flfljc rtort jtrcc jjrrss tiiuiihay vniuuaia x mmi he must did d wanted n jali nnil like ovory win tilw ho wanted a goad iiiki j on know wherahlnalulhoa wimll itnt mill unci liu itmlxlx wolllll lllh oloitu ami uin n ibiry niuitni im i iw a naked far- a pun i ul l hey gam hh i andlialislf turned nuav with a shrug uutliealurd hi inlud mid mixing lltn spadu liailuirl ho worked witli ii will that n bound to uooeed and tho month mil llia yoaw went along the way it wiih rouuli mid tlio utter wuu hard hut his heart ho kept lllled wltli ft song bom jeered him and unodrod at tho tauk hub he plugged jfuat s hard us im over could iilug i thslr worda never moiihvi to iluturh him n lilt km he duo eat tlio spado ami gave him mii in fla place th joy of achievement was iwmt to hfu uu and victory a hone in it in faoo we csntalwaysget what vto lioiie for ul first hueoeea out many queer jlg hut one thing i uure ft man will muoommi if lie digs heleoud im yiib svbuf daring the maple sugar making oi la vermont the tesalter ol rural school ioivm1 the following note t iuas u gyrus william for not coming yutl dy will oli bo would of dons only im una down to the sugar lot ami ha foil into a pan of sirup that kid jutt ur bojud down and which was still tout warm but not enough to kill him hut he wnt in ul ovraud such mi you nsvr did u balr and all ha hid to go through three tuhsof wiur and reuiane in hd while i wsahod up his things bo kindly icuu and ha woull rutbar you woumn t ull it that ha fall into tlia up for tha other boya would ha apt to tsem him about it and ho la sensitive 10 tewing ploiw and inclod ed by cyrus willlum a mini i hot ho of our alrup fur your own uu hopjnu tlmt tlio tlfuji iiiciomii by cyrus will urn wa not n iart of tliitt ha had falun iirto tlio toacher accoplod bin uh cuss and uiniiitiliicd dlicmt tlhinoa tsudinirblh abmica naw vork lveti heckoniho with rum a thlutjuii iijl lmitihf fnllnw umm mnumoitoiltmii uudi in tho imhllo jwru hiu mi ovohunut mid mm mud lulmteudlnu m hid y tiling ii n tliout of tikr wblli lohld in lil- hind voti mhii1 to ho imidli into ifcful iii iur uiitluif i imld vm lio ikioii iljxurlnlf my nromiih willi old atouliu m wa how wo ittiitd atid hocnitm nut itbo id f itiiivouo littrj liiuo ifomnujo kl inun imii- will blin inlhollrmtiliicat rimtu mhnt i to immi wrltlnf von ucc ho uomlutit lo innku a iiinn of m but liu i imlu nil u uiihf tlio ii bo ialil i in uonllliiic inn tij hut ho iniido inn jn htmhcriu mound mill tlicm throw mo into tlu diuh ho cnld i mi a drltik to u hoi 1 1 riiiiti ho iiihiio mo uarrol with my 14yt fnoi ditmid imi tho lmihiiitf block of my uu mlti ifo yuio ihoq blaob oo mid ii i rukuu i lit to tjion i drank fnr tlia uooj of my boulili ho ruined tha little i hd nml loft mo slok on a dou of coulee hi uld ha uoul i warm 10 uj mul t uun mkiit utiirly froioii to dealb ho aaid ho would bteudy mymirvos but inataail ho guvo mo laliriutii iraiuoin ho iwld b would juoliiokrcflt liiroiifttli undboinad mo holplens to imi aura ho promlml ma oourotffl than what followl v thou bo mada ma a ooward for i bt my alck wifa and klokul my llttla ilok child he mid bo would brlfihtan my wlu but iuattad h mada mo aot ilka a fool ami talk ilka an idiot he promlitd to tnakaa iithjmaii of ma butlimmlatna tram tvolianga ytcalthfar kk xdcmen for forty years lydia e- pinkhams vegetable compound has been womans most reliable medicine here is more proof bn faoo wai caiarai hfitb fiailei wmpu in not a teiloiit tiouldi but tby aid wry umllily ihoipic ra cauwd wltolly by bd blood aaj to get rid of unm it u nc4- ajy to punfy the blood of all its im- pujitita kluroodc ulrxhl bltth kill mada bjiay rettutrkiabla cojurs tke plmplea hava ou dwppeajfcd aiul a brljibt cuan com plcxku uft ubliid mr lemuui d qnke indian putlt n vtltca i am writing you a fw lima to ull you what iturdock wood utur has done for me lait wlnur my fe wj cowered with plmpbe i truj ditfrtat klada of mlldu uul all auiud to fall k wai ooe day to a friend bouie and tlure tbey advutj me to uu uuufoi purcltaacu two bottles aud befor i had tlutu takeu i fouiul i wai getunjt better i cot two more and wtten tbey were fidlthej i was eotaputely curij i find it la a great blood purifier and i recommend it to all llunlock lllnod hlttera lias teen on tlie market for the pott forty years and u manufactured only by tlie t ullbura co limited toronto out ohjldren ory for fletchers castoria cii003e the best onoo jiuimv wyborny bu half a dollar in one bund and a penny fu the other and aulad diarllo which ha wante and bo took tho pointy 4ii a llttla ilo- betnian ylrl with it dtyluo- look at snuill cirllo tho littlolad who rchod nut hla luiml fur tho i rlyht oojtpnr tlooe was ih iny ui to tho liett be know but lio wan mak inn a knor choice ho wau followlno the ghuui of a copper cant when lie might havo miitht tho nlilninu bit of silver which ul qraator value tlio uuwudoin tholullo doiivtuun buy dutliywi in maklnp hla cltolro it typltal of the link of dlfaoernmetlt uiat uuny ofua oiiiploy in uiaklnc our deouioiui boma of uado the lwt we know but withunthlnk inaporhlbtaiioy we lnit upon followlno tlie blilinnter and aliunof that whleb la of unall value or ua while the thluftd of motlutini worth are apurnod or idly at aalda w mid either unwilllno or unable to take cotfulranco of the faot that upon the oboloee wa wuko in life dapenda thelutlho aatufaetlon we ahall he alia to lay hold of burely ha who a wite and in wboe heart tliara l a ral do ire to nne hla fallow men will nuke the oholoae of bis ufa matter of srtt oonoera vor him there will be no time when lie will either idly or from lack of forethought cliooe a bit ef copper in puoe of thai which la of real value to women who arc suffering from some form of womans special his and hayc a constant fear of breaking down the three following letters ought to bring hope nortli cmnilon wl whan i wan id yw old i ant mnrruhl nml nt is ynarn i fttvo blrtb ut twiim mul it loft imi with wry noor lioalth i oouw not walk aouum u10 hoar wluiotit havlnp to sit i down to rowt atul it wan hard tor nw to loop about uul do my work i wotlt to a doctor and ho tom jim i had o tllpplaoonieiit mid uloers and would lmvu to iiavo an oimirntloii ilila frlhtod wo bo i much that i did not know what to do having lioatd oflardu k i4nkhamri vro labia compound i thought i would rivo it a trial and it mado mo a wall nit ovr i cannot ay cnoimh in favor of tlio ilnklum rcmodloa w havmu ahoxcu north crandon wl testimony from otcukoma lawton okla whoh i bflfran to uko itfdl e mnkhaiaw vosotahlo oomnound x boomed to bo good t nothlntf i tired eaally and had lioiidaolios muoli of tho time atul wan irregular 1 took it again boluro my hubs child waa bom and it did mo a uondarful amount of rtond nt that time i wvt ah to recommend tydla k iinkliama vceotablo compound to ailui womn liocauw it iioh dono ho much for mo ab a l mocalad floo havo bt lawton oila from a graloful vtuaetckuaettd wouutt uintbury maa x wan aufforin from inflam- utntion and was examined by a tjiynlckn who found tlmt my troublo wan oaused v dlaplaeohionl mynvmptoiiw wore baaritufdown paltw baokaoho and bhigguih uvar i tried ttoveral kltulaof modi- clno than i wan anked to try idla k hnkhom vcguubha oompouiul it haa ourod mo and i am plooaad to bo in my usual pood liealui by ualiuf ifcu and highly roomm6nd it mm u ml oaaoo i iraynoh park iloxbury majm if you wut pcbsj luxvlaa wrttet ttf tydul k iiuhm mdleltt co ooobdftntul xynu uasa vmir utur will bottld4ai4uidmuwerd by m woeauui etud ltld la btrtct eonflaeineeb sdwdav 1wp to the editor of the poetsundanl t the tmlte touched em eo nmneroue and ao variable that one can not meuure in oooorete tertua tlie inruance of tlia 81 day oampalgn all areo that the whole ooiumualty has been lifted mightily while tome of the newest peaka may settle tlie peaty lofty range will abide and tuture batlona will look up and adore the entire elty will note the permanent change lo the incrtawd number of men aetlag from uneelfuh motives a clean uomi atmosphere will send the city for- watd u no other tiling can then too hundreds of men relfglaua etnngere have met and haveebeken hands on the sawdust paths men who have the oommunlly welfare at lurb have come oub into the open they hsv itood up and beta count ed the campaign has been a veritable get together for god stores ebopt factories schools colleges ail audlug industrie have beoometo wide awoke that twill require many moons to bmthetn aluuber i naturally tlilnk of the university tlia faculty and student have been greatly moved this fact means uef thou we sometime think when you touch a university you place your fta get- 0 the world the greetetb permanent influence will be felbln the tulckeno spirit of the men and women already lo the churches dead ones have come to life 1 sour ones have be came sweet 1 bltere have become tooth- lew the preaching will he more evsnge llstle the singing will be more spiritual she teaching will he more farwnt and the paying more pneroua all of which is evidence conclusive of a permanent work of grace h u tilkok children oxy ran flctchers castoria ctorne cannot exist whou ifoluwayn com cure is applied to them because it goes to the root and bills tlie growth wii lt much of a believer la tatflbt ifafieiaes atul mubums heart mj nee him am all feugkt mrs win uciuwola titnptnae vale n d writes i am not much of a believer la medlclnea but i must say mllburas heart and nerve shlle are au rjglit same years nfo i was troubled widretmuieriiusmllf in the night x would waken up with my breath all gooa and think i never would get it back i waa lelliug a frlebd of my trouble and b advised trie to try mllburas heart and nerve pills ha gave we abo and had only takettn few of them when x could sleep all night without any trouble i dkl not finish tha box until soma year alter when t felt my trouble coming back ao i took tha rest of tbeu and they cured me mllburas heart and nerve fill have bn on the market for the past twentyflve years tlio tcatlmony of tha titers should be enough to con vince you that wliot we claim for them is true irdulnlilnore60cprbo3 boxca for si 2ft at all drugglitaor dealers mailed direct on receipt of prlc by tub t milbura co umlted toronto out cot yhb wroud svop tha old paniloner who blew the bellows for the organ hod a uoat esaapsratlng falling in spite of frequent admonitions he would continue blowing after tha music hul stopped thereby producing moeb ua desirable sounds one day the orgoaut could eund it no longer the eougrsga lion bod been set tittering by the old mane rorgetfulness and during tlie sermon the organut eelieil the opportunity to write im n note on the matter and hand it to the choir boy to deliver utaundersund lug tha directions the lad handed uie nolo to tha vicar who astounded ly read 1 will you atop when i ull you to t ivopie come here to listen to ray music nob to your horrlbh noise tavttyoufllblf in missouri when they raise mora mules uvd children than in any other puoe lp the world a 01 tain resident died pas oessed of seventeen mhhuj and three sons in ble will be deposed of the mules ss follows 1 onehalf to tha eldest son on third to the nast and oie ninth to the youngest the adulalatretor who went to divide the prtpertydrove a epan of raiilea out to the form bub when be went to divide tha seventeen into halves thirds tad ninths ha found it was impossible with llv pntfe 1 mules not belruy very valuable be in- hitched one of his owu puttitdf ft with 4 he ths other seventeen taaklag eighteen when be proceeded to divide m follows 1 onehalf or nloe to the eldset onethird orals to ths next ami one- ninth or two to tha youngest adding upnlne six two he found that lb mada seventeen so ha hitched up hie mule and weufc bam r joining tsulifs ham journal tub wondbbpul girl the smaller an estate tlie fewer legal dautloas are involved there may be nothing uewunderthe nun bub there are a lob of fresh people noma people eut there bread upon the water expect lug it to corns beck toasted when a man gets married he is never tulte sura whether bis male friends envy rplty him besureyouoan obey good uws before yea alter bad onei a bhnkwd 0ues3 an bmltb frowned over a long dreaamak ava bill at btwekrast urs bmltb murmur- ad 1 who woe it said womans best friend was her dreumsw y probably the dressmajur bmltb growled ohildren oxy ror ftetchers c nb oh lid should lie allowed to auffsr an hnur from uomm when prompt relief can bo nob in a simple but alroug remedy mother graves worm kxtermluator suffered awfilly irkoh bilious neftmghel when the liver becomes sluggish and inactive the bowels become constipated the tongue becomea coaud tha atotnadi foul and bllloin hf iih a w the mpbot ullburua taxsvtlvcr puu wlh atlmu- lata tit sluggish liver clean the foul- coated tongue do away with the stomach gaie and baauh the disagreeable bluotis many a promising dullness men has been npolled by b m tlio private oflloe stage tan quiek it takes all of thirty years to make real man and sometlituw that wont do it tit bora would always get a good end off if ha would only go idleness is the refuse of week minds and the holidays of fools a word for mothers itbanavainubaforincuurataueg- lect utelr and pains and suffer in slleucehjdf only leads lo duoulo aldk uess and pfteu wiortetui life ivourworklstlrlpg ii your nerves are taduble u you fecrtsuguld weary or dcpitlssed you abouhl know that scoua hmulslon otmroomes just such tmndhf it poasflniies in concentrated iccts the very nleineiits to inviporate the mood stmngtheu tia tissue nourish the 1 aml build strength htotta is strrtiituenlug thousands ot mothera and i1j help you try it krti a howtm- tonuhv o w j5 u imfibur- u uvtt pilli tor bilious uouachei 1 etigered awfully until i started to take hew they were the only thing that w did nu any good i never have any ullousltcadacbeatiytiiore smubums loufuvcr puliarc 2bo per vial 8 vials for si 00 at all dealers or nulled direct 011 receiptor price by tbo t uubuni co limited toronto out whatuboot on the hub day of school lt wera dlbtrihuted at peters school when tha little boy returned his mother was enter taining callers well wter asked one of the callers did you get u prlite f no replied peter but i gob horrible mention an oil that li famous though can ads was not the hlrtljjjaoo of dr thorns uolecula oil it is tha borne of that famous eompoiudc from here lie good uaua wee spread to cmtnl asd south amrlos the weal indlea austrolu and now zealand that is fa flail enough to attest it- anesllence for in all umm eotjatrieslbbtonsaleand in demand us are just as eyupathaua as women hot thytvy tlie htuok c showing it tha pentone evening null brought the orab utter from dick aluoe under the doctors orders he bad been bastly packed oft to recuperate in the restful remote little mountain village where ms mother had tsugbe school in the oil academy years ago the view la all that mother said and the food all th hoped wrote ihek and the folia ore tha nicest poblhte kvery thing is beautiful blissful and bully bub he bulueet of all is a girl ya what l gasped illlly aglrl squealed uilioent do yon mesatoaay thai dick bj utiully altuag up ami taking notice of girls wr irwotou wbo was reading tlia litter aloud aloud adjusted his gueaea and look ed hard ae tha page idrj girt he reported in a pussled voice ite qulu plain iwhaps father if you read ou sug gested if re veatoti a girl resumed mr fenton whose trail i ran across tha very day i arrived her am bub never mind her nam 1 its her tknau that take my fancy dob den oriole they call her because of her fluttery little ways and her flying bslr all in yellow curls im no hand ab oompll mants utul im an interested party any way 1 bub you should bear what the old folk say about bar i br ull sen or twenty new stories about her every day and each one la bettor than the but shes a nule peach and a sureenough prise pack age thai gtil 8h can have me ur pontoa who was rather prcue stopped with snort of disgust and frown- ad at the sbuifry sentence ha bad juab read uuly pub bar haul over mrs fentouv vou dont mind mother deer do you r she whbjpared dlokn always boen so girl proof it rather takes one breath away bub ten to one lb doesnt meit anything and even if lb does you know youve alwaye said you werent going to be jealous when your boy found sweetheart aoavea if lb u- mr kenton patted the hand on hero ves oven if it were another girl i hope i should be glad even if i wsiub so happy and proud to have dick find after all these year that that girl i remember ad the dear old souls x wonder what in tlie world theyve been tolling him r mother ovploded billy oo you mean shes you 1 mather cried mllly did they nail you golden oriole when you were a glrlr mr ventou looked up from hicks rhapsody as faros i comprehend your son eitremaly oollouulsl expresiiaas bib ubetb he remarked i shoul i say they war correctly applied to young woman i remember and certainly he looked down again to be sure lie was quoting accurately bho can havo me bhe eat u inly dkl said mrs penton i ughlruy happily lidertv i h till im hlr hint vn nr utiili iiinibln lo topi wild fin inhliilih 1111 mh t rxiirj hut hiihi u ik uln will it w tin mxlwtikin tint iiukt unrv will it im ulnii ki iirw tit hilly dlimiiiih iinl wliiii 11 llrlthdi hiinnl uliill iki mlullniihl in tiuli iiiiiihiv hlnill tnulliti hlrmiulb ik iim iiliilliin mini hifnllnii hlinll in uiiilrti itut nit hum of tilth i iimimiiiiiii by lylnu uu pint t on niir inn hn ami builubu llii imiihuu iiliiintnm of luip mill ttin 111 nib n liiiiu boiiiid uu i111111i mul foot t till uu niu nut t ill ir i uiauo n pniikr umt nrihiit iiiinim ulih ii tin 1ml of niilnri inilli pbimil in niu iomi jliru itillllium of pinjili iirmihl in hi- imlj u-hm- or llbiity nml in mull 11 mi ul o iim hull wblcb wu imimuiu nri in vim ji1i11 hy any fun it uhhli mi tiitinny tnu uotul fililiimt ih hiwiiih nlr wo shall ml lulit nur bntlliu ulono tin ru ih ii juwt hod ulm prtinldca n 1 r i ho iilmiiuiiiii of iiutlonu nud wlio will mlwu up frlmids toflgbt mir im i id 11 fur tm tim luittlo hik hi uuttjt liu utronjr nlan it in to the tlulmnr tlio active tlin brue iiaildih ulr wo have no election if r wvro base eiiotlab to tfelra it it in now too into to rvtlttt from tbo contuat tlicro la no retront but in sub- tnlixlun nml aim ury our chains nrn fnruml ttielr clniibliia may lk liuinl mi tlu plaluu of hoston tin vviir lu lmltuhltt 11111i lot it mm i rtm i it ulr lot it mm inlrlik hi nr exploits ths old ulgrauoms gavw birth to greit daeds to find uusssn land mhdus wil darntes4s build habitations lured tlie lurlmeval man even if his exploits were mouhlsil with the flt and polmisd with tlie plaksva out of tdena of ulunesa westhard lo with the deeendliia tun tltsy jour- hejcd swimming rirarp soallng mountains nothing lujtd ibeiraupssnd with etcry i lcrcinent of sdvuntage creating life situ atioua for poaiarlt the pilgrim spirit mrvu esplolta in ulleas aucoeaalon an anplodason p0ja beml of a world miscellany an amr04h republic caw poult a of elftd nations now evrywlisre creative genius art of dolhg living serving american cltiaenthlp to be the world require nobleatnualitue of manhood 00- herentanlllailon mobillkeil aosrpy contrl buted to the future by the inspiration of a great lieritaqo lllgvlm and progre castoria vm iabau mul cfclufu in l rorovsr 30 yesrs eiputam of 6jtiit the two words are among the gems of our language t spoken or written they are sweet snd full of tneaninp what then is the reason for so many people forget tins to use them on occasion when they would be valuable whenever anyone has done us a kindness however small when wo have reoleved a gift of any kind whether large or emslj when a friend bx shown us oourtuy of any kind then certainly it should be acknowledged by us poeaiuy present hsv been sent on some joyful occasion j flowers have been ordered for no to mark joy or sympathy or books have been ordered to ba sent to us to help in whlllng away a tedious journey if uo acknowledgement has been received from us wbeu tb bills come in what are our friend to do t thank you should be said or written in return for each and every kindness and the negteeb of aucb trifling courtesy goes far toward marring our character select ed an always heady pill to those of re gular habit usdlclne i of llttla concern bab tha great majority of mem are not of regular habit the worry and cares of bualnea prevent it and out of tha irreg ularity of kf comes dyspepsia indigestion liver and kidney troublo a a protest tb run down system demands a corrective and there is none better than parmelees vegetable pills they are simple- in their composition and can be taken by the most delicately constituted the modern young man says a female critic ha oaly on good quality he is punotusj to hi meals soma womoa ore very easily pleased jadghg by whsatbey mawy even tha etuuinv ahoau have a little horse sense hoiesrv believed me vol 60110 into consumption dr woods norway pine syrup cureo him alp k annum 0 blln iuetwliuilm man wife havta vtoba ewri botllm ol lit wikmli nony ha griup durla tie put few wuta to ivlitve thibok oouli and ktiuttl throat uoublaj allow tu io ex- tf toy uabmumkd utulaetkin aud uutja u ta lu ttelln nulltk a ort tlaa ajp i bacuu hiildoly nibct if lfl mkuklotl at blibt and dlnetlr altar iwoi id tlia bumltw tor about an hour aud touad i w kraitually loauw wdabt au my irbad cbontuuy loforaud ma that x looked on though i wen tola in cuuuuiitloa and i hobatb ulbnd uii wai tho oowmtr altar having takan aovtral bottloa ot dr wood i am cleaanl to idato that tha cough ha anihxly duu opocarat alotlg with all tho unity jrmptoom and i havo alnoo roialncd tho kwt weight x havo no hcjjtatlon in r dr wood norway ljno children cry for fletchers castoria tho hindi you lliwfl alwnyst iloaglit nnd whlfh lina iwien la ufmi for ovof tjm yima bus ihorun tho nlgnuturn of nnl imm tuvn luailn under ida pr- niiiuil hum rvlmloii rdruttlt infancy allow 110 0110 uuu dv you in thin all comitirfalth niltiitlinim mid 1uutiutttitl urn hut lximtrliiiiiitri tlmt triflii wltli iiimi tiiitluriirr tlio in ultli of luluutw tiud clilldrou ixiiiirhiiuo nnliiht jjmporliuuut what is castoria cdmforli im it liiirmli uu hnlimtlfiilo tov nntor oil ixitro- welu liropa and kouthlnu hjriipn it ih ih iinitnt it coiilaltimi ucltlior opium affirplilno riir olhiir nurootlo stiih tauco itu ugo in uu triinratitoo it doulroym vortuu nild ullnya iovoridiithm ior liioru thuii thirty yiuirw it lina boon in coiimtnnt iho fur tlin n lie f of furihtlpiitlon xfntulenoy wind colh nil 1 e f flilurr twntlalf h and liarrliooa it nicubith thohtoinuli and xiowi talmllntm tlio iomi ivlnur im nltliy imd mtural afoof- trtio chlsdronti 1anucca ii10 jslothefii ivlcud qenuine castor i a always bfiuro tho slgpnnturc of mzv in use for over 30 years tha kind you hve always bouflht skunk the grand trunk railway iansbnoian ti1aimh yt r it wli u 11 lln hi lh v irtlimnkllal aloi a representative wsmii atoncr romthiii riur3icie3 ia uirrmnmi nil stono xl wolllnaton tqhonto ontahio c k oioplu acton cement conilmcroh for bridges silos walk- floors walls etc ako agent for dc laval siloq separator etc high pradc portland cem ent for sile mummhmaapuinaunaan getmoromoiiey muskrst uaccoon fosewhll waaael vuhet had other fur barr collected la your aectloa im ssuuucan ii w c k j ditinuiibuniilinlri ulsilon nuilnixfor- iuort ilian atlilrtlnf a nlrtllik hui yotfiw yirnu tmrttccr fim uw ha uw wwtaaut kwmy u beam nruabl tiwiiulll tforurilnnuwli suirtiritni bfurlllilii ijntfllliriiittrrtiiirtrai fu jtijdlholitauilrnirii wrlis f rw4mishjiair ijisotilyrlubliarcuraiwiiibrbatrtmktan i pl ilutiiuultlic t w-h- w 14-how-li- ivhmkl a b shobert inc k2s53jissta actons electric chopping mill robt h lasbv proprlotor havina purchased from mr b f caldwell the electric chopping mill outfit and ooduill of the business i desire to solicit a continuance of the rcnerouo patronage of the larmcrs and general publi mill will be open every day careful attention given ever order and satisfaction as sured r h lasby g excelsior bakery a gcorge stalbhu clarh kt au v o i n the kaltcry inialncuof t btdtham hou in j o acton which ban been a conducted for the post i t thirty years bos bcu i o purchased by george j statham and will b j tj conducted in the same t d first class manner a in i a n the past j j ah hinds of ilread j b cakes pastry wed s ding cakes and cbrlit i n mas cakes will be sup- f a pllod to the tat lf act loo i d of all cittomera oho aelea statham oalaito will yoa ho wukenod tonight by tlia i droadod eountl ot a crotipy cough and laeathalltuaavdlurar gatp and choka without lhelnvablatobelpt kotlfyouhavotbaolu rellabln iflhamberuiniooughltcummlyathand itglvm relief atonce itllqulfls i tha dangerans cuoldngpldegmao it la aaslly expelled it heal up thoaora i ooujh rocked throat and prevent further auacka for croup whooping ovogbbir 1 hetnedybsfandruhlwedldtja qlvahattbaveryarstsyttiptom kst raourlalee at ml all dviiuta aaaaiko chamberlains cough remedy the merchants bank op canada mmihmudnnnadnnadddhhiimmm boots shoes ru bbbbs it jag 1u sawcom u cu4i jfthrift is rightly described as eco- i nomical management a shrewd business man is bpolcen of an thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol ins success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all locil cheques cashed at par oapiraltpaid up- mkuhnvkd mindi and undividhdipmoriirs- wmxkuvm 1m tu acton branch fa mac lean manager oaluvatstha bablb ef listening young man it will come in handy if yoa aver aoaulr a wife byruo a a sure curator all those troubled u a ilka wanner wltett you ask tog m wood see that yet get what you ask for it 1 pat up id a yellow wrapper three pine uvea the bade uarkj tha price 20e and boc winttfarfttrad only by the v muhum co uadbitt twtmto oat all lmea q kootwer at rlht prices all men a rubbers at bargain prices g w wltiliams mill street acton hct0n and bus lin stocktaking clearing out odd lines of tics braces g gloves sweater coats caps mens working g shirts and genqral mens furnishings before j listing stock some big special values ore here j lor you jj h b m s r e nelson merchant tanas m anai iruihiiaihsr wtrndhaua tstvaat having purcbawd tlio mvory iluuiultiu and gambvlll ol the estute of the late john wllllawi i respectfully solicit the pmrott- oga of tlio public comfortable rlgrt will always lie supplied ot rcatanablo churgcu bum hhkts akixj taaintt ambrose mccann mill st acton oat oubulth ont s whhiihsiblmhhktwmailhhiimhmwmslmwmma buy made in canada goods atents lphqmptty9ia lwa2etttfuffi maiion a kmuom ml unlvanlly st uonxreai