Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling ipers window shades a lartou aukoiltmunt klfiouii nuabomaillls glvo ua a call maillllaott ilioknhttm ibsuu geo tlynds jaweluhy suntl cbhov ouodh aoton ontawio real instate avnkuim for wiln in llultoti feeil stud tlrllliiifluii im ratus lor vale ery slue hi you want m faurtu vt rif m fur ralmlogue ok 11 you vvlwh to sell or ffxdbiuiiici wrlttur wti buvi every laclllly for rauuurllute buuluei to your ttoudejire hollclled j 1 wilfcmmouuv tar in i nellluif hpec lulls uorttetowu elic utoit jfrce ms t1iuhsia noknkll ift 10111 brief local items oalvlllon u rato this yoar la 2fl id mlllo tho flrtt full of now came on tuna ilay kith hint ivrlitijw ilia snow storm instaged h spell af indian hmumnr tlio pioneer iwiallon loft luelph in tuo twin fur inl md on tuiwday it a ropnrtcl that fluilph city council will have a tieuylt of 810 km this jwr itov j c iv limn ii a attended otislpli iwhytery mooting an meeting on tueulsy the ilwik cominllleo of the pree ml rary will ejiloot a inrg supply of new books next week far addition to the library a utter from vta thomas itannett says li arrived nafely in enirund and a now at braiuholt camp ujihack hants county lto 1- tl inr has been promoted to tit rank of wn lor corporal in i company 71 luttallon c i v now stationed at ohathatii aoton checker club lias been re organ lud for the miuiii with lea lurlier an prasldeut and a i mclean secretary- treasurer educational anniversary service will he held lit kiloum church next bund ay warning if p moore 1 p will occupy ilk pulpit lieut xv j itauglaa and lieut m collier left on monday to take ilia oftlcira training ooursa at tlio mlllury phcri school toronto the drumniere snack club liava unt to the leargelown lted crou sodoly si 23 th aurplua from the auuual snack held at isorgetowu a nu in iter of our cltliens am arranging to go to toronto oi mow lav to hoar hilly sunday in the groat meeting to lie lilil in ilia aran tonny leu wanted at ualph to facsa murder charge wruaurrebtad atcliat ham ha was lire u a lit hock to ouolpli on uonday ly clilef luiulall tli a now hunday ucltoal and cliurcli ball of bt auianu pa rid llaiiwiuaia was ajwrvatl witli a aocial yatherfnn on frl day aronlntf kovombor atb itsw ii w avan h a ii 1 and ii 1 maoro art on tlio program ni of tit kovorabcr pktrloi maetlnir in ivutoy strict cliurob cualpli next thursday tlu impruvomaiib to st albant iraanan ars about ooaiplalejl and will miwurttn clerymant tinnio inuoh mnra oontonlsnt oomfortablaand attraetu owing to tlm heavy strain on ih cabin of um po4t offio claok bell tbo belfry tun bn itiaieil noarar i be olork tower im proviiniaiit u uotioarible bv ibis olianuo tlio 1ieebylery of oiinlili emlarud tha formlutr of tlie tinumltte of ona hundrad awl tbo oampaijjn for a dry ontario in july 10 111 at lbs meeting in uuelptt on tuoulay mr a j lehman formerly of tli dominion haul lias purcbooeil the trunk ami transfer buslneeaof mr htrong lterlln ills familiar fac may now be seen it lbs o t it station at all train tnffredcroaa rlooleiy wubes to so- kiiowudftii the following dnnatlona i pupils of lunnoekburn hchool ir mlu uren 1200 1 pupda of lome boliool per ulu jartllne 91 ro abton high hebod olile uiraaquilu tbefaaanj mies mse moorot who for oqven yearn lias ery efficiently and court- aausly fulllllml ber dutfee at tlupoet offloe delivery u inlet u now greatly ulued mm uaidack is urfarmlng the duties for the present mr w j portion me of ijstowell has moved into jr v moccjitwira hnuie on oeorfrt fitreetil mr umrdon will shortly open a liurneu sup on main btml wo weloame mr ami mm flardan uatt sin- ahly hihahurg heaver hialiard livingstons eharawl lu tlie lotwlon pfllloooourt with making false suutaont that the ited croon u selling socks to soldier before seourlng ills re leasa was faroal to sign a legal affidavit repudiating this allegation i00 bewabd i00 the reiulera ot this paper will be pleased to laarn hint there is at leasb ona dreaded dlaeae that acleiioe baa been able to our in all its stage and that la catarrh ca tarrh being really inrluenoed by oouhtltu tlonal oaruirtlntia requlree ooaktitutloaal tieatmbnu hall cuurrli cure is taken internally and acta through tlie tllood on the mucous tiurfaoee of the hystem tliere by deauoylng tho fnumlatlou oltlietllwmw filvliig ths ptent strength by building up the ooastllutloa and aulstlng nature in doing its work the proprietor have so much faith in the auratlve powers of halls cuurtbcute that they offer one hundred ualura fat any ease that it falls to out bend far hit of testimonials address i v j ciiknkv co tou do ohio bqdbynllinlgtlbts7oa many u woman epollg a ronuitioo by try ing to make it hut forever too many people rnlsuka a wish far n auabltlon chicago new nothing please an ignorant trun so mttett u a ohanon to hand over informatloti money la a spleodki suhetltute far brains in boueeaaea children dry for fletchers castoria news of local import flramony ball arid supper the hlaieentlt hiiiiumi mil und supmir of aoton tiro urlgndn will he bold on krlduj jill 1 1 november thla annuul filtiollon lu ipilui nu ovont with the firemen dlslooatodlrfor shbuldof wliila prooeedlng to the urn at homier hoiim mw mill on humlayjilgtit mrs abrain htanfrir had the ml fortune to llp off the liavement h lie fell biiavlly on her right alilo and ber arm was dulocatod at tli ulioulder the injured member bus been very painful afuoe but is slowly mending it is now corp h b deor i ii leer who enlutil almut the first of ootolier in the 71st ilatlallon tlion piarterwlat omlcm la now suiilor cor miral of i cotniwoy the ilatlallon is how in winter quae tor at chatham major loncral fllr flim hughes who recently rovjowod the 7 1 at said it is the heat battalion for tlio length nf time they have iwhjii in tialnliig that canada has prodiioeil chantro in he win kits dank stan mr hoy m ilouru who auoceedml mr j t mcculre oa uiw of the merohauts ilank hero lias resigned from the htstfend will go into mercantile hunl- ueu at ouneoe he left aoton on man day mr a harvey of tho core luy hrenob where mr w h clilsholm fann erly of aoton is maasger how trcee the cage and la rapidly making frlanda with the outtomera of the ikink king ordotiloi dobata the debate on tuesday evening in con do t ian lib ilia winter programme of the ktigorderllea hi hie class was one of id ureal the aubject was t ftewilved that fiihii was a greater prophet then elijah mearo cjeorge murray sod u v cahl well delisted tlie aolnuallre side and j p ucarrow and frank kennuly the negative the debatora put up good arguments ami were very nearly equal in the number of p lints drought out the judges declared for the affirmative heipeler tine mew town hall hapelere new 12 000 town bell was formally opened loat iv i day it i a line two alary building 0tls7l anil is a hand soinedlgnlflm ftructure dwgnad ot the una of the itanahuuno stylo- the foundation ij of firy stone from tlie lien wllliams luarrlea and the euperutroeturs o k ton u praasd brick the trlmmlnga are of corinthian atone the building was designed by john kvsns architect flult a resident of acton for a numlter of j ears thetlult iteporter aeye t the building is certainly u standing monumtnt to mr kvana ability aa an architect interfiling mens servloa the mans servlos in the mslhaillat chumh last sunday evening when thirty man or tlie kings orderlies llible class had charge of the musical service was bath interesting and impressive mr k f moore uu conductor of the meni choir and mr ernest ilrown organist the splendid choruses of lbs men were ably tiipplementod with solas by mr c- haaley of alt uhoe nuiubafs were most efftive mr hcaley la an aooom plltliod singer of goepal song in high claw setting hie interpretation louchss ilia heaita uf bis hrarers intensely his art tiulallan is perfect avary word belig dutlnotly pronounoed and hie neb bar i tone vole la m delight his closing solo one eweetly aolemn thought wss loaat impressively rendered mr hcaley sang a couple of number at the morning service altoandoiery wlrotlnn was appreciated mra ilealoy who is an aceonipllalied organut accommnll her husliaod the aermon to mon by retr mr avlson the mlnialer on is the young man absalom safe was a moat earnctt appeal far a ctaan and conseoraled life thare was a very largo congregation aoton bed cross activities owing to he lllnewof horhualiand mr j l wurren llexldeat of the red crou aid biiolet nelgnejl her position last week mm warron ha lieen m moat en eryotlo onrcutive officer end to her anthua ud ifailerlilp much of ihe suooess of the tied crou work here la due mrs dr flrjy woa ohoun by the saolety to succeed mr wurren mr warren has been tnade honorary lreldsnt the member are sending this week to web of the acton tokliers in the overseas foroes or christmas nake and a package of oomfarts hup4les for hospitals and comforts for wounded soldiers or being seat forward every two or three weeks far distribution by the had cross ofilcer tlie eaelety i here desires to apprise llio general puhllo of ths foot that ths demands far garments and ooufaru far uieltospjuli and wounded soldier is greater than lbs present limited t umber of workers oan supply the aer loss of additional workers is therefore solicited work way bedous at ths hed cra rooms above russells store every thurulay afteronon or supplies uoy he secured there for work to be done as home vnrn will alto be suppu4 to all who will knit sooka ths society would also sppre olate tlia loan of moreeewlng uachlnea for use in uielr rooms obituary itoukrv autns i ilohert aklna for many year a leading farmer in naaugtweya died at ouelph leneral hospital on baturday aucoeedlng a stroke of paralysis ths remains were uken to ths old homestead lot 2 oon 0 noaugaweya the home of mr w j aklna son of the decanted from whetio the funeral was held oh uowlay ftobort aklns was a aoii of ths late thomas aklns who cams from tlie county tfpperary ireund in the early put of lut coatury mul settlod in nafeagavteye the iujt of this sketch was barn on the bomktead aboutlghty years ago sod spent most of his life there in ihos h untried wan watson daughter of ths isut richard wauoh also an early settler of ths town hln or forty ave year they lived to 0lhr then air aklna passed sway in man bevea children blessed th hows of whom tha following survive i willlamj on ths itomastead i tfoua it of txrli mrs keleoa malaugblli naseogaweya ejkl mrs m- gillespie haakatouwatf fifteen years ago sir aklns married lira william darby she survives hint ha was for biany year an active member 6f khetiettr methodist churofa and waa always bald in high seteeu for bbj starling character the remalne were laid at rest in kbstiaxeir eeuetary on monday after noon vharsjsm vast diaweaea between get ting well alona and allowing had to be- eoma woros by a went of firwnee at the outset social and personal mr charles ii kbuge of lurlhi ua in town nu tuesday mr ihoiimu lautoi of lunlpb ajmnit u faw ibiys thlu wnok in aclon mr jumna l vvuncn who is in flunlph ooiiorul haapltiil is progroualng favorably mr john kvaus urohltoct fjalt vlsllwl his mnthnraud other friends hnre thi week mr a m hnlu loft last week le uke u unit on in m leading letroll manufaa tnr mr and mrs tho marmhalt of flnie houw ufient the week end with aoton relative mr iiano kraiioln nd mlas ail wem hero from toronto on haturday and hun day vltltlng friends mr and mr jouph holiiira returned on monday after spending several days ulth friends in toronto r and mrs o a manlchal motareil from toronto and viitelfrlenda at aoton and llallluafad tills week mr filduoy tlunton la able to be altaut again and will shortly resume bu poelth at tlie llaardmore oftlres mr itourt waluoe an mlu annie have gone to wliigbsiri to sind the winter with friends there matter arthur fana and iteatrloe from uniehaum spent tlie week sad ulth tlieli aunt mr wm hall main fltreet mr j victor col oman manager printing department of tlm central v m c a toronto waa bonis over tlie week end mr a makabb who has been for ae oral months with ber daughter mr heat tie in hamilton returned home this week mra llev howard v heller and mra i k itwldellawl children of hamilton vlalud mr and mrs ilogerson but wak miss marlon lawson of cluelfili returned hwiwlan week alter apendlng tlie sum msrurlih bar uncle in ktreeinoot mich ln mr jam hollswey who la uiuergolng treatment in the hospital at ouelph ao aa to tie fit for enlistment la tasking good inogwss toward recovery mr joe m moore of tlie herald george town accompanied by mr moore and daughter spent baturday awl sunday with mrs titos t moor mr a h fflcklln went to toronto on monday to attend the funeral of mr d i mrcullam en mayor of seafurtli who died in rkatoon last week iv w g c kenney whowaalltanj in tlis hoe pi 11 for seven weeks lias rccovril aiwl is probably at ills duties ogalu in ona of tlie laurlnsry hospitals t tli front iv ii a and mr cox and children motorvd to hamilton lakt wk to hieet tuir brother pt kenneth cons of tlie 7dtb ibittallon wliownson the trek from niagara packing pabcels poh eoldiebs the post offlee deuahment beoora- mends careful packing to ensure safe delivery tlie puhllo la urged to aaercls every oar in packing parcels for the troop aa careful packing is aliaaluuly essential to ensure delivery of lbs parcels in good order parcel sent abroad require a high standard of pocking thaa fa noary h ths canadian paroel poet and this appll with oven greater force to u reels for th troop those which ur inadequately packed run great risk of damage or use of content thin cardboard boxes ueh an oboe boes and tliln wooden boxe houkl not be used nordoe a alngls sheet of ordln ary brown paper altorcl numeienl iroteo the following anna of packing are reoam mended i strong double cardboard bout pre ferably thoae made of corrugated cardboard anj having lids which completely enalone tlis sblosof ths boae 2 btrong woolen boaso 3- several folds of stout kecking rsper 4 additional socurlty is afforded by an outer covering nf llnsn cat loo or canvaa which should lie securely sewn utx tlis address of the paroel should be written in ink ou tlis cover preferably in two place ths addrsss of ths sender of ths paroel should also be stated in order that it way be returned if undellverahls ths con tent of th karoo should ha stated in writing on the cover in usjsjf parcel sent to ths meditaaillrvoroes they should be very they should be as near- passible and wall paddwl with lupled paper orsjmlurprotao- irul ths outalds covering ahould ig linen oalloo or eanvas securely sewn up ths uaa metal boxes with square iraue as paroals so pocked other parcels ih uanalt uiut should be sent and become soft or atlcky such as ohoooutas should be enolooed is tin wroels merely wrapped in paper or puked la thin cardboard boss such as ihos boxaa cannot ba accepted letter from lancecorporal moore prom london canada to plymduth england in ten days pine scenery but prefers cana dian weathbr tlie fallowing intlnr was reoelvod on hs turd ay from isnceuorp lluglar john km moore and will lw read with interest i llramahott camp mphook rngland koiemlier 1st idlk lfear polks i atlsnt i have time to wrltoyon a latter huvo sent several oard which you no doubt have reoelvod wa left london a week ago thursday night und arrlvwl at queheovlag t it and c k il about eleven oclock friday night hod ootanm coaches and ware fairly oomfcrtahln dont know when w piiuad lliroufli toronto as i was asleep- wa tun larked alwut 130 saturday momfug on ths anchor liner callforni our voyage across was uneventful but very interesting there were nearly 2000 soldiers on board over and above tlis crew and we were very cramped however w managed nloely i was scarcely sick at all i only fslt a 1 1 1th dluy th second day out the weather was remarkably fine although we experienced stiff gets in tlis clan net the grub that wa sersed wa vwy ioor ami remarkably oaaiw on sunday morning we sighted ihasoutli n eoost lights and docked at hymouth about noon all window and jwrtliow liod to be oiosmi ami cohered nd every light concealed on haturilay nlghl we il no escort until wa cant near oaast from plymouth w entrained for up- ck aliout in id u ay ltwn porumouth anil london th i ttle iralnu are surely funny sjwoliiy tlie frlght car rut tliey can travel we gut off ths train aliout inhlnluht and marclij to camji aliout two and a half tnlue it wo nrh four oclock info ws war ettld w are in hut which hold 1out forty men aaoli sleep on boanl stretohar and hav a small heater will lie quite comfoiuhk when we get uttud tlie scenery la till country in very tlm place butgiiemciiad4 ide waatlur lulnlng avr since we umloil tlie wh sliould know uy it relne tl this month hi pec t well need a boat hfo long there are two v m 0 a tents hsr and wet canteens galore thar r also piotur sliuu and other plaoss of smuteoisiit built ami sujparu4l by lit various churches i apot about a weke imatoinorron i itont know wlier ill go yt have u i ooupls of invitations to scotland sn several to england aud may go to ireland will have wore time to writ thee so will clou now vour loving sou john pearl harbor unol sam formidable nevi au in th paelfla oeean when it was seen that manila was umioms as dofenao for tills country and woald be n handicap instead of a help la war pearl harbor od oo of th hawaiian lalands nlno billn from honolulu was selocled aud slimwov 000 wast approprulod by comrrsaa fov its fortlflcauon it bas m betlsr har bor than either gibraltar or helgoland a concave sweep of land make ths harbor wblob is crowned by a long rldga of glgdtiuo rj qa nigfld and tumbled rock that lorailtmtwi in an x tlnct volcano known as dlntnood head a frowning mountain side hld u beat ufa 1 lake that is reached tmat the sea by au inlet ilka the neck of n bottle it covers cloven aquara muest with n depth of about sixty feet over tishv nil of lb tho neck that leads to ttio sea is thrne tulle long and hard fy wider than necessary fof veol to baa parallel with the coast is a coral ror a mils wide tlirougti this a chaa- uel a ujotisand feet wldo has been cut ft bas been equipped with ou of th most cotnpleto naval stations in the world a roll squar in extent it baa a drydock which is tlio urucst in th world a fjooooo amnninltlon ptnul and oil tanks for vessel the fort lo cation ox tending for hftfeti mil to honolulu constat of powerful bait art with cement etnplartituentm below lbs ground lovel tho rods are guarded by two forts uoltber of which can he keen from ih ocean on the land the guns are defended by o merles of earth works that form n crescent from ilia harbor to honolulu lu lb extinct volcano fa a mortar battery the four mortars of ibis battery bar au sx trbtcobt range uf nlua mile throw ing twelve inch shells weighing 700 potinda the oencoaat defense have fourtawrl illcll glllm lind llltl fort niw feupiiiniilel with uiibnjhrtiie mlue controlled by slectrh ity lfiri harbor la about 000 wile frotd uualawun uud from samoa at op posite ends n nd a llttls to from san weucuco so with tbl imprvguabi im a flt ran guard ibo wbol rtis of the pacific for ibis distance and have this safe r treat for rvflltlng and frb mppll technical world uag- aoliie important store news from guelphs leading and largest departmental store this small nw luttar can bring you only a pattlon f all the wttchu importnnt iiown items but horo nr n few parngraplih that sliould im nf apodal inlornt to you ths llnsm dpairtmant la featuring our apeclal values iii linen initio clothun sola pillow caoo towels etc a whole boat of prices arnangiod ua bargains at rudiictloiiu of a half and third far thuy lira prices which have hot yet been mibjoct to ths piavalliiig advanced of so per cent and moro plax growing countrloa or in a stnto of lion pro duolloil and the scarcity of raw material is therefor acuta rven ihe famous old hluacli llmnd la not available at prvoent on whnleoale nurkets wa are however yet well supplied in this and other well known hues the hosdeiiry dtprtmrt bal similar lid ing cashmore yarn ars even moro scarce than tho raw materials that go into the manufacture of linen levan without reference to our special prices our qualille irt cashmere hosiery nr values to lie ton oh t a treasure wacau boaht of notably good nupplles for the prtit the uan of forty british bed c c aetoni glvlbjf anowledtfm hy the svovlnelal treasurer reeve hyads has reoelved the following utter oiaoknowiedgetimt i treasury ttanaiunaut vorjnta nov fltb 1016 geo hyrula ksq i reeve acton ont dear sir vour of the 3rd lust enelaslng draft for 114150 in aid of the rritlob red cross floolely from the cluieoa of acton hoe been reeelved by the hon mr uboarry who has directed ueto o knowledge reoelpt thereof and to expreu his thanks aud the thanks of the committee for the generous oonuihutlon vour vary truly c a mawiisws u inlet eva secretary have you weak umjs lo colils settle oh your clieat or in yotur bronchial tubes ho coughs lisng on 0a era you subject to throat troubles r ucli troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of bcolte hmulslou to guartl agal- consumption which so easily follows scotts umulsloti contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the ree- blretory tract end improvce the quality of the blood tlieglycerlnelnltaootheaand heals llie tender membranes of ihe throat scotts is preocrtbed by the beat special ist you can get it at any drag ator scott 4 owwsw ymv10 oat ualton child aid society annual meeting- and election of offloers for current year the annual meeting of th hal ton chlurena abl society ua iwhl in mlllax i oat week inspector norton of ii rump ton deliver ad an interwtlng lecture on th work of tli society illustrated by lantern views taken by himself there were pictures of eh 1 1 dren taken on roeptlon into ths sltalui and after they had been thr some little time- tlie improvement in their appear an was remark ah officers wereelected as folawsi president j m henyee b a i 1st via pro mlsruddyi jndvloe pre c h stuart 8o miss young 1 treasurer t r little executive all resident ministers the reeve of all county municipalities mr and mrs 1l r ftobertaan p allport mr gotham mrs j a modanell ttio mojunnett w j mefienalun d a campliell and frank peareii uiltoo i w tuck oakvill i dr watson george town i w ii stewart aoton i i k smith ilurllubton rsfornier browns trees tlie best that can be growa who la our agent in your town brown unotiikith oo nuiaerymeu limited awwams wuhla wellousd oa out a representative wanted at once for acton out district for the old uid rbluua fonthill huh3chies laujiwlyr idle ill wlnur wlien you cau tiiko up it luylliic cboloa llif of varieties for spring plantlug liberal terma llaudeoua fri outfll lescluiivoterrltory write uow for partlculani stone ftt wellington toronto ontario pall winter stock of boots j and snobs now complete heavy lines lajh lines working boots sunday shoes goods to suit all customers of best makes and latest styles we back the goods we otter and make our prices satislac tory we have rubber rub ber heels slippers and pumps our repairing is carefully and promptly done call i kenney bros msvu61 arton as e rule hs cltill think he c kit off being thlma at the sue or forty a man bss reached a tlm of life wbeu it u bsnlly one thing or the other lite past ys are have not bn ao many us to iwruilt one to lay down bis ami and rvtreat lu quut to the ahade it 1 ului not ton idle to slrtv and iwrhafw to aebuve on tbe otnr baud ao much dusty road bee bon traveled tlutt if on hud it has not ud blm fsr ou tlie way b meant to go be can hardly delude himself with tbe fancy that be cau yet eo hack and begin tbe journey nuew tbe pleasant sens of superfluous lluie is gone one must burry niu parhelia it u too late tbeu cohiu ihe grief of perceiving tbe waste ths loa the utter fululty of poatponetuaut tbo world is full of good and wonderful things what wealth of potential oxpertence and emo tions and time and opportunity for to tittle and yet year after jeer one goes on blindly and blandly putting off to some more convenient or sppropsi ata time to that itniioeslble period when all will b exactly right things be want to du nud can do a kind ac tion nuking a new friend or aluiing a whole career once acquired the bahlt of postpon ing persist hope spring sternal end a man of forty hud himself counting complacently on some day liking up hunting or entering politic or circling the globe robert l raymond la the atlantic pine fro by warms spells it u a curious ftt that welsr pines under ground will orten fro during tbe warm spell that follows a cold snap the explanation made for this interesting phenomenon is that after a cold wave isrga quantity of beat u taken from tbe ground lu the work ur changing the frosen moisture into wa ter and thus ou the principle of th tee cream freexer the plp is chilled enough beat being tskeu from it to tveeotetl inseparables sweet end low heart end souli tooth and nalli hammer ami tongs rain orahlnej fair and warmer odd or vent pot up or shut up thick or thlu j ham aud egga tail and stately black and blue hue and cryj gay and festive meek and lowly safe and sane pro nud cent touchlnjr on and appertaining to do and so flue uud dandy i down and out new fork uau a keoeftl f fwft he tnjtaltng over wifes cbeckbookl why toy deer i cant make head or tail out of these stubs they foot up more than yon ever bsd tn bank bus- on thats all right dear i just used the stub to keep tab on what the things were before they were nurksd down so u to show bow much i made dout you seerrplttshurgh pr porlarn heps bride half cry lugiohr dear sotne- tblng tsrrible bss happened sly whole sundays roast bas burnt aud it cost me 8 rnsrksl suddenly illuminated by a brilliant ideal rut say my dear we have a are insurance havout we- lustlge diaetter oleeer that a hreiher vnat krencb count slicks vty tight to your skirts mas yea i fancy he must lie the original olaster uf pari judge tfoflofflio canada the mstrsa stor nm fualiirlng njicclnl dloptny ofovercostu pivo hundred xlndnln will have part in lb showing and fivo hundred in n modiiit octim- ate iiicluiled will ba nvery nulllonllc ntylo for winter fn tlio irout nf popular fabric i tli era nr prlcouto ault vory titans economic punui tlio rnnga bcgltinlng as low an to chrlstknaia raadlnsi0 in niintliur important metuuiga pruparatinn during tho pnut wuokn hava been mada on a broad ocatc btnckn will lie broad selections wide and price suited in uu ocnnomlc conditions of tlio times it will ba nnu nf our special objects to assist our friend in making thlu clirlrtmaa mora than avera neaaen of practical gift giving saturday haugain8 aro always a ipecial attraction for week ond shoppers at macdoitahl a- kncti weeu brings forth a specially prepared program niit of snappy bargaliis d e macdonald bros llnluj ooelphs leading and largest store wytuiiutni irtwjobntu ml csrjcn slrula ouelph onl spots om the sum tlis reluru of sun anots la a pbanocu eiiiui linn uklnuiumer always regard with fcr4ii coiicru tbey come ttocs ing bark our lu about evry elvni yars ic tske ou tbe avaage four and a half year for tbm to rsch a maximum of numbers wbn the son is uu to be more or use spckud r- ry day aud sin end a half years to decline ageut to a minimum wbd for mouths lu succaion the suns face is ss rt a aa s polubed mirror upoa tbe whole the bat ou the earth tak ing us enure surface brio scoooat snd basing the ohservauau on the tmupar stur of the slnymphem is shoot 1u dare or the pbrubu scale low at suu spot maximum then at sun spot bilnlmum this cannot be wholly doe to tbe darkening of tbe sun csud by the pruce of the spot since as sir c a abbott of the smlthosilau futn tlon bas shown tbe amount by which tbe tmprslur is lowrd is five time too great to be accounted for in that way hut lbr7 sre other ways lu which an itivsto a a horde of spots on tbe sun make its effects fait upon oar globs tbo most couepieuous of the is lit conneviloti with ihe earths m- nefum the earth is n on at magnet and the suu uppeeru to meals u dlrwct ladd- vnro upon it tuuaiietk stale thai uj- tiuvtuo vuryina ulth iiw condition of lh suu um tu ton win when sun sihits ur ui it mxxliumu magnetic storms of nrviil oliuce occur during tvblch tbu ui4tru miiuuellc sxeltemsim of the earth u vlrldly inuulfested in tho atmoiipbers by imiioelng dupluye or tbe auroni uoreell and lu tbe earth itself bj viiguiiouil mirrent wuuli lu- tarrupt lelcgruph urn inble communl csiiou utul uouwiluiee leap into vial blllty lu tbe form r truckling upsrks end electrk- humltt piny lug ubnut lb initruuieuta occmslooully ii lias beeu possible to trace phenomenu uf ibis kind to ihe inbuouco of ludli hltnil suu spots of un usual tuugultuuu uud activity it is like the truiismlaslou of n shock from ihe sun tu the earth across a gap or 09000000 ml uuiiud to be filled willi uotbliig but hut luvsslble aud in unglhle her exactly bow lue forces that produce spots upou the suu utfect the earth n west ber le uu uuuettled uueailou there hi a couidderuuii nutouui or tvl dance for saylug that such storms us our westers tornsdoea lbs hurricanes of tbe west ludlee and ths typhoons of the china seas are far more numerous during suu spot ma mima and especially during the time that the spots are lu creasing la number it has also been thought that wet aud dry season sre connected la some way with tbe sun spot cycle but on this subject lbs evl deuce la contradictory home statistics show that dry seasons accompany sun spots and others that wet siaaons ao- company tbetn out all or these thing really of utile account lu comparison with the treat question or the effects produced upon tbe sun itself tbe esrtb is speck lu the infinite vault of space and ws are animated atoms living for the fraction of a moment upon that inslgulncaut sineck of how great con- sequence in the vast schemo of the creation can tbe little questions ibai- relste to our ephemeral comforts bel if a suu flame should lick ns up our dloappearunca frem tbe unltervu phys ically considered would ba or less im portance than that of lb mluuleet drop of water from ibe ocean dut if tbe suu should disappear iiiere would be a star gone from heaven a pari of ths universe at least would notice iu absence whatever tlireuleits lbs exulence or tbe huh then iuim nu up preclable traportsitco the ustronomtr rinds ilia the sun upotu ure uynipio- uutkr of progressive cbnngus which 111 event tin lly bring tbe nuns career to ntt end aud so tui unidl ilirm not for ihe sake ur finding tint im tv ly bow they may affect mir ptfl ulyulr hut lu order to trace fur lib liilcllecliinl mtufattlou tbe grniul phenouu mi of ibe life aud deatli uf a slur aud lu doing hint be la imrvilliiu the uuly eoiirae which run twinr mini frutu nu llvlon oflwtltnu bin miilcrliil lulutilll entice mid iiolhlnaiimn ulth tin r in five great tic or bis mind liarrm i rerva lu hpokune ttuikt aimui ii vlsw a little advertisement i attracts attention of course not no much as a larger onn but nevnrtlioltms it pays big interest on ihe investment this space at fifty cents a week lor a year would help your business remarkably try it a short time at least put good copy infills space and it will do the rest for you nnnann rmnrmnl new fruits our new fruits have arrived new valencia naisinn new sunkmt seeded raining new sunkiet seedlerh raisin new sunlcifit prunes new pucih nw fijb 1 lithe lines are the choicest we c in buy give us jour order oymtf ciscnts llttdieo kipjiorn ilwt s frtuh russells mill street acton ont a pnnniinr1 use thb bank tilers is alwaya a temptation lo upond the money in your pocket get the habit of do positing hie small surplus amount a instead of carrying them aliout our savings depart ntwlll help you save georgetown bttanch w n uestsy uaaassr the merchants bank of canada i uijutm i f thrift is rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of unvinp one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch p a maclean manager a buy madeincanada goods

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