Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1915, p. 3

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win- tl0 aim j tlu tit s op local import mnflasofllnl l ua holi u jully uud mini im ttiohiliiy owning an inloromtliig programmn lln iiiomheru ons through hon huva purchnbod it of anion belonging tr v iftimulobyj a rilon services union bdrvlcm of id next bunday a tlie tninutr nlng ut 710 hralmin ii a of luolph will preach t sunday 8 hawarth who y with friend in f tiw baptist thunday morning a toronto and j v soar row uted ly i lie con r fairs loultural societies ld hi u10 annual partmeut of agrlouu mi shows that tho fall county readied the follow or the past two years 1114 idia jty fair 1ho vmh t w 3141 ara mprovcmenu suggested atllrhusby hut wwk we uolloed poai office there opened almut timo a actons haa iron railings s of the stone steps at tho on ucli an improvement would lie 1 hero when the he 1 14 are coated they often era in winter at 10 now iot ofllca bos u floe luipwltli electric light on each li trance slops in many places ower 11 wltti grasy border 10 area between tha riirance anniversary services ary servicae celebrating the ventleth ytmf of hie organisation of ilia lethodlat cliurcli in acton will ha held on unilay ittli octolior ltd v c lrupor if milton lata astor of tlio cliurcli will preach tbounnucrsary sermons he will ba accorded s mot hearty welcome by ilia congregation anil the community it was during mr propers pastorate that tin ex tensive improvements to ther cliurcli were effected and an the but payment- of the luurciptlon hut will ho mm a at this anul- orcsry it u opooially fitting tliat bo aboulil bavo a share in the final sucoe of llm enttrprire hav mr avlaon the pastor aspects all to 10 present during tha doy to superintend lh service hav samuel howahh beslgtia rev h howatth who baa uen tlia very ufthful pastor of tlio uaptut church for over two years haa roolvd and oooepud a call to a church at maeklnao city mich lie will prenoh farewell sermons in the church hew next bunday during hla stay in acton mr llouarth haanuulfftniny friends hid earnest practical work a a pastor and iiib boon interest in all matters pertaining o tho wolfaro of ac tan and vicinity bavo always been manifest both mr and mr ho wart b will bo missed mrs llowarth luw been a splendid helper and her urvioea lo the choir and other church work have boon much appreciated the family leave for their new homo nest week ability ftwd character bocognlzed lrofoaar j- b lleynalili m a of the engl 11 deperituent in lle oourlo agri cultural oolloffe ouelpli haa aooepted the offer of tha prhvolpauhlp of uaflltob agricultural collfgy hie dutlee in tha now portion ocmhience october ut vor or twatyyee irof luyooldi b been irofe wr of liiyilce and kitgllji ab u 0 a c he lita won for ltluelf high ropuutim for bis ability and talluaae oa thu ironuaialktaffof uie coluft aj a cuin of luelphrrof luyiujdiiu bald in hih eat4h- he bu proveu bibtwlf unrthyand uuful reldat of th royal ci y un iteyiiouj lea daughter ol tha luu tlioinaa oowdy ami h rwjl hi luelpli all her llf boui will ba eruy mlad in church and aoclal elrolea- older but stohgffl yo im laalthy it aewbty pubon at fortv 1- aourkl adyloe because i the tnibtbol iubulelifetoooftea forget thai ucgleclcd colda or eureka trt- utt ofallbnt ache otid jnaliii alwply uiulmnhie ktrcngtli awl fcrtiiflf ehroula weokueu for iatr year t u atrohgtr wheu alder pf bll pure and rich aw icum w jb iuciibihlhllhllhk awl blmkltwirwi tig iwoirtlea of kcoua umuliou whlcbiia fooil a tonhj and amcdldtie to kpyour blood uli allevlata itbauuututu and avoid alckueu at any drug alore scouft vmh vomdlo otib cihtiiutl ft am ligf j iiillllonu llurlnk llm hitor jenru tho howl it imyn i1111i itoon ujkindliig lluilr miinuidru mfc tho old liiiino mill llko publlti- pplritixl flliloiih hml ihxiii nmitilliig mi in tif thoh fortniioti in hitprovliik llm plain honin j our ngn ninonjf other liiipruto- ineillii mid iiollng ibo iimm of it flrt vlnnu lioul limy piirohiiucd the mnl of thn audit- lug liuilillugu iiiitliiicoiiulderuhiindilltlon to it itnil fitted it up with caiilpntont mod cm in tn cry wirtlauhir a fow yours ago wboii uu mr john lloultl nay wo had uh tm 1 oh moitoy an ua know wmt to do with tlio brntbaiq cold their iutertwu in thomtehlaproiwhinliiosi utiil rumo homo to the old boiiio town ioshjiui tha rest of their daya how nna of tha hrotliera uott an manager of tho hotel while tho other nwldotiat tho old fninily homo n aplemlhl fruit html through tho onurtcuy of the meoura hewitt who uppirvntly ntlll maintain 0011- blilorahlo interest in uowajtapor men tho party wun invited in vlflt tho farm and help itnolf to wiioihul turned looao in a 1oaoh orebanl in tlio nilddlo of tha union uoold in luclf tuaka tho nuhjoct lor rather an fntormng article llouovof the davolopmeut of tliln miikt lo loft to the imiglttiitlon hnitlco it to nay thut after foil juutlo had immjii ilono to tho fruit on hid treeit ait fnvltatlou was uiven to tlio woklug bouui whero bulling and mcling for market was proceeding anif whero tin motor uaa an ladled with itankete of the eholot fruit that there wua littlo room to utro in tlio tonnoau durlug the mat of tlie liotiiawarxl trip ons of tho pleaaauletb incldonu of tho call was a trip through tin old huusd which though it old tiint featuroa and apfiearauco hava loon largely prdmirvod hu4 itetin anthpioly mod or illicit if such lu iwullile while all modern con eiiloiichi hate itoen inbtalletl thw old fmthloiied and piulut appointmenta tiuve hoati kept hi a delightful way from irtwbhy lo hamilton ia only a comparethely brief run of eighteen mlhw aiul after 0110 or two hufiinaoa cm lis in the cltj under the mountain tlw lust lg of tlte homawurd route win bogun for tnrioiyu aako it wan docided to again make it a different road and the fuinoubold llrook road to juelph una clioaen and what a road it lo after climbing tho big half mile hill jut ouuide hamilton whfoh in tald to give most motorlau good deal of trouble but which our car climwi on second like a jack- rabbit the road stretches out befnro one in a long silver ribbon here tha kditar let the car out again and the whol party revelled in tha onward rmli and the scenery which at this point still climbing tha upper levels of tho mountain la superb for a ilotoi in i ion the mad whilo moed plentifully with gradual hills la alteol holy free from a rut or a puddlo and herocaln the temptation to wjd is almaat irre- klatlhlo considering tho stor u ofalmavy storm tlio night iwforo told rt a rauuldo pastodloa tho nlwcnco of water on tlie road was only o plained by tho excellent drain age providwl in tho regent oxtenslvo work done on this section 1uslinchi morruton and tho otbur road ido hamlets woro iiutokly uissed aiwl by luncheon hour a1crfojlo was reached where tlio turn wua ma do across to kaasa- gawvyn hero tlia cuecia of the storm particularly in tho swampj was tery oudent after a few miles of rstlier rough travelling ths lue1ili road waa met at darty illo and a few minutes mure aaw the party ut homo and unloading one returns to acton after a trip like thiaulth a uood deal of irlde in one par ticulur no town passed during the 230 miles of travel lied hotter approaches so far as roads worn concerned nor were its streetn taken as a whole in any belter condition in a oar one appreciates this tort of thing and involuntarily ilua up the town accordingly ntoro than tha average person imagines it wil repay our town fathers not only to loop actonu streets in tliolr present pauuhlo condition but also to to yearly improve litem from live buiui point of town advertising alone not to mention the many other obrlcua advan tages this would ito mightily worth while i rut bulletin ttlliorltit mill drawfanl lanbwi ar rf fetnnw a unoil ir 11 anj tritlea ilua trull for lmm in tlio owthmfhi u lidutihil ihiiiltt in iin ilium lifiina mil can- tjliiu till la a flllinl hiieutll slnl avarv lidunanlr lunilil ituiauil nira iron it th xviiaort wiley farm north of georgetown abangee bant ldrohannl by tiiemm harvey ahlwell iokvlllr hx won inado by t a wlllougbhy tloorgo town personal and travel notes socio and personal itamu of vrtr est to proo press roadom cleaned during the week mr a a ilolllt of toronto spout tlio week end with acton friends mrs itoherb mckechule utid children of toronto are at tha parental home lte lien fullard of london camp was bora for several dayn hiring the week miss ida duffy of oualpb is upending a couple of weeks visiting her aunt uiu duffy miss frit of ouelji uas a gueut htlho homo of mr william dobiiutona duringtlu wenk mr and mm 1 l wurreu attemleil the wedding of their uopltnw mr krneat a wniren at tominln loot week moasra mctluwan hre titer omuelji spent bumlay with tholr former paator hev if w avlsou m au ilo artliur plant station maator at i irantford recently enlisted in the lttaion there ha wan hemp over sunday ilev mr avlson woe in toronto tlili week atleiuliug the annual tiaeting of the theological alumni of viouwu university mr dames k hnyiler whd luu bean ill with fover for a ooupla of 1 1100 tlia la grad ually oouvaleelflg he is able to walk out again mr ami mr hegluam tolmstotm and littlo halcn ami horlu arrived on tuesday from raskatnon rack they will nialn here jie winter m and mrs t j plight and sen arthur nttendetl the funeral of mrs hjielghts in ol her mrs mccuuloy at new market on honduy ilorulil mr and mrs i t con ol llmelmus have mivcd into tlitlr now homo on draper st not which they recently purcbnael we woicjiiho iliem as citious mr coos uany friends will be sorry to learn that lie haa again boon compiled to take tratia6iitfa bis eyes and is now 11 tlraoe hospital tor onto jeorlstown llerahl miss klla hnyder toacotes of tha old iroor mission at montreal is spstullug a wml or so ulih lier brethar mr jatuea v liny dor mlu hnyder had cliargeof the itaconeaa fresh air camp at lake cttap- leau tjue whane during july ami augut over ismo at the poor children ami their mot horn wervj given a fortnlubt of outing in relays of 250 millinery opening our vail dualay of drew and roadytowear hat will bo open i for inspoctlon to tlio ladles of j acton and vicinity on wudnksdav ev fhuitadav i bttar tstb aud leih miss m cooper ejaoowl uloak aatett i ttvwxzzzszisjb at 1im tali clears outluls mice etc dont ime in tlie llouw loo ami ua at drug and country htoi bqanaaannddaoai 5 hat pay g 1 b tho onlclal opening of the r mens fall hat season b n was n wdriciday september 15 j the matter of wearing straw hata after that dato haa been re ferred to dame fashion and tlia verdict la recall all btraw hall afur beptember 15 iqis- tha lino of pall hals being shown hero embraces evorvdrcrea ol fashion in boh felt and stiff hats and capo note tlio tall tapering crowns drooping brims pencil curled edges ft shades of bluea gtns groyn browns in our soft palta sea our bullet crown hud hata exclusive smart stylish and yet genteel lie a lender get your pall hat today and get it here lo assure yourself of stylo and quality return para re tu tided on overy 500 purchase geo wallace g this hayriitt guelph ont mmiihmhtidndddnaadaahiluhwhi swiui autkwuu uttimh ueiui fu ut nww tiutlm hww boots shoes all the latest styles of this sprtntf lisdpular cbav cloth top lh hullon duotfi roguuit jjo to low goluff at 34hh 1 cannot im replacoil at till- price lial shoes for men mora satlfjiclory shoe oil tlio mar- any prke clmuiea of bhm11 tit nctt vuluctt ulrlntt ovury tiny prompt nd i work enney bros si acton 1000 a successful business career gucceaaful bualnaaa mod recnue aa tb rouodatlod oet their carrui varly i onnauoss of the thrift habit ths ac cumulation of compataocai should b commenced durloai boyhood there u llttla dim- tufty in btistalauia tha affoti after a beftnnlaa haa baea made tastliuc hucceaa in jtf u not atuuad however tutd aeund dpealtoty u fonod foe tmaa money i the bank of nova scotia uumcnsaar ltlmoiuwkm style happy that ta the frame ot mind that goes wltw society brand clotheis d1ftf atrauh h young men wear thetn men who would retain tholr youthful nppenranoe and men of years who would look and feel young mid men who reallso that thla is the ac of youth tlmy nre made of youthful fabric not loud but live not freakish nor cotinplctiouu it in the bet of taste they have u style excellence thut is beyond imitation tlio moat advanced american style follow tha leadership of society llrund though american in origin they are rnadu it canada for canndlatis by trained expert society hraud are exclualve in all but price ranging na low nu co other dependable llnou in our extensive aelocllona run up- wprdufrornvmo our new ueua store ia worth a kpeclal vliit when you are in guetph it la the most uplodnt and modern in cipilpment any where in watern ontario vnu reached macdonaldu flrat when coming from tho station drop in d e macdonald bros qublphs leading and largest store wyndham maedoneu anj cirjcn streets guelph onl wdfetdfettdttadfedsbtsbd5bit5bdbcsbtsbcsb isatjtsbckjtsbtiia dainty trsumvaau aa imni- beu lirun and all tha tmo you ajr trvot partjcuiair abeat the ahoulj ba wiahd tmly with ounllght soap tha thing you tuiially uvj to corna nmur ilia wajji tub wlth juat trut thtii to bunllgtt purvatof all aoarw rwxt tlma avklai liven coma out eun unfadahl umiuludajulwiui all uwli flrat soft beauty and fruhnofc whyt bauso bun light in koapof matchlesj puhty a 50oo ruar- antoo backa this up 5c 7lg dirkctionj n m s axes bargain list this week bargains fob men menu uultu at kaln caau lien 1 working slioel iam itui i so lien 8wflhtor kens flue bliou umbrallu isa iuh tv bargains for women 1 ladiea raincoats i lotllea fine shoes ladle every day shoe 4m iots ladlrs sweater iktt ladlea pall dresses add bklrteat iialp pricb bargains in gh0cebie5 soap all kind fj for canned goods regular toe s for 7vt shxe ths brlott store opposite new postofflce just opened d p bsqueslng agricultural so- clelv1915 patriotic year the slilynlnth annul pall fair jt to bk huld at georgetown on wednesday and thursday october 6th and 7th u u in hills block mill st acton general repair shop tho flrarttiousutld tfthe hordea to get but it u the boitu of a fortune small regular da- poaltii lathe savings department of tbla hank are the ureat way to get a aurt in the world georgetown branch w n uakay iiumer bank of hamilton special attention to eavet roughing windmilla pumpn furnace and plumbitiftt hot water heating roofing gasoline engines special prizes hor8ks i host lady driver t ii rumford a llest high jumper by o c mackay dank of hamilton 3 best rntlamana turnout by o c lawrence merchant bank 4 best luly driver lo hitch up drive half milt and unhitch by harry wright station hotel j neat high stepper ii p lawsoo v best lady driver hastiuana camera d j mat- 2 beat 3 yearold roadster in hirnese a poster best spring colt by oachll ie chapman 0 beit tandem pair u b placlt 10 beat tmlued colt any broetl vt be shown on line by boy 15 or under j l standi sh it best spring colt by jajrea ucketuu bros from masou iji6 u la best spring colt by sir 1111 ton uckemla broa from aeaion iq6 1 j beat agricultural colt tho cox reeve 14 beat pony outfit ii a livingstone cattlii 1 beit grade yearling bull bank of nova scotia nerval dairv hi beat and neatest 5 lbs butter in t lb it- d- war- 1 beat 1 ibl buttrmade by person using delaval separator w j alexander 3 bent so iba butter in 1 lb prints w- jt ipaterton x4 beat 10 iba butter in 1 lb prints v llvlngiton poultry at best liuf orpington cockerel alive w parti ell as but pair drewed ducks 1 ii barnhlll 83 beat palrdraued chlckena jo hewson fruit al beatbbl spy apples thertnoa set l v haurl- xi beat bblspy appyeaiieut rockev whwliiwn us best bbl spy apples mum dub for cburit able purposeu reawvo7uueli k4 best bbl spy apples jno uudermld 13 bast bualiefbox spies w 0 uucu look for largo list of ujwclala next wk i s 00 3 00 s 00 3 00 s ao 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 i 00 4 00 3 00 a 00 l 00 7 00 4 00 a s 3 00 3 00 s 00 5 00 s 00 4 00 1 so 61 00 3 00 3 00 s 00 3 00 a 00 a 00 9 00 9 00 our collectors or late hence delay bsqueslng p o j a tracy secretary reasurer gentlettten horo you will find hundreds of patterns in the newest weaves from which to select tho material for thut new pall suit also tailors that are put masters in the art of making high class clothes hem overy detail la watched over in the most careful manner to assure you of clothes that are faultless in every detail if you have never had a stilt of clothes or no overcoat mode by us do so now clo tiring made to your order from h to v suit q msrehjuit tailor m mu kfumuhalp r b nelson oumlth omt i jas harden son j j acton ontario s bbdtaccccstdsitkitsbtitsbibcsa the merchants op canada bank bihhilm lill actons electric chopping mill opbtf thursday friday and satiibday chopping and tolling both satisfactorily done b f caldwell acton ont proprietov jfthrift i rliditly dchcribed as eco i nomical manaitcmunt a shrewd business man is spoken of an thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par nkmiiai ferawk us tjooc wuvauhmmdumdlvibmnttlonm- ym1 acton branch p a maclean manager buy made incanahn goods

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