Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1915, p. 2

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wwjwup civftknr win iferlwrt knrliiiili toronto on tlnniuluy awil l jlr nwninn cnllotl a married lumjium at iitmiui ituhldh midi on hatimlny april i7ih li hev v ii cuiip umhk no limn tiolmi of mr and mr l w rok formerly of anton in mian anna iiamhiuull of rand luijl died mfku in nwwfluiiwftv on monday 10th awll donald mottwan in his 7ut y kuwaitiwln uoottwood on hmidny iblli ajuil infant tlauulilef of w kdwardi utfwl id nuinllin cauiikofal palrvlaw llaea tlm nwl- denoe ofmr u a sinltli adtoii ml marjraret ctimoroii ultuer of tlii luu itov 10 cameron in iwr rorii your in mkmouiam iiai ku lit lovliiir hiemory of our dour clara uhodailartad thlaliro april still 1014 llut idie it uriely fom0 i upon thtttuantle breast whtm many a weary iam1 of earth ilea found eternal rt hsdly mined and tleaplj mourned by mmriiuu hikmuh tun utunriiiju ffilic ittait xtt jrm tiiuuhday aimul22 1015 kmtoblal motes willi u tliere is tial uuoh prospect of in crmw in leuhers aslarlsa uiu war year the report of ilia minister ol education ihowa that during the past hva year tit averse salaries of iiuly teeoher haa in creased la tit rural acliools from 3fr2 to fth and of male teacher from lifla to ia00 ib urbau aehoola the average ban advano ad fret to for ladlea and from m05 101220 hitviw before in thehdory of civilisation has umm been anything like the universal aueatlati nwan o the evils of tha liquor tremo this la not now left to uioe who at organised aa tetuperanee reformer church oourta legislative habit national ralrear alleniphasujniir the terrible evils and loss humnad through tha traffic on of tha latest bodies of influsntlai religious leadarn to prortounoe upon uila evil waa tha auglloai bishop of canada in their aammhlyabfortwihiamthlawmk tbay adopted a resolution advising all tha mttabara of uiat charon to pnotlke total absuaeaoa during tha war and to abtoluu- ly refrain from treating otbera lstutikv iidut haa oarialnly aelaolad a fetroutf board o oobunlaalonam tot tha adtalulauauoa of tha llou lawa of tha provloo tka hoard oouprlma uawta j a havel undaay chairman i w b tmnftman of tha rirtlam trrld vloa- chairman i john a ayart provlnmal lupaotor vw1 dana lata oomralaau of tha twrnwiawing and kohharti ontario railway and gaorga t botltb of naw ontario bo far aa tha oowmlaloaara ara udoamwl tha pramlar haa falfllld hla ptottua to tha itmh thayaraalluaaof eharaotar xparianoa and ahlllty it la ajnawaly to ha houad thaauandad law will taault in mora salutary aooomnluhtnaau than vara oooaldarad prohabla whan tha btrimal liv waa undar illacuaaloa tuh buhop of klnetm in hla laat kduday aald i luoana dudoauraa woaldiiukaoaathlak that tha alahtltoom- miilfjl isj1 turn axpoogad from tha tuoakgua ib waa m tort of dafanoa to ebatira ua othar alda with alullar ooujuot aa twa uaoka can uvar uaka a whlta tha blahap aald ha had no polltfcaj uaa utuwaaauraof thli thatmub aoandali u had uada tha ohaak of vy booarahla cauaduut uuab with abaua would oaly eaaaa u al whft it w hnb ufwhand that wllhaub fall tha eomauroia or polltl- eal 6r tooul naraar of any ona dfrtaoud la woh wauaa would tuti and thwa ha at an add wun tha pmu uada up thalr mlada that ktiob luuaduta dunuhuant alrtri ab follow tha avll would ha mdud out but not till thaa ukjt u a growing tujta for ulaphoda awwoa it thla oobudunlty lotb amontf fiini attd eltueaa h la that ajlh- tha eommdolty or tha individual farwar that haa us ulaphftna oonnaeuod 6r only a urn- ud hjogi aarvloa u outoftharuaalntf uh thaaawho havaadvantafaof thawldr mrtli avallaua tha m fatm- ttl taday aa buy man and haa uauy mrud fuurawla to oomldar u utut haap hwjf wll p tt tnairkat ad b praparad to aat qukldy 1vu- phtea aarvfoa la a halty to blm ut thadvaualeoddltbma of tha ub if tha fkhi la attlppad with tha ulapboua wcvioa ha naturally avpaata that tha bual- vmm mai la town with whaid ha doaa bual uaaa wlu alao baeoua umiutly aqulpi and ba wady to rapoad to hla oalla htuulradj of hual ulipbadallnaa ara balng amud la variodj parij of tha oountry aud kjwfcfltyij of ahrwwd upto4au farmara mow bm tilfrff tkj batata thla dauaod elwurly indloataa that talan mill la valuahla to tha fata tha statu him a anxloua to aaa feaar phonaa u tha booua and builaaaa puoaa of thla naiihiiiiiilry baoauaa of thabr uudoubud ad- turn awk to aaoura wldaraoaouuoda- uddm few tha icraa library la oomuandabla whathay tha autfgaauoa to appaal to an draw ckruagi tha biuiutdlllloaalra la a dwiaifaiathodofaeoowijuhliitf tha end aiaud at la opau to quaauoa w uaad and ahould hav at tha aatllaat pa womant a tadln ran as wall aa timraaaad auwunodatloii for tha library boma hava oouaolantioua aoruplaa a4jlnt aooopt- utlbaquawofthaoaraelavoubdauo othara ara oppoaad to uortfiafilntf for all tbaa tba raaouroaa of tha municipality aa mijulrad by tha camaala lataraata to aa- otuw tbalr bauata a aolutlon of tha uattar of ineraaaad aooomuodalton haa al raady baantaada inthaaaooluwna if tha bufgaatjofl of chlaf hoott whloh oartaluly baa tauob to ootataatkl it of tranfrluf hhm firaflflhtjng apparauta and quattara of tha flraman to tha old powar bouaa wara adoptad m aplandld raadlng room ooubl ba mourad by oouvartlhtf tba praunt angina mow to that purpoaa tba oot would bo aaaau bomparad with tha uaroacla library plan mud tha aooomuudatlou oouldbapro vldad within n faw waalu mr llavld olvaii of kianaalntf town- ship baa mtrtjuuati 100 uara farm from mr john doyd iwlno lot numlutr lb in tlm btli oonwaatftn of kmualnt towtthmp hala waa mad by j a wilhiujrlihy claorgo- towtt a atata ouf luta mica ato dont ina in tha houm iba and libo at trttg and oountty btoraa council discuss proposal for a carnegie library taxcluitor harvoy roturtiod a complete roll for uiovoar dustv streets get attention council int in mmuioii monday uvenlnc at altflit nolook llvo ifynda jinmldlnif counolllora mcdonald ilall and imluy wara pramttt tba inlnilh of tlia pravlau aamlon wara mud niul contlnnnd jounolllar molkuiald prmmktd tha 7th rekrtrt of tlm fclnanoa comwlllao rouam- mninllnjr tlut ttwi following aocountu ik mtllltvl ir urruio liniit liawv nt v mooro fralltthnd oartaua j ft 10 vuhioa hytiion nuljle 4 1 hydm ivihorcommlmlon zwiv w742 ttio rcouiiioimutlon wou aooaptatl and tharatort ailoitml col loo tor hurvay raurited tlia ltoil for tlia year wltlall tlia taxeu oollaclod ax citliif wlti ttmotiud ou a lot ut tlto foot of cliureh htroat tlia utuai an thla lot haa never itaan ald within tluimamory of tha oldont counolllor boma mambera urood uiat it ihj twill to pay tlia uxta hut corporation bolloltor machlnnon poihtod out that it would out mora to aalia it nud itold a ulo tliati would ba nallxad upon tha lot wlu uiu exoaptlon uu ooluotor raturnad a oomolata fully 1w roll truty a wortliy raoord i ilaava llynda kutod tlut uirtla had waited upon itlnt wuhinjf to rant tlia lot at tba power hmim forgaidenlnapurpoaaa tba council left tha matur in tlia llaevaa handa to rant it for whatavar it waa worth rafaranoa waa inada to tlia attantlou an nually given mill bttaat in tha aprlng tha dukt on tba atraat haa baootna asoaad- ingly trouuaioma naoaaaltatlnu iwtnadl- ata attantlon tha itaava itatad that ha an- liaotad to waba arrauitnt to bava tho atraat troatad and luprovad under tha oood itoada ayatam ma aald that all tha town would be raqulrad to do waa wapa ami elaan tha atraat it would than ba traaud with tarvla mo aatlmatad that aixty barrala would ba uufllcuol 11a ax- puinad tba prooaaa in tha uaa of tarvla atraata tha atraat la aorapad and awept parfaotly claan ooatad wltli tarvla whloh la an oil and tar preparation nd than apraad with vary una aand tblaformada vary qrm ooupoaltlon which waa tba equal of an afthphalt ibmt ha atatad that it had been uaad tuoowully is other towna of tha county and bo believed lb would ao prove bar one treatment in a beaton la aufbalant it leaves tba atraat immune from duet eava for any that may aoauuu- laufromeroteetreete in thla way tha reeve hopes to aeoure for tha town at tha minimum of expense an improved etrewt a complaint from j b maokanala of a olvlodraln waa dlaoojwed mr uaoksnilee tananta on atnea etreet wmra bavlag thalr oelbua flooded beoauea of waur baoiltttf up in tha turiaoa drain alonjr that atraat variou echamaa for romedylng tba trodbla wara etiggeeted and btraeb com dell was inetructod to intpwit tha drain and aea what oould ba doua lolpal omoer harvey applied for help to aaiiat la cleaning tha atraata of rubhub and eoma other immadlamy beo- eeaary woik in tha oemwury thaodialatf tba wages to ba paid tha cou noil oomuaod ahlydaouedtoln no way take jtdvaaua of tbaaoamlty of labor to low tha remun- aratioa twwity ewita aa hour wa ttipa- ud a matter of bead mpartanee to every member of tha community waa than pra- aoaud by tha reeve it waa a reoat atlon fiooi tha library board that tba council look into tha advisability of eour lag a camegla library and aaaertaln on what heau tha grant la aeoured a iuu gatiou from tha womans intlluu had tnattba ikurd and urgd tha mauar and thy bad paewhl it on to tha oouooll for eodufatioa knowudxa of tha urma of agraamant wwa vry laeomputa tba grant la fauda for tha building than tan pr eaat of tha total axpanditam la evid ently tobsepaataauulyformalauaabo a free ute has auo to ba provided- reeve uynda aald that ba undttood tha iiutlttiu vara willlog to provide tha tita at thla polm counolllor uadonald intano- gmlad if tha ladias prtvlda tha tita who afta all pays for it t why not pay for it out of tha laxaa tba raw thought ajttraauod woalj ha uaa painful by tha f0amaphu tba uaava waa ttf entbualaatlo lu iup- port of the pfoioaal tba mmbata of tha onunail ara however inollued to ba eauny tba mauer waa gtvart a thofoob diaooa ion and tba luk laatmaud to wrlta tha aaoretary of tha oanugb vamibdauon la naw vocb aad aaoarujn tha axaat tarma of the agreemanl tbacouneilloraweiaof tha opinion that lbs lax rata would ba tuf- uount for this for this year at aay rata without further expenditure following eoneldarabls deaoltoryeodvar atiou on various toploa tha council ad- jooraed at 0w tfcloflk amotflna rim cross ww to tha pajtriert of cauad by dr jaw bobertaob tha chfumau 10000 waatt w u0sp1tals our country with its alllaa la waging gtwatwarfor juauoa fo tba wouollon of amall nations in tba enjoyment of thalr rights for ooutjuuad and growing fraadou awl for tha malntanttoa of it pledged word of honor atuob daatruotiod and ua- aoutlon ara being mused uvea ara be- lug lost by tha thousand ckuadaa lift oortungent lu now in tha tblak of l homo will fall tlob i many way be wounded i aoma will pay tha but full uaamura of de votion to their country and ita oauta tho red groe eoalaty exlau to auooor tbaalokand wounded in way it need mora money to provide mora beds at boa- pltala in oraat brluln nud ifrauos i it needs mora money to pay mora had ftcee nuraaa i it naads mora money and more thlnga made by woman to atipply to clear ing hospital baaa hospital and ilacov nring lfoltls i appeal to farmers to aand ma bums of vi to wo during tha flrat week in may kvery a0 provblea ono adtlluoual hoaplul lied with tba glvera nama over it by ending ma about 010000 you would serve your country wall bring credit to your mlf ami make all of us very tutttwl of you for the ujke of tba wounded haye make it mimtttll tha kft will l an invent- inant towarl tba rawvarv at tuna cumuli mi tuimier wlio aluoil in uur utuul lltut nur tutitha mlylil im ti i j miii i faltbrully yunr frleml jam w rumkutvuh cluibmau had cross boolety at ottawa prom the trbmches letter to mm smith nom major bnllnntlno lint following iottor wau rtuwhtvd by mr v ft hmuu inxl uoau uiid tlm bu kindly liaixlod it in tlia fiai 1iimw i in fnuion mureh ihhh 1011 iwr mr hiilth t ba jit liniihl iiullreolly hint ou taut n mmtg for my company when w were ueving valoartlsr for tlia war and i tbwlre to empreas my igret tliat tlia utter never reached us before leaving for houth africa i reoeh etl a token from you in ilia form of a farnall bible whloh u atlll one of inynwet cherish ail poiiailona and i uasura you tlut a word of odmteod from you would have been hltchly appreciated on this oeoaaloti the button iihim luiva lieen a month- 1 tba trenobes already mid all ranku have acquitted themselves manfully and in u way which i know would evoke your en thusiaallo commendal ion all tha oaloont uud men witli nie join lu thanking you for your kind interest- your slrlcerely jau ualuisti major ith uatt 1st caiuullail contingent mother of school girl vtaauo compotmrj r- fetotrawj her dauftb- tera headtk t low vwn a email tuu fcny 18 yeetf old daughter bad faual weakness i apoka to three doctor aboatltandtbaydkl not help her any lydia e rjktam vegatabl com pound had bean of great benefit to us so i decided to hv bar glvo it trial clio bns taken flv bottle of tlia vege table compound ac cording to dlracuon on tha bottlo and bio la curod of tills trouble 8b waa oil run down ulten aha started taking tho compound and her periods did not coma right bha wa ao poorly and weak that i often had to help her dree herself but now aha i regular and t growing atrong and healthy mr uaityin llama tlover low ilundrajs of aucb latter wpreaalng gratltud for tha good lydia el plnk- ham vgtabla compound ha aoeotn- pluhed are constantly being revived proving tba rellahuity of tbu graad eld remedy if yod inn 111 do riot drag along abd eotiunoa tosufferuaybianduayoutbtat at onco talte lydla e- 1lnkham ve- table cotnpouad a womans ramady tog woman us if yea want spatial adtue wwiu to lvjla amavham medial co 6at datlal fyuastass venruiurwul ba apea raa4 and answered by wouau ad bald la ttrkt comh thn furniuru lira lumy wlih mmhuii ojwnitlniif mr anil mr thirdimr left on tuouuy for thalr now imiti in llolion uhcro they liitvn piikilmmxl u tnulnnuh mim l allen of acuniuiithutuluy tit mr d ablltv tlio vniing ieoplea mmtlliitf bul thurv- day nvcnliig in knox clairoh wan well rttamled it mah tho evening ylven to devotional work lmieru woi itnul on tlio hlrtli life death mid hurlxl of www lv mlu mnui wiuldoll miut mitchell itot mr waddoll und confirt itoeel tltu week inlmtloiinry work will he prtmuintcd mru c thointwoii inui returned itoino iter upending some time with her duugh law robt noblcrltd flollr and feed the aecdiiigioaboii is nlmoat here and we are ready with n full 1 1 no beads or red clover alslbe mamouth alfalfa timothy mangle sugar lleet turnips vegetable and plower seedi all government tasted seeds j l warren baanaohh millinery our spring and summer millinery u now balug exhibited lu hatdomo range of aiuwt designs all lb da- btandd modal and material are en- hauoad in our dknlsy which a luual u characterised by laiufnloau and good style miss u coorrjt iwt wuli aou cranitewaie tlnwade 8 ay attvaovtvm mloktf i sjstauffer willmipnyai good it th id- i lowliiy hrlcci j uu wuh tub wllb whdiw tuliu111 tk mud 4tjm- wub ltllr7iilt u arull walr liu ml n1 lite arulu iujjiok olahu iv ur o colon 19c guh s tu llc tin wsur vtiu qt far olvil tv tarssc duh pun ii cil or oiuollo iuiu vom i xs sc- irjulto uu or milk imiun uf ttbov oualm uop ao dl trlxii floor poluhar no oil vntbox jiutl biut dolh wlc turbo hindi vuuuu uiuur repairing promptly doae btovu nmovjl ripe clouted and put up lamrel tswjmrikotialrwl had s j staufftu haauntiriadrjridaahiiwmhui spring millinery opening hiatal mumuay ilas opened her tiprtug millinery display in tba rooms recently occupied by lluae hawthorne morion neat to hytuhv jewellery titore mill btraet acton a flan sntortruant of the iotat crea tions of ii winery will ba displayed eggs for hatching we ara now booking order for egg lor hatching from 3 rood p tb following tborougbbrcd stock 1 m c hbod laleuad nada uaoam- plttaa vtirtle rallied ituuanhttn ua4 rjiwll kuttu from each ut ihu above dtmmi ptr inning a fuw irhw nf kumtur puuks ur uulu ut 190 pttr irln atatittf svaar jrmtajkjr wall papers our stock of new papers is ready for your inspection the patterns colors and prices will please you a largo assortment to cjioose from you may return remnants or add to your order without expense or delay ao occurs when you send out of town examin ation invited t browns drug store taxo new housefurnishings spring dayt bring liouiiuclcaning and liouucclcnniup rvvonlu the need of iiomo new fumitihingi for the home wa are prepared to supply your wants witli a splendid range of new linoleums 2 3 and 4 yards wide new oilcloth 44 54 64 84 new squares tapestry and union at old prices new curtain materials hiu and leru bungalow nctto voileh and etamincti colored scrimn and muhlins curtain poles tables coveks see these goods extension rods portiers rugs mattings our prices are right henderson co mill si acton onl nnnnnnn housbgleaning time we are pushing paint the paintinc season is at hand ana we are ready to take care of your requirements with sherwihwiluaus paint prepared it is the best and most economical paint you can buy for your property come in and look at color cards and have a paint talk with us brighten- up paints aulgiiadkb uk8tonth1s market will cover futtliur and wor long er tlmn any oilier mulie auahahtinli all liniloa lisc and jtoc package uuiuiclo all iliadea 4sc per imckog 3 lb coo gravity hku our window dlarlav connorballbaarlug viaiu uihhir on kltuut thiu whk buolljm uactlajt eitmi hoadquartors carpet sweepers vacuum cleaners ant for tlie celebreled ournpvoxioiid oil btoviss rurpbctiok oil stoves a uuroeni lih llurtimlll 4 nunmrulk oviihb to uatcii isiul jambs svmon hardware aetna cut mill si uniinopn for youawnderiul book farm drainaoefbee wf oe yod know yod ean take aa much trj olf 1m acre propshy drained aa yod tan off w aeraj hot drtdrud and eava half th labor t usalut tl vjo htiw tul i- hiuivulji w xur ufltuf u miunit awiatta l i i iw ouajtuty wh iwimww tk uijlty bt u rel wttftkuhtvatuewl wu tdjy trj t kv iwyu ykw 1 sifctijlii wiillzlt hj kruw rlsrtf tjiilri l wtiutitulu u yiatr u l domlnloa sewci lpip co yitfrrl sikaj bsnj iffil the newest style hats a flio tie watt style ihau are bare hard aud tuft bats tho very 3 latest down to dau lic to b new arrow brand colored bhlrtscpeaod to day also tlia new radnor collar arrow tlrouil neckwear vou should buy your nbckwear here exclusive stylus at hlc r e nbiisojst prosperity talks to advertisers owllol auuuriua auwui bomlol vom ua hww tuna wu ambition every man aims to he his own master no surer way to get the capital together than by starting a small savings account in this dank georgetown branch w n wkay uaaalr have you heard of anybody who could- nt tret what they wanted if they have tried and not found the imported article asked for they have promptly taken something else ii youve got imported articles and can get more tell about litem by advertising lots of people want them others don t care but thats just a matter ot opin ion you wont find perfume users or silk wearers or users ol imported cosmetics brushes medicines tooth pastes hats millinery raincoats suitings chinaware dress goods olive oils or condiments going without any one of these because they cannot find their favorite brand not much if they cant ret what they want they will take what they can get thats nearest to it just trim your lamps and keep them burning have the best thats to he got and tell people about it advertise i advertise i advertise i f d carruthcrs bank of hamilton ch stevens aoa m cur mill mtta walmurooa aotoh ontauko atents mariohtrulllok 2tumsutesburiihsthatul m hiott ittl abbrrli eflttstnk hatching inr halaliltip frobi wiliru tblitmi nam lialntiltiif i ii nl lvu utrxi 7an mltliid ehos fokhat0hin6 till iiinurlflhhl i itranar in iiiilv for llalcttlms row rour ttrw uvintf mtalm ii o willi mown tut huh iuliniriih and i lyiikuilli lloel vlttmn mis 1fi two u iihunsi mi r oko witdh ii i hun nil aotou ou no tick til crkditoiis itf thm kcatuf or th tretat of wil liam hobble lata or the township or h4ualnaflnth county of lil ton farmaf defoeaaad notigic l lily divan nuramnt a hutuu ctrtf li h holuil ltilll er1llo- b i otlism liavlu eluiiut atttmut ilia uikia mi miaral i will until omle who dial oil or mm ilia1i7illaynt marti 1011 ara vfiilrl on m tlio wii day nl umv llam uiii hy w i it 1 rohonto onthnio la lrlhiy rlht ttlu nona baltaa in caruadau rtlr imw an i nl a hhi uuialitaartfall catejoatt lra a j mori mi mi ct- ilinr fir uiu- aim vob- 141m of ilia mid ii bill lunui llliill lard 4rhl uriinuv- vliunr ao il liluiln iii ualuim 1 1 ilia lmurllltil if uuy bald by llntii autlf miliar tab uoiiim ilft altar unb tut maiitlaiiatl rlam tlia nrl ailwliiukalrls will i0o o dllribuu lh uala or 111 tloteaaaad mootfllia ttllm autliud lliarain iiavltifl ra- tur ijiiiv tollnnnuluiaol wlilfi alia iliallliiwi lava itnlloa and ttial iba mid ailmlmatralaia u llabl for iha um aaas or auy bars ban or umia i ll lti i ilia lltu ol sueii dlaivlbhilor a j macklnrfom holltil or will 4hu uabbls ilia ailulouiraulkf dallllna mil darof uay 10 u us n notice to crimlltorh ih tha matiaa or tha ttartata ot jsmm maomi lata of tha yowuablp to ktirabtoaa la the county of well- iliiartom sartaat daoeaasd of icbutiylri iwrutbt to buiute a- cliaiiurlsi u- o u ifilllliatall eradltara auaoiliartfliawfnasuliijei wrajtiti tua hltu or tliauu jdiu uuo who dlad on or abaet ibe cb1davar fabrnary lois af fnulrd on erf b firatua bub day of atirll 101 fa ad by tum txrpau ar dilvr to a j wsablanoa ol ilia viliaaa nf amam aolbltrir ro jiuh uoaraam arnlialrl uaott lb a anaattlim iba la l will am taiamtot at tba aald i dlbalrabruhmaimlmuituiaiarf add sad aaamiptlah willi fall mtuulatt of ibiv eijtu luuuai nf tlialr amouuia an iba ualum of iba miiu if any bald by thai aul fnmbar ulta aolua tbat all a nab iohilanddaltbss4ij uaettiona will loiluuillmla iba ium of tba daoas tauimituaattuiladlhanatrt bavlua ia hallrawud llial tbaaatn nnw b lui u tnr lb mi tuu or auv tah ihanof in auy waaii or umaua uf wlftm alaltnt bolua ball not bat bn mmiwohi by ibaoi 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cbecrffully oivea for any class of work desired iromptcaniplatloo of work my ipclnlty leave ordsra at ncsld- snee church btraat uoaird a worded d luuuoihaianuuurjanuuaaii new wonder land theatre the daw will bannouaced later for the 93 erileod of the ullllon dollar myalery vnloav hiohv- tli faiutia novel and auccaaa- oi till pla he way monly trie to jund on liom play la atnugluk lea to upend c million to earn aeven hillllonu admission i 10 eta aj oct i r l gregory j j irvoiurlelcu i ihhhilllhdrjindaoaatinrjrjiialhhhiial a bride a groom a man wifb a black vandyke what ball it all about see runaway june afeiiihhhiidunnnnnadaaonhmaihmat i b ec a usb i tl the other fellow didnt i make a success of repair- ing your watch or clock 1 dont think it cannot be done let h us have a look at it wo u know how ih i poster u th wntoh upaalallac m ottoroutuwh out ihammhhddddqdadaaaddallwbnia

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