Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers celling papers window shades a laiiail auiok1munt 1klclltj liuatiohaillld give us a coll mariuaou liounbieu lttuttt geo bynds juillry mkid vmnoy olood aotou ohtaiik real instate vmrmu far mil in llaltou ud wttllhwttm loo fattau tor itala every uue if you waul u farm writ we fur rutultwur or if you wuli ti well or ttvrhttuif write lue he uuve rtery facility far iruuumllitu buuliiruu foyour complete milufiicitmi iorrru- ktottdtfurn sullt lleil j i mimi4jiiiiv ruru htlllmu hmeflttllhc ueurixetuwn site artou jfrrfe jjwsg tiiuimia aliul i 1011 brief local items ifolcrou innm to i norma morning it loola ilbo a whlto v tutor thin tlino thero11 ita many luntur homo cotititiipe 1 unburns man 1 keep pudihiir otrook for luhiikwd all turroomt iiiuxl i to elonod to morrow looil friday advertising in hihmi hprlm modlclno fur jour hufilnoau if unjuuj uliitfirmi twenty couti er bihul uux miii lit tlio liuyor4 hum ir lur iijt jcferdij kiiok clmrcli choir omtono un in tlac1iurili on biu i mund iy uvunhir the flrit new niiilo uyrup van nurti fejl in town on hiturday it u of fide iualiiy tborall ho kpociul k ulur bcrvlrxii in all tho churches and huuday hcboola noit ronjjy march miltuiiuul iter roputatiou or winds and tlonuy wcalhor during tlio ch lafi waob of tlio month the ciuadltiiu uuvcr hwhjo hi u uewjiroverb coined by tloncrul aldorwmln tltatrencho in huiidcro a woand chltwto laundry lias lieuti opened in tnwti a couplo ofyouig china j utod from toronto uro hid jiropriotora i mjagw diro osur tlpi rjiluuya for load friday returning aaino day faro and u third ifojtijf today mid rot urn lug iiont yiifadjy i bjr itarold wilon hut a vory attroo iwe kasor window tlw kliidua aro greatly hiuroited in tho kaiur cliluka and olherftlovfjltiaa j jvtmi itamdi of titraot iv wo junction waa on saturday lined 8100 nnd oast for alio win f i in u or to lo commoted on ma unlicensed promiui it cott llbaam hchscu mid hoiljorn frifl00 for tuuiafffla chumm liy llioni jmttimr i outtimua dynamite inaido tlio coriotiojt i ut wek llorald toi first rwjw motor car to arruo lit towu uil ijirlna wan uliipiwil in on tuea tly it k m lno flvo uwuiiigor titudclmlc t iiul bilontfii to kir wni lolumtiinb i tfmi houii kiiinr of iurry somtd oatttluatatl liy chailca a tjontlo at ono i uttu aoooutiunt of tlio morel inn tn funk hw wiuilmtroyoiltiy uro last haturdy mr mckoniio oluimu njiont for tlio toronto ha tur i vi n ftailuaj ranio to uiwn on tuwjay dkicctiiix to moct mr ui ilium lloldiu to wttlo wirli liim for in ovtru ttrtp of hnd aijiroiriutoil iimtcud of touting him lio iconiwl of mr labliio futunil tint day a lotur rooolvoil yonunlay from mrs a o held wist ikiiiiurt arrow ftbo il 0i ioniurly of acton sojn i wo bav beautiful hjuiiik wwiilmr lore hid war dou not moid to oftvot ua inuoli tlio government nan put in a nuiv wliurf wwlt- lugroathand telephone nnd uo imvo tho tljioiie in our iiquwj wo now call our puoa umiis ilancli amniramontu aro iwlnfx iiiojio at last wtttmliy tint old ccnuttry in to lio flhoil up bum put in a mora iiroumtnllo condition wauodrtuiwl tltat tliomliaiiij rolxtlvoi uurted tltw ftro dfttlroiu of having tlia towh tab ov tio coniotory and appoint a uuauhih wluufl duty it will iw toloolt jur uk maw and noo tliul it it kept in a pfojwrooudltlon milton itoforinor so j awlllaurmiyu ad u ihirh b the maibm of putting monoy in your pocket the new j parliament the tmbit on tho sptwoh ivom the thtorio hlffhly intorastlnsr tub opwaitio thim at tho ut miuioii of tlio kpwortl ijbmjloa 1arllamont tlio tovrntnmit wan tlafaaud on a mil to ruluo nn urmy ly con iwirlition ahiironhcijiiinc- tlioy linudod la tltafr roulunallnii mid tlio lover nor lamralcallod ujioii hon a t ilroun to forts eniiot mmcliio liimodltly iuro 0666j to do on tuulay nlult wirku merit wus opod tl tiewgovlmwont mid ivotfnb- navm wity tlttiujf to tlo riglit of u nawly- lmtil bpaker itov c ik draper lib etfoellenay ulr william rteuurt kwul um aildrmui from tlm tlirooo craliody- log lha luupouuof tlio roiruinoiit fartlta jprdmut iioii tla tfoliata on tlio niamii from tlio uircoot wliioh ocoiipiod tlio ulioui oioiiinii wuofutwl from tlio qovoriiinent iwnclien by ifon j p scarrow who uih loading vtlalloum in tlio una oidulilo aliutioo of artali a t ilniwu ho van ably auf portaj by tka hon frank kennedy and sllai xjiy prunltimi romo of thb icgulu tlouand praimmiinflxnoumltui liyllewuuo oratorlnoluil uowun wuitiuiffl ooalltlon jcovaftiraaitt trotollvo tori it olo ttta opiuwitlon nlarhliwiiil un nliy koalnulncd by mimwh vmn and hernial t wnd mart lit moffat all of wluui took o twpilott toaottvo of tlio irowwjili iwintwl fey ut jfoverimiotit nutl clwpiontly nnd ioroafully ilewirllxml tlimit iihdctrlinoiital mr t v o llrloit who uanpi niit nnd ant mlih tba oppoitltjon in a tdinrt uddriiwi wiry favorably lwptvai tlio hotiu by u hrll- luutwialyidaof aoino of tlio imlntu under dlaoaaakm tbtt loadar of tlia upuuiiiloiii hon x viator coleman oltmoil tlia tlolutla for tba oprmmltlou in alronir and amiiliallo tfouuiuilatlon iloalltik u lib tbu urf tbo final rply of tltu dolwlo wau inuda ly lb aiitliijfirdtiilor and tbo motion jiitjil wllbout u uotu news op local import itiitl cross moutlnir on yuturtliiy llio lliil crihw aid hooliitj vtill rojit in lio council cliumlwr nt 1 ho i hnliidii april ird a inro iitttiiiliiino in iirtintlj rcpionlud un iiujioi unit liiihliii in mill bo broiijlit liobiio tbo inbctllljf hlfh school tltcrary society in tbo oratorical ootilout nt i lio inooliiik of tbo filouiry hoaloly lunt frlduy nflir noon miirmirot wiimiii mid lintold mowut won llrfct pltonu hurlmiln ildnli annlo hnydor nnd 1oroy anil ulna tool putt aftor tlio con lout it illidogua tlia tint form uiiuuieii tlio tjuwlto wuh llton rood ly molllo andenmu uflar wliloli wind ion wero iianuod around tlio utter of ulilcli tbo utiidentu onjoywl oupoclally an a o u w brother honored lliollunlpli pa pom roport a vory bind rocokiiitiou of tlio itorviuux of mr folm if hamilton tlio moll known hionuinoiit man flliulpli by liiolpli imiuo no iu a o v xv on n teoent otonlutf a iiumbor nf llio bnulliijf moinltor wultoi on mr hmniluui and protunuwl liln uilli n liiiiiiin roniliiiiutloii imilimllu mid u nlbinif ntlcb mr himilhoii lm imhii mriiictivo in a o l w irolo- tho orotohocantata zlon tim mirlplura oratorio to li ivon in kiiiik chuiili on jzuflor m indny on iiiiijj ly llio ilmrcli cliolr uilfui u uiutliul mint nf loon hi to rent and niorir tbo rlinnictrr of tbo orulnrio i cwhwiilly appro priulo it nbomi lu in olioruuif miim iii irkiltim nloi and diiolx niul baa uiho intomlitir rwilatio in lijrofi tlio r lirmtmin of llio uut uou bavn prtmm tliot tlm piwliictlon will provide dohulitfiil nualotonliiff arrobted fof being drunk on wodnoulay aftoriioon of lat wocli iuf liwco found william huillb of ilriitnptoii ivinj on liurcli rtrcct uur nmiidhl by rrovd of olilirii in a ludplh hink of intoxication ifo orronloil lilm uli i dm c if- mid lid biui broattlit licfnro if 1 mooro f i on tlnn13 iiili ho i coitbtwl mil iiiiihi uu dollar- unit 10u or dirty duu in truol hi- iiioiiim lutliitrctuknlly nil uon okjunkd in lipor bo uui inibto to ljj tbo fluo and oohtw ho uoh cuiiw ipmiilly couteycil to tbo county fojl ut milton hlerh school enthuie ekamlnatlons tlio dbta for tlia hj0b ucbool kntmnco liikiiliiatiana till- year ban imuui ut for fiuio jut rbftokaoilnatioua ulll inst for tliroo days tba uua inalrlculatlon will tart on juno iltli and will le over by juua stttli tba honor and scltourhltlp matriiutdilou will begin 011 juno ihli and bo tpur hcliool kutraiiooluto u10 fuoul urn of relocation on ilia wiflo day tlio mtdillo fkbool fntranoo into nonnal htlioou will start on in no jhh windlnif 11 juno hb tlo vupfilanuiiitul oi- ainliialiaii for tliom wlio do not uuut in juno will login on tho 7tb of htptamber uiodliib upou tlia l7tli sudden 0nth fvom pneumonia mr ui 1 1 htm dobhlo of tlio third lino ljuu0ning dlod ry auddonly but tiatur tiay morning from an attack of pneu montu mr hobbis liad lioon duffdr- iiik for a waolt or u from a bad told but fouinir coimldorably liottar ha alto nil od mr fryoru tao lut wmluasday that ijfbl imouiuonia aot in ami lis pumi 1 avtay on katurday mr llobbiowaa a proiorous fanur and spool bla ufa in this vicinity muoh hympjtby i foil far mr ilobblo anil tlio nino oliildren of tbo hcroavod family tba fonsral waa hakl tuowlay itov c wilson h- a oiiiciiiiiinr rersonal and travel notes soddl nnd iuisaiuil itmii i ol intm va to 1 run pi oi doudorfl actons votorau post master has accidont mt jamos miuiicvs siktnlih i cleanpu numtm mc welk fractuto of tlio ihrlit ililjjli by falliitp on tomoiit h in his 0wn back garden mr imrni mmtliiuh 1 horloimly iiijm bis 11 mil hi full ii il b ill ti tlm tiliibb mid tiiii il ij wlitiu bo ullpjkd mi llio onmnt k mid falling on tbu od of lliu wnlli imil dm niufortiino to fnilhuo iiih rifibi tbltli ifo won iiiinbln tuiiiii mill iim fn llvn iiiinutuh or no boforu hi plibt wao oihmji lv mi i l ii t on iuliiiviho uu- illhj fill ii mudlf lid ihii mi- a mililni msiml frldtiiu in loioiiiuilniiijf tlm wvuu h i i mh uiiiull if loill ih din triki or mi- b munt ii mil muiiiio muwtilh tinmo ihf- tou r lliiiiiiliiiinmmilsibuiil miiohii lllir in bomi from ii11111i iton sound hi bmlmr pun 1 mr ltohril unllmit ubi um voiy ill for t umb 01 u now nun li iwllor mr v mini iiruiio iunt u omipb iiimli u n uit viton frloiul mloi i llontiiii liux ilturixd homo of i or rate of pensions to be paid canadian soldiers the soale and regulations sub mitted to parliament by fro ntier borden last week parliament must how decide 1rfinior don ton laid utmii tbo tublo of 0 hniiko of commons lait uook the ujh- 111 rotfuutloo for cunudlin no idler tullrnr that the now rogultionwerflinaiio j under uo autliorlty of tbo war mmiun i net but tliat the ponlon would not ro into fono until wrllumant tfave it ap proval tba ordor in council rirovbloa tltat the follow i njj ratea of pennlon will be uruntad militiamen wounded or dualtlod on active imrvlco durlnu drill tralulny or on ottmr illlury duty luovkled tbo dlaabllity waa not duo to bla own fault or neyllffeivco 1 llunk and tlio 1 virst derea 6iol t wcoih degma 911w t thlnl degree ms2 1 fourth deujrde 71 borgoontt ifirat deutea ft1m 1 wioond ri 1 thlnl iiiw 1 fourth slotl mjpud luttary or oumpany horjt- miijur or quarterttuiiterrerffeant pirnt dojiroo tns kooaod th2 1 tblnl lfl fourth 01or tlio fargoloif alao appllou 10 color henrouiita ami ulaffbargeunta itofllinontnl hertmajnr and mastor tlunner not w o and ixoimontal ijuurtunnauttir heigt 1 flrt dajtrco 9412 1 mkkind 824 1 tblnl frjihl fourtli 6iui warrant oihoar vinjk dereo iwii huond gjiloi third 82w 1 fourth 9ji6 major 1 flret deyrea toium womyl 7i l third flu fourth h ijout colonel t flrat degree 1200 aooonil ftoooi tlilnl 9600 fourth imool colonel 1 viral deieo 41440 1 tooond jltiho 1 third 9720 1 fouith 94vl ilrlfiadler fieneral 1 viral doaret 42100 aeoond i020 1 third iloso 1 fhitb 0030 the flrat dafre tjiutl be apiliculibj to uiomj only ulio are rendered totally lncah able of earning a livelihood bji the nuult of uounda or injuria recohed or ulneaa ooutraoud in notion or n the rienoe of tits enemy tho uooond dourco aliall lio uppllcablo to those only who are rendered incapable of earning a livelihood au u racult of injur loarelvilor ihneaacnnlrdcuxl on uctlve vorvica during drill or training or 011 other duty or reitderetl in a atnull degree hicap ablo ua a reault nf wounda or liijurlea ro- eolveil or lllnoaa bontrucled in an i ton or n tbu piewnoo of tbo enemy tho thlnl deitrcc lmll be itppllcublo to thnua uhtt ore roudrrtkl niutorlully lncav nlilo ij rwniliijf a llvollltooil ai fi reunite injnrlo- reoeltetl or llliuwa oonttaot on artlie aervlc tlorlntf drill or ttaluluu or on other duty or retuleied in a email tie- mr iivfiapablo au a ruilt ol wouiula or injurlua received or lllneaa contracted in tuition or in tba preaenoe of tlte eaetay the fourth dofrroe eltall be ahjloabu lo tboo wlio are rendered in m aruall dtree w uimiiio of earnlutf m livelihood aa a reaulb if njurlom reoelv or hlnemi contracted niiaullveaorvloe durlnjf drill or tralnlntr wutabltovditv th mm muttbuuh ilio fi iluul mil iip joint ily iiil bill 1 5 iiniiiijund bin 1 ibt ubouhlnr whiib uii friiitinul ho ioih 0toaiid with ii bin 111 ii i llh u1 h i irtnul action mr mtlthtwf klnbuijbii lb jm in ractblabiitbdiy 1 11 l uidnimbn tib april ho i- tbo -mi- xiiimui in canada and i nnu in ihh iuiillh mii in that ollloo hu npmiiiitiiiliit hllnn bnu ihu it in nliicoroli hoped lux nimi ixitn tlio iinfortiniiito iirritlcnt hiii bo ni id and oouipleto ho h itntinjr nicoly hut lit vory tlrod from intli of ultop sunday caiis will run on tho now toronto suburban eloc- trto road through aoton ivrnilwiou nan untcudtd tbo fiirniiln hiibiirhun italluuy couipjuiy l tbu it ill wtty co imu it too uf 110 i gi1ulim on tburailay to ope rot o lu nin uu hmidiiy over tlm full loiifttb uf tbu linu nun in mo tn woaton untl woodlirl lt tin m and htolilcolo tounlil nnd toronto to luulpli unti iih ftiii n thul nuu divlaton bocomci njnrilui owlnjr to opptwituni rum tho iotd hoy alllanio tbu op rati uu- iuniod to iaftoibr cum iriljjil trulllt litinif rufuhotl uliui thn oinl unijiuil li 1 voto in tho commliim cub ono iikiiii 01 vhumi at4innt tbu hill ibm hum mr win maciboatilofnwh llr btronfx oppoxltion nuio from mr john a itoraon wlm iiiitd tho iiiuiu of tbu ijorda luy awljliirl in d it 0011i1i nut lo fair to iinruvo thiud 1 uimiimu 11 dlxtint iwruro a plolidito h id i ti tuun rtitrc weroovihi mr laurin luaititulntil nnd ho hatiovod 111 1113 plojilo nldlu idour provoaeil outiiwiuil t tuunlnli would pine thunuwbflm optin rnonl njiiiiot fin tlm infraction of hunjluj ol4ci mu rurtlilr if it uero found tltul hun biy j uhiiciijcur cam werenooouur thoru miciuiii at lout bo aamo cuiimo iiimirtul to uuiuil miiiinl tbo iperatlon of frlirbtinii on tho adduith ttialcitlhlutuiuhiid furlldikn tho muro poiiun llnatnnhriiti suiubi fnjyht ir theroforo tlio pooplo ul inj tlii lino niuhiii not lio aubjultcd tu tbu piwlblo nnnounto of havlntf thoir hondo tbnturlivd by tbu froight t rut ik humlay fro lull t trulllo wuh cuinuipiunt dlaal lowed premier boiidens mother dead was 00 years of ago nnd ilnjoyod good honlth until two ytu s ago mra borduii moihirof hi it1b1t hut den iramioriif luniuln dioil 011 ttmimlny mominu at burboniont tiimid 1ro n h hlr llolmrt uimnf her hcdnldu hitting irono rrotn ottawa mid mithhiui wuh mr ii t llordtin hl hnithci mr lloribit win tin un- of i htm uuwmhukunlroiiil ufuuhu limnuvo to andrew honbii mid hnd ln a unit in the hiwtoila vllluipi of nmnl ira for many yearu hlu viittd ottouu mo yaara ago fur 11 uliort purlud mr- nonlcn all thrnil but libi h id tn joyed reniiirbalila in tilth until two jonrt aro wltan ubo uuuhltlubuu with parullm which waa tlio iiumulliito luiiuo of bur death a woman uho cunt in itiitorvd lx tm noauiinutlu to ov or nnilio 11 imppy wifu more pooplo io church bomiu thoy think i hoy oujiht to than booaiiki tboy iiiiato urlnlthi wouldnt lio ipilto mi luid if it didnt toabo it 1111111 wutit tu tulk m much 100 r 9100 the reader of tlnx patwr will l 1 nxud to latlm that llwro in nt iiumt ono iitiidivil dlseuua unit wlooco hnw brvu nhlu in init in ull km htuitoh mid that u culmrh hall u uaturrh curo i tbu nnlv winlluo oure now bnouu t ithu iitcdluul frnlornity catarrh bainic u cnnlllutliiiil luoutr 10 tpilrean oounlltiii nnul lionluiout ii iiim cuturrh curo i tnkon iulonmhy notiiik diieouy upon i lot bluod unit muoou hui faoea of the nytcni the ruby dotiolni thefouiidutiniiof iho iiimhio uhil llivhik tlte patient ttronlh by bifldlii up tlm conatltutlon and uoibiiiiir nut uro in iluluu itawork thn proprlolnn bitvo m 11111111 i faith in ita onmtivu puu 011 that tlnw offor one huittlreil doll 11 for iiuy uiluemltut it falu to ouik hood for lut nf loliiuunluli add v j ciikmi co inlwlo hold bv ill liuuui tle hull family 1ill- fm mtnhlim are you going to guelph 1 on swturdky ii tin timiih- it uil luiuli in hull mi ii it lbiilntr mid uho of lili 1 uiu v liii it tl j piiontiil home m ltnlit wlhill nlibim boon very ill f ii 1 1 ii tuuf tin t i- i rwly rcovur mil ml mn ui11 p ut ii low dujh ilniiii ill i ltl in binthor in mi miilic ol itluuvh him lfii hmndiiif tbu null siillibci lirnlhor ivin tip htoumt mr mid mrs w i hamlin of norwich uwrit n fou dnvh iliirlitjr iho uook with aoton muid mm n i molim mid mi duo cola hpuii i cmi1 id ihivt hthl uoob with voimu frlmil- mr willi tin lirmilibv f uiutbatn k ii uiik lioro list miou uttonllng tbo fun il il of li innltnr mr tilorirohtoroy who hit lon vlnlt injr wltli hiri m renin luro dm nu tbo win tar iiih rutin ntil tit nu tuna kmu mri u ii htowiirtnml mihsmnrunerito viitroiit loruut on mondaj nttondlng tho fiunl of tbu into mr liikhnii mr william ilmli r turned on hutur ibiv from tjiiuluc proiiiio where ha luul iumiii on it hiitiuuii trip xlnco now yoara mr 1 it uiiiiibcll of tlm hank of noni hnitlit lmnltoii oiit iicvornl duyx lint iiub ut tlio bouil f mr wni binds ho iiitrl mm fmiio midmmld r turned tn her imiiin nt limn fluid list wool nftnr taitbinr a proton oil v mlt with her inter uro john ciiuicroii mr ii k fitikoy koirotury of the lux in n mitloiinr movouioitt for con iiiln wi n ipniht at moo ixiro ft- diihnu bla utuy in town mihih 1 v ilninui i in i kruoutllrown wuro nt tltiulph on httunlay aftomoon vllliuu their toinrndo llujlcr lolitl t- mooro of iho ilth unit mr hiiiihuiiilirh m ouolpii uan tibun mrloiilv ill rimcutlj wbilo on bin wny to lublrouhii nicolitif ut whitby and it ibiwly rocuilrliiif in byulmrat hospital mr tiuim ktatliuni win i in tbo wulhbs hiipltnl ti riiiili ban not hihii uiv iitiimii iiutiit llio punt wcob homo of thn homo frlumlm im with bhn lontiumilly mr itniuh ifninbirdon wuh homo tltla wlcl front kuoit cullom toruuto ho b tto this work for milluiuo hut all tn mid mlllpml ibunuiuiiuron tbo iniatlaii hold in llmllci ilily mi willi tin thoiumoii bplo ave tliorirutnwu miiioiittoiri llm oiiutuiusnt of iii dun filter itonn tn 5r imwanl llou- nin 1 1 of miilld tito niuiriiiho to tuko liliioo cuily hi april lloru m mr i honduntou m i inniiuinuul bv mr- lib i mi kuijtul unfvod botuo lumi otliiuit on hlunlnj nuiilnif mrw m kiiih proiuibd 1 1 wiiiulku tbellrut if tbo htili nnd mr ilrudotmin rottimoil t i nttiiwfimnuiho nassaoaweya ll biia liicn docldcil in titillro tlio tlm hum uf tlo old huilllutr in tlio now fliene nor cliurtb and tho i ulldinr will be torn duwn iliirnf tho inunth momarui ur- ck will tu bold on hmidiiy april tlia lllb nt ii ii in and 7 mo which will lio thiihiht horthodiit tho old mrucmrc wldqh wiihoncod in 1 h ut a buinrr juiittor will pitii ii h ut i hi tli miilntf it it ohpacteil that it lutjju ttiul will lm mwuroil for tho horvkiuof tbo tonpnriillnn until the now llll ll fi lodllv tlio nuntinu unto of nullum muljiujililin on mondys wuh iiiruck nt tended untl tiry hiiriiufifiil dmiiorf huiiih of llarbylllu dlnl on fliinulay mortli jlth tit iho aflo ol uli oara tbo funeral took place on hutur- day j7ih luxt fimn bin nopltowu tohidouco tn nimuuxur cumolcr aliuihurof niimmiiuuoit old roaldenta jiihttil luuiiorully iiwn hi tho uruii of mm win diamond on hilurduy nluhl mmtih j7ihi altlioiiih ulto imd not imhii fttilinir woll fm5 tfino bir doath wuh not t kpeetoil hliu iojiiuh t nonowliik huu bind wo bibih unit nuu dimiuhlei the funorul took pluio jolerduy to klietioxar conntorj mr jt w admiihou hud n voiy ituccoha ul uiolion iuioiui filduy ciraulur htn in boon hutu boon tho oilor nf hiimiii oi lhomt uoob or wi far iiiih m luopuiii fm piiiijf wouto h it luhumd march wiutber thin wuuk in earnuil tnktiiflvannif of tin holitl i i hi iml mnku i ploah till little visit to mil- flonnldv hiiflpliri knrinir niul lircst stort- v insure you thit it will he a viit tho wost will havo im inoroiitod c i of rofit p sowing area of about forty 2ir i i tastcr dispiavs mam tims stoke eminrntlv attiuctive just now 37g0000o dusiiels ektna grain j lmilj ih w ihinrs irr in n n i r d m comprchi nsivc issortment of hterlin w 0 nt vi7ow ueiba iho ruiulir iidlnii- niul itiilicnur stls pnr irr the kind that mimi iiiiiimdiiwlllun uon iho wuil g3 of hiodliik tbu ipoatuht uiriiiu vihlh inn rv oturlteoii uiiou uior til iho pmdmtlim ol uiiilii in w hihtnt cf llm dominion i 3 u blbi hlalulllh jfiitiiijiuu tbu iiltuil hivnintii iho g womcirs ami muteit suits womcirs nml misses coals clilldrcns coats 3 lo 10 vrs 1910 to qum oilv oluxlililt tlm imw tlr kliturih tiiitilv r inutiicm iii out nml prktlliil whuiwshir skirt w ii il udlrtk nml tiurv yn with h v m n i hut 1 m i mid tprinc vu- ir i op v0ln fok mtn vw shlriw h 1 1 ns ntwilihi new in m w suits and coats loi women miissts and tliiitlrt n theiiiits nnd coiis ins yinr are mndelu of m pie t tidnt hiv if and itiricti t pi u nm7n to ipso oo mini- ill t tn mt1 f ihko uilklll wilhilirii lt l ir iriinnltiu- d37q to u oo many uf hicil nru niiblnry in slvk but ndll putty nnd khluli niw millinii xtw niliuvi new veil- ntw hhulh ktw wliluuuii i mils n now uiitbiwuir n new lcluri viim vhlllllh vtltt suit now conth fwloml intbmiliui ut jttuwu cimipik n tbu into prluir tbo mporth from tlicii i or 3 i1ipiiiibiithon win it iliiiu llio lliidinjh ol r lntl whiih lnc uheilt boiu imitliuil hlut ihwrly to the loiuluim p llm llniddilluiibtmjcliiiul thn vulem ct rivlue- ut itunt will ih vet uiwhli r b3 ubto liioxtolit otlnllnof ifn iiiidiiii nmlliuii 111 nib llulbeil 11 uney if j fillulimluir almirf llo iliiiu of tho turn- i u ptuy in maiilloliij s11u11 j uuu iitid ai 1 3 ih 1 til iholliriiiuh wl 11b weio onl in ol s lunrw ifiid with tlm it inj but v lbo miy lj t uon ih un 1 1i0 lhni of iho mm lie in uhhri tm fntlmw uenl of ll lhit uiuihto iijikd tu iho ill fur j ikitr pidiuioi nf fohutiilfi in cun i dmvbtb 7 ri tz fe tuillor k nol allljtllui llll- tlut llllllllil s llllii i in ill priil pc nicl- the tin le iv uuuii i i i hi p oit iho iltuo ah i i ii ou ptol 11 fill oflllhl 1711 in llui bneusi i5 ea matcdofiabd bros limited uelphs reading and largest store cur wyndham ami macrloncll street- guelph oni bout i on uau l u out itut li l on ibnl diu in tbu lluikl lie mid j h nt dnijfiid uiiiitr htorci 1 1 el t m i i l mb lb il i in till iii l- i i i ut e n 11 h i ii p i hi liloi l smihi 17 his latw tb ii i ihld iim i uill 1 bleu 177 ismii iihi hut liltl w ii in il1 juir rut rrn piihliiitnm tin uv1 ml ibil iim1 mill prbubk bu flooded in iih rim lirjji l iii re jro hi nn ouu lull m w ii ixipuikil fr stur cilv in tin- 1 lteh hum dkttiit iu noilhrni hohi uti iiomii two keu ii- ihllhhi mid tbu in icmi ivci lul ten in in h i il i ioho to mnr ity lupin ted 7 n i e- mulfort no it by on tho hiiio line olilu ed nil lucreaui of hhi pur con i itoithern re uirtoil an iicr nia of uui por root uvor hmt j car duck iikou vmt ucrcn ii mi itiordato uf 7o mr cant to tho north if afford on tlm now lino coniocllnu tho itlcaof irliicu alitor t and north llilllo ford rojiortod 72100 ncro an nrau vi ior cont roator than in 1111 to tho ninth in huiikntcliowiio dollilf on tbo hanu utoou cjiji iry lion roportod us ww ut ron aliiob ua i inuronj of 1 1 per font mur hull ou tho main line inminl tbu vlhortu liomiiturv rotiiruud tittkhl ulrth in alberto iho tuiin of ilmniu ropoitiil 4iiimui heron un lnercuu or nl per tout hiottlor in tho euitrnl jwilloti of tho inco unu 10000 uu i icrcutio of jtt pur cont crafifiny lo otii to caljnry riiortol lllikhacrci mid holla tlio uoxl ntutlon 47tmu whieh b an hieioato uf jtu percent two tuwn un tlio uimu lino olauor tu tlm haikntelidiiiil lino coroalnud cltlnouk nport 11100 ncroi eneb iu iho icr tbo i nt reuse m jdven if iioo por cont- wbllo ut tlio latter ptueo thoru wai i full pi iwinir dono in 1111 liven in tho older uattlod wirth uf tbu wom tlniro uto gratify lo incrcaaeu at morrlii in motiltolia tlo ncroaro jjlvon ai kmhand tho incraaw 31 lr cent at uladrttono ibero ma 20000 aires whkh rcpreuoot 2o pur cent liilruiio at bplrllnu in tbo cinnmi ku1nlivlfion tbo auout roportu loiumi whltli l it iunrcuuo of 11 per cont al diinrcit in tho hnrtnoy ilk tie t tltu llyurtij jump to 70h0 which roprchoulu un iuonuho of 70 ior ouit kipliitt rcjortu 71000 uu iucroano of tloper cont aa thoae uro tho complououu return only it in uppuront llmt tmodu fa tlolni hor allot tod jurt of tho tank which i at prcucnt confront hi tbo linplro ft historic tmangle timoua odttlafaldu ol l plain ol haibiya in caluom dim rlblnn tin innii from ilruanola m 1 ii hi wltli ii omriu hie plnlua of lltlmi lluiihbti ipiulia tlio old pro- nib tjul piihuo dnnn iu 1 1 ol wi liia eat iiiiikiitn kiub innii lit wboootora ilu fltxliiiti ih ikuiud mii iii nt dty mi it uu mo npuiuthiii ot mi ilia tin- lot tu niili untl liruttrv i in until ni pnivliui or iiiuiiiijo ln mill iml n tin uiipu uu i trliiimio mm lilt imiih froin im lnnv t itu iix lb tin rlttr uciike from nrniiui lu lli no rortia lln uoiitburil lib mu ruilwiih front i l uro itiruiiuu lllb ii mid luiilii m llnihsulb ua noi iiiiii hiii lino from nil mur llllllll in till i -tli- iu itm i hll0 iiil- ti linjb iiiiiiiiluu many riiiiiona iiuttbiblilh iteubbh wntorioo tlioro la ii rnlnilt ii wluru murhlnil lintni burn tlifotitnl ilio ulllia under will i nm ii ur ciiuluiid in hili1 untl whoro u itttliirj lulvi lliu auutrliiim uutlor tbo irliuv of tnliuru inula of iho into klnu bitipold uf iloluluiil dufwited lliu rrencb kd by duiuourioa und fajulu itilllppu ilifii tbord u qnnlra lima wbero noya dlruloii fouuhl part of tbo drit- ub army oud its ucrmnit nud helchja nlllca iu 1815 tiioro imd beo h uttttla the day before ut bonihrtitfa and on that juua libjbt tba rruailaus aecotn puabed their unparalleled rotroat fvow lbjay luurtm uaar by won fame in 1023 and ifloo ao4 acatu la ltri nwtk nw prof frankland detuott- strata that cod uver oil generates mora bodyhcat than anything else in scotts emulsion thn pure oil la no prepared that tho blood profit from every drop avlilhi it fortlflco throat arid lurw lvoo r millct lrtjjiibja ill ifvou jyvrfcw4 mwj f mucf itto rouse buaayittma rfci iullyi rouiflwiifcaijvildi iku icotta cmuu1ion tamilb and wftuh um km1 actons electric dhopping mill low pares ril western canada i h tuomontiianictuiiniimit 125000 free homes alone tlia cvnadian tloiithlgiin nailwav mhwuhuwhifbtthwuwwwwuiflimmwww 1 1 promptly secure wklck wtli bo cut f cc hakion a frioh miyslcol ti opfn lvlirv day i ivnr 1 1 lifllulv imp km lltlll iiiavlpt it itj i n v ni- t di- ippoiiumcntt c imppinj trid rolling imth saitifactoril done b f caldwell acton 0m1 proprietor i its like this it tilw ihiiyiiii licve your btiitt mmlo to older uu mrrnti m fr m the f let mint on can select tbeehitli hetoro tho hiilt in uindo h up vixi meiire tut imluidiinlltv in die cot tint la impoaqihlo to cu jj i i i i id mink hull at our prieon nf buitiniw v receive m hi it uli t tll best eirortnf m t tilofi un cuielloiit quality h t ni it n il mid n erfect fit viu will malic ro mhdntio by hav- s ii u- ni i e yourmiilth s s i the new biiltiiiftu i um bliowlntf lo dt jj r e nelson wyhdham streat 4h i n ruirilohai ouulrtl out h jriua vwriiderful book ho yoj know you ran toko at much cropolf eggs for hatching wear rmw imouttij nnkrii forem lor hutehiiur from 3 iood jkoh of i he- foil o win jj thoroughbred utoek bc riliotta island itada cltvicuiif plnaa trnirllali ianolllad indian huii- itat ducks ikjt from oath of tltu nlmvc tl00 piriettlnir a fuw trimi of uuimer lna for 1 ito nt tjljuu iwr trl c ii stevens uou 08 cor mill atid weill nlo uu aoton ontaiiio grand trunk mm easter excursions bihatc faiin ml holtiji and returuiint april jiid olllj vaiileantl ohtrttllho link ioiuk april irt and ird ml lilt return limit april htb iteturr lit li tin will bo hntied iwlwion all klaliuim in c 1 nod 11 111m of im t artnnr miiltu lulr it mid poit huron mich hnffulo hink hoeu nluum fall anil hminoiiklon hridac n v til he tn mid further partkntum ut oram trunk ticket otllco s tialtitcs agent phono no 13 c c speight kor uptodatc goods sllverwar in tablewttrflir varlaly also fins cutlery hardware tinware and grah itawaro in variety port dor o slovea and ftantfas famoua hvatara small stovaa ou stovaa every article m ol exceji- lional valpi 1 i 1 u yoj i wo ucrcn propt iii not ini crop t oti enn off sho i rnivn half tho inbort prfinr inr ixnilrc titn tlralnapa 1 iho tuwn rt tenia mif t tnvmlroyvikuoiiablaul i f ww h i 11 oy vu 1 druw lollr vi llwro iuh iilij ij it oulivj m wdu ewtii oaolui autharluj tajorxom capital maid ua uloodlodr orxdua urocvdu the man with money if hb titauy hu otihhtuultv to waka biay out to hava a iraodl uank aaeount you tut atari with wtiall atevlujiit our wv- lnaj oepataiant will halt you wve oeoroetown bbanch w h ucky uuu morris saxe this week mi ns choice suils twlciih anil woratidi nt uniiioonls wooli 500 fur 4l miits l uorne and worsted ittf cnttluroy iniim 110 ovirillh site and 80 spring undorwiiar mltth 33 ij liuy suils 180 special lines of ihiclath t yds and 2 12 jds wide at per yard carpels c c speight mill slrtl aclon 7vv saxe i 1 trxs brick store opposite new postoffice

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