Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1915, p. 4

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ffiljc jkttan vtt wr tliuuhiuv ih oluiilil iuio the rov who mfcant to ho meant lo if l wlt0 l a nrubiit colli and tiiitmrlhehtimi nnd ttlp tin hcdflo lw foro ho wmilliinlimil lint ho wiiu llrot unit hteopy whoi h wnjw at break of di ho mdl nnolhnr limit won i do niid hliiui i iiidroainshwiiy at tohool do mount lo land iii ohm befni tike to nil im doiwi hut lessons urn mioli stuiild tiling anil hoys mut have boiiio fun in manhood fntu ito likewise meant id earn some 1 iiirol loo j hut faiiin usucli a llouiti dumo ami jilokn her favorite few lis ui6ii t to reach n wine old ao esteem ed by ureal and lot i hut wisdoms path im hard and steep ml pleasure lured iwlnu llut since he never really trf he meant to do i tlio tlllllffl that nothing ever cams of them im surprised areyout leaving itto namcv when it becumo known in hhelhy iliu dared hull wax plnnnlnu to alter and on urv bin old fniino hnuao front curiosity prevailed twnk the nelijhliorm a to wlnt ojuniloa ho would mako in niiaral and id particular in whit direction ho unulif face the new room ami ow ma ly wimlowu lio would iut in it well iilku announced tared slowly 1 i been tulyln otornll thorn pint mix i rattan 1 ii loavo tlio whole business to nancy jano a yut good tilcan and iter judgment to ho relied on otory lime i wont make no mktnkoa 1 11 lnure yon eauu im pihi to leave l to nancy when tli matter wa luid twifara her nancy was prottitt to her counsel kaoe it fcoutb jared aha advled and have two big window tul a llttla wroli at on side wltr the door is llm in said farod what do you want it facta aouth for it will lid tlta nlllin room replied nancy and wo want it light it ii jet the inornln ami that way why hadn t it helur foe a east thai thats where the ami rltm i think tlie south la bolter inalat nancy ouwant ilia south wind hut not ilia tut i and than the tun rlue a good usye south in winter- time when you want the mornin ami loud gt ilia light iongr that way pear to me i dont btllove you would jared aruul and tf you dout want to uxnch una luaumhiar tloia uaalwavauxlrthawltuiow plnta 1 you bluff th witulowa full of plant tw cant no ilht cotua uirough mil tttrtll la room euouyli with tig wltjdowa wg witwlowa ii nd aiw atuila ohjotad jarsd and am curwn huff uul m body dad t nd a whola buu froof lo a lou if wa faca tha roota et tlie sida of tka uan to will o for oaa wall atwl uv ao luuito hut th tig poplartroa wouhl lutw fi with thaporcli iia poplaid ought to la out down aajhow 1 a always acud it 11 lumua in hljh wind tt vr has and it ualoa s lovely fchalu wall i don t know what you want bhada tar whan youra j4aain to gt all tla aua into tha houw you can a body bild aluula una utaa of tlta day wall than youd fit ahida anyhow fioia aaat caasa tla othar wail would titkhdow tftacad la fcuch a ii it la narrow fraal yid that way aald kaiiey on aiuount of tha laoa goin through mi cloa- than tharad ha that tauch uggr kida yotd aod thatd la just asaod faeio ajkt tha lain would ahow awful pula frooi thj frost wiodowa dout aa any thin wrong with that iudutd juwl its a handwkda lara ifaus eaa aaa wa ra forshaudad oh la wall wall wll 1 kaiuy puitua hiia to ao fuoa tlta nai toowaat if you want to id rutltar havo it any way or aa wjy tlian to argu all ullt about it faoa it aaal jari built tlia nw roam nclng utt ilat wayfteouhl lava lhd put hauld tohuujuhw andluim you id la auf to gt it rltfht if id just luva it to naaoy kcuu substitutes insect genm carriers roach anta and gvn tlaaa ar nftw naaarilad with diatruat tlio liniuiluntluim iif rocciit ytmr finro dluijinnii hid nlnlloiiu of intiocu lo niiililrln ullpw for unhoiihj iilnmio mid ukhiplnir williicnm tii ulrililiiu rtmiillh nlhuil jitnmiiutrnlcd fn nnpoct to tlio in tidily or iiiouqui- tooj lotiif llbuun mid lum rnttl hit in- ovllnbly nil hi o thn tiiuullun uu to tli dotiqlhio ejuuilkniru nf ntliir mioucm of liiooctu wtikli mil iil h u iilhindmif but wbooo couincl llli iiiiiii uuiy l occaulonnl or con ii nod lo tvutriited fa- cflhiioa tlio uhiip iiuiiiiilh cock roaebe nnu mid lum thnt nit inoeu ulikli x ill dovour any uuthcltiiily mfi hiiiihiiiiuo from tiuinnii fooda to chit an si wo mid u ntnit coloru olid which rlll iko by iratcr oti in tlio fnirku of llio ihwrw iiiid walls of house hiltrliu rcdlnurunlsv auttur roffncrlou uinl iniiuorliu whoru their bodies couio into tuniiut with iu flltli nuil rcfuuo tlint nrtcuuurlly nccu- inulatrt in hulii phuw should carry h iwwt of forms about on and in tlwlr bodies mid lo nblo to infott our foodv i certainly not aiirprlulni aoyw th journal of tho anurlcnu mcdknl anso- clatlon vtt hi in la tlio huh it of llf of tlio oiiiiiivnruii4 coclru icli i loaches propably qiao ftnl on tuberculous epu turn and diuaouilnola llio hut iii as readily as tha lioiimily aula which uro often nhundaut fa liousoil mid oro rcmllly dlauomlnntetl by coiutuorco bomcllmtu 1 oiomo o lat to tho bouiiowlfe purtlculurly w leu thoy cot into tlio storca of f ml rtiy liavo not esoapej miupklun uu illw ml- notora of pnlhoqonti tub ro orjiiinlutija vvhooler points out tlint it thuj lov coiucu ikwulblo for unlu to uprcad du- easa in dlfforant wna mnnlly tho iwwa lauded for centlt rloa hy mkit aud proao writer alike have not mcapdd tho nctiiuntlon of us- plclou whoohr lias ohsrvcd tba tliiblna lss uult colloctlous of ear huso in tho canal none prmuuiality ballkirlntf forvltii subalauios whtcb they faurnd into tho ccniiuco aln id wiiilii utoy at oro honey eagerly col hicted for food by tlio natives la itibby pdrta of troplcnl aiiwrlrd accordlutf to hhfhr thcro nro rocordh of lnt una dlsordcru or oven doatb follow hoi ibo on tin ff of aurti honoy fho q2s lion of jmaulhlo coutaiuliiailoii wilb dfkdaso crws col lot ted by filthy ta scts hi plajo nillw lio lutrinlloillnri lieu lltl3iroilwillhclllr oliluin monilllna iwrhulaal nornancowc gastorba vot infanta nnj ohlldron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of r rtllitialy farfmj i m sw rmoinidiiiiuitkva i niunvilijonflirtrn li iil i tiiiillosnorsiler r ir i u fli irtof 6tl4jzzzt wit cchtauocwlmw hontuullncwvouu bxmtt copy bt wrapper in use for over thirty years castoria p p a little advertisement attracts attention of course not eo much an a larger one but nevcrtlielens it pay bif interest on the mvestmcitt this npacc at fifty cento a week lor a year would help your bunineni remarkably try it a nliort time at least put rood copy in thin o pace and it will do the rest for you events im baseball mimy qalvln pltah tha plrt no hit rjo tlun oiiium miilnrhui lliul uirn mid to hull pluy im in m h in i linliimill lull itiijri i ctuiiiim mm fiiliuhih old uhiif liir in 7i iiiiin in tii iiiiihimm ihixiiiiii liinl it uiitml hiiiluu iivi iiikii of illtlniml j lihliii ihino in inillhd wliii luiroiliuliiu in limit hit in tlu minimi of h7ij jlio 111 nl 10 tiiiini on ro nrd wuh ilioid l tho lilutiio mid hi i oiilu luiimi in ih75 i liit fuitner wliiiiiiu llio ollll il o nldnihioii hohlu tho nconl for the icn ult tl iiiiinlitr of nloluii linwiii in ii in niiou u in n w llli hut i riiiiltrort ti urn or llio llluo inikx it miti in iou h ill furtd 111 miii ux in sl iiniuiii hi jih1 tint mi ihlliiii ti urn if iho cot ion klnlou uiiuuu hum iluroulid in tuciity wu cuiihituliit iiiiiui u tho roc ord tlio unit no hi ijinno m plnyor niithltm llmt hiiwi in llu lilufnry of lmnflhnl fonu pliuo in h7h innilh jill v lit of llio ht fiulu llodu woo tho roc nrd iiiiiiiliur luirlor mid ho ilti lied iimiliiul tin i huh i lull of lh t ml t i in linlllutoiik iiiiiii ill loiiu mhh on viijr 17 tlio fun uiu n mi ted twh hi ih70 h i i iii him ml or i ik wort i hi or niiiioimi imuuo on i lit on jtiuo i iijjnlimt lliliiiun il ml on duly jt nfrnlimt hprluuld ainilti mi lunii u 1hw hlcliiiiiiiid pffnrniiil tho wuiif atniii uuiilmit llttveliiud mid in tin uaum ytur on juim 17 lhn m uurd tulrtlnu for 1nnlilnim itnl llutruk in thin hind or n tonim no mldlthiiiu ivtit uiiiih to then nmiilu utilll hn mini tnnt foiu ycitru i il r wn li 1 tonus of tho ii whin amorhmi tiuiiuo hnu dofiulod i ho athlollis in n no hit m pluycr roiirhlun ilrni umin mid a jo mlmllnrly iwnt tin wlillo hox tlun hi twirlnl for llio lluulmid aiiinrlcnr loninio club on oct j 1m4 i u thfiior of llimunl liicntwl llio mtclioru mnnk in 1k7i1 hi iwu cfltchhiu for tho crlitmou tenni nl tin tfuio lul a ooowoy in fmlloh d half the sils9f life to tomi ui confttf pat f oh whin tha bowels lteeome oomtlpotal tha mmdiufa gets out of order tht llvr docs not work properly and then follows tlm vlohmt ski hcoilaclies tlit hhinieas of tha sloamch llchhiff of wind heart- burn water traih blilouuieui and a ktiicrvl fstutig that you do not care to b smythhi icbtp your bowels reauur hy imiiirt ullburds laxdlivcr rltta titty will cluir away all the eftclo matter whurh couacu lu tlia uyiteiu and make you think that ufa u worth llvitu mr u w watcod it john n ii wrlua i have been trouliki with coaitlpauoti for tha uit three years and during that time have ttud wwral maiuucs nil of which failed to help tile a frkud recommended kllltiuma laui- uvo- ihilt and after uliiif three o four viols i felt like a new mail i am how ktlu takliuf them ami oni positively uire that law on thi nail to recovery x btrumfly recommetul mllhunt toia- ulhlli mltburui lnnlavtr ihlls are 3oc ptr vul b vials for si 00 at all ihnik stores at 6alt of will b maiutl oa kcdpt of dtic by the t klubum co limited torouhj otit no blatter how ct may btbarw takco in tflfluim tho mold a ull baa to la tund lwforo it will rins a clear trua iioto aa a mailer of fact avwry bell sounds fire noloa all of whkh tdoat bltail togotbor harmouloualy it ou li lbs aat bit out ttw tooo will ba spollvd tha flrat of thmo notes hi pro ducd by tho vlhmtloos at tho mouth of tha ball tlio tocood by tho vlbra- uatxm a utu higher up tho third aull hub up aud ao oo lo tho fifth which ht pjudocid quid near bo top aa tb character of tho souud nhkli rlucs do- poudjj ujuio tho lilcknooii of tho uicial it u posslbo by taklnn thlo uhavlusa from various places lu tho lusldo of lb u1l to alur tha bt uoloa uliii tuoy ar all la harmony wortoa faad upon tha vitality of child ha and andanow uielr lives a almpte and ttteoliv euro is uothar draves worm kitarwiiiitor thar u ho poisonous irigredumt in lyoluways corn cure awl it oan la used without danger of injury children oxy ror rietchers c ilet us forjlvo and forget liafore we for- gab to fotelva charity uofc only ihlnketh no evil hut rapaaieth bo evil he who take up hi eroaa daily lullds himself a ladder to heaven we gee the uou rood ly doing rood and do bo tooet good by being good its the folk who day at being religious who ilka to display their religion old yimo ctfar ortolan a celitury or so ofio enormous qiinri- tiuoa ot chlur woro conaiiniod in rng- hjbl taora particularly in ho cukr dutrlcta wharo tho ilrlul lit tllt wipu- lar lo his caiabrhlce ixinlultuiinea uoary auniilob aay tltni lu i7sh when bo was a tutor in ihn fonlhlilra be witbftuiod aonio ollriinrtlliiiir fenta la elder drinking farm inbororu ihn allowed to drink ns ninth us tin j lltjcd and it was uot iimimml for u uinn to put hbt llpa o a wooden twttlo tontnlu ing four uarta and not rriumo ttieiu until he had emptied it loudoa pacta tor capo of good hope lu 1jh7 ilarlholmnow dim willed fur eaoukb aoulli along llio ivtntorn conut of africa not only to ttoncry but to tlou- blo tho cniw of hlormu ns it wus lima callwl nnd ns ibo count wns bniriilii ed to run lownrd tho nnrllionst tha prospect of hticceits in llio dlrattlou of ludhi ooenioil now ao clem hint ibo forluguoso inounrcli renntnori tho enpo calw do lion irupomiixii or ctipo of good iton tha good hope wim roal bod lu uqh by vuhco tin intnu who doubling tlio aoiilhonmioit point of africa waued on to calicut thiiii opctt tog up tha lottg diwoniod of routo to ludu it wasrt oelhj bh james llnrrlo tells of cliarie froh mans reply lo a cnblo niohsago be rocelvod from fvanm during tho opening of ono of filu play it win from tho french uutbor of the piny and wads howa it golngr itr crolininu mad it nftor the mo oud uct when it was clour thu pluy had failed then replied j u la gona if you fj bilious haadttby and irrluliu for that m algn your liver la out of order voor food la not dlgmtlnjf it stays in the stomach a aour fermanul uui nohianlritf uu eysum just taka a do of charrtbrlalna utomach and uvr tabuu thay make tha liver do its work thay clean and ltkbu1 suouaa cpy ttd ik chamberlains tablets hope of improve went do you tblulr tlio work la getllotf better j it ought to b repllnd llio limit who worrlea a whole lot about hh health tlioro nro more ikmv modi elnaa being lu ion tod oory jeurj vanillin vanillin is the ncllvo principle which makes vnntlln iro rromn no iwipiilur it norm in the mtitu nf onla nnd ilia lent m mnl molh of n t mm her of plants it hnn iimii found im ho imlnuuuna to elover wheat cowteiim iittrt otlier rmuitit stfluck for uoub couraga is baluvad to boa wry nooau- ary tiling for ilia soldier but a writar tolls of apilvate wboranat tha flrt ahot and daclarud hiroaelf o la lravtr hum thoae whofaoad uie luittla pat was untosrdfully laugliad at for lis cowardice by tha whale regiment but he waa equal to the ooouloo itun is itv be rwpoam aoorulully fallk an i dida t naytbar i just ol- asrvvi the ginsrals eipreaa ordars- told ua fitrllo for honia and yer country an 1 1 tlhruck for hoaie tlilni wliat sthruak fur their oounthry iw thorsyel castoria vet laftnu uid clilua id um for ovr 30 yaws aiwi igjiiiura a illiiipjo and uliftap modlelna a aim pla cheapand elfiuitivo medicine u aoios thing to lie deilred there is no modiolus ui offctho a regulator of the dlgaitivo ayatemos ianna loos vegetable jilu they ato aimpls thoy are cheap tlioy oaiilo got anywhere and their lionohnlal action will provo tholr roconiindndutlon they aro tho mulielns of tho wwr miti and thoui who wuh to cmapo dootor hllla u 111 do well in giving theme trial when a woman la in lavo tlio man with fried cjyf fuuo i at haiiduiuio as aollo in hsr eyes failure has an oducatlvo value tliouoih it la a very costly toaohtr llev obarlaa in wood hope is lko tlio ami it is brightest after a dark day irltino trmrtu nlwila ao0 donfr i 1 id i iiiik n p h ntwly cervautaa children cry for fletchers castoria paltpuitation or the lhieart sudden frlglit or emotion may cause a momentary arreit of the hearts action or toinu incitement or apprehemlou may eet tip tt rapid actloi caualug palpltutloui palilalnu again it often the remit of dilutive tlluirdera nrislng from the almiiacli or limy lo the result of over imlulgciice of tobntxo or alcoholic drinks the only wny to rcgulato this of rlouri hrort tfihihlo u touie milbuma heart ami nerve wlls mm v u nichollr ilitowell out writes i was weak aud run down my heart would tuilpltale aud i would take weak utid 1ly npclli a friend ad- vlwd ma lo try mllhnms heart ami nerve iuia no i started nt once to tlm them ami fcmid tlmt i felt much stronger i cannot pralae your medldiu too hlulily for it linn done me a world of good mllhiirnit heart ami nerve isih are 60e icr hik 1 bnites for si 21t at nil dealers or mailed direct by tlio t klllbuni co limited toronto out a cold settled oi her luge culriit great pmltu tmk cuimc was dr woods norway pitus syrupy ulu d u rlckeritig gt cathujflee out writes having derived great heiuilt from hr wood s norway pino syrup i thought x would write aud till you oi uiy experience wheu i first cams out from ilngliiui i oontnuted a severe cold owing to tlio change of climate it settled on tuy lungs and cauied me a freat deal of pain x tried every remedy could think of but got no relief my father who hail licard a great deal about the good qualities of dr woods norway 1lue syrup adviced me to try it i did to awl i am pleased to say found liiu mediate relief i only took one bottle and it cured me completely my mother had a severe cold also and dr woods norway hue fsyrup cured her to we never foil to keep a lottie of it lu tho home eke that uoue of those socalled plno syrups are lauded out o you when you go to your druggist or dealer and aifc for dr wood v it la put up in a yellow wrapper three pine trees the tnula mark price 25c aud 60c manufactured only by the tim1i- bum co limited toronto out swing of th wind ort the atlantic cosit as a flu i it li pre left to night thirty ave yonm nuo ivhllo mnkluo a four luonthu vojiiko i hum fro quenlly luiproaaod by llio uiitrrliij tic curacy with whit it capuiln crouh ono of tho best known roplulus mill lug from mow vork foreciihl hit xiuli of tbo weather in rtply to my ijupu hon bo n us wo rod doctor n n rcmuli of fifty ynra of cluhoihu life i cut auuru you that ulmoat tiivurlnhl 1 might any without eitdptloii tho wind in uu shifting follows llio con mo ol ibo hand of a clockhint u from left o right t of courtto lie adtlud una rniimu bay bow long tho wind will tvniulii in any one quarter but when it bunco it will almost without oxtpmi tike tha courao i havo atatod i or inatniico if ibo wind tu in tliff iiorlliciiut in stead or going to tlio north uml itict to tho unrtliwcut it will ou tho con trnry ou over to ho enst wiiiihuial south soiitliucst weal nod llunllj reach tho northweut when i nabtd hi in why ilim ulumld bo ho said ho hud micr hcen nlilo tc obtain an answer tu hint tint uinl ii way an absolute rule ns fur aa llio ox portent o or his life went uuo other olwuirvnilou i lme mndr tbrouuh all tlieoe jenm nltlioiihli ii 1 not hy nny menus n einet ns ttu ii rut u that llio wluda lmo n fnlrly ntciimt length of tlaio in hk li thoy renin in lu their various tunrora lor inalnuce noriticagt and cost winds am ceno roily two or throe days in il unit ion umd ually shifting lo bouiiimui nnd wuitb then after a dnya inurtnl or imx reaching uist end northwest them remarks apply only tn the ailnuth coast nnd coutlciuuis btnie nnd nn inapplicable o tho 1irlflr a tun hi conditions n aouu rohjiecta oven mor remarknhlo nrc cntlrul different or frank abbott wills in anolenl qreeoe wills nra intnuluced inlo atheni by bolon hough in ninny other pnrtt of orco hoy were illwountrnnnctd diogenes f nirltiii ute copies of tin wills of iioveml 4x it linitiil men mur us pinto arlhlnllf mid tlhcrs ik fort holou s inw no in hi uim nlluuid tc ho a will tin t iim of ho do ecu acd tioluiigiuu lu tirtriln jintjiurtlou to the tucmlkra of bin luinljj mid onr aflor holou only nn atlii iilint tlttiit had ho prlvlhgtr of impienl the i tnlea of both slnica mid fun rue rw liu ing conllscnlexl fur llio iimu of llm pub ii two houici tbntn a prttty ulo linimu joii re built there rnhliulm inn tin rnihei thrown in tho ufmilo hi tint in u uum ion npxt door h llmtn hie foninirtur s hoinu built out or tho tirtllli in iiiiiiik oil uilua omlv ohcb there ara two kinds of people in tho world thosowho look on tha bright side of things and those who do not each tort la sure to extract his or lier own moral from every tiling two old ladles loth of whom were woll oared for were onee conversing about tholr aftalrs one waa a jolly old luly the other was of a sour disposition well well aald tho jolly one its pleasant to be old we get ha best of very uilng tha easiest ohalre tlio tender efc laorsela yea yaa sighed tlio other forced to admit that her life was an oosyone thats all very true but whata the uaef we oaat ho old hut onoe a household met lelue they that are acquainted with the sterling properties of lr thomas iieotrlo oil to tbo treat tnentof many allmonts would not lo with out it in ibo house it is truly a house hold medicine and as it is effective in dealing with many ordinary complaints it is elteaier than a doctor bo keep it at hand uu tho call for lb may oomo unex pectedly tlio peetlmlkt oan tell yon how bail the presoiib is i tha optimist hi blin i how good tho future is going to lie friendship in tho hour of divtrtx mid mlcrj tho oyo of t rr imirlnl turn in fi h n i ship lu he imiir f ij utile mul tun vlvlulltj im t uiir u nil u u frlomlkliltiu h luiiihr gtralgh i forward riovou uiumlu t ipiieio coiy bvp gnr ilur uiiiih lu iuur dour hhu hut thin umt no tdimikiii itugiir qo m n inn mphilii mint inn lout ctory llilug in u uhiitrol lltliiw do joii bnuw bo umiy hlie lio told o hlriilgblfunviinl murv nlniu how tils uhlp uont lo iiloiua ou tho const of uwllktrlund wban tlirj back becomes lame it u a iiqaj of kidney ytouiu doans khlney pills cure the aching back by curing the aching kidneys ba neath for it u really he kidneys aching and not the back doana kidney ptilu are s apeclal kidney and bladder utttllclna for the cure of all kidney troubles mrs louua gousliaw 0s3 mannjag ave toronto out writes x talc great pleasure lu writing you stating the benefit i have received by using doans kidney pill about three yum ago x was terribly afflicted with latue bade and was so bad i could not even sweep the floor i was advised to try your puis and before i had used one box there waa a great improvement ami my hack was much better however x kept on taking them until my lack was completely cured x highly recommend doana for lame bock doana kidney pills ore he original pul for th kidney see hat our trade mark the maple luaf appear oa the wrapper doana kidney mil are gv per box 8 boxea for 81 2ft at all dealers of mailed direct on receipt of rlre by the t mllbimi co ijmited toronto ont when ordering direct specify deans sold by james symon come and see the bargains for this week mcnii fleece iiiilci uiuii rwcir at 45c a irmnt mtns rood heivy wiol so it jlc a pur a rood ahfortment of winter raps at ic mens rood weiring p mt- at rtl l a pair blankets large hies 00 a p iir quilto about 50 pair to dear nt 89c a big assortment of rubber and u00w uid bhocs at clearing pricey 7vv skxe tho urlck storo oppoolio now post offico caution h lloinrtfiil in tliioini jour nndirwuir thui y ittluit k tin w kind tint in m uit for ouif ore y 11 will not find lnlttr unkr j wtarllinn the linlu w t tluj nrt- m ulu with u viuw t s nlulmilli tilnir lunllli unfurl i 11 tl n i hi ti itl 1 ll ii i giving tilt ulniimt imtlllv t iiifnrt wtvici thc in finihhi 1 ptrftlil g bltinntltu iv nm 111 n uuun 1 111 h com innth ii priihlitimljlloi l 100 llugri ilenl uiikth l irr cuiuplitlt lines in 1 in s pkcl miith and g r e nelson b uaiehsnt tailor wyudhata attest 5 hans purnlaliap outclril ont m wumwh4hsjywsiwuljuhuqmlimbwhlluusuhwltuhuhhmhiitiwhw grtmoro money lovyourslcunk muskrat it itcooii i uies wliltci wcaccl i slur and other i ur itcarcrs collected in j our section faiipaiuit iniihiiiuitrritfhlitmi ht itici r 1 tiouuitnlhcumm i ujbjfirluitlwdkoulll llllmm u 1 iinlit 1 rriii 1 n 1 1 rll a hum i 1 ir lit li lcimitr rll 11 it it inlet tec 1 1 nl rf iil- 1 ifi i rl rt hi peril- vilsi ami i 1 l i i vtlt i r l x 111 nol r ithttl it tliounlyrill ii 1 ir tain irtct rcporl an 1 1 rl all ti xt rum inr kniiw ll illl i a b shubert inc avsi u v actons electric chopping mill chopping dome daily jhopping and rolling bolli atihrionl done b f cald17jfelii acton ont proprlotoi 7 he merchants bank s op canada bmuuuihj lui sim ummiu id cdmmi rrcv iinift le nijlilly dusenbud ub eco- j nomicnl manntjmtint anhruwd bumnesm man is iipokun of au ihrrlty bc- cautio ho savch pcriiapu only a dollar nt a time purliipi mora but thu real cccrct ol ini success lien in thu principlu of snving onu dollar will titart an nc- count with thin bank all local cheques caulicd nt par oaviralpaidup wfmo hkaunvh vunds adu und1vidhu ntopmi 74h acton branch f a maclezm manager fill filanil tltlnk uah wav 1 a it r r j 1 11 nialna in- i cemen it v ci ml nt k cwiiip 1ct0m luniimlloh r lirnjgis il s 1 r 1 utllh 111 l nt for d j v ij silo- p ir itors tc mihui 1 irtli iil o m- nl fur hill naaufj 1 launangs mmm bakery george sfatbam churrb si aelbs ilic hnlirjr luhltilakf i ifli tm son in atu n voikfi h 11 1eeii en lutttd for thu past tliltt jt ir hnu u10 i urthiud by gcorjo filuilinm and will lie conducted in the umo nibt clata manuor oa in llio punt all lnn hi of llrcad cakei pastry wed llncnkuond chrnt mat cakm ill im bu j iili tothefjtufactlon if nlf cuttbtners ojro 3tatham oatarle hmuhhananaaaoananhathmmi grand trunk ivifus torontochicago torontomontreal ron ciiicaao leovutokont0 8ooinl noon m nnl ii 4j j ni daily vot monriikai lcnctorovtofjooa m b 30 n m on 1 11 00 p hi diiij liiuipmcnt tbo finoct on all ttalna panama pacific exposition rcducdfire t htn trantisco los antiha in i san tpo 1 ulliiniiiiliruundlivrth rotcrvotlons on ipj licitiun to agents h s holmes agent phonsj no i3 boots shoes etjbbees all linos qkootwear g u at right prices r y all men a rubbers at fi 6 bargain pricos ft w wltiliams mill street acton hct0n li v ei x and bus lin ilnvluif jmrclmiuid tho ilviry llinlmsiii nnd goodwill of tho crtnto of thu late jou will laws i riftnoct fully solicit tho patron- tijvo of thu public coinforlnblo riguulll nluan bo hiippiiod at rvnsminblo charges buel micktel alkitflaihss ambrose mccann mill si aclon onl stents 1 ulluiljjjfclawij madiok mau10n uu uiikot lly hi mokitltbaii

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