerve d to sound and nfreahiog sleepmparu vigor to tha action of the blood which being stimulated ooutaea through the veins strengthening the healthy animal runetlolvv of the system thereby waking activity a neoeeakry result tretagthenlog the franis and giving ufa ta tbo digestive organ which nglurajjy demand increased substance riceott improved apm north rup as lyman of toronto have givex jto the public their suwejor quinine typ ibeopiajoo t eoleotut the win ppvomhsm nearest perfection at any on the market au druggists ll it