santa clans headquarters tiiuitcm doll llmk widen pnii- ov clilmi silver wuro curving hulu ii7 uiurn sllvur wiitiluit luwtdhtry cut o limn xnum itiul niw vu ir pout curdii isvurytlnnu for xiumi at geo i1ynds ontahiio ubaiikstatb farm for uulo in unltoil 11 and wellliiutott ioo favun tor unlet vffy uuv ii oit want a fkrui write tuti for rnfnluuue or i you vtluh to wnll or tutrlmuaci writ mo u liuv every facility tor iruuuiirlliitf buuluruw t your eotnplrtw uutlufuttluii torrea- thuiu uollritdtl j t wilmikjiiuv curiunrllliiu hillulluf tltiortfctowti ffllic acton j ret jjiess thuiihiuv iictmiiih o mm brief local items look 11 ltd idojghlng dow bo mi early qirulmtiu shopjxir tiiuou upfor another squad of recruits to oiillbt ill aoton present indications promise anything but a green cliriiinisa- the hova and girls aro enjoying skat ing on coriwratiou pond these days tho polo gang of the electric road i- working hi tho vicinity of imoi uill mr jurcmluh t ii now bmiw on red rick street la hearing com plot loo it look well ilatli glnvo factories anil both tan nerie ere unrling over tluio to fill the big onion thoy lima tli a lfultoi short courso in agriculture will io hold tlin jear in llurlliiitnn from jan i0tlt to sob till as usual during tho progress of dunlph winter fair tlie evening train from the west lu lata nvcry fuming thirl one recruits camo in from haltou llilawiol tho uro a flue lot of fellows barrio i imiimr mr mm iv blllfln wa purchased tho ilalry lnisinn of kir a uurridgo und will put luodclmry riguoti tlio coin i liiod route iuvli uddym a of hwler tlio eteenud stepfather of ituv mr avlwm will irb in tlio mtithodmt church nest sunday the now vitriuod hriok payment lil atuieo t it uuifoii tluirgotown tu ro luaca tlio plunk jatform la u decided im provemeut- tltl in tlio ruin tli fur sulucrijttlon ro uawalu tho bulk of t mm pit las nuliscrlii- tlona aspire in december have ou re newed your 1 mr wu hayern who fell a couple of week ago striking the lack of till head slowly rocovering cooualon of tb brain w fiurwl for a tlma a w empty hydro ruiua rwcuning at an angle of 45 on tlio ot biiio of main ttreb nsr tlio kloclrio luilway crowing pwnt vary untidy ajiuurtinoa tha msmlxira of iim oihclal hoard of tb matkodist cliurcli ami eavsral intoredt ul younh man m tiwllng an oiy mam bar c4iivua of tlio congregatio litis wwk a cliristtnih trao concert will bo qiveu lit ilannmiuburu hlnwl on tuoajuy vu loft 2ut inst a uoad iirorurum boa boan imiursd tbo fiutillo will uo wal- ooiuad mrs ruth taylor baa imrcliauj frooi ur e w inuu tho uouloa alor awl tluafling on mill uiroct nait to browns drutf utaro tlio irunilium villi bs uoou llmd in a uw dayg th jaorgiioun young isjlias wbo majlud tlu from tbsir t aetlvltud at hi yl yulr luivu ddeldaj to widow oots in um cuwulnin iluu at clivjjo llb um uoosy ooluctsil tb winnipeg inu 1refci uya i esrly uila uornlnu big flro broks out in lit tttura livry barn ournod b liuby uu ijoomjsw tujk in wfilcli 10 btuxs and uifm oowa wors bunuu to dwlli mr win malnirii9 wlm want to tit hosjiltaliil vviugluitu fur trualiiunit fur an aftjctioo j the j4w a oouiilu ul umiii ago bos raturuod boms ho mieouloou to ba rulta laoovorod from tlio trouble bagt jock tlrludlay tluoliji oos ol tit buiuun of tlio 34th ibiiuliou wbo bve tlta oiitoitulitawiit in tlio mstiodut babool lloom ut hiding died uf wouiul mosivad in tha triiliot in iranoo ou tba qut kovomiior ueurgtituwn mulliiwtlt cliurcli vililah bsjibodiilmmutifully uuoorutixl uuum-oiaii- aj lit huiulay uith mriiionu by itov j il pauarohi tomuui unmcimliiyvveiilng luv hyron buuffor of llond ut cliurcli toronto duliverod mii u uirtuimng uotura ubh school tint following i lornu hliolrj rl for ntoviimbur i 8b ivikuui wutklns auhi ujdur olar laiiu jr iv curolltui itydor kfllo mokaob- ro uuiuild mououualb hi uiakh luiiru luinlxiil wclwtr walking elnioro jdiinton aruolil uo patiuld ititimld mokwcharii hugh llrown ii hoy joliiiuuui lluwdii malloimld hector muodoijild jauuta itjder murio imnts i class ooriloii julinftton crioipball miller annua morncuuio olaeh a- harold hwukhimwor cluuli lambert cuba b kiitldwry millr jaok mo itouku lnur4 murray ionian uauoug- ii nkmim a jauiiink teaolur buts of ohio city of tolwia ijueanooutiti ua vmukj diohav makes odth that ha iw uhloriuirtnerof tlio lino of v clienay k co uoluu ttuiliiiw in tho filly of toledo couiitvunu hutu afohmuilil and tluit uid urn will iwy the utri of onis iiunduku dollailrj for eaoli uml ovory oaa ol caurfh that cannot iks oursd by tlte umi of haiirfcaallltllculu vuank oilknrlv hworu to ixtforci ios ami aubaoriled in my prmaoa thlwolh day of dwowur a fu koury vnblla hall tutarth 0ut u taken lulernally nnd at uirough the blood on the wuoou aurfaoes of the ayatew bend for tatl- v j ciiknkv co foujo o hold by all dntintlnu 7c halle vanity fiui tor ooniulwuott mews op local import muiiyand trourross illustratod i mundny tivtiiiliig iiuk iniiur ilia hiijjioou of tho klnga ortkrilm lllltlo clum un ilhiutruuhl talk bn llimyuue iuhriinu 1rogrum will lm given by itov mr avluon tojoliur of the olau worthy of emulation ihu hiuyorhuu callud a publlo hieatlng to u bold in trhfalgur hall on wediibmlay ovoiiing noxt to eioliit a iwrmaneiit ooiiimlttee wliout duty it will be to accord n aultuble reoeptlon lo every returning buldiorwhohasmriedat the front oak- villi mtar frahoo mid tho war on tuuwluy evening december 14tli uav ii ll abraham m a of ilueliih will give a lecture on trance and iter relation to lite war in knox church holtool hoom at h oclock under lie auiploea of tho v i flulld the public is invited lotituiidiiiid enjoy thlalnlermtj lug toplo tlio winter fair at guclph tbu provincial winter itnlr it ouelph in roporteil to ho amoord breaker in var loua duuirtmeni tlio fiiir buildings are too limited to ailcquutely house the exhibit the attendance u fully up to tlint of foruinr earw on haturtlay evert ing thero wore j000 in attendance acton in aendlng a largo number of ialtora daily aoton would appreciate such favor the okville fair director have received a modi thoughtful aid this week coming fruniu ii ilivldfton of hurling ion jiul win miuuion of oiikvllle tho gift is in tlio aluii of about fifty trees and ahruua from tlio llurlhigton liurtery these have beon pin u ted on the new fair grounds and will irove the start in creating a beautiful park on ttie grounds bur prooahlnfir the pulpit vacant iuv j c wlliwo ii a was at tu kauuigawea irosbytehan churches hut flu i id ny proucliliig officially vacant tlte pulplta which rev ir illair has so alily filled the uint thirty years ttev tt illair proaahed morning and evenlua in kuov church lisre with his uuual aoosi tance ha aiul mrs ijuilr are moving to their new bonis in luslph this wak strong for church union the hum by and oniagh ivsabyterlan oongrogatiaos have toted strongly in favor nf church union as follows i hornby church i ktdare for a i agalntt none cuuimunlcante for 13 1 sgalobt 12 i adher ents for 13 1 against 4 omagh church i lldera fur 0 uguinat none cobimunlosnls for to sguliut a adherents for 18 1 agaiutt i total for 174 1 against 22 tha irish evangelist baptutchuroh llev and mrs wank mokau the iriilt evangelulii conducted the scrvlcea in tho itaptiut church luat boiulay and on monday evening they commeiicvd a tar l of ovangglistio urvloes thss will b con- tinuetl until thurulay of lie it week mrs mckeogan iaetololtit of sweet voice and wido ootnpaaa tlio goupel story l bong anil exhortation is l i tiff improulv oly lireasnleil each evening now ontario frina produou the government lumonstratlon car ocntelnltig exhibits of oeraals gmin roots grown in northern ontario in charge of mr jones reeclied acton on thursday last and uss vulted ly a urge number of people from town and country who were very much jihuted if any were surprlad at the splendid specimens the car contain theeshiblte were attractively arrsng ed and could be viewed by all to adren lag nearly all tie school pupils of acton lunnockburu lome ami dublin visited the car tho boy soouu pint effort hsturduy was a busy holiday for the aoton boy room their activity was julie oontegious too when tlie boys who had not enrolud saw the boouta hust ling ehout town with their hand eulgba getlierlitg west peptir from lou to houe to make tha carload dislrod by tha red cmes society they wanted to it in it too and the orstiltsd uda good naturwlly oxcepted tlielr help the boy were wait fmluatrlous during tli day and u a result of their labors svvsrel tons of waste uper was dsllvored at tha receiving station tha ohl ioat otqee the hoys will ooutlnua tlwlr work untila car load la eurj social and personal w ii stouicy son ll l the liroehouse auiilury woman ule- slinsry uooioty met uu thursday af teroooa at th homo of mrs w tjowdy when tha following ofucers were euoteil for tli com ingjwr i rreshlant mrs j henderson viivt vloe ives mr it llamhell becond vioe pre mrs t tlograon pcrury mrs o e polklnghome treasurer mrs wu flowdy the twbipereiios itally held in lluhoua an novwlur 30 h was w atteuud oiul a coiiblderau inureet was manlfestl in tha touim3ranco caue mr and mrs dowdy at to ml ed um fare ui ii receitloii tqmlereil lo rev vt uuir ut n4agaueya lut weiliieuley waning mr dowdy aaauted in tlta musical pro gramma in ida uiual acceptable manner mia winnlfred ivena wee hoove from toronto over fjunday mr hon ivdklnghorna of yorontoaisnt tho wmk ond with bis parents ur t 1 kens vulud friends lu toron to la week ur douglas oowdy wait in yorouto over sunday v ur houhen kvsns of cliltiguaoouay township baa puicliased a 100 aora farm in ciilnguuuay township heloflglnjf to mr uavafuna hale was made by j wllloughhy georgetown onl julok tmverlab llluinlaatlob lo honor of wounded self utoeu xry apparatus ims lieen invented for killing the tiny peruke that eat email holes lit leaf tobacco why la one favorlta barber always busy when oua la in hurry t aiiexmiseutba ouly unlng that sosy to find when youre looking for it mlts llrlckiiell of toronto wu in town tlda wthik vlhitlug frlutila mr noll molnii of lurin hu lisen mrloiiuly ill tho pit week ml ldlu maolhermii of toronto spoilt the weak end at her homo mr w d hoinorvlllo bun returned froni ids trip to the northwent mr tttul sif loroy llrown nf toronto vultoj friend here this week lto i corf of the niagara fall luard v lulled frlendu lu aoton miss myrtte dillu nf toronto spent the week end at her home iark avenuo private peter moimde of the tilth hattllrantfordaiient ths weekend wltli friends in aoton mrs c if k hmllh will reecho at the rectory on tuestlay lie i4tli intu in tha afternoon and the avoulng mr end mr james hymnn hate moiitd into their altrtutive new home on willow street recently completed mrs itohert jobiistou and mlu john ston have returned horns after apciiding a month with friends at detroit mr and mr aim molesn and mr and mrs w heevera were at mr nell moouuh krln during the week mr and mr porter and mm harry tjouutte end daughters have rsmoved to toronto they were for ton years or more residents uf acton mr snd mrs- wjsnt of the dunk of nova hootla have moved into the pretty bungalow on knox avenue recently erect ed by mr vreiik v bayers mr and mrs a rosa of asubuls ohio have heen spending the past week or so at tli lioma of mr iloaae father mr betausl laird young threat ur donald ifsnn who has heen em ployed on tlte o t lb left on monday morning for hornpeyne where be has hsoured employment on tlie o n r mr amleraon of llrebiu recently appointed to take charge of tha heard more tannery sidings has arrived witn mi fam lly and is now comfortably settled in a boms on willow street mr and mr tlioma j edmltton of driver haak arrived on tuesday and are guests st tlta home of mrs joseji cote- wan willow street they will remain in ontario until after tha holldaya some obsehvatioms iwvkiiviawimi tim oi n yowi iliitl as surmised a couple of wenka ago in this column the retirement from ordinary tiv urvlca of ilia town i tall ball has occasioned soma reflections ami reuilnl wiwia of by goiia days and sain clietigss occurring tinea tlta bell began to sound forth in the rly winter of 1u13 at tlte near completion of tli town hell erectnl in ibh2 the tlrfttomoielly bjipolnt ringer was tho rasloti tit member of council titan were ure w ii utorey luevo i c b smith wu ismond d hendermhi and john kenney br council lore of the mr hsnderaoo now alone remains the publlos services were plsoed in tho hand of mesr the keaton town itallfor jofi nd luther lyman lamp lighter 100 the walks being all of plank or gravel were probably let to local mechanic and adorers for repair that winter was one of tlie longsefe and tuedloui on roord sleighing ixiglnoiog about november 37th and testing until about april imi or later in tlta country roads at least in tlio early part of tha yaar an slootion for the local house was held whan haluui began the loag terui of oi conservative for tha legislature held so long by tha la to col kerns and later by dr nison itroken by few terras when john r dai bar liberal was tha member tha population of aoton s3 yare ago whs about 1220 it its now attained to en incrwasa of mora than 0 per cent then there wera neither lake avenue nor park avenue dwelling on tha south side of uui blrfet btwen ms to and tha mill there were no dwelling afur tif oorner lirkk store in fact nicklins farut barn wea situated sloatf there the oa now oa oobhu hill vrom church street to the prswiit valrvtaw aveoua teadlao to th eemeury there were probably oaly three or four boua and uoaa whauvr on tha end of church wu of main or up around the mount campbell or cobble hill section dower aveaua had but newly oqulrd tha row of aseoeuuon brick dwelling hotts sioog tha podd sua while ooua of tha brlok dwellings oa either side were oa yet erected excepting what wee theu tha uethodut parwuiage a little 6t of vred erlek nona of tha brick dwelling now co church utrt were hi sibtence ahoept tha oor of tlta urge retrdtiar houa then owned by ur jo vyfe tha urge robert utile luuua was uaaily oppodta but it was datroyd by sra a ecu pi of wloureago about tha oaly dwelling earoee tha traok was tha iswod brick house at the ul i utrt corner and powihly on or two other farther out along voung street only hire of tha rather numerous sotloa over tha track la tho bon street district wero in eulaleec a rreat buy spot throughout tha heart of tit town lave alto hen fllud up of industrie tha solo leather tannery wea being re assumed by tha dearjmorea and that a vvty email spot on tha now extensive pi int it was considered a good ohaivo for a market for tha farmers hem lock bark of tha harnee tannery there waa nothing but titer wea a small glove leather tannery oa tha site ami a little hook from tha present reerdmora omoea the glove factor on bower avenue wu not yet bulk for a year or two but ur w ii storey had quite a plove business on mill street in whit la now tha avthure block ho that now aoton present to tha eye of an approlft traveller a much larger and mora moder appearance espe cially taking in tha ortecdat its the vision than in early i bat- but lb la not likely thsrad a much oodtenltaent and wosnrity amongst ths uaa oa then wage era soma higher hut there la very larga luereasa in the cost of tha working people llvlns matty a udy litu turn waa invested lu storey cjtituti co itauklng oaloa under the watchfu eye of ur henderww it la doubtful l uiiiic motlcn iu lirohy imt uiidiir ih tirwt pnrt of iiupliir7iuf lllt ruvitcd titulliti m nf cnimdii lov known nn 1 liu coiupnnluit acl lolloru pnlunt liuvo itoun hntiiud iindur thu ttmil of thu ttucrotury of ktntu of cmmdn lionrlii into tho both dny of aujuut nl uicorporutliik oiorgi mcclure wiiiiiililiyhnrrihtorutinw josopli mux llulleii utiiilent at inuv irniicln iloiiry ilurloy itookkoojior rind icdythn dlokny nnd lonn duff btoiiogmiilidru nil of tho city of toronto in tlie province nf ott- tnrfo for illo following purioaua vis n to trtn kntlmr uud lo donl in lildou nut hkiuu mid lo mnniifactiiro loot tier uxtlto uud compoaitloti uoudi and ilenl in luatlier toxlflo uudcoinkwiiloiioodi including ulovcn niocmulnn ulioe packa nud othur kalher gaoda and lor ths aid ptirpotfo to acquiro tlio buulneui ami aitetnof tlio bimliietw bortiloforo carried on by w h htnroy son llmllod now iwliiff carried cm at tlio villnge of acton under n charier grit ul ed by lot tern tinlantof ilia province of ontario mid that thb conipnuy tuny piirclmao tha wild business and the uiulortaklnff of tlio nald company partly for cash mill partly far shares or entirely for shares in ttifo company and lumo sucli shares as frilly paid up nnd noii aaaeauahlo l to carry nn any oilier liimlitetw wlmthor mamifacturinu or olhorwlne capabla of twlnp conveniently carried on li coniinclloti with itu hualnrmor calcula tei dirrclly or indirectly to ctihaiico the value of or render profit nlilo any ul tha companys property or righta c to acqulro or toko or undertake the wbolo or any part of urn business pro party and llnullltiua of any pvraon or company carrying on any business which iho company la authoriud to carry nn or pnamiiuithl of property stilt ablo for the purposes of tlio campntiy d to apply for purchase or other wis acquire any patents licenses con- ceiudons and tho like conferring any ok elusive- or nan ukciusivu or limited right to use or any cccrvt or other information as to any invention which may mmiiii capabla of being used for any of the pur poses of the vompany or the acquisition of which may uem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit tho company and to use exercise develop or grant i les n ties in reupsvt of or otherwise turn to account the property rights or informa tion so acquired to ontcr into partnership or into any arrangomeut for sharing of profile union of interesta cooperation joint adventure reciprocal cuncculoti or olhurwttu with any pereon or company cnrrylngon or engaged in or about to carry ou or engage in any huidnesu or transaction which tho company is auth orised to carry an or engage in or an buslneu or transaction capable of being onductod to a directly or indirectly to iw tie fit lha company nud to lend money to guarantee tho contract of or other- wlwj aualittanyuush person or company mid ts fakr or ntherwluo nciutre uinrea and uccurlllca of anyswtli company and to sell hold rv lasuo with or wllhoiit guaranteo or othorwlsa deal with tlie same ft to take or olhorwisa acquire and ild share in any other company there u any approximate deposit iti the a wom smothers hss n iwmiaaaw monthly rani- hu fuel wa easily got la good hardwood for soo a oord or leet i long ueemire meat ws perhapa not tnor than 0 tha preaeat price butter aadegge in ths winter about ib and 10 eettta while in the summer loth were very much cheeper hood strong footwear wea much cheaper etnlataleftuttretouefr it tlufr ache aud palua aud attfftr bi silence this only leada to duoou alckv uesa antl often shorten life if yotur work is tuln g ii your nerve are eacluhle if you fmilejigald weary or depressed you should know that bcotta llmulelon overcome just such ootxititm it poseaae in eoncentratevi form the very element to luvlfioret the blood streualhetitbetlsmiea nourish tlie uetroai uud build atrength bcotte u mtnmrunlhg thousand ol mother etui will help you try it heett at ttow msnuile oet ho hav ng objects altogether or in part similar to those of tin company or carrying on any buslnew capabla of being cerducted to as directly or indi reclly to benefit tha company a to antur into any arrangement ill any aulliorille municipal local or otherwisa that may seem conducive to the lompanys objects or any of them and to obtain from any such autliorily and righto privileges and conceularm which the company may think it desr able to obtain and to carry out csarclie and comply with any such arrangements righto privlkgea and concessions ti to establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of mmocla tiom inilitutlons funds trust and cos ven lance calculated to benefit employees or eaeuployeeaof the company or iu prmlecasdor in buslnesa or the uspen dent or connections of inch parsons and lo grant pension and alawance and to make payments toward insurance and to uubecrilu or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent object or for any bitliibitlou or for any public general or useful object i to promote any company or com panls for ike purpose of acquiring or taking over all or any of ih property and llablllliuaaf th company or for any oilier purrww which may seem directly or tndirwetly calculated to bansflt lb company f j to purchase take on lease or in ett change lilr or ulhrwb acquire any pronal property aud any right or privilege which the company may think nckry or couvettlent for the purpo of lu buslnew and lu particular any machinery plant and stock in trade k to construct improve nulotala work manage carry oat or control any roads way braucbaof siding brldgei reservoirs watercouts whajrvatuauu- foctorle warehouses electric works shop atorea and othnr woika and con venience which may went calculated directly or indirectly to advance the com panys interests and to con tribute to suhddlu or otherwise ottotut or uka part in the construction liuprovemeul main teuauce- working management carrying nut or control thereof i to lend money to customer and other having dealing with the company aud to guarantee tlie performance of contract by any such persona m to draw make accept endorse- execute and uaue promissory natea bill of exchaug bill of lading warrant and other negotiable or transferable lo trumeat n to sell or dispose of the uudurtak- ingot liu company or any part thereof for lucb consideration as ine company may think fit and in particular far share debenture or securities of any other company having object altogether or in part similar to thoso of the company if authorised so to do by thevotaof a maj ority lu uu mber of lha shareholder preeeut or represented by prosy at a rteneral tueetltiu duly called for cousldei- ng the matter and holding not lea i ban two third of the lisucd capital slock of the company o to adopt euch means of making known tho product of the company a may seem eupdumt and in particular by advertising in the pre by circular by purchase and exhibition of work of art or interest by imbllcation of booki aud periodic and by granting prise reward aud donation p to sell improve manage develop oxchange laas dlupoee of turn to ac count or otherwise dual with all or auy part of tha property and rights of the company n to do all or any of the thing authorised by loiters patent or supphn menlary letlertt patent oa principals ageula contractor or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with other t r to do all such other things a are luctilenul or conductive to the attain ment of ike above object the operation of tha company to ba carried on throughout the tominiod of canada aud elsewhere hy the name ot w ii storey a bon limited with a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollar divided into iooo share of fifty dollar each and the chief place of buil- tie of the nald company to lie at the village of autou in the province of ontario dated at the office of the secretary of bute of canada thla ajrd day of august 10 is tiiomau uulvicv 944 undersecretary of state aw hono to canada iloaldoe lining born a novel is i mm ivorard colo clara jeanotlo dun can brought to heir work which ha i way been to her tha aourca of nx- rjulalto enjoyment av bravo spirit of adventure bho waa born of puro brltlbb a took in the town of draut- ford onl where lior rather mr cbarlea duncan wasi a leading mer chant aomo time in tho olghtoen-alx- tlo when it would hove taken al- rnoat a mlraclo to convince pub- ilaber that a girl of canadian birth could be a novelist xaye marjorle mac mure ly in toronto star weekly thla publishing attitude won u great obstacle to tha pursuit of let ter in canada not many year ago long after mr co tea had proved triumphantly that ebo wa a novelist born and that nothing could keep her from achieving success a canadian editor assured a beginner that he had boon told by publisher in the united state vtut they would never accept a manuxcrpt if thoy knew it had been wrltou by a canadian no canadian could write a aucceuful aloryj it waa impossible for a cana dian to hove tho rlifht point of view thl bow what mr colo hud to overcome in addition to the usual dimciiltlo incidental to tlio career or a novelist qay courageous light hdartod wearing her lova of adven ture in tho groat world like a roito mis duncan wont out unfitly from tho llttlo town of brentford impelled to hoo all matilcr of interesting places una lo writo lalo or the cliar- aclor of mrm and women and of what thoy will do driven by their own soul and tho forco of circum stance hi duncan wax educated in brunt ford bho became a toactjor llko so many otbor clover cauadlau girls t uiht iho most junior class of all and during bo short term ax lualr telor formed tho friendship or bor school inir or mr ooo vr itogs aflorv nrtlu ilomlor of ontario tblx frlonilihlp continued ax long ax mr roe lived mtb3 duncan bad a scintillating vvll tlio world wore magic colors to bar vew wbo met ber who had lliomsolve auy talent failed to recognlso atii appreciate thl eager gifted personality writ ing baa alwayh been to uu duncan the breath of life while at school tho toronto olobo accepted an eesay by the youthful author in the year immediately following ulsx duncan roto ax garth oraf- ton for the toronto oloba after ward joining the atitf or the mont real bur vor the latter pr ul duucau wrote the parllakdeutary eor- reepoudanea from ottawa during at least one session uu duncan fa probably the only woman jouraalut who bsx over written from the pre gallery at ottawa in 1980 when the traaacouuuantal railway wax ttlll m feat of wonrlr and the canadian paclae hallway wax far from being an old story uuj duncan and a friend eat out to travel round tha world ula duncan wrote travel latter for tho montreal star these lot tar appeared also lu on kngllah publication later they ware revised and published in book forwi as a social denorturw lo the young writer hod woa a triumph kveab delicate airy pun gent full o delicious humor the book found thousand of frlnd asd admirers it ttlll maintain it uoa as oua of tho beat contemporary books of travel la bar later books mrs colo style has lost ooue of the delightful simplicity or be early work the study of character and or politics has grows to bs absorb ing blue tha publication of a social departure xb has written tome twenty novel to each book the bai given labor concentration flro of thought purpoa and effort and vary exceptional ability the bret early careleas rapture has beau withdrawn aud in it place has klen the full light of the uovlll searching knowledge of character and motive ur cote 1 amoag the brat canadian novelist and hi lu lha brtt rank of woman novelist la engllsbatwaklng countrua ou her journey round tha world be met in india ur uverard cot iben deputy superintendent of the indian museum at calcutta now managing director of the indian nawe agency which 1 the aaaoclat- ed pre of india they were mar- rled the following yar slaoe that tlmu ur coles home has bu at simla in india she bowr fr ttuently spends a great part of tha year la london aud tvry few t year comes to vial i canada- ur aud ur cote have vulted frequently prlnc rupert which i tha tartutaus of tha grand trunk pacific oa tha pocloo ocean they are at hems la brent ford aud toronto many month ol the year they epeud lu their oat la loudon and la both calcutta end simla they are counted as ridnt tbt worldoltlieuahl i reomted la ur cote novel the social de parture was followed by an ameri can obi la loudon her canadian book are the im perialist full of delightful humor and of a deep sympathetic knowl edge of canadian ways aud caua dlau character aud coualn cinder ella which the story of a caua dlau girl in loudon the consort is a clever novel of kugluh society two of hr finest books have been kopt to ba named at the ond th story or bonny rablb is perhaps lior inout port oct work it tails the ulory or a llttlo ingllxh boy in tha indian mutiny the otbor side of ibo latcb i a book written or uu julian garden which deserves to ba placed wjougsldo bonny sablb w6e xm gift depot gucipii loading and ltrjct store in tim cenlral depot of clirimmrvi jilt koodn to which all puzzled buyem should trtko thutr tfckcth cbrifltman problems are solved here to overyoncii satiufaction every disnartment in this larijc dupnrt- mental store has been well nnd carefully mocked thiti one clehnitu purpose ilwayn prcdorntnating to provide abundance of practical useful a well hh attractive jiftarticlca and lo the reoult i chnntmaii bounticti in wonderful varieties splendid priccti i incomparable valuen dependable qunbiieii and immcih urable satiufaction to giftchootierei there are intelligent and attentive ualcgpconlu to nerve your wants and offer helpful kufeuiiomi and there are plenty oi good things to chooue from for all the frindu on your list list op auction sales sj kerb auououoor who psokawkm i vuir building uuelph 10 w mi wiataw seed grolui tliuraday deoewber oth winter lr building tluelph seed grain at 10 am tueadav decemlter uthwm green brln 11 am tuesday december 14th- box social for patrioua vuml at utlmuirg thuiwlny december 16th ura wm dobltla gequeelug 10s0ern tuesday december cutpr thllng eramoea ii atn friday deoemlier ffi4utj hoyoe er moae stock and household furniture 1 oclock gipts ror mcn oil ts tor novs the spirit of christmas place greater value on the well chooen suitability of lha gift than on it high cost thin year pincllcul gifts are lu favor and practical glfluaro moat featur ed in thl store girrs tor women gifts tor jiris the spirit of christmas prompts curly buying tho worry nf luulitilnute rimh anil the thought muii of liurtkd iilciiiioiih roll giving of its joy nud receiving of itu liejirjy pit i bought select i on b muat lo madu mow scarcely two tvcckn till cbristmao day i d e macdonald bros limited oublphs leading and larobst storb wyodhan mucjobusii and cnrjtn slrccu guelph onl monday dec 15 at u saxes stobt hki il i onl hill st acton j cadcsky toroblo the wetl known evesiuht specialist will be in acion on monday dcceubett 1311 hours 800 am to 330 pm eveningi by appoint ment anyone suffering from head aches eyestrain or defects of vision should not miss this opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist consultation free 3a n twmr tinnnun p wo have everything you want in fancy christmas groceries all new alock tuid of tho finest quality tihne are a few of our leaders brtztl nuts almond nutu walnuto filbert nuti fancy fiqjb lincy dates fancy raimtiu malaga grapes pecan nuta we will lead again this winter in orange val uen all siecii aweei and juicy we have a npecial line of soft centre choco lates at 29 cents per pound ojsiern haddle flllett of haddle ciscois kippers lied herring fresh twice a week give li your order goods rvornpily delivered russells mill street acton 0nt 13 nnnnnnfj beohal th4 w luy browns trees the beat that can bo grown who our agent in your town t sthowm alhotmplkmsca mfutserynsen limited browiwwureisslawejtasmloououe c chruimes oroceile chrlsima orange chrlelmss lemoo chrlumst grape fruit chruims crsuberru cbruimhs huiaaii kind everything for llu chrlsima oik plum pudding and uluc pi it too busy to make your on plum puddltur well tup ply you a rasl urullsb variety all ready 10 beat for your obrliima dinner rjhhlsvrmiiei oohskoriomibttv the beet variety aud heel make weve ever bad baula clsut will have uo diffi culty here in aelecllog dalulle for lha kiddie slocklnk caul and huh itltfl r livingstone olkjisiihci auction sale iu aumufca i fattm stock imliie- mentb ktj the undersigned ha recelvl lusiruc tloua to sell by public auction for 14k wu poubie eou half lot 14 coo 3 luqueelug ou yhumdav datoathotaiu at iajo oclock sharp the following iioklesi grey bor4 year sired by napoleaif i grey horse j years sired bv napoleon i grey filly a yearu sired by napoleon i bay gelding s year aired by bruiulane 1 brown bene aged i bay mare agd supposed to be in foal to bruusunai 1 hay geld ing 1 year sired by llrunstaue 1 bay elding 1 year slrl by bruuslane t y gelding 1 year ilred hy bruustaue 1 hlly o woulba aired by bruustouav cattlu 1 rd cow supposed to calf april tslb red cow euppad to calf april ibtli 1 black cow suppowd to calf june nth 1 red cow suppod to calf march 01b 1 roaacow supposed tu calf uy i6lh t rvd cow auptowed to calf may 17th 1 red cow supposed to calf april slh 1 grey cow supposed to calf april 04th i 1 red cow supposed to calf uayltb 1 i block cow euppoud to calf june 13th ihulstelucowsuppokedto calf may otb 1 red heifer euppoesd to calf april 131b 1 red heifer supposed to ulf march 141b s black steer 3 year old l red aleer s years old i grey blear i year old t red steer 1 year old s red beifen 1 year old 1 1 grey steer 1 year old blauk steer 1 year old spring calve t bull calf 9 hsoalhu 8intpishec 1ioa o pig 3 moalhs ohl 1 brood tow due feb ajtb iiartnbdb s set heavy harnee 1 set plow haracmi 1 set single harness new a number of collar fowl a uumbar plymouth lien a iluiba 1 drake a gee 1 vauder 1mplbuuntbi mataey harris binder with tongue truck sheaf carrier and trucks new 1 prost aud wood mower 6 ft cut cockehutt dlso drill 1 bjccormtck imw drill with cultivator 1 maisey harris mflutire enreider nonou cultivator muiey harris dlso harrow 1 set heavy harrows 1 set light harrow s pleury plows no si ipleury 9 furrow plow 1 land roller waggons 1 waggon box 1 stock rack 1 hay rack 1 deaitug rake mccortuiclc com bio- dr 1 hassey ilarrlstthlderasctslelgbs 1 market waggon 1 top buggy 1 cutter l turnln sower 1 rtariiamitlouscuffler 1 tloway scufner 1 set wilson scales itoo pounds 1 fanning mill 1 rood sxratwr 1 jiea rake 1 stouo boat 1 sugar keltic 1 nulper 1 cream separator 1 barrel churn rack lifter with 10b ft rope 1 hay fork steel car itoft steel track 134 ft rope 3 pulleys 1 set bunks 1 ladder 1 bag truck l barrel truck a number of grain bag nethyokes doubletree logging chains forks shovels hoe cow chains quantity of turnip aud mangolds quan tity of oat aud barley sud other uiilclei too numerous to mention boms bouse bold articles tbbub all auras of io aud under cosh over that amount 1 moalhs credit on approved joist note 5 off for cash drain roots aud fowl cash no reserve as the proprietor j giving up forming lunch at noon p a macuum auctioneer cwrk b33 aubition uvery man alma to ho hia own master nosurvr way to get tlio capital together than by starting a small having account in ihl bank georgetown branch w n uaicay maaar bank of hamilton show how to moke better farm smprtyemtjitat ft wry 1wlsdbrwrvetaavval if you inltnil making any kind of fsutn improvements you need tfalsi book it tell how to build veryth4 a foraser adlro abera to laaee better aad wu aeeaoaoloal than is boaslbu la auy other way it i th staadard authority oa far bolhlle tttoetfuetloa it baa pved bt uatold vela to aeora lhaa tsfioq proreeelv ceasduw csrcaar u you haveac a eoey ef this vobahb book seed the eoaftoa aowj caakteu cesotat feasbiuy u4fl llullatuilg uohtajfai- js sssaf- ol icoe iv uwuu 11 cohrakt r 1uuied cull nutu i of wb1 lb vilm4 cui do with cwwtk sp in tsaassmmmsativmsrmiimi