Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1916, p. 2

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m ahmed 11 now mm lino mdiuir al north limit don mart on wtxlnouuy mlh lfeoem- iwr witt oenrir a lit t fit urowiirldno to mul daughter o wmiiim moplmll formerly of anton mat utmoiu tiuw jit ht alhuv ohuroh wlinliwir mnvliy iwth lktminlxir hhk hy he v h gmwhiy henry vraiiul holm ton of h fj holmo- kj uiifc 0 t il aoton to kthel muruii dnujihlorof henry tlold hatn kwj anton died mikkvxik at lhiiehouae or haturdny istli january ihiunld mokentifl uifod ho yetr puukiawp in calajonla o monday january lolli 1010 kleutior walhroou vreelaud fltfod ii year caverhlll at hlalauhamo li leu drove thahlxleen trafalgar on sunday jnn 2nd william oaverhlll in hi 7ut year fiinurwii in krln townahlp on thur day january 13th 1010 matilda kraacb relict of the lata ilolurt thoinpaop in iter 74th year yavmuae lowell ma on monday 17tli january 1010 helh taylor hrothor of tin tat hunderund taylor of acton in hi 80th year sht retort vtt ius thursday january 30 1010 ed1t0rialnote3 tu k noah villa tnn advocate aaya i weappeer to liar now at washington a commlealonerol internal revenue who doe not liwuu to ylv th publlo ilia foot a regard tlia progreaaof prohibition cotiitnlaaloner oliorn in hi annual re port say that th ruil drink liu of tli unluj bute durlntf th lett fleoel yesr wot about 1250000000 than lh pre- vloo year thl 1 certainly a auhatantlel reduction in tlu expenditure for intoiloat i uk liquor in a fclntfu year it surely ueens that prohibition really prohibit to toeeaureelila degree putva are practically complete for ota proposed campaign for dry ontaria 1m for domihioh day originated by th commit u4 of on hundred coiuhwtiotntf on lloiulay january jllh awl working through ttia ensuing wwk 30000 oan- veaeere will collect tli niusi of all male over si which will l attached to tlia hug whlu petition and tha signature of til luolea ovar lr and under jl aad all female over ih years which will h at t ached to tli blue petition for a dry ontario cmzens com preparing couulttmofons hundred hhj cana da t6wpru16 aot pethlottl to be circulated several meetings of acton cjuitanacotn- uluee lav been hald to tnak preparation for tha wotk a onnnactton with tha ptl- uont of tha cotutnlttaa of ooa llundr praying tha jovarmuant of tlia provlnoa of oaurlo tociomal pucat wbara liquor la aald by tha flrit of july mut tha patltlon of uila oowulttaa frota tvry pollinfjc aub division lo ontario la to ba prantad at tha rouinjr uooion of uia laglalatura ekaotiva action la oonodantty loakad for aa o raault praporatloaj ara alao balng tnada for tha olraulatloa of tha patlllon naoauary ufara alactloa oa ilia canada tataparaooa act for ilalton thlapatltloo la balng sot in rwulloaea to uiat if tha laftlalatura fails to taka utlofaotory mtloa opoa tha petition of tha oommlttaa of ona flundrad tha ooupalgn for tha canada tamparenoa aot in till county will at oaca ba protaoutad vigorously aoampajgo for nutlonwtda prolilhltlon oa a raaotura of aooaomlo oonuniatlod di lag tha war haa auo ban inauguratad at oiuwaby j r booth euoator edward and tha principal mplover of labor i that part of tha country tha quattfon oocupylag good daal of attantlon auooj tha uatdhw af paiuouant i a platoon located at acton to bo drlllod nttd quartered moro until 104th battalion i m a watl auxi oroamized a platoon of 110 man for anton lit fnur umuk uthn tloti kuiiole4l by mtijor mccuiumiuii clilnf lucrullintf ollloar nf tlio ifluh lldttallon utlnr m mm 1 1 off tua day in town major moculloufth capl lapplatt and uout koiniftily arrlvoil on tuawlay worn- liiu vlllotl tlio rocrultlnu aullon mid uoro much plahtoil to irul that hcrut colnn liml auncooiloil in enlutlnk 20 racrulu bora up l tlinl ihita tha hliijor waltwl iiuiu ilote llynda mid 11 p moom j t tha chairman and hoorotury for aoton npiwlnlwl ly th county wur aiuillary and through thm arrniiisl for n mooting of raprownutlva clllxmio in tha nftarnaon for tho purjwwo of organising branch of liu war auxiliary for aoton tlieio h n good attandauo nd bn inleroiit in tlio prouoilliiu tha racnilta in bbakl wra a no prmiiu a very lntrlliig uirlotla ml infov- inittlonal addrftta waaglvtn by major ma callous ha fait that tha raising of a local regiment khould aal to th prlilo and wt dot loin of tho wopa and ha hod oaan tnanlfoatatlan alnoa ha eama to town that acton waa living- up to tho tradition of lb ut tlio town ha alraady put baraalf uponraoardaa a raoruitlnft onnlra and bo fully aupootad b would hav a platoon of klxly men quartarad bar within a few weaba a iwdy of wall paid man of that nuirtlwr will tta a vary daalrahla oomt to tli town tha man who anlut ara making tha graaut oftving that oan ba mad whan thay aay i taka u i will aulat in dafamllng tint empira thay ara haroaa and wa ulmira thalr ffallaot barolam but tlk tma barosa ara really th mothar and wvm and ikter who baar th anxiaty and llva tho lonely houra tlioa whooannot go havo a mont impor tant duty to justify thauttelvt ttiarar manifest opportunltla for tha in pro vldingooiiifaru in giving tha inaan that will aupport tha lonely onaa whoaradapait dant upon thoaa who go to tha fight tha war auilllary u aiming by it organlutloa to do important work in racrultlng in making tha taldlr oomfot- abla and providing tli em recraatlon and ntortaiutnnt during tho tlm thy ar quarlaiwl hara and tailing an lnurat gnarally in tho work tli hour for duty boa atruok and at loyal canadian we ohould prapara to all our who duty thli waa all iplaiulldly alatad by major ue- cullough it wm decidad to organla a branch of tha war auilllary for aoton tha follow ing oftloern wr alactad i iveauunt lao uynjo ut vloa ir1 m luiularaon 2nd vloa iw uv ii w avlaon bactraoo h m mcdonald chairman polling bubdlvlalon no 1 jaltn it kennedy sacratary a t drown cliairman tolling bubdlvltlon no i 0o ifavlll socraury j c matuiaw lad lo commlttea coavenar mr c c hamloraon i vloa con mr dr dall i booratarymro e j lloaaard tlmtocuringof roomafor khaki club will ba promptly contldarad by th auxil iary church parades will ba mad a to tba var ious church each band ay and mui maatlag for racraiting will b hold on bun- day avanfiga at th olo of tli regular church urvicao experiences in thb trenches btrotohordonrr llynds loiea i1u closbst frlotid thrughf oermbri snlpora a thaoic story prom the front u rtioelved hy hi llelglum ubt tha following inttar ittwuo ifymlm from hta h waok i homo w lit ro hi ualglum 1w imtl lluft iear kolka i thlngtdhl not mii out tba way 1 kootw when i wrote my lottar on tli 24th i waa juet going to hava it oenitorel whan the oennana aant ovoi amend lilgli d- plaiivo uhalla to our front una one of tbeaa fall within twenty yanlu f our dug out tho reeult of thut dm plosion will long llva in my mind it cm into our trench and buret baelda ouroook bouae it blew one of our men nvor tha parent and wounded another ooveroly it waa while taking this wounded tan to lbs driujr autlon uiat i had my exporlauo our communication trench ara of no ua a they are ftot of waur ao it tun up to ua to take him overland aa it waa qulto outalda tha artillery w thought w- would ohanc it uaut voalir aahl lifl would taka tha phy iown ua wautatl ona atratclutr itaarar and two man aa h aakadida to go wa hail juat got nloaly down tha road whad wa haard arlnacraek th man haeld ma waa altot through th atomaoh and ijout fcaaur uirough th ehoulder h put out bin hand to m aiwl and aald wlood b dob iv got it i aald harry where era you hit r if replied through tha kidney ami nvr biovad again ha wa dead in ftftaait ualtohscomtfilbutlonsackmow- ledoed tha oetieroalty of our popo cow- uandod by sir herbert auu ofr ix llutolieoa county traamrar raoalvad th fallowing lur from qlr ilar- baxt o auaa u p hoaomy tteeratary of th gatuulua wtrlotlo fund i ouaw jan 7lh 1010 david iluutbaon eq wutotlo aaeoolatlon milton oal daar blr vou hav douhtlua ara thl raulvad from our traaiurar an official uknowladgraaat of tha 13700000 raaantly taut in by your aaaoolatlon vou will parralt too on behalf of tha national eneo- utlva comulttea to enpreu my apprecia tion and thank when w ooiuldar that ualtoa county hat taken eara of oil tha tlapandanu of men who havo goo from that looallly and ttlll make this rfneroua ooutrlbuuoo to hlp out oilier part of th dominion that hav ahuormal raorultlno itoattalnly apeak wall for tha patrlotlam and geiwoalty of your paoplr binoeraly youra hkbbkrv d ahum hon beoy hassa0a weva t0wn5hip council the hydro badlal byuw 0lvo the third bemdlno oa 10th hut thacouocllalaotmston th 10th i nit ard commenced tli uoik of 1010 account were ordered paid a follow i robinaon andoraon underbrush- lntf 7u ran king oparatlug roul rollar 3ofl tho dell railing on mountain road choa morton ualating on moun tain road a a kliy apllaa w o uore cukh tiu il 1l huhlierl i 1l o wm itald poll clerk jama il htrang i u o ii r hutchmo poll clerk thoa ifarrlooa iv il o jo t wilaon poll olark il whlta nrlntlou campbell villa voter llt j morohall rag 82 hlrui 15 rluiva anji w itutlib 400 400 120 iaia s00 ifto s00 iso 300 iso 360 nabbaoawkva tha rwwt on friday evening of tho ofljtttmlttaa appoints lo tmiivaa ui north sad of tha townehlp with tho mttllon to hav tha canada temper noa aot aui mlttl to tha alaolora of tho county of hut ton waa a good ona thero waro about jktyflveiieroent of lb voter whoslgnd tha petition uoiiijqwcro ny when tha ooutmlttaa oalhsl whom thoy knew wouhl hav tlgnad they alio got very good contribution to tho 6ponae of tha tarn- iwusooaut ur herbert m taylor and family of flint michigan hav ranud tha farm of mr john taylor naaaagaweya atul arc preparing to taka poaaaaalou ur jama hawlurldge of oualph vown- ohlp ha mntad tha rami of mr oeorga ilobarta near kden mill tuooldeatwthrof th waoon came thin wk thar wer high wind whloh drova tha frott into tho alahle id houae mora than any other urn thl winter th ebeaaxer epworth laogu are having aoolal evening thl tfauraday vnlug at tho bom of mr auto norruh a plaaaanb lima u aapaotad itagalar taaatlngn of th ualtoa vara- ra and woman ittatlttttee will b hald at breoatvllle on uoaday january imthj and at eoqaaalag on tueaday january 25th afternoon and evening ion flood moaloal proirratauaa at avenlao lo bv7body welooowa rlage and m death 17 bo john slmpoou waa appolntod aanlury inspector and weelay pioket a member of tha board of health tha hydro electric hallway dy law wu given the third readlnp and pawed tha hy lawappoiatiagtowiithipoftloora for th year wu paaied with the ruxme of w j akin aa aaauaor wm uophail collector and thoma moor and jamead strang auditor committee war appointed aa follow i maaar carton and job to inquire into tli account of 8t joaapha hocpltal r mr dempaterand th townahlp liabili ty if any in tho case tha reeve atul mr job to inquire into tha olrouinstaiioea of mr nancy clayton and arrange for her oar during illnea mr carton and uia reeve to meat a committee of kaat vlatn- horo council ami ailjuit matter re towullne mulntatuboe rnail and drldg committaea were an- pointed a follow i the reeve and ur job for th eaab quarter of tits townahlp tbereevaand mr curton for tha south quarter i tha reeve and mr orumioett far uui north quarter and tho reeve and mr morat for the west quarter with tlio houndurlfiii of tlm illvlalona tit aam a forator yean council adjourned to meat on monday ifobruary utli at 10 oclock our post offlcb business annual report or the postmuteiv aonorfll for lut flieal year the annual report of tli poetmaeter ornere for the year ending march slot 101k ha jut been received the revenue hub year waa sls0ie6ia- 07 and tho akpendltur 91600110147 a deficit of 201404100 lait year 084001000 letter were poet- ad in canada of the iu101 round their way to th dead letter office tba tutu of ii 00 so i boo 43 wa remitted through la tho poet office by poatal note and money order the deposit la th poee ofoaa saving danka ible m00w40a 4a th baalaee of ualtoa olvjo pi no waa aa follow i rulkv ueaey or am balavy aotoa wle7bo4b0l oaormtowa 003107 00718 0a ioaaia doriirunoa 400100 38ai17 198014 ulltoo ob8403 weea0 hylsflloo oakwlh 787010 0081049 2706 i then crawud wck into the ditch and pullod taylor in too dy thl time ha waa j mi breathing hi hut wa than decided loll in th trench until dark it waa than only two oclock th following two hour were th torigvat i ar ipenl wa could not move th wounded man w war carry lug out fall to tli grouad aad rolud into the trench mfclboume tit other man who wu not woundd and i dr4ad uia two who wr wounded aa well a we oeuld to of th other atretcher bearer eeelng u from the front una only about a hundred yard away anally came doww through torn ahrubbery thinking w were all wounded to give u aid wa wr all lylna in a ditch with about eight inch cf wato- w could not put our hda on inch above ui ditch or w would have boii plckwl off dy uuj urn atrulmrhoajnu bowy rachwj ua crawling oa hi atomacfa for about fllty yarda we deelovl to pdll tay lor wlio wa wounded n ui atomaoh to a pile of flax about forty yanji away row- yranl myulf got him out of the ditch nd were juat taking hold to carry hlw when i hard aaouier crack aud down went do wye r after tide to lay there for two hour wlu nothing alv water but our head and to aee on of your beet pale lying dead not three feat away wa a trying exper ience i au u re you dy tli time it wo dark taylor had paaaed away it wa vry hard far u to walk back ilia front trench a our limb war idned up lying in th water to long wa u ordered down to tha dreaalng elation and there i got dry clothe i have alnoe bean lying between blanket and eipeol to for a few wore day dowyer and i were very warm fileiula wa were alway together and elept to gether he wa with w whea i wo down to aee snow i tell you i have felt it keenly we war going to have auoh a good chrlatmo togeuier of oouree being a atretcher bearer i have oean a lot of thla on haa to have a coatiron heart but i will never forget the 04th december i hav thla rnernlng received your letter of december fith aleo tha paper i hav not recalled any cfahatmaa parcel but they will likely com later dont let mother think lam tick hacaumleipectby tomorrow i will b0 k your loving eon bob fob bheakfast tomohhow uarv iv jaolaona roman meal youll find this dark nut brown ooareely granu lated food vary dejfoioua it ha a taate different from any ouier oereal it 1 ax- oeedlngly nutrltlou it preveota lodlgea- tleo it i guaranteed to relieve oonatl- patloa or money beak atk your doctor about dr jackeoa roman maal 10a and 25c at gtooara follow dlreo- tlon oloaaly and do not atlr whit cooking porridge try roamii ueal nugget th ready- oookad form of roman ueal serve with hot milk or aoften with boiling water pour offend add milk and auger mod by roman ueal co toronto esquesiho township council thedualnosd of tho year inaugurat ed and township ortioora lm appolntod the council elected for tba towiibhip of koquoelng for the year 1010 met mud unb mirlbad to oath of nolmand took ibclrneatu aa follow a i thou com luata i aluvundor joe deputy- lloatti jo it- hlandkh uud j r elliott councillors mr lliiigbnm owing to an uooment leliig altunt tit bylaw to apioliit towtmhip imoora war duly luumed and uptohitmiuilm made af follow i modiea omoera of health dr j it nixon oeorgetowtt and dr lb a mccoll milton hanlury lnemctorjainou hood htow- arttown auditor william thomwon and itnhl c kjocullough tax collector t ward no i roltert joy t henry may l henry wflaon 4 peter llbhena ur if ijiwlaay 0 va oreenawonl the hydroelectrla railway by law wau given it third readlug th ueorrtown horeld wan awanleil the townbhlp printing at uu a grant of tm waa mad lo kujucilng agricultural hoolety for publubliig th 1 fy d re- elect rlq by law ute ueorgetown herald waa voted 100 beveral mall account were tatted in eluding w2b0 lo joa ileauinout aiulfloto r ii hum for building wire fence on th road eld of tlitlr praprtlf council adjourned to mt on february 14lh january remnant sale i priiviouti to our annual stoclctnkinu wu dcipohc of nil nhort ends and broken lots of all kindu of dry goodti you will find many uticful hartiins on our remnant tile all plainly marked at priceti that will quickly move them out rubbers and overshoes a complete range for every member of the family henderson co mill st acton ont nas3aqaweva th jam ctrnli farm haa again changed hand mr king cooper of acton hold the property to 11 r aux oiulw covey of halloa hurvey england mr covy ha talen polan pie j p bearrow ot aoton eonductvd tha mlmlonary eervloe of th pwortb league at euattaur church nu hunday evening ii gav a aplendld eddr tla aueiienc of v popl wa large a rvorultlng murig la to be helj bom evening altortly at th town hall a con aldarebla number of our hoyi have already enllatwl but there la room for mora judging from tlia vary uaeral buhaer in which thcaaeda temperance aot pt luona wr ignd by oir uctori nba gaweya la prepartd to do her full ebare in driving th hcviihd liquor traftle out of good old county of ualtod chews the quarurly ootam union mrvlce of thla circuit will b held in lit church hare o sunday january sotlt an llluatrated lectui will ba given in tha church here next friday aveulng jan uary 3 1st adbtlealoa 18 cent proceed to hatuvoud to church fund mia nellie jerdln whu luid been iii waa able to reaume her dutlea at lome bohool last thursday ulu moml mctavlali buffalo vlailed at mr wm dennla ovor tho weekend shaws business schools toronto canada give thorough course which lead to rood salaried office appointment fie catalogue explain kuter any time w ii flhaw prealdent head office vonge oermrd bta toronto canadas hair fashion stoke glenncharles h good our ui8h oiuhn will b iii acuii oil wicunitudav jam mil al dominion hotel with a full line of hair good includlug bwllcheu patliuea pin curia transfor mations pompadour men wig and toupees etc vou will appreciate the superior quality and workiuatuhlp of our good vrwt demonstration one day only ladle delroj of bavin ulu olanu call at recldeuc kindly leave oddraa at hotel glenncharles 100 king si w tohonto i tfoflonto camaq4 3mimmr pains in side and back howmilceuy5ifxtud how slia was ctumtl bdruat6h wu i waa very btf ular and had palal id wyaddaanddulv but after taklns lydla k plnkliama vegetable com pound tablet and tulng two bottle of the banauve waoh lamfiiljyooiivlaced that i am entirely cured of theio trou- uav and feel better all over t know your rewedje have dona 1 me world of good and 1 hope erery wifferlno woman will give thani r wat utm anna kkixy 710 cheitnttt stwel dortlna- tou wb the many convincing teathnonlala eon atantly pabllahed in the newapapera ought to be proof enough to woman who raffer from thoea dulraeaw iii pecu liar to thalraex that lydlakplnkliam vegetable compound ht the medicine they need thl good old root and herb remedy haa proved unequalled fortbeae dread ful ilia itcontalna what la needed to keatore woman health and btrangth if tber la auiy lphmtilhahty in yoor auw rtmalrinaf biicui ma- vlon writ tbe lydu is mok- liam sf odteltui co ofmflovnthu lyiut hrionnn nhnnnn mmc d c russell patronize your homefbakers 21 bread tickets for 100 at russells experienced makcra clean and careful handling prompt delivery russells mill st acton ont nmrn 5d i64th h alton dufferin battalion lltutcol prey domvlllc cobuubjivk watch us grow wo are now 225 strong any requiring information may re ceive full particulars at our recruiting otation tlio old pont office acton sergt coles recruiting officer 44th annual statement ft ik yur eujlai kkrmu mk i9is bank of hamilton a miurtliuj to lb slu- tmutu kl tk annual m il uu u lb hj od bf lli oauk ubiuiart m mouilsy juuuy i7tk 1916 board of directors keui vuflj i ccdaltom boot hoirfon c ii newton ceo ttuthouxmd j turnauu- w a wood head orree hamilton profit and loss account ruuiublc4jjijrrjl aimlubuaam4iallduhov ibii im6j tramjrrec fioi ticurv funj ioitud lloaufu thaicar ctiilm b04i noniuur tail bitr dfdiurtlna charsioliuaiiaatumotlnurrslacctuilrtu lupmlla rauli ou curraiil ttltcouriu and nuuilu pfovlitou or in4 eud dotiululuiu liah- atxiropiuuilaeidllubrii iourauartcrtidlliliiulb in all tax jad0tmo ivoiioa iumt annual atwisiutnl tooisu llixclal lualilbullou laooou war tea on hunk note urcuullon provulou or mpnclalton in lucurltua tuhta bh4 lor coutluucncua b4uaoao profliacarrlid orwanl general statement v t 01 uadiuties to lh puhlict noue 4 the dank in circulation a aaetmjy9 dtaalla not ikterlna lnlrl t baoxjts dpoiu wailng intaiail including lnlrt accrutd loiutaollitauiiuiit tj7irtuaiu jiobomjai bauacaeiluclaotlmr danlii in canada aiuu balaofxa due to iuiiub ami hankliiif corrmmiutwli lhaa lu canada and ilia united uliiudoui uuij acduhca uiular lattara at crdll 17 1710 to the shareliolderei capital block paid in aoeoeaaa tumrv imul 9 sk0m luunc ol woflla carrud forward l7irji u 1 4tsajl dlvlihodko lot payaueiil iwccmbcr loli b0dmoi voftturdivlitaiiileubctalmad 3114 1 al4m teaatistas assets curratttcoln tm1s0u domilakwi ooveruautit not btntmm 9tjw4u depoalt in ilia central hold luurvit 40000000 tupull willi llta ulnlatarof iluante or liutwrpoue oillmcircuullou iuuj 1u0o00 koueof olbar qaalui fj twh chacujacui olliar hauba sftusai4 nianceduativolbarnahkstn canada siaaitu dalatvmeduahy lunk and itauklng cortvapotuuhta imwbercikan la canada buui m t0imtilm dewlukmi and iyaviocui oevanihubl fucuiltue not scdliiiliuailitlvalu4 u11tijj catuullauunlcliallucurllleahd nthum rnrtl ami colonial lulllc ucurllua otlirr than cauaduut altus ballwav and nthtr tiouda ixtmnluna and slocka not acmitluu market alue 10161 u call end rhoit loaaa not aiiohiliuil thlrlv luyit in canada otiuoud itabculutc and mocks tmluam t if in ileal olber curwtil ieua and lllakiunla la caua1 uaa rtuoilnurlk teiislu1l ktallbui other then iuitklttiilaa uwtm overdue nltarklluiatellnuprovlilcd r imaatai uank liatiitkra el unt muro than cot iran amouhia wiiiutmnr 3ioiuoji other aawla ttct liiclmud lu hid tnrcflltia lttowii uaullluaojcuttoniarii uiular lcluta of crdll as par ooalr itiau t taw iitea john 3 hendr1e praaldem j p dcll general maaagw auditors report inererdanc wllithetiroiltin huihlk linen id and tdof eactloa hoi lh hank act wa miwirl in 4 lit rlliarchokura olliiw w tiava miiiiiuil uilmnttujticuiilwttli the haoku atul voucher al lit ad office ami with lha cctllatd nlurua irotii hi nraacava in wa have ivb talucd all ilia liilnrntat inn aiul platiallnaa we ttav r4julrdah4l mouroiuhloe lb trail uctloua which luive emu uiukr our noilre hat bt wllhltt lb nowra of tbanauk w nave giwclm tlic4l ami wilfwst the okuiium of ik nank at lb ckuf omoaand ataewralnl ilia iiiujmi1 uieuclme duiihh ik cur mil vr as wtl aot movnilxrlknh hav diund ikal ibey rd with ihaeulrua u llttooksof ikf hank wllh iraard llivrato lu our hjmioh tli iularkanhtuifhkettvdrawuuitaaaalaaiill a true aadeorrmtvuwikllliaslakol lha luuka nbulm ecrorllu tolba twuol our luferaatiou and hie vaplauetlou alvm ua soil aa ilinwu by ike book of tbe t- cfeahetaj aate fumtlu te dmimirw3 1916 gentlemen to open this years bus- iicbo to your advantage i am offering this week h exceptional valucii in blue and black worsteds g and serges genuino english cloths and guar- b anteed colors suits mado to order 9 to s3s s r e nelson mevetuuit tuo mn arumalebaa wawtuuuot immt oubltu oanr i iletu ibbcrlibettncntb ucht sluthobltt oljurrrtrt attou ii w avibun m a hd mlnlaur bunoav of an bqrd outtiivmtloiihl uy a m knbjtl llii riniltln rf onn iliniiliid foi tin ptmiiilii nd tho cinadit riiiitiiiiln ait for ibdtoii ilvu mlimitu talk in i tii- imyn mid uwu anltilim 1 in lurlv vrtntli 3 imuu kim irniu mini hdtkl colon ninl thu actiui lohlicru cm lit tttl in ihu 164111 ilnttuliin ulilntluiid iiorvku in 11 1 wjil y p m siilijut- mfihodihin nttd our homo chiitti hy mr ii p mimjnf aith-m- 1 souk rf v11 tnry 9 i liturd 11 vain tit fjt and nwtot siimluy sliiiiii at 3 31 p m all wkclcohu v000xoqcgck uewaki liurrity v vliiivifiw a flrt lirimik uiutfoik i anil allily id tiiuh mtkvov ndticis to ilhpftwiew trlnlv lorlild tan iroiil iim u frirn ilia till 1 1 the lib lo m ij ylile notlm 1 uicju wko ub8 id alioot- jqim t illmnhtt all atxornth now dijk nujf iim i tt7ur lulns an ailur lu tutu wb lilra to liav ell euitiaixlliia aeanuiiibiall u tl one w livbinupall liuilfikd mul uiut have all inaturf itralaliused al iii arlleal immltla laic t rtiiall how il cliurlthi atloo ii0umkii0li fiirnituke roll balk till ud urauntxl ijn la uavlna nr knsland will nil a luanlllv of linii i furnhbr inlmlln8 llroim an i parlor autoi chair ulka bio ly iflvate tal all wui gol i by uillj tllht a uttchv ik da btraat aeloa jauuerv latli 101 n t cakd0fthank8 till itnlrilanul datln dlip led of ikdr liablnu tiuiidbaato tlr l c lm 1411 dulr lkprtj 1iit mlattna tlini to 1ib numaroria uiioiimra who tiave eo uiiiy iirodlla1 ibtbi duriiiilllielliirtv vsera may liav i1m11 in as ion aud tobollailfor lliiilr iuui4bar ilia uu 4a- for fralk biiick mmeoce ou ifaln 0tl with lare t v ft w0lr f a s miile llatiia drubla parlor tleu diala reow kltntiao aud iaoiry woodalit four bedroom endelouli uimteln iwo cur wltlt fomi aleo happy ttmofllit uaoqa end otur i a ml- uirjmol new lui tele ror piiliuur ep ply to hi n p ucviu aeion recruits wanted fohtlie malini ml purtlo llailallon injur uin r i llili lactlnii mlitt ihoilj nnjiiiiiw do tlnlr itutv en tie aluotcolbtt ucruliido 0tr aaloi p o aew wonder land theatre piiidav jansl the ghost ilrcautr with w ii wnrncr the onp daddy i want toru too by violet mar tin hondav jan z cpiaodo 10 of hit hatter koy wkoneboav jan m the romanco of hlaine tho canto of clnractcra pcnrl white crvittliton il1i0 lionel haromoru niul tlio mjutorluua mr x r l gregory proprietor aucouesrul school uuuu dauiand for our radu wjbuiott fvlaeliial p the hub p ciotlicb play mi important part in a itmnh nitpvnrnnri why not wear good do then if ou rcl ahem from ua you will cot iliestylu unit fit that ulu tho custom tail ored huilb give ua j our hok order and jou will iilivaja w l custom ur pit and worbiiiiinwlilp himrniiltcit geo f agnew custom ttttloi mill si aetoa p p grandtrunks winter resorts atdiovlho nml unt uiirlnfra n c 1 charleston h c nrtkduu n p hot rlprltitttf arh proncti lick bprlna hud t jacluimvllleniulall florida poldta 1 havana culm and now orudiih lk via new york nud rail or utenmer nccordltik to iluatltmtloii or via uurale detroit or chicago dkinhuua anb wietrr indikia otborlloalthkokorth mount cleraauh ulclt 1 ilnllle criob midi tit calliar- ilieawell out promtnn ultridir ont pull mrtlciiliiraotliiipllcationta grand trunk aituntit h s holmes agent no is

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