Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1916, p. 2

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dikd kthtirt in kupiealnjf oh tiiouduy jan uery jltlt 1010 htephou lltiut ayed m yer nivim at loudon on tuculuj li1t it vaiiuery 1011 1r iainiehltrtpui nivon fattier of mrs torrancci ileardmaro acton ik hlsliuth jor mamuon in wjmilittff ilotpiul nit hatimhty january stitli i old kullloi matheuiu aged months only rhllil of j 1 and mrs malhewii i konvllln manitoba ht jsttatt sfret pxtms tjiuitsday fnnituarv 9 1011 emtorialnotes in a olraular addressed to the munitions liianufsoturera hon ixtvid llyod george metes the uuetoi wliloli is virtually u oouimiuid that all sunday labor should lw abojualied in all controlled eauhliahmonta it u hotter writ mr lloyd 0 serge to woru ovarii mo during the waeh than to have sunday work i win lie a had day for i ho liquor cranio if 6r the women jot aright to volo probably ninety per cent of the womoii who can ui reached ere in favor of pro- lilbltron auothar five per cent wont ltfn because of their husbands whatve happens juab now with regard to tli liquor tretbo the signs out for the future am decidedly slortuy ouelph herald tu substantia manner in which tha united btates in benefiting eonunerolaliy from tha war a ahown in her export the total for deoemur waa 1340501 000 which waa in excess of import by vlb7 450000 and an increase ovat deoetnber 10u export of llstwoooo thereby gold la flowing into tha united bute in large amounts taxuewdoca enthusiasm felgtiallxed the third readlntr of tlie woman auffrag liu in the manitoba legislature laat wsev tha gslletles wruled wltii woman who have um prominent in tha movement for lite political equality of tha uim and they sang and tbey ohrd aa tha house unan- taouely passed tha ull only one toember of the legislature joaapb hamellit censer- vatlvoaasmber for bte lloea had a word to ay against it thaw la a sketch in tha canadian mag- aslne fov vobruery entitled vregweut fro m modern feupeu by biittonb cook which gives on vivid haproaelon of what it la ilka in th thelldeveeied sraa in franc ur cook la a btaifc descriptive writer and on feels alter road- inghuekatohofadey pasted in a ruined preach town that 00 ha ltad an actual glltnp at tha ravages of war tmiiu a day whan th wind a of wen turn hugely toward publlo service and tha uturtdaobofaofilal oondltloaa it la tha uua whan uati aa hound to0thr wltli tha purpo of ralalatf tha aundardi of ufa ud 11 winy it u mm aa individual to fttiswat to our ialalatoirri uathoda for amudntf itnptovad ooodluona attd to hold than faithfully and vlgotaubly if nted lw lopatlnloaefcouraujtauoaa to thau vh liitmkt wod la to tha affaot that 0rnunyn final an war to tha unlud but in tha loualuala cam baa hn ul- ultud to waahltujton and that tha act io of tk fedhniajlna eomuundar la no dhv apivovad and oarmaay will maka aa lav thar oonoamlmt ljdnt witwi now huaauradaty wfohi bin if tha itnltad buiaa la to pearva th dignity of ooa of th taadlbjf oatloaa 41 muf ttmustko mkhk mow toa hot have been attested during tbapuiwoe th following u tha lt of uad who havaaoluud with tha i8lth lutlallon in afetoa up to data th fjliwiarf la tha llafc to dau t j p soitmw bupharf cuorg b fuaaihat- awalada ahaaj w iludo j joaonay y orrt j wlbto kht john r a itdddu v uauluk l eaadowa j kfaaoa a bdrfuuag o w cock u kalay u ootkuy 11 ilarr u sopar a voting a oribua auoon u ii iwry v janklna u mcuih t uahji aualotwia j uoyavlab nobart btawart roaa hwaokhauar a waltara w vaoar john waller arthur andaraom jauaa ullla auk uofomfct t a uolure a olloord ktajaolad an madlcally unfit the weekly church parada will t held thla waah to bt alhanachurch at 7 ptn bav and ur a ii k 8ithentartaln- d th aoldlera and ofuoera on tuaaday vnlntf in tha laruh hall flauaa aid tnualo ware much aojoyad altar which re frtahuant war mrvad tb toor i ae of man tbo bettor i like uy bora thar u wore oatarth in thla aeotlon of ihe country than all other- dlaaaaaa put iogathar and for ya it waa auppoeed to be oourabla dofitora pwaritod local iratttadlaa and by ootuunuy fallinv to euro with loal tveatuant ptononnoad lb incur u oautrb la a tonal dleetuw braatly inflaonoad by oonfetltuuooal oodltiof and tliarofore requlraaoonatltutiooaltroatinant haifa catarrh cure manufacture by v j cheney co toledo ohio la h ootutl tnuoaal reuady a ukea internally and act through the blood on the uuooua bnrfaoa of the 8tatn one llnndrad douam raward la oftarad for any baa that ilalla oalarrh qur falla toeur bend for ebvelare end taatlmaelala f johenbvco tolajo ohio bold by drugglata 7oo aialld wtallypllia for oooatlpallon knox church anniversary eloquotitsormotis by hov archibald b half d b orouelph iaii01- cowfltltoatiohs present tim nj killing nf thaprtimiit knokdniroli vraclod in iduco lltaold ittrunture wliloli tiwil iirnimmiwlttlwl tha voiiriallnil for liulf 11 onutiiry ooourrod himdty lthnmry j4t1i ihiit it waan typical wlhlor day with frntt anowaiid aunuliluo tho wit til vflranry torvloai auch riourrltijf ynnr haxe ihwh hold on daln oloaely mpprmtltnntdiu tn tlm orlnlual nuo and qanerally with nnllnnry mid wlntsr weathar of mora or ioni inleiiully tim jjloom and uet of laat hum lay ulien thn aunlveranry atwjcoa iimltinif tho coming into full age of twenty- nnoyetira wore hold waa in atrlkdig oou- traat hut did tint hinder largo gathering notnlily in tha evening wlioit tho rain whh grouteat tha walk howovor were iwttoriia the ley glareof the morning had djaapiwaratl the preaohar waa luv a illalr 1 of uuelph until recently iaator of the ktaagwey congregatlona for about 10 year it la a fine tribute to thla well known burgyma11 that do aoon after hla retirement from the active work he la ohoaan as anniversary preachar in hie church adjoining hla former charge dr blairs aermona were able eloquent and timely and ware full of the energy which luu alwaya oltarecterjued hla preach lug tha dlaoourae at the morning aervloe waa baaed upon im 42 t 7 deep oalleth unto deep at the nolao of thy waurepouta thla waa ab the period when david waa fleeing from ahealaw waurapouta are a aymbol of the judgments of lot uroutiug wan let to individual chrlatlan evperi a no under a aenuof aln man call uon oodaa did the 1hilllplan jailor and the publican whanundergolngtamptatlonswe find no help in ouraalvaa 1 then we cry to god out of the depths of our aoul wa cry up bo hlwi iptha qme of human aorrow we cry to ood for comforting grace deed oalleth unto deep out of th deep myotary of death we call to the depths of our heavenly fathers heart 2nd the history of tlto christian church on earth shows it crying to god if there la a god in heaven how can we reconcile the trials of th church 1 tha anawer oottua whan wa cry to god 3rd the bltory of nations tells of tha errors of national ex perience if there is a ood la heaven how can tills aut of war be permitted f only the moab draatlo treatment will deal with the worebtraublatuj the worlda lieart ha gone wrong morally and spiritually notblugtlsa will do than that christiana be humiliated by the sword gods award li unsheathed and aball not be sheathed agalnuntil loda work is done anddoe right the war has brought to light the trueafc principle patriotism and tha mean- lag of the eroaa la tha evening the aervloe was amlnent ly of war time character the iraenoe of actons growing platoon of th 161th battalion in tho front aoats waa in itself suggestive and the subject chosen waa peculiarly appropriate shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee which frameth mlachlaf by alawt he shall bring upon them their own iniquity and shall cut them off in their own wicked ness psalm 04 1 2023 thla is a ita of the vengeance of god upanovil whatever may have been tha occasion of the writing of these worda tha purport of iheta is the horrible evil of pur poaful plan ding of that which la wrong and hurtful and making tt legally secure in tills ran there be any fellowship with god anything in which christians may cooprate t curtalnly not turning to the great praob day quae- tton the itev gentleman duousaod tha position of garuaoy and showed the sppll ttian of the thought of the teit to bar l atarrinclndlotmaau wltbbsblngeywend ringing voice and majeatle trad be may have wall remtuued one of th nld time paiphata aa its described garouny iniquity traced its worklugt ahowad it uasifaautlona aad portrayed its awful doom aa to bow it com about that such an awful human catastrophe could be launch- ed f orth t roai th country 0 lu iw th uod where vanglioal kallglon found lu revival h ahowoj that christian faith and prlacl- pl have beea gtadually undartdlaed llaedlug- fritd ott of their own authors ha hhowwd that th uermod on th uouat was gruvoualy pvtad balng turned into parody of lb orlglual bj everything has pointed to 0maoye power and greatnaa is fact that nothing waj to happen in ui world but by tha will of germany bumarck us tiem to look for the control of europe the kahr had advanoad upon that todealtw th 00a trol of th world and haj tuy had aneiher daoede b might have secured lb th world wa lug after them we were beginning to think with germany no oova educe lion we compute without a german flnlab awl the poison of their teaching was gradually bjng absorbed and waa vitiat ing all thought th maw of th nation also had com to think with their rulers by mean of a long continued instilling forcibly at that of these ideas into their minds ao that tbey are aatu rated with th saw teachings for three or four generation the result of this has broken out in the awful ouellus in belgium which are enough to nuke ilia world shudder bui we are getting our desert we are cer tainly being chastened we hate been living in luxury uiul indulgence and grudg ing tha lord work it share of our means and how lb is being wrenched from us in soil of our ourselves and the sooner we acknowledge lb tha better this war will never be won by material means germany can out match us in everything nothing but the intervention of god lu answer to humiliation and prayer will terminate tha struggle but he shall bring upon them then their own iniquity shall oeraanyreepas she has sown t lb la aald to bath purpose of tli cur to turn hla hordes of cbataeka terrible fighter on to germany and never to be hindered by any nation neutral or otherwise from sweeping her from end to and with tire and iword hay britain never do anything ao terrible but we have a duty to do hhall we whose father won our liberties generations ago be recreant at this time there a no doubt the kalaer baa hla ay oa th nbaorpuott of canada there la moral principal at stake of absolutism versus freedom i believe jesus la calling our young wen now to suffering and mayo death nothing good la gained except by sacrifice let us glva our eon uy only son la in evanc now and if there were m dosen i would be as if tbey were not alt there we all her duty going or military notes 0uy warrtu oti of it d uarron toronto ha nnllated with tha army hervlon cor pi uih i ab prtimiit atatloned nl mtunuy llarraoktt 1orry vvutnuii mo 11 of kolwrb wattoit fourth lino luifotilulad in georgetown in tho with hntlauoii ilo jaiuon hnlluua unu liorn from ounlph for thn uattk end pi on cliarllo morton and harry gold- ham warn here from georgetown over bun- day mua bartlo hmlghl hm rotary of aotou heil croii aid koclety la receiving billet don daily this urcok from actona boldlom in knglaud franca and ilolglum thank ing tho ladles here for ths chrlatms ptwonntaasnt them there lu 110 lank ol evidence that tha gift were appreciated lb la somewhat of a no incidence hut a uortliy one indeed that two of the ox- wnrdonii of the county resident in acton reeve ifynds and h a bwack- hainer haveeaoh two sons in kliakl among the names of tha numerous doctors and iiureoa ohosen for tho staff of the ontario military hospital at orping ton england announced last week was that of our own dr a w nixon m i major and mrs a a warreit toron visited friends hero 011 haturdejv john stone toronto nephew of mr j l warren has enlisted thirtyfive students of the university of toronto arrived in guelph on monday for the purpose of enlisting with th 4lrd battery twenty of tho men are knox college students while the remainder are students of the various college affiliated wth th university ptes g cook and itolpli bwaokliamer leave to day with tha rank of corporal to take a course of f nitruotaatmlltoii prior to attending school ab toronto to qualify msergeanta sergb cole addressed a recruiting meeting at burlington last sunday even ing the kinge orderlies illbl class la arranging to banquet tha oaloere and wen of acton platoon of the 104th battalion in tli methodist school room on monday evening qlat inst acton platoon is now ouloered by cept brown who returned home wounded from the yprea battle lluub kennedy and lieut dayj to tub y0iw0 men op canada your comrades hate gone forth tonight in thousands their names shine bright on th roll of fame 1 vpres nsuvechapelle and loos tell the tale of their imperishable glory the names of many are on tlte other the roll of honor uab fill th theranki lb la tha business of every true canadian to lielp in thla great and glorious war come and do your duty boys you will be received as worthy eon of kngland your oomradas from tli trenches are calling you hear and obey their call ivii bravkvu somewliereln belgium bannockbunn th hatuonf thla somewhat nntod rul aehno which nlaudu at the corner of the fourth line and tho anton cro road will bring tn mind much of interest to reul- dents nf that locality thn inurwillnjr word of appreciation of the lata john gordon hy mr r d warren toronto anil rvfnrenos tn iiioldoutu in tho old school gave rlwfl to a current of redaction unnoern ing this school which iish been conducted with uunh maiilfoutuuocehh ilurlng the paut ulxty yearaor more mr j l warren hn kindly uupdied the following intareating dntti t lroin thiu rural school llinre has giuio out no loaa than a quartet to nf cnrueht iiiluutcru nf the goapcl tho lute hov alevandiir warren rev maloolm g onion rev j ltalatou brown ii a and hov james henderson b a twenty alx teuchors hild tho foun datlona for their protection in this school donald mbdonald alex wnrren jumta warren pater mcureu willlsui gordon lalcolm gordon bella gordon james smyth george smyth w h grant jennlo grant clara speight alfred if warren idul wirrtn r dwnrreti bsrhara warren cameron warren cath arine j konnedy gnorgecook john cole icatlmrlno kennedy jamca llenduranu j ralloi hnlwti myrtle watson annie henderson mubel moffat tha following stiooeuful buplness men claim bannook- btirn school for their alma mater james warren i- i ti dr john lewson capt john shaw r j warren superintendent baptist book room toronto sir donald ma in a t brown plun b dr c a warren kerr brown phm b hay wat- son phm ii and there are uo doubt others many of tha aucceuful fsrmlr of the vicinity were schooled at bannock born b i no lftflfl the following teachers miva presided over thla worthy school 1 miss agnee adams d vraser alex henderson hugh cameron miss maggie grant w ii mcdonald w t smyth w t stone miaa a reld j blisnnon r d warren krank m wordab win richardson a c elliott miss b gordon mlaao kennedy mil mckeowu howard oram mfas keama miss u modonahl miss smith miss stewart ulsa uomurchy mlu dojgus miss mahan m j obrien miu antoinette uren must pay double liability parmer bank shareholder- ujtvo lost their appeal cam mr justice lennox has susulued the ileeltlonof th ofllolal nfere in two tub cases in which j u llndiay kuiueaing and mm maria allison contended tliey were not ooutrlbutorlea of the vermer bankjon the ground that the organisation was never properly incorporated as bank the judgmanb means that tlioae who subscribed to verniers bank stock ant held it ab th time of th wlndlujr up in january 10h will have to pay in the neighborhood of jjooooo under the double liability lb is held ss too 1st after enjoying the frlute of the shares to say tli issue of tha charter to tli hank was irregular giatkbud iweunlam baa mad germany the wolf of civllualiou wolf bunting wa h buste in pjciearlag deye in gajuula lb la laflnltely mot important now the red mad german wolves u ob aiid tateu of courage ate needed to doatroy them will yoa do your ahar of th beilnaa la the i64th bntlnlion join now january remnant sale fltbi a61iirlieniiriiia previoui to our annual stocktaking we diipoic of nil short etids and brolccn lote of all icindii of dry goodn you will find many uneful bargain on our remnant tiblcti nil plainly marked at price that will quickly move them out rubbers and overshoes a complete range for every member of the family henderson co mill si acton ont what would be left for canadian if we should be conquered and dominated by the war lord of germany 1 will you stand for this do your bit enlist now dont delay anv longer filit for justice humanity and the honor of our empire shall it be oaid you failecl our king and country in the hour of her cry for men answer by enlisting in haltondufrerinfl 164th bate c e v scale of pa y field soparatlon pay allowance rank per day per day per moulli sergeants 135 i5c 350o corporals i io ioc 20oo privates buglem drummero etc i oo ioc 2000 men are fed and supplied with uniforms prkk the petrolic pund ha been created to asalat those dependents of a soldier who need more help than the government elves many employer imve pledged llimbelve4 to give preference to returned soldiers wlion engaging men pensions in caw of death lixoo a month la paid to the widow and is 00 a month for each child a widowed mother whoso son was her tola support receives ia 00 a month pensions are alo paid for partial and permanent disablement conditions op enlistment ago i years to 41 years holglit 5 foot 3 inches minimum how to isnlist apply t recruilfng ofnce mill strvel acton or qt any of tho following recruiting stations milton uurllnglun oakville georgetown nr oranoeville the 164th battalion haltondufferin lieut kennedy officer commanding sergt coles recruiting officer gv9iftiaicjifticiaft incubators and brooders tamllna kugllsh notinrellhotwatr incubator made under government teat ohavwaw inoubavosu chatham uucmomua por sale by alexandeb mekenzie h tx hex fedi weiudattdm bt aetot lab0kly siomfid pktit10m3 the voter- of aotou la stiiuiilugiy larg tf uubh aak ttue p the oebvaaoar with tha petition prey lag the legislature to prohibit th aela of liquor a a beveteg in th province of ontario to th full measure ol th power of that body war highly gratified with their weeka work th petition were much more largely algned than any petition previously elr culatad in acton in tb interest of any morel issue th fact that thla movement of th ci linens committee of one hundred wa auppor ted by loading wen lmapeotlv of political leaning or religion view guv the work new impetus btulnaai men too on eoonowlo grounds are stroualy fn favor of thla issue and freely signed the petition although acton its occupied acme- what unenviable position tli pub two or three years became of th repeal ol local option aha eertanlly ha given a good account of herself in tb very general mea ner in which the petitions for a dry ontario by july lai were signed in the rural section surrounding acton the petition were almost unanimously sign ed in the aeotlon above acton and from th nasugaweya towtj line to tb third una til eequeeiug tvaty alngl partner sign ed tit petition hflphwh nnqpan bnannrf d c russell t i ti rw r ifi patronize your home bakers 21 bread tickets for 100 at russells experienced bakers clean and cnreful handling prompt delivery staying- we muse be bumble and nenfess the lotiger we put off th longer the war he paid glowing tribute to the young men before him in their aaorifloe and devo tion and believed they were jo the way of duty ii closed with a tender appeal for lronal surrender to tb lord jean christ tb large congregation part of which was botiiosed of members ef the methodist church whose pastor rev ur avlson waa on the platform and assisted rev air wilson in the exescleea listened with in tense interest to thla magnificent die- oouree the choir of the church rendered feplendld music at both services their rendered of tb tfallelubua chorea wa especially creditable russells mill st acton ont jn hhbhhp nnftnqp this book helped me improve my farm it 20 tho most valuable book i own and it cost mo nothing it ham uved mo time labor and money and ive got better looking more durable and more serviceable building than i ever bad before the ffret coal nl eoaerele arm jmprovesaeate la also tb sadut eeef there bo after expanse tor pale or repairs ho danger from fire ret or ruit no trouble of ey kind beside tbey lower the iaaurene rate 1 you havsflt oopy of what the parmer eea do with conrete send for en today tberea more thaa iwihuee walaatle taluue lalst ratlal alaaa luamraiaa hr elaoaata aaa fsaaoavapaa sad easass el uw astmatlae lana fsata a eeey will be i yoi frae of awaa iflwmdlanlr hiaa irmvlpi of ssaasa fcalam ouutu cnutrr ttuirm uainv mjj hi unml cut out and mail tmmmcflancoiimw iimiiii ii ill onlfulli lew psr ou reduced sale this week do not fail to come and have tho benefit every 1000 purchaser will get a box of candy worth 100 free ol charge mens fleece lined and wool underwear overcoats regular 91500 for ualncoata worth lo 00 for a nice lot uf wool mitts and glove at a lot of mens slippers leather aolea reg fioo for ladies vnl flood tg gc far lace good rcg j f lace good rta 300 lor irila s st iaw tm 34 isoaj ladle evry lay dmwe for a quantity of htio to clear at iippe agio 11 ttedt foiet that with every siooo caab purcliase n sioobok of candy t slvn w skxe the brlok store oppoalle new poat office iwooilxrooockroch b ociip iltrlljohiui tfiiiirfifr rtton ti w a viuon mallid ulnutev sunuav fkii oiit mins uay tho niliilitcjr will ho mlhlid 1y mmuam caiirklf m v f nfouilpli wlio will 1 in nk t lxiili tit rvicon a m mutk ly ttio tiolr iiml qtmr telle mhi nl iiltiiu hinltli mrboii mil urn iluyvtnnt iwid mntllicwit p m mcnit choir nunlutlii by the sunday kihmit orchoitrn fi ill ilny hclmnl at 3 jn p in all wklcomb fokkalk two inotiitsl umul a no- iljml kiravinlliiv im iirloa for early ala aiily 1u jii a old ii 1 o iiov wantkd rpo liavu ili nflll tlievbesneif ilorwlutlni uinlliv hid iiilliinni of a tnauitxr uf vm im 0 ututt aiiiiiv al tuna at vhisi vuthn upvioa fasivijy washing iriara1 to take ii1ih tavtjh mt i uilllsli a lluuhef blioo notice to trcflpaiwerfs ia1 lllmiw jjiih ii nunuurr vabuaulk uksivbntral propfirty rott hatu m llncl ol land st llis flaw avaniia ami uaiit ulna mi half aars vt i a mall trams liotum a slit an tlcallfiil satjt a male known upon atppli i tint iilou1y nilj niut i ti- eornor of vl ihlraat anlnu rom ilia preuil tlir nuiiilfirnrirulitrti tsnnaanl indku eillou cu ttai rain iliaiiroiiil will l 3m 1 rrunlnn lf ul ali uiih u01it nltlulw llo hi aelou folt alk bi1ick tmaes o lfalo himu tiib larga lot ilarj snl aofi wtur fruit almtflo llfiln drulil fiarlor dau tjlulna reew klltiau aud adiry woorfaliatl taor uaioaaa an j eloil uhuii iwn mllate will lunim also a lutpy tlinualil iuhb aul otliai- lur ajuioil uw for sals ror kkcruits wanted footlia halloo anil cuftsilu ilatlaltm j toojim man of llil aftloii latio uh otullry bllouljihumilljr jo ihulr ilw ul ul7 u rl la jfileiic of iiilr lrnim ibalr eauuiry anil tllr k in j iciin four in ewu urn a ap the iiouc op quality groceries and provisions kour important iolnttv clcanllnei suulily prki btrvice you are a- ild to hem groceries ilrcul and meat flour and pastrj vegeubles fruits and con feet lorn ry xk l1vinostone wiel wt aovoh shaws business schools toronto canada glvo thorough courwa which lead to pokl talaried oftlco appointmintn pre catalcbue explains enter any time w ii shaw proafilunt head office vouge garrard bta toronto p a a wonder land theatre vmidav vetd- tim captive s parts with illnitclio swwif uonoav vkb 7 uplaodo la of tho mauler key wkonk0dav vbu o kplaodo i of tho romance of hla i nc with nil ktar players lu- cludlnp ivarl white ctciph tan hale arnold daly and lionel tlarrymoiv rl gregory a a vnuea atit tliailt htraala xohohro ontmhio htaiiji tit a liwi tit ittoli wliau airletlv awl- ruaworblaiviiium vrltutorealalmua huiur uow ill roii u ihmauj for our iadti- wj blliovt vrlaelpel the hub clothes piny nn important part in a ttinira nppcarntict why net wear good clolhca if you 8e them from uayoit will gotthetyle and fit thai in in the custom tail ored sulla give tin jour tie order nuil you will alwaya bo customer pit and workmanship guaranteed geo f agnew ouetem ifellor mill st aclor a

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