wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a lahou ahhoiirmunt killoub tlrabomakllls give us a call mannvaau ilioienatee ibbubd geo hynds jewellery um1 vmoy oaadm aotom ontaiuo real estate eyaurttta for utile lii malfou kvel uut well ilia toil ioo form i ok wile tvrry uu u you want flarm wri tar for rutaloaue or if you wuii to well or vxcfaakitfe wrlta m w buv rivvry larlllly for iruiiutirlliiu bnaluckii lo your cotuolete uttl uracil ou rr- 0oudeur uollclted v j lvuhltmuiluy trurui hlllutf hprclulliit toorjtowu kite ctoit jfmr5 thuiiuhay alltil it 1015 brief local items want si hide trees now may day on saturday wild itouere aro blooming in pro fusion tlte trout fishing fceakcn opens on hat- urday clean utt many of your neighbors ant at u take a prwlo in vour lutck yard tlily appearance tlie muslo of tho uwn mower ia again beard daily the loaiuiot the maples tra coming out rapidly mr iltarn berber purctiartd e new ivord etur this uwk lawoa u becoming beautiful in their bright vernal drea advatue its lla fciux iltua and get your there of biulueas seeding u well advanced howe farmer lava completed pu front garden grown rheulharb aro now oi the family bill of faro tlood alteinooiil have you renewed your yhlm vuku aubcr1ptloa t tint vu a heavy bail storm at fer- gua ami klore on sunday al urnout eighty in ilia aluulo ia rallr a high mark for april that wu haturdaya tecon a uotor bua lino boa lieen ut ou at oak v ill between the town and tlie o t h- kutiod aetoo clthemi hand i now having practice lii preparation for tin u uji mttitur engagements the exclveiy blub temperature of the uit ten day boa given u gruat impetua to v eg tat i hi tin fall wheat of ibis taction loobe exceedingly well very littu enywhar haa been winter kllud okvilu bwrcliaiiu will tlua ibslr htat oa wfeilawmuy afttfitoofia far um ubauur taantlis oamiovaoing may flib ur if ii itsaoan toronto ou of i h luaoon lata 1uulo hcbool inmcur in ibl county boa bun iltoud ivmblnt of tu guudun club ur n i uclani la liukinj prur tkkiataiova bla iwiuudu about twenty fudf ft futtbr lacl froui tli lrwt ami thklar aiul iuirove it luju fw la tarriiu djtfna tbe jamijmtomi on huiulay afuniaan at 04qtlafp erin aiul uzcrffolawn but thbte wan bafjly a drop liar mr jauca molxau ojuloife lua tkhitfj l flna liuok imjwwicil irvnb wrturod lotara ha will cjii wltli blm at abioa avory tuaday wek balast rujwul on tlws oaw powvfboua aud atatlon of tlta uuburbaii imllwav- a uru gtf of uun areeuiploy ta oorlowa herald ur 1 haodruii u 1 of actoa waalu town oa tuaaday aiul took a look through tb uaw vaj osita tlat la iuaritf eoatidetktti mil too luforuier mr w a molin barriur wbo itraxtiofcl lii acton for mvoral yaam but wba urns bona in 111 baallli for aouva yaara hm vwubtail lactlm fit 41u1ji mr hugh livlughloaa took itouwloa of jlbbtna lattery on monday lorg lowo herald mr lmnrooiw u a brotli- vt of mr j u uvinritoua tdoabaut aetou wliu lua gma in tlia wrk was bainfr butiwj laal week ika faoca aiul walk oaufibl sh loiuudarablo of botb bad to ba torn up to pwvoiit uia lira frotn apread lag herald h your neighbor ia proateraua utblm prmpar uuit brunt growl or grumble hay a good word for liltn riui let it go at tiul dont ba a koockar your turn will oowa if you tleeerva it tlia ontario mlauler of aftrlcultura itaa aiinounced tbat tliro will in no rd llou lu tlta uual rranta to tha fall fairs thla year a wo at arab thought would ha naowaary on oooount of condition eauaed by tko war raveu louiiflf tnen apteared lieforo maflltrato wutt on monday ehrgd wltli having traanaudd on 1 t lb itroperty and runttlng a itandcar tbay all ploail- ad guilty and wera each flneil 910 and ooats uuclph meraury thla will be th attitude of aomo of our oitluna of wall- jfr known plaoatorlal j f proollvlllw noht bat- shk urday anddurliiffuto ifiycwc jj irout lihliib afiaaon tbay aeflta to enloy t too tbtt milton horticultural floolaty oon uiiuom to row mid kroiwir it haw now 103 twkbup mjubora 90 inoro titan in any iknvloua yoar llootn bulbn abruka vine aud fruit treu are dlaulbuud buonjj ha tadaubara and tint lawna aud ganloii of lbs town will took hauar tbaa evehhuaeawui ouuploti milton halghu hohool la naw oaaurad wta time limit for appeal aftlnat tho warj of tho arbltratora ba expired with otttany appeal being entered therefore u award aland truauwu are likely to lw alectml for- tha naw aecuott very aoon and it la poaalua uutt the wiuool may upeti after tho aummer holiday f all the latetl tuiutlee and kellaoaa oonfactionery at ituaaella it orau children cry for fletchers oa8toru news op local import riov wllklntoii lonvlnor st allmnii al tlio hiiutfir vttry mmitln i ht albunu chinch llo h ii wllkliimin m a tlio rolor iua notluo tliut ba intoud od shortly to wivor biu coinioollon ultb tho mirlih ft in mm rtimrlcd thut tbu rootor will miy farowoll within n tow wtmbu strt repairs needed tlio uppronohea lo thn orauhhijti on ho electric ruilway on main church uud willow htroeu aro in had condition eapcomi on main rllreot a fow iooju of ixravol or broken utonn would reinwly tha trouhlo and irouipt action would ho up predated by all drlvom liut saoramont undor preterit pastor tlio fourth piarterly baorainent of thn promiit oo u fere n co year mid ibo latt uiulor the jiantorato of hov c i thwt will lw hold lu tho mothodlftt church next ruhiday it will 1m a very fhlltiu thing if every momlwr who can pwtnllily do ho will utteml tho co i iimy ii i oil urvloen on thla occuulon afotnorlal servloo in st albans a memorlul aurv loo in liounrof tho hrnvo canadluuu who have fallen in the urrible imviiiom of tho timk fn frauoe will lie held in ru allianx cliurch on huuday evening itev mr wilkiiiwm will del ivor a hpeoial terinoi touching tho cud but tiuwt hotior- ablo ovuntu of the week nt the front patriotic entortalnmottt under the ausplcea of tlio kpuorth ixague berneaiit mccowau of i com uuy 31th ituttalion hielji will give a tanurn aildroui in the methodut churoh acuui tuajulay evening may 41 li illufatrat- iiitf lirolnduelijicamp he will lo aa- alatad by four other iiiemlwr of the ilat tallon an ontartainer a club swlnr n whistler ami a bugler iroreeila in aid ol lite 1rttriotio fund admlulon ululta hie chiuren 10c admlttod attftull and pald pino oea kalen an austrian want to llocavoa boanllng hnuto on vridtty nlht drunk ami creatd a litly row mike maxurcob afallow oountrytahwaaiiiadaa mark of ida diajaaaur ami uaa given a wioked mow on the lued mika util infonnatlon agaltut kalen before ii 1 moore j i ami tlie trul waa ut for tuawlay evening kalen admitted ida ult and promised to iteliava hliuaelf in futura ha wna inod 620a ami onta 85 for ghomcllffo hoiplul tlta evaoutl v e of acton ited vroa unclaly nvbtcii monday afternaon to roalva reports of sjlwi of tloketa for tlia conoert lakt week and toduculd uioii the amount lo bo oon tributatl to tho canadian hospital at ftliorncliffo england the net rboikta of thacotimrt wan tha very rupotuhu tnhi ilfl lav 00 theakeculivoiiacuud to add to tlli iho bum of emfti from lio otur fuuda in tho traaury and wml fwv00 ua actonu rontrilnitlon direct to thla blading iboaplulfar the nick ami wounded of tbe camvlian forcaa luprovementi at st jouphs churoh during tlta ail two wokn mr drorge kills of tlie i c drowne church ilaoorat ing co4iipan toronto liia bean en gag i in touching up ilia artiittio wall arul ceiling taooratlans which thla inn skilfully enocuted two yearn ago to tha interior of ht joaapliacliurch the pewa ako have been improved a very line oil ialntlng ymbolicjl of tlia ileaurrecilon onh feet baa bean placed on tlie front wall itaibla much to the emboli lull me nta nf tho oacrod eililloa ami from tho altar inni a moat effoctivo faaturo itev patlier traynor ami ilia congrogat ion are lo ba congratu latcd upon tlie very attractive interior of tlteir church bauni deatroyed by ughtulhg tlie lightning aooonianying tlie thun- dnrktnnuonsundiy aftanioou cauud tha daatruction of two liarna in thla auction tlie barn on tlie jofin larutang farm lot 4 eon j erin waaitruck uud eitlroly can- iiiuiei tliare waa oaoil liuuranoo on tho buillliig ami 072 on a quantity of hay ttorad tliara belonging to john allan tho other barn was located in caledon towu- fclilp and belonged to i it molluiutd thla waa a upland id tumi ami tlia loaa waa lioavy the building ami couunta were fnaureil for 1600 iloth tliee proporuaa wera loauiwl in tlio halton unloi ilra insurance company aivd tlio iowa wjio adjuatail at tho moating of tlio lloanl bald liora on tuesday euuoned at aldflrthot england a very inlarouing lauer waa teoalved on tueaday by hia frlendaliare frou lieut w 1 o kennay v a front th army veterinary hospital station at aldarahot kngund iv kennay u having very utereatlug euperlenoea in thla boepltal where there are between 00 and mo alok ami wounded liaraea he en pacta to ha ent to the front in vranoe any day dr kealy who praetieed with dr cone actoti two nuumerii haa been aeut to ireland dr kanueya letter ia crowded with luurenting matter he la having qultean enjoyable euperienooatkl la ulut- ted with mr ami mr hartlett who jewellera and optlolana at atdartliot they are making hla atay exceedingly plaauiit dlnlotaiai and dafffms conferrod among tlie young man who have gradu ated from tha ontario voteilnary collage toronto won w 1 c keiuvey eldest aon of w it keney j 1 acton the oloa ing ekorclfiea of uia college were held in convocation hall on saturday afternoon twenty of tlia graduate hail enllated ami proceeded to kiiglund among them dr konney mr kenneya teoend wt arthur allan illair auo gratuateil tlilu week from tlie royal collage of dental surgeora receiving tho degree licentiate of dental burgeon thla la a record of which any home may well feel proud two gradual with university deareea in ouo week lu an lienor indeed the vukkphuw entenda oongrutubttloub epworth league elecu new offloer themihlonof the kpwaitli league ou tueaday evening waa devoted to the annual election of the executive ofucera hev 0 d draper everoulag hlaeitelualve lierogatlve nominated for the prealdeney mia minnie h he tine it and leorge elliott on motion of tlie latter ulaa uennetta eemon waa wade unanlmoua the other ofllerru u ere an follewa t lab vloelrea tleorge kltielt ilml vloelrea annie kvana srd vieoareiiijillevmnkum 4u vloeivea at drown oth vhm 1w- ilertlertielghtand mra a t llrowu convenor jjualcal cowwltue clara e moore heoretary harvey huui cor recreury lottie scott treaaurer tamea loutatt ptanlvi kraut ilrown attt lianuteowj colettau what poultrymnn cnti ekooi this mr v 11 ivler jomullnr iun u lun tliut lu tiurliiluly mhowing tho putt lotto fpiril ua ugimlu prmliiotlon fjttc week alio inld mi figg wlilili meuhiiroa 7xu imihoa uud uulghu 1 oiiiltou ouorgutouu hornld plro nt aionwllllarne last wock a ii ro murlod ou tuewluy morning jthii liutu ulmut h nclook in tha pinker room of bo lion woollen milu hut fortunately it wan put out before much damugo wau done tim iom lo tho machine and block will ho about 8000 heraul hilton aftor now duclnetu on tho ifttli may tlia oloctom of milton will vote ou n by htu toguarantca 1 30h bond for twenty aara and exempt from tuxaii it now company which prnpotea to munufucttire nllk cotton unci mohnlr fahricn and omploy not loui than thirty handu with a weekly wugu of not icuui thnn 91o0 la carnoglo money tainted at thia distance it looka an ii the hon frow morcury la going to fall for the carnegie library itohomo vullitig for th money of on itllou and for tho monoy ol aweut niow i wo t1 111 hope to bo agrco ably diuapikolutcd in tha attitude of our oo loomed renfrew oon teniorary ffu- if ho louder halton uquor uoonaos tlie fourteen ibpiar llcenuu in tho county of ifalton were granted aa usual by tho commliwloiiera at tlieir meeting at milton uat week no changea wereniade oil lioeiiaeu in force 11 ng renewoil in tho cane ot mm w 1 ilruji of tits jueeua hotel the renewal on account of the recent death of mr ilruith waa far throe moutlih only in llulton liotol lloeuusnre aued to men onl nowcnanor mana son killed llouu harry mcouire uin of mr lllauoy motlulro o tlio orungdville i tanner wan oro of tho o ulcers ol ihi canadian division killod in tha great lattlo wlih thallermaua at lngetnarck during the week ho viae a very lino young man wpuur in hia home town a manly man and a cdurigecos ooldler much lyniiathy will la ml for mr and mra mcdulre in ilia great luui they havo subtalneil county debenturvi well sold at uat meeting of tlia county council a by law for tha laaue of t went j ytar live ier cent dolusntuwa to ilie amount of thhooo for good roada puruita waa intro ituooil and got lu lrt mcdnd and thin readinga on ilia sauna day tlio appiovul of tho uovoriimciit will lo reumtoil a retneutatiia of tho caiudu itoml cor iteration waa irouuu ho offered uw31 for the irojiomul lwno ami thla viua accept oil clianiilan spoars not legal forpuhlng it may lie informatio4i to uiermen tltat in ucconlunco with llto act which ulatoa epeel ileal ly llial lliaro can bo uo 1jilng ilotio in any wuy in tlio inlaiul vioteru in ontario wilh ieim that thla fncluttea all clreamh mcli an crctn etc it la llierc fora a violation of tlie act to uo a upear lion lulling for mclnru tha uh muy bo night with hoka during tlie afaoii of running or aiiv other limn wltliout iraving tbe party llublo tho county dlvlilon courts tlio total numlwr of ault in haltona alu divlalou court lat yaar waa twxi tho aggregato amount of ciuiiuh waa 11 4u 74 of which ek4aiu waa collected ami paid into court- of tho alioio tlia fourth divlulon lourt acton liud o7 caeca tho claima hero wore lamji ol lilchauu973v47waa11cuihl uml u1 in to uurt tho clark fuea amountetl to 81310 r7 of which actone clerk recivel 8imi0 mr oeorga it agnew lu the pratant clerk here supplying liquor to prohibited han ivm howard 0aadd guilty at ui police court monday to having supplied a on tho prohlmtwl lbt with liquor in rogutormg a conviction may i irate watt ilutcd that tho net wub very u trie i and lie ioi nn ojitlimi but to inipoa a fine of a and oot tluelph mercury if report bo true ami lliaro haa lieen atnjje evidence of late to aubtantliuo them i lie re are one or tu omen in acton who are reipwully guilty of iho tame oftiinoo and liable to simitar ponalty nas3a0awbya tlieidenilid roada of thla towublilp to be very oputar for tlio new ownera of motor care to try out tluilr lnntruotlonaaml gain tlie nocouary experience to enable tbeia to become efficient drlvera the women of naaaagaweya are oon- trlbullng 40 paire of alieeu to the toronto uiilveraity hoaplu for tbe canadian con tingent thla la a vury luuulaome doua tion ami tlta coutiibutcra are to be eon gratulatod for thalr patrlotlo anlarjwua nutloeaare being iwtied b the town thlp clerk advlnlng that mr loo ruupaon liaa been apwluted inspector ol hlieep killed by doge to whom the ownera of all aheap worried or killed tauit at noo report the prcpoasd new telephone hue from acton la being regarded with luteret by a numlierof farmers who waut phonee in- aulled tlie old church building of fheneiier metliodut oangiregatloii liaa lieen torn down uml tlio lumber la being uaed iti the fine new atruotura to lie erected llila sum mor nojuugdweya circuit waa forued in ihty ami tho old church waa in uae ulmoat 70 year the mluutere of thla pastorate havo lieen i kliua willlama ihis6 henry wilkinuii ih17 john ubua huh cluulea clillda 1w40 ro luriua dettea ibjii john c wutu iha3 4 job boott was jamea dell 1h31 0 jblui walker hud john wii- kincnlh57h tlton m jeaerlea 1h30ho kilwln holmoh 1h0i 3 david ravage ihji4 8 0 henry wllkluaon ihb7h u janvea a seymour 1h701 2 3 thee l wilkin- eon ih7i then union wilh weeleyaua i t l wilkinson ih71h u mckeiulo 1h77h 0 jolm h fliilior ibhoij it o hendoni win uiiks john hough j w itoblnuui tlioman amy it w scanloti k j clark k h plagg rlobant itowe it a laioey a n cooper and k m carter the goaiel ireaolitd ami hehl forth by iiiho inon and many junior mini- tor and probauy local preaclieru haa sure ly luul a great uioukllng effect lit the urge oomniuuity of klieuexer ba a number from here took hi the llorae allow at hlluburg on thurwlay l ma- ijeanaecured a llrat prlxe and h llndaay a aaooftd and a third mr i a worden and miaa m tftomp aou of aclou apent humlay at i ver- guaoua mr- k maraliall of minehouhe vlulted llalllnafad frlenda uat week mm 17 ilohlnaoti hm returned to d vergueona after spending a time in toron to mr curleton hllu u epmllrg lu week with bu brother v uilta of waterloo personal and travel notes social and personal horns of intor- oat to proa press roadom gleaned during the week mrx until tnyloi imlod hor ululm lu liiolph on tluirutuy kx wurtten j a ieumk of milton wum in town on rumlay mlbalauo of owen hound vlultel her winter mr n moore laat week mr end mr jamoa dunn of hut ton hay liuvo retitninl to tlie old homo mr arthur koinmy la home from toron to hnvliig completed hlu exumlnatfouu mr oeorge htalluiiii haa wi far recovered ah to im nhle lo walk down street again ibigtor john l monro or tlid 11th iteglmolit luelpli wua homo on tuea day mr jumca huydora ucatded foot i heal ing nicely und he le ubla to get about with mikh olga wgvlllo of toronto nudo her friend mlw lottla moore u week eml visit mine florence itoliarton ol tho hcotoh liliwu lv vlxltlng her brother johnulo fjiko aveiiuo mimi mnrgaret near returned houtu last week ufter biioudiiig throe montlia with friends in detroit mrs- thoniw jdrrymaiiiiinl mro a t ijjid if toronto wereguobtuol iliemluea lvrrymtii tills week mm a ii nicklin returned on kalur day after upeiuling u week or uo with friondu lu toronto uud keu tonbrook mrs cuiaiice llipton ami clilklrou of johnstown n v arrived en friday to visit her fattier mr thomas kbbago morfrv t ia in a mooro und ii k kelson and daughters of juul4i nvotored down ou hiindnyaml vlsltcxl retutivculien mr jauiea maithoum who ima lain in bed with tlie fructurod llilgh for four weeks ia making uitnjaclorv lrogreaa to wards recovery letter feom sergt uarw00d aoton boy aro 0 k and in oood spirits and hope to betura they abe now in the tbenches llagt no llwj a company 4th ititulion april 4lli 1111 1 vii tor fukl iuuu i dear rlr i lutt a few liuea to aay ttie imysure all k ami in guv i spirit wo ii thank yon for the fui v iuui which vo are pleased toget ft goea um round i assure ynu major halluntlne avea that a gt it wo aro all looking forwjrd to tha return homeaml hujte tognt liack but tliore are no cold fet among ua ua dont expect to see us imioim tlie cloa of tho war tbe members of tho 4th have teen wum hot trench work and or ready for mora and if iho worst lias to coma they will glio a good account of tliammliee- i havo the full rank of aorgaat now and iwpo my adianocinont ia not yel complete sm acting dpi m r until tlio vac ancy ia i lit all tlia office ro of tlia com pony lut our arc jorti ohlccrn ami are iloing well if they continue ilia regiment ought to be proud of lliem iho hoya iii follow wtieravor mujor itallautlna loaiu i no doubt ol lliat will lie glad lo hrar from uuyono in aoton any time very truly lukv h lliuuium rorgu esques1h0 sf ii0bse show tho cuum well filled a number of pino animal shown kuiuesliig agricultural hocletya rpring hliow waa liid in tlie lurk tleargatawn an rriday lulliluftt owing to tutlireat- ening oomlltlon of ttie wautlier tlie attend- ws4 not aa large afc uaual hut tho nlahce were well lllled sataa i pi ml id anl main ixilng shown the following are tlio winnern lkmithtaulouovorj uiraiu 1u11 find toy ftuuleu favor i to j tid nlion jtclieney rardlllo i 31 noll tlllliee lloal llruiiktane lercheron hullion any ageut mclean aiul cliapnuni jud nixon it cheney carriage or hackney ualllon ifct job tilu itoadoer rullloo let albert fonder i 2ml win uuierwood i 3rd m i lurry thoroughbred 1st h h moflibhon i 2nd arthura urea draft tvsamut h- matlliewa i jad ashenhurfit lire oeneral lurpoae teaih iti oeorge a wllaon i jml a m thorn paon ringle carriage mare or letding 1st w c howard l jml d mclean i 3rd hodge baniej iloadsler team 1st ctilaholm bros i 2nd harry devereauv ringle llcajaurio a k chambers itud albert foater j 3rd a h ijmlaay herekl 100 b 100 the rcailera of thla paper will be rdeaaod j learn tliat tliere a at leait ouo dreaded dlaeaw tliat aolenoa haa lieen able to oura in all ha stagea and tliat la catarrh halla catarrh cure in the only positive cure now known to tha medical inutility catarrh being a ootutitutloual diaeaaa re qulrea u ociuitltutlonal treatment llallu catarrh cure u taken internally acting dlieolly upon tlio blood and mucous sur face of tha system thereby daatroying the foundation of the dueaae aud glvlug tlie patient atrettgth by bulldliig up die constitution and uialhiiig nature in doing la work tha pro ir uum have to much faith in iu curative power that tliey offer one hundred dollar for any caae chat it alia to cure hand for hat of teatlmonlala f addrwm v j ohisnuy co toledo o kohl at al druggula 7flc take jfalla family tslla or oouktiiui lion 8 moio if our fur mem uro inventing in niolor iuim mashru andy xlurmy jr uud t mccutchoon uro now travailing to cliuiuh and eluowhote lu their now pordu tliofoilildutlonu fur a a warden i rolilcnoo ima boon laid and tlie fratite work ia going li i the hiinunl missionary mirvlce in tli metliodlfct church waa hold hut rumlay morning mr if v moore acton da llvered an eddreim on the christian duty in obeying uia great commlualon of jesua chrut during the thumloralomi an runday oflenimit the urn of mr l currle on uia jarstang place ou tho msoond una wax htrnoli by lightning ami destroyed tlie barli contained almut five tone of buy ami miveral farm implement a quartette of motorcyclist travelling uirough the country disturbed the nervloo in ho methmllst church for ten mlimleaor more on runday morning after elltrihing thn hill they stopped et tlie entrance of the cliimoh and kept their auginea rqii- lug wilh oien mulllera while they delta ted ou to which road to take let meiluon parlors loo cream lit itutullu charlie kino on uondav apml i0tl oplll iii iii aflliun lllock an up lo tint new laundry vnur iatiilngo la respectfully solicit all onlcm promptly lllcl will ciiauoi- half iiuce chahlie kino arihu dloel ajtaoc monday may 3rd atu3axe3 3tohe nki iu ru om mill st acton j gadesky toronlo the well known evesicht specialist will be in acton on uondav uay 3rj hours 930 a m to 530 p m evenings by ap pointment anyone suffering from head ache eyestrain or defects of vision should not miss this opportunity of consulting this eycaicht specialist consultation free miluoan haa well equlpned meat shop at the comer of mill and young dlreeta acton the aecoad brick building from tbe otr craaijrj and wllluunplyal and cured mbath of beu plyallkiudaofpuurtl quality at reasonable pricea meat delivered to all cuatomera 3 tiromptly ilndclam refrigarator j bliop oped every evening parmera trade eapoclaily sollclt- hlgheat caah prlceftpaldforegga aud poultry susaji crews oo mr joa crewaou liaa purcluited u new ford uutouiohlle mlaa kvelyii mclaughlin naakagaweya viiilted frlenda here thla week mhtaoa maggie and heaula iloaiej hilla- burg vlilted over uie weekend at mr m crewsenv c c speight for uptodate goods sllvorweini ia tuaw4ura4l vaurllv alao finm cullery hardwaur tlnwaun tutul qnu llw4iralui vaurtoly pandorei stovwa and atautfejae reunoua haataua brflall aiovew oustovaw every article is of excep tional value c c speight muisitaeoa we have the widest range of eg handsome wallpapers 1 in western ontario t our big wnlhiopor departmont la not uurpniuiod by nny wnllpnpcr iitore of weuloru ontario oltliur in nlxu or in equipment our fixture the nnweiit and tuont mntlorn nml our aacortiuoutu nf wullpupcr tlio whlchi uud moat com pie to hera thuroforo ns in all other depnrtmonta of tlilu big dopnrlmutitn ktorc ynu uucuru tho vvldcul rnngi 1 aelccllnti twotiiihiihoverywnlliaer buyer cnnsldcnitin ciiamarnu of tho paier and tiir cow thaicoatflf wallpaper vow buy from uti lniuiilid lo your pur an undo la our runge of prlcou por any price we give you tho best valuu tvecauno our price uro lowett lve buy the largeut pjautltleu nml thercforo obtniti the smallest purchase prices that la why urn clmrgu you tile leait end givo you tho iwsl value tha ckanreiotir of thu inuni touuiiilm in tin qiiiility and iho design wallpaper quality wu know belter tlinii our cim tomera and wr give ihvni the best wallpapordtnignu may bo chnaon hero from aiuorlmoutk our expert knowlitdgo u towloti tliu torrcct dcnignn und color cuniliinnlliiiu ieru i will p d e macdonald bros llnlld guelpus leading and largest store wyodbam medonell and cwrjen slrel guelph oni itsks wall papers our stock of new papcru in ready or jour inspection the pattern colorti and priceg will please you a large assortment to choose from you may return remnants or ddd to jour older without expense or delay as occurs when jou cend out of town examin ation invited a t browns drug store hill wr aotom fresh groceries i nww ualaltu naw curranta nroau new nuu new tla new rplca frta lfav ofcortfwouortawv plhu claaa line of pancy cakea and paxtry preab every day locked ueate ii ami uacou with the homeilka tuvor bread and other goojj delivered promptly daily j r livingstone miiiiiii i tdaml mioat aauj ajwuaiauatdqddddaaaaadmaibiaiaibi gianitewaxe tinware at titumn mioma sjstauffer willkupplyai grab t tli fol- iowiuk prlcw ow with tiili uu wriajier l udusumt ulaftmu wuli lif jiw tajsw gnulu wufll ud lite orulu coojiag vmtii ia lit dtut paou japul aiuorud covwi isc flrataw s in i ihc tin waur palu qt for sc olvj i4qt orsc bu pan 14 qt f anultailauupaaii oraolte wlco or tlllli bollam urnc taibox diuttai uop uo oil siibtt taibox floor poluhr un oil llmtuit tabo diutumil dait ctoln stic tatbtui llaodlo diwuua uiutera ttsc rpalrldfllpi blovo ramovad tipaa claanad aud put up sjstauffeb opuoalto old oa oraa miuj st aottom aunnaa ouaunouai mba ns t aaiabarlala maallrlaa ca ta chamberlains tablets 7 he newport slipon i a aprlug top coat made with the s alnslur to balmactun but neater dreader wnarter with or without velvet collar yoke and ahve lined aud all aearas taped thu shoulder a narrow aud cut to i meet the aeara of top aide sleeve tho newest in rpring top coat- in tweeda only r e nelson mmraham iwlol wndballnm oualdru oh1- mmmmmkmammmulllk eyes tested free by tub eyesight specialist at child feaum kvaaiouii m0multy olaasaai cm motiey llafuudad noomswerli ho delay hassards drtiq store jf kvkkiv dav amd kvlbniho umtil aaav aril 3 oaahal autkeriiae ujbhmo bajshal lald u protection your cash on hand iiimircj ou and your family irom wint and privation make it hafe start a savinos account in this bank georgetown branch w huky har bank of hamilton i a ii i h i n i 7 morris skxe general merchant store news for the week is ladies ladle every day dreuea htr lad lea and mluea dreuea latent atylea regular 100 for tt ttt ladlea rnincoala a few to clear at u boy jeraeya long aleevea all color 3o wear per garment ttsc blr stock of men udlei mid childrens shoes special hue of children bummer slipper tau black ami pateut 1 ateauptoiofor ij sluetito ibk uaroainb uvurv day men mens hummer underwear special hue of mena sunday shirts an mens tie worth up tojoc for s smock aud overalls regular 9100 for hi lloy summer undir- 7wt shxe tho bhok store opposite new postoffiooj ixxixhxxkkxr3o0oo juluilbi the merchants bank op canada thrift is ri described as eco nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty lic- cause ho saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but tho real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oariratraiduf rm hkormvbrumdai amd umdlvldmdi-morita- ixu acton branch f a maclean manager