fyht jvjttjim sttt xt volume xxxvii koi 1 snpu id i acton ontaiiio thuijsday morning rbiiruatty i ims m net f i i single copies initkk cicnih 8 be iiton jfret press tmtiw wiu be im asws tieut wio bakseata e ml be la use ease by a ibimih ears m mu i essa jr c- m by ee a iw btreat len- i c m m b ui x oft will rseet far jvumintu ftkccctorp r umtt um hmfm is tft jo p rtim la tfa vmflfta tea uthfib mum hassilal r kmbl a j huojuuhoh niiiwii 111111111 in o im wmniiit twin m ivni j wtamww awjnrte mi niwi dbbs hardiu u l s dkmtlst w deaaua b4 wsuur iubtrll d jc xd j hardy co arrvasrrituto ccwissctoaa add n kw coeabsrovosmts fleet street i vans etekweei nnun oib boham mokbudib tovev wumi ktan iliiwiil buwl ej all wnes f j5fcs kjijbuiob uokhbbs n r moos i black liauuid awnonii pttte ohmin wrt sw lb fhi ttt- el weuteatwa as b wlwsale ywrwt a iftah ow ta wnf taveess tjatairami leveat rssaael latere t tjnr-t- james hcooklald lafcmmo avcnomiwi ud w lli ud gui ol fheold ul hemable granite and startle dealers sjsawss w sons satisfaction in watch repairing at moderate prices is what we aim at savage co an watch kmracioes quctph ontario cmoicbst conpoctionory iiakold wilps of the acroa car is bow headlln tb una of neilsons guusntmd bon bon hmr box l factory if in ceatocaer 6ds v waters bros qucfph headquarters for o a c amn school supplies voft nature studt botanical etomolooical drawino paintino 41 wyndham sited pton330 a woman wants the home paper ukkt thk hnowbtorm with a bulu bv having a dkcunt kqulpuentor snow shovels ice scrapers find brooms ic s4rper i ies to 4fx brdlfm at 3k tp 4 tlio bond hardware co bmuflmn t the best la glasses at reasonable prices a d savage oucipn rcton xjx 3t iix jl bus hm thw ondefklcnad rapactlully oudia lb pimu of iba pob- lle aad tafovw tbwm ituu mlmxk xmdl auwd envlhala lyw b mcind m bt a comfortabu boa tnaala all irajaa bmwwa loootm and 6 10 p n carafdl aluniton imm to aiar of ja tbm wania ot com la aii 111 travatlefw full j mo john wiluhws pnopawror january sale cheap pianos and organs a lut of good inatrunmnu that will bo aou at bargaja prices tbu ruanth i i laodadowo uprijhuunf dijooy caao full alao kitloddid lono f 1 75 i challsn bona london kog up- riht rtano 7ocuva btmuudtl wl nntcaawljl 4 6octavs piano caw im otblxi urao of tboaa instroaaenu used only a faw nwntha 7 to i 4 3ocbivl hlb and low top orje apleadld tone good vol urn o 09 aodibai vkt muok tif iho at rtmk of iba trough illackanad my brow wbam all mbjht vrt wmu i wa abia1 way off my pilhcrrad will compmalmi for v ilia llnput in luy band m rina of gold tlirru a no aacapa froui a rfna tbey yi ifa pol on my nrck a chain to hold my paaattmala aplrit from hraakum away ha put on toy frut tin- kltoaa that mlaa nu chanco to traad in lb narrow path ii pietaad nai tuy llpa i ha burning kua that afitrchra dar than lira of wrath ll flllnl my ixmiy with mt and win ll hodwi my baart with i tmi whlta light yt unp in the inlr- with aaoana i longuitd halp mi wallow to- nlgbl mnk ir u aly rwk r tba trough itupkan my wul whw nona may i t iwr i yat am h long way nff cuius ijulokly lord i llavt coin pmalon on l i iicualwynwe i raldln cnadun magalna 9fuct ymlld btablnij h fjjth our oclock ramlndad i ha h inp us a card in aaod further pailliu lara payments that uult your puree mccapbsd make her happy by taking it the year round tbe 2utm jttt prtsk paper makers oionamtowx oar qoolf nbws and oolobkd papbiib jno bbakbbb w qimson funur famr hwobr viatom innir wto- begs to inform the ladies of acton and sorroonding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper honses in can ada x500 samples to choose from prices right i also that he is prepared to repair all granite aiominnm and enameledjware knies and scissors ground fpmi- tore repaired snor mill stbbbt actoh i- chas vv kelly oats hay ooen there 13 none cheap er nor better than we are offering to our cus tomers every day get our quotations b noble m r moore mamogaw hatty jt ramlndad i ha maid at iba library door oh daar yaa auppoaa ao i with a frown lluy roaaand walkad alow i y in tliadlmotlon of tha inuala room at i ii intantnii tha inagaalna aha was read ing ii waa aeveral mlnutf bafora aba aelllad haracilf for praotloe at tbr piano a btsiullrul and coatly inalru ruent liar fatbara gift on bar last tlrthjy at tbahnt alrokaof aababurriad back to tha library an advaruaaroant in ilia dally papar met hr ay hba raad it twloa an uiuoh abaorbad that aha did not bsar liar flhra atepi auddanly hla band toudbrd bar alio u ida r oh daddy la found axaelly what vrv barn wanting for oir ao long juat bar thlal for bala chaap a awoal tona htradlvarlua violin ad- dreaa hoaa kohler walnut uror wla lant that wonderful hlradl warlouj olwwpr aakad brtty axoltad- iy it certainly aoonda that way aald mr jrver alowly i oould tall baiter if i aaw it though h uut father i thought a 8lradlar lua waa alwaya the vary beat yea but wa havo to lake tbla per- 011 word thai d- oo i would nawcr think of buliuc oy thing ilka that without toeing it brat how did the practicing go today r liulty ahrugged bar ahoulderr 1 forgot all about it thta morning truly but i practlaed an hour tbla afternoon i get ao tired of the puno father id juat loa the violin though t i wouldnt 4et tlrrd of that yea daughter interrupted mr uarver you were juat aa aure you would never forget to practice if you could have a new piano he looked at the steloway grand with a algb the violin u a much mote difficult inatrumaitt to matter if you have no mora peraeverance it would be money thrown away to buy an ea penal ve violin and pay for the leaaona baltya faoo fluahed ecarlet and teara catna to her aye juat then the dinner hel rang and the auhjeet waa dlainlaeed fur that evening tha next day mr carver want home rarlkr thanuaoali betty waa at the piano thats free i keep righton lie aald going into the nioajc room oh father 1 i waa going to aurprlie you l aha cried you have aseujred u t oarver had no idea you could play ao well im going to try lo do my beat after tbla father aald betty that what your mother would have liked daughter and altar a moment allenoa 1 i have a aurprlae for you 1 im obliged to go 10 wuoou aln to look at a tract of timber ili not far from walnut grove how would yon like togoalon wo might atop to hunt up that wonderful violin oh 1 oh 1 itelty cried clapping her hands in delight walt a bit protaated her father if i abould dad that instrument worth purchasing youre to keep on with your piano leaaona until you next vacation it will be time enough than to begin on the violin do you promlae f yea indeed tether 1 when do we start the day after totnorrow wa the winter footwear boots h shoes wahave a fall stock of winter wftlhl boota sad show lor man woown and cfaudrea la all the newest shape alao s sptottdtd una of mass waterproof shoes rubbers owr atock of ibaaa goods is very comparts tedadlag ttebbers wool used robbera ver and rsbbsr boots lh u- supply tour wtntwr footwsar namkla m7 wtdjtilams mill streit acton pitch ihfore we reach walnut grove very likely but tben it ian t aa though we bad frlende to meet ua who would be alarmed at the delay an- awered her father cheerfully ve ooght lo be vary thankful it waa a freight and not thla train that wa wrecked aa it la two poor fallow wer badly injured j theyve taken them over there pointing to a whit farmbouae in plain ajght tb frown inatantly vanlalird from lleltya fao aa abe looked at it fiup- poae it wei ih r rather or heraalf uiat was auffaalug and there uul a doctor aruoil here ian t it dread ruir yea they found on on the train aald mr carver iont you want to takes walk betty ila ao pleasant the conductor ssya hell wblalle for ua to get hack before lb train a tarts the two iravellara ware glad to gat out into tb aunshlne the sir waa warm and uiolat fartnera ware plow ing in the flelda it waa a abort walk to the fanuhouee yuu would bet ter alay here aald mr carver aa they fteared tb gate i ahall not be gone long the girl leaned both arm on the lop rail of tha fence and looked off at the nun trudging briakly along in the the narrow furrow behind hla team iktly betty called ber father beck oning to her dont you want to cow in and cheer tip tb poor frl lowaf h asked aa abe came up they er not dangerously hurt but ll will be eome lime before ihey er able lo go back nn the road batty entered the houer timidly one iumi lay on a couch tb o titer on aotlln lb urge at u ing room while tb fanoera wife a large motherly looking woman hovered about trying to make ibeni comfortable tb man with lb bandaged brail entiled beck at ilrtly no i aiut hurt bad mlaa uet a cut my bead and my hack wrench d hut ite lough lyln here when one warn- to b at work belly nodded aympathallcally it waa bai i to know juat what to say lo tbeee bl rooghlydreaaad atrangera suddenly aha caught eight at a email organ in the room oh would you ilk to have be play for you abe in quired fiurr mlaa aald the man hla ran brightening ilia companion only mntjered aoroethlng but hla eyea fol lowed lb young girl aa ah wealed heraelf at i lie inatrument she con sidered a moment j there waa nothing will in the oompeee of the littler organ with which abe waa famllar except the eongs from her hymn book home mr oarver llalened in plea auipriae as eotig after aong floated out clear and aweet on iba april air tb farmer a wife droppedjnto a chair and aat with foaled hands rocking gently iter gaae fixed on the yonng musician there cornea to my heart one awret atraln a glad and joyoua refrain 1 i aliur it again and again sweat peace lb gift of godki love the winger ended tbale what uollle hinge lo coe when i oouie in all tiled uut whos molllef inquired hetty with a pleased look shea my oldest girl mlaa a couple of years youngern you 1 reckon we have an organ loo but molllea navar had many lessons weve been ao anxious to pay for our place i think ah does real wall though whs practice every chance the gle od he going lo have more leaaona eome day if i dont get tangled up in any it was lbs spring vacation and al ready than was breath from lb green iblnga pushing their way out of the tnold as rather and daughter atarted forth that april morning along tha atresia beds lb delicate draperir of the wlllowa humj like a oft green mlat the emerald cm of the bill wera loal in the qaacy blue of lb aky aa iba train aped on suddenly without warning there wai a ahrukrroni the wbuue a jerk uf the bell and iba tralo cam lo a tandatlll ooodualor and brakeman hltrrlad inrougb the crowded car men impatiently enught the platform lo lesm the oauwf of the delay what u ttr aaked betty aw mr gerrer returned lo hit aeau a freight wreck ahead ha replied the wrecking train wul be here dir ectly bttl it mesne m wait of nearly two hours 1 two hnurev belly repeated in dltwy oil hear ii will tt dais kj where do you liver asked mr carver at walnut grove oh do you know ltoee kohler exclaimed betty i guess aot abejlvea tbenextktreet back of ua tb woman at the bouse had duv appeared i now the returned with a plate of cookies and a pitcher of but termilk jlss aba auld her vloltayct cq tlnued betty as abe periook of lbs refrauhroenls 3h hadnt when i left thla morn ing tb whol of walnut grove would mlaa it dreadfully if ahe did when i bear the blrda a alnglng as ir the big elm in front was chock full agoing on aa though their little throat a would eplll i aay thai roalee violin i never heard her beat any where you ought lo hear her play we nope to hav that pleaaura to night mr carver oonaulted hla watch i think wed better be going betty toot i tooot a lung whrleklog blast reminded the cellar that the train was nearly ready to atari they look their departure hastily with the hearty thanka of the two men follow ing them im so gtad we oauie father batty declared aa they hurried along it worth a great deal to be able to help people forget their troubles mr carver auairered amlllng down at hla daughter it was dark when the train alopped at the suuill etallou of walnut grove ughta abone hare and uiere from jiooaee eat among al trees tje amok and flame of a huge bonfire oould bean seen at fba farther end of the village the two went alowly to ward it we ahould have inquired at the atatlon j i havent the least idas which way o go mr carver afld- denly bailed and looked around the hhioii la cooalogp fslber juat wee it through the trees i halfway down the jong at reel which eeemed to etreloh out before them until it waa lost in a country road faint aweet bounds reached their ears ustsa father whispered belly aforjoing ahort louder fuller vet nxtlulallely tender the atralna came again lla the violin i right tbla way too betty turned up a croaa itret fend uf carver fuuowed bar rapid atepa th ulinfto drtw ifieto on rtid on then it caased abruptly hatty ballad in dlamay bear roe bow provoking t a minute ago i felt poatuve that it that little drab houa over titer now im not at all aure what do you think father t i thought it was on the other side of the wtrast but i may be mistaken fwla anuulre thatll settle lu hut they had hardly taken a atep forward before tb violin again began and betty f prang toward the gate of the little drab houaa in breetbleaa ex oltrraeot there ahe pa the rnoonllghtsttemaied through the win dow upon the figure of girl berchaek aatlng lovingly against a violin the ratcliera luuned breatbleaely aa lbe raiaed the bow and it alidad gently over i he wtringa thla time it did not awaken a tingle bird note instead it aa ilka a bong lite winds ting to de parting aummer mo eweet and mourn the moonlight at reamed in upon the fair amoolb braids and faoa of the player and to tb two out aide abe www uuaint picture anddenly come to ufa lleltya eyes filled as aba listened in the flrtt moment of allenoa abe caught at ber father arm ones away father dont you see that it would break her heart to part with it r ahe wblwpered i could never learn to play like that let ua go k nonsense tluua a on inslru- nt or im no judge she really wishes lo well lb violin mr carver walked up to lb door while belly followed neat german woman an swered the knock and ushered ibem into the room where the young violin lat aat itoale beree worn lolka who want to aee yon the girl looked up title sirs sehoder made haata lo light a lamp we aaw your advertisement in the paper mr career made hast t plain and my daughter iter baa been anxious for eome time lo poaaeea a fine violin wa have been listening to your playing oh i know little about muelc ilia girl a faoa flushed i had a fev leaaona from my uncle adveral years ago and that la all but be was always aaying that ila practice doae it i have ao ttle urn with a elgh but x ihlnat gear play beeutir ully betty persisted why do you want to eall your violin yon might be come a one musician oh no hose looked incredulous i am not a gen lua beside there is ao much to learn and i have no money to pay for l and ia there no one to help yotp mr carver asked the girl shook her bead iv been living with lira hcboder and helping wi t boarde but ahe la going away now and there will be nothing here for me to do 1 thought if 1 oould only get to the city i could and work and perhaps i might he able to buy tuy violin back again eome lime that would hardly be probable mr oarver looked thoughtful what do you ask for ft the girl looked down at the instrument held ca awe lagly la her up would fifty dolls re be too much do you ihiok r fifty dollar for a slradlvarluat laughed beuy we can arrange it thla way aald mr carver u a time we were going 1 will pay you fifty dollar now and when you come to the city bring your violin and 111 give you another fifty youll be coming aoon i suppose r oh yea air but im- to afraid it a 00 much not at all asd whan you come youd belter let betty meet you at the ttation and go right home with her you are very kind aald hoes and thank you ao much for letting me keep the violin a utile longer a week later the ybuog german girl slighted at fortieth street etallon she looked with timid blimvyee at ih buttling throng around ber and clasp ed bar violin ess closer here the la father l and hetty csrver aprsag out of tha crowd fol lowed mora alowly by her father the three wer anon eeated in near will you be loo tired after we have had a lunch to play for a friend of ours t mr csrver asked i want to get hla opinion of the violin im not at alt tired answered hose modrally an hour later tb three were in a beautifully fumlahed studio where were two great plsnoa bealdee a nun- of other musical inatrnmenta the whitehaired professor examined the violin carefully ita a stradlvarlus he aald at hurt and a remarkably fine one where did you get it krau lelnr my uncle max kngberg gave it to roe when he died herr waldemar oaoriee left it to him watdemaruevriee i repeated the professor why bvauhrln he was one of the few really great artists if your uncle has bequeathed you his talent with this instrument you are rich indeed ue banded the violin to iloae play prauleln let us bear what message the master violin baa forua iloae raiaed the inatrument lo her boulder bhe paused a moment thoughtfully then tha bow awept across the strings with a masterly touch it teemed to awaken all the lumbering echoes bidden sway in that priceless bit of carved wood all the ambition and longlag which had fired the master favorite the gtrt seemed to have wade bar own ao falthfullydld the interpret ibem there was auenoa for a few mo menta after the player laid down ber inatrument the profeaaorwaaeyeing ber keenly freuleln did you never bear your uncle apeak of hla old lth u which tb perseverance genlua la nothing 1 will train yon until you are ready for a belter teacher the maslera violin mntt apeak again through you batty carver baa a violin hut it la lot a htrandlvalrua after all mean- whlubcfty and ber roster slater ltoee practice ao diligently that their fathftr laughingly calls ihalr home lite car ver conservatory twkmty ykam aqo wee ow issus off tbunwdsiy tafeauarr atfa lane r tttonts sillier has moved into hla new bouse on i jake avenue mr w 1 brown who occupla a responsible position with the t raton oo toronto waa trees u led at tha orel of the uioolb by tha oil ice aattt with a handwouie pair or gold pectacles- capu davie and ijaut mel i of ute salvation array farewrllrd last ik and are succeeded hy ct cooke and meut whetstone the school board ut on monday ivenlng to talk over th proposed new school but were unable to arrive al a decision and are to meet today at tb property to look matter ovar and oon fee with architect cameron mowers mclem and wallace tavorad renova tion or the old building and addltloi two new rooms whlla messrs harding and haw oooke favored a new school and chairman ilynda and mr il holmes wished further consideration mr luvid henderson waa reelected m v for helton in lb bytveleclion last week by a majority of jio over mr j i mcgregor who ran as nominee of the 1atrona of industry the vote waa the largest ever polled in the county ltd votes mr hendereon reoelvad congratu latory telegrams from lloo j j o abbott lremler end mr x i thorn eon conservative leader in the corn- three utile girls are weary weary of booka and play sad la the world and weary slowly the time sllpe away six little feet are aching bowed la each little head yet they are up and shaklnu when hnriv mention of bed llravaly they laugh and chatter jut for a minute or iwo then when they and their clislltrr u cornea ijulokly to woo niowly tbslr eye are hosing down again drops every head bree little rnalda are dosing though theyre not ready for that u their method ever nlgbl after night they protsl claiming they re sleepy naver never in need of their ruwt 1 nodding and almost dreaming urowslly each little head sui1 la forever acheming merely to k ou of bed fate anll many a nmi of imnml ray the dart uutaihol avea al ocean beer itoll many a nutter is i mm i blush nntreii and waio ha snritutkrt 01 tbe desert air mxilitaw ray oh ys often butjt is ao long ago i do not remambtr tbe name itwasl praulelol max kogbert wan vary dear to ue ya bay ihat tame genius for ineapyetsudn ettd tbe farming com to on i ty actually increased mr hendnreooij majority of a year ago in their districts tb uberala felt rather tore at lb iatrona virtually forcing them out of lb field at a lima whan confident they could win for ih first lint in many ysera thar mmi to ba no talk of pro eat ing lev c h spurgeon the great bap tist preacher in london kngland died on the night of january slat in lfxu a chapel to accommodate 2000 to flooo p was built for hla congre gation he baa received more than 43000 persona into the church and erected 17 chspela in loudon supplied with ministers trained in a college of hla own founding mr john t brown haa returned to acton from toronto and will make hit home here again mr w ii hulledge and family have removed lo toronto mr w ii storey la abtc to be in hi ofllce again and will storey la lni proving mr john lawton br h eome better and mr john arthurs ex peels soon to be in hla store itev charlton and messrs uii wallace and tbrs iwynun hr are around mr thos kstton la better than for a week peat mis jamoa moore la gradually regalnlng iter elrength 1 mr samuel johnatone expects soon to be in usual health sir and mrs h a gnaw are improving mts maptuui st has been very iii as also mlaa cleve land both mr and mrs lyman are lib ur j c nelson la convalescent mra abratu matthew and mr christie are better mlaa cameron very iu and mr duncan kennedy la not expected to recover mrs locker an old kasaagaweys pioneer passed away on january 10th aged os years a very large funeral ahovred respect to the honored dead ilki duyltkn in kramoaa on january uth george drydan4gd 03 years litrrmm at campbnllvlle on janu ary 2ub samuel it uater post- msatsr aged 77 years coxtjesat milton on january slat kliaabeth lock wife of llobt ooatea town clerk aged so year oaowk at guelph on february lat kami itayraood wife of john crowe aged 1 years b months first 1 when we undertake to all your prescriptions we giv them our undivided attention and beat oar the patients welfare is our brat aldoratlon second 1 we gusrantee our drugs to be of full atrength as well aa pure and fresh third 1 our customers are buppued with just whattheyaakfori aubstltut- ing la never allowed psikbw osxiott ooxfoumd if you are a aufferer from kidney dlaease liver complaint blood troublee rheuinatunn neurmhrla or nerv iaro4ratlonvre ocnfkhmtly i mend the use of paine celery com pound thla reliable and never dis appointing m u a true disease banlaher and aystem builder wi supply the genuine palnna celery oompound at jrovo acton ont ugblaj p there is no uee cussing when thlngi ere going wrong for saying tblnga and fuaalng wont bring good luck along if fortune treats you meanly youll find that it will pay to go around crenel and smile the good old hrmy there la no use repining if yoq have got an ache there is no use in whin ing as though your heart would break it best to alt and suffer your little pain and grin youti oak might be much tougher than it haa ever been sometimes the gods correct you and if you give 00 screech your neighbors wtfl respect you sod aay you are a peach thereunouselnranllogluin quiet eosn hi beat x that mouth is most enchanting which often take a rait juat do eome silent thinking while jogging on your way so many tongues are clinking end elankjog all ofeuatl storted boy bhokkr at four oclock yesterday afternoon a hute eleven yearold isd with tho baby blush allll on hla cheoku and with great lutt rout eyes wa irudg g sturdily along ontario street tat puffing manully al a cigarette when a gentleman alopped him with a cheery hallo sonny pretty young to be amok ing arent you r tho utile eltaplooked up and his ui wasglowlng with pride for waa he not doing aomethlng that men did and waa not bia whole ambition just be a man fim eleven aald he where did you get thai cigarette r at that atoreeald the lad point ing ihi you know continued the gen unman that boya under 10 years of age are not allowed to era ok e cigar ettes r the question was hardly uecee asry for tbe boya innocence jrs man ifest no aald he i didnt know and with that he threw away ilia cigarette b had been smoking havq you any more persulcd hla interrogator one more said the boy taking it from hla pocket and you can have it just tbe twot he waa naked just the iwo how much did you pay for them y two cents a cent apiece eh f yes then tbe gentleman explained liilof ly in language which the child could understand the evils of lbs cigarette habit bow it defeated tho very end the hoy was aiming at attainment to manhood by tluntlng pbyalcal man 11 and mural growth montreal wltoeaa trie cauklkbt wouhus we can alwaya hurt uioat those whom wo love and who love ua moat for even a lllue wound it a great wound when inflicted ua a loved one and it la perilously easy to paaa from tbe inflicting of utile wounda lo those that a year ago wo would have thought too cruel to tolerate kvery bitter word apoken b- a dear one makes it probable that the nrxt time the word will be more bitter and the hurt deep er our love for one a do turf nu mailer how great is easily overmas tared by sarcasm auger sad even hatred when once the demons have been permitted to have their own way in our ufa indeed we arc likely to ventthsa pssslons on ihusa tve lovo besl more readily than on any others taking refuge behind the cowardly thought thai our love la really great enough to stand the attain bo it ia in the innermost circle of our moat lov ing relationships thai we need to be moat on our guard if we are in tbe bondage of tbe bsblt m constantly wounding our daar ones only god- can break the bondage for ua he will do ao when we fight with hliu to make love the guardian of our up sunday school times kvidktlob or risndity they have actually eaten theni- eelveeout of house and home hereditary the parents uf all mankind did the same thing if you will remember the circumstances of the garden there novor was and never will he n unrvenaarpsnacea lrtnnnrenujdy for alllllato which flesh la heir what would relieve one ui in turn would aggravate the others we liave how ever in quinine wine when obtained in a wound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ula by lu gradual and judicious use the frailest syaums are led into convales cence and atrsagth by the influence which quinine exerts on hsturoe own restoratives it relieves those tn whom a chronic state of morbid despondenoy and lack of interest in ufe la a duresse and by timnqulluing the nerves disposes to wound jand rwfreehlug sleep imparts vigor to tho action of the blood which being atlmulated ooqrses through tho veins etreogtbeolng the healthy animal functions of the aystem thereby making activity a neoetaiiry reaulr atrengthenlng the frame and giving life to the djgeetlve organs which naturally demand increased substance esult improved appetite north rop lyman of toronto have giver to the public their superior quinine by the opinion of scientists tho wins approaches nearest perfection of any uiiluohiayvet addrukbltvmlilt