c w mr ob at wuum haa a ma ea a aim hste aea e ft mr mi eb acton jfriw press thursday 8kptkhdbr s 10u tu ballot ftrumw wbo waa gl en ela aootbe for bis mtlon regarding um reeeat hjdrokleetrle bju wetland undoubtedly das srvss imt minute of hie wntiooi but nou hart of a eeuturw of bard ubor i the rightful do of ibom wbo qnd w ee tbear tontgeorgetown herald thus in a cnwnaartabu variety of miuw la lb hpnur canadian luculo tbe wye- of edward blake mi the title ot u inureatlog may on eeverad napeola of this great rafora l lo ontario there an and inteveetlng uioetreatooa and re- prodnetlooe of ekeiibae in ebareoal by cjeorgw ttbavagaaud and a number of poena of merit tmk pnovntciax ovwicbmh of the liquor ueenae department evidently mea bnalneea in the matter of pnulab- mat of offandara who violate tba law in loom option territory at oobatt and south lotxffjna tan oonvtcuooe wra ragiatarad on taaaday with pro- vlneul laapaotor horriaon wbo waa barn arltb his ohloara la tba dynes oaaaa law aiib ago tba flaee nof- ad from 9100 to fsoo eaebv and in om oaaa tba lutanu dlananeer of liquor wot eontaooe to gaol for twain month on tnaaday evening of laet weak tba writar of tbaaa oooaalonal notaa waa peaebag at tba oroama of hoi and wglo bi and waa eocuewbat sur prised to aaa quite a number of nan auadluc at tba baptist church ootm nar who evidently hooofsgod to aoma of tba buropaaa natlonalltlaa now ra piaaa in iba ooenaannlty tba cjr boerever was explained by tha aooouafc in tba fmi pbm of tba mooti bald in tba oburob mao- uonad la tba tntaraauof tbaatranjrara from abroad tbn meeting and its purpoao and tha oonvae report- ad moat auruy oomroond t ve to all thoualfulottlsaoa jpor aoma una fcber baa been moeb deeol ooavaraauoo bald by help- fuuy disponed ojuaeoa aa to tba poeull ar altaatlo arising froui tba preeenoe of khan polyglot atnjvb from ao far that u la likely that tbaaa people ara to ba bar for aoma oonaklarabla tliw eeaene evident and wbua w eaa w aalther thalr lajignage nor urgnly thalr habtta and prin ciples it however muat feoraly ba lomunbaot that n sort of kindly f ba ammndarad for and toward t if tha paopla of a christian oommunlty ara to fnalntaln thalr prl oaaandobuaooamaa anah larga mum of mooay ara forwardad by tha ohorehaa of tha oommnnlty for obrtat laa balpfolnam to paopla of dlflaraat na who ara wttboufconrprlv- ihmaa but whaa paopbt of diatanl landa ooaaa aaaonflat na auraty by par ity of raaaoalnw tba aaum prlnolj abomld apply whua at tha loarpttoa ottbaobrlatlanpropaabdatbadlrao job waa to no to tha ntmjrmuat parta of tba aamh auu tha point of atarthur to atart with ba daalra of our trangar brnthran for n nlcht aobool la ordar to laara tha local lawajiaga h anraly a inanjlnw that ahoold ba aaa aoma way aa om whloh wui b maan of r tha ayoapa affaouona of thaaa paopla oaa of tha oraubiaga in formwa nuaalon work u oald to ba tha nalow of tha avanna of huuroaga aa nn ammjoaeh7vumhar- mora tba interaat takan la a atoaiaa prorldad by klodl dlapoatd duaana wttl ao aoftagn tba mtada that ara in alotoat anforard tnaovrlty that parhima oatbraaka of n aarloua obarao- tor might oftan ba avotdad which by hgoodlon in looallnaaa might raault l tba ff inflojaoba od our tfuaaaa who would tnt t la meb work wondboaryaautary it ban ajnowtadgod phoolpla that what u swohmfroumnd h aafaiaa of a pbuanuropmaplrtl will hha maroy ba ad tba paopla of mla inlky baa oftro duconwd a of balpfulnaaa but acton haa haa not baan uotnd tnr niuoh in iba way of oatltutlonl wok now tba call baa ooma wa hava a numbar of ohrtattan ahurohaa hara suppom tba paatora of thaaa ohuroha eoofar and enll togatbar aueh of thalr working fttaff aa would bo llkaly to hlp to formnlata noma aohatna and hava aonm tutbad baarty broad and at tha aama lima tboroagh affort aueh aa oan ba nuula thu winter for an avldantly vary needy aaetlon of the oommunlty it w not be a quaa of epeetal daopanjnahonal aeerauoiia but who u my neighbor r the taxe iuuw passed uvw twntrtaa hula aaa mad bv tnn vneeouat d two hapuietoo manxouphh amibibrr alambara preaant i o ilynda ltaaa w bmltb w ooopar and it m mo- uonaid tba commlum oo klnanoa praaenl- ad tbalr alxtaantb report and reeout onradatt payment of aeaounta aa fol luakruooelooooal iiw aeton free praam printing 20 co r hloray labor good roada b 00 a oook gravel bib r storey oaumterr o 00 w j rltobla teaming u d uooragor ubor 10 80 jamea flymon aoppllea o 85 wjwtehlaeetnatery 7 0s lass aa tba report waa adopted tba by4aw to provtda for the ex penditama of iba municipality for the current year waa praaantad and paaaad tba rale being oonqneed at s3 milla debaotura dabt 8 v and int 783mtlla aeton pubuo school 0 b7 omnty rale s7b a library bo flraprotaouon j genera kapaoaaa 183 aaoo la addition there u tba uaual half mhi for frontage tax oo pavemente ir w a iflalr oomplalnad that the maplaa oppoelte bla raaldance on john street which weia only twalra feet apart kapt hu bouae damp and a atraat muddy tba oounell gaan blm parnitaalon to out out two ol tba traaa oounetl then adjourned three forms of water itbar a which oan cvar ba ohanaad inta ona af tha othara thara ara three forma l matter olid liquid and aaa and wiur ia pabla ol takltia any of thorn just aa the famoua eenia in tba arabian klghta could take varioua forma at pleasure we usually drink water hi what li nailed iu natural suta when we put the kettle on the 6rc to boll some water our obfaot ia simply to make it hot but we still want the water to ba water l we loml about the kettle and wave it on the are too long we shall and the wat r nil gooe the heat has turned it to b nd it haa boated oil nd mixed with the stir but when we have a stove in the room and put a pan ot water upon it we do not want the water what we want dow la the gas aa it bolls ewey it restores to the air in the room the moisture that la dried up vjr tba heat ol tba stove so that the air la still lit to breathe in winter when the skating season la on we ilka to find some water that la neither liquid nor gas but solid the reason that it has turned solid end not ia ia that instead of heat be ing applied to it all the heat has been taken out of it but we can soon gat it back to water again if we take a piece of ice into a warm room water absorbs heat very quickly a i that la why it is easy to boll it we ue this absorbent quality when we sprinkle water on ibe door in lummer it absorbs mum beat and cools off the room we pull down the shade to keep the heat out be cause we know that the walla and the atone pavemente make things hotter remember the edeoufle rule solids rafleot heat fluids ab sorb it no matter in what form we find water we can always change it into either of the two other forms when lha water boils away we can hold a cold plate over it and see the vapor eondenee again into drops we can take the drops out into the cold win ter air and watch them freese solid and than take the lea back into the room and thaw- it and put it into the kettle again and see it rise in vapor onoe more marriage penalties koch- is heard ol the taxation ol bachelors but little is eve said of the communities wherein matrimony la deemed punlehable offence perhaps the moat extraordinary ideas with ref amuce to this subject may be said to be bald at oxford university in eng land there for instance a fellow of ah souls collage forfelta his fel lowship if when studying the olaaalos heabould take unto himself a wife in such event he must not only pay a penalty but must also resent tile college with a memorial in the shape of a allvar cup with tha further oon- dltlon that on this cup shall be in- t in latin ha backslid into there is en arlsloeraue olob in london the kachelora of piccadilly whereof the members wbo so far for got their loyalty to the club as to marry are actually eapelled and os tracised the only saving feature of such expulsion is that by the pay ment ol a floe of 1100 the offending one may retain an honorary member ship but so far aa active membership tie concerned he is strictly out of ft lor tha test of hu life thara ia a similar organisation in oarmany lite junggeeellen olob i whenever there eomse to the offl clala of this club any intimation that r member coatt matrimony heta immediately summoned for trial walked into a moving train oni had hi jaw nokkm tint loelph mrtiry gtvwd jmrtlmt ur ut n mocldol which ihi t kijui u auiliu nd i jioko n italian both uiploynd in ilia anum tanning jumps ays wurki ben while i a vlalt i uualph nn monday the two inun had been spending tba holiday with a frland in tiualpb and in tha uldillr of tha fureooon during th rain wttr walking down towards aueovbridgv nd roashad share juat aa tha o i it train from toronto waa paaalng through at 1060 the engine and tandar bad peeeed the croaaing when the two men ooniioond hitting tha baggage car they thrown clear of the track klyo landing on the street railway aiding aoma distance away while jacko waa thrown on bis back towarda taylor forbes help waa near at band and the ambulance and a doctor aent for jacko want to look for 4 doctor but never returned being possibly darned with lha blow ha had received klyn waa taken to the freight shads and there it was found that a plane of wood evidently off the baggage oar had struck hlmon the jaw emaehlng tba right po aeton and knocking all the teeth oul a piece nf wood about two inohae long and an inch around waa still in his jaw when picked up and this waa taken out by the men near him he waa removed to the oeperel hospital and at laat report waa getting along very nloely c i k agent brown endeavored to locate jacko the chum of the in- fared man but waa unauooaaaful he having evidently gone back to acton mr geo simpson waa an aye wit naaa of tba accident he waa oomlog up to the oily and while croealng the track beard tba angina whletle at taylor- for bee the croealng ball aleo ringing he noticed the two men walking down to the croealng eaob having an umbrella and after peering them haeid aoma ona about from the train ha turned around and looked and saw them walk right lato tha train at the baggage oar at this time both the engine bell and tha crowing bell were ringing and the en- gjoeer was leaning out ofinoicab tba men were vary fortunate in ea- oaplng with thalr urea township council is after bicyclists thslpknobvikwautsjappoimtwo at tha meeting or the township council last week a bylaw waa intro duced to prohibit bloycluta from riding on any of the sidewalks in the villages of the township the following fence vlewera ware appointed i ward no 1 junes murray walter shnrtreed prank oblsbolm and w 11 kerr i ward no 2 john cunningham t brain win smellle and john f brown ward nots hugh morrison jaa h nixon william thompson and l 0 huff man i ward no i peter gibbons alex waldla thomas elliott joseph flynn t ward no 6 john w hard ing jamas rose a h liodsay and john b shortlll l ward no fl alex btsrrett john 0 oook jamee cleave and t j- mullin aooounts were passed ae followa i shovelling enow wuex flaming j13 so hlohuffmab 4 8s f o tbompeon s 00 jno boc 4 go statute labor taxi m swltaer dlv 40 u 10 i shortltl die 70 au 01 icdonald dlv 33 00 huffman dlv 41 oo 10 w o soott dlv 40x7 gilbert oreemore dlv 4 18 sb n dredge 46 01 b barnve dlv 88 58 96 h bingham dlv 44 63 0o wn mcdonald dlv 83 so 83 miscellaneous i jamea stark wire fanoe s 00 jae momenemy sidewalks at glen 8 starrott sldawalka at ulan a murdock bridge 8tb line stfqbel bevewbe inatilled by iha camr tha ruaalsn hsre tamed his matter itorlim i in iluiotureuh war tha day nftcr mm leiaaoft of tho dunuho l l m uo1 tho hmimrur lluanis rrithhd lint rhar li riinpratu ul il tltuk hi gllnt boitlura in front of s inns nisaslvn line form ed on tlm alnpe utow mlstova await ing the corning of tlo great while xar slood urauuinirdff vololiln and bkobaleff tha throe foorah who tied been the lnnurn of the vitccaaaful attempt dragomimfr tha divialonal com ntandar tha rmmrr timhrared and gave him the rrbaa of st- qooryo ha hook hamja warmly with yolrhlnv the brisada imntandar aitd gave him too bt gaorra to add to aha dacoratinns whlclu tli cittfiv ula warrior had hn batlmrii from hoy- hood in tha oeuceau ami cantral aala than uin rmneror atrotln to where hkobelnff stood and luen watched 0m little cne with tnuraat for it waa notorious tht akobolelf waa in diafavur with hia auvaraign and yet of him thn cmnim waro rim ing with uin nlory of life copduct of tha previous morning would auxemlor maintain his um brag or would ho niako it manlfant that it had boon dilecd hy hko befflfts heroumr for l inaat a minute llm ciar hnaitatoil aa tlta two tall proud ttoldlnrly tiien con fronted aanh othur you rould irara in hla coil nltt uaiictt uio atruitrla ito- twaai dlitaiiproval bik anprenia it waa soon ovor and thn wrong way for bklmifl thn kmieror frowned turned uiort on his heel and alroda abruptly away without a word or a joilurn of ureatinit or re cognition a man ol strong prejudicon ha waa not vat able lo enrrliw from ha mind tha csiuouiioh that liaii btacknmxl to lliln ihu rl trarur of 8kolaleff that officer for hla pari flu hod eoarlat than grew daadl pale and seamed to conquer an impulse aa he set hla teeth hard and maintained his disciplined immobility it waa a flagrant insult in the vary lace of th army and a cross injustice but bkobaleff endured it in a proud ail- enoe the time soon came to that gallant and brilliant aoldlor whan he could afford to be magnanimous aa the campaign progressed he dlatinnuiahed himself again and again so that his name became a synonym in the army for splendid daring as well aa for op portune skill on sept 3 bkolwleff after eiplott on exploit devised and led the storm of the turkish position in lottcha and drove his adversaries nut of that strong place on the following night at his own dinner table in the lornl giudan headquarws the kmperor ktood up and bado his guests to honor frith him um loaat of bkobelaff the era of lollcha it is not given to many men to earn a revenge so full knd so grand au that dutla of tha olaquara the ctaque haa navar flourished in nglibh theatre hut u a powerful inetltruloti in rranca where a chief de claque enjoy a recognised status and makua a comlruubla income it is a mistake to huppoae that tha only duty of claquar lq to applaud a well organised claque includes some members who have cultivated the ari of infectious laughter these cha- toulllaura attend the lighter forms of drama ami laugh so heartily and naturally that thoir twlghbors joiri in ami leave tho house convinced that the play inunt be a funny one then thara are tha pleurauaes who jaro paid to shake with sobs at the jright moment during melodramas london chronicle bleems under swlaa snow i the suldsnelles of the high alpine meadows of swltserland bore their way up through the coating of toe and snow by means of heat generated by the growing stem quite common ly if the layer of snow is veiwthlak he flower will open without ever reaching the surfaoe at all the bloa- hp is in no way affected by its strange surroundings the apace round the stem is of course thawed by tho growing stem which gives ou heat in tha clri court with the president aa judge tha culprit is allowed to plead in extenuation of hie offence gjtswss and upon his skill in presenting such plea depends he amount of hie fine whloh ranges from 9100 to 11000 th humorous feature of the fine con stat in tha anpuoatlon made tha money ia devoted to a dinner where at all members apnea in mourning attire at tha conclusion of the re past tha president solemnly reads tha sentence ol expulsion and the de unguent is led from the room amid the groans and lamentations ol his erstwhile club members six bmw lowdown 1 wamx demo crat wagona vary handsome jobs at grea rednoad prloaa writ for oeaerlptlva drooler j n oneill georgetown a musi tmiauarr umm disoov- 88 00 280 121 70 7 b4 1 00 wm scott road work- w 18 00 a m brain eaot labor 94 00 horace bingham etatute labor vf 15 j l bule gradlnj ai a meolurr lumbar etc 5 u joe bird wire fanoe n 00 ira koasall gravel ate x3 1 jno srokee statute labor if 0 do culvert so jno boclee work nn bridge etc 0 1 wm cole etatute labor 10 s jaa bold do 01 77 geo mloo operating grader 11 vj tm hnorr voterellsta 07 id w ohuholm gravel etc s3 ks h barnee repairing eqluart 3 ho jno hunter wire fanoe 17 75 u mclaughlin do 500 ii smith do u50 j mcdowell statute ubor 89 10 jaa hamilton dn 0 1ft g wrlgttuawortb wire fanoa 14 75 w g wulson hauling ule 31 00 d glvena gravel etc t 4 00 j b edwards wjre fence 7 85 p o thompaon worlf with team f o thompaon lumber oounoll adjourned to meat on mon day 10th septeoibar ontario vau bum the malrej ann o n tor tauw nu ta thin hsaerhbehewd ahernvla oct 1 sept 17 18 oot3 celadon oct 10 u brin oat 17 is fergu sept x7 ttealnji genrgntown oot a very one a seat canopy top carriage good aa new at half price j n oneill georgetown there may bet more religion in curs ing aa thougft you liked it than pray ing aa though it hurt you mmcurankstsi i a tarn asr why rw awi a- rata koto cm r omfort soap rich c symqns i baitr h confexltioner not like ordinary soap but better sale in can iafiactlbn homemade bread try our roc madlara 1 rah cel aaaortoiaal ol cake and iaatry fremh avory daf all lloomraada wadding and lltilmny cakaa a kpaclally oocbcilooary nuta tete aatsmauimmmmhabbmmbibimmaibiain inew fall hats latent shapes and shades the best hat in the trade u here g r e nelson 5 b jarat tailor wyndhun htra 1 mmny ranlahar ouilth out w mhhmbimmhhmmhmmmslblms1blmabtmhmblmmblluimaimmnhmah grand trunk railway system farm laborers excursions ji000 to winnipeg vu chkiro la froan wfjuupear to oeaalnauon but not beyond algmry w bdmooloo returetlnv hajrent wlnnlpaaj btnst wimjdo to deaunauon augviat 20rd prom all cut tent north of hut not incladlng uala 1lno toronto to sarnia tunnel vin st rat f aid all ulelloni toronte and north ahd east at toronto to kingston and renfrew augual 28th prom all aullomi toronto and east anil east ef orlllia and scotia junction autfuat ootk prom all ttalious toronto to north ray inclusive and weft thereof la ontario canadian national exhibition toronto aoton wksrr to tojtokto ano return minimum statat 15 ewnta special train for toronto will leave acton west 817 a m aug 29ji sept 2 j 4 5 all tickets good for return until tuesday sept totli hjia aak any grand trunk ajront for full particulars tickets etc h s holmes atent acton ont green grocer and fruit merchant e k cook la receiving dally traah vegetablas and frulla knd aalla tbecn al raeaoaabla prcaa ioiteicn pkuits a specialty cmis dativaaan ultl urn nar acicm ginadian national exhibition sou e reatfjhes of imperial year imperial cade review caeaoi traaa aal tfce oiaaaa dtaaaah bxnlbttb by the prov donrtnion kxtdblta band of scota onarda muaacal atlda induairlaa ta onara butter mbub cm g stltiooa atnatiesag uee stock show osnada bltfeat dee sbow amertcae prwtrjeat pueataa jaaaoese day vbwworka motor boat racea rlisjyebf awit wed oarctsa pour traps and aresui all tolnt sruptlpn of mpvnt v atbaatlo saorta tesi band coocerta dally acre off manafactoree adc24 1912 sept 9 toronto ilrui bbrrlisfmrnth shr ktnptit f bnrtb tton f1rv f fi nuhiikll u a pator bunhav sbptbubtn mt 11 kn wanlki 1 uuuli ftftd ailh aps4 a fmmtpno uii w11iujo hi i htraye1 jaura cabjiabak giioick building lote for sale rro auik vba will a i au i lug immmm w iu aall bbasaa bllakelae 4 low paieaa on aaaj mm ef aajataat bt u bkabumokm oo iiou8kanilotfor8alb toat tmat hajoa aattaaa at iba loot of wu low h ocxnlotblttmtovaaut fmuil tfo paiuoataia tolr at oeea te umh wnhpkioirr cor ruk avd la tntu houhekeoier waxed paper for picn1cs ktc ikakvuk nf hi hbama sh vblu wuol oiag bkiu iib ia iiiimii dilobjlluaiplae ati rrit to mta umhh orrila brarnpton barfnsjlflo baquealnir genri ha hil o u beu am mm jv vtomsmwaaxoe tof apieeablp end iffi in toronto 49 year piv ifwaawswakaedvanface crrwr moat ow tba yooto fall in paris tba ladlee have anllrely abando wearina rata wfilob u antlrely due to tbia uew dlaoorery it baa bean lv that hvnna leaven ooutsin the loitradlentf tbet irtn poatuvaly rrow bajr that they oontfdn ible lotuhookedfor ariale le pro van ovary dav tba franob atw now plaolna ota the eaarbat preparation eontinltu tba eaunetfremhaana laavae whloh le bnvluej n phmiibseaal au tbls preparation u oalm tlalvia and la befna sold with a cuarantae l oonre dandruff and to nfrw hair in abon pefrw dlotlly perfurned iwniitojnouu muaupunf ounptolltlll 0kwlll onmiu bookwood toronto u b a 8pu an n slot 4 6ptk augjiti watch repairs send yours id an expert 3 years with kent a toronto 7 years with a toronto whole sale where only difficult work is met with i all work guaranteed for one year drop a card for malllog bos awl esad your watch in bstl mates always glvan before dolof w h foster fieorcetown ontirlo oaseptembtmrd wc open fi fall tera be hi line i l j what kind of a silo will yours be wood or concrete if you were to build two uloe one o wortd tho other of concrete aide by side ana then could sea them u they will look after five years of service you wouldnt have to think twice to decide which is tho best material in a few years mom there wouldnt bo much of the onauul wooden silo lefttho repainnit youd have to do would be at troublesome and cost as much u the building of an etirirrly ntw one but the passage of five ten fifteen or even twenty yearn will make no difference to tho hardarock wall ol the concreto stlo cxoncrete silos last forever wnd fab fire and itajhuuns are alika defied by cnrte yu eed aa insurance ajnjaat lu tlcitructlon became ft eeimof b tuatntymj corwtclo are iwt for anmhcr reaion tlw concrete ketpa iba atultage at an even tsrapeniture to that cur batter and tberefore coatsiaa more foodiratue for your ttock nq nihtr whsthsr you have wht um parmer can do about at laa but about you can build on yourself aver uaed concrete or not you can j oonorata alia our beek aevertlalnp circular a handsome tree juee aend your name by return etart aaureaa pebuolty ftaver caaadm cemeat cftatpaay lismitad bob herald bajbanc wawlisal of ether uaee for oonerete on the farm ht lent a oatatoeua nor a owe book off iso mih well llluatratad and wrlttan for farmera it la ntadaaai a mraler in a latur snd tha booh wu a aaat free autumn style impressions the new fall suit fot wcen bndmisses jtthb styles wo are shewlaa are those that havotbeeu accepted as lenders for this season every style is i smart lines and though there are euynqmv datn tho matbiiala amnlovea are tfinrauoh uentaare made with more than usaal care and atteati smart lines and though there ueny number of models for yon to select from every one is down to j data tho materlahi amplored are thoroughly dependable and fashionable detalh being the two leadlaa matotiabj- those g every stylish celorls repre chlnchllu and dl lagonals mtlon to wb wi thu uu mtrtmnrwodonthat will last throughout the seaaoa rricea range from l5tts l ksyslcfcwe i hw vjieso 3f up to 3s now if you are curious about the new suit styles visit our mvornona ready towoei lenartiuent on tbeaocond floor and let your eyes tejl tbo story plenty of courteoutisajcsiwopletu aid you in viewing and not one to urge you te buy we suggest an early visit i millinery orders ills mcguiro who now baa charge of our ullllnery denartmoni will we feel sure give satisfaction to our many customer having j ion centre hiss mcgulreai fa a position to show you some very smarl raahlon centre hiss sfcguirejitn a position toshow jousome very souirt idoaa for stylish r orders left with this departniet will receive promptanil careful attention ttmont uomoa to ua highly ust returned from visiun tho leadlnjr bly ufti sjl racoroneoded og the leat ultlloery meni clothing d e macdonald bros cor wyridkm and micdoneb slreetsouelp ont dreu goods tslsa fajui folt sale or to rent tiikunjafkutwdoaanlocafclaarto real bat raru tat fa ooq s khomibe loo aane uh bnt iibaaoa iambs ainl judot8 court 0fkicvihi0n t jlalloe at lb tow 5 1ub imii 3nl dr of hlilubr lull 10s cltwtlbf um llllkfaof aetoe frank e holmes kmbalmjcr and rijnkral dxrxotor call dy ornliil llnitad lo imonl no fi tn opposite the post oitice highest cash prices v -ror- butter eggs sl poultry producis sold wholesale and retail ht w ooxsna stand by ch3 d brewer s starckjman second hand dealer has for salk sercond hand butftf lain demo- orrstn cooklng h mamttintf stovem a piano etc goods may be aalactod al any tlma day or evening 3 starcttman young st aoton guelph central exhibition sept 171819 w2 livestock farm products pink arts lao ibs work etc etc a rinu bpbbdinoi prooitamms waxlnaeday and ttturaday sinqlk parb on railwavo bend for wu lut ihnldoit secraiary ilo m44 guolph duaauauandunmhaibimh wild strawberry ii n j g compound a wlteravar ibero la a labv 1 p iho hbm i hare ahouul alao lm a g buttle ol nyala wild btrawbarty d compound li brings uulcu iro 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