Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1912, p. 1

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ht ivtiw stit volume xxxvi r no in krary oabaiii aoton ontario tuuhsday koiinino maimjii 21 1913 upturn plica ft i single copies tiikkk cents ffibt cton jrce ress irteily id ulnim uotiaal bu ui ill is i r wttlali i ay i l paid tlu aiplrad tt n data to wtllol abaoctpuoa la lialj la daiwk1 tin ui addfaaa law abvaariatnu ilitta trmi tlaot ajwaha- qttabt imw lion otmirael llaly ui mw pa loafa aub luaakll a vaillraotllrau fev raadlef luaum u hou la li eh aab inaai will balnaariwt till toil 1 1 an 1 ol aial urnr 1 advaauaaaaaola lll ba etiaosad iraoa naoatb dmlnd vot abaataa illanar bm anonunnad ilia nun jdaitlua be paid tor mlu tn auaoooealaeullaalad diui ii if kafluhomoa mlbatklit 1 ou i u u 1 imnmawlk mid j iiui lu will 1 wlnlor da aubsnu i m 1 ailiaftlaauiaaiji and arbara jludliiii eaji iim ol altars aa oar papa alud la hd and kjiuull t l ialur tinstnxss dtrtttarp mxaltax rruiob chav m i u m moii i rpi kbo f kumagimih barnsa madtatl aaaooiatiom ktu- x k holmu m d uml j iat house koraaoa to ht joapl a hospital calaf uih ft j lei 11 id um vnuru banllal bejaaoe to ba uaraalkll uauuulal mslsraui uoapilal london oabas rsaidaooa ull hliaat oppolt hyaaa jowollarj huh rbomnam actos owv jobhw aucdohau u duu xato 1 top aitd hutri umu i lwpl l disease ol woman ai d oaiiaial hara fspa aw toionlo flioua no hi j mackinnon j monabb 1 fourth division jour thiuuly of uai oo oimnnieiriwl iflraand ufa ai ul batata aant monay to loan ate oralttavlorryniau luoak aoton 1 sjcmrxl dfitj n dell dublbb durriar aotom oases hamawfra ooroe utltand riadarub baatoa qtujusatm ov toaoxro umvuum tbe lalirt saaaautauo naad if dalrad dr h s haldih i u dhnttnt first tlw daatiauy i all la i iduim ooios10 toolaa ht upiu uukl1 11 wsokijlamxo as e ami haimvaco allvkblbl4a comtraciuhi ai hmw cokaumrowdkmta 50 float slrmt london ii c hngund a rite of uila 1apa oan tw aaau rra of oh aim b vultora lo ixwdon ki wtiont advloa itmila 4ll b l u rwjuud is what we aim at savage 6t co ttru watch inspdcjotts guclph ontario u arul tnunoy will b n 4 harold iiakoil wif ij l ola aiim cam now liantllln ilia lino o neilson3 guorind bon bona hvory box fturaotood ullaeac faciory ii my cumtomar gad i tlwin nol t lliy mi b refnnhid and tnunoy will b refuoded harold wlle3 tlik artom lafi waters bros guclph headquarters for o a c and sckool supjjlles nature study botanical btohoiooical drawina painting 41 wyndbam sireei phan390 dont move out paranoia ndnan uookbihdhh wyndbaaid uoalili outatlo 0orwlulaubtilom aqw booka of ail ktnrfa mad to ocoaf uaartajhiill of afrary itaaart c hon oattgl i y boa ad rllk i a ml prom p t f oua m aqb licbmbes timidmm in til nln ratjoliad laanad a offiaa aclton a oljck llpknbbp auctioxmou lfrtf um connua of ralion aufl walling ton um biook ad inplaoania vaaor and iui autma laiaa mlioluo hlluoloh uaj- tow aaton o ranii tkku olboa w r lb oaulut of tyallldjjtoii ond iioimm qitmi1n ai itii rritia rwau one aoion o maatfntumlbaood will b4 pwmiu m li bmubtslbit fiifnmt anonomauw tmionmtu aimm utdt to tbai on ttio mod fairbla tra fttltaalowvot ratal ol inuraat in ot mw and apwarii htash day suggestions kaitiin wotok wayiu ks fs m kitlln hlotor du th wob cukluicr dowswu i r ol hi s wuinltr 40 lo sys iiinl 1 victor i i ictuic irons muh 1 jit haii iuom k 1 luud ia imlr iciidinif tin 1 mil luor winri uu i ibum hid 110110 iwltci- limn hi ic firt1r itif rmntlon i w mitrd l u rlitjf no 7 tull niw llmo lo ml t to your in 111 hm the bond hardware co rulilbona 07 the best in glasses at reasonable prices a d savage auciph ittoiir ay tiw ihtsroirict hctori t liyery bus lin0 iho undcrslinod mcllull olkclla iho pmliunako of i ho wb lie and inform litem itial well equlppaml auid mtyluh rln can olwaya bo mcarod kl hl ukblm a comolblo bu me la oil train batarocn 10 00 w and 6 0 p in carolal at tan 1 ion ivan tu ovary ordr the wanli t com insrcil trovellara fully ml john lucillittjuts rontlbtoii the bell piano a srikmim tumtf eabk amu l1liithku ov acti m oooo stav im lltmk quai itibl iiamdsomk unrniau akii fihibii tbom ra four nd our prominent bell isano lt ut prlnf you wmi hand bilts advertise aiva duilnm will doom llukhmu aoutionaxu fortlo ooantlaa of wolllnab lullun ral mm doatorin outturn eity of uuali h rljltl oodbatad wlui aiufoilun ado upon 53fifbr ulsnr to ulnioaa i o o lladon ulabboao in taalilauoarlu oookaation wlib iba mill ajrhoro imuliniinui ao to italaa moiloilvaf ummmaboinada ilrdara lalt ai vmbm ium ofiwt wllb w j tlordon huhmi maker jiiirf ul raoowo i w mail lata ahaouoa bfa atiantlon to aalaa in aoujgtiiid vlolnlly pmma to unix e lutxr 1auus mc don alu v llchmouii augiiunkki vortba ooonilaaol wa1doton llaltoo waaaaioo waniworib and iba oily ol glpb faonli1a urnia uu aim oomoaufl pti reoaomtila i umtonmm nrdtahom si paper makers oxoaaavown our jiook nitws and colored iapkits jno kuakhicu the old mid reliable granite and marble dealers w otu hlaotmonm work w ooll dlroot tooarow laastomm dominion o looro baa nay ib 4 jtlfai um woo wo am toduawamalan nmi roy no acanta and do not annoy or pant ano- manbynaimuiabutlnotmilamtlomlu mdajrwn ontplot maabaalto only ami dafy uamilf on sons caash tely luufr umamm d fldftrp hour by hour imv ich lo f of i xn j1irtj lo i ii ill ho il afffli- a ln ily i iml i i- i ydylkn iuuiiih lhf ao a 111 wt 1 illlkbll jful l it lit v- t l not- llvna- i lit- y kfhl llial biiflvta ail y 1 look rnx a iiuwiil irvhtl ihiwi1 by til i urtu aomv i iltdri wt ig1lln tl wo 1 lint hi nn anutrrly uo oo al p m u la ur1 01 itruku 1 ui- yrwra- lo lioura d-y- il hour by hour ahlly lyilny jtlkl u lnu wy il wb i ikiiiltpmlriih hi uhr ii imii an row nor ltmildr him l fuliirr hfo w lib wm nnd alriihgloa ittmit 11a fco to fatcm ai jt no uco wit fimild not koi our frt would alop ami w flxl lay- n mill- rrry dy t ami novrr i bllr mi ll tlirwy will burden- iwmir m dn p or palbwuyo il m tlirrliltk ami w ruri jnmilu hwitinn etii h freedom carload mixed hay carload mixed hay carload timothy hay carload mixed hay carload straw got some now e jstoble n r moore marvatfr winter footwear boots h shoes wo have m loll noclt 01 wlihar wtlghl booia and shoe or moo women and children in nil ihe newoel ahapea umtm i p mn walerprool bhoei rubbers our ilock of ibeab bpodi u very com oleic lacludinfi uubbefa wool li jtuudcm ovartboos tutd hubb hoot li ua supply yoiir wlntr w wtllia1vcs mill slfeet attdoi uk iingu of llta i phono id tho llbmry inurrupwd hol- myd pwwriil breekfut aiintml inilmtlntilly h nrnoa from tho llttlo table in nnn nomtt of tbo ecroon wl porebfor fnlr woathor or foul hot or cold hotniyt nvarlahly bntakfnbt- m mt of dmiro will to ho waa at dlroh- ra unt etuniblod th rough iba opan 1rnnoli wlndtiw intnlbe llhnirr h nmiigbt up l telophnne from the i aide wnd hoiituil m ralhor impatlent hoi lo ll it hollo t caiiiu nil anvloue volee from tho other end of tho wlrr in that you jbnmy f yo who u lliu olt you aimf ho a ho reoognlwid tbo volan of hu coitaln mm duiihat wlmt on tmrth nro yoiicaluna mo up at i hit tlmo of tho morning for wlmt troiihlooverthvrol una hilly iineraml thla morning f i that it f 1 iatmi jimmy and dont attempt any of your billy humor jmt now the ugltatou volco alnionuil what do you otippomi lint oray child haa iu iowr whtcry child r nurof coir oh aalil ilolroyd not without 11 aatdimlo flbtiakleila ho reallaod atino rufoitml to tom dotmarv nlooe norm ormond who wii apondlnn two wkol the delmata- place and who wmh inoldantally korplng mro xelinr on the verse of h nervono breakdown wliat h ithe done atinof set the tahle nflro or aeoldetttally shot one olthiogr will you lie mhoiib jlmtpyr liu coualiia voice demanded ktt no tbuii for levity hhe m gone for m gllop there wahnii liilpreaalvepauao bluckfjre came the buuh lo tremuloue lonen wltatp ilolroyd nhouted in unbe- nr dont yon underatandf i tell you ah iiaa gone for a gallop on i lack are hhe waa up oarly thu morning and- aim wi ut mu to the atnhle and bribed tlin into aaddllng the brute for her the cook ww tier atartlng and ao kor brllied the cook too no- to tell met but when alio waa gone over an hour jenny grew mlarmed nndltasjutbaome to ma and told mo tho whole thing end tonia away in town and i cvnt find tim anywhere around the pfnee and goodnvaa knowa wlat may happen her 01m hat horr even tom hlmaelf la a bll hfrttld of him var henvene aaku jluimyeee if you oahc find hor that hroto ha probably thrown her aomewbere and ilolroyd welteil for no more for aii bbt latty i xtedor be wam a man of marked wtuuulon hi unflnlebed hreukfaiit on tho mirch the angniulng nrtlelf he hail imoii rewllng in tbo iiihgmalne aa he alpprd ble coffee even hie umolpreaaiit cigarette caae wm forgoltuii ab lie ran out of the library attrivromed thn trial yrd to the little gerege in a trice he hail jumped badeae in to n low black oar end waa whirling down tile drive toward the roede at a furloue pace nor ormond had gone out on lileakflre lllaokflre a brute that bod n reputation extending over three counllwa for iiib vloloua temper and bl priitieneia to attempt murder on whoever waa bold enough to petcbtoti hie lock lck jufet why i the girl ahpuld have crowned her niatiy wild feau alnoeahe had been at delmare by thle wlldeet of them ell lolnid dlnot attempt to argue with her be told hltitaelt griiyly fine bad gone unt for a gallop on blaokflie that wmi enough to make him aul bin teeth and groan luwardly and more tlmu piiibably eotnfa where benoathtliatautuimibltynoraormoiid vfiia wna ilolroyd wav afraid tu think of tbo tioealbllltloe lie gave the oar full awetl miii wwnb up the narrow wfnilluy ratl at a pao tljnt eot ihp chv roaklnv orlly titan na bo wting u lihrp uiirvc hu aaw bar titlug mi a rook by tho rondaldo her huf whi gonr hor heir wae rump led her brown rldlug aklrt wa oover- fitj rrllliiliht ijllil uidlj tcifl llovn i waa a cul juat above her light temple the black car came lo ah abrupt halt and ilolroyd eprang out and atood tiefota hor nninyad relieved and rath or angrj ttila 1 juat alumt the limit he ium p wd nh- fvoi bin with one of her u wlldr lug auium it way gli rloun i aim aeld with tmtliuauam uu wi uldn l hew thrown me at ull if 1 hoi i careleoa i wm rat bar tloiitldrnl i thought i had iho glngf hii 11 r him for i put hlu in i i u liml j i 1 mniidoil- wlr and bfcaliae i wh vrrconfldmit he did the thik v j ou ve acared anno imlf out of htr i 1 tr ann haai t imcli iplili hti r ttirnrd quite true unt you have rather too much ho himad hhe relxml hrr rgnlirowa lu mild roof i i ahould not have donnll hut the lemplatlou waa too great and i ahould have been aii right if y itadn 1 ihwii carruae i have rid inn much worae boraee than huck how long iiavo you ireen hrre t an imlf hour perhaps you had iml i or gat inlo the car lid 1 ll lake you he ok thorn la no need of worrying anne any longer than we can htdp mho turned eway her head and lor face hufthed i thnk you 11 have to put mo in the car aho mu hmilllngly you aee when he threw me my ankle twlated and i nan tatrpou it kino gracloua i wld ilolroyd iindei hu brvalh llien allenlly be llfiod hor in hie arni and put hor in the car dawn tbu mountain voad they whirled ilolroyd a hpe were net tightly together but now and then be tumid to look at her wltb a nnrloua look i 1 hi- eyee y 1 might have leen killed he eald at length kven tool aa good a boreemin aa there la in the atale a none too fond of illackflro save for how purnoane the girl made no reply 1 you need toma one to look after you he went on irreaponalble pereoni like you ahoutd have a guard ian wliate more you re going to have one you have no right to go rlaktng your neck in tbla faahlon he ended hotly they had reached h10 main road ilolroyd eloppod tlie ear before a vlne- tsnvered collage klret off aald hi in a tone tliat brooked no argument on the point well have that ankle looked after by dr oray and while hee fixing it iii telephone atme that you are etlll in tho land of tho living again he lifted her iinreehllng in bla arme and bore her up tho path a half hour later he and tho doctor plan ed her hack in the car off they whirled down the road to the village ilolroyd atoppad the car al a liny brick houae nestling bealde a little church what what t ahe began and atopped hluahlng furloualy i pronilael anne over the trim phone eald he that 1 would aee to it that you did no more of the craiy luinta i intend to fulfill that prom lee by having ntytelf veeied of the proper authority by the gentle roan within to quaii any mich pro- oeedlngenn your pait in ihe future bhall i tako you in nrhall i call the tor nut here to the car for nil bla magnificent eaaurance there waa a note of a i moot pleading uncertainty in bla tnnee the girl 1 quick to catch it hhe laughed lightly 1 and even inuie mldit of her laughter her eyee suddenly softened there la no need of giving undue publicity lo this ending of freedom said in a low vole you had better take me in j limit y tub awakxminq of ritsom itltson awoke a llltle after three oclock in iii morning the flimee of drink wera still upon him end lite hraln throbbeil havlly with eyee in if clneed he began to feel around hiking mi i witching flngvra alxml upon lwcit and then raulng thorn filling lll and into the air llmliauiiotrutk hard ami cnld ihe sudden contact made itltw 11 ojwn hu eyee a lltll- wldor all waa darkneaa aaveforone falot strk or light wiilcli llllriod in from iiowlnri mrllcuur if sat up lot imoieillmlwiy the idood began to pound al the o of bla brain snd surge up through bia head wllli even hilgblur forct a great clonj paaaed back and forth before bli ayes end he fell back 11 1 hi 11 the pillow after tho throbbing had ilillod down a hit iii twiii tried lu think he could not recall where be bail been though ho clutched end pulled at lb- bunket until be thought bla head would burst b could not remember agaln llllaoaeat up he waa more careful thlatlme opening hie eyea hut slightly ami closing ihem every llltle while to rellave the pain he reeched out and uiuchwi the wall and slowly followed it along fenllng as ho went hoon he umu to a turn and then another and aa hie eagur hands atrelched un they clutched anaiethlng round knj amitotli end metallic it waa a steal har and there were many beyond tito man swore he waa in a cage a cell in a prison i ultson a kneee began to weaken he reeled about until be found ihe cot and toppled over upon it i or a long time bo lay in a half atiiior now whuperlntf tu himself now duvlng a little when ha revived it was light ihe pain in his head wae more bearable be could think mora dearly and felt atonger hut the stone wall still cribbed hint in at the back and sides and tlie tall barrier of ribbed steel still rose up in front of him there ware sou ode of movement be yond but tho prisoner gave them little heed ha waa thirsty but ho did not call out he wanted lo be alone um wanted to think about himself he had dona it again 1 1 la wife his poor happy little wife- what would ahe say f four times during those seven months ha bad been drunk hhe had wrpt a little each time and then she luul forglrat him with a klas and then she was happy for he had pro mlsed her he would promise her once again now aa noon ne ha wm free from this ilujavdinatllty 1 and ha would keep his promise thle time he could end he would she wae too happy too precious a thing to be made to sorrow and what spree they had been once before bo haul been arrested ihet time for smashing a window ultaoa wondered what ho could bo in for now perltapa another broken ghtsa or otnebodya heed rapped dur ing a utile argument hat that dldn t matter he waj going to da better now ha felt with- n himself a con vie lion he bad never experlenosd before he was really going to do batter if ha attended strictly to business bo knew that he oould succeed and how happy that would make his tittle wite aa itluin waa thinking about routine is exceedingly etrong in ltuo- sla hiereliaday in juno upon which aye tradition it heenmea safe to luithe in the rivers after the winter freeav no matter bow warm the water may he earlier no m alter how cold it may be oil itiat dy then la the time to take tho first awltti of course the state ments do nut apply ta all russians but in iba average peasant only no man dare touch an apple before the sixth of august however ripe they may really he before that dey he doea not believe it la fit to eat the village siorunian although b may observe the hlaok cooks fighting amongst tbaaimvea unusually earjy owing to iba warmth of the spring cannot make up hie mind to nhoot them until the appointed day haa arrived no travellerwlh start on a journey on either n llonday- or 1 wedoeoday although the delay is etrongly agalnsthle own in uresis tba fisher man will not caat his viola before certeln day whether the season be late or early no umb la supposed to be able to roaab the age of mutton ahould h have been born before the day named in tho pmaatilo calendar and soon through all the oouimun events in their dally life doee this attachment to fixed date hedge in a huelaob existence xpsiubnob have ma i have me i screamed the girl who waa struggling in tho deep water the young man on tba bank hesitated i in a uiairled man be mb and 1 vu thrte children iat home you must understand thai yes yea but aey me crfettlhe girl i can t marry you if i do explained the young man not nol only aavo me i ehall drowrn if you are not iulek veey i will but you ttiuel promlee diet you wont fling your uruia around uio and anil mu yohr uorul i promise fltlght iii oava you you eee lbavo to be oau- tlotif secaum i txmoued a glr no be- foroa thats how i oame to be niarrl btl v twintv yum aoo rrn our law 1 ot thu lwanl dynes haa recelveil iho run irarl for taking down lb old nan w railway bridge at uoorgotnwn oarplt amuruin haa the brlrk on 1 gr 11 nil for wititrrtngbutniiv houae llowtl avpi ur n 1 peiilog th tenders for tbo nrw hi bulldliipu waa found thai con traulora very in their estimated ibu teudera for th bilck building bail i riipattl lo imtliiiale also on a building ami lliai un the llg ium k utok 15 ui utac r7ir him numi ulm 4 lkv 4 aftf 1 1 uai 4 uhii t 7wi i hu5 aua lira alataial un i ray towaahlp tltoe hlafcr do w a uci ulla llraintit i 11 ialtd do humeaatthl leirgeto j uason ilraiiiplon on motion by trustee llev fleo il oook and ihtm harding it waa reaou od that as the difference bet ween brick and atone 1 so alight and iteuovlng a ixilldlngof brick to be more generally lu factory the ron tract be awarded 1 mr j mason brampton hla being ihe loweat tender for brick the i uea hon of liuatlng the new school haa betyi perplexing ttie hineail d iul ayalem baa been favorrxl but being much more o tally ii u pretty generally understkd that u cheaper apparatus will ite inslallril ihrnv iuli to u i hharpvulputa uatthikit hirvih ursowi la hrin on ui- mil uf uarsli i vila j otto kail icila ur votil hpow1 kmjoaalna tsuaady daoablav of wui utu du lwi kln fllotsa ai pyoatmot coium tbo re ihr aodaln ll ii warou aetna iba urd martb by uv j w lu taoauu kallu to ulaa kmnia ttlma l ii wotaan aaloo dim ul eaavfl bla ttoom hlavartbmri oui marab 1 oi jofal twk aaayaan luaowhln k1a on iho likli uarab mary abo ratio of tba tale hobart lllnaban aod aaotba ol k luaabaai aaton bkadvt yaara sawdust nmy not appeal to the pal ateae a digestible or appetising sub stitute for flour in the making of bread but all tba same there ht a largo bakery in berlin turning out 0000 loevee of sawdust bread dally tbesawduat la first subjected to a- process of fermentation and varioua chemical manipulations finally it la mixed wltb one- third part of rye flour formed into loaves and baked in ovens like any other bread although this new pain da hole aa the french call it la meant for eon sumption by horsea only olalmlamade by the manufacturers that in caae of famine it would furnish a nutritious and highly satlafaotory foodforhuman beings sawdust bread may not taste ai as it bounds in various parte of the world breiul la obtained from treee for example in the molucca islands the starchy pith of the aago pad furnishes a white floury meal which e made into flat oblong loaves and baked in curious utile owns divided into email oblong cellv jualblgenotogb to receive the loaves in lapland the inner bark of pi treee well ground and mixed wltb oat flour la made into cakes which oookad in a pan over the fire in kamechatka pine bark and birch hark are need for bread without tba addl- lu of any other substance being ullage a man in uniform came dowwfjiu to powder by pounding nume iho corridor bringing pitcher of water and a little tray of food the prisoner accept ed the former and tlrenk deep and long when he low ered the pitcher to get hie breath ihe guard addressed hlin tyour- uwyav ha- eald will be down to mo you at nine o clock i didnt have a lawyer tho other time i wu jailed hltoun responded quickly they just look me up be fore tha police judge in the morning what waa the charge against you dlsordtrly conduct the guard smiled a grim little smile well igtieea itll take more than one lawyer to pull you through ihle time ho observed wbyr whale tho charge murder murder- mudor lutson repeated the ugly word al times ilka a foreigner crooning over soma uewlearneu phraae then tba pitcher fall crashing from his bands 1 he clutched the bare and raised bis voice iii tho whole building echoed murder f be icreaitied murdorp qreat heavens don t tell taf wife i the guard shuddered a strange lookcaineupoo bte face and he drew back when be could make himself heard ha eaine up clone to the bare egaln end almost whispered the wordsi why man it wax your wife that you killed rmunoey magaaina tlik local papkr- wfltcome is the i oral lper i or with pagra frpab and bright ll inhoniea a gleaming taper 111 1 1 iir hearts and hotnea with light wrik by week at its appearing mliadowv pass and hniltlee bloom kometlmea all its words are cheering ttomi hun s um yen tlrk with gloom in uu cobilona joy and badtioa lo tort ban go llkf tiny wnd tilgbt like twiuautiigrlorumlmadnoin km piarlmtmr still lo sight ri in ploiun a gud lo morrow- hlrtlia end glflaand winlditig twlla oft 1 f falluma loau in rrowa with true sympathy it irlu ewa ll brings of fl a rl renting where tbo lines of battle run nd where hriirla wltb joy are bent log ii proclaims hit victory won ukn the light on mountain rang ukeanarly april day ho the loral mer rhkngoo 1 ua tone from grave to gay e are linen moat varied labors srn ell morahsnls advertise here find all interested neighbors much that strrnglbena frlemlahlpa tloa lien the voire of duration jalletoallasihrliig youth i ere tha roeasageof salvation bpeaka in words of grare and truth here as in a living mirror mortal pilgrim onward pass till beyond the reach of error thy behold tho sea of glass it dpolaree how invn and duly from tho liaat deriving alrenglh yletd those trulls of power and beauty which shall perfect imi at length 1 our llvue ae here lltti roaeu near the thorns mitsl oftun grow till the oarthly vol u mo uioaos and we all i la meaning know i wiwuv daring lie flther fctirs tils fate too ttincli fir ida thtaerla nrv miinll ho dnna not put it lo the to c 1 11 or ie ll nil mnrnuu mooiroee powder by pounding into loaves and baked along the columbia river bread la made from a kind of moee that grows fn a species of fir treee after being dried it la sprinkled with water allow- to ferment rolled into balls aa big aa a many vailurk8 but i ovaroattis at law kruayeev mal- tfcmble pauihan hauk la not guarantewl to grow hair on bald heads but it la guaranteed by the well known drug gist a t urown to atop railing hair eradicate dandruff and slop itching ocalp or money back bold lu every town in canada by leading druggists tor go cents a bottle ltead mis krugere letter parisian hauk la the bast ualr grower and beaut liter and dandruff cure i loet all my hair through typhoid fever i waa almost bald heed ed and my aealp wu as sore aa could be i tried everything but in vain 1 inally i tried iauihi an 8agkaud after irtlngoua bottle my hair started to grow and haa grown three or four inches inside of two months i advii every woman who wants beautiful hair to ue parisian sagk mlse meta m kruger urowntowi minn i1kooonizkti1bir pkhsonallty mtmt workers object to itelng treat ed like machine the- employer who gets tho most from hla employee re cognise their parson alll lee a man who was noted for ihn hlgbgrade helpers in hie employ did not feel it beneath id to to question the elevator boy altout his plan for night school study and would atop one of llu cash girls to ask her about tho bcallh of a delicate mother huoh a man was uf netoeaslty well torved imcaiha much loved dut the mailer i as long aa ll is broad you do not wish your superior to treat yon like a machine but be careful you do nol makn a similar mistake aa far as ho lit coiiniriiod that employer of yotirw wltb bla strung drtertnlnrd fare le not a high- grade engine he in a human being wltb a heart that achce somutimea and nerve that twllch in spllo of hla out ward control dtint resent too much a sharp brltlcum or an impatient sum mono just re member bow perfectly tired nervee sometimes imitate 111 temper i hope be croas enough a young man lb a department store aald to the girl at tte same counter ee the floorwalker moved away and tho other answered there a sickness in hie family i understand they say tbe poor man hasnt got his proper sleep for weeks after that it wee easy for both girls to imiko allow- hecognlke the peroooallty of those below the pr of thohanlr has feelings which mey le hurt and the janitor haa nervee which hiay be overstrained just aa much aa you have and to be fair to ullher you must think of them aa human beings nolaa machine a hopaeva qoridbhoh we ofun boar it aald that an animal la almost human and now and then one does give evidence of feelings which asem to tranacend brute nature not long ago a noble horse named polndexter wax taken iii i uoston the atilwar nerve ware keyed up to a high bitch of excitement and ho oouldnotlwlnduoed to lie down and go to sleep the vthuinarlea war in despair when luludxtara devoted gtoom went into ihe stall and lay down tha bora maied soothed by hla presence by degree be grew calmer and anally lying down laid hla delicate head on the tnao tbouutr and went to sleep the nwvookuew and apprehension of the horse seemed very human possibly ha wa afraid of death afraid that tho end might come when he slept and wlxbad to remain on lib feet wbo knptvx certain it la ihet for three night the borea slept quietly by bla friend and tbm atom taeaud safe ly through tiny critical atago of ble disease i tba mcoeaafui man one who bag wu d a1u uw nowiou i sense enough to pare down hla square i with increased fury and tbe maiden fit ttfe wutw bale urolrt wt tb wgvfrumut thi coloaml bluhdkr you have pointed out my mlalakee in drees eald tho wife and my mis takes in buying furniture and my mh takes lu deooratlug the house and my mis takes in making acquaintance and my mistakes at bridge and my ml- takoaat marketing and all my mis take you seem ur be able to observe only because i feel it la myjjhity my dear explained tho husband affably well i have often wondered how tt happens you have never reminded me of ray greatest mlelake uf all la deed t have i overlooked it v yw it we marrying you why xt uowlhd side by aide they oat at peace with all the world whilst th ante wind bowled outsido the banea how tbe wind howls yelled the maiden ablv aring violently yes cried bar lover wby dooejt howl r abauttd she i dont know lrbapa it ha tbe toothache replied that man holtl ngber cloeo ti10 toothaobe what do you insn yea tha toothache have you never hcard df the teeth of ilia galef and tlien the wind howled wiibrtbthrsvatrbm ailo perhaps you have beard of tbo wangle memory system suggested the needy looking man laying bla bag on the uble and annexing an ofltce ehfctr intrhaps i have replied tha merchant itlsanlnfidllblcaygtciu went on tbo stranger you some times forget thing dont you r ijsten for three guinea yon may loam toreniomher every thing will you have a course no thanka it la abaolutely infallible i dont care i dont want to know it good day then snorted the needy lookingf man and etainped out of the ofuoa two minute biter be came dashing intntheottlceagaln horry to trouble you he said hut i left my bag behind mo when i went out i there never wa and never will be a universal panacea in una remedy for all hie to which flesh la bolr what would relieve ono 111 in turn would aggravate tbe othur we have how ever in quinine wine wbtm obtained in a sound unadulterated stale a remedy for umny and grievous ui by lu gradual and judicious use the frailest systems re led into cqnvalea- cenoe and strength by tho influenoo which quinine exert on natures own rostorative it rellevea those to whom a chronlo ntato of tnorbjd despondency and lack of interest lu llftfia a dlseaae and by ttanqvluxing the nerve dispose to sound and refreshing eteep imparta vigor to the action of tbe blood which being stimulated ooursea tbrougb thp veins strengthettlog tbe bealtliy animal function of the system thereby malting activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organ which t naturally demand incroaacji substancu ieeult improved appetite north rop lyman of toronto havo giver to the publlo their superior quinine by the opinion tof aclunluu iho wine apprnachea neateatt perfection of an ovltultnbrvtt airdrunwbtvtmlltt

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