Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1916, p. 2

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lat tiaow at cvlttirury on may 1111 to mr 1111i mr eon twin tiiiilitir died hwi aujimlph mi umiduy may lath 1111 ijli hull flvmiirdllnt in liar fthtd jer rauuvr al llui fumlly foaldonno llillcrout tlrmiifi inino4 1 im i now lay may lllllt 11110 limnd lulltu iigul 7arj oil i it u at tlin linn a nf tier d milliliter hillihnrxl lriltj miiy utli 101 h isulwl llmnninnd mllit of tho la to wtl ham colliur miktwit at luitwiileif n haturdfiy lllli m mill miigglatlordon wile of aiokihi lor mrkoiulo luiiulitttr of tlio latajohnimlnn acton in far m7th electrician blackhall has resigned military notes lieut t l llenderftotl 1 nglneur iuvm counall hat advortlsod torn sucoobb- j ottawa thla wlt or overica corp tuineu ifollflwiiy of hie tfllnl llittt llielpll wuh in the town ub week ot to common oo butlofl 1st juno wm manafjd on boa ii d op health eljc a tint 3ftc s thutlsday ma 1 1010 editorial notes tiir ii mn of ontario will nay li inn on t mutuant houaea airecliiigebpoclahy the theatre nnl moving picture ahowe of 100 000 r year thla in the new lay hy tlie ontario i ovarmtwnt and will exoaed tlio revenue heretofore derived from liquor uoanaea tlio now law lieeam euctivell monday iltlt hibt till ixuami for prohibition of the llnuor trallio continue to advance through out the world tin largest datnoiuilrbtlon of wooion aver hold in hcotunj occurred bt oufctfowon haturday whan 10000 ouuti preltled agalntt tlio manufactur and vu of liquor during tint war ttiey paraded wlui handa to tl- well knownrii wltsr apactioe war iatuie demanding prohibition vuk u of vi1 fw vsywullad by twice aa many popa a have vuue garden vnjld enormoualy simplify uuu of our exmktouilo pramuia and uive to tiuny mor families rejier ami more b ithful vegetable food coruldarwl in ralatlon to a fw fdinlli i thla may ait of smell inlaruil lut tin cumulative ralt throughout the dominion would la of firkvstr natleoal importance puntagihlii if you have not it ww to ami try it tun puiru for biat cwitlnua to r a the extraordinary prloae at whl li cattle hogeand tjiep ar alllug ar out of pro portion to ilia urioaa of eoart grata the priowt ar prowhly due in lha fiuln to uta war which la rjod 6tionioua or ttwii in llila country awl u lliiiiul huu- for iuwu tlu tllturbanta of bliipolntf a wuuauy tnurrukuil bupplld uoia bur dutat taurc- mtaat u louulny a havy elujit uitoo llt maji bpwclilly wlio h wo ulna for lalkir wavd vhaltiks linpol for vujutioob of tlio ontario tumporancd act pat ail at ue rruut ofcalaii of tlia provincial lolutuns ar dritlo atul jiouul avcura ooraputa olivanoa of i to iravllonh any pardon who kwpa liliar for ul or wiij liquor xopt aa inulttej by tlia act or any ueam liahlr who ulla liquor at any otur tltna or plaa than la prwittd hy tlia act ukahuto flim of from 00 to jlooo uul la uafault of paytuant to itapruooinant frotii thr to eix mantha wltlmhtth option of flo thla uw la antlolpatul to u coma a tarror to at ii doa on thn hhii nut lmva uyndtt rcooked tlta rlftrmtlotiof o k lllaokhnll tilwtrlo u mobliijf to ih rallnvml in thirty duy uu i lwrmrmiiiioiit a hjwinl inrmllnif of ihn connoll wni hold thn nsnt ovinlnjf to oon ultlor thluund ahio tha tipoltitintit of a moinlmr of ihn ioonl hoard of iidaiii uobio ffy ml i4ik councillor 1111 iltiley nod heinle rrdi wara pranant riectriilmi huckhalu rblkiiatfon una intmiitail nml ooimlderod mom1 by c k lullay aacondad hy alax hall llmt tha rtunnailo of c n illaolhall aleotrlclan ba acoaptail and that tha olorl oilvartlaa for an alobtrlclm to auccaml him carrial tliara balnp a vacancy on tho hoard of lltuihh tho itcvovo raqnaatail that an spjolnt inont ha made tovl hy c t ujiley aooondtul h a ilenlanwn that wllllaii mcnahh u ai l laajijwintail u inaiiibar of tha local hnnnl of itiultli for thocurront jtr car rll tha rkulr itiotliig of tha council wan hfetd on ilontlay avoniuf mainlwni wara all irmtit tha coiditiltta on finance praantad thalroth raport ami rocatntnoiidoil payniant of accaunlit a follows ifvtmo fiuthii amu nth cn jn iuo co dupjiua chaiiiurlaln matrato tuaur jatn6hyiion aupjlb n v lloor ktb ami caxina is71 am 4 70 hj161 liitkal a i ru lubt utotry work on fctl 9 0 00 acton r r lraa ailvtitujog 4 mh janiaa matthawa toliifrapliliia 811 51 tha afcuarnt itoll fatt rtunwl mol by w ii hwlil bocoull by c c luluy lliat thla council tiwt cj court of luvhvlua on llonday 11 ay 2ih at h oclock k nk ad tliat ilia clrk ftv tl 1 y boli4 of uul nwstln crrlj cuiucil tliao ajjourtvl huoukaa abe rponjltla for many flraa along any atrmt olgar and clgrtta ttuba and partly hurnad ntatcliaa may ha fijmdalauatouarywlara oarmuaaly uitiiwh afcld by biuokera bltnlhur carlaaua ooetir la pablla and ofnoa hutklluga hutl aaa puofc and facton opan rratlnga la liiawalk hghu aw otluir eooiuon ra sapualaa for tha ilimkroua irantaruw padaatruaa dropplaf atuba and mitoha r4fardu of raaulta sloca tha flra which dovtroyad tha 1arliamaot bulldlnga at otuwa tha domlalon flovarnuant haa luuad ao ordar prohlultlntf amok log in any bulufiijt oupud hy tlio pnbllo barvios oiuvyo lueujua oat to pay tlio until of a cant which tha ivorinoa lavlaa on allau aad ruroparty for tho support of tha war i oul it prouau that tlio lrovliioa ought to pay it own ttanafactloaa wharo la the irovlaea whioh far ua i tha ttata to f cur tho tasonay for itny purpou but frm thd p6plat if it barrowa ih paopla muo pay 11i bountaoua batiavolant atata which qlvaa bulijinipi puhllo worka har bovi wharves boouaaa ruarantaw atul ajuployutatit for overyboily mau takafrooi th paoda wliat it privaa tham such ah aurj oonfualon raaulu from too uuclmnsak- log and thinking in iha term of aociallam waakly hun thhiettii mu ha 1000 hen miut b6orlt up to that stransth bofow doing into camp it la anuouncod that tha lulth ifaltmi ail dufforln dattalloo will not ha permit ud to o into camp until rarultad u a fctrwatli of ltmw h battalion ia now uatrnbtb of 750 tha standard of emoleiioy alroaily raachul lahiyhand it will bo u tat pity and vry uiuoh lo tho diacrodit of tlio count i of haltonanil dufforln if 7v men who havo oaua forward at uiolr countrys call mul wbo aro uftort und olllolent aro kant out of trlulnf oawp for tha lick of ilo mora trtftn nocftortlaa laai aparwl no alono uft uuturaed by tbaofllcerttof tlm liatullon in tha matter of roarulting tublio lumtluga oanowta nd iarmnai aanvusilnj hnvu lmti triad taora than hi other oountitia tho at indl off of tho two oountlua up tn- data u u9 follows i llidtou tuhi i duftorln atto there in plenty o room in tlio luttulini for uujii of ilillarcnt tjlo tho i ratta lt4iid uiul lio hutilu imiiii am miiutnjx eioulltint protnjh4 but inu hi urol uf uiuloiich i uju r un 1 drnnmur- ull of whom will bo uill tit iht tho linl miotim mil tha unouti arc olrculy utirmlit in tho billullnii uud uro balitscuitifiilly trdiiod hv mpoolully quail had oulooiw ktory nun in ffhta an opportunity tu wrfoct hlniuolf in thaio lattliijf limiicho of the urvlos a inuolilno ruii mint inn i nhout u li fomad a claim fur u c oh will to j urjialibd thltwoab and a how onu onaiid vary aliortly men ara ivan t ruining at dlviwloual kchnoln lit boiiiluiiir t ranch war- furti luynuat llifbtiii und phynlnd train log ami ull am oaiofiilly inhtriiited with it vlaw toaoallatioolii uiunkalry thoainloi la variwi and luurcitliiir kvary man may loooitio u aiwolulkt in noit uf uta many bruiicbth tito rlildlo u i why ahoiill a healthy joun man wakli tbs hoatyaara of biallfa lhind a iiuntrr etc wltan uuclm lluld of manly dovolop mant liaa ouin t bhn with joftd pay anil lla oouotry ftallln 1dm into tho iwryaln an imtckstiuo was0mic visit b w bro df llahttz d b 0 u of hrmlttrord vllt walker ltkltfd tlia oiilcll vlit of it w liro ilr ilanna itlurlct iu flrarwl maur to walkw lod v a a u 01 moly evjilng waa an oocajlod of 6pcll inlar tua l i j u waaaocoupanu1 by dro w a itoljnofl of llrantford ikntrict ilxraury w m uro t h cook and hia ofllcra oonfurril lha third dogroa with a akill aiul imitraulvcnata which won kind worda and jratlfylna pralsa front tha i 1 tl m tha laeuiliara wara con gra tula tad upon tha good itarulloflf of walbar loltf and wpoclally uiin tlio largaaififrauiatnount contributed durinjj tlio year for iutriotlc ttl cro and iulgua luliaf vunda tlia dutrictflacraury raportad lh books of tlio loilta wara tuot utlfoctorlly kept ami tlia reports wara com pi eta ami oorract- follqmtnf tha bualnasa nutatlnir an ap- potliinpf tiidcltaoo waa urvad at harold wlua cafa at which tatar1 outa wara bonorvd r w uro hanna apokafor tlia grand j loda aiwl told of tlia nobla work of uaaotiry ita prlociptaa and alma- if abowatl that it la a bautlful ayatam of morality ha mam bora ruuat ba of at riot moral and it taachaa a prograaawa aclaooa it haa a wldor import titan tlia law a of land for it taachaa ua our relation and our duty to our fallowman wamuat flv ordar to at it la tha law of lod aja well aa of natur that w muat lv ouraalvoi if wa ara to grow to day la tlia tlma to arv ttiara ttavar hafora wa a oalt to loud for urvico and navar wara auch op- portuultiaa for doin good dro nohloaon apnka onoauragltifc worda and brief addraua wara tnade by w ilro cook uro j c wilaon b a lira ii i moara w dro r u uo1on aid w dro w ii cooper w llro a t drown rro k p uolamfciwl dro- j w l ilampaliira ttta maatlntf cloaad with uta national antbaoi huwat hod of mr w a h to wart u now with hi battalion mohlllxed tit winnipeg ijauu h 1 klttlf who laft aotoit turly labb voir to join hla reliitent tlia lltlt nor thuinlur land lruallieira at iondou 1 nulund in now lit fypt 1to lloh cook who tlaaertai from the lurd llatullott tttfluelpli laat winur r nnlutoil with tha 41th lutuiion and ia now at hdndlitty camp kant kuqlanil with that hatullon lit training all tha barrooma at niagara on tha laka wara clouad on sat unlay night and will remain oloaed iildafln italy ijtt jur aviierlanca during tlia military eatnpopera tiona at niagara warrunta tlia repetition of thla prooeedura tlio woman a auxlllen of tha oounliea of hal ton and duller in liavo undertaken to provijla a field kitchen for tlia htllh hat talion tlia cot will lisfjhm tit bullae of acton have iteen canvaulnjf for their quota thla waek ita i it oiwall of oakvillawaekllu1 in action at lb front tha but of april if wan a memlier of tl a alurt hible cuie i tha ottiailli church atwl an liipriiawj memorial urvlca waa hell hy tlio pitar ita v ii rmltti alwut half the ohllore of acton llatood who ucnt to milton on tha rth lul wara homa on fut unlay ami hotulay thy tm by auloa by tnotoreyu by ucyeu any way to gt iioh acloo will alwaya ba iboma awet homa to them mr j ictor counnan waa itonta from torooto for a day or ao ht wk he lft toronto on uouily for tl llilitary ctup at klauara mi tl laka u lie will u engid durlmf tha aumbtaraa aa osor of tlia uca tuadquahrtri u tho c froun da- mr ci a a lfftrrij who toovj fiui actott to fit- uarya a cuupla f yia ao ita mliut in tha iioui daualloo of irlli with bjqurura at ht- uajya it itarria wriua tl t hla utullod awciato uav hi marya for tha frol very aoon a utur frm mr muoe fwilhof itt arthur uys that wajua hut llh u grio iiou of t a uta aaou roilth ur wlo ruld beva uuiui yana ayo in tha bom now oocup d by ir fitay la in ua umviw wu wmh in lxjluw with hla rl jit froui inmt arthur mrs c if 1 futillt i idit of tha raualloa auxiliary tklra it auud that tlia social evflluif glva tha o1juj tha uturday night bjwa they left for milton waa lu cbarga of tha war auxiliary of whloh mr c c iaitroa u il ivwunt nod mrs hfiwdaiul mr- iv im1 tlia otlior ofilcra haata llynda baa rcl ved uttare frooi botlt hi aona till wek i tuuun it j luul jut pauod ao aiaulnatloi lu afrnxfa itopltal aiul waa daolarwl unfit for further tarvioaat tha front urn wai ordiad to rnglaod it jara oontluuaa in food baalth ua aaw hargt oould ad it tbi hani it of acton a few daya i for writing and they wora lolli vlh coatfa pennies women amp tiihirt they bum prime jcxr lu forwuut- lnr ways and hani to win t wa upon tha woman of tha land will rt tha qraataat burtlan of aucoaw in th oam iain for thrift that haa titan loauiiratil as beat u of tit itouaoliold they aro the chanoallora of damatio ehohcqiura it in for tham to bear in mind that expenditure upon article that ara not actually needed la not alona laeaelnr tltelr own rouourcaa but altto depriving tha country of aome ihlojf bat might b mora proruhly ap plied th majority of wan will agro tltataofur aa tit uouaaliald la oonoerttad tlielr woman aro pretty thrift rut btinglnaaa rutrelnuinloubnea or ualurli net a hot thrift tlis thrifty woman oambiuea with it natural aptltuda for oonooiy tha wladin of aalaotlnn and utiliu itlon hha kuowu when to aavo and when to upend hhakuowa wliat l hci aarytutd what ran ba dona without uml alta makea tha boat um of everything neithar dooi ho ilo all thlna itarealf when balp in ut luuul aim titilike it with diecrvtltw lit grtt aid to thrift la thoughtfiilnou lit fact wltliout that ojomont thrift in utter ly out of tho quottlon tlio thrifty woman too not only omorola wfailom horaslf bm pi that her ohlldro i do thn amn thlir nut hy indulirlnp litem hut in dnltttlnj to them bimd ry o11odm of ublcli tl v ui rapahlo hy mnhlnpthnnwir rvlliut lint thn unman rut mint lo fi ihoui llil u 1 1 iteraelf slio tmm enjoy tho aupfioit aauntoiianflaand iolluoneanf it r mankind ttte kraieht cnauiy to thrift la tha protnlw ououa doling out of tho money it la not to boy and girth av dlflti of good nature i it la death in tha recipient it polwwui their tllpoltlon atul now aeatu of weed tliat nan never 1 oradloated wor tliat port nf thirty women uro lab little nwpooalhlr but wham their enorth ahine u lit allowhijr im tlihtjf to jo to wit la in umkliik mut of everything ami in emorolalnu introttulty hi food drhk lioutteliolil lalior and tho bhmt liik up of children an lucent he to i ho aooomtluhmtid of tttoua llilnipt lu in lection iipoh tha time upon ilia ttetttla and tjuperlunou of tltelr mtle txilallvtm nt tlm front i and ujiiii tho fact that ovvrv una wted ihu cetitrlhullnii to tho wou tn otitic tho wttr iw rail over hmall fiunu ktvd pvotan putvet lv it baa just booo docldod by tha ilouae of lord that ft certain miner won entltlod to 10a 8d wblcb be claimed from a company in wbo4 pit ho worked tho claim wu dis puted by tho company on tho around that tlio miner worked under aaotber collier aa a qllor and that ba wu not really la tbn company a employ booauio tho man woro paid a certain rata par ton for tbocoal got by their joint labor and thla was divided be tween thorn by tho collier obvloualy tbo caao ralead an im portant point wblcb affeeta many liner throughout the country and that la why tho caao waa carried from ono court to another until an ally it waa takon to tho iiouio of lord where aftar the coala of tho varloua tviala bad amounted id thou sands of pounds it was decided that tbo flllor waa entitled to bis 10a 8d anotbor recent illustration of the coat of ffolcg to law was provided by a dliputo between tha corporation of urmdford and a man to whom it bad sold a ton of coko their carter when delivering the coke shot it through a platoglasa window the cuatomor however did hot tako mo tive steps rofcardlng the recovery of damage for mora than six months with the rflsult that tbo corporation claimed protection under tho provi sion of tho public authorities pro tection act 1093 pleading that tbo claim was thereby barred tlio customer howevar decided to ngbt the caso and carried it lo tlio county court wliaro ho was awarded damsgoa by tbo jury hut tho juduo onto rod judsmont ror tha corpora tion notwithstanding tbn verdict of tho jury holding that tbo caso was oxproaaly covorod hy tho act men tioned tho cuatomor thereupon an- poalod to thn divisional court ills appeal wno dismissed but tho court of appeal dlrcctod judgmont to bo entered for hint for the dsmagoa found by tbo jury tho corporation thou nppnnlnd to tho iloueo of lorda who dlumlnaod tbn npopa ao that tlio county court jury a vlow wn uphnld tbo customors eoata altogatnor amounted to t3l nnd tha corpora tions to nearly tho aamo amount so that that ton nf coko cost about f770 not long nrco thn oomorsotahlro htandlnrt joint commltton incurred coats to tho mount of ci 10 in try- inn to recover 4s from the solicitor while wbflii a ocolllih farmer brouglit a uuccraaful action against tlio cuctnma authnrltlcn for tho re- rnvory of a penny it ront lilnuclf and the lifondnntn tiro itnrli leamninq lonriilliu wlthnut tlumtjlit lu labor lout jllultiilit wllhinit loomlim 1m iruuu otifiirlna llo uiluht ihi it ory ih v ur iiinn by tmture for nil i know but bu laid bo many bootiu duu hlu liend thut liu liralmi toiild nut luovo hall ulatorle unko mon wluo po- ota witty tha iniitluimitlti tub tlio iiatuml plilloaopliy duop morale gmvt louh nml rhutorlc abl to contend llaion ko man 1 wlaur fur hi lourn log wit and wlatlum tir imru with a man buldou i atmctlou doe not prevent wash of umo or iiiutiitii n mid tnlatake tiietuaelvcx orv otti ii thai baat t tcbora of nil 1- mildu a khalby hyl pio penun royal puc i n moal tmauracuv pi o the court are till d with dlaud fjgura of caat iron lu n kind of npmrltc kfomao eoatunut and wlui boy of gilt iron otfarluo vartnlljoa ctipai to tlt iet th tank ara stag tbt kal tdiabby thai grdao uguct l the room r borrlhl vd to 6 of tho tnonrael oi bald tat tal j roryali pad 6a to wall at cov isj with knhrror fend a decoration toad- of im il ruc 6f tnlmtf at id alhormte paut rr t th tfct rabiloav hur oo of a wddin cetk tb fur- bitnr 1 wit out tjloabuod koxuptt 6f two- jtjiiy had aror taatai thwra 1 boc a felnada eel of fhfiaa fciqulaiu tera bi twaui art vhkh id tb c4- ucilo fcnropet av m toat oc ho bntcfc ft a 6 taxpat kauhaa t i h ma- limaxk uimait luatg trf- rxxtaowly ttwocfct to b tl cca bouf fw the icrwt bioij tj loouj by kaor tthhcar fcny fit tb jthj cuw bw fcahtbltatl lcil goeal uurel t to h-v- bwal brokat s bj fe3 atold tu kburoo by tha bra ant gornuiwal wiorr u t kvault oolt a c mf idauh j that thai frovwr wbd nad jotir hki hotioa iauiracl tt mnea uji- lbj 4m old baejn wbiuwmah krtirt r- rwt1 foa- a aabit u et rokarucf awwd th pcu- bur hurt i lurmud hh- joda bat fd i s boucoia with lddlgfct if knows it loo t a aooj uok at hh uo inautad t joda h billurr tl darky ijuldud long bd wl locly at hi aciiar now dit i bi bu kf jaa b iid pcn ilk day 1 eouiathlo fa mlijua a r bout dt fca hut dl yr worl u ao full uu nscxally ugly folla lei on ordinary men ksit al way tell dodlfifuncobtwu ta- dta btm jodce dot a him but b c eaay ca yi lin on him kas b ot a wlfo uud fo lilllua caj and comment- it yiiim 1iiltl at tho ima h ii of a portnblo thonrn rliowlrij li n nmvhclal town in unrltiitl rn- iomli had not boen pnhl rfi tho wcpin i nl whan it ba- iio dim u tmi iprmod on thn m mi dny night follow ina to rut off tho tiupnly if thn hill wnti not paid on tbo ttpot tho doorkeeper romonitratod with him polntlnrt out that tho niaurgnr was on tho boardn nt tho ttbio und could not imnalbly lattvo tbo tit ago for nti hour tlio unn man might call thou no said tho gna man obdurate ly im going to cut it otf now hold bard said tbo doorkeeper k will go and tell tho manager construction ef ttlfj out tbo innklnu nf a uu gun involve much intricate work a th putllng to cctlw r or o lucomotlt or a slant cran a twelve inch gun on lioard u t tttl ahlp la llfty fet in ion ptli ami baa an strom ranjrc nf tnanty ike mlla and effcctlvr raujt of rwc tulle thero la a am union ni of tntricat and dllcts i ruined horkmsi hip wnnttd in th nnlott if a wlent cannon i or maniple aaa a uriier lu the mill trtte monthly the breach block baa to undercu ightcon ir twenty macliln inls and all the mcdlcr of macl in um nrcraar to eunlilr- ih pundoroua mnu of tinliianc tu mutt- to th right or left or tip or down ul u touch from ilia naval uunueru ta being built up to- uetber at tha aaino time aa tbe work procoda on th mm itself for aom of the smaller unw 00 rewr than sbo machtnlngs oo cso part ar neeea sary be for thevaapou la ready for tu a leat bwk ataouji tbe bomnlts of africa thr u it lagoud that whsu god flwt mad tham a man and a woman b wrot down id a book the law lby war to follow tby were proulaad that as long aa they care folly preserved thl hook they ahould continue great and powerful but if they lost it their grabies would depart froi the t oue day tha book waa caralaaaly uft lying outside tent where a bollock found and devoured it prou that fa tal day their decadence get in and to tbo ttteaeflt tlma whenever aa ox die of dueasa or is hilled hla utrall- ara rellgtotjaly eutnlned to a if any trace of tha book can be found if found they believe they ahoou recover tltelr lost cower a country ef tfarikquak japan la peculiarly the victim of el mental force the only satisfaction lie people can derive from living in ti country which contains dftyoae active volcanoes and haa ca average of about goo earthquake shocks yearly la that in all probability japan would never have existed but for the aeumlo and volcanto agency which has elevated whole district abote tbe ocean by meaua of repeated eruptions a a spring novelties in bright new goods x new waists in silk crupe and voiles in white blirk and natural ohant a ing all tho now ideas lonr olecveo two way collars etc very a attractive valuca new collabs in profuiiion ofuyleu and maicrialn verv special french kid gloveii in white black tani and brownii scarce goods at 110 a pair limited ouantitv ladici plain caahmcie hose black nizen 8 to lo at a pairgfc mc lbc 10c imported cinuhams in chcckn and fancies lie and vzc a yard special values in linen hand toweling thia week from old contract five patlcrno at 12jc a yard mu ubbtrtlnriiifnto mt jttrlliooiat fflliiirtli aclon ivwav ommaurxmlnlr henderson co acton out x ill st crafty had ftqulrrale tb tad aulrr1 u an crafty as h b jtiltk ha ii selact thr or four plc to atora nuts so if on u dl- tovwnars h hi rrv aupplla and bet never maka m ml uk uud put away worm 4 un nuta tti nil kjulm1 know a wormy nut se soon ba pick it up and rvolv it lu bu bawa vver b him ct a hickory outf u alt bp on hi mud lege with hi tall curvad ovr bl back boldlnu th nut in hi forvpaw hrt h drill m litti hoi in th fcbell with bl aharii taath brklag away tb abell a 11 til at a tlm ubtll b can e at tb kr if th rd wjutftl limited bl dlt to uuta h would have more frteud but somalia ha add a store of th rkrir com to hi uiurgrouud ttt tfvai a roblw of bird uaabi too and youll fc t blm pert bad on a limb aatlng an fcfid aa innocaiiily ss tbougb b wr craculnh a walnut notice to farmers a little laamlng i a dngroaa thing bnt a llttla too much learning let atlll mor dsntreroti to hav too much uamlnu ata yaj a far above yotuf fallow mortal mid ull ou alth auch contempt for thorn tint you cannot be comfortable bi their preeeuca nor they in your heyood a certain point lea rain ii cease to bo or uu and be- romci a burden bocnun nobody can comprehend what you are talking about thus it hnprwne tbst uen ar so lenrncd aomatlmcv that tbe only way society cen lira with tham u to shut them nwny in soma asylum ho then follon ropes advice drink deep or lusir uut the pierian spring hut dun t drink too deep which la much the same as saying tbat n happy medium in tbe matter of learning 1 juat a happy aa any other happy medium care lu the clointlo mythology cere i tb uotdoss of tho lutrvest or lo h r n i ijuctlic ur the cereal accord i to ovbt metiu took it ceres tlrai taacbt teoa to plow tlw fluids nnd lu to un9 flxod itivvn the mouulug or wbuu u tbnt law orlglnuted with th nettled state huuwii uu aaricultura rloak and n groat felt hat with drooping feather uud a sword at bla bldo he walked on thn stago with the words heboid my lord the roan stands at tho caslla gate waiting to ita remunerated for the glimmera nnd if not soon instantly darkness threatens ua j tho manager taking in tbe sltua- faro of tho country ami parbe to winning- 1 si- f0 a hard queetlsn modem maiden i tvuh advice old lady- certainly my dour what 1 hy modern maiden shall i marry a man lioo toalo aro i ho optoalle of mine and quarrel with liltu or n hull i nmrry u biun wliut tumtcn srv tho nume as mine mid uro uf hlinv laws ftie taws of a country muat be ilka large river and not like a umoll ditch men do not full la a river be cause it 1 remarkably wide and deep while they often fall into a ditch be cause it la ao narrow and ahuow- kyuao had arounmntoi tbe beat way of answering bad ar- gument is not to atop it but let it go on lta course until it overlap tha aioh ft a great city alone alone in a nmt cltyt tho words burst llbo liliirt tearing sobs from the lip of the wretched looking man ut the wtnet corner and liassoreuy yod blm in silent sympathy alone in a great cltjt be sobbed again thon oror hi careworn face mashed a sudden look of hope os he added ah that gh c m an ideal taking from tho uckat of hi shab by ro ut cost hla rent allrer watch be turned quickly lutn u side alley over which hung the sign or ho three iotd en bulla a few minutes later ue re lumed pushing it llttla ticket luui ul now empty uirkrl niul jingling nam miiiw gayly a loan lip niuitcrnl in hupp v mrv frco torn- ii built lu u great cltyr irftiidon mbu hew te qv wear en auto drake ill tlio wunuiii n llumi tnmpnithiii nit uutuuiubiio oxitort miys rcmombor that urudiml itiiplhniluu of imner ulutber rrtimuuilnuor fmut hrakou wives uitur vi lion nu uti push nut tlm tliiltlj it liuiidretl nnla off cut down tho tltnuila uud must tu your ttiuppluu plmt vi llh thr luuutw applied usully i t fuiittluuii tiitp iiltlu lining braurtt nlouu t hiiiiiiiuhi use heats mid nnr- ilicin huiw up ut the toil slip llit uiiinid t ir mul tilt off tho ignition iiirn in rin i nuliii acts os n liruki ur u tlm urnvltj pulling ibo car dmm iiirnu hu i imliu rapidly and it reulala on uinimlf fetacp rough bill two llmt nuur trtsekaray and olcken thackeray wuu ntiuli htlli ilinu olokeua hut form indeed iipio u ti d tha gigantic in it pntiuntlitiit hi looked far older tililutuiit mir i iniii were much about the ui u un ii if tnuoanse head hi brtuul rutvliiinl nnd bla premattiwiy whin- hair m him u appearance of autlmrllv uud eten ef severity which mm mil in time thought would pro 1 1 tiitlmldmtlim i a stranger vet i m icum nnvi loll it lie seemed to iik m ih- cm w if ajtaeruve less cviiiwlmia iif uu uiitcrl ority than olckeiia uinstitn m lie justin mccarthy itrmliilntencfm back te her tat r veora hoarder- thin ihht im tcry tough is erldently fnun mi nld mu mm nasbleluli fj mo till tun lr hint th tmuletwr i i4f imr ult vui riinu uu liriivti nr ituii uim- ld iiuordartluith iitll fin nil til the cow uurt tut old xhi rn- chtldlxh new dairy in acton saxe rubinoff have opened a whole sale cream dairy busi ness in aoton and will pay the highest market price in cash for all cream delivered at m saxes store oream cans will be sup plied to all farmers desir ing to supply cream and cash will be paid upon delivery daily for all cream delivered other wholesalers pay monthly but we pay daily and will take all standard cream offered the new business will commence at once uuurjav uav ale a m hubjlot clntg with tin kywi or tlio lliutrl flvu niliulo tdlk with hoyi mid ijlrl i anltioiim i oiiio unlo mo a taoiitf nf 1 rumili p m sulijict lliu bynakoffilo untl tlia limine aiitliuini i jciiini tliu vory tllotltfllt oftliti s futliur umbo uu loving bilniluy school at a 30 all wttlcomib wanted wanted oiioick nurrien andvuuu uaam nldlll ul caali 1 un will im bu fox oliu ii utr iil k 1 1 p 1111 iattisilhotlllllutonbuilof tik vimiagk of acton co uut ov htivislom notici latinrrl tliat ibe hril h u nf il n l tin nf unhlml far lb viiu of aeion win 1 0 i oi 1 iu lit com otieutmv monday mavtout loiot alelfllitp ii t strait dotiiiilalutaaeklbal tb aiw klll un i tn 0lrt atl 1 r uuiol ulnnti in ilia mij c ull ar rr jusi ill attxn 1 at tlia um lima a 1 sj uackiwhom olmfa dtcj al aotou tiu lltli day of uar 1614 a ouiihliip of ntxahflcraweya c3 wool wool cash prices will be paid for any quantity of wool delivered by the farmers m mill st saxe acton ooomr opntevibim not i i lulirli6itu dial the flnl wai ilia ot ii court of tuvulnit rw lu tuwo- tl lrd nbiutiaweve will i hat i u iu tuob- atij hall ou monday navlttkh tote i too e m it i car all wiu laluta aa tu uta auiibii llnll for iuis all lrmtia t avlim i otlotu t is tlia ttu ooiirt uj niutatj lq lln i at il uu ubx to 1 1m john uallsuat l oi b itatfrlaiuajuacauavailil luudeyof lley lit monoteiil the ptifebfed sialllort with tbe record of 7151 ulilcti twoaat auob a tavmlta duflh hart te son imit ytaw will iin i aaala durluu it uuau at iuis iu liu own tlalilr lot u aialti linn faaluti willi vlow a hiving liari tnaa wbabaie ool t taatualni uonotallaadlude eat a end iuai lilot ilia tenui to inaurabavabai re- dujtnr itil ltarrrim ltoia ouilhlatlihoelavetstoh hfl lnrnaay uatiadr aiitl collator itoaamto canada the first hundred thousand bytllh jum0r subdan hay hare la a now war book that is btlrrlug bnglnnd and canada aa few bookii do it tu being nublutied in edition uftct edition and cannot in made fant tnuugli to keop up with the demnnd it hi tlio atnry of the actual huh t in p of tliu wiir told hy a master bund ian llaythuwallbuowntiuvel iut who ti at iuhiii with the bntiih ksptdltltiunry ft rco as a uotitenaat tiimti the urmy first landed in france thin iwok bids fair to have the blgirait run in canada of any book for u lono time um1 bouud lu flrnt quality cloth attractive wrapper postpaid 8133 fiihliuhad by disguising blmsolf in a huge rod i ejt t botindarieej of common oehy bulth net eternal boulful youth at tbo piano 0 yea whin lnreer and forevrf uatter if tin mnlden kuj 1 stop for weala fclxclmnc when a woman nwltehon on bar baturia of wrulh bow man wilt aud others wont eneeursasraenb collector wahtilji ive iteen iirre a doxcti times air tiud i tuwltlrcti wont call again ur iuorpay fcheerfulltoh come now my man dont in tut aitttcrxil tlotis nltout tusking lit ihlrtiinth call nothing iii happon i timuiro nil infermstlan cuatomer ha li tin thrt for a ttettk imtkv ncuuihij iti u iah hatk rr dtinl muni piptrw er ntiiiltt 11 hit4tiit phmit r vm luiitut burl no th gtinnneiwert rallrmi hn ivg i piiltliiu in ttrr uinrrhtti u i luu t ux p i-umii- r nri t oil mm hilt na ithiliilmii ym know m a mens and boys caps showing totliiy newest lines in moils nnd boyt caps tlio vury intent uiylcti in eiiuith and amct- icun sliapus and cloths special- ly priced from koc to its r e nelson 5 nt 1hof wyculksa attfatafe m m htm- ruuheil ouklhpirl oh j new wonder lan the toniollt rtio dailh liiiihtur6parta with lln du hunt tliu vampire u nmnii pnidavafavio tho hivtninr n lady with fdllh wniimiithhimi oaturdav may zo i tin huprimiio ti nt w ith hen rlotlu crohhniuit tin itelovtid idol or tlm aukrium stno mondavmav2 fpiuulu tout ihu nmkou coin wicdnksday uav 04 enlmirii ti nf nfwil of thu navy l gregory

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