Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1912, p. 4

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ftbt kttan jfrw jrm th0r8day jijnb 1 1 thm man behind thi dam they talk of the man uhlnd the gun anal tha deadly work ut h liai done bat much moredeadlv work by for is done by lb fellow twblnd th w tbejytalkof thnn behind begun yetoulyh battle bis work ldon hut mtotw in peace or in war behind the luu- sttlnllttrd an animal twwnr paiity when you are pluming to have imtrty of unjb andglris t jour b andar trying to think of eoroe new nlrrluront fnr them suppose you ai rang for game of animal twist llake soma catahaped cards end write or print lit follow log ourloua r mitbliialu 11 wltnu rightly written or m lug ktl name uf annta animal i r 1 tba work of the msn tb eoiuroihi dorii of pihiihii day ar ringing imlls of ilic lr wy how many and bow beautiful n uw oofflmon demls i f llin runun day they far outnumber the groat deeds that thrill the wora and they renntiwmt hn titirjhrtonnn uti eyeaof him wbi rlvot to all thing hair tru value jt u a great mulak to close odm eye in lite dully ipor- tunitleu on ha for tlolug utile toon deeds of lovlngkindoee ndlo l forever looking wllb at rained and eager vision for tba opportunity f do ing something heroic that will put unoa name on every lip there i aritwall greet deal of heroism in mhii of the unsung deeds mtin of tlui romnion daada uf the common day i said 1 have no doubt that tba bells lha faraway are ringing joat as joyously for lha common deeds aa for tba great onee and i do not doubt that troop of harom undlsungulahed die there la often real heroism in being kind and ptuant and gentle amid th raxing and fretful conditions of ufa th daughter wbo i patient edflland er with iw fretful and exacting old mother tba aon wbo u dutiful to tba raebtoe mfcerriheriv ter wbo la selfsacrificing he brother who la nobly generous all lhaae are ringing belis in the faraway then heroe and berolneeareuncon acloualy heroic and tba hero who doea a graat dead la of tea painfully aelfoon clous of the fact all the reat of hla life often be trade upon it and tries to axact or compel admirations end cheap- ana tba honor of hu achievement it la doubtful if the bella la the far away rlnc vary joyfully over herouo of this kind true heroism vaunteth not itself nor la it in lha least puffed op there are aa many real heroes un known and unealeudared in the little towns and outof t heway plaoea of the world a thorp are in tba great buay world or oo the bmtucoald tbacom moo deed often takes on a special beauty and glory eveo though it u dooa in com way tba blgheet element of heroism is sometimes found la the amm ordinary eaviroamaotaod it b true aa soma one has written that we can all be heroes in our virtues la our bones in our live we omn all do something to set the ball ringing in the faraway okgp itoastihuh 1 jrfatr u urabed 10 flail rer ii vxtl ih kaopec lt homaoup 11 lnneplg i3 luceonldo 1l to4 7 kugtj k alioeoab nr a tiny ptocll to eeh card wltb a gay nojorrd ribbon kaah ite writluii lu lie place after tbe luoor- rect oomnlnai itn hie names are 1 hherp a iladger a lyj p 10- terrier l albauoax ii tapir j jflrphfliit uf fsncock g llrafr ij oppoaum 0 ouw ii ln 7 jaguar 15 crocodlh h chanioix ulrn trn mlnutra for the writing and then read aloud tba correct names giving the contestants time to olt lhoee they have ngbl ii i m if you rare to give tbem might be a woolly lamb that base or a dog that bark and for tbe booby glpgrr bread cat or a toy horse wonder if you ean guess tba joke in the later tbe continent littl1 tomyv error mrs tin vofftommy do want ome nice plum jam f tommy vea motlter f wav going to give you some to put on on your bread but 1 lost tbe keyftbe pantry you dont need the kay mother i can reach down through tba window and open lha door from the luekta thats what wanted to know saw joat wait until your father comes home children cry for fletchers c astoria manners are lite happy way of doing things out uf deep borrows ooooe high po wars to strengthen us yuu cannot do much good for men ir you seek to do good only to tbe good mothers eaneaelly know whan i heir children are troubled with worms and lose no time in applying the beat of remedies mother tiravaa worm exterminator t jafarlnfluitg and dbildrwn jhj the kind you have always bought the signature of in dse for over thirty years storm important warning tk mtf sehme ah hltlml extuct flf wom rnunuit i dr fowlers this grand remedy has hear ob the market for atsly five years and u with oat a doubt the bet medietas known for the cure of dlajuthfga dtssntkrt couc cramps patjf hi the stomaot chouota morbob cholera irtantom and axx uhmkr compiatjrrs if an unscrupulous drugrwt tilra to talk you into taking any other prepara tion wfaen you ak f or dr fowlers refuse to take it and insist oq getting what you ask for price 35 rents per bottle sea that the name the t hfljbura co limited hi on the wrapper as we are the manufacturers and aole proprietor merchants op canada bank parintal tbattmony ofaauummo hair bough course hal is on necessary so la faded dull looking hair dandruff and scalp itch era bou canned by an accumulation of scurfy dtth and can easily be got rid of pandruff germs cause falllog hair and di of tbe hair and scalp and shook be destroyed if you bare any of the hair trouble mentioned above a t llrown will guarantee parisian ha uk to end ersryooeof them or will refund your parisian sack u a delightful hair dressing that la being used today by amy thousands of lovely oana- dlana wbo detest uoclaenllnees large bottle 6 een ta vatljbmck a arm assured patience grows upon the christian enabling blm to bold inaw hla way undaaerrod jiaohuldby whatever bo nay meet upon it t enab ling him also i know not to what o- oermaaio tobblld op bis s to a treogth of calm reliant conviction a with the stones be bods there srtatihhr unajup a cjaaytapd more rapid toloe for bowing orer pabblee tbe atraln upon the loner ufa has pa sed ova from self to christ tba heart baa growo wise instructed tol- caut undulthwaak4msr patient ofunperfectloo t t how quiet noeh a life i how faith full faithful because it uiaotiutt it work oottbatllfw and grown tjia neey effort has passed outofltt vn ra b i u iii done with task work and anxiety k ervem yet is not cumbered wlummch aarving t it baa ceased from that sad poninlaln t thou ha ic-ft- i dont blame young people being rather self confident and we said tha conservative olliaan you think the rising generation la entitled to consider itself superior beyond question you era con stantly hearing parents telling what smart things their children eay but yon never hear children repeating any clever observations by their parents washington star snaps and mrvflui tbe last lay of a joyrlde is usually roads in a bearer home people are naturally uncongen ial and others make daffydiu the only way to euro a man wbo la always deprecating bis shortcoming 1b ro agree with him some women love a man with a past and others prefer one wllb a future but tbe man with a present la alwaya sure of a hearing every parson wbo receives sad pays out money should hmva a chaqalag acno paysmet by cbeooa b tbe most practical coo vealsat and saw4 method of hsodhng sll 6naactai transact loo wbwbarbfabaaiaahcrparaaeaicnarsciar the return of caaceusi ch are vouchers tor every sun paid on i they abow what ds hnraaawall tiasahaanssade and le whom deposits are received by ibis bankanhjeot to cheqa withdrawal wapsy tb same titration to bsmui daposttora as we do to large ones and encnnragsibaireecoenls interest alkwed on all savlags acooonts compoooded half yearly total assets blfte8 49 ac7qn branch f a maclean manager r- kan with a tminavt there srs probably a omnbar of in maine who remember the lama bear ibat used lo live in hedlngton fn days when lumbering waa booming in that secllon this bear weya 300 pounder kind and docile but tbs poeeeeaorof one bad habit that was tbepeoebanl for intoxicating i quor now and then lumbermen would get the bear drunk which waa an exceed utgly eery thing to do bruin prefer red rum but would drink whiskey ir nothing batter was at hand in jha morning aher a nlgbta debauch bs frequently bad a typical morning after iblrat which he leaned to quench by turning the faucet outside the main cauip when be would lap the water very eagerly w t if tela were made at reformation although it was not staled tliat the anuial fllled a drunkards grave as b matter of fact hell vmtml the camps for a number of years without harming a person although some of lb oien see to antagonise him at first rrom tha mains wood- hlhadomi alrioht he altrr popping ike qiutallon why dp you cry my angwir did offend you by my proposal r bheullaobblngoh no dear it is not that i am crying for joy mother alwaya said to one my she said you are tucb an idiot that you would never get a donkey for a lover and now f have got one after all mrshvonroden of lyndon ky recoaudoarlg lrrlui e pnlt ham vcbffetaue compound for brlrssrho ncrvoua- nesa hrrndgchesw lyndon kj i have been taking lydmepwtharnsvegwtabu contpoand for ha s neuralgia peine backache ner and a general run down con ditionof the system ani i entirely lleved of these troubles to my friends and give you permission to publish what i write mrs ii vom rodem tyodon ky ice mrs von rodn to wriu ueh a un tar as the above for publication she should at isaat b given credit for a ain- cere desire to help other buffering women for we aaor you there u no other rea son why abs should court such publicity canadian wonisna ekperlcnrei windsor on t the birth of my first child left me a wreck with terrible weak spslla but i am glad to tell you that i do net have those weak spells and i feel like the giand twi ullway qc6ej excelsior baken why ft wa1umd thi tllrriafatkf oonsubinn the ultimate eonaniner should funed hla ultimata ueaon after a con versa lion with bis wife she will tall bin if she kseps track of tbe marketing that when aha buys a parcel of canned sauerkraut aba la obliged to pay 2 per osot profit to tbe retailer this wll make the ultimate consumer scratch bis bead and dig therefrom lha ultl mate conclusion he will tell bis wlfei my dear we most go back to the eoll and raise our own sauerkraut there are too many of us buying sauerkraut and too few selling it was tioiblei with iis leaif bad to give dp woke it will not make you godlike to call others godless its alwaya easy to too ibrougb tho djssue wear- english banknelsa- ono of tba curious polol slwiut hank of england notes is tits fart tliat they are acceptable practically all over the world vet in our own country law people will ehanga tlieot fur strau- ret tho notes are rui himui paper with ami whoa a note finds its way back to the bank il 1 immediately had liwiimtioi snr stwhuli api for oveh a year mr w moore 10i llilar st j torooto ont wltea afue havitmi bean troubled with inditcttlop sour ttormcbm f and severe headaches for ovee a year v- wt i waa induced to try mubufvs laxauvcr pooh auittui pills one vi grctlyb my case and three vials completely cured me i can heartily rccouimend them to any poa buffering from stomach or liver trouble h uubuma laxaucr pllbi stimulate t slonuh liver dexntha coated on ie and rrjdoae all naite and poimo- ottj inallef hwthe syitem f f ptw r cenli per vlsl or b viouj f ir- 81 jkl at all ilestcrsjur mailed direct oh rcoelpt price by tho t uilbura co umted toronto out mr aund male bkads oat writes l u troubled with my heart for two or three years i thought aonsethnea that x would die i went to the doctor and he said he could not do anythhag fur roe i had to give up work uy wife persuaded ma to try mubarna heart and nerve pills the first box relieved me so i kept on until i had taken seven bona and they- caved joe jwjmlduot b without them on any account as they are worth their in i i a there can be no syrup so wholesoiierasr pure and diamond brand maple syrup just try a tm prom v0ur oroccr r ntaowl 0 acx tanr emr ha i rmiutod j c tiwm l tumtnj pba ls how bv hill woodhaix hckay and geo sopbr children ory for fletchers casjtori a giving giudglngly is sowing spar logly rocks in our way is just heaven say ing chmb up blgberp itsoive will malt no mcktf imii it emik seal tbeiu tiaurge fculoc a cure fr fver and ague dis turbance of the stomach and liver alwaya precede attacks of fever and ague showing derangement of tbe digestive organs and deterioration in the quality of blood in these ell menu partnelaes vegetable inlle iwvr been found most effective abating the fever and subduing the ague in a few i days there are many wbo are sub- i ject to these distressing disturbances and to these there is po batter prepar- f atlon procurable as a means of belief bo i used to tblnk i would know just lo manage my wife when f got mas your ayatem proved to be a failure r no the system may be all right as far aa i know sba has never let me try it the change of dietary that comas with spring and summer baa the effect in week lomeh of setting up lofum nation lesulilng in dysentery and cholora morbus tbs abnormal eon dltiti will continue knot attended to and will causa an exhaustive drain on the system tba beet a valla bis akdl due a dr j d kehoggs dysentery cordial it clears the stomach and bowels of irritants count sracts tbe in and restores tbe organs to healthy action taking lydie k phikhams yegeta- bwcompound lam now wall and strong and can do my own housework i do not take medietas of any kind it waa lvdle el phikhams vegetable com pound that restored me to health mrs bomkmt parabaikm 71 parent avenue windsor ontario if yea want special adfle wraa te jljrdu e plakkam medhaae 0a eeal- aestlsl ljaa maas teer letter wiu be epeaed read and answered by wessaa and bald la strict csaaaeaet manyamm cause be haai sunday i think hsu a saint ba- dream of beavsn every castoria lax imfaahj bjulouubem tmtuymkmahrmearu fib8t quality brsao cakib widdino cakes birthoav ukku no iu iub criah conpectionbrv call todat t statham son bakers main st nd grocers acton cdisscieisixiovs plumbing heating is not r jutyxh joflth xjs to ihc conlrarywe make it tho most important factor so if you favor ns with yonr patronage yon will enthusiastically endorse us ability is dhuaual- that steeplejack did a paradoxical thing in fastening the weather signal on tbe oboreh steeple what waa it r tyo waa bunaessful in a vane tempt baltimore amartcsu bora who are moulded with heart or nerve trouble to try them to any of those suffering from heart or nerve trouble we can recommend our mubnrttbtrjutana nervetiibi with the greatest confidence price so cents per box or 3 boxes for si 35 if your dealer fees not have them in stock send direct to tbe t mltburu co limited toronto oct hal unbsrtood that an indianapolis publlo aahool teacb ar some lime ago ebe ralatea received in bor room a small boy from the ken tucky tennessee borderland and aba at about teaching him the louta- etc fn addition hbe found be eoukl run up and down a column of flgnrae readily bnf abejcoald nofnmkeblm understand bow to carry from one oolnnn to another wben the total waa more than nine finally tbe teacher caned on one of tbe little glrie lu tba class and old bar aba would give her at dime if abenould make tba newcomer understand the process next day tbe llmleglrlcalled to oultn the taonay how did you mafca bltnundslpstand eo quickly inquired teacher oh i told him whan be got a nunn bor of twq figures to put down the onp pn tha right and tote the other across right a papa queried little lola wbo waa looking tbrongb a eaulogoe of agrionlturai implemeou what la a chilled ptowr know axolalmed tier six yearold hjetter than doing lmmedlatautlesr brother us a plow putt baa stood outside in tha cold all wufaty man are to be judged by whet ibey are going rather than by wnanoa they living lor bread is one way rf losing the bread of life our powers owe much of tbelr aner- gy to our hopes johnson nothing clears up remote dlfnoultlsa you may bow your sins la tbe dark but they ooouvto harvest la daylight corns cripple t he feet and tnaka walk log a torture yst aura relief in ba shape of uollowaya corn cure la wlth- in the reach of au mary met emily on the street they had not aaaa aaoh other for many year- why bow do yofl dp r tx- claimed mary eoaalvelyv lopping off the salutation with a tm vagm pfoka at kmllyalaca now thla la delightful eaid bmlly who wag older uan mary tou havent aseo me for asevan yaaja and yxhiknawbbttaaoaob i ooqldat nava chaogaefevfetliaaume it fhutere me said mary h reoog- nlaed yoor boodei ntifmre ory foi fletchers castoria fiajth la obedience not oonfldauce- itwallihi launtxjxbad a hard lima having her picture tken today aald bar nephew wbo had just opened a pboto- grsphlo at bdjlo and had very oonrfaoua ly asked ills nint to noma and p tot k new piotura what waa the bouble 7 ask- od bla lirqlher ejlywleo i told b to look ant shqdfdn looi natural and when i told bar to i to natargl she dldol look pleasant with nation ef tba ju the back and 1 and tbe attacka which t becaata incre frequent a to tnhesrahle agony thatlooau wpt walk scressthai fleer n m the i gin pills andaeateorahmc prcan the vary first i felt were doing me reueved at r weeks tba stone in tb t sanm away wbtnt x rscall r- cpuflered and how wrm i am jfaaaliby and able to work j caanot jomiitwyaaiiianinbbaofbt beat life doea not make us wa tnaka life kavangh paia waa before ikthare is mora vlhuevina wtl of dr thomas bole trtaotlu h knbduer or pa7ahaa to gejiona of other medicine tha pubuo koqw tbja and t hair are few houeahold throughout tbe country where it can notbafoaod thirty year of use hs faiwllartosd b paonla wltb it and nhuultbcsebomniacunetbrougb- ont tbe wanton world woatlxtw smevjsm wondgjt oorneu proiesaora have decided on tba following aa ih the seven modern of tha world t wltulttm ayp thgua chamlatry radiom aqtitogina wropbtnea panama oknat ibd teb no docm 4ve ra great aavva- msota bat mnajmoogsnttj0ith aiahmoxd trroitv she tearfullyour engagement is 1 an end and i wish to return to you rerytblng you have ever given mo he cheerily toanka blanche i you may begin af once with tha kiss v they are married now it le a jvlver pulmany of tbe all uenta that man baa to oontand- with have their origin la a disordered liver which la a delicat organ peculiarly sueoeptaue to tba diaturbancee that come from irregular habit or lack off care la eating and drinking t regulator now p a on tha alien lion or the sufferers of these none are superior to panneleaa vegetable plua tbelr operation though gentla la affective and thejmost dellcataeaa them fred smith plumber quebec st giielph phone 337 in bvsi sbm gfsuli uf until wirb carxui bnaun yttiti1o dsslgner and bouders oi blaine maui losama uooamsels markers sad llsau and all kind of alttltjc clmrvywaft wm hemstreet acent acton wool i wool i wool i whnted o nu 1 unla of puhkiturf jc spxa hcioh dijxocltn kbxtttw pbxulieaatbtmt tba worst tneae that i aver got iolo waa at a dinner it a country town through all tbe usual toasta some friend prompted put to propose tbe health of tba mayors wife 1 draw a picture of a sort of modern ctenrlua i dwelt upon the matrons domes vlr- tuea and prayed heaven that i might flod aoch a wife carried away by my aubjeot i bad forgotten my aadlaoce suddenly i perceived that boomi war looking down others storing at mo a though ibelr ayta would oome oat of tbelr beads other smiling in a curi ous manner while the mayor himself was glaring at ma like a wild beast i dboovered afterwards thattbe mayor- aaa bad flad from ihc docaaetla bearth a faw week prevtoualy with a don jaun of a grocer i have navar been aak4 i ifluka tha chair at a tun- nerln that town lavby bepritttad introlb ri a omaoltine that will button womens wgutgdown tha back i a wind ahtald that ean he wom on tbd bowlders td fcaep thphriufrom bkming ofe- a speed regulator that will anto ssprsz iwsmmmssm dmil a xrmu si anllrivar trlw to ml bo- uanun lo montfla f tawni imrbmunl lotkkj wliliout h to go uoaad to i rj a otgr that i umd nt ofwooo ihroogbout without lb muloluvr saakolnbolny a jail uut will m u a fwaftwtuiiit mrkt inllh nad lyspmia for ten ybars conn not mr abrrmf o on pwrtwmyndrmyar r i suhm ji tup school udpmbuabdldlo soubf jkmes svjirton wiilu st rcton killer a handful in a line when you sweep absorbs the dust brightens the floor and cleans your carpet ono woek croa bul yount forfceakn dubtbane ut0ceit your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platei or stones if taken to the chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shoru- the best at lowest prices harris a limited co baanuttu new wjajj papers will add beauty to yonr botne and increase lts value ordinary wall paper tnakes or dleary loouag rootaa how tanacoliy you may furnish yonr home lha satire effect may easily be spoiled by uxfaur pipers th are not tltcrocg pflihh wannest kind for cold weather tougher korachidc will ncvo tie found because the best is used for storeys glovra and gauntlets and yettho plan because carefully tanned ty the chrome proces r rnad pliable jnaunng extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and bv jftre-prool- ibo heal yyorjung gloves on tji0 jskm mflrkftt sold at all stores insist dyspepsia is caused by poor difrjtiae and to get rid of una terrible affliction it la nscsbsary to place the stomach in a good condition for this purpose bor- dodt alood bittcra has no aaual hianqrnnamaclpcrtbctbt nf vriteifor the beat tea years aatred dreadfully with dyspepsia and i oqblduot keep anything mnratonjeca x ttibibevrimi of medkhwg 6rt nana of them seamed to do meanygood at but li friend advised ma to try bur- dock blood bitten which i did ana after tg flvo bottles i was completely cured x wonld advifm any one trotrhkd with stomach trouble to xm b bb x can pot raoo it too bithly ionl ran the risk of dlsappolal msnt choose year paper from our new lines prices are very reasonable psperbsarlag doea to your com plate satkiacuon too pet roll t all kinds room mceldlaxi chair rails and plate ttalls the oa stephen cordiner paintbrx papthhanqer btc plctvrb flumimo a srclitv nttl atreett acton ont zs

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