Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1912, p. 4

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k she jutott jfra ress tuuilfliay ros mothkjtv suuck- youkas 4aal four soul is of ray soul auch perl hiutmmigurljii ami turo of my heart f nom otlwr imn pa i it p as jou dear du4o c nom other can please i or praise ma iteenetnber the warlj will i mi quick with it blame if shadow nr ale in een darken jour ijke niollwr like mm uylnk tne tba work will judge unfair m thee by you nobody know he work it uki to keep tlte in mm i aether nobody know lb airpe it lakee nobody knnwelut kfotlur othkh dear aanrd uw mow ih hi m e belftbt and daptli an ofperfeet mother lo b tana ber under da we tana ber under dally car jut a um thoughtless fliiwen iook op to god for dally llm b- caose we know u ourw ilut wbn wo miss from heart and life the comfort of ber care then wo tonal learn to live without ber press and ber prayer tia than that the mom of mother aufa holy thin and borerinjr low we seem to feel the shelter of awog lbnl jlardjna underwood what will hakyou oladt when the years have ellpped by and iikfinnry runa hark over the path yna have trod you will lie glad that you trfippwrnj erittn met ami i fi ilium all with a lllll warmer fooling in tit ir heart beeauae yixi did ao u will bn k you wei happy whe i doing th miiall etn ttsy thing of life that you served the beat you could in lif- lowly way you will lie glad that men have said all aloog y ur way i know that i can imal tilm he la aa true as atel you will le glad thai there have iioiiou talnydayeln yoiu f there wrt no lormx i be fountain would jry tp hh sky would be flllrd with h m on vmre and life would you w ul i lil w m pped long ii m ih rarh day with prayer in yi ur limit lo rvad cartfully miliar part f 1 u mrmmik to t l 1 m yon will lit glad that you ttiut jour aak tlulikaitauiat the evil things thai man aald abnui one another and triad llieuet yuil rould lo atay the worda wlngrj with poison yu i will i glad that you iwouglit in ilea to turn not sorrow you will be glad thai you ma i with a hearty band ahakeall i ha hard things which haven nieloyou rupvardodglng auyif litem hut turning them all to i he heat account k change uiniuid thi waiteb a boston man travelling througli lb sooth eras obliged to atop over in a small town where there was but one hotel at which ttat accomnwdauoa ww hardly lo ba oaued elaborate when the colored waiter brought hs dinner air u found that he was to have roast beef slewed tomatoes am pees potatoes and coffee the vegetables eerred in the usual stooe hina cano preaeotlr be eald lo tie waiter dfck pass the spoons the waiter rolled his eyes la geouloe spoons seb what you want with tnn spoons there a yo spoon ioyo corn orlgitwllty does not stand for hhniimn or ootlandlshness but for fresh thought frssh seeing ur lst- lseoojbnlut worma lo chtldienraiimiconvuulona and oftab death uutlier j raves worm kxtermlnalor will prolsct the children froai theae dlslrvaalng a f1 lo tion whosoever lias a miml u work will have work to mlnjl castoria fur ittiknu and cadsfavjl tbikuyuhmaltmbhekt bears the bignatarnof castoria vha kind ycu warm alwnya bcmtgjfjtp tusd vblcllltas lieen im no ior over so yrjnrm has bom fba aiffnatore ost j0tf uaa bcatnuuionmlr hta per rjeejffijzfc on wipcrrulon ginco ua infancy a c- allow no ono to ilccolvn yon in thuu all counterfeits tmltatloua nnit jiininjcc3diu bat rxperimenjs that trifle with and enilnur tho henlul oc infant and children bxperlenoo ncnlutt iporineon what is castoria castoha la a lutrmlessi mabetltute for castor oh imre- irohf irop and 8oothln byrupm it as inoosant it contajnu neither oplttna morphine nor oib r knrootle anbatnuor ita ajr hi iu guarantee it deatrnym wonms and aluiyit poveruhneaa it ttres olarrltona aibt whasl colic- it reheres teething svoublea cures cousipsuloni and flatulency it aaalmuaies the fooil rngnhues tan btomach and bowels givlne healthy ntul natural sieep the cuiklrenu fanarsm an motbera krtena cehuine castoria alway8 bear the signature of the kind ton have always bought in use for over 30 years gould not raise my right arm oidbhidagroar c n roc lbs part 41 yejni i have ixm mscriof whb rbcnmsdsm whr i i read in the papers that in ill l weedd posltavefy enre rlienmsllani i wrote yon for s free sample to try i cnejd not rsise my right arm becanr the awful pain la my aboultur ws not a drink after taking p few cjn able tod puia ivukblctouit wtbando pet it en um fop of my bead i krost bltee and chllblalna ohllhlinseome from undue exposure to slush and cold and frostbile from the icy winds of winter in the treat ment of either there la no better pre paration than or thomae eclecuic oil as it counteracts the lofuuninatlon and relieves the pain the action of the oil 1 inalentaneoua and ita applica tion le hslrenwly simple i weat to the xsuadsof bl ptcrro and wquelofl and met ao old fisherman 1 la tape nia limbs were stut baodi n pnis i met him agala la a few days and ha told me he imld lift ab arms which be bad not wamadsttvoo aoolpizb b afatb 6 for fxjomoney hack sample free if yon write and chrmkal co of r babsatado for ten years aoolpizb b afatb 50c bos- for unotesnsoed sam national pnnr and cadaumitodr a toronto fc manoatonh biwd ant tne apirltaaly suu are not to be hot by reading the new book and luv to the old fossil mr john rollowino am sueablpue a utile girl from the east end of london was invited the other day to a garden parly given by a very aristo cratic lady lo a group of utile slum children the little girl aa she drank her tea and ate ber pjnm caker ott a velvet lawn under a wbltebloomlna cherry tree said to her hostess does your husband drink f why er no not to excess was the astonished answer how much dose be maker he does not work said hostess he is a capitalist von keep out of debt i hope of eonree child what oa earth your color looks natural i hope you doat paint look here exclaimed the the hostess what do you mean by all these impudent goeatlone f impo- dentr aald the little girt why maam mother told me to be sure and behave like a lady and when ladles call at our rooms they always question mother like that the merchants bank of canada livery person who receives and pay oat moony should bsvs c cbeiulag sccouol payment by cbenue ike roost practical coo venlent and safest nathod of haadhng all financial iransscilooa hulhnr nl imshisss nrimsnnsl ilnnrhr tbs return of cancclloj cbrooss are voochers for every aunt paid 0x ihey vbow what dia bnrssmsnts have been tnade and to whom depcslts are received by this bank subject to cheque withdrawal we pay lbs same siirntlun lo small depositors sa ws do to targe ones sod encourage their seconals interest allowed eo all savings accounts compounded ball yearly total assets m trits 49 agios branch f a maclean manager p for work and often results in per manent disabfllty i suhcrcj for years wit 5 my back or kidney aroublc and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians more than 9 year ago one of our local druggists induced roe to try dr ma aau4aia phte and after using them some three months j found a decided improve ment in my kidneys and i am glad tossy that 1 hope soon to be fully restored to health j v allch lxjudgecitycoon glasgow ky as long as pain u present in any part of the body rest ts impossible and the s becoming weakened b exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined dr wh anupun pitts by steadying the irritated nerve centers make refreshing sleep pos sible thereby enabling the body co recover lost strength as a remedy for pain of any description dr miles anti pain fills are unsur passed a 1 aid by all avwoglsta under a nuar- 1 ssatslobv or a moth mr this lime isst year a man of more than middle age wrolr in roe saying would ho tui hundred yearn sfutber dy i aliall mind a great i suffered years ly back backache resulting from weak kidneys a bad cold or other cause usually renders the uffcrer unfit rnatlona t the church in honor of her memory but f am glad to think rhera ht log burden of age or infirmity young and blithe and beautiful in the heavenly we celnlirale a number of days in the round of the year among the in dominion day laburlay andthanli solving day the children have a day in june when the auditoriums i i irue churches br aurrenuvred to litem and with ha 11 ner and ii iwera and juhltant sougs i hey march duwn lb alalea and nilllu- wa the sight fr111 a plat firm i- ihwiilily hilllunl tor it lx ke aa if thousand liroken mlnliowi fallvn from mi cloud flneled into a procaaioii ami milled down in pro mlwuona i rlghlnesaauild tlin dim re ligious light r the linut of iud lovm ejf the tkut if mllba maptcat co tersnta uost great achievements have beei the reenll of work done out of sight archbishop whiteside a purely vegetable phi tit chur ingredients of partneleee vegelabht pills are mandrake and dandelion sedative and purgative but perfectly mlewj in thelractlon they cleanse and purify and have a moat healthful effect upon the secret i una of the dlges live organs the dyaprpllc and all who sufltr with liver and kidney ail menu will find in these pll ibe most effectl ve medicine in conceotialedf inn thai has ever been offered to the tut faring to aautukirat aigrror buaj aa once you stroked my thin and sil ver hair fio i stroke yours now at the set of ran i watch your tottering mind lis days work done ae once you watched with forward- looking care my tottering feel i love you aa should stay with me 1 loan on me 111 make noeiga i was your child and now time makes yoq mine stay with me yet awhile at home and do me good l j dickinson countless have been the on worked oy ifolloweye corn cure it has a power of it own not found in other preparations you cannot expect meaty set on a dry bread salary children cry foifutchers castpria it was beeusr that people should know they were rejecting christianity than reject it without knowing biebop of oxford ksswarded as one of the most potent oompoonda ever introdooed with which to combat all rammer complaint od lafsamdhttlon of the bowels ur j ix kauogge dysentery cordial has woo for itself a reputation that 00 other eordal for the purpose oaa as pire to for young or old suffering from theae nompulnu it la the beat saedlelna that can he produced kverybody wanu to reform body elee bat the eltfsena bret duty to the etat is to reform blmseir dean weldoa -vr- juuef for oufferlng bverywhere be whose life u made rojaerable by the eufferlng that oomee from indigestion nd has not tried parmsseee vegetable ptiu does not know bow easily thla formidable foe can be dealt with these pill will relieve where olhen fall theyaretberasnltufloogpatleot tudy are confidently put forward for ward as a sure correct or of disorder of the digestive organs from wmeb eo many suffer suffered with nerve trouble for two years was rmpossiblb for hiu to mr cha w wood w torrance street uontreal oue writes for two years i suflered with nerve trouble and it was unpoasible for me to skep it did not matter what time i went x bed in the morning i was even worse baa the night hclore x consulted a doctor and he g ve me a tonic to take a half hour before going lo bed it was all ifht or a time but the hid ironbsb humcd with greater force one of the boys who works with me gave see half a bos of mittvtnve eart end nerve pub- i took thuand i got sodisstiifseoon that x go amuser4tox and before i hnbed it x could enjoy sleep from 10 p m until ft am and now f odgood the price of klilbums heart and nerve pitts is 60 cen tx per box or 3 boxes lot 1125 they are for sale at all dealers or ww be maikd direct on receipt ofprke by the t mtlbun co toroaboat tbi iaeeag nnim cur aiptbd skmta kllsafaelh akera allen lo her tender poem bock me to sleep mother exp the sentiment of the older heart in ibe days when the mother had passed out of sjghl iq painting and poetry there are continually new jp jttplfcljg amuedto aexusvor acnt or w bxaattfol beyond the loveliest madonna ihmt smiles from the wall la whistler painting of usiown mother homely worksoaijdjanilied wise and withal so wondronsly loving tfao of people have misunder stood thomas carlyle and done deep injustice to the faithful love be bore hie gifted wife unless one is tq the manor born and know by intuition the peculiar loyalty and tenderness of the boot one may perhaps be pardon d for injustice to the oariyles la the strangely misinterpreted story of tbelr married lire no one however baa failed so comprehend the exquisite de votion of carlyle to the old mother in the little home where she wee encom passed by solicitous care and never neglected by ber gifted and famous eon some inen think they have peaee of the brain the progress of man has been measured by ibe progress of hie mr norman angell ritu supreme way of anavverlngi a question u u help ui to answer it ourselves itev seniiirl king children ory for fletchers c hsb1tsasalum n one can succeed it ills habits are 1 ryed against htm talent and billon are futile if they must contest with the habll of indolence of care thinking of self indulgence utart in early to form such habits as will be valuable allies by and by for habits lars foes instead of friends wilt thwart your ambitions mock 5 gifts and render your utmost rffui is ult i hn it- 1 ml liar w eeilt lnd fioiu the m1 iiaiinmend birlnkh hi plays the word houree of tilings across the chorda 1 t c mind when cod gave i lf ia tiahe gave us love unking our aoula to ills divinity ft were forgot in all the at i me lo lie ilia heaven and our inheritance there of and couullesa lorrrs unow counties stsrs once one with 11 thla world of seem ng dee til are fused again by that immortal breath that blowa from apace a e roes our prison liars vradettck peterson i woiderfol discover an eminent scientist the other day gave his opinion that the moat won derful dlecovery of recent years wax the discovery of naubuk just tblnkl as soon as a alnghi thin layer of kaxexwk is applied to a wound or a sore such injury ta lasared against blood poison i not one epeclee of microbe baa been sound that eambnk does not kill then again ag soob u lanvbuk- aklo disease it atop the amartlug taat la why children are each friends of xambuk they care nothing for the science of too thing all they know la that zambuk stops their pain mother should olvftr forget uls again ax eoon aa earn buk is ap plied to a wound or to a diseased part tha sella heaesth ihoaklasrevr face are ao btlmnlated that new healthy tissue ig quickly formed thla forming of fresh healthy tlxxue from elew hi eambuke eeeret of healing the tlssne thoe formed is worked up to the surface and literally casts off the diseased tiaxno above il tola la why zambuk cure are permananl only the other day mr marsh of 101 dejorlmler ave montreal called upon the zambuk company and told them that for oven twentyfive year he bad been a martyr to ecxema hut hand srera at one tine eo eovered with sore that he had to aleap la glove four year ago zambuk wa introdaced to him and in a few month it cud blm today over tw yens after hi bare of a disease heart because they have cobweb in j tor twntynva yeare he is till eared and haa had no trace of any return of the ecxema all ttruxwjsta aell zambck at 60a box or we will aehd free trial box if yon send this advertisement and a le stamp to pay return postago ad dress zambuk co- turoto burdock blood bitters curls all skin diseases any one tiouunl with any itching t tu ruin irritating skin disease can plsce full reliance on 1j unlock illood hitters to effect a cure no matter what other ictnahes have failed it always build up the health end alrength tin the foundation of purv rich idood and in consequence lbs cures it makes aie of a icrmsnent and anting mrs richard coil tlw white head que writra i have tiecn bothered with aa t thrum on my honds for two years sua it ttcirf so i did not know what to do i triea t rre doctors and even went to monuxul to the hospital without selling any relief i was advised to try burdock blood illlurs so i got three bottles and befnte i bad the second used i found a lug chsnee now today i am cured burdock blood bitlcrs is manmsctnred only by the 1 unburn cos ijmitrd toronto oot irhri doctors advise tpkatiom saved by lydiftte pinkhama vegetabfo compouncl u bvmrthmore pena ror flfuwn years i suffered untold agony and for one period of nearly two years i had hem garbage and tb doctors told mo i would have to un der ic rition but i began latins iydls e plnkhsms vegetable com pound and am in rood health now i am all ewer the change of ufa and cftrinnt praise your vegetable compound loo highly kverywoman should taknltat that time i ntconinu nil it to both old and young for female troubles mrs emu t summkhnunu bwarthmore pa canndlnn 1v kxperlenee vurt william out i feel aa if i eoul not tell other s enough about the good iydla e plnkhama vegetable compound baa done for me i was weak snd tired ami i could not rest nightm a friend recommended your compound and i soon gained health and strength and could not wish to sleep better i know other women who hsve taken it for the same purpose and they join me in prals- ingil mrs wat a borrr 631 south vickar street fort wluuuna ontario blaea we guarantee- that all teaumo- tuala which we publish are genuine a it not fair to suppose that if lydia k pink hsms verelable compound haa the vir tue to help these women ij will help any other woman who i sofferlng in a like t tht mxm trunk iailway lydla m plakhs aesielas co osafl- aeallal lyaa mass tear letter will se oseaed read and answered y a essaxrad held i trie eeaemee kirat whan we undertake to fill your nreacriptiona w give theui our undivided attention and best care the patients welfare u our first con ei second we guarantee our drug to beof fbjl strength a well aa pure and rreah third 1 our cn are supplied wilhjontwhattheyaakfori substitut ing is nevwr allowed raihata ojtudkt ooltronwo if yon are a a from kidney d uvea rwwnalalnt blood troublea rbeumathun neoxslgia or nervous prostration we ecnndently rswoxn- mend the nee of paine celery com pound thfat reliabls and never dis appointing medicine i a true ruseaso banlsher and system builder we eupph the aymulne paloes celery oomnoaad at brown acton ont children ory for fletchers castoria pabsjknotcit trahf i unwlnh u til ilu si l ieill 4la excelsior bakery 1 irst qualitx brbao cakes weddinu cakbb birthuav cakbs ktc btc tae chbam gall today t statham son bakers and grocers main st acton the biriio stua graalti ul mumi worts dsslgnsrs sad builders ol btsloe msns losnom uonnmenti usrkers sod head stones sad all kinds of irtsucdwtefywort wm hemstreet agent acton dustbcitne kililer a handful in a lino when you sweep absorbs trie dust brightens the floor and cleans your carpet ono week fie tnij your for he alth ductbane jllckocers r norcdiisrrrmqmar rcks4 in bwn ud ke siimo sdwouudrvuiobldlnck sold by j7c7uces sy3w0n wiiu st hcton 4 your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or stones if token to the rockwood chopping mills floor v- oatmcaj bran shorts the best at lowest prices karris co limited everton 5 eoen mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make ti if the liver is lazy aim n wares ose o mtlbubnuxaoiver pills mn t i jlmp ului lihl nth dcu my dl vute h4 foimm- matter rrom tin lyium sod prevent dbardcrcd couuhaa of ttia btaamdi omn kottbew sulunut fine kldie wrlte- ted bemuoubbdfntk kotbe wjthoat tteoi u uwy com twla j 1 nt let repairs eat up your profits whether they represent actual cash outlay or onlywe time of yourself and your help repairs axeuiute just the same tylen you mako an t ei 1 mrrproveraent no matter how small its cost may j let st bo permanent ihen it ua jal investment some- tnlng on which you can reahwn ewiysiquld yon deolds to sell your property j ana wntenfftlltou constant uividendu in convenience sightliness and comfort as lonp as the farm remains your own concrete tniprotements are permanent they last as long ns tlw very hilts themselves they db not require experts to build them their first coal in most cases is no more than for inforiormaterials arent you interested jn the subject of permanent rmodurn farm improvements then write for tho book that describes hundreds of them what therajmefucan do with concrete canada cement col4d toe part of man a life that is ho pent in doldg roollah iblngs is spent la reooverlna litem ija 5 severe cold develoieb into pneumonia doctor said he would not live nest to consumption there are toora- dealhs from pneumonia than froo any other tuna trouble there b only one way to present poeainonja and that is to- cure the cold jastasanoa aa itapieara dr wlpoda korway pine syrup will do this quickly and eflectltdy asrvuillmcxeod ksteroaiy pask writes my little boy took a very sever cold and it developed into pneumonia the doctor said bs would not live i got soon of your dn woods norsjayhoe 8ymp and be befaa to unprove light way be b now stronr bcalihy child et snows no signs of it conunf bade do not be talked into buying soy otb norway plna dynip but insist on gvttiue- taeori4il woods hbputuir fa ttbow wrapper tares nine trses tbe tfa ntrjc price 25 cents uanofactured only by tnft t mfllau oo aurnked toronto out pliable yet tough you might ltfiii your acquulutmice with btorcy s gootki by itivcjug hi a pairol tnese hormhide mllin theyre excellent examples of how tough aud jjioblc untls may bo uinde by our chrome process witli the ntltkd ntlkfactloti of liiowhir they will not bocotoo alf whtiti hcorthvtl or bcaldcd dont forget to buy slortyti nutl theyll rememher ou ly wearitif longest at all torcs w h storoy son limited artrjai ostj storeyis inlixts conscigntjous plumbiiig heating is not k jiltvth iftzith us to the contrary we make it tho most important factor so if you favor us with ypflr patronage y wl enthubiastfcallv endorse ns freds fc j i gfnebebsf chopping done and oats rolled dairy feed for sale cash for wheat and oats henry hortop patents sgeigt ivfe- sffi5risw

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