wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a latlou anmorthunr pjiiokb klkadomabrju glvo us a sail uaklriaqu liounbbs ib0uu geo hynds jewellery ktul pemoy goods adtoh on yah 10 real estate varum for utile lu if ultou peel ud ivtilllngtoii ioo raruttf lor sale evrry h1i- ik you want te fknu wrlir we for rntnloatte or you wlsls to tunll or rvrbaugc write tun we buve every f nrlllty for trnuunrttutt buwlueua to your complete tuttlafattlou orrev khudure uollrltetl j i wixloioihy arm helllnu npeelullat ttaorgetowu lire jixtoit ttt jjtes thursday illokmiiku 2 idlo brief local items december rough roads now mi the side line mo jour chrlntmas chopping mily christmas will ita hero almost before you realise it the cuelph winur ifnlr opens to mor- row friday merchants i mix lit your chrletitia advertising now secure imu for our mynestere hryde at ilrowna orug store bergl yred coles addressed a recruit ing meeting in oeorgetown ttis other even ing bm lite dram our mynestera uryde in ida town hill nest tuesday msuahwimlni momly kcit it wwbwulmu orulu thwa link news op local import knitting nnil thlmblo tea i ho munlhly iimwilngof aclnn wouim institute wilt ui hold ht tha iioiiim of mi lon hiivlllnn prldaj ti lust at im nelook mid will tuke tho rwmof eknlillug mid thlmtdu ton lunnh tmviilcil liy liuiuiuiaud ooiumltteo all ladles welcome a caso for fjamngoa last wednesday nlleniooii while an hl- way l4 solioal ualiert well and son of mr win wetland while iiasslrg along vlotorln ht his foot slipped lit to one of tlin hole in the old waodoii sidewalk with lio icsult hint mo right leg wu broken itlmut half way lutwonn the knee and unkle jeorgelown herald jottvo french and kitchener at tho kings orderlies fortnightly meet ing on monday mailing interesting rev lewa of oenerals jojtve and frenoh and karl kitchener minister of war were given liy messrs victor lunlnii junm louttotand isliins lfollnuay member of the class tho young men liml dona wide reading in lie projwratloit for tholr nddrevm ltv mr aviaon and mr 1 v ficarrnw lrleily rflferred to tliu imminent nun at the olou beocntlon to our mynofiteri brydo corns all i quida iwwjile to ya ohls 4ymo roooillon toouriyntrallryd htch will ha holilen in y puhlla apealtlnff place in ya hlji town of aoton ya vii day o ya xii month in ya yar momxv tli it tlm invitation of the youn popl who havii priard unlua and vary ntmmliik anirulnmant for next tuaaday aenlnir l tha town hall the oath aavwl will u forya llfcl crow work tle hall will irolmilily ha mclad tho plrmeni iflth annual putiotlon the aixtaanth annual lull ami tupptr of aoton flro hrlgule in tha town hall laat friday nig lit waa a auooau vary bratlfyinp to tlia eotnmlttta anil tlia brlgada tha invitatlona unt our ware vary jfnlly aocont ami all praunt raport a tnoat an- joyahla evanlnjf ouebta wara praant from milton floratown urampton catnp itelhllle lualpli korval rock wood and krin tlia coniuittaa waa follow t clilaf boott booraury cove trauurar mcriieraon and ueiur w j 1um nor man mclaod 11 gaitula ami w dlalr owe of tha alaotrlo polaa on aqnaa htnwt oloaa to the ground kv6ry olliun wlioum attain tlij ra caption to our mynaatern hrydo in tlia town hall next tuawlay avoning aoton wah bohoot at home will ho hahl on wadnoiulity ovonlng ildoambiir 23nj tlia invitation are mug aant outthla weak rav j a wjuon m a atutidel tha farawelt auppor tenderail fluv and un iv huirat cimpuimlia on mou dy ovatitng wblualldlngatllia tuhllo bchonl on monday aftarnoon mildred ilk tin littla daughter of itaava pik ml am broke liar lift arm naorgatown herald tiokau for ye bluing plan at tha drama of our myneatara hrydo nra 25 eanu and for aeaue reurvcil 3fic tha oltlun of milton praonud laooa corp bloan with a gold watch unit ably augravad upon hla return from ilia waruilwaak ha wua uriouily wouml j at yira tha young pophu roclty of tha bapllfct clmrch wilt hold a gaciu this thurutay avcnlnff a fcplandld proaratn bj han armnaod uelrinionu kvry body ualcoata tha watortanu on the toronto hull urban railway at airy lake la ualng talian down loobu aa if ooofctruotlon wwk u about oiar fur this year a card to tlia fate ibui from drain hhott camjs fnfllatul from corp jno i uoora aayai ivajut rotunwul from trip to fjond m vmuki many puoaa of in trit- thfl um4d woro kind to ua rol dun avoryu imrti luluiifiiiir to tho alliea lurda to all the national o ill tee of woo fo ivtilmlo birvloo hava tulnitd tlva fol tuwlnur ntihmut anthaim kwl uvi nur umllit mnn uwut tlu mfd kluimuuin otul sai o nur tnan kup tltaut vlotoiluua lvuit and ehivalroua thav are bo tuar to ua tloj uvaour mou the kpworth fjjtfua of uhfn ht clturch iwli lt rituljr nuutlng in tha stitwuv bcle ul room ut nlutit wliau ur a t brown from aoton waa pridt and had with lilm unura alldaa on tlia iwdt war aw also tonia ualura uuly ijldaa whiob ware both vary iauratthff iuul luuruotiva tlia uoaaad ol tlva svanlag in aid of tlia had crou haa- uty nevor before alnoa otidfallawhlp waa nlatlhd in aoton liava ue tnamhara of tlia order had tho emparlance of taat weak two fiinarala of official mamhara on auccacdlng daya on wednaeday mr tuaraa u bullion am on thurday mr bldney ounton ware hurltd with 0ld- follows hnnora tlia hdautiful burial urvloa of tlia order balog conduclad in iioth oaaoa durinp the untliy period of illnau from whlcli both of tli- mambara aurfdrad tlielr lirctlireii of tlui thraa link wore luoet dtiantlvo night after nltit uimoully in tlio caa of mr hiatliam tliay nuraad thalr uillnp hrotltar tlia frleodi of tha raapm tho fa milieu nppraolate vary lilflldy thla fraternal spirit treituuilng on 0 t b prmus mr ii a iintumr affeiit of uie i t r hare ha juat noilvad uie following bulletin i itofarrinp to pravioua bulletin in october wo find very little attention hae boon paid to lha matter and tiwapaaalng on tho company property la juat an prevalent aa ever it was it u deeired that all oon- oernal uoe thafr lient eflbrta to pravaet irespawlng if it la found that aectioa foreman ngnib or others conoerned are not carrying out the instruction they will i rouioed from uie aervlce it la re quired that eaoh awtlon foreman and eaoh agent uuboiitte c vorretar buparintan ilint what haa btan dona ly himaelf or ataltaacli week to prevent trpawog on the coidpjdya iramlaea siuueuflil bed ctcu tea lltfljouhg udlea who are working for um comfort of canada wauadod boklure bad a moit eucomful lied croa tea on hjiurday afiarnoon and oven log tha tea monui were well patroulud and the net rocvlpta wore fjo10 tha patrtotlo dcounitloaa were aitlalo aiul attraetha tlia i on rig ladla who ocnducul thla bucceudul function were t uuu dorothy nfclaon lua uolikereon hat ilarvay mlnnlaktalker bertha hrown elluuth wilton little boou wflua johnataoa antoinuu uro jeu thowpw kdllh denala they ddra to aiprwe sincere thank to their many latrona tat their banaroue contribution billy sunday and uim haiiafto rav mr avleou preuhad a atrong sav mon in lha uethojut chuivh oa fluulay evening in whloh ha rfrred to rav hilly sunday a tha nukurn auoa no otiir man on ilia continent of aunrtoa today la so tuooauful in winning themulae uen ha daolared no other la waging auobaflootiva oppotllloii tho liquor traftlo and giving lha people h a vision of ita treueodoua aviu and ilu out to tho people and the ttatlntu mr aiuui saveavery intareatlngapltowa of mr sutvljye early life hla paravnng afforla a a fetheiu boy hie aumau aa a uofouinl l ull dayr bin oanvtr alnn and th oontrcratloti of hla taloau todudhurilca hi eftetive work in lha m 0 a uiul llm prolmrluit church i hi mmdi rful udlilavnihculh mm u iivmigf hat in tht wdtiidmi of hi- n uud uuragainl thi hcaustsl taloon hit rhnr aoturiaiul hii u en nlutuud widely reed muu of trummidou utwer end great reaarvo force thepmarlojuioutsldhflyountori the fuiwrel of tha lau bunay 0 union ufct tburlay waa very urgely atutulad irraudfathar wu n v k loyalu who i rev ii v avlwm m a u p offlolat- fought in tlia war of ihi2i3 ami van killed ed the oddfellowa and bona of england at quaanhtoti in iuu mr cook gave up attended out of respect to their deomked farailiig and mowed to eosutowit wlwre lirotliar the following frlenda frotn a hahajreahtadeveiraliice up to tlia time distance were premnb i mr reginald of hla death mr cook wu wriionlurly f j union mlu uauilea mr n uuualea well m body ami mind unu wldoia tnlwed mru morriaaud mlwtuorrla ur jflouu oooilng down town ow each day in mrwira w uiul ii bparka toronto i mr rellglmi bs wkattuolhodlbtaml lu iwlitloa and mre w vloud woodatoob tire h oonaervatlve wordea hauilltoti i ure uatlltewe mr iwl mr wlawelu lln wtu vannarwah ouelpbi mlva thotnpklnj ur oatnhle btaw of ohio cjty of tohuto lleti clare vlood jwrgilawn i mia luoaa county will oawble itockwoad tha following atrauk j onenev taukee oau that ha i- flol tributes reeled oa tha caalet i our aaulor partner of tliohrmuf v j onaney iuhlu r ii ttt i jfc co doing httilunae in the oily of toledo ft u4li ur f county uiutbtateaforeauld and that aaul lyolin clark wreath mr and mr firm will pay the aumnfonk iiunimkl torranoe reavdmore epray mr alfred liollaiw for eaolt and every aae of ueardwore wrealbi omee bulf aoton caurrh that cannot be oured by tlieuae o r wuu n uh w ohknky wo t wwalb kuplayeea aoton bworn to before ino and aubtorlled in tanning co wreath kmpleyeee beard u ijjj a w fllmabgf jol a wrtb eth mulle catarrh cure la taken internally mtul teotber brotbera and eletar wreath i and aeuihrougb the blood on the tuuooua mr and mre w laird and mm oatnble enrlaoe of lb ayatetn bend for teetl- kpn miau x fc maude apray i maaare bold by all druirguu 7oo d mre w flood away mr ami mr w worded aprey ur llaroll dliighau of enuaalngtow ablpv haa ikirohaked 100 aure fio in k- qoaaleg tovnahlp bahwigliig to mr vrdr toboook bauwaamede by j a will- oughhy fleorgvtowu ont ilatlta folk who play at being rallgluua who like to display their religion lib i bat bpeaklng of tha late ixinlvl conk lived in thla vicinity far uuiny oam flaargetowu lloruld uhi mr conk uuu bard la 1h3i on the farm on tho llkli line kaqueelng now owuod by hla jfiuugebtaon kwutidk hla father the late john a cook who alu ilvd twiai of hla life on the wuw farm waa born ttt niagara and took part in tha rebellion of 1h37 ille fine barn destroyed in trantlgar on monday morning tlm hnrn ulonging tn mr iw id turner lke 11 n- trafalgar waa destroyed by lire all hlu aeaaoni orop off jooecraumiid a hmnher of lm- plumunta wora alao bunuul the ttauae of tlmflro la not known thla u one of the iliietlmriinlnthnaeotion mmi and lln hilied up in the most modern atyla mr turner- loaa will lie jhmmt wrtlycovl by an inauranoe of 1000 l the uallon mutual oakvlllnbtar pto taylor enluu for overseas ile j n taylor who lion been on th wellend canal patrol ouard alnce the outbreak of tlia war haa onlkud in rata comimiiy 7ut rattallnn overmj voroe with indomllabla pmrveverenoelte taylor baa ihua after aoven altemptu iuooeedel in getting into the canadian kxpedltlonary voroea he la now in training at wood stock mre taylor who waa lilting at her fatherehoine here for aoine time ha returned to tlllaonburg where ahewlll lde aoton boy ecouta tlia flrat troop meeting waa held in the ruru1i hall on monday evening thla aiirolhnont nluhu over thirty boy were enrolled and thla number will lie con- alderably nercaned by neat club night bomo of the seoul punaed their bimttyliiff laata a teat they muit paia before ihay are enrolled aa tenderfoot the uoule meet every monday night in the 1 lead quarter 1urul halt at 7 pw it a hoptml uiat aoton will reepond 1 1 ho rally to tlio iloy booula canveea next saturday son punuhod a tramp a trump called at a certain house li town laat saturday evening and on th lady going to the door he asked for money eaylng lie didnt want anything to eel upon being refused ha let out a torrent of ahuae which waa reerd byoneof theladya big aona wlu waa in the act of dressing ha got a good look at uie visiter before lie made himself acaroe and aa eoon aa be could get ready came ujf town looking for the tramp whom he eoon fount oomlng out of one of tha lor ha at once lit into him and gave him audi a drubbing that he will likely remember milton re former social and personal mlsa kutte morris of toronto vlllod frloutfa this week mlsa tlluuflhe thompson waa hnine from berlin ovur huiiday mr and mrs a t brown visited frlenda lu oueljili on monday oluariho auction sale in bthqubbirfct toutmum ik fail3vr stock imliilc- mlbn 3btc tlio iliidralgtiel lion trocnlved iiiairuo tlonu in noil hy public auction for muh mis- barah lroul waa home from toron- wm doihiiu eu half lot 14 con 3 bold by all druinruu 7oo ualla vamjiy 1iua for oonaupatlob city joy rldare in hilton tha reformer say 1 monday night four men from toronto visited milton in a motor oar under tlia influeuee of lujuor they vfaiied rolakorfareauurantandliroke aehalrln their hlurity for which they afterwarda eld under the advice of the chief coaetahle after title they motored down street and got tlielr car mired up with tha curbs at the town hall laur they tore up meln street at a furious reta in tlio meantime tlio clilaf oouoable had secured the number of the car and the driver will be summoned before tlia magla- irate on three oouata one for being intox lotted while driving a car another for driving without lighte and lha third for eveeedlng the speed limit latter from brauushott caunp mre james henderson maria street reoalvwl an interesting utter from bugler joo- l moore of the slth rattallori rramshott camp england last wek he saya hla rattallon had a route march tha dey he wrote along one of tlte finest country roads he hatfever seen it lined with bdga of holly ovrgrown with ivy and there were treea alongsuia hua dreda of years old the hous generally are very old and quaint altliough we aea a few modern houaee like we have in canada but not so homelike aid comfortable ours conditions however ere altogether different froui wltat wehaveathome tlia eounlry fa ary beautiful tlia roada are like city street tha railway are a curl oelly to canadians tlia care are smaller but iraiel faster an autoraobua muup on monday evening about sjv oclock jauue houston of milton waa starting down main btre for home with hla car when wood hall ev mckays delivery rig turned from cliuroh street to main in frone of tha oar tlia autotdoblla which fortun ataty waa running at oaly about live mllee an beur struck tlie wagon on the side between the wheal it waa carwltad ami the oeeupanta hugh mckay and two boya wswley maaalaa and carey matthewu were thrown out one wheel waa abash ed and la tha enclumeub the hero waa broken ami the bore tote up htreer no one waa seriously hurt- the motor ear eawd any damage mr houston la a very careful and experienced driter aad cannot yt understand bow tha accident occurred it la elguisoent that be had in hla car county crown attorney djck chief coiuuble laweoa and j lb campbell who waa bare for hla preliminary trial for arson all earoute for milton a cor load of weuto paper the tad lea of acton red oroj aid boelty desire to secure front tha oltliene of actona carload ol waste paper which will he dupomloftoaalstlulcrosebalnda the aoton troup of boy bcouta have voluo teefed to aashit in gathering tha paper and will commence a housetohouse canvas kent saturday morning at eight oclock thla work will he continued for a week or until a en 1 load of paiter la gathered all kinds of nowaisuire wrapping paiier old tiwgwiliiu and honk dl lie aoosptabl thn dmlfru hnuuvor mhide uullpmier 11 u timhxirt1 h in iut me nqucitd to tin llir pmr iilo in i million ready tlm ro bchuiu ulien thuy call it la boil ed our oltixena will be liberal in their response both because of the value of the aggregate of paper to be aecurod and to anoourge tha uoy beoute in this flrae publio ulatlon they have ubdertahen since their organisation the old post office building la ilu receiving alatloh and will be open daily from 8 ata to h nm a body tteeda shade uua time of the day lei ua forgive and forget before we for get to forgive charity uoe only thlnkelb no evil but rapeautb no evil ha who tehee up hla crou dally bulldv himself a udder to heaven we get the most good by doing good and da the ttoeb good by being good what catarrh is it has ben said that every third portion has catarth in oome form science has eh own that naulctiarrlt often indicates a general weakueui of the bodyi and local treattaents i tha form of anuffs ami vapors do little if any good to correct catarrh you ahould treat it cauno by enriching your blood with the- ollfoml lu bcotte nnitilalou which la av ttiullclnal fowl olid n ikilhlhigtonlc fre from nny imrniful tlrucn try it doolt at uewne wueto oat to for a abort visited thla wi mlsacarter of cuoliti waa a guest at the melhodlsb larsoiug tlilu week mre j a murray wont to tlte hospital in ouelpli on baturday for troutment mr j tl moffat and family have re moved to town ouroltlxona wllloordlally weloomo idem mr and mrs walter hood of wood stock spent several day last week with friends here mr ami mra john alrathrook toronto aiieiit the week end at their bungalow at tlia trout ramie mr v niadu left town for boston spend xmaa and new years at home after being away live year mr and mre robert luna and family of ijmebouw spent sunday in aoton with mr and mra wm hall mra nixon received the following cable from dr nixon on thursday arrived eaiely all welt herald mra alice fcleury of uarkham haa been a guest this week at the home of her brother mr u c bpelghu c w ialmer 1 1 of preton and albert leach i i i d- h i of 1restou attended tha funeral of tlia late sidney 1 union mra peter mcdonald and mre robl movhereon jr attended tbe funeral of the late oaorge uomiereon ml cluulea on vrlday at brampton mr john li cameron of olorersville n yspenta day or so last week with acton menda re waa over on a visit to hla mot her at fluelph mlsa may william of sault ota marie la spending a week or so with her grand pareata and other frlenda her father mr carlos williams waa hereon sunday mr jamee hollo way returned from bt jeaepbe hospital luelph teat week ho ho pee after a months cotival eeoenoe to be able to anlut in the ovsraeav foroea miss margaret ami ulee mary yawoett and mr yaucett ure tiummera mr stone toronto and mr and mra n hardle georgetown eltended the funeral of tlie late ceorge blatham last week a latter from mr ii rteplian rowan of hot b c formerly of aoton saya 1 having got leave ofahsence from the o n for four months my wife and i will leeve shortly to visit the old home at man cheeter kng returning about the first of march mr ami mra rowene acton friends will wish them e very pleasant liollday and aafe return kuquenliig on tiiuheidavtleth bseodmuabm at 1030 oclock almr the follnwlng hokbiib 1 gruy horue 4 yearn aired by- nnpiilonn t grey liorau 3 yeara sired bv nnmiieon i grey filly a yearn sired by nawicon 1 bay gelding a yeim sired hy ilrunstano 1 brown linriuiagod 1 imy mare aged supposed to imj lu fonl to brninstanai i lwy gld- ing 1 year nlrcd liy llmnstane 1 bay gelding l year aired by hrmintane f buy gelding i year aired by hrunslnne i filly a won tlm aired by llrunstaue cattlki red cow supposed to cnlf april ijtli red cow euppoaed to calf april ifltli 1 black cow auppoeed to calf hum nth 1 red cow supposed la cnlf march ijtli 1 roau cow nuppoiied i welcome to visitors this week at the great winter to be held in guetpii dec j to id greetings and a hearty welcome from guelphs leading and largest store make this your store home you ii find uo very conveniently situated just opposite tho station and riffht ss the square from the winter fair buildings wu will take care of youi els while in the city and render every shopping service poiniblc cjirislmas appeal ron tlie hospital or sick children college 3t toronta dear mr editor thonlu for your kludasei la allow lug u the nrlvllege of apdeallng at tble chrutmos uiaa ou behalf of the hospital for bilk children toronto la th 40 year of tha hospital- ex istence there have been treated wlthla its wall 14108 children aa la iatleuta ss17ll as outoatlsati a grobd toul of tbfit in and outpattauita tha hospital for hick children elvee a provlacewlde sarvlca for little batlenta from every oectloa of on tario have aougbt its aid lau year 40d patient were admitted frobs m3 places outside tha city of toronto la 11 there were 804 frobi h10 plaeee of tha 8u lupatuuu last yar 1171 wero biedlcai eaavoei a 1047 aurilcol in the ortbodedlo danartbteut of the 1838 itt patients if 4 ware treated for deformities 21 rotte dle- eaae of tha apian 10 lateral curvature of tha iplao 10 haw legs 67 clubfeet 17 dlalacatlobi of hip 43 tubercular dleoaio of knee hip ankle wrist sua elbow 78 infantile paralytl 8 wry neck and 31 ulscllaueous our battlo la navaraadlag li one that will continue while uie world uite for it is the hahl between the armies of lira and death to aavo the child life tha alck lit tin obs aona and daughters not oaly of our soldier won but of the fathers and mothers still in this homeland province tha floepltal is beating back die- eaae and death the aiiamtea that an- all tha lives of little child wn as the british kbiptro la beating back oer many austria and turboy the stto- mtea that aiaall the ufa of liberty do wo appoal to tho rtmorous people of ontario not to for rot those so noar and dsar to us who he in the beds and cote of this great charity will tha people at larar at of old respond to our eallt will they remem ber that every year is a war year for the 1 lopl al every day a day of battle sad that the hospital umji money not for its own take but for tha chil drens tuika tha hospital has waged its war for forty years tho peopl of toronto and ontario have been itu friend iad thla year of all years it requires halo burely you will stve to a charity that cares for every alck child la ontario for only as your money reaehaa lbs hospital can the hospitals tneroy reach tha children uvery dollar is a link of ktadbaaa u tha chain of mercy that joins lbs money la your pocket to th miseries or aoms childs life some mother heart remember that christmas ealla you to open tha purge of your kindness to the hospital that tha ilaadltol may open the heart of its help to the children will you sand a dollar or mora if ou eon to douglas davidson becrev irytrasurrv or jr nosa ronnmyflon obalraoaa of the board of trustee toronto cnlf may 1c1i1 1 red cow supposed to calf may 37th 1 rod cow uuppoecd to cnlf april 97lh 1 grey cpw supposed to calf april 94ii1 1 veil cow atippoaed to calf muy dili 1 1 black cow supjiosed to calf 1 11 no 13th 1 h detain cow supposed to calf xlny gtli red heifer auppoeed to cnlf april 13ii1 1 red holfer auppoaed to salf march 14th a black steers 3 years od 1 rod ntccr a years old i grey nicer l year old s red steers 1 year pld 9 red hoifom 1 year old grey steer 1 year old 1 black hteer 1 year otd b spring calveu 1 hull calf 5 mon t lis bufhlepisbhccp pig9 onlgn 3 moultih old 1 brood sow duo feb ojtlt b ilarnerfh 9 set heavy harnesa i set plow linrneui 1 sot single harness new a number of collars iowia mimlwr plymoulli beiia a ducks 1 drake a reeae 1 gander impmfuhntbi masiiey harris binder with tongue truck aheaf carrier and trucln now 1 frost and wooil tunwer a ft cut 1 cockshult disc drill mccorniuh hkiiril with cultivator 1 mnisey ilurrlu mnniire bpreluor 1 noaou cultivalnr 1 m assay harris disc harrow 1 set heavy harrows 1 set light harrowii a plaury plows no ai 1 flenry a furrow plow 1 land roller a waggons waggon ban 1 mock rack 1 hay rack 1 ileurlng rake 1 mccormlck corn blu- tlur 1 mauey harrutudder aaetelelgba l market waggon 1 top buggy 1 cutter l turnip sower 1 polar hamilton scuular i hiwdy scufflur 1 set wilson acalea 1000 pounds 1 fanning milt i road scraper 1 pea rake 1 stone boat i sugar kettle 1 putper 1 cream uparator 1 barrel churn 1 rack lifter with 18 ft rope 1 hay fork steel car 130 ft steel track 154 ft rope 3 pulluyw 1 set bunk i ladder t bag truck 1 barrel truck a number of grain bags neckyokea douhletreea logging chains forks shovel lioes cow chains quantity of liirnipe and mangolds quail- lliyof oals and barley and other articles ion numerous to mention bo mo house hold articles trrmballsiinisofsio and under cash over that amount 19 months credit on approved joint notes s offforcath grain roots and fowl cash no reserve eathejiroprlelor is glvlug up farming- lunch at norm h j uurih f a macikan auclloucer clerk as a across parcel christmas plenties the spirit of chrlutiiins plenty prevadea this store there are hountlea upon iwuullea of lovely uud practical gift imng to lie found lu all departmenla and you are invariably welcome to look around it will interest yon mid please tie suggestions for glftglvlng abotmd poimu banquet of bargains prepared unusual for the week dnd nnd in umu nal proportions ror this week end in a splondld spread of special values look for tlm bfirgaln tlckela especially uolnwortliy lalliu baik ov mkns buira offering values up to fill 00 for 1 17u oilier bargain a incliulo meiia hntu blifrln under wear womenu nud childrens wsar ftnniiulotlcit etc again whole no u led cordial wclcomofrom a biulienrted bit live utorc d e macdonald bros v llmlkj cuelphs leading and largest store wyndhmin msedonmll and cardcn slrftl guelph out fresh groceries new ralelns new currents new dates new nuts new peale new bplcea fine lln of confevolionsiy pint class line of pancy ciuea and pastry freeh every day cooked meats i lams bacon with the homelike flavor dread and other goods delivered promptly daily a representative wanted at once for acton and district for tha old aud reliable ronthlll nur3mt paauvas why remain idle all winter when you ceu take up m paying ageucy choice list of varieties for spring plantlhg liberal terms handsome froe outfit exclusive territory write now for particulars stone vl wellington toronto ontario grand trunk ivttx dotiau tstacht ajx thk wav t0b0ntochicago tohontom0nthcal uncxcfcxutu vkajm tsvfok kfiulpmeut the flueat on all trains winter tours ro california and all pacific coast poidti florida teiuu new orleans etc winter tours tickets now on sale low farea choice or routes stop over privileges allowed pull particulars and berth reservations on application toorood trunk agsuu n d buyathome when you want to help your town buyathome when you want over coats suito and sweaters buyathome never mind what itisjou need underwear hats ties sox suspenders hniidlcirchiefs gloves or negligee shirts buythome frame tins phrase up for your creed buyathome other folks may buy by mall buyathome help the home store to a sale buyathome every dollar sent away means a dollar less to pay what is owed right here today buyathome aro you for your town or not cheaper elsewhere torn myrot buyathome home store cjuahtict are true home store merchants work for jou this much then ou ought to do buyathome come where the buying is good no better assortment values or quality than at the leading clothing and gents furnishing store w c devcrell mill st the clothier acton dr jahhtans homellheat baiuuel johuuou una liluipnlfhiid l bis la 11 nuiillty ruroly fuutid hi plain ineiiundar no llluuloii 11 u to lib iwr suual upiwnrninsj dr ihifiiei fello um hut on one tweashm tvhllo mies llur- liay wuu osninliihm hie imrlrull he peeiied mot her uliuulder mid with u ludlcroum half luugli puclulmod alt lis bam jobuwinl i ww tlioo mtd su ugly dog thou uhrluudon tittle mmhahlsal hlddlea buglueers say that uuioug the tblugs tbuf will never be seitll nr tho fol lowing whether n long atcrewdrlver b bettor tbnu a nliort one of the iaua famllyi what her water wheels ran faster tit right tbnu ilioy do in the day- time the beat way to burden aleeli which aide of tbe belt ahonld run uest tho pulley nnd th right way to ucei beltai london bsprte mlatake semewhetl bervant answerlug belli my wosteic lant lo air voti may lavt lite bill if yott wish caller lu surprise ml it 1 have no bill i wish to servant da surprise ntaolnu bllly tlien you must hare tailed at the wrong bouse pitts burgh pre worth crowing about the big snap in scotch suitings 35 suits of the genuine all wool scotch suitings worth to order 30 to 33 a suit on bale today made to your order and made correctly at per suit jiue see goods in windows r e nelson wewebaiii mslse aowai snumladaimj ouaudph x omv buy madeincanada goods