Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1915, p. 4

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ffiljc jsttvux rtt flipr5 hiuhh1a luufmlil it 11 101v the cats tka pailty vueureuy htllonj nil imluil initio toi cried vothor iii hi uo il i fur yowl mb ii mil lw wo it wour our hflw jml i o i our thlnuu u yuu lluuhlltjuii 111 hilt fjpoaiiu in oui rlulil huw ullw in ml ami imko it trolly how i well lwa a iy os if j please nud only luhof llmt then uo itiy iluttlnjf chlllren said ilia happy mother oat tlie pretty lltllo pusoy cats went out that night to i oti their heads ware smooth and glossy hlaok their tails were swinging tro i they held their things m tlwy had learn ad and trlou to la poll to i with snowy bine twiimth their china umy wm a pretty sight tint ah i ala for manner howl anil coal m aoltos silk i ttie moment uibl ilia little kit were ask d to take aome milk thay drewied their siioans forgot to bow aiij o i what do you think t they pub their nosee in th cups atwl all bogan to drink vm every naughty little kit eet up a i for toot then knocked tits teacupe over nulok and scampered thro oft it uto uoor i our dumb animals hia c0mpla1mt la a oarula town in south carolina latex tha civil war there wm an old uoalch covnaaur church tha pulpit of wbteh bora a htroug meubuuo to a flour- barrel lb was feataoad to the wall end rainhtl by oiht of narrow winding ulra ataoua ih tuaachar who oeeupled tbo pulpitat various tiieee was oae who was ueud for ilk vigor and eutbueueta of hia tlalhrary and the estlrwa energy of bla ftettleutatlooa th eoagnoatloa bed often trembled for hie bafaty as b alaiapad awl pounded in the olj pulpit bub no catastrophe ooourrwl until on day wbt it bant forward over tha tdg and fchkltjj tha unable atruotur shouted tha righteous shall stand but tha wlekad shall fall bah- tha worda wre fairly utund thara waa a oraafa and tha old pulpit and ita ooeupaitt ew to tha hoar tha talnuur plokad hluaalf up- and waving oo tha uauhara of tha eongraa tlotiaahl dryly utvlhrtd i un not in jutad attd i dort t ulttd ui fall muoli bub x do hau tha eouoacmod castor i a vaa- infaat u4 cbluxva lllmroroimrsoytm ahrmbaard uov muttturr u hau a wouaa harva an artlola lathaavaduf pfw m wocwia work for tha vaablalllndad ilaf huabaad gruntad balajf in a raaotiooary uood 1 d ilka ts know b aaid what woum har avar doo for tha aabuuiiuudr a4 uaually marry thaai tuar ra plud hia wlfa iwwly evkmy your tliu llltlo ureui bill iwrry emulloa aro uoiituu luck lirlnrliik iilftu to mi ovon uionlor ok tout limn diirlnir tha paat tew liall in uonaouu tim r n noil foi mil i lu hint tlio poii wu r colvod tlilin tlio pnot yenr or tuoniil who tlld iituillioiiulit hint huj icill did uooiu tn lulim tlioui uooil foriiiiie banco ihla liicrouuliiicl tniilil unmtli or tbo cuiiillou imijiiiinrli nu n miltcdliilo for tho cniniilloiiiil ciirlhlinna ran or oh caiiutltulliiii in iuolf nit linpro tontlouii llltlo ulft wjinlmllihik every bcklit ulill iliif wlillo 11 lire it mini pooplo linmi iciul nmlicceliu tmjlicit iitnillou na qirih tlioio n ru hut fow wlui know u tu in l urn cmiiio or wli ho i ult nil arutliloii la liiscinrnliio frmn tllniu as a varulolda thara id bo prpaftloa thafcaquala uothar oravaa worm kitartu laia it habavj thalivaa oloouatla tuldno a ffcm vfj cimral hb haplat shatj4e ax not a berioua troobu but uky mr wy tmaljjbuy a4oittei r uuicd wholly by bad blodl had to rf rid of thtai it bj tuf a tav to ptituv tha blood of all ittf ini- buftldtfc stood bltlrfi hat taad txuuty haaafkahla cut tta pltdpua have ail jasajvjsir ur utma t coow itkiua path na wrlta i uri writing you a rw uad to uu you what tlurdock wood biturabudoaafobi lutwkufuy wax cawftal wltb pltupua i tried tuflccciit kliida of bsadldoe aad all irrmid to fall i wai otta day to a frkada bouae ajid thefa thay ajlvbud bu touaekl till aolpurcluumtwobolljcd aad before 1 bad tbw takati i found i wa ftattliijt batter x got two biorc fend whan thy wre btuihd i hi oooableuly cured i find it u i trt blood puiuw ad i raeottmanj it to alt vutdoak klonl blttan his been ou tha baifect for tha oit forty yaira and i wih factum oily by tha t ilubura c lbiilted ycroiito out homgufoti itnou kphraiua aybtpalhla war all with tha ailua jlaa aanounoad ha htaa you haard boub thwu ollui t theyve fcofc a kub what klu hit you if ibe twittty ihrmmluaoff lawala that ajat bothlnv aaaared a oolored partlaan of tha oppiwlu eaup daqartuajuday kla hi b you if dr jaaa haayoaddrea ohildron oxy ror rutcners castoria utttk thllfuj oftoa llttlo ullage in ufa aro ilka tho allftbb biovaaiaata of ft railroad witch whlob ohaag tha daatlnatlon of trelua tbafllfttibof birda front north to aoutb bhaaad tha oouraa of ooluuhua ahlpa to tha aaatharo half of thia wattarn bawl- ahara and lad to tha aatlumant of that auou by tha latin nua ood a provj dattoaohoia thia bortharo eoutlnant for a avotabtaut paopla with an opaa bible ah ana earalaaaly plaosd tutar tha eowpae of thauayoowar ohaugad tha direction of tha ahlp and lad to tha landing of tha ml rime a hybjotllh laataad of hew vorif children cry ror rletchers castoria uojrrhtf tum tuvmkmat cjmtxm tb bay la a ipacud of laurel aud an poata ami vlctore were erowuad wltb tbauarelortiia bay wishing tlwto long llf and bappltuaa ao la tha aatae wlab eonvayod lit the beetowal of a candla made of tha waxeu berries borua by tbo aacred tha kuybarry dlpa are no uiado aa wall an tha molded taudlm the dlpa aro amalw and laa evou la shape and thaw ua how candle wore undo by r paatadly dipping tha wlcka in tbo molt ed wax of tbo bayburrlaa nnd drying each layr till tbo dip witi of proper ala tbat vaa beforo molds ware in trodaaed aarly la the olgutmotu can uiry vo imompauy a bayborry caudla oo fcbould aead in tho llttlo box id whlcb it la daintily wrapped a card ou whlcb u printed la red aud greou uttering tha legend ow cimifrrius bvk a baybarry candla bum a tha aoekat brinae luck to tha tiouaa koea to the urdar an3 aou to tha pmkt wbaa tbeae carda ar not to bo found tha lock riioa toay la written on tba back of onae vuiuog card aad wrap ped with a candle but in that caw u buut uot ba forgotten that tba in cloaniw of wrlunx uecolulw autre poataga tbabr color a aoft ollro grean bleodj beautifully with other clirutmni decoratioua nnd they bum with n atady flaw emitting n dellabtfully punfeflt fragrance and thoy nro cou aumed avsniy all around without tnak big unalghtly guttere or ridsee of wax down tba aldee oa ordinary candfea do a caudla uuat ba presented to you not boagnt by youraelf lu order lo in wr good luck and you taunt uot light your own i that uuat b dona for you by aom othw lraoij not uceaaruy tha doflor qbriatmaa v u tha tlma for bur big altbar at dinner or let and to fellow out tba old idea of tba uumj and tba baye to tha victor a caudle ehmid aurely ba bwtowed ou tba rata ua e friend who baa recently tchuvad some aucceaji or won a dla cfcrmaua af tha ahatland tilende a fioafia laaa dopuloua but uot lai atrujdg bi eld chtbrtuub era the 4u tt janairy wbeu the ehlldreu aud youag tnau of lerwick in lbs bbl land wanda go agulalug tho chll drea dlaauua tbeuaelvoe lit strange flreaak parade the alreetu and luvada tba bouaa aud abope begging for offar- umpi at 1 oclock i be young toen coaraaly eud drag blailng tar barrel throdab the town blowing horna aud cbaahng at 0 oclock u tho tuoralug they put off their grimy clothoa utul drwaaed lu fantaatlo coalutuae go lu groupa to wuu their frluda tho ouaeomiihineut hnrperauiicfltiltia ymmwmwmwn banta lluna waa lioru agon ago nnd ho baa been ao bitay over uluce tliat hu never baa taken the tlnio to etudy bu tiiinlly ireo atuorlcrti chll dren call iilia hnnln claua tba little dutch folk fit niciiiiiih tli lreiicb pero noel aud tbu uuruiaua princo nuprochtor krta krliigle irtut thiy nit mrnn hip kama thing filisfflsmitijsffiiattattwjjs children cry for fletchers castoria tbo kind yon xvav alwayg boaaht audi which boat ben in uaa for over oo yoarau lum buipnotbo aljfnatnro of j nnd nag boon kiuulo wior hia per- s7 onnl aunorvlalon alnco lta infancy wijcutmtc allow no one to drtcelvo you in thia all counterfeit imltatlona and ofuatnatfood nro but lxperlmonta thut thflu with and endanifor tlio lirnlth of xnianu and children klitperlenoa nffalnat lixpehment what is castoria cfoatorfn la n hamiiraa anbatltatct for canto oil aor rgorio idropat nnd boothlnn hyruna xt la nlooannt it oontalnu taolther opium moruhma no other marootlo anbktanoo iu nan la ita bttnrunteo xt doatroya vorma and allaya avavetrubnoaa avor moro tlmu thirty year it xlna been in oonatabt nao for jm relief of conatlpatlon ktatalenoy wind colic ull tontlilnu trouble and diarrhoea it yeffulato tbo htomnrli and itowrla naalmllntea tho food tflvlun iunlthy nud mnturaa hleep tbo chlldrona ionoctl tho mothers xmcnd genuine castoria always fbfora the signature of in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought actons electric chopping mill chopping done daily jhoppmg and rolling both laliufacionly done b f caldwell acton ont proprlottn ai noimore dyspepsia for us there in tn member of tha family nod auffcr from indlgeitlon alck headachea blhouinaaa farmentod atomnch etc if be or alio will take chamtwrlaln a btomachand liver tablets they cleania the etomaeh and bowala and atlmulate tha liver to healthy activity nnd tone up the whole ayeum takaone at night and youre uiqiit in tho morning uinnuihdwlwtajj ckamhadala u ailalaa cdmftaay tralfl- 16 chamberlains tablets ato uattar bow deeprooted tha oora or wart way be lb taut yield to ifoluwaye corn dare if uaed aa directed x ray apparetae baa been invented for loulag tba tiny parealtee that eat atnall helea in leaf tobaooo why a oooa favorlu barber alwaya btuy wbaa one la in a harry t ah taoaae la tba only thing theta aay to dad when yoare lookhig for la suffered awfully bilious hhdachesj when tha lvtr ueomte ahigglab and liiactlvo tho bowela beeomo couiupated the tongua becomea coated the itotoadt foul and bllloua headache are tba upahot muburaa ltuauvtr xhlut will atlaju- lute tba bluggub liver cuau tha foul coated tongue do away with the vtonuuh gasee and banbh the dhidgreeabla bulous headaxhta writ 3 bawtujs xsuhunfe et uwr xhua for buloue beadacbea x buffered awfully until x buted to taka them tbey wera the only thing t ever did tna any good xuewrhavaiuiy bllloua headache any mora muburaa lajtallvcr x41feare 2fa pa- vul vlrjf for tl 00 at all dealer or mailed direct tu receipt of price by tbo t uubttra co uultett towto oat callous ludgvd well i wuit oaofaaa i am glad to gab back houa amoegt toy own kin and friend whre people aint too baay or too unfeeling or too etuckuip to take some intaraat in one another eald lira pulley now tharea them pouoaioe folke down to chloaga i found e actually hard harted i why would you believe it thab buh that bring round the uttare to uabua haa ao queer and atandonlah that whan ba handed u buaband a poatal card ulllog bow biother bad fall and broke her arm ba never ao taueh aa opened hie up to giva toe ode word of eyupelby i no air nob evn anougb to bay too bad i wis 11 haiti iff a tollivtr la piltat hwias mia arw au iticm air wea ifcttlwaldj tvtdpeamaea vale mji write xaniiwvtttiutbof a believe li wedldnia but x wut bay aluburae luaitanj nerve xhlla are all rlafat tkune yeare ego x waa troubled with bniotbtrbig muj in the nuht x would waken up with tny breath all gooa and think x never would get it back x was telling a friend of my trouble and ba advlaed me to try muburaa heart anil nerve pitli 11a gave tna a botf and x hadoiilytakeua few of the ni when xeoukl tleep all hhjht without any trouble x did notflnub tha boa until aoma yeaxe alter wbeu x felt toy trouble coming lock to x took thereat of them and tbey aired me milhtmta heart mid nerve nile have been on the iatkct for the pott twenty five years hie testimony of tlojuwra bliould la ciioiikii to con vince you that what s cblni for them htruc ii andn pillinre a0cperbov9 iwsci far 81 25 at all drugfflit or dcilcr milled direct on receipt of mice by tha t m itium co limited toronto out his hih0bv system a araall boy want into a drug aloro wrinkled bla face rubbed hia bead aud rubbed hie left foot up and down bla right lag in an effort to rabmmbar aonulhlng that had eaoapad blin bay ha bagan will you ull tae the tuuae of tike jaoe where we americana have eo many aotdlenr fort bherldanf no ite a new puoe thephllllplnmr thabajnt mt it but lb a somewhere around there perhaps you mean manilla v manilla tbata right i knew i would get lb after a while i waut a bottle of manilla ostracb for flavouring they re going to have ios cream ulnars worm powdere nob only make tlte infantile eytea untenable for worma hub by their action on the stomach liver and bowela they oorraat such troublee aa lack of appetite blllounefe and other in ternal dlsordaia thab tlie worms create ohlklren thrive upon them and no matter what condition their worm inflated atom acta may he in thay will show improve ment aa sooa aa the treatment begin lota of people are worrying over the rbeiua cathedral who never go to ohuroh a fill ror drain worker tlia man who works with hia brains la more liable to derangement of the dlgeatlre ayataat than tha man who work with hia bauds because tha one calls upon his nervous energy white tha other appllee only bis muscular strength drain fag beget ir- reguhultlea of tha stomach and liver and the beat remedy that can be used la parmeteee vegetable pills they are specially compounded for such and all those who use them can oertlfy to their superior power arosiot precocious offspring pa may i ask jut one more question t patient pater yes my ton just on taora prtooelons ompring well then pe bow is b that the nightfall bub iba only day thab breaks children cry for rletchebs castors quick temper la an illumination fa honor ofwouaded aelf eateetn 1 honestly believes hewtuqoilqitfto consumption dra woods norway puw symp cured hime mr prank it anuumy 60 ttluta street winnipeg man writes havltig taken several botues of or wood norway pine byrup during the past few weeks to relieve a chronic couch and general throat trouble allow ma to eit press my unbounded satlifactkui and tlurnka ai to its itetung qualities a iihutt tlma ago x liecawe auddenly subioct to violent couihlug flu at night and directly after rising lu tha tnomjng for about an hour and found x waa gradually losing weight all my friends cheerfully informed ma that x looked aa though x were going in consumption and i booeatly believed such was the case however after having taken several botuea el xv woods 1 am pleased to relate that tba couth has entirely dis appeared along with all the nasty symptom and t have sirtee regained the last weight x bsve no heriutlon la recon dr woods norway pute syrup aa a sure cure for all those troubled in a idea manner wbeu you ask for dr woods aea that you get what you ask far it is put up la a yellow wrapper three pine trees the trade mark the price 30 and boc manufactured only by the mllbura oa limited toroato out naval toupbdoes hum in u mluxlli iihmit utwnuun fut louir miiiiiuiii in uhiiit ami llfllllllll lllllll iii lllllllkjlll tlmt inn illllw ulllllll tlllt hlllllll hllll of llu liimid hut uiii in ihutroy thoimiindu or llvtri nml uliik tlio uimtiut nruhlpu j lint iiiimhiio ix him ioiiiihio uuclt u hut vuupiiii uf tho uuhimirliui in hiiiim ut pcuco llu usoroluu itoml iuim with miittr thu infiuido is hntm ban uiinimli hut in llm tillio of u ub- liinrliip ttiuji for mlluii llu iminxo vnr hem coiitnliilng nlwiut 200 pouuda of utiiicoltou ii itocoim a tho tiiottt tear cmi nnd niot dcstriictho weapon in tin ml wnrfiiro ho that ymt tmiy niipreclnto tlio tuor iu of ench nnd limit rhliinil tha x nrlous fuiictlouh lf tllckl ilinillllldx i will lirlelly doitlrllht i horn tormhloh nro dlrlilnl lute llinoiirln elpal purtm tlio bond tho nlr tlnuk and tho nflorliody tho wur liend u mmle of broiuo nnd currjiit n chhruo of olwiut 200 poiindu of uiindilliiii there la fit ted into tho tvnr hnid n umnll niochnn lam called tho- wnr none tlio function of which in lo tiro tbo uuncotiuu i h irua when tho ormiln ntrlttcw tho ilujott- riio wnr itoutf linn cnc rally throo or four nrmn which nlil thu tiirjuwlo hi cutting throiiuh mt or lira the fltnmo hi cfluo tho toriwlu uliould slrlko n glancing blow in tlnuu of ponco aloe xorcua henda are cnrrled for tho pur- pcae of practice nnd aa thoy nro ailed willi wnter nro entirely harmloaa the head la fitted by screws to the air flnsk a hollow cylludrlcnl tube about eleven foet ions nnd used for storing couipraasml nlr the motive power of the toriwdo lcry ahlp and destroyer cnrrles mnchliim for com preaslua air but buhmiirlnee usually havo uiolr fhtska charutd ulowcsldtf n parent ship or at n bnso tho flaska nro churned to about s 100 pouude preasure per aiiuare inch nml till is reduced by n valve to on cuulno working presaure of about ka0 pounds depending of courao upon tha speed in order to get tho gmatout luwulme reuire with tba limited supply of com preaaed nlr tha air nfter balna roilueotl to a ulvcn proaaura la auperlicatcd to give greater expansion and consequent ly frreater uxwa tha afterbody of n torpedo contnlns tba work ina wechnntsm engines ay roecoplc ilcerlna npnaratua nnd tlio nt hubed enfiluea which control tho rud aeta tba torpedo can also be adjusted pre vious to bring to run at any de1red depth beneath tha surface of the wu tar tho armor twit of most hattlo ship exfnd nbout six or elaht fuel below thowntar una and the lorpodovs are generally adjusted to run nt a depth whlcb would slrlko tbo enoiuy ship juat below tho nrnior bolt defore a torpenlo in plnced completely lu ita tub all adjustments nro made so that it will run aa doslrotl t be torpedo u expelled from tbo tuba by com pressed nlr and na it pnaaee out a metartlng lever is thrown back whlcb allows tha rompresaed nlr within hie air flask to pas through tlio valves re ducing it to tba onaliio worklnff pra- ture and tlion to tbo ouglnex tlie torpedo now takes full control of itself nnd runs nt tbo doelred depth kpead ami distance to tho target ituah if ilona in leslie a u oekly if t only ware little johnny wna surely tronlihhj one momlna irolilhlltous una i nml small inst blin at every turn u was no to this nud no to that till at last ba befrnu to cry ungrlly oiclulm lag to hht mother iwtnccn aoha i wig it no was 0 swour word mam mn to you coutdu t aay it america u hoy naturally tha youna speeder a enr tins been rery much ndtnlredr cdrlnlnl ii bin i know a uum lor of itcopfo linvc been struck wltb it hew custame vary she in aoiuo pnrta of australia when a man nmrrloa cnth of tba bride u rein tlrea strike ubu with n slick by way of welcome info tha fntully iio vca aud lu muiiy utrta of america when a tuou tuurrles oncli of tho brhloa rela uvea strike blin for a loau by wny of welcoming tilm luto tho family beat indian proverbs au old lugllsb proverb cut your coat according to your clolh tho fob lowing ts o similar proverb lu ludui look nt your bod before st retching your leg ou it- dou t ask for aauco hi a free boarding bouse hi another indian proverb which la something llko tba tkusluii proverb beggar tuut not bo cboogere mistaken identity ob doctor ha growled eo savagely i wan euro bo waa miul orou before ba went ou lu mab u biting i 1 beg purduu uinduiu hut ht t your lurgo dog ur your am ill pot uno you are speiikliiif ofy ijiw diner it luu t my dog i am talking about it a uiy liiwbaud -ital- yha blue heron kotwllbslaiidlug tbu iinturo fnklra who wrlto wonderfully uunound mini ml hlhlury tha heron doc not spenr prey will ita bill inor doia tho loom it blleu thoui nlmtheuibelteii lliolong chnrp tnnudlbloa we hnre imd rnpllro lioroim nml bnro wii ilidiimiiidu uf wild oneu all ocr hiu ronlliicnl nml they do not do tha silly thndi t lit of ibciu by tlionnluro frtklr hmiit r hie nrnla n iv im lilg ita a wmnll nijfiiiiek built upon ymr nfler yenr unmi hicy rtndi enorniaiia n i luhtu i r often up in funi iminula iiiuiim dr jelmaene hemallneaa haimiel joiiiiuoii hiih lilmaolf and this 1 ii qmilltj nirely fnuml in plalu nitmiundir tin llliishiii nn m hht per- soiinl uiiaiirniiie fir iliiruoy tello us ihul un nun hfiinliut whllo mis llur- uey was vxuuilnliiu liu iwrlnili h peopl our bar ahouhht- mid with n ludicrous half blugli cxcluliuedi ah ba hau juluuuinl i we itiee imd mi ugly dog lliou art i iudon ttuiea mhanleal rlddlea kiihluwru vny turn among be thing that will uererbo settled ore lite fol lowing whether n long screwdriver i belter hum a abort oho nf tlio aatne fntully wheltior water wbeela run fnaler nl night tbntt they do in tho dny- time the beet way to harden steel t which aldo r the belt should run next the pulley nnd tlio right way to lac belt london tfvpree mistake somewhere bervant unawrrlug belhmy moater lant in air von may leave i he bill if you wish caller tin surprise till if x have no bill i wish o- bervant irj aorprlae alwn blkt then you mutt have railed at iba wrong housepub bnjsttvreaa the merchants bank of canada tuulblwjuj thrift te nilitly described aa eco nomical management a shrewd bomnttm man m spoken of as thrifty be cause he siveti perhaps only a dollar at a time perhapu more but the real secret of his flucccf9 lies in the principle of bivinrr one dollar will mart an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton tiranch f a macleun manager skunk gtmoo money for- your skunk musk rat haccoou foxes white weasel fisher and other tair bearer collected lu your aectlou nhir voum vfjrs diltkct f murk hit a u kaaf uum wla aib iummi u isaanl aauoucanuaw sfjka uumwliuaiulaklvhiaaialaauducanuwl artildl i riutib 1 1 uol fur ho eawliihnunliliiiilil ulalbinaxlaiinutor nvura than atlilrd of arnlury mlmam cru1rsnnlon11niilurhhlrrripmii nfllatinlacrou and uoiitadme ratlins wrlla u r kb itfmkitt uiaotily reliable accural mark t raport anl iirlralljtpubllalinl mfwtlm i ihowliri siuu a b shubert inc bsssssusissmss p p a little advertisement jt ttracts attention of courbc 9s not ho much as a larger one but nevertheless it pays hip interest on the investment this space at fifty cents a week lor a j ear would help jour business remark tbly try it a short time at least put rood copy in this space and it will do thu rest for you o come and see the bargains for this week menti fleece lined underwear at 45c a garment mens good heavy wool sox at av a pair a good assortment of winter caps at 47c mens good wearing pints it 1 ili a pair glankets large mzuh 200 a pair quilts about 50 pair to clear nt 8gc a big assortment of rubberu nnd boots and hiioou at clearing prices 7u skxe the brlok store opposite new post office tiil ok a nil tkim rah wav a r t iim air u 1 ii x tl l i mi iil ii 7 i uuni l tmafk at i tlir wav tokoniocihcwio vuiomovonthial uni xcri li i tl in cwvicc i ipii iiriit tin ii lin ill i ml tm winter tours 10 california and all pacific cnasl points riorija texas ew orleans clc l filler t nr ililtih niw on u iil i tw fort- cli in f it 111 1 tit sup vur jirlvll ilh ollii n i iull i irtki i tn mil lrlli ro arvutloim on upj lie ult 11 lor inl lumk agnta h s holmes agent ihoo no 13 cement k c00plp acton cement c0nidact0k for brulitts silos vvnlki iloori walk ltc also afjint or dc lival siioh btptratoru etc hirii jridt purilind ccm- unt for sale hwhwhhaacunnauaaaqflwhmum excelsior bakery n oeorg sfalhttm l church dt ale tholwkiry i uslnmaof t hitiili im u ion in aiti n whiih imh lwcn comiucttil for tho pant thirty cjim liuo irlu purcliarcit by ilorga hiailmnj and ull he conducted in tho iuuno unit claua manner as in the paat all kind- of urcnd cakih pit will dlngc1u111 and chn l m iculih will lw nop j fed to the t uiffocth n of nil ct iitunnru gko statham astoa oalarlo whuwhtatnaddannddaddu worth crowing about j tho big snap in scotch buitingil 25 suits j of tha kenuino nil wool scotch suitings worth j to order 30 to 35 a suit on nlo today 1 mndc to uur ordor and mndo correctly nt por i suit 2km see fooda in windows r e nelsoist harebaub iwltot hlattaj ruimlhs wyudbauu mtvat otuhlrm ont boots shoes bubbbr8 all linos q footwear a s at right prices k 9 all men s rubbers at q barcain pricos u w witjliams mill street acton rcton and bus liki hnving imrclnpud thu iuory huulnlkui nnd gonihvlll qj ttio cmate r tho late jteha wiiiiama i rohpucl fully ttolicit tlio pntron- ngo of thu iinlillc ciinirurtubln rigawltl ukviijh ho tuipulled at reinwniililo ciiiukcb uva hteittei all thai nh amiu0se mccann mill st acton ont ate nts i promptly secure linssfftifr nauiom habiok 1111 uulienlly ht montlthal

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