Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1915, p. 2

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wed mlikww at ml ourlw ntt vlif iay 12111 1 nnvotnlior uolwrt molliron hm1 11 years ifnaulf in ouiiwilllaidu mi hilunla nov qoui w w iw ui 141 yearn j r campbell is committed the haltom war auxiliary to stand his trial oil two chur-jroa- atuon and laioony ftj retort sfvtt ras tiiuumuy imckaimmii idib edit0hkalh0te3 tocamahau mat credit tho ilomoatlo war loan litt itoen aulworiheil titoro than iwim oiar when the auluaorlriuon hat closed tuesday it wu nnnounoed that tlw total eubecrlnlionn would amount to enrt- ulerably mora tliuii oho hundred million dollar a auuminul nf tho enact total cannot lw mada until nil the auuacrliitiotia ere received the return r camnu from nil parts of camilla aiul will not all im it for wxtta daja thorn ere at laaal twanty five thousand individual applica tions what um public of ontario wantu declared mr tlowell in k apoeoh lit toroit to lat wuk la not rriilatlati of km liquor traffic tut oompteta abolition of bar duke and altope mr howell re pealed hie offer now aunjiiiu for aluio a year tltat the uberel party would co oper ate with utetiouemtiieutin closing all lara blub and shop during- lb war riot to i re opened eiteepl by vou of the people i or if lb government woull not tab la rvsponsllllty tlisnisol let then at least u ibis government of alberta ha don awl aa th roverncoent of manilal ugolnultlo give th people a chance to vou out the trafilo by referendum afiain k ak what abont nt ysye iowa bodtwll f hldfretown lion aloe w dij not hear you u brat tint orwevouu lave loli you nst y tsra eoumrll will b rood deal lib tbla yeaus pretty utuorj ut uui tatil dolatf inuy tnueu th uta thing uvea if aoce aw u are ewud they will do pretty uucb the uui ttfii u we don by title yeere council and ut years be- eatus- eiw all it u vry difficult for a eoaeoil togetoutof doing uilon aa uty bv4 tfwaya bni do if tuan qu uud aad alula in to do a lot of naw lilriga that yoti want to ta doi ha aoon fladi that thnt kro tt of popu who jj oa waut uiw tblujra doa at all 11 ta ulppwl up whtabavt way h turtle tmlll wltbfcort jilft is uariui to tit dowii and avoid buupa torimto star iturruuvkid la iacfailhg la ontario tiaaaad by ths failuh fcithw to sbollali tba liuo ume or to bw tha ptopld a eliaom lnwlpltodtby ksfanadgtd tb i4oti wl- l4 mill sunday towtlug which judgad by th kit of uia erowda aurpamad auy thla lu tta butwry of ontario wr ahjral fidut uot only for th mull which a lkly ta follow uitvu toor ao aaan uu kslauluibu ayuhol of auvth of pubtlo faalltt aaloat th liquor uto rlfiltt how hm holiday aiaotiuga bald uudar tlva auploaa of th boa partlaan cooiuitu of on hundred aad aluadad by thouaauda of out of town vuitor u wll a by vet- osto paopu war lu raality luouaur mttbraajta of public diapiobaiiaa of th liquor tramo kovar in i hlatory of tita eoaatry wa thr auob alaaliluff fiftht- luffatuob on th liquor bmluia and al tboiijjb thai may paaaluy hr aod thar b soau duafcraemant a to bjr sunday a ukuutda than haa ba no aitawpt at dottlal of th obvloua fact that sunday doublatioa of th lujuor trafilo wu oor- vbb aod uiuuuwarau hasg on of thak rmruiu who wer alod upthla wv walkad from hroomvill to tctllat thta young man ahowa a flrafc aplrit of palrlotlwu and if aoma of tha ortalph boya would do tliat it waald oaly taka a ahort uraa to brinp tha bait up to ittaijtfa uaroury th wobtana iuautuu will bold tulr baxfc munsf at th bom of lira itohatfe laaohuan on dacatubir lotli ivaparauona ar now balng mad for tit ojjaolrnf of tha nw bbanaur church thi will i a rad utur oooaaloa with tha uatliodlat paopu of tha ootamunlty tlavotain tha prtabyurtau church oti tba quaatloa of unloo which waa oota- putad uat waak a advaraa to unloa war aotfia raasoo a amall vol waa pollad tfca oongwffauon of oainpbauvllia and sodotd ivaahytarun ohurobaa laid farawall tbla weak to luv a ulalr d jk who baa ba tbalr faithful mlnlatar forthlrtyyaara ybalovdaad eataatri in whlob dr iluir audi ura dlalr ara bald waa amply maul- faatad at th catharioga bald at oaupball villa oa monday bvaulajraod an uodom on waduatday wtnlog tfia itlodly worda of farawall apokan aod tha kaaaroui puraaa ptaaaatad 000 by each conotfatlon wataampl uanlfaatatloo that tbay llva in tha ajktououa of tha paapla dr ad air clair will rauova ml ooo to oualph whara tbay bava built a eomfartabl houa air eluphao oaroooban baa dupoaad of ba farm to ii r uorrla euia of aotott tho jamaa otrrtabati farm baa nglo ehajijjad banda mr willoufthby racautly caldll tha uuur to ur v v bayaraaud baa now dlapoaad of tha farm to sir king cooper of aotoa u laafc ytmraday avaaloff ur and ura tama nlokall ealabratad tb aavoatb aanlvataary of tbalr wadding by giving a bad umm party which waa thoroughly aojoyad by all prawul oontrlbutloua doaalttad of uoka and otbar uaaful attlolu bjwool ur and ura o e polklngborhaauatul ad tba billy hunday maatlnga la voronlo uat waak au of th aldara and ovar twothirds of tha taambar of uuabouaa ivaaltytartaii obnrob voted agalnat church union but bebbatb ur t v ivaoa aitt a fw day in brentfor and stratford laac weak whyitlbdahh df jacvaon la ofun aaked why koman uaal la dark in color compared wltb other braakfaat food it u baoitua tb uutrl tlatu parti of tha grain era not removed when waking tbla oeroal food dr jaokaona roman uaal coufckuof tb wbouffmlna tb dark part a well a th light lb ht tha moat uonriahing food known to aouaoa fluarmntaad to rellev oonaupailon or your money back do no ur after making roman uaal porruftvoryodlrpollir i 100 and sao at grooara try tb raadyoookad roman uaal nug- get von knay aoftati them with boiling waiar drain and add ullk or ear with i bob tallb or ereau uaja by roman uaal co toronto iw magistrat co monday toll n it cdtnpuell blaokhmltli who waa approbitdml wt wnli on tli obargn of araou mid llteft end ramamlod to tha bounty jail to await hla vrol 1ml rtary trial wum brouuhtto aotott on monday by cliiaf fjtwfcflll jubtln ii 1 mooro and a k nloklln linld tho preliminary liaarluif county crown altoruoy aiul fnipmlor orear of toronto appeared for tha crown ami xjylsiy ddlo of loorpstowti for the conn- oil tho olmrun of tlieft of lumber toou loatltor iteltlntf eto from the uw mill pmmua of ik a ifenderaon wan flrab hoard tits toola lialtlng awl other ur tip 1 6 which were aeoured from camp bell iihop following tlie twiuanoe of a maroh warrant were identified by mr iiiidcroit and by one of hi employee aa hi property ildenoriitulttoientto warrant tha jua llcea 1m ootiimlttlng the nocuaeil for trial wan adduoed ths charge of areon waa than board tlie following witnaaeee ware eiamlned v a ifandereom tltomu v watklna robert laaby hugh ryder john r wataon creweou mclaughlin and thome trout th evldeue went to altow tliat camp ball bad made threat to get even with ifenderhoit afur hi rvoant ault in tb dlvlelon court bar on wltnea ewor tliat campbatl iad bald mallo agajnet lfandereou for aomatlm and lied tbraateri ad that b would ea hla mill in aaha otltar autad that ha bad uaad vile name and etrong language agajaat haodaraon and alao againat bla aod the avidanoa ebowad thatcumpball waa atandlntt at hie own abop door ahortly after tha are we dlaeovarej and that a atrong odor of ooal ell or gmaolin waa notload by those who arrived early at th are caupbji waa aho oombtlttad for trial on tbla ehar je he waa raurned to jell to await hi trial before the judge chorch pmhjm is imphobable maiiy of tha leadlur prbyterum chuhjhoa uav votod agmltiat it actomfi v6tc aqalmta20 tueaday waa the biet day for tb rtnrrj of ballot in the fnabyurlan cbukha in tha vote oa th quaailou of union with th ueihodut and congragatloaaj churohea it will be aom daya bafora tha gattwmj flgureahave baau oobtpltad but from report ao far reviewed it baa been aeearulnad that a vary urge minority vouableaetbaa been reeordad with tb ovrwbelmlugly favorable vou in th weetarn provlnoee and tli favorable vote in tb aeat th advere vot of ontario will it waa believ ed be mora than balanced but tha opoal tloa i now aaen to be ao etrong that any further move toward tha proposed union la unwarranted tha vote in kitov cburoh acton waa u follow i for agalnat elder 7 4 member m 171 adbereou 23 45 tote 01 c20 a much larger vote waa polled than that which waa taken at tha provlouavotaaevar- al year ago obituary oeoiuir liu buy etemuu aoton cat one of bar moat aotlvacltiieaa when george btatbam paaaed away on tb 22nd november for mora than a year ur btatham auftered from an aliment of lb etomaoh and on new year day but after a trip to naaaageweya he waa taken painfully iii if waa never afterward able to return hla butlnae in march be went to toronto and waa operated upon in tha boeplbal there when lb waa found be waa wfterihg from canoar if gradually felled eu flaring much until death came cleorga suthata waa the etdeat eon of ur and ura tbottua btatbam church street and waa born in georgetown in 1809 thirty year ago b came to aoton with hla parent and waa moat utlva la tb baking bueinaea ilia cheerful and obliging dbv poaitloamade forblmboetaoffruoda ua waa aa faithful aa tha aun in hi dally round ilia motto waa never to dleappolnt a customer ii waa etralgbtforward la hla dealing and an upright boalnaea man if waa a member of bl albeaa church and for a number of year waa a trailed church warden fourteen year ago be married ulaa marie btoae daughter of tha lata richard ulooe during bla long uloaae aba waa moat faithful in bar tender and lovlatf ministration deceaiedwaaa member of the oddfellowe ami woodman tba odd- fellowa attended the funeral but tburaday in a ikody and ontolated at the grave tho funeral eervloe were conducted by rev c h smith m a the floral tribute were numerous hen who ar uab to 8ebv8 if couierituon u doeldm upou by ulllury authohuft orcaand tor tho beaetlb of our reader we puhlteb tha provulona of tha ullltla law aa fol low i tha mala population from 18 to 80 not exempted or disqualified by law and being nrltiah auhjeote by birth or natural isation may be called upon for eervloe the mala population ao liable to aerve in tbamllltiaahallbedlvldadlatofoarolaaiee tbanret ahall oompruo tbow of tho g of ib year and upward bat under 30 yeera who are unmarried or widower without children t te leoond eleaa ahall oomprlea tha of the age of so year end upward but under 40 yeara who vt unmarried or widower without children tho third eleaa ahall eomprlea tboaa of tbaagoof ih year and upward bub under t yeera who are married or wldowere 1th ehlldrea the fourth ebua ahall eomprlea the of ii end under ea and tho above ahall ta the order la which the mala population ahall be called upon to kervev tb uetbodlet sunday school annual entertainment will be bald on tburaday evening december mth the literary society baa electad tha following osoera i rveeldontjopb ben bun i vioapreauua abbou beo tree ctereooe hottop aaaleunb annu ueaham i oriuou b cook i vlaechuoharold smith i librarian- ura bmallbord i organut ada currla aaeletant- agnaa uareball kcecuuva ooramltttojobu stewart uulaa talbot jennie tovell ouardroy btodlay orgahlxed by major wllllama to stimulate recruiting and promote welfare op the soldiers major whiiama recruiting oftloar far ihtrlct no 2 held m recruiting meatlm at milton on friday all the municipal tie of lifton county ware reprtuuinled tlte ualion county war auxiliary waa organised toatlmulale rorultlnf and pro mote the welfar of our sold i era tim following onioem were elected t hon president rr a w nil on u p v prealdenl 1 b ralterteon uillon vice in lkinosn campbell moirkt treaaurer w 11 clementa miltott beoretary dr it k andereon council tlie followlugi raquaelng j a try and jno rlng- haiti neassgaweya dr curltert and jame malton nelson j a iettlt awl luv oeo b caauniortf trafaloralev porter and c turner aoton oeo ifyudaand if p moore burlington u c smith and rev ft w hovey georgetown major grant and o ii dayfoot oakvllla rev j k munm and a armetrong tit president and secretary are milton men and tli tteadquarter will be at th county town local brancheawillbeorgauiseduirough out the county 1ntebc0uhty uvks jupfllho hajtotl young hen will c0rrtpto lu judglntf atoualph winter- fair helton aa a county playing a now part in ouelpb winter fair thu year a olaaa for aa intercounty live stock judging oompetltioa baa been arranged by tha ofiloer of ut winter fair tb district repreeeutativea la tlta veriouaoountlee whohavebeeaeondactlutf short couree in agriculture during th winter month are to aelect a team to vpreeot their county from tb pupil who have attended thee court tbla team eooeiat of 9 young men under iu year of age from each county they will be required to judga clawe of heavy boras beef cattle dairy cattle sheep and fcwlue th placing ami reaeoa will be given in writing and point eoored oa aaeh individ ual judge card submitted seventeen oountte bav entered a team an follows i helton peel waterloo dur ham srooa ulddleeev eam weatwortfa onurio oford dtaldlmand viotorla orey klyld bimeoe and york thu u tha flrat year that a competition of thta nature baa been arranged and vry reeldenb ef thee eounuee mentioned will be peieoeauy intareeted in tha provincial winter fair aa palrlolum to tbalr owa oountua demand tuch bach dlatrlct repreaenuuve i buay training tha county team prafitioal work a being eecured at leadlntf atook farm over tha province tha helton team are wllbert ford ulltoa i ernie pauateon uillon i and harold early norval h it hare ut haltoa district rapreeeatatlv la couudenb of a very creditable showing from tb team selected tha judging will b don oa monday and tuesday december fitb and 7th tbareaultaof tbla oompetltioa will be moat interesting cttbwb co tho enow of hut week all disappeared and th farmer war ploughing again on thursday the ladiee aid mat ab tha home of ura w a murray hut wadnaeday aftarnooa a committee waa appointed at thl meet ing to vuib aotoa rod croe society to get information with regard to taking up bad crom work th animal chrutmae aatertalnmaab will be bald la tha church bar thursday evening december 18th a good pro gramme la being prepared a meeting will be heu oa thursday evening of tbla week when all who are intareeted la th entertainment are tequeetad to be rweaenb to make further arrangement the proceed will b devoted to red croaa work bergt w col acton who recently returned from the battlefield in fiaudare will give and addreea in th church bare oa sunday december 12th ue will relet hi ajiperueoea while with tha lab canad ian contingent until be waa wounded and returned home ur o damper went to chatham hut week to remain for the winter ura burunghau and victor are epeod- lug a few day with friend la toronto ml nora van norman ouelpb a vuiuog at bar grandparent ur and ura jama oamtde browns trees our agent lu your town t shown d 0twhs co nuiurymiu limited tavoweie mussawuat walutsd cidu oa fallwlntet stock op boots and shoes now complete heavy lines light lines working boots sunday shoes goods to suit all customers of best makes and latest styles we back the goods we offer and make our prices satisfac tory we have rubber rub ber heels slippers and pumps our repairing is carefully and promptly done call kenney bros behbra career it la m barman an th plekln papular approval tho enreor of reuilintndt now ton orally ncktiowleduod to bo ono of the very rjredtent f pa inter b nti hlua- irauoti of tbo hctloncsu of popular provnl during tbo inat twotttythr year of ills llfo lio illanplhtarwl in ahrtdow iiuo that wlikh onvalopa tb myatery of bla pdliilltitr lu hketclica of grout pnliitor n book by kdwln wntta clilihb thorw la nn littcreatliig parnurupli interesting ilka to tho philosopher nnd to tho lover of nrt a cotiornllon nftor the death of rembrandt llhi urent ncphaw ob- acrrod tbnt n aliort tlitio nuo tlio lano- ranco of reputed comiolouour wna ao croaa with r0trd to tlio work of tbo hitshty rom brand t thru it wna poa- nlblo to buy quo of hlu portrnlta for alxpoaco two cenliirlcti inter tin american tiillllouiilro riccfirdlng lo current re port- paid 000000 far orio production tlio mill when ho died m florin wen epcut on bid funorah in 1000 when celcbrntlng blu teroonlonnry itydon mid atuutordnm ujwnt thou- bfltulu in ijlii honor whan bo lived hi liouo snuklatt homo wna nold undcri tho immmof of tbo dicrkf j now tho uu- ulclpallty bna purcliiiul tho property wllkli line bocomu llio alirliio nf wor- alilpful hiluilrun wliotoina from nil pnrt of tbo en r iii to boo tbo place whnro once lived rembrandt within a generation of hla work criticism be lieved that tbo vulfinr nnd ivroenlo pect of a subject were tho only one ho wu cnpnblo of notlnji aiul that itu we a tan nner founded on ileluitlnii today we any hint llombruiult wna universal in lila myiupalliy soclng whew olhora were blind that the rat catcher n well ue the wilut ibo aged begirar it well na the prince tho wrin kled old dutch vrouw uu well n cupid were eeen ita worthy of the interpret ing bruali of the patnior or needle of the etcher that b hi of the race of ulcbelancelo and velasquea of tttlau and raphael of leonardo and ruben the strai oh our eyes modern cehdlllena not peorer vlalen neoeealtata olaaeea the queatlou are our eye weak erf la frequently naked by people wbo obaorvo cloaoly and who are die mayed by tbe remarkably largo uutn- bef of people who wear glaaaee today a compared with b genera hon or bo ago our eye are not degenerating the eye of tbe present generation are ta no wile poorer weaker or inferior to thoeo of our ancestor not with taudldg tha feet that a far grantor ier ceutage wear glass than formerly tbo probabllltle are that the eyaa of the human race are ueltber weaker nof kbroiiget today than were tlioao of fjuyforofatbera uiilea it con tw prorwl that ths whole physique of the runt to day la weaker or atrouor aa in uu- whole phyakal body so nro the oyoo but much more u required or our tyeej now then waa ever required or our aocoatora the atrenuoua atmgrli for eodateuc today the ever incrcuulim complexity of our modern clvllltod life the multiplying kiiowiedao or hip world in all unoa of human eudenrar knowledao that uuat be mn stored ir we wonm riae and acblove aurocua put far greater strain on tho eye or i til generation than on those thai baw gone before our bchoole are far more eaacuun and eevaro the boalneaa nnd aclenttric world require clour application and more palmtaklng tare than over be fore boectridty hi turned nlgbt into day and tnneh more work la now done by urtlscial illumination than in tbe put sharp competition in vttf una make it beceaaary to have the beat vbdoa obtainable beoanae of these exacting demand oa oar eyes latent luperfecuona er ror of refraction causing eye strain are brought out and nude manifest by irymptom of discomfort and dulreaa eoaparlng u to seek tbe improvement of yfadon aind tbe comfort atforded by properly flttblg unaefcjouraal or tbe altaah uadlcal aaaoclatlou te make hahdaaea bajidageai can be prepared from tb good peria of worn sheete or pillow kupa if perfectly cleeu roll six te got yard id length are tuoet conven labtone inch wide for tlhgera two tnchsa for feet two and onehalf u thro lathe for bead and arms and foe incheai for lag a good way of keeplne them ta condition for use i to seal the roll la a perfectly clean gbiu fruit jafpmudelphu neoord a llhie saroaatla uald to lady at doorfura hpenoef 1 not at home caller wbo know dlffeantlyi ob pin bo sorry i but never mind tell ura spencer when aha ootnea in that i called to any that im awfully sled she goes out mora than aba did ive alwaya wondered why aha kept herself cooped up la tha tadaa all tha ithv another paee en it w ran acfca an old friend of your tha other day who wj it and where did yod umt hltay h waa ur toddler and we dhlut axactty meat bltuhe wouldnt get out of the way a fleod inatrumohl mti tbata a nice looking bar- ltar of your is it sensitive kit- unh too aenaltlve it even lodi- caua when toy wife la going to bava a cvyniaplt hltey tte tordlct or hblory eearna to be ttwr while a tttwit deal has coana to pm hlatlrty utile bnu cooie to may c c speight for uptodate goods culvswetura hi teol4wanrwrinst vamtaty alao rtna ouuaav heurtfweurat tsiteris euirj oraui- ltewur bn veurtaty peucfors suva autrj atauiea feunoua haataura omadl stovata obstoveui every article is of excep tional value c c speight mill sln1 acta good business itll good bubinosei for every buyer to nco our ranjro of fall and winter goods before purchntiing our range in all cold weather require ments is inrgo and priccti much below pretwmt valucn ivfcni and boya overcoatu ladicu a eke to woollen underwear hosiery sweater coats giovch and mittu ncwcbt idoau and grand values in nil these lines linoleums floor oilcloth blinds and curtain goods are moving freely it is money nawd to make uclcctiomi from present stock t henderson co mill si acton ont i jlthr aoltrlisniipiait ftiif jltcljniiit clnurlr mton iiwavikohmauumlntatal sunday dicc ntli si ujvt i ii it in i lin suvi r lnity of of find ilvi niimiu tulli to ilio lilhlriil aniluiin tniwu him wtli maify crownu eiiiiiji i 7 i in tixt now ciiiiiith- irih lliu cjlkutloii autlicmii iciiim cnllii biiniubodyii lluro wllli nn ailimitf mofiit suiifliiy kliiooi ut a 0 id tliu nfllniooii all utielcomu nor icft lu tpthpnsrh ft ti ffliiuu mdrllf firllt inn from irsm- j iiyliik on lom u in in i i ilia i small 6 6 advertisements in this paper bring excellent results the farmer who has a milc cow horse or other animal for sale should announce the fact in one of these small ads it bringtj a customer sight to your door the farmer who has good seed grain for sale uhould tell our readers about it now 25 cents a week will pay for such an advertisement off to the winter fair beimtit 3j la bth evurvbodv mil hi wipi2 uul 1 tb bub re coulug dout lull it atof run and btmu or ftootl vluabl afmnsatloa ud our uom i tb pair vum lor lb mw piui bd wlaur cbilbltx for um and uoy wombmuloujfpraarluvror tbu i aik wbttk ud yeu will had our illg bbowlasf of all tba uxmi alylu u wohb your tlm to wcatiilaa and money to wear sulla and overeoaty for man and boy furnish intis from hatu to socks everythlnk guaranieed everythinp reasonable in price for the quality inoraj your return faro fau attoo to oulob rdtuadod oo ally tlm dolua purobaaa geo wallace guelrh ont ri c astoria te infast ud cfclurm is uss ror over 30 yeera bnnnn bpnnnn nnnnnnp nbw fruits our new fruits have arrived new valencia raisins new sunkiut seeded raisins new sunkiot seedless raisins new sunkisr prunes new peels new firs tlies lines are the choicest we can buy give us your order oysters ciseoes haddiea kippers always fresh russells miu sweet acton ont flpnnnrin come and see the bargains for this week mens fleece lined underwear at 4sc a garment mens good heavy wool sox at 23c a pair a good assortment of winter caps at 4tc mens good wearing pants at l3fi a pair blankets large sizes tm a pair quilts about so pair to clear at 8gc a bjg assortment of rubbers and boots and shoes at clearing prices tv shxe tha brior stora opposite new poatofflco joimil 111 nmi wanted a niiiliililnu nun li ran tru l psr jv jilfilitli ti i hh ibru mill in mir irtuliinla loflni mil liav sum tiusiifiritlltd nil mi an i fur fli w trtx iluno i it two fi siiiillili limn al trtti ulvli j wcdutmi tloit and mfarriin tliu w j ha m mlflll co rt ui3 lorniitn nnisrlo muctumfal dairy itiimjiicas fo ha lb jill tu 111 m uiri ontlisrwltiliiirirn l ilvhnbjfnt old a ri mat te flyure cell uikhi mall i tin tlierwlll li lid iduuleaiti wllli fllll aik blllrit rlr nn ilsln ii trt wllli ur i i tier kil oil uior f fit i fluftrlo ll ifoillln lurlnr li rlliilii rrmtrj lilltliau an i i snlrv mo uli t ttur iraatiiit n i oloati iiiui iwn milan wllli lurnas alboallaji y i in tiu i lunoa an i oilr furul- t sslmoil n w for vow iliuum ep- 1 n 1 ucliu lf anitto cauit ok thanks rnisliv ism i l n mini lu tli qirt sorrow siil iravnint ihruali wltlali tusv liavu ir6nlly isnl tinas siidntis tl dili ailiy lor us will slwsyw lie rstlullr re- uuituuu tiioh nuvrov hii it vxuxw cart of thanks th13 nn imilflnwl apirorlata vary mudli 111 litosr avniplliy oipritiil si tliotirav- lllsui iublanl li ilia ilcaiu nf hir levse o ust wreu tlio tiiatif bin i wij an i rimda wereall ludkatiru of a frlmliljlp wlileli lislpa la ijssr ui at stiqli s thus tlis ersonal atlsiv inns nf llin uleiuliun of art o iue ot udd falluwu waa trocuhv si rookie ikh umoikiu flraniau nit htiuu yamiuir mihrtinrojl card of thanks tub maiitlmm of ac tin plr- ilrlas4ilaalrata siaa lliroiluli hie vuwm iruui tlislr apir6eutlainf tlio tin lm- of ui l a llse- rlflai uuidorntiv nalaoti un i all itiaic aind imarlxllitilixrafurtlidlr siilonflil wniii on be tilfilttof iliwsaw rijlln in nui iilfloa ills or- luan willi liol rnlfai aa i haililaldlis ilurlufl iha tilfllit klul iliivrvji nf iliu ualura lillbv ut flratnau fesl li la wont wlilla m ito tlislr bat ta taft guar j fwcmlf of luoua uam ui dre card of thanks tub tin utilanorl illr fnr lianvlf aej bar liluren lo ekian i lucrt llianba to tha uian wmiljinil iiulibnra wli uiliilurul ao blndlatu it imuliaul tlurlna lilt ihn arte i or jtiulrafrntiiuiy an j blnluvaf salon 11 wba ladspartetl mm us tito vsrr liiottisily in isrsaiof his ollfullnw sol uul of uu we siliselallv at iireoulatl ncntiii ouhvom for saijk b tkndkk reatsicrv ofrlae material and irlsuae tksdltlltt will i rrelvrt lir llioua unldttsj up lo noon vt t lr iwminlier 1iih ibis la ibeimroliaaearal hid malarial siopl ihs lanui in ilia fcuuiar lleuirr onlc m lbs tlwudlullloo aia ai ilia tains iltu unur will te w- 1 for ilia iorhtn lb mai uaim lfal- itiil haul in ilia ulj bulljlutf tba bull llufll in ba inm diwn v tba pdr- bacw tliw4urialrollvl an 1 ilia alia ut flmrwiiliia ttltwu dae st lbs ball lion liautuj oar to hi urriasr tint bsll4 ttni to bruinrsllii ibrea da ttablaltest or any tnlcr not bsoirlly apuj wit ivjton tout ivruit ui miiiohoml witior to rreni nmfl a tks matu or the ftals el cks- i6u clavk lata of tha vlllaafe ata in the county or haltast huiiauiin daoisud notici u ll alien inimuaitl in klslitu chsil rill it ti lull ih i all rr bruts sirs hstiiiirfial ill tlip raid id oi lmtl cbarl llclrb ul um lllb ill m ivmlr till atbfvalbattmliaatn enilr luit trti bu rxui itiullor ii t j lurulm cjlliaaof rl a hilif qnlrt i i ji i ii 1 mi t ft tblw wurlil u airmails mris illllut liirrain iiaviiij t til4 tuilw lttbasultfiarl wlilrli lill ibitt hs untui an i tlial l ml i kkba lu will dnt lw imbu f r ih t aur or ajiv uu w any iflm iirai tujtliiiol i aiiv tui of wlta rtwsw by dlaj tllm ifltll jay of au new wonder land theatre fmidav olto u oatiy utilv m tiu ii luh kivnch nclrvwi in htr triumtli hondav nivo o leputtdo nf tho mnttr kuv wedhbhdav duo o icplwulc i nf lxiili iih fit i antiiilin bnmliik ct nitxt i ot urniid from ict i mull wuiiiior tluy utt fl coming firthm grxtuwllli margtiitiit clark p ft l gregory proprietor p the hub it lit only a tow wcebe until xiijbj nave joh iiioiirih of a new nil or overcoai rorilicn if youhavr now li tliti llmo to order pv u9 k dial anj you will be a aallafled cub tomer amniifl nnny oilier ill ami wnilirtibhililp ntmranteetl geo f agncw lsuiim urtd aente tmiior mill si aclm

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