wf gwijpgigp jhfwiisfp waluafbt new tea now opened pramjc pm out aw hues 4ex4 j test wnueaadosk widow sbapes la cnu pm am white plain an md m caimhobhhournewigtck gjeo hynds kjeal estate i fccr aireutbaa aa s r t l u aorta ru frrr mmwiitawotarr faculty far tawasaaaiawaaua i i ca aa taut- jibe jlttpit free press t september is ll v local items rtmotrlodl iilllih lrarawara paekara w 1u war la ua looaut dabl loaaaotloo in tha aaboola of wj mdfbtawloucorud 4fr t at barry aaabaao hlpplna- 1 h bar th paat wwfc sji vcsaulta rat u apdaarlac to ao gjvs amai lath crop oow mag plto- ootobk isifc will taankasmaa pay p oj saqaoaba votara wol ba bt oa mimuy m of naaaa pou pair ft t ba baa at iba fan fevsw u svjfmtfvar vitora to aad from town smjii mow woaanrara booed ajltl baa aoaabar otladdar i uyoa otaau imhrm the u xt j a aa ka from aajop f4jroluaotoof poulaxia toakloa ralakijajd th bmimi to bo oouoot- kwmii largar ibaa laat yaar kswulforjaaio bo noted for lu jnuir eoadaya darlac lb oonnmr f idrjreo4t btaoo aprlos jaoouto harny bad a bbj lbkaolbooolpt of ooauhd on a lata aanonnt of tvaaa a fjoalpb youag hmo ww i sao aaeb or two daya lo gaol i b satfuva uy ian vni a graal towo for big thay bow tan m00ouw ktaaafaod trowloiotlolth aaw- jtlhrof brio towatblp on pifaainlimn lo kip qoaatlllaa prataatba put aaakhaa tan so fho anajauaant of ttootool lliniulbiutht for boltoo jswoamilo laat bn of tb aappatrtua wmk baton iowbjlllllil fjmuoa drunk in a yvonwpauw- fcrbayar i p soyora iajbb boaald and haloolm cleft oa monday oo nablos aaatoorowfcaka hafta oa aarlona lllaaaa of savjlttbonv bl a taaa ooceopy tha dololv of kno jaytoh tb tf tli a tba jo tdayu satoiiay wltb im- odslttua of tmrula ttaa maaauoo tiara wara no alboiatboaday i widla of ibo nwl pmns tba j4 leoro twalraloobao bjoawalojincroa fewriibjiiftaai 5laaaoo by mfatorabla aptoiaboafanwoi entato a loaalop- ipat 3 i baallb plambarand 1halatalltd a aiomata w uh mr i in obarao fhn1tli aauiwiscbt tvolaoly aoaldad ro nsvib bqt baa tjfortj b adpiutad 10 ioua ddlaat waa that ba i jou ailloaa from bla c to porotaoa news of local impoit tba ngtiwr inonlhly nadllnguf th vunrtmnm louilut tvlu ba hld uu tburlj aturnooo ootobar urd t thrm oclot in lfa oouooil ihunbar tmprvrmtmijm u tijotwphi ohpt daottrstora front turooto w ormt- ln t4i thr inmr- lotof stijgivplijifihuish xtmemvu ftu labo bt rimlrcd aodm ntwnxif la bring pat on lb driving abad a ptumtml ftil mr t t- moor had tba muforiuna to fall down atjtlra nt bar rcahlooor oortum young mod huiulroaii ona oajt laat weak she waa painfull brolaad and abakan up but la now rneovariit nloaly from tba effect of tbofall tba hlaaiom band of kndx oburob will bold tbelr annual aatartalnmant in tba oburob oo tboradajr avanlng ootobar 10th at b oclock tba pro- gnnmf to b grn by tlw obluran oonauta of dlalotgnva radtattooa aoloa cbor- tablaans and a pratty mla- alonarycanuuanlltlad va ara tba ubt of tba world adnlafaoblfio and 10c ttoa haw llmitaiaoad a oonatruqtlongangof abouttwnl7 man arriyad in town on if onday robdmm work bare oo tba naw alaetrlo railway tbay bava pltobad tbatr ttanp on tba harvay faravon tha hrat una and will work into town from tbat point a dlvar baa baan making arandlngwt4 tba point on fairy lka whan tba road ero from tba oampball to tba boton propwtlaa tha oontraotara bava nrraogad jo aaonra all boaiding bouaa anppllva tbaaopommodatlooatthauaaporary poatjoolea building baa baan lucraaaad by tba addition of iwalve rat lo i ha rear battar llgbtlng iim jo baan ffaetod nlw radl mathn of telny waautw tna wat waatber ooatlnnaa with on- oaaaingrnagulahty ndo fallftig avery two or tbraa daya it ubopad now tbattba autnrnna rgolook ja aaad thaaar ootvdltlona wfll jodo tba pojillolantuhad thalr annual lonluga wlth tha rotara llat at tba judgaa oonrt of ravlalon jndga oorhatn praatdlng laat wadnaadaj tba judga addad ftg nantiaa oo thaoon aaiaaraappaalaabdvlson tbauberal appaa of tbaaa 7 wara mutual ap paala nina namaa war ramovadon oooaarvauva appaala and m oo ubao al appaala of tbaaa ramovala 4 war mnjir oaw m lb tba raguur aaaaloo of tha punday bobool of knox oharob wlu b with drawn oext monday aftarnoon and tba avanlng aerrloa of tha chnvoh will ba jlavotad lo ibo rally day exaretaas of tboaobool tbaordarof atirvlewpktpais- ad by tba oanaral aaaamblya sunday bobool 0omolttaa will bo naad tba aerrleo will ba ona of ganuina inlaraat tbera will ba apactal moaki and otbar faaluraa of an impraaatra oharaatar vlatwoff l p w mr patrick ljaily hr otfluffcjo n y- vuud aatoo frianda tbla wwk tha old gantlaraaa la bale and haarty tboogb in hla fffth yaar hia ramuv laoanoaa of tha aarly daya and aranta in acton are vary lotaraatlng ha w hara trout ireland in 1867 and for twaatyflva yaara waa an loduatrl oua and raapaotad clilaaa ttrarsao ban of hla urga family ara all dotnc writ urxally waagraaud by many old maoda during fala rlalt hla aon if tv piwfckjcally ofstratford aopoui panted blm flra taajwlm attawnaa mr john douglaa barrutar ax- obalnnaa of tha board of bduoatlon torooto laat waak ranawad hla aub- aeriptloq for flrayoara in adtancr and paid tha fuim iim ihla kindly raferance i trwrt your paper may i oootloua tba adroeata a it ba tn tha paat of olaan oooraj a hjgbolaafl joqmatlam aocvtbat th editor and hla wlfo may long woy ha frulta or thalr labora -oa- the ffmhi pbpbaodtbaaataaiu and regard of thrlr many frianda flob kindly ax- p are certainly eneouraglagaa pmmday afaolnatna ojqoala of tha hatpdlalv sunday school oalltd axmmr v u- hpalght who waa for aoqiaay yaara ttw faltbfnl saoralary of thaftobool and t him with an appraolaura adrlriaa arid jeaut fnlly tvatotwan fouotaln pan kf ildly word war foao apokan by bey mrpraprpator ifr 8palgbt in a fear- a i hto thank but waa manifestly too moebvranmiba ahjoobtoflaairiacuaboybooda hovfand aebool to any mooli balaft for toronto tuesday arenlng tba famuy will follow today bhaa baaq omudsak lanoitad ny a atw jaotput down an oil i t ott w imfta ah tovntrary cua naw plant itwaaaanboaaaandphrf e fluing f tbay bay pav hand t ffwrtaarawniim nfiyara taabatmtnal clour tbaka tba ba9 fiiyctica- fn tbalfatbod- utsnnda bekoot oaxt sunday aftar- nooo at atooloek m event of tba jynsr a 1w1 maodanoa nf amy nobar taaebar arij aobo and lb maaanrra of tba hocoe da- pnjruneilt tbaiajt3a in town ain aapwiwly laim tka order of aarlotnaltidaa a9wmnao by tba caoolioolonhwtra a nvlaw of tha i of tba paat onattor and anaddaa bttar a t wnklnaoti b a ol japan niho unowlnoaoada on furlpugb tba aobool tpom irvx ba auvaeuvaly deoemted for tba ootwv alor v la j ohjira- a ary inrareuibatwony took plana in btjoaapha church on tuaa- datovlngttn otoak when mr mjabsai x traynor brotbarm ht fahactxyoor and mla mary ago mulbolland third daughter of lb lata qnorin hmbollaoniqojfnjc war pijlbbdlntba bondaqt boty wntloak tba oarafaopy wartcmad by bay llfiunwajnol aatjted by t option trhair to tba df jtwaliif taba-opb- im ukaly that a robi ivu afxry nm- exaavu vatnbtn llodaay flned woodtili fair aa lrtaiarpf tb iaaat thursday j c blaeklook utresbarlvaotund local recotdf with an u bagdaye wor on the farm of mr faaak sayera naaaagawaya in lan hour h frothed 9000 buabala of oata and 140 bnahala of wheat a maw o ft wraear a mw surrey for tha 0 p r- tlnougbthla aaetlon runs thrdbgb tha aontbarlyipart of the baardmoro farm on tba aaon una about half a nue below aalnn if the una la to oorna through this way it would ba eppre- cjated a uuja naarar town ah alawa oanarah baaan- the ananal sale of work and baaaar nndar tba auspice of bt abte church will be held in tba town hall on friday land saturday no ram bar spnd and avrd aftarnoon and evening aouvo preparation are already being made for thta interesting event melgfcb a anaayed if rumors are anything near belpg tma tba lutuataa of a eartaln houaa tba northerly and of main street will be required tn account for tbb dis orderly actions about their promt if there la a oonunuaooe of the doing of uat saturday night and sunday social and personal mia grace jehuem spent sunday wltb toronto friend ml lraae snyder mtrd rrieod in torooto and hamilton mr oaoll brown of stratford was noma fur a few hours oa sunday mrs harry noble of toronto ha been visiting ralatlree bare thla week mtawjrbasklgndltarxaa ad friand ntoruacrj during tbe week mrs frank molntoab of toronto letting friends la tha old tha berlin board of bduoatlon ba taken up to akslmllat tba city foreign e by establishing night a for the teaching of tha sngllsb language among the bulgarian tba hebrews bare made a rtquaa that they be inoludad lay ansjwat e frasulu oedaai ona of the largest and most success ful banquet ever tendered a ettlsan of canada waa that given by the toronto board of trade in honor of premier borden on monday evening there ware eight or tan tbonaand pit bt and to eveot waa one of hletorioal tutor mr david hendereop if p of thl town waa one of the truest usipb asaaw srte wrtse una tha hydrorieotric power una from goalph to roofcwood and anton i well under way the una eon from the edinburgh bond station to the ohurio agriooltural oollrgn and con- tluus on down through the prison farm to ttramoaa and on tn bdeo mills hoeksrood and acton mercury blsar veakrei axapveewavewt while visiting at burt huron mich last weak the editor called upon mr donald mcnalr agent of the national b co at the tunnel btatlon mr mcnalrlrt acton for port huron thirty yaara tgo and ha oceupted the resptmslble position of express agent at the o t rotation fa that city aver th 44 tb annual report of theluspeo tor of prlaooa and pubuc obaritteav show that during the yaar 1m prlson era were ooaunltted to milton 111 1 that tha dally ooat par prisoner for rations was 007 cent and formalotenanos 1611 oenu thelaiur ftgnrv 1 the lowest oioept tbat of london 1hm cant in th province awgnt wlthn three inen from acton eamau town bpatqrdaygnd bad a bad tltpe of it two were wa boggy and one on a bicycle at 10 a ba the man witq tbs bicycle uy in tbe ditch on main street with the uoyele on top the otbar two wltb tba buggy who were also eoowwhal disabled after great difficulty got tba third man into the buggy and sta for boe-ciorg- town herald ev a t twil a a of japan next sunday will be the annua raiaslonary day in the matbotuat oburob reva t wilkloaortaa mlaslonary to japan wbo4aboma on furlough will bathe p of the day mr wilklnsonoommanoad bl ministry in thu oounty spent several yaara ip ontario and than went to the north wait from the alberta oooferenoe be wa sen to japan where be baa labortd with soo- eemfortbe pa lght year hla addraaa will be foil of intetw and wuj oh doubt give mueh information of inuirt rpeuig the aptiiltiaaof the chnrch in the flowery kingdom pjjyf wbt wonmfe mrnv jobnstooa in writing tba fm pnaxe last weak skpraaeea hlii elf watt p with hla unmtl evjperlenoa8ebtooo h i baadom i wall with his lavvattnaota there ha built two houana thw anmmar and baa just ao4nn of thni for 90000 caabi 3y thla- tranasntlon ba cleared oe 1300 basldee making tioo par day oa bta own time the oropa are fine about saskatoon wbeat la all out tbare wjsre frt eonjtaof nlgtita last week bnttwroptand euttiof ware too far adanped for any damage tabs g pw m gowned erijmjvm ampre black plot ur bat and tullavelv sfio wutandedjhwataa wbqworsproo4a mr mauroe as sss loo im a byaoalaclo tba mi owing to theweathar thl week the oounty fall fair at mttlon 7as poet- iwoad ullafonday and toesday 71b and 8 th ootortbv fair promlssato on an unually flu event this year a vary large show of horeeeand oojts enpamalryttrirers u sesorad tbu year all boraea in hatooevmust tba wanfcwbih everybwga the udw deceit i cpantwaa roughly revfaad thla j and madeup to data neverel 1 klhdt of w6rk will be sh6 amuaainanta areiulaei and tiaobjao- uooau iwtba dolootauoo of the young an4 ytrmjfutvjolag people h fafen n give sm all ra mn bu uodd 9c uvnllum the guest of mr alex baoord at sunder land villa r- mr arob monabb and mrs b j menabbuftonlneadaytovlaltfrieods in oreemora mr and mrs thomas storey maria street have been esrlonaly ul but both are now l mrs norrls and mrs kdnwodeoo of toronto apent the weekend wltb friends at vloloria villa mr and mr alfred hanatreet of glao falls n y bare during the weak visiting tbelr parents mrs john hayes of the humbar farm alblotvl spending a week wltb ber daughter mrs h msuoaw m la margaret bbasatl left yeeterday left for toronto where she intends spending the rail and winter mr and mr hubert smith who recently removed to berlin apent a day or so this weak in town mr and mra alex bamsbaw and miss jessie of west toronto vtatted aston friend over the weekend mr w u upright waa noma from toronto thla week packing up prepar atory toreaaovaj tohle new bneaaj mr bred warren of fieatiiee nab baa been the guest thl week of hla oouein mr j l warren m1u street mrs b j sbeppaid and hit geo oampbell attaoded the shortlu-wal- tare wedding at baillnafad laat satur- nay mra john b mackemu and mies jean nave returned after a months visit with frianda at roaanvill and winnipeg messrs jamas and robert wlnton o acton spent the waak and wltb tbelr slater mlaa maa wleton at glen- wmuarns herald mra j h pariah of sanlt bte marie ba beu spendlug a couple of weeks wkh hv friend mrs j bdgmr oamule vloloria villa mr t o arderon baa returned to his home lo new york city after a at ba vlalt wltb hla etaterw mrs oampbau and mr bneppard mr and mr h laroy brown and ehudren of toronto spent the week end with frleode in town mr brown intend staying for a week or eo mrs john kenney jr who waa in the hospital in tnronto ror tr for aeverel weeka baa rtn b and la greatly improved in health mia clara b moore returned home on saturday after vodlng two month with friends at bdmottton calgary winnipeg and ether point mr geo a mann ba been very iu for about two weeks foraome day tbereaeamedtobe httiaj nope for ber reoovery but happily she has taken a turn for the batter milton obamploo another newspaper oonft has gone through an operation rornnpap dldtla and thl great joqrnal was pleased to bear ba la waklny aykd reoovery newnpapar man tit ao accustomed to being rtppna wp tb backuiatarrontmlripbyakindlymnd akllfn1 aurgeon u rather a pleneiag novelty- boboageon indepeodat juod for tb to veritable oarreta feur feat long bona remarkable gtejtt vegetables poro exhibited at the hrtiooltoral 1111 xoodon bug a shirt time ago there la keen oompetitlon championship it the art of 1 growing between the duke of rwy rand and mr vicaxy qibu and at tb exhibition relerrecrto w was generauy agreed that tba dnka ct portland- exhlhlt bat never bean equalled h alijwed some carrots four feet long and aa smooth and regular tp tapet utlf they had been cast among other vegetables ha also showed a number o beans is inches long i- rptkti airiwv brtea w hunwal oaia bra not used moved ftotn the bouass wttbln twenty tour- hour -after- death- the bcdlaa being oonvayed to tba dead boo with whtsh every oamattry la pro- vlded the removal ta indtarge ol municipal ottloare and by vety eaaket wagone wfunb the municlpallli have no lqlereat in funeral arxange merits avery detalr being nnonrlba control and direction of ansmv ised nranieipal outatala the wsmenef cartbag thar u a grand old av tnw abont the subrvnm devouon dupuyed by tba womaij of oartbagt wnaa thejrtr- whs besleaai by tba anmana topea were needed bawu tbaia waa no flax to make tbunbt th city tba women beaded by thalr barolo queen came bo the keeww tbay ona and all cut ob thalr glorious traatci nil made roper of their bau qen mr brown he saw 4hr6ugtta blunder t dropped a 98 gold pteoe in th nlata instead ol a nlrkl avyei said tha pastor briskly a benevolent blondar boti asanr you u will count wltb us just aa much fnyovr yavor as if you really meant li and he hurried away you will notie that we ar eontlpuglly laulnganotit uur ability lo repair walobc mod olooka wall that is we have the confl 4enoe that we can do it and do it beturtfaan nioatwatch- makara first btvausa we served our fuu lerib of apprenuossblp and after wards worked under the best makers oar toe nest maxer 1 naaaaaaweyi 4ft yea ayrineoakvina- glrasna aoch an advanaage over tnaea i nckarood others that we ootne to you in full oonudenoe that it will be carefully and quickly done pringle tb jeweler gnelpb patleno la bltur but ft fruit i sweat hoaaenu when a man i puffed up be ueaatly blown away sincerity deep guanine heartfelt riooarity i a trait of true and noble manhood dohay r 1 pr saoburn wlndbum oraoaad has ohsps coughaass or irrttailon alw ahsvtag try nadruco witch hazel cream ito or4uny inrrwusnui moth and mftaa tb outer ikut whu tha wllob hani pumtrasm aod ihmla tha ompsr llauma darrhnml tar ahaa pr waahlaf 38oaboluaat matnauu akmamscvasr canatat faraert i ore the boys and orb an education wattk uavoit paarriouijtaa the clydesdale stallion royal pritocb zi4 wlu baallb dominion hotel stables acton bvbkv 7ubsday arriving about noon and remiiolag naiu 7 pes tesms to lasnr a loal tnpayabls 1st february igi- all acrfdaau lo name at owaersmk f fiti ohjilbs proprlator oaftaxuo f jtta faotel tta pal anmmeeel thmrnu la aherfoyle burlington oaladon blv- fargns abaqneolng georgetown mlltou -oert8- naaaaaweya oampbellvlll oat 11 obtl oota oct 10 11 oet 17 18 3 holme frank e holmes ftjmmhax ddabotob calls day or eight attaodd lo pronb no i do you realize lbs money yoa can aaa ll fruit irea t lb present jeminil far annary suxelaib neteet in the tnatory ol tb baste rbody who has lb land is planting or preparlag n ptm wit want now la acton aad aefnadlag district good pay exekenvs iwikjiaj and 11 lb vaaiagsa la i alia tags old astbub flnn over 000 acre aader caiilvaiiaa h j5 years rita pbufam nduuy co 1 oal colonistexcursions scpthrk to oct mtk l4605 hunturs excubfiaons fffoui famxl foat motlnd tjup ckumo datttej octothwtth to vmtmter flh to poltajtel im tsxfaoaafl wto october itu to homutet h h 8 holmes agent acton townehpr post is t worit on a eouoction olposa now llrowne nonasnagt why n i dsstos o m paver i- townftienowvbtit be is also otn onr hes examining thonoenm to sa what thora wat futltem w indue tba editor to shoot tha wrlloattol them x fure faadbjr ana wewyktr ti6e- metropolitan bank hcaatofbec tofoftlo oat cmptau pwmt o sayinqs owaknvthf accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch h eibiirling manager latent shapes and shades- the best t hat in the trade ia here ft e neispn wtxslwiui wwtimmaipnttfll afomfort ilaaa flmataumtnaaae righfllll comfort soap only results count the one thine ahoraj alt clao that yam want to know about the range jrou buy is this flat it will cook aad broa and bako with abaohrta tafistactfcui i o features of a ranaja aoch aa convenianca a and appearance are of couraealao indispens able but the prime liiiiiaiili in a range ia results in roolring t the giinieyozfonl ghras reatdt not now aad than but always evaiy ganiaoxford is a source of continual satisfao tioo to its owner day after day yaar after yaar it nablas her to produce pastry bread roasts that contribute to the pleasureof housekeeping that is why the guroeyoxford finds its strongest support aaff those who have had actual and intrnaateexperi- nco with it you too w0l niimbar your gminoy- osford arnong your best friends jas symon acton postponed halton county fair j at milton j postpoaad to monday ff tuesday october 7 fi 8 apptifoaei rtod the moral of it the advertising colnms of the review are an in3ex tothe most proareasive boai- h iu hill p who know recogniro thjjt to reach a very larde 9lass of the best purchasing public it is necessary to use the review columns a very naturin jeduction is that the as an advertising medlpm does not care f tra i t w be ed only by the review therefore the mqnil patronise the rnerchanu who think yobr trad la jrorth wrjifrtellinbrc you bojit their offerings rijii ww w t t v bigger and better than ever the association has purchased and taken in a lare tract of land and has laid ont a new halfmile track that is expecterho equal any in the province the speeding on the track should be especially interesting this year trials of speed trot orpace halfmile named race for green horses owned in peel or halton that have never started previous to brampton fair best 3 in 5 purse divided 30 15 105 a3otrot or pace mile heats best 3 in 5- purse divided 35 ao 15 10 1 aab trot or pace mile heats best 3 in 5 purse divided 45251510 a special of 500 has been donated by the union bank goelph for trie best general purpose team shown by a resident of the townships of nassagaweya or esquesing everybody- come and have t good time list for rules arid further particulars of races see prize orand display of lire stock ot all kinds from this and adjoi counties i 1iip nfwcoveredgrahd stand will accommodate all who wish a good view and a qniet rest during the afternoon liberal prliet offered in every department and if the i i f w e ever hel tbecounty i romomisor this fair la open tcrthe wojrjd l t music lovers will have tnepleasure6tliqpning to a- rstclaasandrswllavtnbabmentt youhg and old everybody but fakirs welcome special talent haatbennenraged for a grand concert which warba given in the town hail on he evening of the 8 you wilfkair beat at this bes fair speed and spot o tie beaikinoredumdratesnachan pacific and grahd trunkvrailwaye- v y i strprkbtiotandfnuartichiwv i 1 l kajiy ft3srg m-