Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1915, p. 3

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santa ctuus headquarters xhhtmi j ii- li u ilihlu vw iv cliiiiii slim uiii ciiivlitk sol lf47 ilngum silvur wiiuhuii fuubultury cut llauu xnmu ami nuw yoar pont cnnln isvurylhiuu fur xiiino itt giro iivntds real kbtate ftarum fur wulu in unit on 11 and wfllliiiiiuu ioo forum to utile rry wl ii ou wuut n farm writ ii utct rur cutnlouur or luu wlwli to hell or ourbttmge write tut ivo liuvti every lurlllty fas ruiiuuflluu buhlurau to your eokuultto uutlurnrllou corr poudeitrti kullrimitl j a wiiiiiitvumiiv vurw hrlllrfu hurrlallut tieoruetowu ffilte tton m wm thuhhoav lleukmiiku in 1010 brief local items nine day slid tlion christina what aliout noxt years council t nomination mniidyleeifltar7th do you hear ttm merry slolflh hell again t tha first touch ol oro weather arrlvtd butprtdav evening oakvlluu tan collector ha already re ceived 30000 of lha yaaru um uaer lrncat mack jack chapman former anton liy have entitled in toran- to ii p caldwell will tell hy auction ui content nf lil store ait mill htroet 011 heturday afternoon 0 w iliuulm main street opened a new dairy lu aloft o horn ay it will 1 known aaulovordnu hairy team- will lx at tlio pot oftlco at evouoclock on fridav vianluu to coiney elttaaiia whoiudro touttond tha tea moot- lugetchurcmll cmk itin llnnl if il hjih ihatory uiulph utt to ly rir lnylulld with thapwiul draft nf lift uii moii muur ijaul huyl k hucb wa kjiiujil iniilnr iiuiiclh of lima houjulm mid hurui ucimm1 willluilium in tha bluno chunli liimhooxj m irri day ikcoiiilur jtli loud firoyruiniiio admlsuon 15c iouinaxibr htowjrttiicuu lu inliia new quarter in u ion duja that means that mopu will ft ihelr chrlfttmu mail through tho uickott in tho now pot olllco fin i luforniur a card roelmud ty tho pulk pniua from lundtmun it j llywla dated from the irencho in ihthiium noiomur ihtli ayi i iu quiui wull lottor followuat first opporlanlty we aro told llmt tho tull factory lui bwii tlta maaiu of u inning ovr lixty kad of fatnllua to tlw ton no womlr tlia demand lor liauti i trilr llian um tupjjy ulllon itifanoor uueu0use ur tlalwauti aiul miui toily ol luilfji woru rumiu of mr and lira w flowdy ut wotl mr- dalualili 14 vvi boon to juln liar liuiluiul in wiunl ptf ur jolin kann of at too vlajted utolmmu filamla oil katurday lira x v iroa tnjt roturoctl from vuunf fruodu id ilrantfonl ur l doufimy and mra nsttnu vu14j in luiliji uat wk a nuialwr of our giiiuab stuiuloj to fal uock fcliow lait week ur john haluar foroiarly of tliu iv-lau- lorbool ii fn itoolitatar n v wu b 6mwct to umuro an ouiratoi for turo1 troubu uiu kta lfalncr acoouipnuj ir trolbw frooj tli wt th ujus of tta iui croi ah hocuty will i10u m liaiullterrliuf luuar in ttia fctom olturcli oa loc jut afiroaon and siattlng komtrou lionnw ailurlo will auo l fwsia a abort moiruiai0 wiy b ruurtl admlulon tan oaiita vviftur arrlvd uuwlay nlyht and now uafclli ulu tra liuil in etory dlrao- tlou ur and mr wut mill of torotito arviut tlta wu cod wltlilir mollmr ml iu1u whjr ataut a fow dayv lut week with fhaiuls in toronto t4l0 a fclilfili rltla w vrltuy o von luff dm i7iii aod eoitm to tlia ooooarb bolng uu in th stoaa clturali uodor th uij66lttlulu and buujjy holidol o00j hofirwflia iteoalpti to lissiven to th iud otomt buu oi ohio city of toudo iftaoas oouuty vrattko cboey uuktaajth that ha la aanloluurttmroitboilruiof v j chenay k co doldtf 11 u t ctv of toledo otjutttyiwr8tauafoid ud tltac ukl urm will ty tu huta of onu iiunlmki dollwilh for uolt uul ovary cam of chlinb uut cannot lis aurad hy th uu of u alls oatakiui cuitfe fkank j 01ihm1sv bworii to bafflm m aud auhwirll ad in wiy prmaao tlila flut day of iwcainhor a ix ww a w filkahon goal notury iuhllo lfalla odunb cum a taken inurnauy and act uiroufth lha hlood on tlio wuoouh niirfum of th ayaum hand for uwu- tonenbyootoialoo bold hy aji druhbuta 7a llallrf vaully fitu for oouuwtinii the kvarvmbumr tauvaw f lie tflity two men of tba u autodu ohuroti whr wora ooftkd tab wttb 11 a oaavd of the mooitrt of tba oonwa- tlon wet on irlduy availing la tba aoliool roota to wjmirt ttut roaultf were highly jrutlfylii mout of tlio taaniu wro wltta to ruot roiiitluta miwtn hub in uverul caw irtlfi uorotiway from itotito or out whan tliu cunviuarh culltul them will u waltoil uton thin uoek a lartfo nuinlwr ol now ooiitrlliutow tmtli for mlttlotia and local etiuroli tomu wuvo mjimrod aa a roault of the ovary tnomhar oiiiva- tha uialottiy olfurlnjitif tho church will u inerahkoil hy m wr cauu ah ntewtlir hour wov hjhjih- in thurauearaalof incldonui of tka ciiiivatii uy nioitilmira of th oonintll- taa ijtoh ifrotiii teatlllatl to hut oonlui toovplloii klvan tlim hy tha meuibara of thaoottiirafftlonovrywliow ail auo of tba parnonal idaaaurm thay had iiiruno- j in thalr work during tbo waak ab tha oiom of tba tttmtiitir tha mktham of tba ltillav aid mrved lunch to tba mamlmraof tb oaovaaalntf oommluoo news op logal import umt moot in er of county council tlio inxt lognlar iii0tlntif ihu county lliuiill for tli year u mtu hm toduy iliii itiihimimrv wntilrtirf ltimior will im liulil in ihuovotihiif at court in county town aoion oltinonh unro in milton in conald- nralilti nilintmrn on monday and tulay nf tlih wtmit thaoauva in oourt klnjf va ciiiii1mih on monday uud tub of bwuok- hiuiier u ifiimloriion on tuawluy took aa plaint in dufdiiilttnln auttaol and wllno- ou jto oommiiy eorct- colon noorultlng oflloor hoi ft wilfrid colc4 itua liomi appnlnutl 1 iwriiitlnu ollloor for aoioit aiidtloorgatown fur tho now lfaltoii nultorlii llatulloii ifo in well qunlilled tar iiiim work hlncw his return from tho war ha liaa hoen liutru iiiniiui unodlruilly in having a njiwher of dion anllatau roorulte a throocont stump for lottor tha tob oftloo depart menl haa ileelded to in no atumpof tho valua of throtfoenla ohvlatlntc tlt tieoeulty of nulling two btinnrm regular ami war pouag on a letter upon tha two eetitlaiap aelal iurchnrgomark will 1a uoad giving lb lha alua of thraaonl thlawillohvlau tho anoolat engmving for a new three cant bill 111 l tho daptut church tha mlwloii bervlf ab tba fuptlfet clturch which have itaen oonducud umi patb ton dayu hy rav and mra makaeati tba jhnli kvangallita will u oonaludad till oionliig tha aervloca hava uu verj helpful to thou who hava attend luv mr flilllwill a raturnad uliwlofiairy frooi india will preach naitt bunday worning ami evening ndver mlud ah iwita in ronawlog liar auhcritlo to tba vhlic puiuararldlfl mr auk woatt of kiioharuy wrllao 1 i endo oa dollar for tha vbiik 1uku for anotbarjraar ibir- lug tlia nlnatwiti yjra lb hu hew fcot to too hero i havo ooly au falud to raoalva tha iapr tha waak of i od that occasion tlia fault wan not wltli your offloa tha uuil clerk carriad it through and it reacliad ma tho nant wak a good record private john sahll kteturned lie john oihll of tu 4th lutullon 10 niiiuul in actoa and wat to tit war in tlio fret oonliiiganb of tha cunaduu otenub eupwlltlonary vorea istumaj to acton rathr minptlly 01 uturjy lui fultll wa woumloilln tba ig4gnt m ilviiiitlij vanoa lining hot through tho lung after ajioding uiarat inoulha fn tho hmpf lai and cojuoit loib ha wm ijlvcii lojia of ahunoa for thna iitiiha at tho etui of which tarni w will n jtort ay a in for mrvica a hlttt old agr liul thursday ura h hanutrmt ir widow nf ilia uta ilkurj hi- treet celelmralad at bar loia lij ho uhh ii miliar ary of har ijrtbday julio a nubihr of im poional frunda in town cj111 during tha afurnooo ami grutulatrd heron bviit and wuh od her continued haallh ami happi uta llwart la fcull quit wnit and alila to do ltr own work about lha houa- uillon iteformar mr ifatualraat waa nrriad at luir fullior htuao in ac too ahoulhivtid jejr ogo deduced hayes to vuakctz on parcel porwardad to our soldlera attbakvorit tha 1oitmauer oenaral of cunada baa loon m cc aalul aa a rvault of aarotiauona antarad into with tin fupwul lwtal authorfua i effoctlng an axrangimot with ilia llrituh tloiarouaat wbarhy parcel from tunaja for cauailiau aomura fcranoaaml slrulara will ha oarruj at tho aani rata of potliga u applua to parcel from tin unltaj kingdoa for tho iiadltioury oot on tba ckitltt tliat la 1 var paroala wjghing up to thr pouuda w onta vor piroala wilghlog ovw tbrw iauiula aod not wor tbaa uaa podiula var ruroau wajghing ovar uvi pound a and noe wo ttaa ouvan pounj sttoaau tltlabiaanaa taaurul railuouoa od uu coat of parcel and it i hoped ii will b a aouroa of ulmaouoa to tha cunadlaii pumio tiila radttctioa baa baaa broughb uliout hy cinaja foftajoiag all poul cliarga for tha convayanoo of thaaa paroabi in cunaila and on ua atlantic tha puhllo aw rmliidd howavar that until fuitbay ootloa so paroj etn h aaab woffihlug 0r uvii pododa uswti ba tha womans inatltutof uilapuoabald soty uuoceatful conoatb bub thurjay oioniiig ur a j llmlaay taryahly 611- ol tha chair and tba following progntuiua wan randetou addrafata hy luv ualvln bmlth uov v wuhuii cul uohb korval boriiaarb colea aotoa 1 aoloa by tha uituaormiiiword korval autbony and kcnii0dyloorgato4n ijniahouaa and kargaanb ooua aotoa raclutioua by ulsaea jaiinla roawl llatty lourlo and ur stuart lawrla tit lirocedu 02200 wra given to aid tba iklglan orplians itov ualvln kmllb will hold a juhllaa acrvioo in tho uaibodut church bar tliimday ovealng quito a nuiuliar from ban atundad tbo ouelpli fat stock show but week ur aioxamler gataphcll wlio haa apanb tlio iuttb buo inontha in tha wait ralurtwd hnino on iiturday tha bahliatb bchool of koox church ilallinafail will imld ita annual cbrutbuu uutortalnnuob on wednawuvy tba 22nd but itov dr itouda will dallvay hut oolabratad laoturoott tlia war utlng lima- light plctura all aw cordially inviud to iiend a pleasant ami profluua vnlng admlwilon adulta 15 oanta 1 ohildraa 10 cunt lb la aald hit oflioar was ber tuaa day looking ovr tho wlllinott faotory and giauiwlm with tlio do of ulng lb a ittad- fjuartara for tho naw rmrultafortboifaltoti otiftarln lugtbtonl ulllonjluforrner the board of educatioh milt- vary 0 mosalos beslgnb as toaohor of tho booond book boom inspector dehyeq sudobsts ap- d1t10h te tho lloanl of kduantlon blob on monday evening in rejruur monthly neaaion chair- mult kennay iroulding tha cbmmitteo on plnanoa promnted their twelfth report and reoom mended iaymniit of tho following aooaunfa 1 a t ilrown ohlld atorlea of tha war 9011 tho macmllun kuppli 200 ifto w hendry co aupplle ft i done knu ck engraving 0 hj thaucretnry ioug vtartavfito 4 70 w if htawmrt ohprtrwi ml anion r pro printing 10 lore lro in co irmlum do dame bynton upplltui 140 uloa uwla bon uu ropa 70 tha report we adopted a letter from inapaclor lienyea ktatail uiab hy tha raif angelnantof aavernl c tha crowded primary room will iw batna wliat relieved at chrlnttnaa hut if tha registration of new pupil contlnuaa an additional room and laaoher will ho itpperl- live a letur waa read from ulu uary a uaulu teacher of tha second hook room in which aha alated tliat har work waa not aatufactory to hrulf and n tlia inbaraet of tlia implla alia had decided it waa batter for all concerned tliat aha resign uh consequently tendered liar resignation to lake affect at tlia chrltmaa holiday moved hy o bpslghl tooonded hy n iorlie hint with much regret ihl hoard accpt tha kwlgnatlon of ulw mary u uaxua carried tha kama of ulu uurul pteury of uarkham wliowaa dta of tba a p pi loan u for tha poaltlott but fall and whoa applf- cation waa favorably rgrdd warfnwd to moved by n porbaa ucondsil by v g bught that uia uurul plejiry of uarkbain who i a pofubtnal aeoond cum taaclmt and who appllod for tba petition whan tlia board utt advert led for taachera ba anjrgj that bar aaury ha gsoo r annutai and that her dutiee tana tuatio tha flivt of january carried tba board than ad jouruad gjlletts lye eats dirt rheumatismarresteo awauy paoolo autfar tbo torittreaol bmm btuaclea attdatufctutd jolnbt becattao of bn ihuitlealtt tbo blood aud eb attocdtng attack naattii mow acttbattatll rhtutdatf laaa invaded tbo wbolu nyatcra to awreat rbtieaalbi la qtdto an lai mrtaattolnirov yorblral baedthaa to purify your blood td tba eod llr oil in boott itatolalott fa uaturoa gwt uooduaberwblleltawmkliuiluoarlabv wbt b4rhgthcua uw orgauato expel tha irapuhoca and upbuud your fetrcagtb hootta kmuiou la bclplug tbotuauda avry day who could uotflad other ralkd some obsebvatioms ybarohaa heo a gtt cliaugo in tha ltunj f in acton alnoa ut lintalluod of tlia town boll in i wo ouly lhra iwu- uwi iiiiuia ih now ooeuplvd in tha wtsa undr tha aama nuim ueoft fyujy jewellery tar and th pukktstui undr ii p moore 041 mill htr4l and kanney uroa boot and abca stand on uaiu btraat and tht all hava uaw bukura fronts and other improvatoaula mill fltr4tw much narrower lwtwd uaju and john h klcklin bon had a biliary and oora at tlto ulok atora at lha aoulh wt corner of uui and ualn uatnory fall re tha othor coroer 00 mill whra tha woojull twiliiu mr a a beoord hajla ttor of ourta tc furtbar up in lb block and ooo he hi tlo baaloaa waa wliara tha chlna uundry la now itou crwcba bamom aliop waa la wil llarn prwnt dale eland and if b uocarthya boot and tho wr in c o bjijalita prehiit liaidwara etora ur wdluiua waa hu right hand man and auc oaadtd him and ba bo either tliara or nant dour aver alnoa j p wordan draaaed lha tuoutada and uda jama of tlia young fallow mt to hyrwla atora and likely iv poreur fu bad juvt iaovd out of tlia present ifarold wilaa atora likely j b ivarsoa had bia hardware in tba corhr atora for ba wu thcr aooa aitar anyway tba irtant ftd atora huihliag waa on tba pranb ruwt omoa ooor and wa in tha band aooo efur f not tlua of uiufchail it plowidort btawa marshall f iliat flrw waa oua of tba trophic of tha ruhatuvi arwy in aaity g and hi alnca leoouom of iba grab of lhatorgniulioi in tba doatlnlod tba putoloa wa neit door to tbo ultu bdlldiug 60 ubj by th boy baoutit aod ajo couttlaad a cnnfactlooery counter is ita waiting roonj upt by on of ur uattbawa ton uaory upm aa to tha praaant uclaan urbar ebop havilla lirlck fetora waa not in axulauoev then taka tba other aid w if uowella atora waa m tba uta whftr cuomre talur bo now la and w p brown bad a gfooary wbra tba walbu atora building i tba naxb waa tba ifaadareoa etora not to urga aa now under tba uau of nauon uolua a co with htoray cbruti co a baultliig offlo in tha rear tba u bad piavloua- ly liaan chiitla ifendartou st co m that ur i hendstmni liaa haa the in ooa ralaliannranaliarforall that long time on tba uarclianu bank eoraar waa a udall iraua dwelling now part of tba noaiall boua on willow btraat th oit waa lb nrowa drug btbra tba kt4 by j e uooarvln and la aoua of tba building following thara wara kallya clotblaj lud btoroya glova abop oottba johtutooa block corner wa tba adam dwelling bouaa now looalad in pari of th old john apalght orchard on agoaa btraac joeapfa vyf bad tha talur hop ab tba j oho btraet comar and aorow tba ttraeb wa ur v t ililla atatrnl atom now bapt by hi ton j a ilill who un inula wu la tha p aanb bardan aued ilmwaen waa tba plioto gallery kept hy a w hub th flnb vulb tha iraaanb ainanuaoalj of tha old balls ehronlola avar uada to aoton waa on lha now year day of that year and included a vltlb to tlia gallery uhara oahadow both of uk hoto and lohotypv vailaly war obtalaall which would oraaba uuch awummant bow to protsat day arqualnuao tba liiary aubla waa not than eraotad aud ur john heuohbr bad not yet brought bl family and btulnaaadowu frou rockaooj to tba praaant kauou a co aund which wu balk and oonduotad hy tha uta baoj ifaalllt fortnarly of lltaabouaa iv lowrya offloa wu at tba head of vrederlck btraat aud j tawaou v b bad recently opened hi offloa lu pert of knny uroa alow anthony stephen- bon bbukaulth abop wu a liula aoutb wt of uo aobool una and data uotam luwl the ahup wltara hi brother i now joeeph a fliielghb ooudnclod th waggon aud undertaking bualuaaliilb further in laftaomiploof year urora by tba death of hi fallier and tho ebbaga likely bad th planing mill ew tha iraub auctrlo planl lower on willow strata was david uedoaayn boa alioi and uccann oar- social aup persomal con tfy hunt wu hero from tlualpli on saturday uu lottie moor waa home front toron to over hoiiilay ur arlof dijl of toronto wa liotne for the weekend ur i ii chrlalla of ouelpk tent saturday with acton friend ur baiuuel coleman of took wood v li ted acton filenda lad week ur j victor colauan of lha v u c a felaff toronto wa 1 10m over bunday ml nora kennev wa liowa front jualph ifitapltaj nurm training bchool but wk ur prneet leggett of dundurn fliik pnb a few day at tlia hotn of ur janet wauou till weak ur w b jnaworth of toronto waa th gub of bar brother ur john lf kennedy hut tmt ura tjunuinghani of aoton w agutat at th booi of ur and ur o t coo lat wek flaorgatown herald ura tho- kbhk and ulu clara ra- tarnad frotnlbelr trip to jloverevill and albany n v on uouday ur lloljeruod and her daughter mr a u bmlth returned to maw korl lett k after apendlng a month with acton friande ur joe lake of lb powaa new wa ealud to tlaorgalowii bub weak through tba daalh of bu mother ura thoaiaa lake ur jaua l warrau returned from tuonealfopiuluipli bub vrlday bich hoptoted in health ii imp aftera few wkit rt to reauua hi bui- lactivitu cbew50n3 cobmbrb oulla n few from liera attemlil tu pet illook blmw at ouelpli let weoki dont foiyeb to attend thafhrutma trea enberulninonb in uta church iter 01 thur day evening 10th lnt borjt cole aotongvo very inlereet- injr dlaoourae on tlia event of th wr from the time it entitled ab aoton in auguut 1014 until bawulnvalldedhama horyt cole inodeatly refrained from iiitiitloiingiiyotlv part lelji tlon of hi ur and mr w pryar aoton apent buruuyatmr if itamper mru w andenton end jele aoton fulled at ur w a umray on bunday mra w j van norman and children luelph am vleuing friend hare wonderful varieties here in christmas gif goods obituary neil uiltuu who fepant hi ufa of fitly tva yu on lb flrat llnr erin paid away on prlday lut after an llhwu of hatwaen two and tbtoawaaha- hi alltoaub waaan aavction of lha throat which daielopatl very rpil- ly ur mclean wu ihatdwtaoa of tlia ul donall uebun and wa born nn lb bomtad two iota lialow bl farui on lb dwoataber ih twenty qte jeara ago b tainted jnt daughur of th ul duncan uctavuh io of erin mra uclaan and four of their ii v on and daujbtaraauru thoaoliviuir are jan vctunar donald uary and dtincaa ller- imt mr uclwid waaau adliaranbof the ivwyterian churcli and alundvd ab oeprlaga tba funaral ou bunday altar eooo bo evarton wa largely alien ud christmas chrlittan grocer u chhtra oraaba chruttnit lauau chruimaegrp prull cbiloirtte crmbarrua chrl iw nuia all bind intihiaa i ir ih chrletnias oil 1 imldim nl ulac ih if oo bdiy to bill your oua pints isiddbur wa ii up pit yaa s rail enalub varuly oil rdy 10 hat for yodr chrleltriu dlntur oumiaryuah oonygonohkkv tba bail variety and br wave var had sinta claut will bav bo eiockluai call amoililh homrei livingstone grand trunk ivix christmas and new year fares stttojla aav fchameoturd good going dec good going dec i4tu aud istli re- ai j u aud s turn limit dae ath heturo limit dae alto good golug altb alio gaod go- deo 3 ut 101 aud ingdec ilb igifl jau i iqio he- to jan i 1016 in- turu limit jau 3rd cluilva ratura lgi6 limit jan a 1016 return ticket will be luued betwaea all atatloua in canada east of port ar thur and to drtrolt aud port huron mich buffalo uucb uocb niagara pallaaudbiuiwaalon midge h v tickau and fulhuformauoa on vpll- catlou to oraud trunk tickoy again save more than vour fare by buying h ere we wjll refund your rail road fare on every ten dol lar purchase you make at our store and save you money beuideu never be fore have we had ouch a large assortment of men 5 and young mcnn suits overcoats undeuwrjak swlater coats also 1 larpe complete slock especially selected for chrintmnh presents in ifouic cuau smokln jidctu rjalh robes shirt tlet glove neck scarf handkerchief brace set everything to please your gentlemen frtendi at xmaa ou will find at thiu tore a pleasure to show you our foods geo wallace guelph ont this is the utorc of plenteous choice for chfiutmnii fift buycry practical itt thitirk are here ansemblfd in almost infinite assortments the difficulties of thj ift problem vanish speedily before such a vast nrriy of f oss 1 1 i tj selectioni every department ban n copinuh ist nlchriatmau offerings just by the way of suggestion we will cite some ofhcm here adding alho the autmrancc that vnluen and varieties arc on the big cculo that only a biff departmental stoic can offer airrs ron mcm neck tie jje up collar ceu 50c up delia 3 up ifandkerchufe 30c up uumar 30c up hock joe up butpeodara jjr up glove joe up tlmbrellaa jot up oirra ron bov3 aipts ran women handkerchief ttei collar collar lliir tihlrl duipendari sweateri fiweiler coat a mufller glovee hell cap aipts ror oirl3 i la nil kerchief jc up halrhowi necklacei luriei glovee llendkerchlelo ccrfe fan ifoeury iency a prone iloxed underwear jjc up wll htorkyknrtd japtrigof hie uvli biatutca of cauada 1006 known n tha cempanloa act utter patent hava beau luiwl under th ua of lha kacfeury of ktata of canada bearing la th tolh day of auguit lie incornomtlpg qaorga ucclur wifloiifhhybarritrat law joaaph uax llulicu student et uw krancla henry huruy bookkeapar and edyth ulckey aud ban duff alauogtaiibsra all of tha city of toronto iu th province of on irfn for tha following purpoaaa via a to tan leather and to daal la hide end aklua and lu manufacture lalher taatll and cotupoltiou good and deal in leather uvtlteandcuiupoajtloagooda including glowwi wocaaalna ahoa- packs and other lealher good and lor lb said purpoa to acquire th biulueaa and aieia of he buainaej hamtofor canid on by w if btorey a bon llrultad now being carried on at lb vflug of actio undraehartargrautdbyuttora pauiitof th province of ontario and that iba onmpany may purcboa th eald buftlu and tha uudertakiug of th uld cempany partly for caab aud partly for ahare or entirely for ihar a lb i company and uet paid up and uon a tb to carry on any other bualaa wbalher manufacturing or otherwu capabu of being cetivauatly carried mj in couuactlou wllblubudoeaaor caicuu- tad directly or indirectly to auhauoa tba valua of or randar profitable any ol tba companys property or rights c ybacqulmortakoruudrtakatba wbolaorany part of tba bualuaaa pro perty and llablllllea of any peraoa or company carrying ou auy bualnaea which tha company u autbaruad to carry on or poe od of propatty sult- ahla for tba purpose of tha company d to apply for purchau or otbar- wla acquir auy patents llcnaa coa- ceealou and the lite conferring may aa clualva or uonexclualv or llmltad rlghi to ur or any sacrat or other information ua tu any inveutloa which may aeum apabie of belog uaad for any of tba pur- poee of lha company or tha acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indlractly to benefit the company and to uaa aaarcue devslop or grant llcatuaa in raapaet of or otherwu turn account thai tloa go aoqul e to outer info partnership or into any arrangement lor sharing of proflta union of interests rooparatlou joint adveutuie reciprocal coucataloa or othervrlaa with any person or company carrying on or eugagad in or about to ft holmes agent phouaj no- 13 c c speight for uptodate goods titlvaurwata in tmhiwmitmrtim vaurteily aio ptna cutlewy hawdwiurwj ttnwatret auid oram- itatwaun in vlutoty patndor slovem auirj htung fnxaoam hatwraj t omall stovoa oustovamt penteksbop jjlayv every article ia ol exccp tional value c c speight mill strmt ectoj carry on or sugaga lit any bualuaa or transaction which tba company u autb- orlied to carry oh or eagag in or auy buiiuauor tmtuactlotiapabia of balag conducted so u directly or ladliwctly to buuaat tha oampauy j 1 ad to utid money to guaraubm tba coutraota of or other- wiaeauutanyuuab paraonor company aud ta takr or otbarwiaa aoiulra abaria aud uacurltiaa of anysach twrnpauy aun to sell hold ralasua with or without guarantee or atharwlaa deal with tha aim 1 0 to fake or otharwlaa aoqulra aod d macdonald bros lloii ouelphs leading and largest store wyiulira mcjobmu uul cwjto slruu guelph onl hold share in any other cohidsu bavug object altogether or lajflmi alullar to tbo oftb company or carrying on any hualnau cib of being catductad so u dlraclly or indi rectly to bnflt tba com way u to enur into any arrangement with any authorities municipal iocs or olberwit that may twin couduclva to tbcaniiauyeobjacu or any of ihatn and to obtaih from any such authority and rights privilege and cauceaalons which tha company may think it dealr able to obtain and ta carry out eurctae aud comply with any sucharrangamtula right privilagee aud couceaaloua h totatabllali and aupport or aid in the sajabllnhmeut and tupport of eaaocu- tlont inutullons funds iruuaudcoa- vanlence cslculstadtobauefitamployeea ornanp1oylmof the company for us predecowaora hi busluew or tha lupan- ilenta or coniiactlons of melt pemons and to grant peniloui and alowauces and to make paynieutetowardluiurance aud tosuhacrili or guarantee money for charitable or be unvote tit obucls or far any euiilultlan or for any public general useful object i to promote any company or com panto for tba purpoaa of acquiring or taking over all or any of tb property and tlabllltleaof th company or for any other purpoaa which taay teem dlrwcily or indirectly calculated to btusnt ih company j to purchase take do lease or lo en- clung hire or otherwise acquire any paiaonal property and any rights or privilege which the company may think ucekxy or convenient for th purpose of it butln and in particular any machinery plant and stock in trade k to construct improve maintain ork manage carry out or coutrol any road ways liraacbaaof sidings bridgaa reservoirs watarcouisa wharves tuanu- factori warehouaa euctrlc works aliona atoreaand other works and con venience j which may saam calculated directly or indlractly to advance lha com panys interests and to eoutrlbut to eubiidls or otherwiae atout or lak part lu th const met lou improvement main tenance working management carrying nut or control thereof i to lend money lu ciutomer and othara having daalluge with the company and to guarantee tba performance of coa tract by auy such perwoua tn to draw maka accept audorae bsscuta and luu proinlisory uotea bill of exchange bills of udlug warrants audoibar negotiable or traiiaferabl in- strumants o to gall or diapos of the uuderuk- lug of tha oompany or any part thereof for such causldoretlon u the company may think fit aad iu pellicular for share debsuturva or aacuiitlaa of auy ether company having obct altogether or iu partslmluru thoaa of tba company if autboritad so to do by tb vol of a maj ority a uumbar ol the shareholder preweut or reprieaentad by prosy at a gvderal mealing duly calud for cousldai- tng tha nutter and holding not lea than iwotblrda of tha isauod capital stock af tha company o to adopt feuch means of making kaowu thaproducu of th company u may ocm tmpadlaat aud lu partlcuur by advertulug in tha prau by circular by purchase and abiblllou af works or art or luter by publication of books and periodical and hy granting priias reward aud donation p to sell improve manage develop exchange- laaaa diuposa nf turn to ac count or otherwu deal with all or any part of tha property and rights of tba company a tb do all or auy of the thing authorised by uturs patent or supple mentary utter patent ai principals agwnt coatraclore or otherwise aud either alone or in coujuhcllou with othara r to do alt such other things an ar incidental or conductive to the attain ment of the above object tha operation of the company to ba carried ou throughout tba dominion of canada and euawhera by ilia uama of w it utomy ey bon llmltad with a capital stock of oua huudrad thousand dolurs divided into 1000 share of fifty dolura each aud tha chief place of busl ues of tba said company to be at tha vllloga of auton in iba provide of ontario dated at the offlc of lite secretary of but of canada tblaijrdilayof august 1913 thowahmulviiv b44 undersecretary of state smnmsz a zsusse3z pflflppn zmmnaud wei havo everything you want in fancy christmas groceries all new atook and of th flnaaat quality theic are a few of our leaders brazil nuts fancy figs almond nuts fancy datet ivilnute fancy raisins filbert nuts malaga grapes pecan nuts we will lead again thin winter in orange val ues all sizes sweet and juicy we have a special lino ol soft centre choco lates at 29 cents per pound ojslers 1 laddie fillclt of haddie ciscols kipperf red herring fresh twice a week give li vour order goods promptly delivered russells mill st8ect acton ont ninitinn bahal authahaad maaaja tuttl wild b guraju tzz2 protection vour cosh 00 hand iaiurai you and ynur family from want and privation mke it aafu burt a bavlngj accouul la tliii ilantc oeoroetown branch w n ukay uuacsr bank of hamilon xmas xmas xmas nelson co want to see you let us show you what fjotfil service and right prices are all ready for xmas rush every thing new and lowest price leave your order and be satisfied new raisins currants dates peels nuts grape fruit oranges and confectionary useful gifts- cushion tops dainty handkerchief allnver apronb tea aprons mens ties and braces nelson co mill st acton out

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