Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1912, p. 2

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pfbwprmbcfc aj um i w of ib aatwcao to at ftl andrew mwl bdanatom wdm of dikd umaioatbwmm jabalutuoalid ctl 4 mmmhi felaamb yarn nlv ow tbaiallaj nm ihh m lbs tastily ufa lcloit jrf firm thursday junk jo hditoaual motk snwwo prdwdnk fiiibttn brought to beer on oat hugbee to make th eatlilquor regulations at camp a tittle snore elastic especially l the officer m but be to determined to secure absolutely dry camps th nksd of increased aooooiinoda uon a ih qmm hotel midland ha nsooo itated um renting of flat over adjoining store- tb queens la a local option hotel in a local option town oc4uarwood bulletin tuk ptmutsomoiou hatiarw r- ulada tb toper of that town that under a recent eaetmeot any habit- naj drunkard wbo la arrested for in- toxloauoo twlov within tbraa month mayb eeut to tbe industrial farm and tbara detelnod on an ludetertnlo at ao for a anex latum period of two years tub eovifriial govkknmkmt baa daoldad that tbara ara to ba no bilin gual soboobi lo ontario sfter hepteio- bar awoordlog announomnant by sir jam whitney 8u loapeotor appointed and normal sohool pro vided for tha training of teacher further that instruction in kugtiah aball begin atono upon a pupil enter ing enhooll mad that thanes of branch 1 aa tb language ol instruction and of bonunanfantloa aball oaaaa with tba and of tba oru form bwwtitniuttoir of parliamentary wuaanraaoltof tbenewouu will tajc plana naxtmwloo and lupoutf- teloirolaaulatbaoaqaaofoooaldanbla paouuuon particularly u tbu tba oaa with regard lo ontario wbaro with no electoral unit of 8052 tba province stand to loaa four member itwulhavahljmtead of m oo tba haste of popuuuon new ontario will ba entitled to tbraa niora nmrobera wblla th city of toronto will also bav tbrca additions ridjugs thk woodstock seotlnsutevelw di rect attention to tba fact that a man lo toronto bad bl taxation increased i ba improtad bl oeuar it why oall attention to this aa if it ware an leolated incident p under um prwaeot system of taxation in the provinor la it not tba eoaton lo pa ararybody wbo oaeki toeraaaa the valo of bts proparty by mikln improvement f- tba only way apparently to eeoape tba texoollaotor is to do noth end allow the property to inoreeae la value wllh tba growth of tba oomnaunlty reencaqement of teachers v2sur- tba board of education mat monday avanlog per adjournment montbtra pmcnti dr k d ault chairman pro tarn t john kannay jr john u icanoady and j o bpsbt tb oonmlttea oo laanca paaaed for jjaymant tba acoount of oaora uyada of m co for hramioauon btadonaryand suppllaa john b oolaman raportad tba ra- oafpc ot 9bm facalrad far wdaj uiowad tba twantyoor ltta wara raoalvad from mlaaaa hunphriaa bannatt m ilounaa clark p holmaa and fouter aptaa- ins wtttlognaaa for raangacaaneot at an umtraalo tbelrraapacuf oajh uorad by john r kennady aanond d by o 0 bpalsbt that tba follow log taa ba aogagad at tba aautriaa nano4di t mlm b itowaoa hamphrica 750 illnttlaz bannatt 000 mlnnlak holmaa 630 rnbyourk m plaranoa holmaa 80 vwakobter 400 kim robertaon 0o ojirrlad a latter from mr j 8 oaaeoi inapaotor of public fioboob adyiard proaapt ansagamant of taae ba- caum of tba aoarolty of ta in tba county- mr ofneoo furtbar wrote aa fol low i i am plaaaad lo know that your bobool board will do tbalr part to maintain tba oradlubla atendard of your public and continuation bobool notwautandlna tba tamporary dalay to buming plana on aooouot of tba amall adraraa rota oo tb bylaw tbara la no mtmtolpallt y or sohool board in uallou that baa aoon batter raaolii forthamonayaxpaodadt wbetbar lo bulldtnga aqulpmaut man agauoqt or tracbloj than aston baa njoyad tba put twmty yaara i might truthfully maka thla atetemant atrongar and aapaetally alnoa tba oontlnuatlon school waa aatehllabad on aooount of tbaaa facta parbapi not raallxad by tboaa wbo voted nay axpactad a baarty andoraamant of tba plana of tba board and tba vuooaaafut labora of its offlorr od taaobara tba mlouter of edueatlou will lay tba corner atona of tba 130000 building for puwic aod ooomboatlon sehoola la bolrllnttoa on friday slat inal aeorgatown oavrlua ftod mrtoo apant laxga 4uma in 1011 to improva tbalr aohool aoooamodatlon and i ballava that majority of tba ratepayer of aeton will ba anxlona to corraet tba recent retrograde movament at tba earfleet opportunity i have always apprecuiad tba f- forte of the board in aoeurina and retaining n efficient ateff of teaebara tbaaa effort bava bean elnjruurty tba board adjouroad at u4s ocloott it i b that tba ealtlaineot of new ontario u being oarried oo lo a bxoroua mastmf and uwt botn nek- ere ara being fntombty impriand wjth tb opportuhua thatjretent thw- erirae in tba hi that to unopened oortb country it it etetnd uuu tba raab of ettlera into kovtbara tendatuunlog bu left utua orown land uolooated end tbnt na r um prorlnotal oovetnanaot baa found it neoaeaary to pen two morntowiublpa seven tf t ara la ooabreoe and tkvm in matbaaoo tb huanmnta ot thee nw llatrlots baa bnan made poaaibla ue oooa of tba tranjaontld- fujal railroad wblofa runa through tba dhtrieta tun mlntaterof bdaoatka aaka uw xmotonajmlltofibnllpn nnd waflu worth looonaldaw a eabana of pobuo obopl innpaatloo torepuea tnn praaaot one etaung it thoa for hajtobi while liannmbnrofiatinojeln your oounty i emajler than it pabtht be for one i peotof um oiunber lo um edjeoeot county of wfoiwortb 1 too lgl tba avlalatnr nooordtngly iu udar saouom s of tba pnbve sobooto act tbat tba aobonle oboth eouauan ba divided bat ten tb in- i baw ab tpeetafi m t aa tbe mom aowodt of work and tbftt luaoounty of wantworth aball pay a port of um emtery of um intpeotor of uiaeouatyofhattoni buttbeamouot i r aaid part to bs ptoportlooad to the minjbar of aobooli andcr bb ebargn ve aaeb inapaotor la paid tba mnxl- mttmaalnry tbnamouotof work pro- poruonad to anoh abould be nearly p iba aamo it la deairad- ibm um now arrangement aball go iotoaffaot not half yamr oblaf lo- vpeewpowkywdi wait oo the county uounoo bod will aak tbat a oommlttee tie appointed to eonfer wtb blm or lhtncb other arraogamant b made a proper to um coomnl- tbetlewfraw hareury baa jot pat in n ftoa now potter preanq haatgna foldar tba blarourr baaalwajj bean alradloglodalpapar in the ouawf vuey ulecuaolotoheaod irapby la alwaye found on um rfbt ude in bjoraj bwoaa and baa pent ita bwt etmrgiarfor a genretlon in w- pkmng the tiwrt inuraauofrudfraw an town k w8filonujaiilt v0mktt nm to um miqmd mblw mfp mri tta qotfss- wmlpt pwwbt aunb n i money m and baa the 23rd annual oonvantlon of kra moan hunday sohool aaaoouuon will be bald ha um presbyterian church rookwood on friday uat june earn- tncnolng at s oclock p m an f ran ing aaaalon will ba bald a uuml addnaaw will be delivered by wall up lo thla work and a epaeialpro- gramma of moalo haa been arranged actoo womanalnaututouupeoted bar thle nftarnoon to ploolo on tb rooka with um member ot itookwood ioeutute an enjoyabl afternoon le tb work on uw nawotr station la progressing rapidly tbanawbulld ing will b a great lmprot um old more contenient and oommodlooa it la located about forty feet farther eat than uw old buumng a pteueug event took plaoa but friday nbjbt at tba home of mr and mr joa moor whu tb kpworui league and ladles adult blfale cu of tbabvtbodlet ohurab mat to do honor to their daughter miss clara wboee marriage to mr robert black tab plaoa on jan astb tb follow ing addreea was read by mr arthur weue and at the proper urn mis btally peach preeented tbagiru t on this tba of your apnroacbjng de parture from our aafdet to enter into tb happy state of holy matrimony and to make your home in guelph we your ftuow members take um opportnntly of wublng you ovary happf nee and prosperity jb your new ufa but as you wtu no doubt baooco a omrobar of the league and blbl omm in guelph pur loss m b tbalr gain w ask you to pteaaa aooept uilaallrar bread tray and table np- klna aa tokaos of our respect and tb uiioarityofonrgood wuhii blgoad on babalf of tb members of lb bibw olasai ara 9 harris tsaaberi mia k plommer pros mrs 8 b peart vloapre i mr a walb sto i his olll bolton trees tb kpworth league i h bolton pree i mrs h bolton vloe praa j mlaa emly peaoh ban i mr k dyer treaa th brfdatobe altboogb ukau enuraly by durprlaa gave a feeling rplj thanking tuo donor for their kind to bar the baptbtassoaatton at oranobviu nut vautm tb es ion on wednesday oturnlng opened with dairotlooal eberelaea eon- ducted by itev j w hllooi of pal urion the annual aermon waa preaobad by uav w e lllodjpn oeorgatowo th text waa ithea 1 3 a and tb eobject tba ideal au m it waa bald u rneilil a three sumeou 1 faluk f lova 3 pauant eodurao for chrlat vaake tba lead of tba ehuroh latter fbuowadaadumm with tb etatletk ehurebee of um assoelauon to be in a prosperous eondltlon tb membsr- ablp reported and um oontrlbutlon enade for um support of tb work at bom and abroad war eooauarably in axaes or last year bav p jo dayfoot save a aurrlbwhtbatthaaald nddraaa on um laymen movement explalali what tba aora meat was and showing um gtafylas rseolts it bad aa far aoonebpllebad bar a p mlhaaoondootadaa inter- eaung rooad tabla oonlareno on ennreb problswia in wfaleb a numorr of t war d at tba aootatlon bv j norton of new dunda raw w h porter of praatoav and bav j wsileox of fouarton tb report of um aato- cuuonal sunday sebool scotaury bar w ralutby of st marya waa d moot rooourashng ocm bar p g burrell of actoo urged um import ance of bvamtellam in the sonday school and mr k d lang of berlin indicated tb quallu of tba sonday sebool teacher mr r h noble of toronto gave a aumulauna addr oeypu work bav l therrmu of omod lfeoa que and bav o nmjtcbu mlselon- ary to bolivia were tb speaker at um volna bsaetlng on t morning the aseoola- to um giving to tba various tnleatonary enterp during um year bav w j mckay editor oftd oanadlan baptist spoke of ih pm and naad of tba pnbuoauon sceuty rv john e patlt oaued attention to um problems of tba opuntry oburob and showed bow these might ba solved four adds ease war given at tb ftarnoon aeaelon bar j jaua of berlin speaking oo tbe bautlon of tba church to um social prohleme of um community h bar w panlal of toronto p tba eauee of western missions and bav ir bate of toronto that of ohrlstlan bdnaauon in point of nuandanoa bjadlatereat um meeting bald br mat week wer among um moat eoc oeenful in um bletory of um aseoda- uoo tb aasoeutloa meets neat year lo orangaville with rev a mlbm of berlin aa moderator her a vary pretty wedding waa oalabra tad at high noon oo tuesday at um borne of ma joaspfa ootamao willow street when bar daughter sophia k united in um bonda of holy wad lock to mr tbomae j klndarauy sask resident or actoo tba oeremooy was perforumd by bav chaa d draper promptly at twalv ootonk whlm lo- btogrin wadding march waa being played by mlaa btbal oolamaa niece of tb bride the bridal pair entered um parlor and took positions under a large wadding ball depending from an arch of ev and nowara tbeyware unattended tba bride waa attired ip a gownof c tefetta trimmed with emtio her travelling oostuum waa blua serga with bat of white mllan with bin trimming tba wedding breakfast waa served no tba lawn thar wara aboutlbtrty g those from a distance being mr and mm suaa oolenao and mia haaau and mlaa mai ouuuu u winnipeg lb and mru wot a ootamao and mlaa laura of bsepaleri mr and mrs oliver inghw and stan wy of parkblll i mr samoel oolamaa rookwood i mra lawrann hunter of mr and mm kdmiaton loft by um vnojijg train for barnla wbr uwy to authirk on t b steamer yester day morning for fort william en route to their bona at klndereler esquesing township council t oeurt of ravtsdon and mb xt mbjarrimo on julv ibth council aaavinmed as court f ravlalon and reeve fllngbsm was appolniad chairman of the court moved by t coito seconded lijr jautea brown that tba appeals liaaid by this court be decided as follows i j u uainar w i ib con fi ohanged toaj rnmslli jaa maodooaid lot 0 oon changed to robert duff robert kennedy sseesamant conflrin edt halton brick co aaseunient confirmed 1 bell tau phone co assesx ed at s3740 1 j m buck owner w pt 18 eon hi and that tit chairman hereby authorised and required to initial all oorrectlonp reduction alter atioos and additions made in the it roll for the year uu1 sod nuimt roll a finally l and eorrec 4 be passe by uua oourt and tbt tbe clerk l anthoriaad lo certify in said roll ovrriad tba court then rose and tba oupnoll moved by james cleavv saoondd by james nwun that thlsooancil goarantea um payment ot the statut labor in lb vlluga of nerval for th payment of oetnant sidewalk in lite oauraaof eonatruolkm in that vlllsga unul um amoaot b paid and tb seal of tba oorporailob be attached to this laaolauon carried th following aeeouate are paid by order of the board of health i richard dick j w harding so walter mercbment 3 1 john bingham atfi j a traoy go i also that leave he granted to introduoo a by law to ap point a member of the local board of lleelui and that the said by law be now read um first time carried richard die was appointed a mem bar of the board of health tbe following general account witra ordered to be paid i wlllum rui g3 bounty for destroying dig found worrying sheep john drakr 3 for care or hi eon ha being lo indigent circumstance joshua thompson for putting in culvert on lot 0 con 10 5 l frd cook using mad at thus of hoodtnolsnwiiiiami glo c j hr ret for work on temporary bridge at lotxh lotbllnr 0 itwrl ruld for work on 10th ho uo uk jlven for putting in culvert on 7i li ihi ten onday good roadescoouiii bh wll 11am robertson ahovnlllng and putting in culvert in his road division robert krwlo for sliovmlllug mow on hi road dlvufnn on 8th line 11 uj robert bprowl oil bring lie amount of statute labor performed id bis division in 1012 s j ctrton far hovelling enow on town line lot 0 iso s u lindsay for putting in culvert aod supplying umber lot ifit con fl 10 1 joho b jojoc for 40 rode wtrfnolot7 line gloi w j campbell the amount of statute labor performed in division no sh 2201 j jobo n newton the sum of 2804 on road dlvlalon no 21 carried council adjourned until july the iktb neat carried haalu stopping over at winnipeg and a 175000 dominion grant after oonfareooea exundloff over several months hon martin ilurrell and hon jama duff have reached n ageaemaot regarding um policy to be followed by um provincial department of agriculture in the expenditure of um federal grant a cheque for half um aunt of u7o0o est aside by tbe dominion government a pmllaan ary pledge of their loterast in ontario agriculture is now reposing in th pro vincial treasury and tba officials of um department ara preparing to start work in fact have already started upon plana for rural ontario the fed eral grant has made possible this grant will he uuusad a follows field husbandry building ontario agriculture college guelph cost w0- uve stock building ottawa winter fair oost glu000 an extension of lb poultry work at tbaoollag tb beginning of a live stock indus try la northern ontario a bard of blglvehum shorthorn for dairying experiments a apecul creamery instructor for western ontario an extension of um work of tb district representative alvdhnutdsl summer headwear week tiv 3ubrri9tmmts mens hats ladies hats boys hats giels hats childeens hats infants headweae this week we are specializing on all lines of hot weathee hbadweab see windows and stook display henderson co mill st acton ont fflje unpttst frjurrl rftftl ttlfv r j uuhiifll tl jf paetor upndav junljjn u tut f m wly l i joutlj al r wkuii t wool wanted iiiulhhre1 tatthml llju1 a hill t iiku hhof jlkn wanlhl uuit nn haled la woik at orou bl 1 wjiinjion hu vol um choice jlujlidinu for sale npo mitlm vbo will aodnta lo nmi jjl l is bam will mil ohoiea uolwln i al low tilp oa mt ttmmpl pejamet st u biiakomouu c housekeepers waxed taner 1ackah o u kbwla flh blt m1 w lmalulmnui proof butibu lor llala uluuu to mnul ukia wnk is mumtwiehas ibuiih jl- wrkppin lo j ad od dawnivma lipw u tl vltlch iwmovrkik tltf aatctf ool brick jlouho on lako avo o groudii wltli eood cuifaa kndilabl ilau la rood rwlr uid golm lo nold via laa mtul paiilulsra of u ovpir to j a wii tiotkinjir kill luvitk aat ml tivliw sqllf ns 32941 i 108 cheques will be distributed amonjj canadian farmers will you get one of them in addition to the tcntyiccn firet pnzcsof 50 each there uill lw cijrhtyonc other ciish prich ringing from 10 to z5 in our 1912 prize contest for farmers i hit coiiickt m iiliuiirilia rjmc linen as um one which wn m mcftssfut ij ar xcrpt that there arc three tijnc us many lkncw anil ihcreforc ihro times as many thanrrt for each conteuunr in win 1 very farmer in can ads who utra canaila crinrnt tu clmihlo to compete iltc condluoos arr such that larun and small users of cement have equal oppor tunities to win n j0 pn- the conict u v lr 1 1 i t l tee info aiul ihcnt fitl ineoil lllil i1 r r su i flij10 llnwhcun uu a rrian m w inhu to um l mwi u i h tlwawt lfeoi llwlkillwliilvll i alt a hummfawwlhlmih if i k rnuc tau hj kumrl tk all t nu sowt me particulars of your pie in addition to thus being divided into clatset ai to eivo unao ujrni of cement an e4tul tliancc with hose who uw more the contest is also divided into nine divisions one for each province so you tec you need only to compete with the other farmer of yourow n province and not with those all over canada don t tbink that becausa you have never used cement you cannot win a pmte many lut years prlie wmneri had never tued otnni twfots ihvy entered ihe coatetl w will end you a free book what ihe wnwr out do wh conrwc that will not onhmp yotl in ihe c tnieu but wl tell you every thing you could want m tnow mimhii the uie of cement n he linn mmulriimmfll4 i addrem puidly ataaacer canada cement company lbolted s01 herald bld montreal w tree book r mdowavialntrtd twill be sent to all o vpauest delotla e prize contest just arrived new intrfecuon oh stoves 2 and j burners for hot weath ar cooking all price at bymons hardware store tbeoooiarlttaeof thaooantyoouncu appointed o conuaot for um high leva bridge over um sliteen at oeumtary bill wern in oakvlll on tuesday and the bridge tb oontmltter orid ilutoheon chair- pun p walheratone jltlford jno birtgbaro of oeorgatowo reeve for- ater and county knginaar jaa uu- ebaon of oualph all prsaql tb oontraot waa awarded to a j orlbeoo of oakvlll mr gibson will oom- menaa the work of the bridge at nno newm mr wltham waebenslb wnaei rfhkmhuuod ofoualpb tsaaad a writ sgainst sir william ctaakanal clalnilng an unstated ainoadjt of damage for bodily injuria racalved aver three years ago wbeo sb wtniaaa automoblla ran him down the car waa driven by a o and it is not known whether air william was a pass soger or not boortajm beanm ever sine tba nopl to arrive at aafuenent but no mutually sai factory arrangameot ba been made prof mtland to a wall known mtnl uuthven wlabdonak billy dorr arthur blight nd 2mb kfgt band fflewwrsnavja at ganrgatown osit tueaday arenlnt new w ara aaud tfcaa aysi auumvitr tbta u a atarulng autemant but its true aooordjng to an article published in n atendard magaatn thl year one thing la certain pabisian saoe will surely prevent bamnos by topping tba hair from falling hot it wont grow hair after the bead li bald tjadlas look after your balr d um dandruff germs with parisian 8 aqh and dandruff wludlaappoar it mop aoalp itch qvrr night and 1 guar anteed to be um moat rafreeblng refin ed and agreeable hair dressing that can ba obtained mom by atbrown and druggist all over pa fur co ovate w mybalrwssfaluogoutand i was troubled with itching eealp i rroalv ed no benefit until i tried parisian sagb mr gorge thunder r p d 0 marshall ulch lutoai sued tfc ydrler4e at mm m boa of trade jneaf- ihglaat frljay evening nw eaumate fqr power were read from tba hydro fiumdoramujdotatlngr tbat mm a aire tapped at oarry west on um link from port oreult ts brampton on a two basis power could ba aoppuad milton user at a ratonf rm0 pv bnree powr n on an 900 baas 10000 per boree power tboaa flgurs maeb better and mora tempting tba ooolmlaslon will now be aaked to quote flgnras of oost of dmtvaring powr from m iftpg to tbaeaktaj brick 4attm antalaoorihiatl tbaaa arvraoelwd ami if they f ramsuoably morabla atena wv abryoytevwavoca lo1b1l an increase in uie number of short ooureee in stock raising and seed i in provement a market comnilssloner to develop markets for the sale or ontario fruit in the west i an extension of the work of the drainage staff of the ontario agricul tural oollage ooumtfjollooaeetlc science in con beotlon with the women institute mtwirmtd tbe following is th bobool ilrport for tbe month or may of b s no 10 baqueelng name in order of merit i otabliv mary dunn mary uv ingetonr laura flprowl harvey dradga isabel dredge otaaa ufmerl mouenrtny uor- don bate willie oo olam ii florano boberuuu nora wlnfleld claranoe windeld jo mo hanamy otfaa 1 johnny homsnemy riinn ida momcnenty oijum a olaranoe mcarthnr jim- ml mill wellington dardner kv wlnfleh annie momeuemy irfa wnittc teacher a you will notloe that we ara continually talking about our ability to repair wetqbe aod clocks wall that la boana we have um ooafl- denoe tbat we nan do it and do li better iban most watch- nakara flrvt broattse we served our full term of epprenrieaihlp anct afier- vrardt worked under the best maker in toronto and 40 years fanerlence nvea tie such en advantegr over moat other tbat wo- oom to yon in full oonbdtno that it will be carttrully and aqlckfy dun prlngle tue jeweler gualph 1 ummovmm ulsa lindsay la spending a few weeks in st oaumrloee miss lflla ivans of toronto visited her parents over sunday mr 0 t coo ha returned from hie trip to hamilton gait and other point mim maggie swaokbamer who waa injured by being struck with a stone from the quarry i slightly inoprov- ing i mies annie modowell is seriously iii at the foms of her parents fourth line roofing is made under canadian patents 93 027 aid 93 160 tn salt hand some shades of fud brewn and oreen as well as natural luate- color these colors are an in lepra part of the enpomll surupfl toot painted cm cannot fade out or waihotf don tdoclilo the roolhig quutlon 111 your lerlrr ifjfnawall and family ollltqlljlji have taken up their resldunoe in ijme- houar wamtco royal hose mam w powdett tts wouf j r i lmw astaspue qua um turwkw odor ol i ndco rwsl ree takaw pewd a lo dljet 2sc a ua alyeetdresv erwrae let free maptatatu s special winceas la inch at syi b7b n ntowere ih htmtvvnri i vice rltberold tiww hahh eceiaiiiwd loue on in and bbs our new chi-n7wulej- and what it will do for yon lo fiauhlng and decorating woodwork walla and varnlttira it la a remarkable new product wrtirl lea and book lata to ifio i 51 cfi uwnmm aa i tw5nawlardrapwvel fiasemalw ail k1m03 of paintfl amd varnishks farm and aardkh tools -and- oknsra barpwabjb c- c speight 1ii st hcton brick jioilso and lot for bal tiih eoralprtabla n r luuv lorvysada hj klawhood tiouoa ui envtior ol pull ood ik anumik aotoo good urd lunl and mf i walar iialalraoi mowl lb uatfu llal tb piim in nrstauaa earfluan tnm and rnith putfeulua oo w n hpaiour n0tick to trehpassejts notioh la wb rib tbal upioi tapon lb nmlm ol ibv rinutrcwk truit fatlrlour imblddai a uy apbtbu apiiilm 1 pimh unwrlm rivlth ny i tulatimy o otber prefer- lt4 lwtlll k ibhwll ar i otd bbtabliwhbd livery and huh business koh baufet tn lum willi sairlaaaa aad qulpuasci oonvaaleai tmhtbbvndeelttbtldlwi abas unmofnod wir wlu wlatsmul nd uu oanfotlbletwolnry tomaaae all id bnl nlaa ootid 1 1 loo lropctty ibtalm iml oood baa um muatarton mail dalarv oaaltmata fnaihit mux si smiv in bualoaaa oqchi eaaena oraalllaa apply on lb tnauuaa ot noun i ool coultt of jikvisi0n pirnankntpavbmbntb tom omm ot bevuiea wltl til lor lha oahr nsuoa of uie netflbaava kaport npco uw uadapu alili bjdw um naalal mheniot uut of um eomukoy of um tnma taaaor toaawkad umpwpoftlooalnliiatiaaobum bmu have bean made tov tha iapaua amanlaldawalkaaoaatranuddahaa uia tur alb ooanall jtanbw in lb town ball on kmv o4 julriwailaouol h p ta ibleli lime aid plaoa all aupaela ilut ihw will be baaid a j uaokimkok uuxicuac vtumu notice t0chedit0k8 intaaaaaaterortba katat oj thomaa beoneu late vt uie townablp of ktrtn tn um oounty of walltaarton ktottca u bantiv stvee psnaaut a ll a ratuwd huioth ol- oatatto lun ubap im kmx all paawoe bloe olaiaoa moioii um aatale of ute mu tbonu llaaaau who die oa or bet iae win day of may isis are ndeirad oa a baton ib twaetrant day of jane 1su la aand by poa tnpamomallnrtoa j abajtlaocmi of lha vii laasafaotoa laibeoeanlvel ualtoa ttouoltor ro bobart baiimil an imaa lunaall iba umiton of the uat will aad tvalauant of lb ml ii their garuuan ead uiminh ddnaeea eild deearlptlon uie full mruonlan of ihtlf oleiisa um auummal ot umlr aonot nd um uur ot um aeeartty u any bald by and tarlne take nouee that altar aoab uat bmetloaed dam tbe eaid eaeoeian will two- oaad dlatribeu um will of um daoaaawl aoeat u parum aouuad ummia bavloa fa- para oaly lo tbe aujwm ol wblab tbey aballil an nave aotloa and uiattbt sam eaaealon will not u liable for tbtsm aeaau or aor lt umreef loaay pwaoe ev peraooe of wboaaouiot notloe aholl not bava bean reeelnd by tbau at um utua of dliuhbauoo a 1 uaonlhhptf- aollolior for robatl iimii and laua uaaeau kaaootnn daladat ittlalba twaotyiilolii dy of may told green grocer and fruit merchant e k copk nclvln dlly 1rab vqalblm nd vrnll nd ulli lbm 1 muooabl prlc rokmon piiuits a specultv coon dxmvikktl kill biitjrt the clydcsdalfstalllon roval jpritocb will in 1 il dominion hotel stables acton everv tuesday atflwln4 bout noon ml rnnklnloff until 7p m ttthmo toldiurelo ill naylil il lebrnaiy ioij all tccldenlil to mar owtuw ilk mbit oildis proprlator overland votlaxd m0do sut motor cars anct ir trucks iqib models are unaurpuuau fur value and efllclenay above cut represents ou five lussaiiger thirty horso power cur at l37af delivered fn toronto fully cgulpped f call vflthqu lall and fee our w- aftsww gjqpivwthg w aocuudcsr vtit ttsnto c4nacw hoheseekers exgursiohs wastire cmadi juh uth and mru and ovary second tuesday lbereafter colli bcpt 17th via bamla o chicago wlunlpaar and heturn m cdraontoa and return tickets oodjfor oooays special train will leave toronto 1030 p m on above dates carrying ihroogh coacbea and pullman tourist sleeplok cara mo ouanqi or oabsj thk most miulak itoutk to uutkoka lssas take of days kawartba levea preach river lake sup tier and ceorgun ilay teomaanil and mat net swan klver is via 6 rand track wrlla for luustrated llleraltire lo h s holmes agent at c t it acton frank h0lmks jmpaaxdet9r jktf d ftjnural dhqoto b has orinkd uxnaatikiko pa- toaa ih tia aatuuas dlocst hvlng served appyelpaihlb wjih bobjohdw4oacoacton ed w r stone teroato ba hh had spwtsao uhjb qntjl- ftee hip to eseceta saikhraory wwlt in all cases caus day orgbl attended id jin wrfik fireniwmis demonstration aotou plrc llrlifftdo lint nrraiid fur rand demonati park ht acton a loq to bo liuhfin iced for fill ui dominion day monday july 1st under the aanctlnn of the caimillun amateur athletic aaaoclatton follows 11 ami all matchhb at tu 3 a ru and a m a kootball matchat 4 ocloik acton vu cuclpli rachsattut athletic siokl five u lie uieyclu uace 5 00 s3 00 ja 00 five mile foot knee 9 00 3 00 3 no on ullo foot race 1 300 300 00 half mile foot race j lx jm 9 00 saovaode foorrace jott 3 00 o tw 100 yards foot knee oo 3 oo a tut sto vardalltirdlo race 300 300 a no pole vault 3 00 a on 1 00 running tlroed lump 3 00 ion w standing umad jump 3 on a 00 1 en runnina hop btopnml jump 3 on a nq m btandlng hop sliknrt jump s 00 00 1 m tb band will ba in attendance firemen and halton old boys ami their ladle especially invltodt amplk provision for vibl tors coufortinordorfo nuro meals for the argu urowd eynrctjdd to comotoactou tur this bio dhywbvtiilu pecul arrttukvmenlh hare been nitule at ruiimujejalb f allmiulon 1 1 uornlnglloo iso afternoon ijo a ajo n mclo ba coxk berur chief h x vwmtrmmmwmf

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