Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a laklou auwoi1tmbnt phioub klwabomakhlh give us ni coll marniaoib llobnaithi isuubsd geo hynds jwllrv mild vsbay clooda aotom ontamio real estate faitua tor muii lu unit on apeel and tvtiulumou ioo ranu lor hale rivtiry alj if yau vreittt m lauriu writ fur rutnlooae or ii you wub lu mill or exchakitfe write we wo bttve vry facility for truuturtluk buulueuu twyour complete auturactlutt corrctt- tmmdnurn allclttl j 1 ivlllvoiciibv lurm hrjiitiu htmrlallut ileortretdwu sl juton 3fr rss t1iu11hi1av a run 1011 brief local items lied croua concert to nht april idiowara itavs boon r titer in frequent hdrlng plowing ugoiieralandfcetding lata eonimenoed tlia majd ayrup beaaau u over the inula are coming out ilaraly luwe tha road drud up ao uusliy a thlfcplug the corporation itraet cleaning will it don in a aw ilaye now th duet ott tli atrt va unusually had ot ifonday during tha high wind jel into tle mrooauloti cuan up your laolt yard and your front bouuvard ittprovemanla to borne and bom burteundirig r now in prot4fl about town in thre week it he oot the gota- marou hotel at iuhmii i00 for tilling liquor without a licana j oadealy the wll known aya alght fimulut toronto wll lb in aetata on ilonday 04b llay at u fuxttm the uathodu chureb ami bunday behoof oakvlll will u improved tine urn mot- at a wt of 110000 or si 006a a ulok partition la being put in uv hammant of tha oovmbiut uululug to ptovld a flllnflf room for tha pwt 06u mr itaao hannalt of krlu ha told hi farm to mr john floyd of hornby mr rannelt will pnalbly mov to aeton th udtna intirtudlxurruply- have beau grouped with oaorgetown uramplon amoa ifouul iwnnl and waon oakvluvefralgbt alted caught flr on tueadey of ut weak but the prompt action of tha ira lgiula booa htlnbuuhad tba flam tha halfmlla track at tin puk la a favorlta plica for tlta mikmroua rww auto drivara to try out thalr can and ffalii tha bmwuary aawunoa wlilob lrlajp oon tldanoa tba uaw giraval road from tk tlilnl to fifth una hadly ruttad iwiflft wo- potad lmphwrtdu th applloatjoa of tha plttlotf dim fat a day or two would ljfty hatp it dc nixon raoalvad a painful utakiuff up on slariday wtu bia iaouw car oollldod wltbadallvmy rijroaklatfbtxatdaors town tfa doctor was thrown out and hi oar oodidarauy tuuagad tlia kaav chukb lamwll uaw of lualpb tthabiplooa of 1013u wouu ilka to airaaa for a gawa ultb an acton taabi ou th ttitb of uay wrlta u a btapu- ton 24 qua bt tlulji ur ii o king uta of luudiuon acvaohlsa who rauroad to icdgtand in jaauairy baavoovd a oomtaliod in tba vlfth northutbboruiul vuullara ooaituoaly known u tta vialuog viftb vrwariok w uayor vorooto eya- abt bpaeull will la at lutaaida drug alora for un uya uobday nait april duitalfayau luldg hla apwui syuw of ey utlaf chlklrada ayaaaipaoultv kvary iuorulttj afuruoou asd avaaliirf or tbauadaa llalton 1auiouc vuad baa bai pay taad48bumtbtowh aud eblklraa of volunuataarwi hirvuta but tba county ooubdl bu daoldad to oat down tba bt to aob wottn frtnj juba la till furthar otdara by tt uoath no okaa will b taiada in tba auooat allow for auh child knox guild social bvahutf on of the tflofct euoovikful and anjoyatda aooul valafja that kiion young ptmtpua lulld bav itald during tha aaamm waa thatbf uoaday evading n th doiiooi rdou of thai chureb lba avanlna pwiftmibua ootulatad of aoloa and inatruntaiital aalao- tiona by uua kllul naar uaatar jitamu itoaa and vlotrou adurialniiuat by mr jtto oola mua iwtial audarmu wad an inurtatlagandtaaritorlouiemaywrlttanby bavaalf taking as a buhjaeb from burn thatpopuur quoutloa i o would wmus pawrtbglftlhaua to im ounauioi ti tbar km ua voltowlug the prograairi wan m gmrgrapby uateb tba ooupla amurlag tha beat rooord in tbla wutaat ww krahtad wltb tuut of bon boaa auouutr atu of tba avanlng wa a aawaa of eroblnola fcauaa a priu balng awatdad ui on playing tba urgaat nuubar of sua- eaaiul gataaa over fifty enteiwl into tha eonuat mlaa myrthi uook wu tha auo- otoafdl ootatanl ur krnb urr aptly fulfilled tha ooaroua dutloa ol pnaldlng offioer lunoh uaa aarved ikafow tha ooupany duperaatl ur itouh kanr of erin towtiahlp bafepurahaasd a so aore farta in ef in vown ahlp balonglng to ur laaao u bannalt- halwaahudbyj a willougbby flwrg town 100 b 100 tha wadara of thla paptr will ba it to bum that there la ut leait ono ilroailtml dlaaaaa that aolaooa baa iimh ndla to euro in all ita ftutgaa awl that la cubirrh xfair uatarrb cura hi tba only poaltlv oum now inown ly th inadlcal irotarulty catarrh being a oonhtltulloruil duaaaa ulr ooiiatltutonal uoatnianl llalla cuurrh vara la uikan intemally aetlng dlraotly upon tba blooil nnd uiuttoua anr- faoaa of tba ayhtaot tbaraby daalroyintf ch foundation nf ute dluaua and living tha iwtlfltit ktronjfui by building up tha eonkiltuilon und hwlxrlng nutufu in dnlncf news of local import won honors ns an orator lli a uoyd rmltli ma win of uni a k kniltli 11 1 fonnorly of alton won tm flrut prui in tlw orutrloil contokt ul vlntorlit unlitrullj tormil luul uwli a tine oaroer h lioforo thin ul1 yoiiiiu mln ihur liavo returned to ontario mr and mra itr hlka a clnirclilll who rttmivl to kvesluuo hank tha ilrwt of th month liava roturiiiwl to ontario owing to th urlouu flltieau of mrw uiu they will iuiid tho uummr at mcufard wimm mr llllua falhar llveu county jail well fatronlzod floxernar mojiiiimiii rojiortuilmtcoiiimlt alx to hallon count jail huvo itoon mora niihwrauh during the mrmnt jill your thun ever lwfor tho your lgan on octoltar lit and tho nutrtlmr up to lust wiu uuu ui7 tho groat majority liava boon mg raittu hut llmro huvo ihwhi moro wjnteiioon for oajanooa than lumil ready ror ordination as minister j iuimumi hrown ii a ti uuaod lilx llnul omftinlimiionu in theology at victoria collro toronto and orduliud nt tlto coming kouioh of allierui cauforanoe of which ho u u memur ho lavaafor tha wt in a waok or ua tha fcfct wuhm for ucooj4 will go with mm from ilia itiuny frlanda in tlio old bnmo rotlrament of hov dr blair itav archibald llbtlr i who for twnyhtlght years baa uaantlia in uclilovatl win i tar of tha vrafcbyurian churc of naafckwaya ban retire itav f c wllaon n a of acton prwicld nt sodom and cautplmllvllht on kunday and drturd tla wijt xacatit llav iu hlalr praachad a lib barmona in knox church acton garnegl library proposod a dalagatlan from tli woouina fimtl tut mat tha vraa library boar last vrlilay altartioon compoaad of mra lao havlu mr ilallaiul mra w mini and uggtl that further acoommodatfon and fdcilltlm ba iirovldotl ttiay rsfeirvd to tba puoa which had aaourad granu from carnla for this mrpoo tha board raoalvad tlw propol and dacldad to iaa it on to tha council ror ooiujdaratlon youthful patriotic aaabtaum ior noma lima aavaral of thaglrlaof miu llaiinatta puhllo aohool clihi m hava in mwingbloclaforqullta u l donatul to tl imgun italuf vuimi tloulmlnatlon of ulranduv waa rallul ufct thura day aftarnoon wiih tlta ladua of tho town mat in tha methodltt kchooi roocd and did th quilting thladimwrurtl wltli lunh by tha u a aobool liroo urga ami oomforuhla quilu wa tha rult wblflli tlta efifkrta tltw patrlotio young damaata and thalr matronly akjaunta aooompluhad epvorta league has good year tha annual ravlaw of tka ybaraactlvitlaa and aocompllihuanta of tba kpworth laagua waa gfvn on toway availing tlu rsporta of tba variona vloa pldni war anoouraglng thawing gootl rulu tar tbayra work wit lb tu faguaha softvcd aavaraly frotai rnovau a urg nombor of naw mamrtra have baan enroll jl tba trafturr report abowad uta nanca to ba in good condition the laagua had oootrihutod libaially to tba work of tha church and improvamant at tba churoh property ami yat wara ahla to aliow a suluntla balano uan sug gaationa wsra toad aa to iiomlbilltiaa in tba future forlmprovad work ubwionary oontributioaa wara bratlfyingly libaral aetoni horns guard wbao will tha horn lurd rasuma drilling v thu i tha interrogation fraquantly baud th daya owing to inadaquau quarw for u wlnurdrilllhg diwontued in but fall o that tho open prlng wraathar luui arrival it la slnoaraly bopad aiul avpaotad that tli organlutlon wlllroauuta activltua during tba uaaba ut fall tha company undar tha atflolant drilling of opt haardmora raoalvod much itutruotlon in tha rudiment of military drill ami ought to ba in a position u 1 vanoa quickly wltli naw work it lawely naoaawry attlia praaant tlma that all tha military knourulga pouuhl may b nh- taloadlacamat any tima bom dafanoj ba neoteury personal and travel notes soulnl ntid iorsontil homo of inter est to froo prosb tloodom oleaned during the week mr mid mm a t llfowmlullml friondx liujilfllph thlu wool mlsn mnrgurot hrown hou iititiild from til rem i o fnr u ulmrt liino mr anlhuny htophenuon iiinllniinu very iii mid in now cnnllnad u ikmi mm tornuioo ildnrdmoni and ohlldreti rctnrncml from tnmnto nu tuouluy lluv c i hrumir wimtlio guowt of llo i w ilurtior in tnolphinn t now i ay mi arthur lrmur if thoonuvillehtar uuu u uilcnwo giieul of tho kill i ijiuix iiint fridu m mr 1 llaiidanniu m i ruturneil homo fromotluwii nn rndnj ho hoiit tuea dn ultl irlcmu lu milton 1 mm lt t inliiin motortxl up fiom toronto on mondu ulth mr mid mr l i monro in tlitir nuw moljuiuliliii ur mn jon ni o h nl tii toronto uho ims iiaaii vry ill muro riiiiiiixlnu totnruuto lu now imiling ftiioil jiiuicru x tonnt rooov ory mr n i moom tu in tuclphontueu day to mm tlio murtli ntt of tho huh und ilillt rglinnutji of tho liuylo corp of thn iuttcr of which hit noii in u momljor mim mngifio mat thou of torantn vimuj with hor a mm wuiuim llraun whu iiuh itocn vory ill over hun hiy mrs hrown la iiinklng cmtufactory loiea tottnrd roootory now mr und mrs kjirultn mooro of tho kcntch block aiinumico thaeugagomiint of thelrdnighicr flornco 1 to mr llunlgo rott ton of mr und mru clias lluttu at lowvlllo thaninrriauo to takn pwa curly in may summelfspoftt reorganized lawn bowie ra tnnu playor and bauball enthuslaiu elect otilcera hvccmvul seaioh hoped p0r aoton iawu lioulera aiul tbom lntert ail in tha howling graoit mt intlva council cliamlier tunula opening to aloct oillceni and rilfccuui plana far tlio ansulug aaawm he lata tho retiring iranldent wau in the clittir ulllooru were ololtail for tho year an fol loug i hon pnmiilantw a htoroy prohunt john cola ut vloelrh joint mcciuro 2nd vioo proa john wood h trxan k j itanaurd ireii commiitco w mckahli 1 c uuuslland v c itavcroll vnrlriiiu mutinua wcra lunuaut iroviding for o caretaker mil utlrntlun to lio glvvn ilia groan it was urumimouoly ilocldad to rtaln memhirfchip in iho central bowling asoc at ion whlob this yar hold tltolr tourne mnl at att tlia 1raulont vloa irdeiit and htc rtary uoro appointed a commilta to ulit the skips fur earli gatno feoaurotn remain the waa oj laat yur dio cluh u hoping far a record maintkonihlp of 1oth ttiieriencctl luiwlera crewsohs corners on huiidny moiwrn niilmm mid arm strong tun chtonmod hivnwm of luclph gmookctdlijitt udliwtt hem on niulmi work a lilwrnl ouiilrihiillou wuu muolvixl from iho oongrtgutioii mr win iltahiuii whrrhnh lmoii mmdccwi ful lu puking bin flkumlniitlnnii ut knmc collfgo ratiiiiud to toronto on mornk ultoru klt to hiu imuintu her uud will iflava nhnrtly fur iviuo ttiver where ittv will hnvu churgo of u mlimloii llnld mr und mrx itny wunuhmiigh hiolith vlltod frlcudu hero thla uoek mr mid mru j j crawaon mr uud mm y k kuiiiimly nnil mru j marriott lunlpli motored out on knniluj und njicnt tho day with mru m crouunii all tha hiukt loiifftioncrj nt iurlnr ulntien lllihuoun mil iimin- i en j rod in charlie kino on monday apilll ifjlll oprnci iii tlia artlturu lllocli an ui to date nciv laundry vnur iiitniiuhu lu rckiilctfnlly golflttod all ordoru promptly fllloil r will ciiakui ham thici charlie kino auiuks blook aatahoitt nd n obituary uiu uauaaskv cutuo a cholo spirit bide adlau to tb tblnga of lifawbaa uluafgajicamrottpaamd away at valrvuw maoa tha ux of mra c umitli oil saturday avaolng for nly thr yaora ul camaron baa nakl- ed wltli ur flmlth who wltli charaotaria- u boapiullly out of ragurd lor bar ami bar brother th lata rav i ii cameron former paator of kivow cburoh invitad her o her homo sltao bh wu no longar ahla to conduct liar own lioua fllooa but october uuh cauutroa liaa baan ooaflned to liar had and aba waa lovingly mlnltlarod to by mra smith wboaa atuutlon waa great ly appreciated other membara of kook church waro alao vary kind ami attentive mr filiulon tlio nur waa tnewt faltldul inbernaraof tlia atriekaii invalid ami by liar bludaodavllfulattaittioaabroughbtnuch comfort mm caiuaroti waa a native of aort william invemewihlr uootuml ami wan in hor botb year flho wu u cultured chrutlait woman of mrong npinlona and withal vry lovable she eauej to canada wltb bar brother tba uu iuv u a oawero who ah loved ami edulrad with a uoat ardaatly alaurly ragaid about wty yaaya ago hhe pw- alded over bu taanaa at ilradford with exemplary gram and ability vorty yaara ago aasft weak in april iha lv ur cameron wa imluoud putor of knox church acton utaa catneron eamebaraaa mlatreaa of tin buum and waa much beloved upon ida retirement tha went to reida at morruton but when he died in february iu00 aha returned to anton htte then reahlad for a year wltli mr bmlth prior to taking lir own liouaa tha funeral waa held on monday afternoon and waa conducted by rev j a wluon b a iter paator auletoj by rav ft howard tlie lull liearere were all okl friends of tba deoaumd ueaara a t m jalm cameron john it- kennedy joln harvey i vler melaaao and john keuney chairman hoard of education- liu tribute tha memory of uiedaoeuwu were t wreath k0 church beaton i and umiy mm dr and mra ault kuok ijullea aid mm lonld ami mr o a rmltli mr joliu boyd of kwplng tnwn local tctini liitliuhiaklh nuit in tlut council chamlwr last tliurlay euonlng roorganiuitloii and lo- dlacuui plane mlntke u tlia kcasquh uctmtlna it ua ilcidd to put tlio court n in tha park in hret claim condition ami tha memlianliip coram it loo in ocluoh ontragl in aankihg rocrulla fur tho club tho follow inf oilioirn wcro eloctiul or tho year ivublautk t mctluiro vloa iraa miwn lturatlray haetreat miwi jean itenwiok liraancomtnitloo a v allan mrs w laird miim adah clurko percy ilowahh hoclal committee mm tiro uavll ml u luunoit mlmi hartu hpelgbt a t hrown mediwruhip con mltte miu mua moom miu knu 1oaruon and k j llai urd c c speight for tjptodate goods silvrutr in twblwvarw ftriw vairlty alao rlna cutlry hardwaur ttnwar atrid gram ttawwrw in vtarlattv pandora stova and hang famoui htara small stovaja oil stovae the annual re organisation moating of uwi local huwlwll club waa liold in the council diamlwr ut thursday evening a urge nutnler of local fane attandod varioui matter wera brought before tli mooting with tlio intention of making thla yaara harlaa of gamea tha moat interesting for year tho following omoora ooiutl- tuta tha exeoutlvo oommita fortbeaaamii i hon ivaa david heodenon m p prwdant jna clarke fir vhwprea w a htoray rectroas ham edmouda managar 11 h ilolmea captain mao uralth commlttae m rojier c leialiman mao bmlth 11 darr v william- the seoratary waa lnuuoted to negoti ate with tlio trustooa of the cliuroh league organlxoil n oonple of year ago to aeoure tlie nurplua furula of that organis ation to luiprovo umi diamond in tlio park it a hoped out a league liatwaen milton ghmwilllama georgetown und aoton may ike auooasaf ally urrungod for strong prograunta for couoert tlie nod crow litrlotlo conoert to l lield tbla evening in tha town lull hu a gulaxy of talent the programme will be ghen by tlie following aplendld talent mr a o t huardmora oddrcgii blinmcllfrn hiwplul miwt nlven london aolo i miwi ptiarl llakor aoloat mr w w itoardmorti violin saleotlonat ulu laurettii gray piano aalaotlonai mlu tji1isit williams piano aeleottoiib i mr cook burn luirltone aoloai meura gowdy and adams duett i mr d t moguire tenor koiohi mm a t drown reading t willie romi rooltuh dunning i mr cookhiirn mid mhu raid ulo end tableuu theuo nro all giving of their talent freely lutiui uu loyal nitiuiua tio oijiully patrlotlo in patronlstlng tliew i oonoert is being ctlvou under the auuilooa of acton i tod ciom hoolety get thoutorangohieolalatltuitaeuii eonatltniloiihiiduwlmtlng nntuni in tlnlng -i- luwevk tlie praialetou h m murb wiliaj 1wi irniw rarw frwu ur hitl in it- uuratltu powara that they rhv i m itanm u lulng lot no a in urn ouu hmiilreil doll ir for uwy oawi uwi il mb uud itfliiofcloi of krln towmblii kiutotiini hod fur iut ol lfflliiiiuliil u uh i k aiblrea v j chknky cii tilwlo m y a willoughhy o l iimirgutou n hold by all drukglau 1t take iimiim family pill or oonfctlpn get nallmmtit parlor loo creuw nt itummuu what mdther5i i need under pains and acftts then ate not tickbut weak nervous irritable such women need that blood treuath that eomda by taklna scotts emulsion it mian uengtheoa tha nerve aide tho ap petite and chaclta tha decline if tulu w itaaljuytrw aawtfy ew looji rm doiim scottj emulsion um muj ar npu sittw bunnmnu every article is of excep tional value c c speight mill slrl acton olkai1ino auction sale fauai stock imple ments etc onderhignud liimhouii inutntctuil to will by public miction for i m bunhurt ut liu furm lot i sth hue hritt on wamnkoday apnirc aama ut one oclock ulmrp the following t iiokslck llay mure lu youra bay hnrae syoum by ifollowny bay mare in foul to ftlmaorv iny maro 3 yeura by hnllowny bhick liorue by 1 folio way grny homo tlirao year by napoleon buy gelding 9 yearn by hnllowny buy gelding 1 yuar by klmoore cattlk gruy cow 4 ycum froflb rod heifer frculi himtted holfor fruttli grny cow 3 yearn due time of kale gray cow yenm due tlmo of ualo i itoar a yvnrsold 1 huifcr 3 yourn old i yoar- llnt holler 4 luetini aliout 1 year old 1 licfrcr culvcu 1 hhorthorit hull ill ninntlihold f pioh j vork miwi 1 wllii pig plftk a monthuold poultrv alwiut 50 licnu 3 white leghorn rooatur implumhnth-leterllumutoitblnd- ir 7 font tut with truck p a w nituar i fool cut deurlng 10 foot rako doiring n iliac drill cllmiix cultivator ptur hamilton cultlvrttor kmnpinniiure nprvudur act of p st w 1 arrow 13 f 3 ricnry plown no 31 crown gang rlow cock nil nt 1 furrow riding plow land roller a wngoini 3 in tiro wagon box with teat auil helving avotrlalgliu hay and stock ratk 1 imj iiilltduniocrat top imggv open buggv cutter buggy imiu htonu boat u iiloi barrow pig crutu cliutliani mill with bjirgcr ut of aooo 11m ucaleu piilper llnt of the above implomimth are new or nearly now sling rofkjn grain luig a oat t to 111 harnctii tollaru ml iilou- liaroemt nld liarneu ut alngl liarneiui eittetialon ladder sugar kettlei grind atone rolien blanket wiifnetri neckyokei crow bar forkn shovulu hocu chulug mulott cream tupurutor milk can and pal churn huttci winker 9 vinegar liarreu 1 coal oil liarrul logul oil bottle s gal can blailihmitliu i 3 croakcut ums about h or 10 loni of good hay aao huahulu of tiiitu sobuuheld of barley 100 buuhola of mlxud grain a quantity of buckwheat 100 bag of potatoes if not told thumb 910 and under cash over that amount o niotitlm credit on fur nl ill ing approved iwturlty plva per cent per nn num off for uh hay grain fowl and potatoes coali no rmrve an llw unn u mild and everything must go ut3h pktqh vv wuon clerk jluouonaai the biggest and best selections in mens and boys clothing our now nimcfoiia dupartmont for mwn and hove clothlrg in tun most nimrnly eqiiipod and uptn date mmin ktore in wtiatem ontario a ptrwninl vltlt will rovwul to you tho newcnl funtiirtu tlmt inventive gctilun linn lyooti ohio lo duvlae one upoilul feature wu mutitlon all uult and coata olllior nionunr luiy hanging in a ihmt pioof nud creaiwi prnvoutliig iirrangummit iiiglipriiul or low priced lire in our wide and compruhonslva ueloctlonu all prlceu aro rrpruuontud uud nt uvory priiu lu offuitd the jo bent obtalnanta value in quality und ktyle fi kvory rock we hurl at a good man lu torn from tho foundation of our own ruputa tlon s0ciet brand clothes 0 and up kitporlor in fabrlcu and workmuimlilp uiiil uuhr nmurt in ntyle clotlieu of excuclve din tlnctlou dignity and duul tho iiiout udvuuced of araoricuu modclu triaile in canada forcunndlatiu- 0uh popular ikices j850 and up our lower nriloiluliitii porjicin jmt un much tu und quality in proportion to prliu un do our liigberprkcil linmi tlioy uru dliiliiicd on tli ioiuil umnrt llucn und porfcctly tuilorod in korvlconblo inutoilulu mana pumlahlntfa artel uoya clothing iuoiir aiuhii htote in btyleatifl price wldetnrllt olilic d e macdonald bros llmlltj ouelphs leading and largest store cor wynjhan nd uaejohcll slrcelt guelfh onl no more dyspepsia for us there unt a number of u14 foully had euffer from indlgeatioii alck beadachaa blllouaneu farmantod stomach ate if ba or ah will take cham bar lain a btomachand liver tableta tbey ctana th tomach and bowel and atimulat tlia livar to haal thy activity and ton up the whole iyum take one at night am youre qiohtld th morning uuhlljh- rllil ujuur- ti b chamberlains tablets actons electric choppinq milil day opeh every day the favorite farmerv chopping mill in now open every no lon waithor dinappointmenta chopping and rollinp both aatinfactorily done b f- cald1stelu acton 0nt proprietor closing up the gaps the telephone is fast closing up tho gage belwoonfttitiihouscsmaklngfanrtcmnoighbow in ea real a scnao cm nro townsfolk and it is not alone in this increase of ueigb borilnohstlilttliotoiophorio proves a boon to the farmer in theevorydoy business of fawrfng it is a priceless aid in the single item of enabling tho fannor to keep in tenth the markets hi soiling his produce tho telephone has often saved ten times its cost in emergencies tho use of the telephone bus bawd uvea chocked tires summoned timely help and effected such economies of time and labor at critical moments as to make it lnvaluablo bave you a teuphtmet it eta pm ma worth to you as it has done to oibats ctxunli our local mature now b 1 yphon u m lent tutbuu mrfiw the bell telephone co buy the modern way direct from page freight paid you want the best fence at the lowest price the biggest real value for your money thkm why o to tho dealer ho daiunt make fence he only miii it you pay him a profit but be cant add a cant to the worth of your fauce it only odds to itu coat why help lo pay the kalmntanacer u f jjoo udarj he doeunt mnko the fuuea ilo merely bowcu if help to pay the orsanlxer ujoo year ho doeant make leuce ho moral sails it to tho oalar he eu a fine llvlntf by rulalnir the iuiculbutkottheoualltviof your fence of tjl the money you pay the dalr for the fenco gova to thai a ainifle day to the life bf your fence tlut they can and do 1 tha orgauiior who tella to the dealir who finally mili to you you pay him wall so three men yet tba three logethtr caut add add tunny cenfu par rod to ita price m4y ui tlia wa lb foari who pu uu ii all flj qualitv bj vallkl vu nv far rlj uiw m4 mail pi e-4te- yott tuj iw tba i i at turn qijaiitv toj illrlbtiuu price list heavy vencl j l m i 1 4 j ill t i ie 4t utj 4 a i r il 4 mi a 4 1 i 4 a 4 it e m auaiie ju s tfa msksvu s l ail ktx ha v oaucat liwouvvlm khtcial vtucs mkriautb lft gat iirtcau ltfi04ta iti0m umutla 3iuwbiaua aaaictrf faict e o auu oa wuv utaut ilia tallawlf wuv y liou thla lo imw nat tiau j tqd wi1v ktm tba o im hmj kill lo ud yulah llu owmt uii r wilw wllu cb ali4iu uuity m bduk dull to lb hum latu inuwqii uiut liim llnra a llu uiwiiur mica vi luiinj eio wia page wire fence co ltd usfl klimt ul w yohohyo cfaumb be walkawlu t page fences wear best w hd plkwl and put ou hi flrvt fltf loaf tha ukn u clothing bullae won born the firm iiunu vuit wau u fig uaf irobably aibini wowt uttlanatl with the flnt laaf and tbouuht hed try aiither my and bye hofouud 0110 leaf that wulted him cut material fit nud gualitv adam waa ahrewd he lookbd around and nnw air if you are notaattified wltb the tiulu and overcoats you have been wearing suppoaa you look around jpf0 you look hr our cuitomer are always utliflwl we make them u by rivihu them tlieboat clothlna to bo bud anywhere for the tuonoy if you nev hail ono of our ault fallow adam cuampl and loot around come herthata what wo are driving at if you come hre oace youll come again btyllli htllabw clothing at moderate pricea et george wallace guelph a 4 kcton 1 jj xliiii jl and bus likj havlne purchaaed the livery llualneaaa and goodwill of the eaute of tha lata jfaka wiiuami i rmpeeliullyaohcit tha natron- age of the public comfortable rig will always be supplied at reasonable charge for tha present mv 0r mall who ha bad tba manage- meat of tba atablee tha past yr will continue in charge he will alwayeba found courteoau and obliging uaj hhktval all vnalhm ambtose mccann mui st actotl out c k coopbt acton cement c0ntract0k for bridges silos watlc8 floors walls etc aibo agent for de laval silos separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale low fares to western canada good oolag tovery tuesday from murcb to october twohohthahartumnlifellt 125000 prbb h0hbs 5 iffhat iha canadian 3 hohtmmh1h 3 railway h vtw hura in it 5 fun in m t-erlu- jj 14111 h l lr in j okmuhal paejnblnrjatr dkt q e ktajr mt b toronto m aabbbihanaabaaiaibaiaiiiii come in and hear the u columbia records wueb w have jiut tttthiti among the songrs and danoes fchab rare now popular in centres such as montreal toronto win nipeg vancouver new york and chicago are mary picklords official song entitled a not a 1484 a 549 ai44 aim asm sweetheart of mine im not ashamed of you mollle as wit as tliewi somewhere a voice it cattta whuperlar hope handelt larfo by cauls melody in f by catau rha wovldu krcatea cclljttt she uud to be the slowest girl in town wrap me in a bundle cows may come cows may co tlut hie bull iocs on forever a perfect day siul tiff 1m 1 m 85 lm ami7 iws back to the carolina vou love polka populalre tlio most uptodate stock of grafonolaa and records for miles around is to he scon and hoard at c c speights mill st acton aarewti w wbrntwotw4y p rfrjpi wtijco rvtfijply d townfco

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