Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1916, p. 3

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wedding aipd birthday presents weitrtljig rhijr piwcy clihiit ami cut oliimi 1h17 unburn hilvurwitr novation in niiuvuiir imxtii marnatfu kkuinun knuuil gjflo hynds acton onyalllo real ifibtatk avaimi for ualc in unlton kl emd wellington loo form- lor every wlxe if you wniit u form write lue for riitnlogur or you wluli tu mrll uk evrhuncfe write hue we liuve evcr inrlllty for trutiuiirtliiu buudituu to your coutite uatlufjirtlou tmkudu4e mollrltrtl j a- willolullitv varus helling kium lullut jeoruetowft kite retail jfra press tiiukhdav januawv m ii 111 brief local items oki fauilorei winter weather tills wml rfextetunday will ito connexions day la the uetliotlia cliurclt ili when the tower la off wo sppre el i tli hydro current tlie most luv w n madoosll is cmneciel to preach l tho luptlst church on huwlay ttev mr himulne of toronto prlil tn ilia iitut church last sun day mr king cooper of acton la the first puretiaaer of a chevrolet oar from will- ouglihylfsrshl 20th iuulnnt hot ton 11110 to l provlsoinal eutenmita suieru unliv ery i jo ma ililey lire t hour anil ileaty urahani arriohl hi annual meeting o tlio hsiueslng agricultural society will ho held in tlw counell diamlwr oeorgutown on friday january 21st at 1 oclock th woman intitute packed anil shipped a hox containing quill anil cliilil- rene clothing for tho llaulami last friday th content of tho lox were valued ut over 12000 tlio power wau off lata wednesday afternoon faoni i1a until 11 10 oclock it vui dark nnil dreary afternoon anil the llgkt and power were lioth sadly roused a broken wire lietwoen aoton snt ouelnli wti the chum mr cauldy of tho hans union dullders says his ini intend rolnu ahead with their fleorfrctown plant independent of any loan from the town and work la progressing on tholr now factory at col lege vow herald ulte olenn of glenn clinrlea toron to crtaadau hair fnxhlon htore will ha at th dominion hotel on wulnuiduv jan uaxy 2uth with sample fobuer act0k ginl at salonika hurling slstor annah- oromin canadian hospital in qreoco int ere ting note from muu anna oram oneot tlio canml ion nurses uho went tn th front i halonicu trocoo ducumbor 4th 101ft ikar mr and mr monro i here we ore in this fur nwuy land hut happy to any that tho oiuudlun llonoral hospital la a stern reality wo nraijud to gab toother an n unit at last after over six months ajient in wamlurliiir over bcu and land we arrived hern nhnut tun urtiui nun after a pretty rouh trlj no tlm mdlur ranaan hut had a hi1umiiii1 iiiriiirn wl wer riven plenty of fniul or lliouylil now and in tho yean to cfitno wa uero lad to lw luild lltouffh have had a regulirontannrold nop hero anow and frol and wind wo ara in luin at prount patient efllooni nnlerlloa and aurma ilfitwaon mounulii air and mu air wa oufllit lo ha well und we uru juut won tlarfully well taken on tho uliote uother iimh ma woll supplied with papera aiul never foruetn tho fiot 1uuu x ajaoeraly trust ynu aro ull well and that you will have a very happy ciirlurmas and that th new year will uhow in end to this awful war sincerely anma u ouau ulu oram enqlomtl a dreetlri card bearlog tho followlnff t tho officer coot- uaiwllno ofttowa and niimlnif sisters of no 4 canadian oenerut hoapital mnd hearty chrlatniiin oreellnga salonika orveoe chriotmaa 1013 dr w ii inury jr who la proud to raforto aetonashh hlrthplaoo la ulu on duty abtha canadian ouneral hospital at flalonlka uheiiouse in tlio paielnp away ol lotmij mokoitilo latt weak liinohouso lnou oao of itu old and lilgldy rdpoctoil realilenth iliu was quiet kindly nature wfls b faitliftil frtaul and an intanu loorof dumb anlual nothing palnod him more than to wa them illtreated hi well road idbla was the rutilo and comfort of liia utter day and hfo frlaimlu rot in tlta ajhuranoe that all ih woll ulhhini now herhert scott wiioao left arm wai luully injurod a hur wookn offo u oild to bo get- tioir on nloijly in luolplt hwiltnl mr win inwdy was nt lltfflo unt week vultlng hu hrotlior uha i very ill tho now county hojf lstry oiilco tlio work on tho huildinj id tho now itagutry oltloo ha udoii comiilnudand tho oflico hjcloly co fa now equipping it with fllliip nqiluiton olo- after thin iidn been dona tho uuyimtrarwill undoubt muva in after which tlio old luillcllur- will he demolulied champion catarrhal doafnoss cannot bo cured by local application u tho ouiinnt rwioh tba diluted portliwi nf tho our there in only one way to cum outurrlml doafueu and tlut la by a oonititutlonul remedy catartltal ueafaom l cuuwd by au itiihtm- d oondlllon of the muoouh lining of tlia kuktaalilan tube when lhl tube u lu domed you have a rumming found or lm- perfect hearing aid when it ih enllroly oloaed iteafrteim in tlttt reulu utiutw tho inrauinatlon can i rodurod end thiti tnlui restored to ita normal condition hearing will be detroyl forever many iuimw of dealne aro naumd hy catarrh which u an inflamed condition of uto mucoun eu rfaoeit hall catarrh cure acw through tlie blood on tha muoouh nurfacej of thhyum we will clve one hundrod lolhi for any w of catarrhal oafneu that oannot be ouwd by ualla catarrh car circular- toledo o nkws of local import church pamdo or soldiers hurgt coin anil the twenty noldlm en- iutd hero uill pirmle to iho melhiklkt cluneh iinvt hiiuday iiiornlnjf to nttenil livlno borvlnj lluv mr avium lit mliiutijf will udiiioimi thorn ivomotod to flood foaltlon mr hnlteit illo formerly n member of ihn 1 t it btalfhore but utoiy with tha can mil mi northern itnilwny has been pro- anted lo tho toeltioii of city freight ett- proanmid pauengor agent of he c n ii nt ouhawa death cauned by mcobiob tlio death took piuro lat week of a child of mr uml mr- hohden urldg hi mot from un attack of meafldu follows i hy pneumonia tlio child contracted the dluonfctt kliort tlma ago from aomo vultom from toronto luelpli herald twenty ttoorulut ijforo how tho allowing additional recruit liave enlisted during the weok mntthew coonny ninglo canadian tuck 1asnn ingle canadian melvin roper lif canullau krnout harr dingle canadian hootiiltlng mfootlnc sunday evening the atou war auxiliary lm arranged for n maa meotlng of cltliouaiti the town hull on hutulay evening alter the ehurch mrvlofl in the intereatnaf recruiting a tromineiit speaker from toronto will iddnuuttho gathering all cltlieni aluiukl allond coun i ingham thrown fro hi cuttr while driving to onorgetown a couple of ueeku ago council tor john bingham of iuftblng uraa thrown from hu cutter when it stevtetl on the icy road he woe severely bruited and liadly ahaken up and uaa not ahlo to attend the meeting of the council loat week canada official war cake a aale of homo made itaklng will it con ducted ly theudfeaalflt margaretaduihl in tho farlsli hall on saturday nent from 4 till 7 pm aftertiaoi tea will uo tta served luolpea for tlte canada war cake together with aample illcoe may be ohtalnad at the sale looturo on john hum on tiitulay eterlng january 25 1 h itevo w ilojuva aofnotonchurch kuuoaing will deliver a lecture on tha lifn and work of john hum in knos church under tho nueploeu of the young jnoploa juild meeting opni at elftht oclock tliooulid extendea itearty wi- a to ell commlsiloned ohloer qualified tlio following odlcere of tlte i0th hal ton itlhea hato quail til d for lieutenants cer tificates after attending tlie ouaaea at tha infantry school of instruction toronto i j c gallon a l oarson w o ltouphu ii m kennedy v w annandele w v annia c d lren j o uooibhoo v c lepplatt c t leslie throo bona aoton boyaenllitod 1broonof mr wm t smyth have enllhteil vis i capt fennell c smyth watford iajinobtor of iho noth lutta- liun i cnh arthur t smyth coull litinnitor of the laoth hitlalion and wm- h smtli ixmilnn puyinasters flargeant of tho lilltli itattullou tiieu threo loyal bonn wore- lrn in acton our 200 how dooks in tho library a hupph ontury cataloguo of new itooks will lie utailahlo tn readers at tho free ithrury un hutitnltiy evening these roinprlfcd a careful wkction of all the luteut hku al history biography travel tho war adult and juvenile literature tho now chronicles of canada a tnuoli valued contrlhutiun to canadian literature id inuludod whoro tho zoppollna havo ben iviruno ought lo nmboit mclal effort to hiur lint it i archdeacon davidson lutti rn unuraon ijiiidon on thurmlay inuary j7lli at h pm in iho town hull tho lecture slinuhl iw of kuh1ui interest to nil uoitu in hc times of war when iinilnn tlm mint of the imparl nl tjovcri- nidiit u ihrealonod li uerlul utluokahy the tlurmau ztjpjmllna hood rulo dooulou suitftlned about two monilm ago it j cumpliell j i fined k h iloatlirlngton of nelaon 9500 and oosla for refuting to ghe half the road to a l cluunliera motor car when asked to do bo heat tiring ton ap pealed through ida solicitor k- ii cleaver judge elliott dtamlued tho appeal and heathrington settled last monday morn lug ha paid jikb4 allogdtlier floe and mute judge klllotla action in this ease should 1j a warning to driven that motor can as well as horsedrawn vehicle havo rights on the roadscliatuplon hofilencu after 01 yeart 6orve at tho mooling of acton citicens cotti mlttco last vriilay afternoon ii i mooroi j i tendered ida realguotlonaaseoreiary of tho committee owing to thepwuur of intiom wliloh ere undermining his health mr moors haa occupledthatonie what onoroux ivoaltlnn of secretary of tha tiirioub coinmittoas of cltluns organliud from time to time during tho pant thirty sot on j cars to conduct campalgi fcccuro ineasurbe calculated to ilimlnlsli tits mio nf lutoxloatlng liquor during that perl ia i thoro havo lieaii so von campalgue that of the canada temperance act in ih70 the rental campaign in 1rr3 hi plobltclto and referendum campalgna two olontlans on local option and tlio repeal voto three uars ago in com pi lane with mr monros winheti id resignation wa iircoptoil in tho election of mr j o- miitthpui u young cnorgotla and cfllolcnt man tha dulos of tlie ollico will lio oontln- uthl vblih odmlratilo skill and wisdom pall fairs successful year i annual roport of aoton pall pair j vory gratifying to director 0m0o how ihthe treasury tlio annual meeilng of aoton lall fajr whn hold in llin uounnll chanther on tuoh- dny ulu moon tlio httunilsncn wnu good and comprised iho following mnniltora i ioo llavill president j ii leareti vice lrehlilent i h h lindsay mjeoiid vice president fleu hynds heoretarytmanurcr i dlree- tors nell iatterium c waoilhsll john it kennedy 1 m henderson h 1 moore john hmlth wm llainptlilr wallace iashy a 11 moiomt am tho como seveial members were also lu ktteiidanoo tlio auditor report ahoweil the payment of all accounts and n balance of 00100 lcirfiig interest in the lunik the directors for 10111 were electeil as follows t ceo havill oeo hynds n iattersou jno it kennedy if i moore a n mclean c wooilhall d m hen derson k j hauarl h m mcdonald wm johusloni j ii wsrit john smith the coxe s ii lindsay win llam- shlfe wm hartup wallace luby dun can campltell hon itlrectors u ueodeirkon m a waldif a o t reahlmore a l wianf a t mann dr ii a coks w a storey j it anderson v a uolean t a auhtoquent meeting of the director tlie following clllcen uere elected t pwldentcw havllt 1st vloeprkdw ieareu ifnd vie iv s h undssj secreurytreasurer ceo ilyiula auditors a t ilrown aiul a j mao- fftleffp obituary mihhvukklanii mir iwniiar wnlhroob preelehd died sudilonly monday 0lh january at her homo ut calnloulo klin was in iter 60th year wn imrn on her falbeis fjrm near milton mid lived therottisuy jears par a iiumlior of years mus preclsuil resided in aoton ho wan a lady nf vory fine churac- tor an active christian and a very useful tucmler of society site was sitter of mr thoiiuii heitderaon of quebeo lute ol milton and of tliomaa vreetamj of low- dan the funeral took place at ull tow lunt wodneulay blnnon various mattara of importance were die oused and important revuioo of tho prli list will it mada the next fair will he held on wednesday anil thursday 20th aiul 2ut 8iambwr the itvulent and secretary wr ap pointed deugste to the annual meeting of the ontario association of valra in toronto oil vsbruary 1st and 2nd th meeting adjourned until tha iblh march when arrangement will be made for snvctlng tli contempiatml iniirov6ment some obsehvattoms tho puhislied statement of halloa insurnud co that the grtt factor in causing fires for which tit halton com pany ha bad to pay is lightning open up tha query a to whtlier it is wlte and pro liable to have buldlnae rodded a a pre ventive the bulletin no 2 issued in 1014 by tli o a c on light blag rod their efficiency principle and jnoallatlofl on varm nulklings hy w ii lay ii a professor of physic gitos some very in- tsrettlng inforraatloh corfut lav6ur- tlont alnoe 1001 conducted for five years by prof reynold and continued far eight year by prof day leads the latter to ay wo have the problem tolved near th close of tli pamphlet after giving m very readable and easily understood study nf tho subject prof day j now how- otrr the dertment of agriculture is plistcd to prevent tho data herein contain oil giving complete camparimifl which novo unmiatakeahh that lightning rods properly instsllod aro almost alaioluto pro uotlon against lightning these practical roaulta the farmers of ontario can apirec- istn bettor than scientific statement and with thorn at hand tlie loartmnt can safely rocoommend the rodiliug of farm buildings in acoordanco uilh directions alavo given this observer lis not tho slighteit in terest in tha msko or sale of lightning rodn but resiling tho report of tlio insur ance oj aud tlie bnllolln lu tlio one week thought to venture to call attention to tlie bulletin thoro in apparently no other way in which protection may be had and tho mutter ha been a debatnd one for innny yearx mid the investigations und nloairlcal osporimnuto recorded seem to make li well north while looking into porinol txsiiinoty can be given that lightning i- int jnk and any pravuntlvo may well bo wilcnmed of oouiso prof ijy urgex the nuceiuary irooautlon as to the kind and manner of rodiliug and eenealally of tlm grounding and that every farmer adapting them should personally sea that the rods are grounded to damp earth the transition front the subject of lightning to that ol loy walka may be ruber abrupt but is in order however an recently navigating tome of our street baa been rather precarious and a bod result might u flvnrieooed by tha shock of tha hv suddenly rising to tha back of th head as from a shook of electric fluid tba sudden thaws a weok or so ago made tho snow pack hard under foot and glare of lo was tho result of noun many oltl- xeua tried to remote tha difficulty other did not and tho council would do a worthy hot in ooniielllng soma people either to clean their walks or pay tor it on particularly dangerous piece trodden by perhapi as many feet a any patch in town is from river street westward over tlie little bridge the ratling clone ha probably saved many from slipping over into the watery depths it hu lung seamed to our mlml very unwise thing for small children and may be of larger growth to walk tha streets with band encased in muff the hand can be kept warm by good woollen wilts and the re use of the hands may many a tlma preserve a bilanoe in case of slipping moreover tho hygelulo benefit of oxcrole- lug the arms osudug free circulation and greater olioit expansion muat bo easily apparent i never carry a muff ml least not often social and personal mr and mrs john plrstbroak silent ill weekend ut tlie trout pondu mrw t stone toronto la ultlog hur brother mr j l warren miss edith smith of toronto is spend ing a week nr no with anton friends mr and mr torrance hoardniore ara attending u woekor two nt atlantic city mr a motavuh and xlisa wren are spending a few weeks with friend in hon- forth mrs dins melam of johnstomii n v visited at the homo of mro it ourvln peel sttvet ml maliel modat left on tuesday for hrantford to take a position on the titan of the city schools there mr linton keiiney loft on saturday to tskeakotltion in one of the mercantile bouss in caderloli mr hugh virstbrook eldest son of w a virstbrook esq has enlisted and ia in training at london out mrs alton u wyent kno ave will reoslveon wednesday afternoon january mth and afterwards on the unit ami third svlday af each month mr aud mrs j- h deacon loft toronto but week for a three month stay in flor id mr deacon ister mrs sutler of itigereoll i ucoonijwnylng them mr alev cuvoy of sutton surrey england ha purohsted a iia acre farm in nsuagewsya township ft run mr king cooper through j a willoughhy this i th second buyer from tha urn ploo who haa purchasvd a farm through will oajihhy durlntf tla lost two months shrewd buyers in acton will take advan tage ol our great clothing sale saturday january 22nd every purchase you make at this great clothinq sale means a double saving to you because all these ondtt on hale now were purchased before the riharp advance in price reasons why you avoid the advanced priceu get all our profit and we will pay you return arc on every ten dollan pur chase think be fair to your self and our pocket book can you afford to mitm it watch for particulars of the nrany upecialo we will have or you next saturday for he boy the man and the grandlather remember the dale jan 22nd 1 9 16 george wallace fjuelpt ont genuine economy is the keynote of this january clearing 41 for january reductions are in piiicis only not in qualities winter mcr- chandise is nharply pricereduced for thorough winter clearance but qualities tip toe the mark of our regular high iitandards instancing valued arc thesa pricr- quotntiono utylcs and qualities being of the order that may he expected from a higliclaiti departmental utore memet twaii uoft and hard black mid colored ulmpoa reduced for instance iiso valuta for i 9 motna suit kejular valueu up to fis in an cuuuunblaga ot broken llneil aro clearluo at vi 17 k mens ovroofct uecfu lar values up to is in a similar froup nf broken ala rongwii clear- ngatihya womans coat all this mi a ton a nimlcia liear prices ruiluc- tlonn lika this values up to i5 for07ftt womsns sultsj every smart style lu pricelowered ovr- tiiikit womsns diouj in- liujo many aiiclireductloiisoutlilu reasons alylcs v4s0 values for 4300 uomivsvsvurta smart practical rnodeli worth up to s573 are clearing nt 3h0 boy ovetrcocttd clear ings of broken lines in onu in stance worth tip to 87s0 nt ssa boym 3ult liuo clearings ot broken slro ranges regularly worth iiptosflsforttifl d e macdonald bros llmluj ouelphs leading and largest store wyndhmm ucdobncil kail csnlcn 3lml o0elph onl buy 7utkldeinc7nztd7 goods i tiik btreetevllle itevlaw wysi 4 option was defeated in oak villa by a small majority the oakvllls newspaper by printing glaring ads in favour of tho i liooiihcd liar idiowed plainer thatl words can tell that they prefer druknaea to sowlety when a bawaiiaper cannot sur- vivo without prlnung h it column th i rum stuff sent oat by tha liquor trade it liad lur aaspoud puuicailoa mr thomas molfat of erouaahlg township has purcliased a 100 acre form from tho win son hrou being the wo half of lotsoln thofllti couroseion of enj- ueslng townahli hale wan made by j a willoughhy georgetown older but stronger to be healthy at seventy tpw forty ii sound aulvlce iiecause in tile slreugtf 1 of middle life we too often forget tlmt neglected collie or careles treat ment oysllfjht ulie and pains simply iiiulermlue etretigth and bring throafc wcskueiui for later year tolw atrotigcr wlimi older keep your blood pure and rich nud active with tha etkiijtfliimilldliig and htood- nourishing protmrtles of bcotta itiuiilslon which lm tootl a tonlo and medicine to keep your uood rich alleviate rheumatism and avoid skkrtea at any dmg store oosusb bowsm vow oal wvtgvttjmi the empires call to ontario economize lloyd gubiga the todstence of the british empire depends upon the outcome of the war- all our resources must be thrown into the scale tho empirotj call 1b for men diunitinm food olothuig and abovo all tilings money wo aro being cnllod upon to rivo our millions to carry on tho war sir geo e foator has atatod that tlio dominion government might oven oak for a domeatie loan of 300000000 it ia oily n few weeks ago tlmt oanaduuib aub- sorihed over 100000000 to n war loan these facta bring right home to us tint tliis ia an ijemior asquith stated a war of money as well asaian sir conort borden sir thomas white financo mlniator and other promiiient men have emphoaieed tie nooeaulty of economy conner onr wealth out down expemea this is what wo must do something to think about tie man whe eeauv ielaed ik 00101 at aetujr their ub est servue wti uruj rjulbu mentt can fmty be tua iwm rev did you ever fioridtidly think about the tnlltlmib of dollars expended an nually for alcoholic beverages ill the province of ontario v as naariy as con be oatimated from flguroa nosed on daminiou govern ment ratnxns the oonsumption of alco holic hevoragobin the dominion in 1014 was 910049429 assuming that on tario whoso population 1b onothird of the dominion consumes onethird of tho alcoholic beverages her aharo amounts to 03434070960 iot us say 03300000a in other words ontarios annual consumption of alcoholic boverages represents the coat of admiral jelllcae la lb kv tbr u tblw qublltlu hjull wblch aaruuey mkhly dpl tby ir a4- tlttlli ilrljbt mmttuc ua auiliiirumi ud r btts hu ml al ltu qullll 1 barou prench 1st rifles machine guna and field guns for an army of ftrtilfflb men on aetive service for a period of 12 months 2nd or accoutrements camp bquipment harness and sadv dlery tnuisport vehiolea signalling and tolophone equipment amolsnnd aoolhuiooubhcqulremcints for 169231 men at the ttosskt ttrd or one years clothing and ncccaaariesf or 330000 men 4th or rations bubsisteiieo or money allowances for bsbjdkt noys on aetivo sorvioo for ono year gfh or the canadian governments separation allowance for 117778 dependents for tho entire year of 1916 tho foregoing figures are baaed on tho war estimates of the department of militia and dofouco for 191617 as published oil december slat 101k in tho toronto globe eliminate this expenditure thar la no doubt that the work whleh fheltoyal army temnereuee asee- clatleti rerrtm on mahse men inmiltely betlar set tiler ami batter men if men wsttt tn sse rav- went imltallons suund- reiis bullrles isiart and eturlem they must tirso use hi crrst nusutia el scirreutrol aud selr- crlbee the chuaattsu cowaittae oc oae htrndwd balieveaj tbott u wrtlb uautin if for bo other hattm tibj coiomahl axtwuutturf for aleohouo bttvrgm iu ontario hoojdl he ellto inaud t ooumlttoa ttlw hms every eonfl dauea that tha provlkielal govoramiuit will move lu thla iwportaut matter aa rapidly aa pahllfl oplrtlfiu will saippott them the futiotlon of the oltlhittticoramittce of ono hundrd ia to orgamlu cryulamro and give exprotiiion to tha preut atatjs of public opin ion ou tha qutmtioo of proliihitioo tha com mittoo bollova that it can dnmotutroto to the qovcrnuiant that ontario la overwhelmingly in favor of prohibition tlio puopta will nhoitly he given tba opportunity of ifgnlng n petition for prrmjiitutloa to thi ilovrdiiiont tho oltlkoni oommlttnn nf onu 1 1 mid red la tho executive head of thin hit mnv prnhlhlmon liiovomdtit it rtpnojutttfl tho whnlo provinco ft number men of both political pahiea men who weloomo thla ebanea to work for prohl bitlon now that it haa baan taken out of poll- tloa arneat man who ate working togathar for the common good the public and thla inoludoa thoe living in dry municipalities- aro urged to join handa with tho committed and inauro the aueaaaa of the move mont doing so will show that you appreciate tlio boneftta of prolnbitlon in your own municipality and add great atwmgth to tho committee a campaign if von hvo in a tiooal option uiuniolpallty your ngnatiiro to the petition ih jtut aa urgent ly wanted an it would bo if you ware undor licim provltnumvidu prohlbltiotn would not only ronfer n biueflt on poopln living whore fjncnl option doim not ntwnil but would ulo litlo to enforeo tlio law in jjoeal option munici- pahtloc signs of the times england tb sal of llquer lar wan curtshi tn nv slid osshalf liouia dsy why 1 france 1 er abslutbe snd nrevldad ssvf oanat ilea far any psrsau tapnlrluf euy aueb luuers to seldler ruaau lite tuest eatatandlna sxewnl in tb wort4i hlmttfy er lb prolilbl- tteu er tb ii4uav lrr- ee i itusala our ally as nseted shsalul nreblbltlau with in- cleulabla rsults- botb erabatatc slid hderel vic and pev erty bse slwsu way to aapfiur tiesi and n- tirmeasty lnereasdss ou areeuut wuvt certrtany oe irebraary ltib lela lb clanerel cum- r issued a pree- imetlod tbst any atenkemr eerdutl jtebell drink to sat aldlr weuld ik sn eed t ou yars isabrlsnuiaiit nnd tilt mali closed uji wiir ualted sutea an ware 8lsti vt4 9 en ile- bw aottt rer nialewldt ra4blbluuh er tbvium- ushure and mil nt fritter whv t canada ifte btwartl islsm move sretla i all uu er preblhltloii kciii s ciiy r 1111 f k slew nrubswlrk bsu mfewmueu in ten oui at aflmu enuulus slid in two nr it llirrf eiue oiiebee hs ww dry tstuillhliuss aud baakatebewen kvery b wa elesed en jim eoth last albert deeured far preblbltlau en july list last by txulii vat as airalnst btjwy ue7ajubt la pldii te take a plebiscite ontario litis ceuuts t muulclpalllle v ttry en january utetuallly lu iiinru be kieu batk rum ttrehlblllflu to iiiaiiui luortll iindilliltldii lie tnrevm au lumiiimi v 1111 are 1 ulh te jftlu wltb ih tnm tulttm ef ono lliimlr i in tbe dfinnnil for ebaur to iiiiuiiiiis n 1 citizens committee of one hundred s x mmkh iiaiich tirooia vkulimhiuttii g a warburton chairman of executive committee c p r bulldhui toronto tump one main 2246 nkwton wvili

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