Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1915, p. 2

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born bmmilwrr at u morion m nit tiiihmim now aotli lo mr nm i mr a j hutu tlitirat a uuglilor horny atmumyamc itali on too ilny noiomlmr ifltli to mr mul mr k holme tlaiijlilr mjrl mar kret died bvmka lit llnnfatowit humlay nov jhhli alfred hykoa ikl ah yeara 1 montli owl 4 tlnyu limn at huctliriiioii tiifteday nov q3nl liura tlarlrude held fmbvwl tlaulitr of u h utthl ud 10 yuri 0 moatlm in mfcmomam jfrmxuv in loving memory of mary alice hornby wdo illed mb nerval fjtatloti uuodur lfltti 1014 0t yur lm rutaaed oh how we tola lir never doaa her wwy fade hwwtmtutouiiltufhliul over linear round ute grave where minnie laid i yet itj we lona a meet her when the day of life lv red when in heeven we liote lo treat iter where uo firewall tear are iheil hkulomhnbiirritit 8tb vttrit y ttsfi tiiuiihdav dkoeuubr 0 1015 editohialmotes tim vitumoelmlnuler of canada liu deolded to tooepfc 8100000000 of the auh- eerlptloa to war loan 150000000 lo ueetl to provide credit for purckaiia ly britain of war mualtloa in thu country the ktiburlpuoti artfatd 1 10000000 canada evidently ha tome cii btored in the old blue elooklnk yet vim vvrux co mftxnvaitvu guelph her- 1j u fair enough to land thl lefthanded compliment to the local member far peel eel oounty doe not eeem to have realk- d that there a an aa limit for warhoroea bub poaaluy tlie elector of le1 oounty will tleolde there in an age limit to lt repteeetttollv in lvrlumenb tun provincial lloeiue qommlaalotter itave made it plain that lliey mean hiul nee lb la no eecreb that tlte cjommlaaton- in u the reeult of their ititerary through out the province and the pronounced tem- peraaae eeallmenb prevalent everywhere will apply the pruning knife to some pur port and probably between 200 and 900 itoeoee will be eonoelled at the end of the preeetta fleoal year tiih uff wolkervlli diaullery u oloeed fore year in malting the announcement franklin if walker eupf rlntendent eald i ifc ha been uaual for u to file down each year from july lo ootober but be- mum of the large aurplna of liquor now oa hand about 7000000 ballon e vytndltlon brought about by the decreased demand tor our product we ahall keep cloaed until october of next year blsnlooant av a omv meetlhg in pari on sunday sal of the leader of trench aeuvitle in thewaretldt strano will ttotmakepeae until alaoo and lorraine are woo 111 blu and berbla reetored and german imperullam awl pr elan milltarum are pub beyond the poeelblllly of reeurreollon liter will be no peace until a ayeteta of right founded upon the vtotorloue union of the mlllee and supported by the free ad herence of neulnla ha aholuhed forever the vlouuee of war l oowuteuox of oonamatlod hu bled laveetlgeung the oueee el area and u bobmum with the genertl oampalgn forkdmumofthnormo4aflr i- in fh have aeoured from luaurano authorluee ttauwente giving atj enper- uaae wltlt lightning rod proteolioh on bululagi in the raraldletou theeabow u btiotftbldgubulidlag in wide are 4alppej with llghtnlag toda hae been aim uoyed la the faoe of thle evldeooe arl id vuw of the email eteb of inetellleg ughuukg rod fiulpment lb would t advuebl fo farmer to equip their propwty with tfale prtuallou aud euo be lo the tdvesug of ideureaoe oompinue u glv a pfae in pdluu rte to ruki eo pro masj the awyw4ia oburohee mh ckmpull- kuudlduowupyh unique poiluoa w ihibrti urn in thirty ye the pulpit ii bocully ve ul rev ur wiuu of ad p ichej unioda ufc bdikuy aad owuk id tie pulpit veainl t opeild rvlou of the am bw itbertw chumh will be held oa sunday lfith laeluhllhefoliowlngsdnday kab uy rev jit a ualuln a a of ulemtrg avidettb of 1k llli cos fermd will preaeb uomldtf aad dlng and dedlouj the new puo of worship oa uojiy vlutf lid inet a uaqiiee 1 iurulsueab wtu b uld tbc will b a fol upper fouomd by a very i04raouv4 pngramtaa laolodltitf a tealul oa uu baa bw ehuroh j by pf uarrli of iwdlo lumlaleoeneei lryfdirmerpatorandoldmmiiben will ba rived oa bttndy tha 10th hut umumi will be preaohej by uv oea w barker ouelpfa beoreury of tha cm kferenoa intha mec bad major tha rev cleo if mulubul ut paator of wuaary ofauroli hamlltad thief reorultlaff omaer of the weetera dleulb la the avealng the obolr of tha ohurob will reatur tpeolal uttaloai tha epaalog urvtoea the oon metidd a looking forward with great aatldlpeilaaa to tha varloue eveute lu oon ueeuea with tha opening eervmonlea the annual chrulma eauttalauenb of tha bethel uotoa buuday bohool wtl be help oa thursday avanlsg deaeuler ttsrd aaaxeeluab programme will ba provided pdriof tha pmoeeda will go to the lied croet fdod lit jompb uttlee new bouae on the qaelph ro3 u ueariag eowpuuaa lb ii ttflha bungalow and will ba a tine teeldaao whea eompleted uv drew valtoa has purohued the fend vamtttly owned by o h weleou kttowa aa pari of tha nortb property llr jauea kind had a vary euometful h of f id atook and mplem enu oa wed- umday ilemmber let we haa aold hi fami and larellring thauuhert will nearly all baltb their their aetata work thl week o qoa of tha moet aaeaeeaful eelea that baa baea held in kria aowiwhlp for eeue tinea weeu-tofjnaluaoalua- every uilagwaat at topaoub price oaadrlvfiig mere wtoftug vimloo al h yaarilag ooutlmloo ullcho aeold a blb s1000 auouooaatr katv wielded the our my nesters bryde a magnificent success this well presented drama attracted a crowded house was repeatedtast evening tim oliaracter nkntch enurtalnmeiit flittllled our mynefture uryde u i vert in the town hall on tueuday evening in ndl of itwl crow fundi and wu a grntltylng nuoon ft wu iuooeaaful botli in tolnt of fltianalrtl return and in the ekeollont manner in wlilob tlie cut of olmruotora prekwted tbla quaint und unti quatml drnma wlilob required auoh x ilivtmlly of cliuraolnr lmrionatloii uml veraatllity of oomltlob end notion kvury ttiomlier qt tbo caat aoted uie part under- taken with admliehlo eklll and tlie affair uti mrwt creditably proutited throughout the ptabwi uld in a rural oommunlty to which the ycfunr mlnuter ltv jolm welt bail brouuhthlanewly wetlded bride tlkollrateoene oftened u uie mlnlfttere patlot before the arrival of he tnlulalerand lila bride from uielr honeymoon a depu tation of women of tlie congregation are arranging the parlor far uie homo coming and indulging in varying opinion aa to the bride and the arrangement for her reception in the aeoond aaens the win inter and bia brido are in tlto parlor banging a oouple of picture of madonna a tea table la aeen a few louche have been tiled which improve the appearance of the room hook and a parlor lamp are on the centre taltle the roam look la better taate than the ladle deputation had arranged it tbemlnuter and hi wife receive number of caller soene three alio tit mlnlater and hi wlf titling at tlie reading lamp bhe i very prettily dreaaed working a motto oa cardboard tlie mlnlater i reading aloud to her out of a large volume a couple not very young enter and want to be married varloui intereallng event are enacted the oloeing ooene open with a number of young people at a party at tha mini ter bouae all are in old urn eoatume and having a very enjoyable time together game and general conversation are auo- oeeded by an impromptu oonoert with tha mlnlater a chairman tli varlou porta preuuted in the eeveral eoenee hod much of intereat were very homelike very human often amualng but alway true to the pereonalltlea and oharooler depleted humaroua lorel hit were akilfully worked in and eeveral of our profeealanal men and old reeldeate were aptly referred to the oaat of character wo a follow i uie tain liter rev john weat a young man of good appearance and pretence poaaeeelng atrength of character and clothed in clerical garb hr percy how arth tha mlnuter lrtd a pretty young girl hair hanging in curl and partly caught up on one aide by a bunch of plub roea uie uargareb ifarvey 11 lu far vey was every inch a bride j pretty oa a picture and charming in her manner bhe wore beautiful gown wholly hand made and which ha been in the warren family in scotland and canada fer two hundred year ut joe crahb a tfrong minded woman with opinion a old faahloned aa herooetuma ula ulnnte dennett uu bennett wore a eaahmere ahawl over auty year old which belonged to ur b hue band mouter ur jo crahb a meek retiring man llr den lutcht ur ritchie wore tb wedding veat of tha lata wm liu loand a atoveplp bat of a vintage of tha early thirtie of hutoeatury lire be ardaye a pretty girl with ooatly garb and abundant jewel uu llertla bpelghl uu bpelghb wore the wjdug gown of mr w untworui of toronlo who woe married here betwiia thirty flv and forty year ago mr bharp a auall dork woman given to paaring around mim alio storey ulei btorey wore tb wedding dred of ur prank bayere raolher mr charitystout whitehalted and motherly ula uedge chapman ura rm4jood a rhnj cultured udy uu lleawuk ur amo right a knowiagyounuait ur a wyast uuasmluy a pretty uttw girl uu bertha browd ueuy uhority preully d la whlu uu jle uodeaald jim cdrtla tha teluotaab bridjajroom ur a t browa ur urowa qulta approprutaly borabl own uwldltitf ault miranda ueka would la brideuu eru whit uu joau who aong wji uu petri baker uu iuker oaetume wb th wwldiag dreri of th gi ulmothw of uu kllubetb wiuaa teaoher robert bpenoe who taeumed olty jr mr bunuy ituell jtnet heather a brw beotob l u uua laura akin kphrum bagta a vary baahful young man ur ewl barr rev jojab strorig bev ur avleon jnil fleddee uiu lauretta j ray aurelia bmlthanuu kellle wlllum uuuua lklna ur a v brown aunu laurie uu vennle btalker prof uuder ur ilarou wluguat dorou quartett ur w uckabb ur anna uaddook uu graham uu uouui uusuoclumalao woraa soo- yfarolddrau loaned byur warten uandeluolm quarteue uaeara jam bmltbh wildguet tha uocium and alex mann jr uu kerr wo tha very efnoleut vroup- ur and uul bella gordon and mr wyont aetad aa critic in tha ufc keen n asfcelunb concert of a dotea number wo contributed by uuee laura aklna iwrl baker ju uolvw- aid nellla william ura a t brown rev ur ayuoa ur wluguat and tha quaruue the makeup of ut varuu member wo clever and trna to oharooler and reflected much credit oa that who took part the uethodub sunday bchool oroheetra contributed a geaarou progromma before and betwaea tb aot- tharaoelpta will awell tha red omm vund by over 9100 reeva hyndj epoka fltung word boa- cdlaguepuadldwotk being acompluh ed by the ladle of the red fjkm ha thanked tim lot their pmouji help la providing comfort for oar eoldur and ooagmtulated them poa tk moon of thl predaouort tie general xc4uo of tba u1- meat w each thabthft r 4m fat- ihmrepuluoaamuvhglvaq again hat w magic read the l powder hvdr0 nadlal electric line tho proposed mow road from toronto to london via milton will cost 373ibb to build blr adam reck ba now definite route propoaetl for the new electrio road from toronto to htratford tlie projected hue iama through milton and doe not now ottlerulii tlte taklnir over of ui toronto suburban lln through oeorgetowrv antl acton a at irat trapomml tlia route of the varlau tectlon are ouuined a follow i toronto termlnamiumber river aectloii i from the paaeenger terminal looalwl near the foot of vonge street the line will weaterly to bunnyalda ualng harbor boatd property end private rightofway wherever pawibl i tltence the line will parallel ue g t it a at preaent alruoted huniler riverport credit aect ion i kroin ut weat limit of- tlie city of toronto at uie humber river uie line run weaterly pariul to tle g t it main line fj oraaaea the credit river at ajwlnt imtwoen tho lake shore road and the o t r port credit milton aeotlon i teavlng port credit tha line orosee tit otr about one mil weet running utenoe to a tolnt north of sheridan v o and from there dlrecuy to ullton milton guelph eecuon i croaelng ui a pr wett of the apr auuoa at ullton location run to townehlp of raquealng thence to towneblpof kaaeogaweya utenoe to townehlp of puallncb and thence in the general direction of the eramoa river to guelpli tluelphberlln eecuon vromguelpbuie lln continue to berlin teavlug ouelph in a weaterly direction and entering berlin from ui northeofet the location he north of uie preaent o t r between ouelph ml berlin bejrlln stratford motion i prom berlin ut una run to ut gtr main line which lb paraluleto a point near baden and thence aouut of uie o tit to a point eaat of btratford whera it will erou the g t r and enter the city thence to lon don- tba amount of the debenture to b leaued by the repreeentauv munlcipollue for dapoalt with the oommualon are a fol low i toronto tm0mi london u1w- s03 berlin 1774040 l guelpb 7se8u3 i stratford 573x town of waterloo 9103000 1 bt uarye 1109010 i ullton wimo vmgof ululoo itlljoo i kewtor- onto s32m f port credit i540so hew hamburg flosm townhlp of london osoltto trafal gar ji7hwl waterloo ojld03 1 rlan ehard jimooo i wllmot 1470005 i downu u 187 1 3 r bouui it ithop w18- 263 i toronto 1uua i kaaaagaweya uisu7 gualph 30100 i etoblooka h0isu hortli eaolhop 248015 i bid- dulph is3l86i queelng toiij puallnch 70vk raoea 112100 1 kaleon t3ll i elllo us 100 kob xottu 130000 1 1 da tlia jmolal brvlo in tb metliodut church unt growing in jutviftxu rev mr hmltli u itli liu crnt prchoblng und ealmrtatlonh hu ihiiuoikhhi many mbn ttttawl in think aorloiibly upon lb tlilnga of eternal life a meeting in the intercatu of the canada tamperanco act in haltoit una to be held here laat evening but owing to iheapeolal mrvlcealn progreaa wau tottoued until a later date we are pleated to tea mr r rliortlll able to ba out again mr h barui of terr colu wu a caller in uie neighborhood one day thu week tlie ladle institute will bold aaocul in ut hall thl evening good programme lunch oerved mia nellla knglatid of toronto la vulungber grandmothor mr 1 camp bell mr and mr w peavoy vlilteil hal 1 1 u- fad friend on sunday but amotheb actomboy is killed pt omrtfd holmd was 60t wbuo in th timtuhu in belgiutu oh tliuttsday 16th m0vebn reeve hynd received a utter from bu oa ouetcherbearw roimtl j hynd from belgium la which tha ud new u glva of tba tuath of another actoa aoldur vu gor uclaod whub oo- eurred la ut ueoohw la illtau oa tbuiwiay lbib kovmber tu uuw with wa dated 10th no n- ber uy i am very tarty to tell you father that another actoa boy fell yeet day osd dud ufiw we id gt him lo ut drelajr etauoa pt george uelaod who aoiuud la actoa j com with ut flret eoaudgeat woaehot whluoa duty la th tranche if wo wounded in ub arm th bdlue p mi uirough tl idng if wo aho wounded la th ug wewer earryloghlm out to th drlag eutloa bubb poj away a w wr pluja him la aa abuttoa about half way to lb alalia w urujuoithumaraug pt uelaod realded la actoa for aever a yai ii wo amplojed by th actoa tunning go la 1019 aj alo woaed at other job about town ha nlutej her with th moood ooaune ab and jtr troiolag for aom moaut at tha eahlbltioa oijunda toronto went to kaguad with th iwglwtb with whlob b ut oould and other of our aoldur want aorou wbll thdeoeaad eoldur haa beany friend la aoloa w c nnob artaia that ha ho any relative her ch an oil faihlonai tumeetiug will be held in th congregational church oa vrlday evening 17th beoember veature of tha progreutaa will beauctura by rev ur avuoe of aoloa od a popuur eubjeetv and lautera vuw of tha war and native bird by ur a t brown tb peopl oa thu end of rural rout no 3 are endeavoring to hav ut poeb oflo ilepartmanb rotota ut uma of delivery either every other day or every other week thl will give them their null in ut morning half uto time ur john denny who baa baea in poor health for sometime wo takes 111 loot week uu condition 1 eom ewbat critic a mew kim you bdjoy pancake but perbap bad uteu indlgeeuhl if youll make uteta with on uilrd flour and twothird romau me you will anlay th moat deltdonapau oak and not ba troubled afterward you may feed utetd to a bake wo may household recipe end bake bread gem muffin tteau puddlugla with iv jeekam roman meal it ptv- mt indlgeauoa and reluv ootutlpauoa or money book eepeoiolly delidoa for porridge if aob etlmd white eookldg if you hav eurrad lb try agnld la jiwuo bo youmelf and fol low dueouoe try tha bw reodyoooked ro aa ueol haggeta berv wltb hoe tallk wr aoftaa with boiling water drala kttrj add milk locuaadsbfl laed by rohoa lbal oa tbrodbft elusive uqhtnima on of nature qreauel and meet in fective drematla actor during a thunder atorm wo get an inkling of how fearfully and wonder fully tbo unlverou lu vrblcli w lire t tnnda nnd what energy and activity it apparent paaalvlty and opacity mark a tab of ugbtnlng out of a atorm cloud aoeina luatnutly to trauforui the whole paaiilvo unlvetwo into a lerrlbla living power if we were to no and bear it for th drat time would we not tliluk hint th ludgment day bad really coniat that tlio groat aoal of tb book of fate were being broken what an awakening it 11 what revalauoii what a fearfully dramatic actor iuddouly leap upon the alagel had wo been permitted to look behind tlia acouoa wo could not bavo found lira be waa not there except poten tially ba waa born and equipped la a twinkling ooo atrldo and otio word which sliake tho bouae and bo i gouat gone oa quickly aa bo came look be hind tba curtain and ho la not tber no baa vaulabod mora completely than any etago ghoat over vanubed ha baa withdrawn into tbo innortooet recewe of tb atomic atructur of mailer and i dufuoed through uie cloud lo be called back again a tbo elemental drama proooed u auddeuly aa befor all matter i charged wltb electricity either actual or potential be eun fa hot with it and doubtlea our own heartbeat our own thinking brain are intimately related to it yet it la palpablo and rlalble only in till midden and oxlraordlnnry way it defie our analyau it daflea our definition it la inacrutablo and imponderable yet it will do our errand light our houaea cook our dinner and pull our load how humdrum and couatant and pro late tbo other force gravity eobcalon chomlcal nfdnlty and capillary attrac tion eoeni when compared with tul force of force electricity now deeply and quietly it atuuiberm at on llnio how terribly actlvo it become at an other bellowing through tbo heaven like an infurlnlod and deelroylng godl john burrougha lo darpera mega- use sense in eatincl a per umy be pet and still laek froaer neurlahittent tb majority of people do not uuder- aund that a person may bo rat oxceev klvely fat and atlll ba underfed and weak from lack of proper nouruh meat one may aat to axeeea of ilorcb food hot braada oil and bwccl and aa a reeult b rolling in fat and at lb idbu urn abow a uvera cna of mal nutrition evidenced by lack ofetreuglb td muacour effort or mental coacwatra uotl th ayetatd need lb food for uxy ar known aa tha h food b- eau they furalob tb body beat but tba fcyu i aloo uei an abundauo of ut vry eurtjt of whlcb lb body or rlbr lb muscular fiber u compoeed th- luiud nukliig food ar fraab nuat egg ii 1 milk freab veceuble and frolli if on i id lb habit of vat big rlb- mf bwrilly of mlsd ut and bt grow ing fat upoa it than rwduco ut auiouui of iwta atarcbr aud fat and you will find plenty of uaurtahmant in tb msacl building food in addition to attention to ilui bow- ovr aluutioa muat b paid to th ued of frwab air and avarcu if on would kap from becoming too fat if you would bav good ttgur practlo dap breathing sad exertta in ad dition to cutting down od your dul tb gt iut problem of coaiertatlod relate not to foiweu or mid but to national vitality and to comer tb utter w tdtut begbl try oddmrtdef tb child ltohl yrullty aocordlng to american uedkln tb real mason why tbr at w000o so uooary death every yr among tua babu b that tb fatter cannot nuk enough mooay to keep tbu tllvc use in every eight born la foawdoonud t early duui for tbu raaoon d b other it i not ueoaeuruy atratgbt aurvauon but precloa ur 1l as well aa uepilvauoti of comfort which at uaceesitle for a baby if tb falbee tnake uor than tm a wek th deaui rat of hi infant u than tight- four per tboundi if b tdgkes 1w llun 10 they dl at th mt f tw b0j kamadud a atr bded but haughty t udy was obliged to pat 09 at it rlap- mated country hotel bb gubced frownlngly about tha ofljaa ralnctanuy feigned tba nglabmf and took th bras key from tha proprietress is there any water in my roov ab demanded why there was replied tb pro prletreas thar was but 1 hid th roof flired- a jey h knew hel h tniiur liow proud a man may b of bu new bit be can never know tba bllaa of replying to udtntrar ye and 1 tnad that myuir from uutiarldls 1 had left over nnd i tblnk li tvary bit aa good h ibe woman next door which coat tavpimaburgb uatett- timea if funny werid uauy a well weaning man w bo atari ott hi day wild n imertnl nation to radiate cltrfiiluea only eucceed la tftthig folkx woudftrlug what oa earth be grinning at milwaukee journal men kimw uot uuu utui u rovenn fjrugiillty u good bus ness itti rood buuinoflii for every buyer to ttcc our ranjc of fall nnd winter goods he lore purclianing our ran in all cold weather require ments is large and price- much below preient valucii mens and bojuovercoatri ladictt jackets woollen underwear iloaicry sweater coatu gloves and mittii ncwcat idean and jrand valucii in all these linen linoleums floor oilcloth blindu and curtain roodn are moving freely it in money naved to mako selections from present stock henderson co mill st acton oat the mother who net a ehopeton matchmaker la dlogni pbb8istbnt publicity peopbely puesubb peopuch8 pbemanent peospbbity 1 pa alaksvs off to the winter fair irvuaur 3rj lo mb evkttvuodv and hi wife uj alltb bllrcoiiiluj dout mltf it le tun and hmli or good vtltuieil lorortiiatlall uidouir ton u lb wu tuc or th kw pall ana wlaur cbttlror uta and lloya wvabaau loaf ptvpahba for thl f aih wei11c and you will find our dig tihowlatf of all tha latwt ktylat u worth your tlma to exatulua aud mour ta war suitu and overcoatu for man and boy furnish- iiihb from hats to socks everything guaranteed everything reasonable in price for the quality inota your rtturd fare from acton to gtulpb refunded on any th doilah uurchaaa geo wallace tnnh xmas xmas xmas nelson r5c co want to see you let us show you what good service and right prices are all ready for xmas rush every thing new and lowest price leave your order and be tutiglied new raisins currants dateu peels nutb grape fruit oranges and confectionary useful gltts- cushion tops dainty handkerchiefs allnver aprons tea aprons mens ties and bracep nelson co mill st acton ont irlu ahlurlircrmohfl tlif jhrtlrnbit lmirli d n llwavi ithmand mlnlbtet- numdav nice imh rl v jj mlv m a orilcninl or will iirimli iikirnliiic mid 1 vmilng aiiihunii liy ilio clmlr am ilitlm- mako 111 loving liv 1 ii mir dill hiimlny hdiuol ut 330 111 tlio nftirnooti all wulcdmv siutmmiiil univy itusiih fon walk iau ohrlnu 111 wll it 11 ml ilnlrv liu i lir iii will hill toltll dhlrv lllbkil llnkanl rli mil hh lln iklrvluu iii lit- u flwtll nr ililmjiiw uluiiltjii willi nffihco tit lwpnjsarri a iv fori mlii from irx 1 id d n 1 ll i ilia till iii iu tliu imum it wlt m j j in alwwt- jdlim ii iii hnktt weiuhvh invitations ok atinnuii n o i 1 rlnlnl 111 ilia eorraot si vim qulrb aiil raily rvle tlia alnu im f ihthu wn ii- tin- illa and vaurl hitll r an 1vrll v h u inrmiu tlittelv mil charij t dirt hhii pllo twtiiiitflvn inviikiln m t mil oiiiioiiihi in mtt i knvl hia liialulaut 1i1 ho j 1 c it 1 10 vz uuli0 uojmwt luniil at pttkht ltka obtt for salk bhick tflltiiob no fain hlwt with larna inf ilarl ml anil wler fruit liwt leelrle hfllh rloul is arlnr lii illulu reobi blltiliatt an i canlrv worali 1 four liolroom an 1 alnt uiulr iwn nallaia wltli fura alana llapnv tlinuul i llanoa an t oil r furiil- iualoitm uaw ur aala for particular ap- tto for havjk b trnorh hegletrv oftlm hattehatl hhd phaut tkndebh will im rtll liv lliuttiirril uptinhmi hjinruv noiulwrllili lnia far lbapureianbll ilia mairi4l eiaut tlia tattle lu tlia oniier itrallrr ofln in in aln at tlia atna lima ian ura will it r ealva1 for ilia urliaaanl ilia un wat llaat- lu riant in ilia til 1 1 nil una tli t bull tlii i- in hi inru tlnwii liv ilia rur- eliar llianmietlal rm ivl a 1 da ltj m flaarwlihla blati da altar ilia liulmlua u lianla1 ovav lo hi iuri inter tlie liaallrg plant in larmni liu lliraa tlata tit lull ml or any imlsr um uaaaaully wu lajtom couniv olotlr ulllououl ita i let tld nut10e to ruboiiora in tha hatuf of tha watavt- ej char lotte clavb ute or the viiu ef aetoh in tha county of modtoci hi itr teed notici la lirl qlvan niiruant to hlalule baiunai 11 v loll umi all rrmllora antl ai era liavma etlan aciliki ilia aaiata at ilia ml i chatl ha olrl wt rilr i rn o almul hi ijlti ilv n ul r idi ara rqqliwl ml at liafnra ilia willi tuv ciomrml r nt iiuu4 bv pcmit rral lor rlallvar i j uaim0 nlltiamliauaur acl ai h illctmr i it anip- bell ilia f outiim nl ii u laal will au1 yftilav- tuaua tj ilia a ii rlaal uielr alirulun ao urvaiau ad iraua ma i daurl llnu wlili lull rarllaular or tlialr oulm atamni of tliir esmudu aaj ilia nalura if tlia amurllua u auv hall lv iiikiu atbirurllisrlaka nollaa tlial altar auah laat anllanal data iha fcall i ko iru l pro j ta dutrlbuu ha nl lb tluawd arnnujilia iarii oumu tlirln liavlu kitloaw lolliactaluia n wlilrli aha ilialmtian ava ontlia aih ihat ii ut i kiu ml will dm ita lialila or i tin all tutii of aav pari lliaraol tn any iarana or taraiuta of wlios el a low uml aball no lia liei raai4s4 by bar at ilia um of anutt llar l itlnn j uirlilwon uotlcluirrr liailnitaulatti dittjibialfllbdayoxaiifuii igu ts d the hub p rflotnis play an imporiani vl part wl ill ilia man ilia op warinc la chhnr ultli lilm nr aanlnai him lie on tlie bji alj and order your mil at tlia hub and ri lb latrsl tlvlva and a huartniwd lit end worlmanahlp geo f agnew cuatohl ifsillov mill st aria a c c speight for uptolate goods ailvirwiiire in tablawsrvtrtnai viity 1 also rtr couwry heurdware ytnurare and oram- itawareiln varietty peuidora stovsa and rantfas kamoua haatara amull stovoe ollstovaa every article is o excep- tionil value c c speight mill strut aetoa d new wonder land theatre d rnidav dkoio marrueriie curle in grama greru mondav uko iu leiiiimlo 4nt tlio mator key wttdntosdav dkoitt llpltoda iqo icijiloii ol itlalne the bivlnt clrc lata com1mg hn narrymor in 1 are you a mnaod 1 r l gregory proprietor a

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