Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1912, p. 2

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arv ui u ut sad aautiur kali t mauu1ho uuuaihk ii ptiww mill kuml tel jaeusaf 41b pal l nmawj hill ida liuuia ol ilia itrlj qrvwaooa uoruera td h nm ullnai tli bolus ol bar ainflilu uowllng i wadnaads locb jiodut g mites aad fti h of lba uu ghaxlaa tnoasuaiai tha liaaas of bar son lhbrt klosabory tuhmi on thqiad 11th jumif oaumulas widow of uralstsaldward klablry la its tttfd ysu- in ubuouiau uonbstnallmuoealsltiainofv of imli mo nabs win dlad at u atnlly nsldaiiaa uoaa avaoua aoton on juuuy 1mh it- ueullfaadar bnajia and lbs absdows llaaawa wlfrkand vauilv ttbe cloii y ffroaa tiiokwday january 1h lttu hoitor1al notes tilt klkctimo lltltltoommiuulunuf llrlin hf intimated to llm clllssi i tint in vlworthe tact that ths prufl weretmooo per month laat year top will now be takrn to make anbatantlal induction in eleatrin light and pwtr rate tlik montiiiv ltkismt of tha hit aiice department of canada allows that ilia revenue in dacemhor 1011 wa 11uwiuu aa compared with 0700 1w7 in december 1010 an innreaee of lbofl712 till i surely canadas growing time canadian iiuhinicmh kaii inikm last rear number 141x1 e dsaresse ot t i per oent from 1010 urn the smallest number reported since 1uu7 tha lis- bllltl war only 12700l a dr- oreae of 2llt per cnl from 1110 like wise 111 smallest alnoa ji7 an knukavouh mu made in fifteen municipalities at i he municipal elc- tlon thl year to repeal local option bylaw and it felled in every instance of theee flight do u id repeal on a flinpla majority voir which go to confirm tho con lotion that where local option has lieon in force there does not lat any apeoisl dtmlrn to return to tha open bar newmarket kre lehmanshotel again caught with liqu0i a haw bar t aa rinwd oooo and ooste oinlwftwanaywi af oovarnmtnt orn- thk violator plradidouiltv within a hills over a far ihlttrait convictions for violation of tho unuor ltesns law of tba province of onlsr in have bran registered sgslnst a j iehiuan proprietor of the dominion lintel hla two aona and two bartend er allsgvri to ita iraaeee during tliat time v710 has bean oollrotrd in tinea and 1w 6s for ooela from tbla houar haaldea thvconllaoatlon and deal ruction of conaldrlle ijilantltlaa of liquor aud 9olu floaa impoaml on an aliacond- ing barlandar the uat aonvklion of the ul waa retired on prlday when hydtiay iud- low the lal eat alatd leaeaa or tha duioiulon hotel liar eontrlbutcxl sco and ooale after pleading guilty to un lawfully keeping liquor toraala barter and traffic thailn i provincial oflloer morrison of to ronto arrived in town in the after noon wllh an aaalpunt and walked in to ulumna bar there a number of bottlra of llijuor which pro rod to be illwinor lager wero ld and i of or mat lotl waa laid hnfora ii 1 unorr juatlca of the ieace oliarglngludluw to whom mr ah man aaanrted to tha ohicer hf hittraaed hla bar with a violation of the law at aavnn oclock iudlow appeared iwfote uialatrjatoa h i uoore and a k nlcklln and plaadrd gulliy to the violation ohnrged in the information the uiaglatralaa rvroloded the dafen- dent that a ilmn oonvlcllone had al ready men regu tried agalnu tha io- mlulon llotal under the preaant propri- wtorand that tha allgml ivaafnfrof tbe bar waa a wry tpaiiira pun to avada the ihtnalllea f i hf uquor uoniiae act in caae of convlcllon for l lie fl rat offncea rvgutermf agalnat the owner of the praiula minimum anea bad littvn luimmmhi but in tba praaant oaar iindavtlie oondlllona nxlatlng it would baa aetloua miscarriage of juatloe to impow anything laaa than tho qiaai- mum flitf tha una f 900 and 13b cola or thirty day 4n go al bard labor waa therefore mpoaed the una waa paid forth with the magulraleaalaogavathaofllcare an order for the deal rue i ion of tba hqiii ronflwatad a 1iuiimai to tax all ratall mail order hnuaaa in ontario will lie dla- euaaad at lb annual mealing of tli auoclated board i of trade which will be held in toronto the third waek in february and it irobabo that an undeavour will tti made to aeoure lh paaalngora bill into lh lfgtala tura by which munlelpalltlea will be am powered to levy taxee on outaldi lmalnfaa flrma couduotlng mall order bualaaea within tbeae municipal tlaa wrruin a very abort time prince ilupart the paclqo ooaat larmlnua of tha graod trunk paolflo lullway will pot bav any oecaalon to import ita aupply of oamant from england gi many china qr even victoria durlnff tba paat anmmer there was located nr sbamaa a large deposit of llroa- atone that la considered perfect for tba manufacture of cement accord tngly the locators stakeoltbe property waiting an examination by an experi enced mining engineer oretwoona cohi4bm everyone la pleased with the change from the severe cold and to nny weather the itockwood hockey team jour- neyed hereon saturday night and re- tared home quite jubilant tha aoore la beet withheld there haa passed away in hamilton james d damper second son nf mr and lire h damper of thla place a ferw year ago he waa injured by a fall but at the time it waa not thought to be eerious however some time ago the doctor found it nery to ro- uova part of the bone of his leg and although everything was done to help him regain hla strength yet he never recovered and after much aulferlng ho paseed away on saturday lie had n quiet kindly disposition and was a ute long obrwtlan alng a mvinhor uf the disciples church besides his sorrow ing wife be leave hla pare n la three brothur mid two slater who davc lh leynipathy uf all in their buiunveairnt the funeral waa held in llitmlltnn on tuesday mr jack dunls who lm iihiui mm- bncdto the htmce the piuit two week 1 improving mimi nell in wniisiiiihii mlurnei to toronto laat week nfler hmodlng aomelitoiicbsac her hoiuttlictf mr ouaa- taylor u vlalilng toronto friends mr will oraham telitrmtd to knox oollege toronto after pending tli vaoatlnn at bis home here mr taaslr of guelpli wnt a duy with mrs- orewton auction oalb rboibtain k tifawday jan zi tlifrfiip ilock and implement of the late alex bell lot 1u eodi it htquealng town line oi m 0kauy auctioneer tuesday january uuthhnle of farm stook and iraploinant the pro perty of andraw murray lot 1 con 9 flrtllae krln term 12nimitli u j kehji auctioneer rosatui a elephant daiitn luhvlel xtudsitlj the- ottt p4ntcr oncu told urownliig that if he gave him anything for ohrut mat- it abould bo a young elephant dut what on earth aaid brown ing will you do with an elephant jf 1 give him lo you i will teach him tocc tha wln- dowa boshiu nniwered tbon wuen some one puwes tlie iioum h wilt mo the elephant cleaning the win dowg dd will lay who uxm la thai hadaoawxva tiiu ileitlh look place on thuraday jhiiuary 11th oruraothatlnklnge- hury at the home or hr aon gilbert klngabury hataagaweya doeamed who wa in liar ocird year wae in her usual good health until three wa ago when a paralytic htroke rendered her right aide u antra- from thla ahe tiavar revived but gradually sank and without suffering paaaed peacefully away she waa lorn in gatitlir argyle- ahlre scotland and came to canada about 1b30 when the ocean trip in bailing veaael waa of ten week dura tion in 1838 she waa married to bd- nvardklngsbnry and they made toelr home near kempt vl lie ont u 1817 whan they moved to puallneb and took up a homestead in the bush she lost bar husband but with her family retained the the old horn until in 1b73i when aha purchased the east half of lot si con ii naaaagawvya where ahe ha resided ever since she left to mourn her loss ber two aona amaa- lah and gilbert in naaaagaweya and two daughter mr j la very of branlford and mr llobt hume of manor saak twenty six grand children and thirtyone greatgrand children she wa interred in the kbenraer burying ground on sunday laat the pall bearer were alx of ber grandsona kdward james hubert gilbert and william klngabury and u a darby of naaaagaweya and d a klngabury f buuleau saak makes hair grow k j ilaiaanl ha an invlgorator that will grow hair or money back ttfeitme to take care or your hair i when you have hair to take eare of if your hair i getting thin gradu ally falling out it cannot be long be fore pie rpt appear llie groauwl remedy to slop the hair from fallhig id salvia the great auiflrlcaii hair flronr ftrat discover ed in kngland salvia furnish iiouruhuimiit to the hair root end ol so quickly that the people are niaavd and remember it destroy the u j nd ruff germ the little peat that inpo tho lift hat should b the hair from tho nuilt salvia ih aoll by is j haaaard uder a poitlvo guarantee to cure dandruff atop railing hair and itching jlujiijj-yaviir-uiacutyuackv- a iwrg little roau fifty ceul tb or1 salvia latin for la on hiiuu oallinarad tho 1a1lot mpr fyr ohureh uuloa hi imi given out for the preebyterlan chinch nrxthahliath and will turned on fab 4th there are- vepar- nt liullol for ider member and at- htntili tin gault of lh vote wlllli had with liilerval and will be made known almut ihe middle of february the young people continue prao- llce faithfully in npllu or unfavorable wcuthitr and lilocked roaiht their tea meeting nnd eutartalomant la billed rnr friday evening 2dih itiat if the wealhijru good there ought to be a good attendance in vaw or the xotl- laht pmgfajnme mr jamea iqi i ttiinfiwhatlm pi nved this wevk mrs gllbfrt sinclair lut beeitlald ip or somt time wllhn serious attack or pnitiiiionii iitr jdaughlera are wtittliig on iiit and ah u doing aawell no oh u n eimolxl considering fter adr vihioed ypai aouwu aa ninwnuhh un dl bonj howh and wpplo will tall him oh wll riatur returning honieev tbottlrlcv called koftt i l monthly h wiu ay i mifok i bpul like fc jy oit mr- dunmn tay on oj thai man piolutea so arguattnav7 ffjsrtst v irr t is9 aondnd tq he hoitie with severe al lack of grin but are some what bet tcr now the missionary society of the pre hyierlan church and the aid society feirwilt ring lo come in and i thajl tu him ijpiow knatohbull a wwk ago a ur and mr inalbau irel0r f r hlna vtle golnglo rwbwhkl ui attend ihe fu ra f the lair ula crtmvnm the litu gtt tin- luaiiagalila and ran away nvar mr wright on the gurlph hwl tlia riillvr nd hainwar itadly larolcan up and mr dredge had hla ahouldrr painfully hruued the horea ra n acro tlie eoneeaalon and waa caught at franklin rumahaw knalchbull baa a fourhblng literary soclaty with jaa caraaban aa preal dent g t wuaon becretery and ml bertha clark treeauier the meet l the betbr sunday school room every wednesday evrnlng and have a good programme of reeding recitation and mualc they also have debate on different aubject there will be an open meeting qn the third wednesday of each month the fall ofanow uat week baa im proved the elelgbjng url ifcht aklna of kilbride visited friend in naaaagaweya on sunday mr cauiarine junald of naaga- wsya la very iii and but alight hope are entertained fur her recovery mia kaus anderson of acton waa at ber fathers home in neesageweva uat weak the llathal inlon sunday school bald their annual entertainment on thursday evening december xtitb 1011 they had a splendid programme and a good crowd wa present the sunday school u in a flourishing condition they contributed glo0 to mlaalona last year and have a balance to start on again of over gco 00 the average attendance for lite six months was tu which i sxceedlngly good for a rural sunday school pubuoournti that most beautiful pclui n- utled home again ha brought such an enormous amount of new sub scription in the family herald and weekly star that the publisher are finding it impossible to keep up with the filling of order but in the col uran of that paper thla week we not ice a positive guarantee from the publisher that every subscriber to that great weekly for 101s will receive a copy or the picture home again their guarantee la suffleent and sub scriber need not feel anxlou although tb picture may be oebryed a few weak those who have not yet sub scribed to the family herald and weekly star should do so at one and luak ujrv of having a copy nf the picture iioam again w learn that the publisher are conlem- puung something for next aveson that will make this picture even valuable than at present one dollar paya for a full year subscription to the paper and the picture aulbjy to oatct bid ow dandrufr dandruff means that down near the root of your hair there i a vast army of little invisible gafm or microbe and ithla army never sleep i it wgee a war of destruction nlgbt and day it destroy the nourishment that the hair must have in order to grow vigorously end abundantly parisian sags now sold all over canada will destroy this germ and at the same time furnish the hair roota with just the proper nourishment to make hair grow lustrous and luxuri ant pam8ian sagfe i guaranteed by a t brown to banish dandruff atop falling balr and itching scalp or money back it i a delightful bah dressing that win instant rarer with raflned women sold for only go cent a large bottle by a t brown and druggist everywhere girl with au burn bairon every cartooo and bottle hall anpawewur a popular- thami two of the ministers of local church es selected heir a the subject for their discourses laat sunday evening without any consul tatloa whatever with each other rev chae draper in the methodist church made thla bis topic end b hla sermon on the tweotyrour verses in the new testament wherein this word appear he showed very conelnslvely that in greek the word meant hade in eleven place and gehenna la the dtberthtrteeo and gave the following definition of these words uadea the dwelling place of all disembodied plrita between death and tb unal judgment in which the jnat and the wicked are separated by an impassable guir gehenna the una swd eternal abode of the wicked i the place of their doom into which they at east after tb judgment rev mr bur- rail in tb baptlut cbnreu took for his text luke jo 10 in speaking of hall be aald we eanuot be nearly eo decided am precise as when referring to heaven the term relating to larual punishment are a remarkable for their variety a for their lack of polnlednvea ye vr ere able to any there ja a bell for jesue believed it and led hi t named la u follower to believe it it puoe of punubment complete and etemal and embraoe iarvitlon from god and friend the sting or memory bodily pain which the suffering of earth are but a preface and an ab of hope god however lh hlagractoue love for mankind has gln hi flon to free u from thla tributi ion by simple belief in jesus christ weluhgtoh mutual fipre igsurange company the cc welllnglni any will fuce guclph wednesday i4fh day of he binary ai p m to receive the repoit of lie diiih with plaauclal statement for the 1 the slectlon of director for tho nuinf year and nlhar ihimihck rnlnvaitt to tlio moetlsg 10xiniavniom sccreiary vsmmzmmmmmmsmmm golden opportunity t dst psy tba tnu man wall u et lu uiul wlwu a ua guelph busimss colltgi outtirtt our imsowka taasmilusan aajof in a ihlly aslarvof flvb tiiouh hi ixuxauk h ww pwj y aau u man ot w to aa a uianwb baalaaaa aaaatloo al tabwwalsailutuss to u lla wltblaaaar nub uts laaa oppartanu and ou sod aaauaaalok tdbwodipr if wa lidawsta 1lnp and aeorli howum unia lo aatar or a ami how tenta jlf- to tha boll aotaa 17 llppa w hlaaa or dili4 malcolm maccormack b a prlp winder resorts kouml trip touiui tklcla now on iiu loall ideclpal wlnlcr hrsoru toclwllntf california mtxilu il0kida elc the altracllvc roule to western canada u via chicago steamship tickets on sale by all lines 1 ull inbwtntlml fnm h s holmes agent aaauuuuruiuunnudmimlhh hot water comfort ii why not enjoy rest by having a h nor wathh norifv h for ihea cold j e n lor neuralgia it ha u ma i lam j usckscbe cold leal etc a f greal help and comlorl we hate iimri all alylev an prices guarsnietd i atbrown g djtvoovlt stanoft e e i acton oht dnpuannunnnuh clearing sale still going on dry goods veots skes cloiklag mllllaeit ladus casta bells elc new slock ofgroccriei has arrived puriheojjis bl00o dr moe indlmn root pitt wen the seweri of the bouybowri kklnev and skin duct get ctegged up the blood quickly become impure and frequently sore break out over he body tb way to heal them a mr richard wlboo who uvea near loodon ont found i to purify the blood he for ofnt time i bad tinea in a low depressed ceoditlon my appetite left me and i con began to suffer from fudi- 3 oh over tar sklo i tried medicmo for tlie blood end used many hud of ointments but without musfpcttvy result what waa wanted w tbccomrh desuams of the wood j onesmedi- im tholr meetlugvytrrgy ul iib2 twd 3l nuon dauwat2ocaboat t 1 a at kut 1 morse tndsm root pin were brought to my temekaod lawy an o wtlvwmt won jnlilnss i vs ever know my meed mi hive place h my hooakandar lbs svnstea thwnlilw nnu s ihcgranulatedsugar lh 40c tea mo or so lh sugar 4 lbs tea for gkl 3 packages corn plakea for tto a bhrwtldeil wheat for uc 3 ern surch for 2c 3 gloss 3c a bottle mixed pickles for moc 3 catsup fur hjjc 6bars comfort sunlight hoitp for klc o 389bsb383 great clearing sale 25 per cent off all overcoats 14 off all suits at r s cull co jlrtn bbfrltsrmrnh 6tje baptist otrjurcr don no alc sliifib or ihirks here vc back up our clothes at one fourth ot prices the tiiric as we do at full prices youll fet all there is in it lor just a fourth less and no hedging the goods arc marked in plain figures just take one fourth off the price and pay us the balance its our clearance sale time and when we start to do a thin we always do it kvcry mans qnd boys overcoat and suit in the house goes injo this sale not a garment reserved here is the way we have rnarked them mtu and uil for tm 9 11 in71 iht4 all winter caps and heavy underwear reduced in price can j ou- a fiord to ttay away from this sale r s cull co 3 lower wyndham guelph choice mujijding lots for baib ipwjhl wli will sdwtsk u b l la h a will sail thaoala laa st low pvlaaa on tu latwa of patmaait iihslldlaobm a co ai- jj iu the merchants bank of chnhdk proceedings at the fortyeighth annual meeting of shareholders the forty ei annual meeting of the shareholders of the uerchanu dank ob canada was held ducmiber 30u1 igti at the head offices of tlia laak 1 wednesday the tittle men t of the result of the buhtnen of the uank for tho year ending 30th november ton uiowed tho net profits of the year after payment of charges rebate on discounts interest on deposits sod maklnfi full provision for had and doubtful debts liavo amounted to jluoiboj the balance brought forward from 30th novem- w oo wait vmojs uulliiju tolnl ol jlajbbjblfl thht hak been disposed of as follows dividend no 04 at the rate of percent per annum 13100000 divluendno 95 at the rata of 9 percent per annum 13500000 dividend no o at the rate of 10 itcrcenl per annum 000000 uivldead no 07 at the rate of lo percent per annum 000000 1 700000 tvanexerred to reserve ruudv 500000 written off bask premises acceuat 1000001 contribution to officers pension fund 500001 italance cametl forwanl 51678 r7sb7bls the general tlie statement of tuiahllltlca mid auuiu at 30ii1 tlo vera ber liabilities a35l93uon 1 to tho public noleti m circulation deposit at call deposit kubjclt lo notice at crued interest to dole in cluded deposits by other bank in canada ckholdoi ss 807115 l6a30fijs ja l35mfi84 statement a then read an follows assets colilaud hltvor coiaon handd dominion note on hand notntt and cheques of other danktl its lance due by other hanks in canada hanks and agents in tl united state call and short lean f 149007 ob 565010000 46o378s 08 b63533 36s5i4a3 a to thu capital paid up iooooooo keserve putld 1 540000000 llalaatcuf profttathrriod forward 58878 ib 63404 5b 3lo8oo5 161ii10i i jo 000 00 a 10 so 7o47ool3 31 llondl and stock else whore than in canada 000161977 007406901 3 lbs beat raislna or 3 ctirraiitm for 3i 3 prunes for t3i 0 rice for 4u 6 pot barley for 3 best soda biscullu for flou s lhire lard for s3j n best peels assortetl fpr xso 3 cnna beet com for ibbo 3 plutntmacdonaldschuwlntt so 1 oai bestvlasjrnr ttta 6packftespearllneror ttttc 3 bottlejmon or vanilla 1 street ibtto 3 package oilletlialyoror cttc uillinbrv in tiiu spring tfa plneit rver bbewn in acton lowm lb choice butter wanted hiht priors in uschsnire for ooodi also poultr ttftir and lard taaua sraiiin w cash roa oooo roanivukv t cssuit no goods on apnmvnl if not hulled we will rfund your money comb inandbbkturtbarualns oerbig hustler owseatsor catforw co ahllit j t acton i31m3471b1 current loans and discount less rebate of tnterctftreserved 4741104903 loan to other banks secured 160 5 84 74 loana and discounts overdue ion fully pro vided for ua6 deposit with dominion cove rn meat for sec ur ity of note circulation iy7ooooo uortnjraa and other securities the property of the bank 1009953 real estate v- 3bs76s bank premise and furniture j igi73f07 other abstta j- 4446734 lav r u nuixipll a paetor hunoav jaw ait uounivu li v j vlaala vknimfl tw lor thm hral n a ffta r srntass ou tl pvajltsi hoe a 11 wmlcokim iioiimk ih itknt si iihlawat attoa iaiua 896149 i montagu- allan president 00umtkk uhkck books rplim raws i uh u pnwd lo sll all vaean l lo uounim tihmti osaka of u ala oa- daaswipuobb kauiualka fuiuubad far u joulr o kind u aand sal at inn uui w bu f- umul aadibtluu aaa 1 nm waur take notice rftiat u x sat illlma ibsaal kklll rasa fiw fwav a braw tnai ol isu ibttioa al tba mad wluilai uts bswporauaa mad aatsav tba ass tiol a uu odasoil that pwut ot queen strees in ika trrflntrnilialeaan us limit of btaru btraatsod uu if limit orauejfkt stsee nojck noriok la laferttaa uisl aa arhnllouloe wu ba au by uta reroau vahstsas sailwa cwpany u uta llalslre of lbs rw vlbaa ol ontario a ita max rtiii lav ma ad snloualaia uta ooanihu j todwdd its una inn i la mjj io tcm uiauwtuvsny yj- twplsu- ubla ilia jay of dasuataaf auctict sale laltm stook imllijs- menth jstu tb mmbp im hm imtewmwi bf um hmmnnva la a brlli to ekig ckbc eareijau tbaa eaul sr la ood ortatsss itrtjmau1urot a weed eolursior atatths o r l ivweosffwiursbaal uusmnkfl ceekshau asnewar kp bean 1 ssuer sad ktw a assbav af evsl mat sbmaaoaa mstrtll k fcvsyttswsevtesalr sm 1 ojrd o asasaasr of thaaskasaat la niararuo4nmbaaharaabssrer urn u taaqnaalaaj itiaraia 1 aeeas beak ben -fo-od- w- tmuuhovoalh sll ty lyjlara at laa asasiws it os approvad jolat botsa tta numm off lor eaah ns ami fnj s clbarino atjctioksale it aim stook aot im ijlmmbnts a let l eon a flni ha srla oa ukhkhi iw ut 1 wan ii ettj i ta sssiaha asl i w lav i od woih boraa sraiaht imoi i all tli la 9 yasnwd bvllevsl fflistl ilviuv t r twiiibttbi ti rad hi wspo boaspsrta oattvzl art sow ohimii dssvlmbarstl i blaak anastsa a i ww tout i rad oow das ftmmklrrlltiil olaulo oow cms iwhimh awtljsnaw f l itluntvi poiisd oow dus aptlljubt 1 nd majamtaii imaiasltjomt all jr 4 uiufbsh tesbuan uill5rf lobe in luflku suits oaans ulaaar it ul id d mauls ads waila aaij dl n jalw1 mssailrtfaauliiioi bene kliob ftuaaaii u rolus- utrmnsfuw tbuuiiofuauiaiomdiiamv auh i rwn ill umalfa wataku i ksrtht 1uj kaim c1sh imd laori fowl- k h junk i in ill 11 had ol furmitube srxb rcton look here poklliqtr lor thick n guilt laootra lmorf uron graml and brinu ulbyrabh rv aaaaaa atinii will b 1 lb dominion hotel acton weonesdhv febuarv rth hour froro to a in 4o o p n make appoint men tp to avoid dfflay mrs j gibson 4 sop 71 khuj st sail 1 bnth oai fswwrwff

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