Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1915, p. 3

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hujlta i for ut a 6r laua clllty i your lint i town ltlerday the fall i dampen jurlbben led 1 wed lie teton fall bold liar lay ami ler- aljiihool bii u ho to ju win i and fuiiiiff o un itrl- i mr r w itedvilhajon lyto rktour tlie foil idmuisy bin news of local import judgoo court of rovlslon judge illlloll presided at the court fur tho rovlulnu ol iiid voter list here but frlilny a number of names were udiled uml several were struck off owing to re moval and other ruilue tito iollllo1 complexion of tha list s not materially nhunged military hospital and rod cross nurto tlio very vivid representation of a till ii lary hospital with lied cross nurwe equipment medicine and dressings which occupied the east window n henderson u co store tli pant wteb commamled vary general in ureal and ad m ration it u worthy a place at acton fall fair kindly hoforotioo to hov mr smith ilov u if i smith of st james church loaves this week for ida new charge in ac ton wo are aorry to toe mr smith front town mo honlwuy took adceplnteroat in ouery u orlliy cauuo hut join hi many friends in v lulling him every success fergus losiiwill lio actons gain forgua news hjcord wator lllffh in fairy lako tl big downfall of rain on sunday and monday naming ralud tin water in fairy lake to a taint higher than it ha ever reached this summer tito water begin to run over the road on monday forenoon and mm re reardmora k co turned sevcnil luode of gravel lo atop runwss which cut through a harrow escape last thumlsy a surveyor morton ami william mason were running on tltalli tha toronto suburban railway on a motor lorry tha rail spread where some new halaaung iiad been done and let tlte through to tlte ties tlia occupants of lit car uero precipitated to litis ground ami received asovereshakingup fortunately no bona war broken pleasant soptohibor pionlo tlia junior leaguers and their itiotlter had u delightful afurnoon far their plo iiil at tlte ilreei on saturday tlte huterinun lento mrs a t rrowu and mu ilortio spalght guided tlia prood- lug in b way uhlch ensured a jolly lima for all tin preuca ol tlto pastor ilv h w avium was an added plea urn jewish new your sorvleos tba kew vaara oslabnition of our jaw- uli cltlrena cama to a cloaa on friday ovanlii hatunlay wu tlia sabltli of kcpantanca tlia iroaant week a vary important on a to dwa tlia world over tilmv of atoniiiant coinniancea lt- rnotnsywai ta uhm until katur da oteniutf tlila day la obrvod ity all icwa and ulaa tlia form of a rigid fatt harvost roitlvol at st albani annual ilarveat tlianvaglving servloca will u lielil in bt aluanit cliurcli oa hun- day noht i oth lrt- thara will be a cclolnatlon of holy communion at tlia marnlop tervico whan tha pulpit will ba occupied by tlio itav j f caraon ft a of fonthlll and in tlte avanlng thara will bo a special tliniikuivlrn service when tho ileoior itav c h f smiui m a will 1i lha preacher hov mr smiths introductory stormon tha hov c ii k smith m a the nuw rector of st alliana cliurch offlolaud for tlio first time in lila now pariah on sun day evening- in preaching hlaflrktuannan to hia now parlalionen ha took for his tait from matt ii i m consider tlia llllu in tha couraa of a vary able aermoti lia brought liomo to tha congregation tlia fact that whatever wa did tlia future was en- t rely in tloda keeping and tlierefora wa must not ha over anifoua for what tin futuro shall bring ilea pi la tho very in- ait raant weather i hero wu a largo oongra- ualon which augura well for tlia futura of m bmltlia minutry in acton wa wlih hltuovery poailblo auoeesh in ida new in- cnilibonoy bltf fair hlght concert a ltlhig climax to acton fall fair la tho highly creditable ooncert given in tha town hull on tlia uvoond ovonhig thl year tho concert commit la baa bun ruccctdul in aw u ring a gahuiy of enter- tu inert whoaa reputation or hlghclau concon nuinltara la oa wida oa tha domin ion it includes mabel manlay iiokanl tlia renowned ooneert aoprono wlio is a favorllo everywhere i mlldratl walker an hlbcutiotinry entertainer of tlio moat aatla- fuotory attainment t eddie flgotl tha ringing convedion who never faiutoplau and wlioad repertoire varlil and up-to- date and mian flnreneo maokay tha well bnnwn concert plunlst and accompanist thin tuhmt enauroa a splendid ovealngs prokrounnr guilty bat hot provon for tntnt montlia it hoa lioon known that lortalu aiiitrimib have been trufllolng in intovlcatln liuora on uturday quth aiigunl nicola lludnik want to one of tha liquor mortin in fluelpli and brought home uith hlm a anitoaao loaded with liquor a doxon oompatrlala of the tparullcd hrigiula received bottle of the liquor on sunday they had a hlurlou tbna at tho houaa of petro kyokfruk whir tlioy imnnled the neighbors complained boino of tha aurtriana found fault vtltli itudack fur oliarglnp tliatn 9isa for ft lottla nf wliabay whau other got their itottloa for vw on thuraday chief ijuvkoii hild jnfonnatlon agalnat itudaok tharltk w liquor without the ucoiimi tlierefora mequlred bylaw and luhpocnaod four of the men who got liquor llo give ovldoiioe hie cam was tried ibeforo justice mooraand kennay when tho wltnoutos vera axainlned each wore lie ud itojght nir iquor although two of tliein wcrotlia fallows wlmluwl oownlalned itout llutuoki overelmrgo it wu ijearly poen they wer acraanlng kudack 1 here lialng no evldance to eonvlot lha wan dkmiiaed tha uaglttraloa wevtr road a severe leoture to tluduk ailvlkod him if ho desired to eontluo retllouca in anton being a pa lied in id an enemys country to mend hit deverells clothing store damaged by a somowhat mysterious f early sunday morning 91000 los oh t stock about two ooloek nu hunday morn luff lira wan discovered in tha olotlilng am ineni furnlhhlntfhtoni of w c itaverell on mill htreot tha lira itiul made oonaider- able heailway when tlia alarm wu given and it looked for a little while urn if uura might lie a aerloun outcome a bucket brigade won tromptly lormed and did vary effective nervlna in fact th progream of the lira was stayed before tlte water waa turned on at the hleain ii r engine a few minute of well directed effort with the kvrerful stream thrown completed the work ao well initiated by tlio bucket brigade- and ttie fire waa declared to be out tho damage to thtftock from both fire and wafer wa largo the content throughout tha whole interior of the store wore mora orleaa damaged mr ileverell estimate ida imb at 8i0q0 thin was tho amount of tha insurance of tha slock in tha merchant fin iniurauce company the hulhllivg which la owned by mr cum- mlnga of stratford in insured in the wel lington far 8jh00 the lata on itlitsbeen adjusted at km the origin of the fire la a mystery mr iteverell liona idea of the cnute ho mt tlia ttore about midnight on haturday when averytldnu was in good order there waa no elctrio wiring at tlia ioint where the fire appeared to originate there is a pouihillty that a cigar or olgaretto drop- pd during tlia busy lioura of the evening lay smouldering and broko out in flame after lha closing up for lha night oeuerul sympathy in felt for mr ikevei ell a young man building up bunlnesw and who felt that ho man very hatufactnrily on bla feet ifo cente to acton fron litielpb a littta o er a yar ago fruit bulletin malaulnvilil wfunltmtiri vou 1 al one nit iut uhly of nlnafk wulnaul iluwii an kllia amily al niagara lvulnauli iroan tfulta ttila aar iiuatlty u aatri aam to eaualutf vrufc niaalia youd baallli isttvidc kvana of kelson township lrclliihod it to acre farm in ciledon jlj belonging lo mr elbertm inuule by j a willoughby i 0d 0uweaklun6s jtswttlo on your tlutst or in youv ftubeaf pocougliahahjfodor lbject tkliroat troublear fenddci sv b luimcdlsia 5 with tlwlrare curatlvo power ji itmulalui to truard ajtalmt llail whlclilo 1 emulsion ifcmtajns wire ood liver culurwlatretibtkeum the rt- t ami afncovca tbaqtudityof tlie blycene lu it soothe and iwrmemvma of the throat prctllo the beat pw j eden muu fubllo hall burned tlio town hall ut men millawaadestroy- 1 by flm last thursday night and the resident are at a loss to know tha csusr it la the general opinion that snnveone act fir to tha building although so far as la known a motive is lacking waltons lost bachelor editor martled the wedding bells have bean ringing merrily this last week or ao editor mitchell of tho newa cliote tha quiet method and surprised many of ida friend who ara now extending congratulation cikvllle star mr miujisll wan weddd to mis florence itrjera on haturday september 4th farmers bank double liability tpeal ho been lodged by the share- holderu iterance committee aqalnst tha judgment of the otltolal it for upon the ground that the certificate wo fraudently deprlv ed of the protection of tlia jirovuion of tlia bank act are not liable for tha double liability mentioned in tho act and tliey are not liable for el titer tlia iwyment of dividend or interest war reduces o a c attendance it is reported that tlte attendance at the ontario agricultural college which opens its fall and winter term on friday morn ing will not be up to tli average tliisyear the main reason given for this by tlia faculty i tint many of the boy who had bean attending tlia college have enlisted for service at tlie front and many who bad intended entering the college have done likewise graduated with honors mlas queena v biulth who lias been attending tha toronto conservatory of muslo for tlia past two years has aucoeaa- fully passed her vocal anamination with honors and obtained lha degree a t c m mis smith has a coop tod a church position in winnipeg and f opening a vocal and piano studio lit that city where she intends remaining with her parent for tlie winter cattle mired owtatf to ualn the toronto suburban hallway divides farm just south of duel ph the part of tlie farm bordering on tha river la out off from the main section by wire fence the land is low and swampy whan the rein came sunday night the farmer had a num- lier of cattle pasturing in tlia swamp when he got up this morning to see how tlie cattle were doing ha found that tlia flats were flooded and the cattle mired ao deep in tliu mud that they had to its dug oal jjercnry mr i a wlllouffhbytf fine farm since purchasing tho llarnaa farm from mr i ulvoiis lost spring mr j a wll- inughby has made many improvcinentft on tha place tho barns hav a been complete ly rebuilt and all modern conveniences in- stalled a cosy su minor cuttage has been erected on tlie bank of the beautiful trout stream and tho oemeat work of tho dams cf the fish pcodsconipletcd and mode ready for tlie filling in of the embankment tlie above aro only a few of the improvements which make this farm one of tho prettiest ftnd moat valuable in tlie country fleorge town herald ouelnh hospital improvement for romo months enlargement nd im provement of ouelph leneral hospital have been in progress ami the ixally mer cury has given a very interesting descrip tion of tho improved building and its modem ippurteiutioul tlia mercury soys the hospital is now one of the finest in western ontario tho front elevation now has a more attractive and dignified apnuraiioe i an additional wjiig and new story gives added aoooumodatloit while all rooms have been equipped with new hupl ul furniture and flstures numbers of our oltlxens have from time to time been inmate ol this worthy institution and tluue will be specially interested in tlia improvements effected county sunday school convention the hal ton county sunday school executive is calling a county confereuoe and convention to he held in the method 1st church milton on wednesday october iltli with morning afternoon and evening bftmlonk this is the ioden jubilee year of tho ontario sunday school associa tion which wl he oelelmstod in a great provincial convention in majaey haji to ronto on oct sgm and helton must have banner standing en that occasion tlie aim la to make the county gathering at ulltoti as praftlc as possible and it is specially desired that all township officer and superintendents superintendent of schools and toechirs ha present pro grammes will be uid shortly and sent to personal and travel notes social and personal items of inter oit to proo prosa boadors cleaned during the week mr annie i moddock visiled friend in toronto and hamilton mr hegluald iuntou of toronto wa lioitve for lha week end m itoae whale ef toronto i visit ing mru i tobl mollisnion xlr alan munroe visited friends at wlngham during hut week mr tame hollo way vulted frloud in toronto over the weekond mrs clinrle erwin of i toe i tester n v a vlkltlng nt her mother home mlh klla mollierson ol toronto wa visiting the week end of her home hare mis utile socu visited friend in leorgetown and itonwllliam this week mlftfl kathleen khliens i teaching at oreenfleld one and a hall miles from ayr umaul moffat mid luellalteed spent a week very pleasantly with friend lit tor onto mr itobt moplierson iish retumeil home after visiting frieiuls in toronto a couple of months mr- jsmea warren of wulkerton wa a guest of hu nepliew mr j i warren lait week mis irene mulholland ha returned home afur spending a inohth with her sister in owoil sound mr ami mr ii d moore ami jocelyii of toronto aro r pending a couple cf week at mooracroft mr and mr jus mattliewa v lulled friend in toronto and hamilton for a few day thla week mr and mr henry awrey have been attending the big exhibition at ottawa during the week iulloe magtstrato dice who ha been very iii isregainlnghisstrengtli he took a drive onto town on monday mr and mr kohl maolhersou and eugene and dorothy spent several days last week with toronto friends mr oeorgo huodily of the hydro elec tric central station loudon spent a day so last week visiting frienda here master william lainldo ton of council lor gamble oeorgetown is taking acourse at the new technical school in toronto ilov mollride toronto visited itav father doyle over tha week end and assist ed at oustlo and acton churches sunday hie big rain cf sunday and monday dlled tlie catch basins and uater course with silt they will require a good fall cleaning mrs j w ileus and daughter doris returned on friday after spending two month with friend at fort william champion much sympathy is felt for mr and mrs earls marshal who recently removed to acton in the death on sunday of tlielr dear little twoyear old daughter alloa edweno mr- robert j hynda anil children of olen will lmi have been spending the week at tlie home of reeve itynda mr hynds 1 with the canadian expeditionary forces in france miss lottla a moore who has been at home recuperating for tlie put year re turns to iter position in tlie mosseyharrla head office at toronto this week in ejoel- lent health mra 6 r hews lias received notifica tion that she has been elected treasurer of the hamilton flmnch or tho methodist w m 8 to succeed the late mra detwller of urantfonl mr and mrs w t hurt announoe the engagement of tlielr daughter emms to mr shirley f watson son of mr and mrs robert watson fourth line the wedding to take place the iau of septem ber rev w f oaeti of norfolk street church and mr oaeu left hurriedly monday morning for st john k b mr jaot having received word c tlia sudden death of his stater in tliat city ouelpli mercury mrs tho chlsholm mr earl clilsholm mrs wm rosul mlssjeasleitoitellfrom bagiiisw michigan and mr awl mrs tleo luird and ralph and marjory of toronto and mrs joe millard of ouelph spentafow dny with mr k forties dur ing the uock limehouse mr mid mr ioo t coo lalo of ill oram trutik railway bore have removed to fjoorgolown tho host withe of all itoooiniity them mr and mr erie marahall acton lost their little daughter allen edwena on sunday after h couple of wools lllnom tho funeral was held to falrviow comelry on tuesday all tho world u stsgr hut it lacks an arimutos drop curtain its bettor to have run and lost tlian never to haa nuule a atari to farmers vmivwmiioiuibkdullbii pjuiui uaj iu uu 0 your aunlu uoay vwm iagytut utttviujumtul wml htt ublj ucmtttl futmd dtak cut your uottr-t- hetlur 10 at w0o ben ta work auakic faiurut uu t ilia una unu nulla ab uluttlv ufa and imatiuuh avaluuar the bank of nova scotia burpwamutt ssan trpcamtax all workers i occasionally a tttfn lose ids job becanso he dnosnt know fiough or else heesum he knows too miiolj- -va-j- ry covering up their tracks some twin jnattuytlruiftore m iy in ibo shulght uud atmawneirnnnito oat narrow patli wamoxntbat attod ouelsha itotvalj uutoa and btr4tam pmorc toirtifhto ha a walistowl rtuuuon rcw suuler baslttiss ana btftkihl sdueauom iw n u hhj1uou cowua tl hnoldfil yuba ij ctivla timlttimaimlbtfttiihlaluealloal ue comummm kww uialnu inw wj kblialott vaiveuhm x a gilt horwi gelu you in just a badly at tlie food store lux voni shrink pollens x4wm wht u it lux in aomo- tlilnp now and good tba finest essence of soap in flakes it makes tha richest creamiest tether you ever sow it means luxury in washing ba con no its such a clothes savor absolutely prevents woollen flannel and all loosely woven garments from imnvninir and shrink- injrfrtsowiiih try lux and 1 dillfhted with it- all gvomra 10 ii formklpresenthtion op nskkie iuely autu fas thla la style show week in the macdonald stew fauhlmi avposltlonu urn being featured lit all depart ments tha display nra comprehensive and of modi order tlia uowuut and tha licut in atitbeutlc autumn style find representation among them vou are most cordiailv invited to attend these fashion presentations there is no more interesting time t visit thlu large store yalueaara just as rood s nt any other time lu the uenson irlce fall merchandise- afford fascinating revelation or the new autumn modes included in theoe style exhibits ore m m bijd than during theso fall openln displays irii 5i2 r tho wnsoii rrlc are tiot higher and the exhibit of now now biilta coat wraps dreuiea llloimo and other wearing apparel in tho ready- to- wear depart ment now oxtciislvo range oflilghuaiuipcliu new dies good sllku sultlnga and coaljngn in an incomparabla selection of fanhlouable fabrics new dru accouaurica such as trlmuiingh garni tures and neck flxingu in novel and clever uylco the millinerv opening fa of foremost importance in these fashion rlisplayr in exquisite charm excluilvcaca and wearahlcneta tlila eeoloiia models are surpassingly attractive we bono to ahew them to you thla week rvfstda in oemwdst by lssv atrothofa llmltavd torhtb lgravlng c c speight for uptooate goods silverware in tableware rln variety alao rinsj cuuatry hardware tinware and oran- ttaware in varlaty pandora stovaa and ranfjas famous hsttera ttmall stovaa oil stovaa d e macdonald bros lih ouelphs leading and largest store wyndham maedoncll and cardan strccla guelph oat uannnaaaannnnu ladies ij would you like to have that now fall suit taiiobki br an kxilst ir so cousto guelph anv wednesday every article is ol tional value excep- c c speight uill sir acton mr kouni our now vork kx- g pert on ladles mahtailorku g h bulla will bo here at thla btoro q tl every wednesday afternoon r q mr roaen wail with u all lout a nnnd certainly proved him- k rool urtlst in making q ladies suitu b p self to ito u d i our many aatlsfled customers lost season is sufficient proof for h i us that our expert a all we claim n him to be livery suit guaranteed j mr roaen has just returned from q new vork and has all the new ideas ready for you prices very rj i moderate refereiicea from tome tt i of actons best dreswd ladles b i geo wallace g guelph ont j mmmhuwannadanaoaaamhiiiiaiii daalui aulhvla 4jrlj 1bm men or touohbow tho clillil of lo day lu tliu bunlnei marrow ho hhouft iran miu uml invest hi ravlnga lay 1l lomrrow ho hltoufi learn earl to econo- tlila dank geohqetown branch w n utur uniw p esquesing agricultural sq- cietv191s hhhhhmhhmhhmmhmhmm the sixtyninth annual t fall pair to bit hild at georgetown on wednesday and thursday october 6th and 7th a just opened in hills block uill st acton general repair shop special attention to gavetroughing windmills pumps furnacu and plumbing hot water heating roofing gasoline engines jas harden fi son acton ontario special prizes iiorsus t llcnt ladlr driver t if rumford 300 a best high jumper by q c mac kay hank of hamilton 5 00 3 rett kentlcmana turnout by o c lawrence merchauts bank 1 s 00 4 best lady driver to hitch up drive half ralb and unhitch by harry wright station hotel s 00 5 rest high stepper it p lawaon 3 00 a rest lady driver kastumno camera d j mat thew j 00 7 rest 3yearold roadster in harness a iostor 3 00 i rest spring colt by gachll ie chapman 3 00 a rest tandem pair l i pleck 3 00 10 ileal trained colt any breed t be abawii on line by boy is or under j l blandish 3 00 1 1 rest spring colt by jajres ucketixie tiros frum season ioi6 r i 00 13 beat sprlug colt by sir milton mclcenils ilroo from season 1916 4 m 13 rest agricultural colt tho coxa reeve 3 00 14 heat pony outfit ii a livingstone a 00 cattle 1 heat grade yearling bull bank of nova scotia nerval 3 00 dairy xi rest and neatest 5 lbs butter in lb r d war ren 5 00 a beat 1 lb butter made by person using de laval separator w 1 alexander 1 00 xj rest so lbs butter fit 1 ik print w j patcrson 7 no x4 rout io lbs butter in 1 ik prluti o livingston 4 00 poultry xi host huff orpington cockerel alive w fame 1 1 1 30 x3 rust pair droksod ducks k ii harolilll 3 00 x3 rest lalrdretsod chickens job hewson 300 fruit x rest bbl spy apples thermos tot l v hour- can s 00 ms llest bbl spy apples 1 cut rocker w ilwiuson 5 00 x rest bbl spy apples mlfm club for charit able purposes s 00 xi dettbbl spy apples jno mcdarmld 400 x5 bast bushel boa spies w o ruck 1 so look for largo list of special next weak our collectors aro lalo hence delay 3 00 3 00 9 00 a 00 3 00 s 00 3 00 a oa j a bsqueslng p o tracv secretarytreasurer ihe merchants bank actons electric chopping milii open thursday priday and saturday chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done op canada im lm v u cim4 jtthrift is rightly described as eco i nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be- cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par rmhwmo 7ma aa b f c ald w acton ont sll n acton branch p amaclean manager buy miifk canada goods

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