w 3 9be rton jxn kcss tiiur8day u altoh 2ft 1012 not in flowing letter jjarved on shafts or har mhtubt in silent uarlla would i im wt nor on hist rj pr handed bravely down with ths worlds m jotic passionless ranovn in thn herla of mankind would i he it be wm mhii ufals better ut1 hntnm of m atiom it wu ulr krifrnixin ml tlie liiur whan lualos nion end bmlated shop per as wflll tho mot lay crowd of toiler- aaak their h an 1 llia suburban oar wi fllll u ita wlinml capacity hltutik hid t id i ir a atiitil nvwnlrtmmml i a vry 111 tie loy thn had m often ainlavird to obey uie haraael c inducts r u adjura tioa to att slni that har voluminous skirt quite nvarapread the ehlld a dangling lags and rest having visible little more than a small pal lent face at round by ring- of on ppad yol low curls and lighted by a pair of large serious blua aye on could bat wonder lal the- woman anamed to give biro no attention ho must baao urvd with the long noisy rid why should sua not take him upon br lap and euslilon his head upon iter ample ahoulder hlnglyor in group- the passengers began to leave the car at the various street crossings until there mm left only a young lady in bleak with a beautiful sad faor at length the stout wouian preaed tba tignsi button and i be car cants to a stop half way to tba door she heard tba conductor calling after bar t lady you forgotten your boy v my boy i what cher mean i i got no boy i tba man stared who la lie then ilea been on jong willi yow aver alnoa wo left the car barn look to me as if you meant to shake hlro r lie i shako bim r tba wouian choked with indignation i never seen tba kid before in my lifer still incredulous tba conductor ad driimil tba child aln t aha your mother ooo drltbe clear huia voice eoonded aeree aa plpes o pan mamma p gone to heaven tbata wbara ran going to and bet here my benny i triad to give it to you bat you didnt aaama will you please tall ma whan w get tbare r tba man gaaad about hltn helplessly what dya kajow about tbatr be matured then with a queer catch in hla break i m sorry kiddle but heaven aint on ouxjjne tbare ras a rotuo of garments a a aoft braalbjewj roan and the lady in blank had tba child in bar anna tall ma all about it darling what la your name and where do you my hum uaed to be dickie but ita plftyaavtn now and 1 live at the jaylnu jl man took ma thexa after mamma went away then are iota of little boy and girls but no tuami there nobody kisses mo good night or tucks ma up in bed or bears me say any prayers have you ever bean to heaven lady and is it a very far wnye off i have never been there myself dear but 1 bad a little boy wbo went and it u vary far off i know you oould never find it alone but your little boy did he get lasted vno for eoinebody led him all the way wont that aoimebody lrad me tour sometime darling but not now one nnit watt nation lly until he oomee thafu what my mamma veld to wait but into tired of walling i i am tired too waiting for my utile boy dear will you come and live with ma eo that we can wait to gether r the blua aye gamed for a long silent moment into tba other eyee of tender brown a look of utter trustfulness atola over the little feature a pair of little arms twined round the ntak f to thal foimt a certain haalern company that ihih time ago wm anslon to pur ohaiea allverioad mine found it atate of uncertainty what iwm ed in he a really al tractive mine wti round u be in the market and negntl uoni for ita ptsachasa wont entered in the rmillsfathvaeneaoualinn is reported by thcmlner and klettrlo ian ax the oro assayed wsh and every thing looked propitious a mining ex pert waa sent to examine tba mine asserted that the ore was there in urge quantities aqd lha h waa ex tremely valuablv hu unqualified rale aiooaeil the auiplalona or the would m purahaaers if the til i no waa indeed o valuable why wn the price mo i tw t the company detarntlrfed to lovratlgate more el eely at title point a well known mining an recommended that a certain rough and ready genulri a man who had graduated froiti lincullrge aliuuld lteiit to themlnr you ran urmnd on iiib j tdgmenl id ibe mlulntl ma t and he will tell u niilblng imt the truth ymi bad iwlter trutt to liu rrp rl which may in all prolwulity be abort and very much to lbs point the advice wm foil wl nd ibe event hhowrnl the witch id of the ad vlwr aa he bad predicted the report waa abort end full or pllb h read aulwtantlally aa follow- i iku blkh i have nimlo an nam luatloo of the ouff wcler mine and report lhaj the ore la there aa repnelnted that it aksaya high that it la there in plenty hot to get your aupplra in and your ore out you will need a pack lliraln of it id agtea themlnn waa rejroled on the ground f inaeeaalbllity thi old akihool at itb bkatt it waa in the early djra or the rail road and aunt itulh had boarded the train for her oral trip her maid had neatly arranged carpet bag bandbox and reticule around her but tbara waa eotuet rootle with tba engine eo that the train did not alert at once aunt ilutti bad mpread her ample aklrte ilka an open fan and her little feet were daintily perched upon a footatool just then the conductor pa through touching bm lightly upon jhearm aheaald you may tell thrin i am aaaled and am ready in go now 1 jarred him lloateea pairing off the gucau mr parvenue you wilt pleaae take ulae gumwll out to dinner parvenue eh i why i thought you were bavin tba dinner hare in the udbhs0ref0ur years zamnuk has msauu it1 hra wilson 110 wlokaon avau toronto amys about four years ago a eore spot appeared on tba right aide of my race this spot inoreaaed in slse atil it became about half an inch in diameter and ery painful i went to a doctor but the ointment he gavo n did not have any good effect the eore continued to dla- charge freely and was moat painful i bad it canterlsed tried ponltleos and all klnda of aalvo but it waa bo good and i continued to suffer from it for four years a sample or earn bute was ona day given to me and i used it although the quantity was so small it seemed to do me some rood ep x purchased a further supply bach box did me mora and mora good and to my delight before i had been using zam ruk three weeks i saw that it was golk to heal tba ore in leas than a month it was healed 1 i know a lady in the east of tba city whoie husband suffered for years with an open sore bn hla leg on my reeommandstlon zam buk was tried in that case the other day when i saw her she told ma that it had healed the sore completely my daughter wbo urea in letb- brldge atta has also died zam buk with the um satisfactory result i think it is beyond all doubt tba finest healing balm known bach la the opinion of alt persons who have really tried zsmbuk it is a sura euro for ecsema pile abscesses niters calp sores ring worm cuts barns sesjds bruises and alt skin injuries and disease eoo box all drulbta and stares or post rree from zam tluk co toronto for price in cneo of skin disease use also zam bnk soap 1 6c tablet ftf fbe lo w and i cl head sank upon her breast the conductor draw his sleeve across bis eyes i mistook he murmured under his breath heaven aint named on our books but lle aura on our line after alir mary a p htansbury in chri advocate ntamkhmn did that young man kiss you last oightr mother do you suppose utal be came a tba way here just to bear me sing rtil bit- teveq a genius cant make a comfort nfeseejuseaoutof a blooming genius suffebeo teb8ible pains of indigestion intbtjura ijuealivbtt pnxs curbd bbs mrs wm il mscewen mount tryon pbi writes- for more than a year i sttffered with all the terrible palm of tadigenkm and my ufa was one of the cmtonnhjery it did not seem to make psded by of wind teat misery m an d w pjilns were alsmyil t did pot even get relief afoigbt s9roelmci hardly got ft bit of weep in lay misery i tried many remedies said to cure indigestion but theymld roe not one particle of good and i fully expected i would alweyrbn afflicted to this way at this tine my brother came home on ft ywt and wjfdh mn to try lauburna uvcrfflkv and got me a r vials p the tlfaediekenoaeyllbcgxjt to impmre im could cat with some teush i uas greatly cheered and con ilntr fkhig the plus until all tiaces of kinds of food without at ktconvealenoe i am so fully j9 bdr virtue ft fmly illclnjb 1 have no tmsltatkai in ncom- tdlng them m cennuper vial or o vlsls for ttfj all dealers mst sjfllthot not ki owli g whtra to iwgln ta alxtut exasperating not kimwlnij when to quit tliemrrluof ulcklnaaiitl co nau mo tive syrup as auue reuiedy forcoiigba and oolda are atteated by score vho know iu power in giving almost in atant relief when the throat la sure with coughing and the whole puliuon ary region disordered in con aequo nor a bottle ftf ihla world famed syrup will save ilocuira hills and a great deal of suffering price 35 cents at all dealers castoria thn mini trn ttntn ftlffnjg tin fcfj sum htmi h ham beasi in tigs tt over so years baus besmo tho algnsaiire sf fz zr wosl sstpcarrlaloie since its lafsuscy m allowoo4otolrcoivojnlnthljl all ooanterfelta iml and jimiamkocmi sur bat kxperlmnnts tlmt trifle with nnd cmdaarrr uio bemltli of inauita amd chudreis staprsrluiicjo osnlnat hxpawjifemems what is castoria oontarta u a hannlews aabailtate fbv owtor oh pvve- gnrlo dropa and suotbhaa syrnpe it in imnuunt it contains iioftlier opium morpbtno nor otlic karvtotto anbatauco iu auje ta its g it deabmyii worms nqd nllnya foverlshneta it fiorra iiartlionn an- 1 avismi oollo it relieves toothing troubles ciiren ooumtlpsuioa sad tfhuulcncy it ossimllatos the food rcarntftte the stonincli and bowel advlng benltlty rud ltotnrsd a the childrens luutobv5m mothra friend obnuime castoria bout the slenatnis of always vfucjuc the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years rrs coming whats coming 7 why seedtime then the harvest h harvest depends yvrt ow catalogue fax lu u bigger t than ever telu you all about over 1600 kinds of plaid roots grains veget- ablea and flower seeds small fruits towering shrubs planlavltnpthments etc it mm tatuotert haac ittaw will rr u aad vwa ostaa amne mr clb will w da it utaw adnacss dsudi a hmtcr seed co limited gggsegvae dept34 lotkloe out i was crippled could hardly walk and had to crawl down statu at tunes on my hands and knees l my doctor told rnc i hial ftn acue pttack of inflammatory rheumatism i was in the hospital for weeks but was scarcely abtc to walk when i left it i read about dr m3ea nerroie bought a bottle and began to get better from the start and for the past six months i have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk as well aa ever j ii samoim p o box s kockaway n j few medicines are of any heneftt for rheumatism but mr sanders tells plainly what 1 miles re storative nervine dn for it one ounce of salicylate of soda added to one bottje of nervine makes sn ex ccuent remedy for rheumatism which is now known to be a ncrv ous dltcac and therefore subject to the influence of a medicine ti t acts through the nerves as does dr moes nervine sufferers from rheumatism seldom fsil to find relief in the use of dr miles nervine with salicylate of soda sod ueeer a guiraaua that mu ute return otee price of the ft ret bottle if it fall to aeove it at all buqfliete milc3 mbdicat co toreeto cae a man may ite an eaay ooe and at the same lime feel very uncomfortable itavlva the jaded condition when energy fall and the cares nf bualneea become irkaome whan the whole ayeteu 1 out of aorta and there la general depreaaltm try paruaeiees vegetable h1u tltey will regulate the action of a deranged stomach and a disordered liver aud make you feel like a new man no one need buffer a day from debilitated indlgeatlon when ao elm pie and effective pill be got at any atore when a speaker says ha is about to open a new hoe of thought it la the cue to duck when truth is not to be spoken use the typewriter instead of the telephone hope for the obronlo dyspeptic through tba lack of consideration of the bodys needs many people allow disorder of the digestive apparatus to endure until they become chronic 011 ing days and nights with suffering to these a course of parmelee r vegetable puu is recommended- as a sure and speedy way to regain health these pills are specially compounded to com bat dyspepsia and ibe many ills that follow in its train and they fuh pride and greed and paltry pelf sound sordid but in actual doing they are pretty busy qualities children ory for fletchers castoria hadpalpitationjfthem wdimmartd ckokjag sptlls when the heart begins to heat irregu larly palpitate and throb beats fast for a time then so slow as to scent almost to stop it causes great anxiety end alarm when taejuart does this many people era itept in a state of modild car of death and become weak worn and nuserabk to all such sunercra milburn heart and nerve plus will give prompt and permanent tctkf mrs john j downey mew glasgow n3 writes- just a few lines to let you know what your mfloum heart and nerve pills have done for me 1 was troubled with weakness and palpi- utloa of ibe heart would have severe choking spells and could scarcely lis down at all i tried many semedies but got none to answer my cue like ma laaea hlgslj all having heart or nerve troubles price 60 cents pr box or 8 boxes for si 2js par sale ut nil dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of rrlee by the t mllhura co unltcd toronto out wabv qicobqib t has george ever hinted marriage u youf f only once coming imnie from the theatre the other night ha laughed and said that anyhow two could ride in a taxlcau as as chnnp as one detroit free pre cured ofjonstipaton mrw andrwwa pf fa pr motwey indian root wlla mr oeorga andrews of halifax n s writes for many years i have been troubled with earoaki constlpalkm this eu- jnent never comes stobloliauded and i have been a vjctbn to tho many unesses that cotuhpatlon urlnga in its train uedlclqe oftcr medicine i have taken in order to find relief hut one und all left me in the same hopeless condition it seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much uodbkyct ot last i read about these indian root pills that was indeed a luck day for me for i was so impressed with the state ments made that i determined 4o give them a fair trial they havs rcguuja my sto god asweja i jtiji vwea af co gad icu0fntbay bars ao seoal uvmil- por over half a century dr uoni s indian root puu have been curing cost itlimuonand ctomjed inactive kidnem rwlth all the allrmints which result ftom them they cl nse tlie whole system and purify the blood soldew i li tqf 4wssaatla a uwrxira raith a young lawyer had undertaken to defend a man wbn was charged with steallnfi a stove ha said soothingly iknowyoudld not steal the stove if i thought for a minute that you were guilty i wouldn t defend you the cynics may say what they like but there are some conscientious roan among us lawyers yes the real difficulty ilea in proving you didnt steal the stove but 111 manage it now that you have assured me at your innocence lnawe it all to me and dont say a word you can pay me a guinea now and h ia guinea boasr exclaimed tbf accused in a hoarse vale wby dont yer make it ten thousand guineas x od pay yer just assssy i aintgotno money h no money r the lawyer looked in dlgnant no nsr dont know whan 1 klngftanyretbar the lawyer eeein ad ereetrallsn fpra few mlnbtaa i than his face brightened well be said i le to help honest men in trouble 111 ull you what to do i ii gl you out or this scrape and well call it square if you ii eend the stove round to my office i want a new ooe jonah r flung pijor jouah in tba sea i ospuin who- wf s cross tls a case it seams to me rpv thay flung p the caput bald tls a eaaa it seams to mo of prophet and of loss oosid ojiamt usmma ouv govwnasaoin see in lb dark l j how do you know thatr lmtrlght4uuatheh i beard bar tell tthclaaokthat he badn bad brvblids ljhmrr i when a man makes a fool of himself he always blames hla wife but when ha makes a lucky bit be always prides himself it will cure a cold o dda are the commonest ailment of mankind and if neglected may lead to serious coqdl is dr thomas kleetrie oil will relieve the bronchial paseagee of inflammation epeedlly and thoroughly and will strerttben them against sub- aequent attack and as it eaaw the inflammation it will stop the cough because it allays all irritation in tho throat try it and prove it borne people wbo ean t think think they are smart children ory for fletchers c afany a sinner u adept at drawing fashion plates for saints if we had what we want we should probably be around looking far sonqa ona to help dispossess of it sweet and palatable mother graves worm kx terminator is acceptable to children and it does its work surely and promptly uckd motion the feeling nf ireland toward that part of ureal brilafn which tits inv dnn chronicle eatla the predominant partner la llluajlratvd in a sfpry of a waiter iii a du lln hotel wheo are you going to gel home rule in ireland john f aaked a custo mer see ye here sorr said the old man the only way well get home rule for ould ireland will be if prance and russia and germany and austria and uiayba italy if they would all join together to give those buygarda of kngluh a rare good biding thats ibe only way well get bomeniibhiiiiyway then as he looked caiiuousv round a twinkle nf cunning and a smile of courtesy were added to his expression and the whole lot of em shoved jo- gather couldnt do it he said oh lt ibe floe navy weve got i a womans way to get relief take otn fills fwi lamc sack tvwastdk p o oar 1 received your sample of 01a pojs and after using them i felt so much better that i got a box st my drngyiatfa ikogtbelhuwbos7tbe back aud kidtiar has and new i am taking the thlr almost entirely gone sod i ttuin i hare been for years x strongly advise all women who saner from paw in the back and weak kidneys mry bin pills mas t iur1 gin pills contain the well known me dlclnalwperutsolojasaweuas other l do not- eoatalii alcohol gla pills are gnsrsntsedhy tho largest wholesale drag house ths drltuh umpire to give oaoialeta satis ssawadsdl socf hmt nta free if you write lod cbemlcal c of csusdsrumleedt dept a toronto the difference between a good thing aod a nuisance is largely one of v pll mu4auoe pvtatadpiee plrat when we undertake to yoor preecrlp loos we give them our undivided attention and beat cai the pallouta welfare la our arat eoi aldeawtlon we guarantee our drugs to be of full strength aa well aa pure and rteh ilrd i our customers are supplied with uatwhavttheyeak for substitut ing la never allowed raljrare carutwy oastnouxo yon are a suf from kidney liver eom plaint blood troubles vouh mothkri do hot roroatr ti uianlfest an inlareet in whatever lnlerels or amuaes her tliat thtuigb hba la nld mnd wrinkled bite allll love pretty things to make her frequent and simple prevent and ha sure that they are appropriate and tasteful i remember that h la still a girl st heart ao far aa delicate little atten tions sre concerned to give ber your full confidence and never do anything which ion think le would disapprove to make her a partaker ao far aa your different ages will permit in oil your pleasures and recreations tnlirvurrthnocrrdcna that you ean om the ahnuldera thai are alooped in working f r and waiting upon you nr i tllmale by word or deed bat your woihl and here are different t t yim fl in any way superior to to treat her with the unvarying courtesy end deference that you wuuld accord to tamae who are above you in rank or poallion to atwly her tabtre an 1 imuta liar llkea and dlallkee and rater to tbein as far aa hieltde in an urioblniuve way to bear patiently with all ber prci larltlea or in firm i line of temper or duv position which may well lie the re ault of a life of cars and toil to remenrner that her life la mo not onous when compared with yours and to take ber to some bultahla place of amuaement or fur a little trip in ths country or to the city if y mr home la in the country aa fmuently aa poe- siblr hiieom there may im other corn curee but i follows y a cirn i uw ataoda at tba bead of the iibl so far as roaulls oonoerned it a moat reoo nc i lea ua to paying tlie loclore bills when he tells ps ours la o unusual case woman sick for years wants other women to know how she waa finally restored to health ilanunood onu i am passing through the change of life and for two years had hot flushea very bad head aches soreness in the back of head was constipated and ha i weak ner feel inge the dee tor who nttcn i mo for a number of years did not help me but i have been entirely relieved of the above symptoms by cydia e pink hams vegetable compound blood purifier and liver pliu and give you perrnission to pubusb my testimonial sirs lotlls deaucaok 8r fc canada new brunswick canada i can highly recommend lydla e- link ham s vegetahlecom poo nd i u any surforlng wo man i have taken it for fdmale wc k neas and painful menstruation and it cored me mrs dsvsata baaaoini harvey ilank new brunswick canada lydia e ptnkham s vegetable com pound made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotic or harmful drugs and today holds the record of being the most suc remedy for female ills we know of and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the plnkham lab oratory at iynn haas seem to prove this fact every suffering woman owes it to herself to give lydla e plnkham s vegetable compound a trial if yea went special advice write o lysis e plakhaas medlclae ce eeafl- deatlsl lan ms tear letter will be epeasst read and saswarvd by a wssun asul held in strict eeaadeaeo prosarsuion we ocnodently reoom- mend the use of palnes oelery oom- pound tfala reliable and never dis appointing medicine la a true d frfirtt and systesn builder we supply the genuine painee oelery oompound at brown anton oat happiness la often just a matter of not having your eorm hurt you it is easy to pleaae people wbo dont think it matt whether thay are pleased or not children ory for fletchers o astoria prince edward county ontario two qabjmbn county of canada induatvutlsrrralt orowlmt italrvlaa cm- nla aed trues cerdcales gaaarbl para ua advantaoimadaurbhla locatloa vol soli cttmale ravorabts co rmtcs asricoltaral dncloeatcat beat iraeaporulkw tacillucs aacaltcal nwk aeaoou ratal tatapaoer ratal ateu dcuwiy ready sufket lor all pro- ofwuarrtjnrnes o ubont- mm wiia aetall caphal anaers dalrvvaew aad crau- eteiara loasilaa for aood lncauoe jpood chaacca tor tavealowata la aaricaharar en- jtriace tuwanl oooaly pcoducea a lantev coaaty la the prevtacc rw martratad feldcr and rnrtaef lafonaatloa write u a p stacvannbl a qubbttion olerk to the woman who has fluger evirythlreiniuelurewltttong buying any thing kxeuse me mad am but are you shopping heref customer certainly what would i bo doing r clark i thought perhaps you might be taking an inventory had very bad c0uqh and tickling sensaj tion in throat dr woods norway pine syrup cured it baha c danlelson ilowsman river uan writes- last fall i bad a wry bad cough and a tkkluuj sensation hi my throat it eras so bad i oould not elecpat night so i went to a druggbt and told him i wanted something for my cold and he advised me to try dr woods norway pine syrup whlchidld and after taking one bottle i eras completely cured let me recommend dr woods norway pine syrup to anyone who suffers from a cough or throat irritation dr woods norway pine syrup u without a doubt one of the greatest couipi and cold remedies on the market today and so great has been its success there are numerous prcpsratlonj put up to imitate it do not be impose upon by i faking ona of these substitute but insist on bdnrgivea dr woods when yo ask for it price 35 cents a botttej put vp ycttow wrapper urea pine trees the trade mark insmirsctured only btbvt wilburo co limited toronto bad blood causes boils and pimples get pure blood and keep it hire by removing every tnice of impure morbid matter from the ylrm flurdock uiikki hitters has been on the market about lhlrtyuve jeers and b one of the very bnt medkinea procurable for the cure of bolls and ptmpks pi11plks curbd miss j u wallace bucks hsrlor n b writes about five years ago my face ws entirety covered with pimples i tried everything- people told me alrout lut fouml no relief at list 1 thouiht of i i b and decided to try a bottle alter inkblot two bottle i u entirely cured and would advise any lady who wants a beautllul complex ion to use db b boils cbksd mrs iulsworth uaync sprincceld pbi writes my face and neck were covered with bous an i i tried all kinds of remedies but they did me no good i went to many doctors but they could not cure me x then tried burdock blood bitters end v must asy it b a won derful remedy or the cure of boils burdock blood bitters is manufactured only by the t milburn co limited toronto out the grand llunt iailwav sasssnokm twa i ms loiiominn u n aw 1 1 ii mihmi no m j no ii w xshe ercelsior bakery i tjbbt quality driad cakkb wbddlnb cakg6 christmas lakes htc btc ov0tbhs and fish caul toda7 t statham son bakers nd grocers main st acton when you know what a young man counts among the uecessiuee of life you have a fuiy good standard for estimating what his future will be if a youth starts out with the assumption that tailormade clothes and patent leather shoes are essential thesaaba blllty that be will make money is very slight indeed if a glass of beer saver al times a day and a well filled cigar ette case are among his socalled necessities the outlook for his future is even leas promising there are very few things wo should look upon as essential to make our selves dependent on soft beds and one clothes lean extraordinary piece of sbortalghtednees the youth who ean do without la tba eomlng man the man who masters the world be cause ha la master of himself castoria fte imati ul omubo tbumynhinjihnpsatu bears the bhpiaisnwof printers ink spells fr f 11 if it j- we mdn it spell for you t prices so low they will astonish you com and get tbom letter heads you have been needing so lon the kcton free press warm tmrl-strong- if you want a pair of glovea or nulla in horaehidc calf or buckaaun sheep or mulealan be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you get eaual value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wnat and lined iind ahown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just tho thing for warmth and coinfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys i w a storey a son limited acton ontario con sc tehmxious pluihbing heating is not k jvcyth jntlth us to the contrary we make it the most important factor sjorif you favor ns with your patronage yeu will enthnsiastically endorse lis tha biiua stun grulti ui muhi worts caspbr ajrauh issl uelkfbtsolblslnes haas iceums slonnbmflts ifsrkers sod rlead stones and all kinds ol artistic ciaitwy wort wm hemstreet acknt acton yonr chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co- everton 5 eden mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for safe at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily pvif rw nl cash for wheat and oats henry hortop patents fbejd smith plumber gnebeust gttblph ptxno33 v