Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1912, p. 2

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mjlmaikd kluiwl motrtaiao am oa tttaranugr hey mli htsxmsb omuttii rtr ue wlusftas bases saps a jaiaa bmkobmtkall la cbt cton 3fro rtss tociisda mai 1wj kdttoiiial notkfl tub ukku vi t m hmkm a h ualbodul church n lha united huif decided ul wk in quadrennial eaaloa of aflnneapoll to retain the rule against dancing card playing and other queatlnnabu amueeu ent tuodmllon for lha alii merit c f grain and other producu in tl a waal l shown by tba statistic i wheat in epecuon at winnipeg f the nw nth of april or tbl year during ibal unit 1tw car wars received and paaeed nptxi during the udm month uat year inspection lolallad 1 mil cars thuyearahowlog an increase of 0301 can or vary nearly one hundred bar cant xukliankku kur michigan covtpoadant writes more template reports from tha twenty 0a xmintlaa that voted on tha local op tion question in april abow that tha net majority lb favor of local option u not far abort of 6000 it la hardly probable that lbs michigan ilrawsry aeeoelauo or tha saloon bonding and bnrety company will and anything anjoyabl in this result horn ooun uaa were voted dry at tha laat lection which will probably not be pontes ad again for many year but than la not a county in tba wet oolamn that ever baa been dry that will not be petebtently ooateated until it la added to tba mry lut and mains there church league sebics opened vey inwraauaff inaiierural pax tba j r off i the tlral f lha thirty gate arranced til tha schedule for lhman na hrln f tl action church ium hall kmru w i layad on sat urday afternoon tba anglicans and ivaahyteriane war the contestants thara was a very gratifying attend nee and a u on i teat interact which presagraa c rdul support nf the ee cleelaallcal aerie during the season tha prouevdlng were scheduled to notnnienaa at 4 u and prompt to tha nil nut itrevn llyndtftook th bo to raev hrsda wound up luhe ai kurht diy caoak j math oar ah aotom rionilr awaytmt haosd air stephen ooon who waa aldeot of thla vicinity for many year died at her home lo gnelpb usttbur- day after a eomewhat lingering 111- nesa the funeral waa bald to acton on saturday afternoon upon arrival of the bjx train the cortege proceeded to the baptut church where us mr barrel oond acted a very comfort- loe service the remains were then conveyed to tba family plot in the old warden burying around at the of the acton crown part and the of lb hon bare her hueband and parenu and nnmarous relatives are resting mr ooon whose maiden name waa deborah wordea waa tha daughter of the late samuel wordan and waa born in nova scotia when a babe aba aooompanled bar parent to acton and tba family act tied on the farm on tba fifth una where tba burying ground la located she married bar late buaband who pradeoaaaad bar three yeare ago eome sixty yeara ago the drat forty yeara of their married ufe ware apent in harassing about twenty yeara ago site and her buaband removed to ouelpb where they both resided until utah death tha aurvlvlag members of the family are lira henry wlawell william and heman gnelpb laalah and mr btephen maubawa acton and jacob in now weatmloater b 0 afra goon waa a alncsfw ghruuan she united with the baptist ohurch in acton when a girl of fourteen and waa always falthful the following friend from a dis tance attended tba funeral mr and wm goon and mua glad ya ur and mm uemaq ooon wilfrid jama and ium myrtle mr wlawell and knoeh mr thomaa malthawa her bert frank and mta olive and mr h jnana guelph i mr and mr john wordea erlni mr william maaalea mltcbacl pitch the nntt tbraa bala and inaugur ate the eerie the grand aland waa wall oiled wttb apeotator and the fan were on lha laid in lanre nun bare itev j o wluort ii a honorary praaldant in the abeence of mr henderaon m i want lo bat ii v moor j i fliurrnipikh took hi place aa lb intual catcher clothed in the uaual inalgnla of that important office jofflolal umpire monabfa called play ball ilia lleave began hie twlrlvr and the ftrat ball cotkacrewed down lo the batter paeaed over the plate and round the doughty honoiary president fan one form rait in center laid lie waa r everything that cams hla way aliiivimi h waa a rfgulai chicken fametaev uaaau- h did euoee i finally making a vary pretty lnuae snow shovelling accounts raaaad by u townahlp oouaetl at bit ham hmlth of the anglican bi wed up very wall on aeeood pick log up m couple of nlca grounder and maloue haao t forgotten any of bla old time trick it seemed to be vary hard for gunner to make more than two baaea no matter bow far be hit the ball and then he had to alt down till he got hla wind lie la coming back fin however jake bauer baan t got into ahapa ye but waa big hits are looked for later in tba eaaaon ilynda the pree- bytcrlan t wirier must inherit hu dexterity from bin father bathe waa not bit nearly aa hard aa maotaan cuatoma officer mcdonald waa out in center field all decked oat in hu uniform aa urge ufa and alul able oourtof nayieuon jvnm ttmt at the lat mealing of ihetuwntlilp council moat of the time aaam to have been taken up in paaalng dauyed c oounlafor abovalllng anow tb list a aa aa fallowa jamee hprowl 08 hour h 1 70 oanean ltobertaon 7 hour i oft ikmald kobrrtepn uboura uu i wither 0 hour w it somarvllu 7 bonr i os v somervllla 7 hour mann llroa 01 hour it h ilandrth 1 m a o currldg david gerty udtuhire h blnjrham p n lmr hcla u im ura i mccalluin i m tnoe micku 1 u alex 1 humr i u other account wetv i w mlno rap brl ige w scott a- g clartidkc rep btidgv j m moore prinu g canada ingot iron lut iron jamnasprow aba p killed by jamaahprowl bounty on dog killed l uarty cutting bruab kdw kastnn tlmbrr for bridge rootor charity h 40 lo 43 g ou io a o to 0 tt 7 a 1u o iso la ao h on hi 1h jq oh h 00 11 oo 4 ix la on 10 oo wire fence rnralng mr h co 24 00 hbxxxyxxxxpoooxxxxxxxxxxyjpcocio holiday specmtl in the ladies and childrens deparimeni this week qtb bbfiitbtmrnla she vapttt aburcbr tjon utwco nwmmlba paatqc jli whixouu sim jamea itoaa 70 mlaa k tbompaoi itobt ourk moved by j brown seconded by jam newton that th clerk be in alructed lo communicate with the chlnguacouay council in regard to wire rncee along the town line between chlnguacouay and kaqueelng aa we oonalder that chlnguacouay gala aa inch beneot rrom the aald fence aa eaquaslng carried tha council adjourned until june 1mb to meat aa a court of luvialon and other bualnea plain white and fancy sailor waists slm to m new net waists white and ecru very daint s4to 4m plain white linen tailored waists soft collar and cuffs to l2 fancy lawn waists low neck and short sleeves very special lines at ita i54 ie toadies tailored suits ncv lines in tweed navy and black serges 1sue uwandi5m hosiery plain lisle hose ladies and childrens in white black tan sky pirk and hclio 1 mbroidered hose tan and black 5c and 4tc shoes ladies low laced shoes in bright tan ciusliort vamp pair ladies low laced patent leather short vamp i rench heel lt pair childrens patent leather slippers all sizes at very close graded prices lootkijhmed ha7s100 ladies and misses extra values in very desirable good make your selection this week rev j c wlumn a ha watted wa ning air vlgoronaly and waa promptly atoppad by the man with the big mitt behind tha second ball found the preacher at the bat wideawake and a pretty base hit waa made la the third tha iteevee extra twirl ca i the batter to pew the air again thla con pie ted the inaugural ezhkbttioi and won the applause of the apecta- toi with a view to enhancing i he gen eral interest in tha game aa well aa to imortallae aoma of the principal actore the vthi pslksu artlat waa preeent and baa plaaanre in giving herewith a aeriea of striking anapebot of poeee and ex caught at tba opening caramon lea and during tb game our artlat has arranged to be pres at the varlooe games of the season and the reports will be embat- llahed from time to time with tl high elasa true to life engravings in order to depict the one playe and events of lotereat in tba various oon uatpurubv mr and wrs wluiam gowdy are gradually getting their fine residence iiirnlahed with city oonvenlencea ihirlng tha week a comnleto wmter- worka bystan has bott installed with both cl hot and cold water tba new survey for the electric road through this village u causing some of our reajdents anxiety because of the lines being ran through their front yards mr jams lane an old resident of uniehottse pamit away laat thursday morning after a few day lneaa a widow two aoos jonathan of unw- bousa and george of indian klver and one daughter mr franklin benton of actorr iarvve the funer al on saturday afternoon was attend ad by a largtr number of relative and honda mlaa mae shaw or barrie is visiting her slstsr mrs g k folklqghoro masara jonathan and alex lane from near orangevllle and mr hay r of hamilton were id kjmahooaoon hatqrday to attend the funeral of thl broth the lata james tlan xtaianarab one day last wssmr isaan bannete had the unusual experuooe of trapping a wnlu ground hog on lit farm on the fifth una tba animal was entirely wblte with exception of a few brown hairs on tba front of bla face this vary rare anknsjl was seen by th lata mr tjtaoanaa bsnoett on tba farm two yar ago and uat year both mr bennett and the hired man saw hla r vr- oamwawlfal oormklta a bumbef of lha farmers on the urat tin having lha telephone in btauad ip umiv home mr and mr john dennis and llut- aali of gablpn vjaltsd r tha home mr wjudttb on saoday r fa qnan paat a day with ff asttlaan millar rpendldg a fw day with br ooualns in goalph hot to get down to the game the oattnealere went to bat and start ed thing off rather hasty scoring six runs in the first inning macleanw hit very hard ueavjrbmlth connect ing with one that sent the ball to the oilier iarrrtnerice course and get ing a homer beard more out in right raid was certainly kept busy chasing uis itnline l ottva t u innings seemed to take the ginger out of tha anglican and when they cam to hat thsy failed to score asingtorun the preaby urlana made another tun or so and then the anglicans eoorsd a couple thy then grew bolder and scored two more tb0tneaerthnbacaniaanxtoub to score 4nd tit a rush for third the two banker clarke collided gam knocking the wind out of jack ha soon re covered however and than to oven up mac puntad op in sorters ribs ha was able to hobble off to first and- tba smlla on bla faoe aa much aa aald i rooked an ay one and it didnt hurt lurdrimatrucea4ooe ooiulng straight for hla faoa and of course failed toronnect so it connect ed with blot and made a pretty fair coonaotlon toowlli th end of bis no to jolly ibe pitcher when h gets going on the beans eddie bjrder has got back into bu old place on second base and i still capable of holding down that sack and handling the stick ttrfy wilds played third for the presbyterians in the same old way that be uaed lo play lo the ualtoo peal league the game waa not a very exciting one as the score 17 7 would indicate but good clean baseball was played throughout by both teams and the gam waa much enjoyed by the hug gathering of spectator the alight rain about the elsth innings did not dampen the ardor of the players very much the soore waa as follows putanttvluan a it u in m mcdonald cr 4 1 ii w j gould lb g a 1 g clerk c 4 a a khvder 2 b 3 a 4 g uyodsp jl i 0 mao smith i f fi p holme a 4 1 p smith r f 4 a a f wilds 3 b 4 1 s amiucan a li k i o j bauer 1 f 4 j f a mclean p 1 h ii wllklneon cf 4 5 a smith ah 1 1 jno cbwk b b 1 0 i aot beardmor r f 3 j w malone lb 1 j a w lalrd 1 i k white s s h j do 7 21 giiimuu ltliuuxt snai buoth the udlas in the grand stand are de veloping into orthodox ran umpire menabb showed conclusively that ho knowa the game and canaotb itoneyfugled weather permitting the baptists and methodut expected heir brat try out last night the entire absenoe of extravagant expletives or profanity at the games is biting and gratifying twogameseaeh week should provide plenty of excitement for the lovers of the sport this summer the dargy of the town wem tber in full force rev father traynor uev wilson burrell draper and wilkinson tok sbasonb scuaxrtjfc 18angllcan vh preabytarun baptlit a methodbrt att anglican b baptlat 28 methodut vs preabytarian junk 1 anglican va methodut a baptist vu preabytartan malbodut va banll mslhi may d0nt punt impd potatoes nasi baan lasparaad rtheeauae rorusnj us lmporl ii anglican vu hodlst 15 anglican va presbyterian 18 malhodlat va pratbytsrun sb baptist va presbyterian mb- anglican va bapust anglloan vu prasbytatlan july baptist vs mtbodut fl anglican vh bsxamsf ih p m maoibsuiv is- y anglican ya mehodlt vh prasbyterlan mlhodbt vu preabylerun ui baptut vu malbodut 7 anglican va baptist u0- anglican vu preabytarian ttbsptlst vb prmbytarlaq methodut vs anglican methodut vu preabytarian umdiuivailtv- hxtavv rbmauttbs ing lo ilia light potato crop in canada uat yr importation potato became necessary tli ware intended for i hi use mly lut some are pt sparing to use theee lot portrd potatoes for seed for thla reaaon lb dvpakmeni of agriculture at ottawa deems it ad vible to warn polatngrowrgalnt tba use for seed of potatoet imported from tb british lale or l her rcuro- pean oounlrle not only ha it hnen found that european varietie do not yuldaawellascanadun but the very daetruc live and cnmmunlcatlv dls known a potato canker baa been dis covered in ibeae potatoes and the greatest car la necessary to prevent ite spread in canada which in thla counts would be a national calamity canada potato crop la worth from 3s000ooj toc0000000 annually and every grower should endeavor to pre vent the introduction of the most dangerous potato dueaae referred to in our soil it ha now been decided lo rigorou- lyproceed against any person using such imported potatoes for seed indicated by the following provisions under the deetructlve insect and peat act i it shall be illegal to eell offer for ale dupoae omo any way receive or use for seed purposes any potato imported from kuropa every person using for seed other potatoes than each aa have been raised by himself must obtain preserve and exhibit on demand previous to plant ing a certificate from the ealleror hie agent iatlng that the potatoes to be uaed for ssed have not been imported from europe every person who coriumvenea any provision of tbbl act brany regulation mad thereunder shall be uabt upon summary conviction to a one not ex ceedlng one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceed ing six months or to both bo and 1m pruonment any vegetable matter imported or brought into canada con trary to ibu act ur to any regulation madylbereunder shall be forfeited to u grown in view of these provision it may be pointed out that should tha disease be discovered subsequent to the ln of this circular in any field or farm the farmer or grower on whoa land it u found will be asked to furnish evldsnoe as to the origin of the potav toeatused ro seed if no satisfactory cars has been exercised ha will not only render himself lubleto floe or im prisoaxnant provided under this act but will forfeit tba entire crop without any compensation it may be stated that up to the pres ent canadian soil is free from thls dlseaas which a is well known baa defied every measure directed against it ravage in certain kogtlah and other kuropean potato growing dis tricts the effort heeded to kepour soil free from this most injurious dueaae which may lurk in practically every- potato is vary small all that la necessary is that our potato growers exercise some little oars in tha seleo- uoo of their eeed tha result of earn- in this small matter at thu bfssent moment of planting time is almost certain to ejract irreparable lojury to our exosedlngl valnabto potato growing industry to say no thing of tha million of dollars lb la practically certain to coat in tha future toooulrol thwjiaeasa when ones a- henderson 6t co mill si acton ont ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaoooooooocooooooai hituation wan i el miodijcaoki fuuur la ui pefa u bl ailka kium wlw umi i lastuttl to libt tl o tle bee of eatlu i o oo- 4tud luian fulinm ne bslf o udnhx f nhmmmii arta ui appilm cii0ick bujluin0 for bali um a toetset 4vn hookekecpcrs waxed paiver hb u aoa hlu uaad lor italas bakla mas us am tehee lasat elade sl sa d m mtmhh orvioa green grocer froit merchant e ktook is receuus dailr vxmh vgishua aod v uhs sad sails ibem si rea h prices ioi1kk npuuits a sifciaitv r hiiw dai uaa mllltlslht acium comb on in and see ouk new chinkmel n uhw it wlllilo lor you lo nnubliuj knd woodwork will and furniture ii lk reroikul da itroduct ai l kinds or paints amd vaknishls tarm and qabdxh tools and aknekai h1bdwabi c- c speight xcitc st kfcton notick tt oreditoks in tat haur of tba ataaata nw- jaln uassfd huaertas vutaar or aataw i tna oousty of ha han a to tbe lutj iw notloa is aweby errtk asla area im 1tu aay a jsaa i bv iiii 7au a torn of ta vtuaa- f asm la las mahaa rtelletlawtee- lisilwbal tariuaf if aa am by ibeat aitihuwrtoseaoueeursnot ss teal to atetrtbste um saesta m ike sawaa la ksrltes eauus lasrsto bsvum asi aaly a uta alstas f stats they salllaaa bare aaltes a4 uiss ua said ainwtaw 111 aot ba uaua far ut eat saute or say mnuvnw hmnnioioriiniiriiol wbass lli mtln abal met bava baaa mililii b nrttu al tba utua ot ateulbaua m j uackinnoh helteuar to al asar m ssd nmwhlrny lumum itetaj at aatoa thally seeoa day a mar mi n4 only the mortally astigmatic sea ly ing aa tks only refuge in the lime of trouble municipality 0fjxtt0n court ofaavraoif noticn is seeaby atassl tbat ta ssst asasua ot tba oeeat el fasalsa par th vosve1 ahw am be tea ai tum itiwa saal en monday kay rth bwji dated aiaaeatate aayafatsy mb olx katabltshstd uvery and bus bosiness fob salk vi ixaqk of act oh bylaw no- by law to authorize the issue of debentures for the amount of 5000 for the erection of an addition to the public school house in the village of acton and for the furnishing heating and equipping the same w1 imslbafauuhaboal nord el uw ml jsaef sees bare aaa a eme ape ute mas telsel oaeaell el uta o of the bsmvmaaafar uw enat of sssm far lb ar ffls aa hav r oaaaanu ebelf ibe mm ta tat af um slaseara aaausa ta vote wader lbs oa adlfaatelpal as itot oa brlawa far tee a uaa of abu aad aba an aav iks art leal is ay sad later ei ibe ifaaai efsfcevivtb aakf mm sat tarth la ue llri 1 lo atesbsrss lbs id dasa aad laaarest altkta la parted a sir who lulb not know mlifatum iww kumw mmilt or hfaown rtim lultot 14- 17- aulloaii vi baptlat mioiodbtm pnajurun 20awtltao n matbollat l anllon va pnnbttairlw wbpuau vh frrbjuiun luorf mtea to bo mvqll lonlnfc cuiurd7 wiofc44llpro tm hj od wadhmaarita t 04c p m- lmtpoohl hom to b puj with in an day of oiluduu unm and to b rl4bt of ground orar pnaili af bar mr wllbliwoo ahorku up in uy many nlauk raultfladlb for ftua no moths in your trunk if yon use meekersvaporiier convart your trunk or psvoklndbox into ft okdab ohk8t uolhaand shnllar petti am poihtivhly ex terminated by ining meekers i atbnt vaporize it tba only uoth uxler mlnator ibat will proteci your riano irom moths try one and ba convinced a t brown juu stfei actoa- totxwtn ubusbad l rtabbaoawsva luv a buir a a is hi ralbar poor haallb but bopaa by judicious earn and dieting soon to be quit htm salt again lsv a v oooper b a atundtd dutriot mseung at jdargoa this wk tha olflcuu of rbtorssr method church are arlouslf eimatdarlmr tba erscuon ot a floe new brick chroh hubscrlptlon 1uu sx balng olrcujaud and members mf th tdgragauoptae subscrihtoggaarouaamounu ulnoks vary much as ii tba intarsst in tha pro posal will warrant going rorward with the uudahl enuvtrlw kdvy isx cbnrasslon of invtar dastl 1 tutlonr l victoria day slmtu fnr for kwuu trin n nu illiaa to oanndn 0oo4 golai may ural mi 4lh kaluraxlailt may tttk any aabf juaa tlth and and arm mow toaaday ihanafiai until oapumbar 171b vlldiaad8l paul wlnnlhi o blwm tmoo eaaonlon xalnrn juk yiaata ooon far an pnm tbaqaaitraalipaollloiuuw lalba brtad qalckmi roul darwom mtin aukalaoa bdmoann lh aatomb dwrlo uhtnl akanlal om aad lata ear aarrlaa ibnaih la a- aaiamailotanaiaaaadaual rapidly dr ntpmaa aaetloa of wauartl canada throatb llekma aob aad raaarvalliiaa mad by ainonadrtmali a com no nbntaaabrolliornwlaa traloaoow lo sanimwiaalpmloratlaa yoililooaad camra bart alio tocaavaaa tllrror ar4 itdaoaalta all oarllaulara and graad llniaa wrliaabdj jk aal or p a toronto oni aay g 8 holmes agent at o t acton monuv back w not satupactorv guaranlea of purity on motm hit ov srtfafs a caraana urnirarl for sals at thk ssst csocbrs vhvwnsm h c barlett furniture dealer and undertaker ewecasaar ta jfcssteaa w c- mill street 4ctoaorat luviag porchaaad ibu builnaaa i am prepared to meet au waais wuh a lull una of furullur stun u u ttsoally aapt t a firtjclaa tforaltar star bedroom suites paiior saltes ptrior tables otata- nmes nt clulrs buffets sueboards rrom lbs vry besl to lh cheapsat au add at rock bottom pric repair nti tnuthml waraltur lantdrsd bad pansbad la a oirxei4uulka mtjvosr upbd4bterltlfbtsr and cheaper ihsa ever doas la ado be- all rorkglvn carafal auaalton t pwbtakihg oar tattdertbhlax ataeatad b i be uwat nsficdtaad at moil preoipl and aoonwmi alimiloa mr shan ko aa anployl b ur jotanlo la ny lulr tal aad la alwaya lo allawlaoc husidknclt ulstaius whurk might calus uay bb uabb aanan aannnnnananmratain hhtst hktsi lates downto date styles knickerbocker the moriey bit borseuni ndtent specw bee my special hat at m r e weion marehaail tajlor hsmn xurus itslsuawwstllawatnsfwrt 6ovhl0tt dad aavaaaaa la s too a sai u sawastuireaald esltee saartyptbiuiu eqaal to uta saamran barabta la saab af tba il pafaiu u sash vasrsarpriaatpal aad ui of umbalrirta ar stadia riasiahaf the m laiiim aa abow u ujafal esbadal ssaeaai to to raised u saab voar tor pnaeim p ibiity in raaratr lb sust awti edatomsaatalysaauaw bo rateaa aaaaallr upaiamad4mtiaaralaoaof sajxa lu lalwarqlieailif llril mg at ihtix af mve per ssst pay s aadabawsalbe smoant of ibe vbote kal- 4savervuuevlltef fa saaanlla ubi last itevteed rteaaawl hall ibarof u jmaat of lbs esleubf da ef use aald vlueee of astaa 1 uta ihad no pars of uta aria at pa i or u tela arreats itomeajwialoesaoluiavilusa ealoaaetesfoltes 11nudsawi of s shall ba apij 31b aau vttteaa of aelaa for uta oiaoitoa of sdt toib rabn bab baa u tb vloaas of sea aaa law tba larslahum sad i islisiss af is aad for tba mumm ef ssaaasuw sal seas debaataraa of lha vmtepa of aot lutosasaotsan a bar sbteu to uweatss 1 u eaaw aealssstbaa swo saab shall tutenam uwlatdayef awgn11 baab of wbhb tld ssi salatss sball l6e daajea tbe ssy of baaa utereof sad shall be asade aavsblo u amrdaaan atu ibe ssld sahadale sad wtlala lalrtr tasttolawasutoefaosat ui traasarar of it- islit ioliif mss shill til ipitl h uva ute said vulaaa aad tba trueon- bd eball have aluabad laanlauta seal ef ta uaaltpslir jsudabaatarmaballbaar ularaal l the rats ef sve par east per saauai parable the rats ef sve par rosrly t ibe eataa ol che let dy of aaa ilsc the e ot tbsss tasrasaalltonlaad aaaaslly by paolal rsiar aa an rateable iwottarty in tbe vlluaa of arloa tbe sas of sstajs lor ut brpaa of pailo u- am al das in aaoh of ibe said ten for alirajaadutaamiibtaapaolty sheaa ta the sebedbte v ba of mm absu ba tabaa ea tab br-u- jbtuw bah dap uea istm oacaaajag rt tbe baaa of alaa agasoralas aad aoallaola aamaloelt nrbe anaraoaa of tbe bw day at the fa rtl riua salwhi me 1 si tbe tf lulwuhaj msahiawba stetarslaa 0a mrouia sltilo mo t i l hpetebt mehsbb depetjr kmeralsa os voaraastbatarjmnx tba ram bf isavulaaaof aaa fbajlsbmad al uva toh hall aotoa as kaa aisle ta the ormaw la hsilsl as to sit aad at tba varinaa ueluad please sfsiemld sad at tba aaal mbualaa up stbvwmmbtuvsobwhm taaof ibe -r- seaa toliis la aad avseie or oppodua las sassusi f this hrevreapaeuw ftttft bsst tfiaatnaaar wiwiai aaai 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