Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1916, p. 3

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wall papers citlktimct papku window uiiaihu our tain poueb we carry n coinpiti stock our prlc are low marriage licenced uuiicd crfjo hysfds aotom ohtahio sky homo 10 mllen from toronto about ouu hour h rldu in u place thoy cull gcorirotou n j a wllloughli nnli1iil hit limn about 400 furmn of dmforoiit nhnpti mid no fancy talk no iritu jnrim iiu unto haa tot iuihl prima k miiir arm lunot in gmtd your jiiofllhruitiiik low jfliet lnlu a trip lo cuorrltown good farma in jon liolt hliou kite jutan jrci tyttss thursday junk i 1010 brief local items tbe first or june rthle la ascension hay tli month of rosea has come victoria pay weather waa ideal for a holiday twilight athutfca are popuur in otwlpji thefee a wealth of bloom 011 tle fruit trwasnew jan the month of examinations in theacboou iwt eoioke it the pott oilloe or cus toaj holaa ilsbtflltiltbeuw the water in fairy lake rota savaral whoa with monday nights big ruin tbe old awimmln hob at fairy lake i now in dally commission again the gravel walk on main btrwt north of tbe 1 y lb crossing ia ubly to be ea 0t raady to tt up an lioar earllo uiiurllia uw daylight saving soliem for of luuoit sang ctmrah m sunday ur l coekhur spbjrfdldfcololu kno svatilag the bowling tuuuui haa owuj an j theuwa bowutaaw enjoying thauisalvaaj tm tbsgraad ltd lud cj am 8cuty will rjuie thalf wkiy work utlvltue at tbe council cfcimur thu afiruooa auother weak oofoiuoel with a rain storm uouday ulghta shower oakd thlag prally wat again hlw with the tun la now tbe fad but doaa format toratlre to lime to irl our mwl auhthaure al eluinhar ii if o htull of fiihdph wu fliwl 10ajeoauut week for trying out bla tsw tetor mredt city ttr lit robsrt agnw baa kindly re tonunj the fas psc4 wltb a hudgal fj luuslralaj amertfen papars- hu ilfwdshlp buiop curfa of hthill lo wuipfch ukt albanacburcbnait huauy fevdln anj hell xfxallaa tr vla lttoi yur playtitdi ba ua fair fte liumtala la turry jufct for a wblul tabivatbla your fty tltu oiua uvoath to falw buna4jar oiwllnff u lifficult ta feat id uwlr hiingil uj m 4ily aa u ooa klunj dwwbu owlaj to oitcunrlrwt uia kln jobnauia axbibluj sx tik4 ulcb sobool 01 taaibiy a vary floa apel taof luftawatli wbldlt waa wuil la il ou o tl town llua tt 6m yuu oturatlods of lb tuult bia luru wuuusliial akaulo bjbt dipavt tmaap4ilmj surplus of tut0 ftttj uk cwwjii vlll low lb rat tb fttuallod of lit mu1o u calutl ta uionw ibooucllby lb ixknlalaa eovwfti- tow problutlag aaiaklua id ail pablta bilblldjr uiiji partally of a fla of sjaoa ur yboaua waiknua uwl fully bva kwaiavjto ilwlln ur a aeuiotiumi wbo kwdaatly puhtbaaaj uilrpropjtty o cbuwb btrat ubowffcujiijj ulluj in bu llw uu tb fanu faoa wrt wratbail lo milladoti toojay wliaa lby vaaolvttl tbalr tlwtua tat um laid of ttaab ttallvaraj to u univ tlt itrevallltiif blb mlou tlult slbtao wotj oa b fcbao factory by uw i uki tot albuwt uk oalir uvallaltu j ths vu 1uj and tbaw wn ouly tbr m voua ac too ooubl do with atboa tdbtatf ry wall tbr mil ba no court of heudort fi llittoa jil yaar ua tba aauar lias dona bla word go satisfactory to ovrybotlv apiahatlyt tliati 110 uiitmiaw ii4tu liaaii en- ucd ilfif or tun r itv ur jonaa iliptut mlouur baa mour4tba haldanoaof ur uordon hay- wgd flower avonuo for a uraonaga ur ud uru haywurd uro motion to tor onto wblob faotour oltlxanaaxcoailiiigly r niitdavoun wuidarw upon rulluotliig tliat juttabajootiiaijtiii will rooall that many long yar liava oonie or rfoio blnm wa won onoa a itnolltoy ami ajnoa we oils ul train and fait that walling rtt tlio heart wo wsttr can fatl affabt ur frank i- kurrehauuuilaooount- mnt toronto lunlcuad vairv 1 iw iluos from ur a u bmtth iuki will puid bit weak- nda in aotoo lllw ruotbor nliurtt and souur brotbar invalulwt from irvauoa will mildatkerdblwi mra hmllb intend m- laauiok to toronto the twenty faurtli of may waa no bollday to tlia farmer 1 til year tbey had already had too many mldaya owlnff to lbs wet aprlntf tlis time bou tuimd lan of puntlntf totatoei in the morning mul foln tlaliln after dinner w not wry ueuorally blmarved a bnrae itelonuiiitf 10 ur jobn he- dottall thlnl lino immwiub ifhlanui at eoueiblng on ulll street nit monday and nui away too dallvury bora of hurford jk oblibolm uua 011 tbo lr6t and the runaway ran ajalnt it wltli oonaldamblo fowmttmiiilngu wrloukwb on ona of tbe fttrelae attblaabiaeetliif of tba quarterly otttolal hair of tba mwtliodud church tba followletf hmwarda wero el4ud for tbo orteslnjf yo- 1 uar a t llrown uobt wallaoa w if stewart frank oamble it v uolan 1 b oolatuaii j chatter blattbawa ur if b ooimn wan aleeted heomdlna steward news op local import a hod crosfl onrxton pahy 1 be ladloa of lm lud omm am hoololy ro hrrattliitr for u uardau karty to bu hnld in tlia inrlf on welnelay evanlir jlui tunc a good prouratntne will 1m itiven vhw tfuns weatlier muy mbxiact- ed at bat date womans inatltuto moottnr ti10 ilun tneetlnif of aoton womurtm institute will be luibl in tbe oeunoll cum- iwron friday aftemoom in addition to an nttraotlvs programme tbe rtaroo of tlia winner of ute autograpb qullf will betdaou- od and announced tho wednesday ifiir holiday comnienolnff next wedneaday 7tli june the builneaa people of aoton will by mutual agreement cloae tlialr ramtlv klaoea of butlneaa every wwlneaday after noon and evening from 1 2 so oclock noon during june july and ausual tlila will afford a rood opportunity far outiloor re creation and enjoyment plenty of work workmen settroo ko ojj can complain for bub of work tblayear tliare la an active demand for help of all kiwi a and no one wbo la willing to work need remain idle the cltlee ore appealing lo the country for help and out door work baa opened up wltli a ruob and call for lite tarvloee of many man liver la a f reat call for dome t lee and women for houaeworb mothodlit chunh mont sunday i lev ur avlaou will be in attendance at hamilton coifrene nkt runday but ida puljt bare will be well auptjl in tbe uomlntf isr ale uaeoowan of vie toria uulwwrlty tt trotw of furut uao- uowaw wbo la now at tbe froot will preach at tbe evening eervlee ilev w uackay of wetton will precb bla theme lialng in tbe lntereu of the hon inloti auunee a big lutur prom home a letter from ur tbarla t uoliw of jelinalown n aaya i we move tlila wek ilaau change our addte i do not like to miu tlie vbkk iukae foi a day it ays a big ulur from borne and we lulli waat it flrit for tlte borne nwa i liavejubt returneil from mew vork city where i waea dugle to tlie flraud kn- caidpmwit of ojdfjiowe i eejoywl tbe trip anil tlie meating very uiuob baht struck by ugh till rig during the lieavy alarm on saturday ornlng um barn of ur ptr olbbotw nar hpeyalile was atruck by lightning tbe electrio fluid ran down o of tbe iftere along die pute and down tbe oonr ijt ami tbwum to an apple lre rlpllntera allowed the course of tbe ugbt- uleg beyoodtbla aud tbe boocblng off of a few abingue bo iumge i notioabu ur ulbhooa la very tbanbful for ecape from arloua rulta fnoi tbe lightning ur paturvott huat injured foot nell pauvraud ba b having a uinful eiperuoe ulajy wllb lib rlgbb foot about a yer ajro oie el hie bw elappwl 04i hla foot lnarlugllie ioaup tbe njurv did not roovr and for tbe pt inoolb or two tbe foot bae ba eo wab ami iialnful that he baa lwwt oblljjwl to gt about on crutclie itloobaaa if a period of bcpltal tratioeat will be nmiiary to reore tbe injurwl tuemb to lie aonal ooodltloo vlotoh tuya loyal holiday lror ibree geaeratlooe tba twenty fourtb of uay tbe njrtbday aanlvwwry of our late v qun vuloria ban beeo obrvj a a pdbllo bolkuy it la at a time of yar uibt anjoyalde wltb arwlag time tbjvjjjfjrtg into tuauwi nature niot aollve eail all urrouoduar attrat- iveaajplaaum tbewaatberlut wajae day waa dllgbuul tbwe wee bright aurublnii and ifrbleg weeterly wloda ad tbe outlook oa all aid attrazuj ei cry body wltb tbe desire toepeml tbe day out of doors uotor can and all otber eouveyaocee wre la demand and tbre ware many liappy oaliiiae to aaj froid town victoria luy of 1016 will be r- mmbend ae oas of tbe moat dil al daye of spring luiuuiltckl leotuw od tba wau tbre waa a good aiteodaooe at tbe ueture oa tbe war and war pleture la tbe ualbodltrahool rooiu 00 tuelay even- lag u uder tba aubploee of tlie kloge ordiue bible ouia ur a t ilrowa tiieuouirr of ut eveolag bowil e tru of over a buodrad uaten vlewe of eoena oa tbe betdhld battbwblpa tubmaila guua luapa of the keal of war tbe laadlag gmoerala tbe ruure of tba eooibatfng natlona tlewa of tbe troop in european drltuli and canadian cltlee moo of aotooe varfou dontlngeau and our own brave liaroee wlio have falbia ur drown ruuulng ootumeiib 00 tbe lewe preaeaud waa full of inlerael approprlatellluttrat- ed aonga and hytaua by uue bertie 8ml tb and mlu larl luker were adild faturee of intareiir tlie now oalebraud kilcben oroluutra contributed several elating uuiu bare wllb their unique arul abllful uro- duotlooa which won voolfsroua oppbiuae ii v uoore j p preeuled punrl of hri pnuik holme on monday ufteimoon uay 22ml all umt waa mortal of ura frank holmes wan laid to reab lb waa indeed aed to oonteia plate time tlila young life waa ended ao early an alie waa only twetty ala year or age tba rev oapt hliulaoo ofllalated abtlieaarvlca tlie pall liearere were tho two brother herb awl frank 1 ur ortoo warner a brotlier inlaw 1 mr n wlaa- wall 1 and tlie two uualen maura kouih exourslonu to o a c am umttod lb crooliunii ban auniinoml thla wk tlittt the nnoumloiia to thu collage thla jearwlll imoonfhirul to thro dayu dune iflth mil and lth daring tbaae three daya there wilt be ttbmib ten or eleven ex- ourulnnx tho kings birthday king cjoorkna birthday f alia an saturday june an thla la net kept aa a public holiday following the example of bla fatlier tbe late king imward tbe preaant king reueatm tliab victoria iy tlieblrtlf day annlvaraary of hi 1eoved grandmolli- er queen victoria be ohaerved inatead tidy lawns and flower beds ur iilu theuareukarat tlie aew poat oflioe m devoting oonaularable of bla time aulaud by hla better half la improving tlie hppmrenoe of tlie orounda around the building and thla will no doubt be one of the beauty apote of the lown ullten lie former mlllcro in milton nearly 100 year tim mil ton flour will have bean run ning now for 1m1 year having bean built in tbo year lhio thai- quite awhile for an inatltullon to lie kept in the one family tbe martina tlie present proprietor ueura u w and p x martin- are aona of the original owner tbe late joseph martin reformer farmers oct high prices in enhlpineutof cattle from aoton laat eek one farmer in erin eold alx oatue for which lis received from tlie dro er 0h andblaaoit from an adjoining farm aebl two for which be waa paid fjldft a nea gaweya farmer quite proudly reported thab lie reoeivod 8vu1 for five bead rlmitar large auma were paid farraare hereon tuae day of thla week for lullveriee of hog and caule dont endow butlabte articles tobaooo and candy intended for th aoldlora on active bsrvice in fruuoe mufct not b oonccaleil in tlie foot of mcba end the pockaba of eiilrte if there la uwy oon oealmant tba result id that die uven have to pay urge iumi for tbalr parcelt wliaoaa if tlui toliaooo and candy are pkwl in a aeparate iiaroel clearly marked tobaoco or candy for kvpudltlonary foroaa no duty will hee to lie paid at all fjueljph li repairing york boad at a mestliig of the wnrka commlwlon ere at fjuelpb laab tiiurmtay tlie englumr repartad tliat tbe new road roller which wan onured teat week from ilraotford will be bare in a day or ao and a 40011 aa it arrlvee tbe work of putting the york road into ihape wilt begin thla la mlgbty bood iwwh to all people who drive into duelph from tlie taut and aoutti teat thla road baa imn notorlouly lied for five yara peat the namm on ttural hall boxes the niral mall cartura god that ibe name are gradually duapfmailog front many kana on lbalr rout by tbe aotlon of ibaweatb a new man oocaaalonally goee tbe rounde and if tbe nau are aot to tie san tie baa no way of telling aod paawe by tbe mall nuttar le tbd trodght back ad ilea at the distributing point until next day all tboae having rural uail boxei will had it to their ej- vanufe end ooavwiuace to e that tbjr nauee appoar proinlaeotly painud or etaa- cllud oa ttie aame oppoalhg oppoaitloa to atlotho boad toroutoand york townahlpe are united la their oppojtlaa to tbe llaklng up ol tba toronto suburban railway to uuelpb at lamb ton but thu hoe of policy la not ut- iifectory lo tbe tueubere of tbe lalingtou town improvement ucuiy who beve decided to lie reprwated when the malta oomee upbsfere the oolarlo reilway end municipal iloard for final ortaifcularatioa tba aoclety will be rprotd at tbe bearing by iraaldeot j d uvaaaend bo rlary varnan ida the meriaee of ptm crarjkeri tlie dy law nrolilbltlng tlie ale and die i ebarylrm of lire cracker waa fairly well i charv4d bare 00 tbe twenty fourth nana of our raarcbanta atockel ikem baaoe tbe ooealablaa bad no dutbie in that dlrtlou a few wrwiae brought in email quautllua wblcb ware nradootia tbe eert lag wo use parwm who rellue tb dangr of 8re erclim will attempt to violate tbe by uw problbluag tbeu fa cbalhani two bulldlnua ve dtroya4 oa the 4lh uirouiib nrw auhed by eracvatfa and a f1000 ore waa oocmio ax hwgb- toe by tbem g0ldew weddiho at hillsbubo mr and mr hourtx heed ceubrau the fiftieth anniversary or their- harrlaard after fifty yata of bappy married life with nevnr a death in tbe family ur end ura robert rej of hlluburg eeubfatxl their goblan welding auiilveraary uu bat- utday 37th uay in a very puaaant and tderaoralda luaaner a pleasing feature of tbo feuvltue was ut auondanoe of an unltrokea family cir cle of one eon jatnea if heed of aotoa and alx daubbtare ura w ii rowan and ura cbarua w uouuroby of kiintowa ahlp mra hr w j vutdier ura j j rrlunall mra alice carlyle und ulaa evelyn itvwl u tnriutn m wjll a uigb teen til thalr twenty grandalilldren mr reed ia aevwnty live yaare of age while ura reed who wa ulu uary ann knbwlatie ia three yetr hie junior both were liorn 11 the province of oolarlo und ureailll vlgorioua unit enioying tbe very liaatof heal lb although tliey bavo been retired from aiitlvo farm life for aoue yeara la their earlier daya they added thalr quota to tbe pluneer entlvitteaofkrin township ur reed took an uotlve part in tlie loaal ira- priqveinenbandadvanoemenb generally of social and personal mui iv malnprua ia vultlng rolablvea in llrantford ura jama laokey ol oeorgetown wa in town on baturtlay mr and mra j u hmlth havo removed thli wu to whitby ulka ittle a xfoare waa home from toronto for a day or two kxmeyor 1 1- k ktelaon nf ouelpliapent tlie twenly fourth wltli ralatlvaa liere robert hcott rower avenue a alowly reooverlug from bla long illneea ueaara charlie and fred rail of toronto apant victoria iy with aoton friend mr lordon luywardand ulaa lielena were home from toronto for tbe weekend pte and ura ilavltl hmllb eruf ohltdren of toronto were liere for a few daya thla week miw kllen niokllrj chiireb rtt apamllng a few week with friend i chicago ur john ifutohlaon manager of tlie tamterle at wnetangulaliene waa in town 011 friday ulaa irene bnyder eooomrbnled bar uncle ur kelly oh flu on a vlalt to tor onto teat week mlaa plank of flrimaby wee tbe gueat tlila week ab tlie home of her uncle mr wm punk maluhtreet mra it cralne mra folll and uaatar ifean of toronto ware guotta over tlie holiday of ura w j ooubl ura john wlllleroaon wu haa beau orlouily ill for oma time waaabutooome lo town to church on sunday morning mr and mr r u btoray and ml- korma and maatar ormand of toronto were guoale of aeion frtenda but wah ifanry hunter eon of ur frwl t hun- ur ulll rtreet who haa liaan aarleuoy ill for aevaral weaba la ti1 in a critical con dltlon julin cola of ibtlrrilr kmt two or three da a tbu week in ha oil home ura cat and bihe will ronaln e few wka lobr ur and ura w u comparand ur and mra j ii mackantle enjoyed a motoring trip to hamilton and niagara falle during tlie weak ur eud ura j no flrabrook wllb tbelr daugtiur ura iv fllliejdualerrrook kllia were at the trout poivd a faw daya during the wek rav and mra avloo awl chlblra wit todalion uouday ura avloon will r- ualu nt hr fatbera bo4oa ibore wblu ur avlon allonda oonfarmoce fit johna auglioan church lwb iu1 houtu baa invllgtl rev a lb ulgglnaon lorlitowh wbo praaohad in acloll b few waake ago to baoome tie factor ur and ura jamee ii llwj ule ialu and uulir harold weob to hliu burg 00 saturday to attend ibe goldan waddiogof ur and ura rou a reed ur j it keuedy spent tbe twrtty fourtb wllb bla ablw ura uowmui tor onto ur and ura unewoirtb bad juab re turned from a el uontba vulb in califor nia ur aod ura 11 p uoe ult tbla looralag to attend the uaatiag of lbe oaa edlan pre asaoclatlod at torodto and will ge 00 tbe ivu trip up tba ukae to port arthur end fort wlluato ur ead ur and ura w l wordta ur laoaardaduueaiadye ur iaui cooe ura w lalrdand ure oordon hay ward atteaiud tbe funeral of tbe late ura frank holuea abfluelph lut wji ure tiaorge havill dlalrtcl baoratary- trwuurar of tbe wouuai lajjtute u al- unding tbe sua mar srla of laatitute maatloga tbroogbout lbe oouuty tbla weak wltb ura f w walta toronto tbe de- paruimxit dawonatralor ur and ure john leverty of uonak oal announce lbe eagagauaot of tbeli i oolydaugbur lillian uay to ur joaepb oolbaob aaoead aoa of ur and ure hoi dlagcolbeok of oollecb out tbe mar i ruge will tale plaoe eatly in june i tbe aogagemnt u aanoaaoaj of uary haaamond daughter of the ute k a oolquhouki u p p hamilton to claude audrew mocuaahaa d a u a tor onto formerly of appleby tbe wedding to take pleee la june dr uacuoahaa u ihaahlauaooof ur w j ueclanahan ragutrer of tba berrogau court uiltoo he u on the medloal auh of the torodto aaylnu for tbe loaana lktteb from pte m0bm speight ills motor ambulonee was blown to atoms ho was blown into a shell hole mr tboa j speight oeorgetown re ceived tlie following latter from tile 0n norman uat weak giving partlontare aalo hltrumt injury whluonduty in belgium 1 1kau fatiikh aw ii uotlikh i wall v am in kualaad again and in the old hlatorlo town of canterbury hoted u you know for it rnagnlttoent old cathe dral the archbishop realdae bare abd tlila la really the bead of the church of kagund lb may be weeka before i ae anything of tlie puoe for at preeanb i am in bed auffaring from a badly uoerated knee i waa bent down to ypree front st elol cm a motorcycle end was under oonetaot abell fire when euddenly a ebell bunt in front of the motoroyeu and i waa pltohed about fifteen feet into the abell hot when i partly raoovared from my fall 1 noticed the blood g tubing oat of my knee and from that time until now i have bean in bed or on a atretcber 1 w injured oa the 10th of april awl waa brought to kttg- und to the kent and canterbury hospital on april hh it i a civilian hospital but there ere about twenty live or thirty woundad bare we get good attention and am getting on remarkably wall of eouraa they still have lo give me hypoder- mio to raluve the pain i am enclosing tbe name plate of tbe ear i waa driving whiu at st klol the flarniana started shelling tlie advanced btatlod fortunately far me i was in the dugout at tbe lima for uy car waa blown atom wlieo tbe shelling ceaaad a little i managad to gat tbe name plate before starting for ypree camadiam p a firtylghth annual meeting at tor onto then thp up the lakes to fort william today ami tomorrow newdpapar men from all parte of tbe dominion will gatliar in tbe fine new caiitral technical school toronto to attend the fiftyeighth annual trtaafibg of tlie caiiadua pia ahscutlorl from theatatulpolnbof axoellaooe of pro gramme and place of rant lug end of ettea daaoe tlia uaatlhg hid a fair to be one of ll boab uotabu in the eeaoelaiiona history tlie convention will be praalded ovr by tba lwldent ur w ii hmellfuid pub- llahar of tbe luafrew uercury followloft the meeting there will lie an excursion on the flreet taks lo fart william ami port arthur leaving- toronto oa saturday and returning thursday llih june a tpaelal uale will convey the krae man attd their wlvee fiom toroato to lmrtuonleollwbretbe party will board oaeof lbamagulfuadbavlt oft laka ataamhlpa a group of prowlnaab tipr amoula will aoompaay the party foa uoadaj at 0 am uaul tuesday nooa will be apeot m sighueelug at lbe head of tlie ukea a vlilt to the big grain uvatoh an auto tour of tbe twin dtiee and e trip by special a n lb train to kakauka falu will beamoag the faauraa on the return trip a nvehoar atop will be tuade at sault hie uerie where the lit er will be given an opportunity to menace their knowledge of eual asd paper tnaau- feature a g we greet the first week of june and of summer with j vast assemblages of i goodly summer wearthings for men women and children all departments respond to thu needs of our patron with splendid qualiticii splendid varieties and splendid prices and in spite of threatening scarcities and advancing wholesale prices cheerful optimism prevades the whole atorc you will bo pleased and satificd with macdomald servico and value this summer hundreds of people conoidor it worth coming for oven miles farther than acton hundreds of people are now picking and choosing their new summer wearables and in all lines is good summer millinery wash fabrics white skirts summer neckwear wash dresses summer corsets summer gloves tub suits summer hosiery mens suits mens hats all lines of mens and boys clothing all are in tho biggest selections to be found in theso parts j d e macdonald bros uui guelphs leading and largest store j wynjhmra mcjorifu fctul cardtn slreu guelph obi umkhouse ur and mr wm flowdy iiant the twanty fourth with friawu in ny weyu ura j v polklitliorne tiaa raliiriird from vuillhg frurvda in rarrla ura u bluw of lurrle uua wlnlfrwl andur tux palklngborneottoroatowr attbebomeof ur and ursl k polking borne lte auuellunofunlveriltyconw antl mr r uclalbui of toronto ulua kma wlnnlfrd marguerite and uutar tommy ivua also of toronto al ur v p ivan ure hobble of hamilton vuted al ur pajanuhouie slitb line ur o raid of toroate vulud et ur jobn nlokelle lr and ure j hamilton and ehlldrsn tat lbs holiday in berlin wiaawsll and ii coon honkle a largo hla eountry hesuvwl hs uttondhnooof frlonu and reuthea many aulnf town paople were thare to pay their lent respects to one who had endeared her- uot to all many liuutlful wrenths and llnwan were aenb by tba following pillow from husband und family i wreatlis from mr and mm joe hnhnea aatou 1 ioo i f aoton rapraye from ure j 8 uuk jaok wlmwelh ur and ura 0 uatthews i ura ii uoleod ur sod ura w hunt- j er ur and ura ii o steele woman institute acton 1 ur stml ure k a wliuwell ur and ure s matthews mr- k warner and family amoiua olau laptll s a mrs it matthews mra j rife ur and mr- jama fergueoa mue alary floetx ur und mra wm howard ur and mrs ii 1 luvis ultehell i mr llowartl ur ami ura w foster jeorge town ur end ura n wlaawell uleaoa flonjooo and ada holmes toronto mr nnd mrs f j flower mr and ura ii llarlier and family ur a it lloekln m uud mra ii if worden mlaa u feel mlaa a hack ur and ure nee mat ijiewa miwetoaaphinaad jeeale titomp- aon ulaa i kenning ur ami ura w c ooetx ura coeghtln and family bitut church ohoir cjuelph uereary member of krln townslilp counnll for sixteen oonaea- utlvoyeara tan yearn of wbioh bo repre sented the townslilp in welllnguin county council while a mberal in politics oon aolaiiuous soruplea when ooulou aoemeil to demand it ab times leail him to break party atltuatlone iii addition to the relitivee rev it 8 hcott the pastor of tlie itome and iter j lb stephen dltelideuiinlaur werehohored gueats but of oldotcityol toledo lucaa oouuty a frank j cheney makes oath thab ha u millar partner of lbs firm of the f j cheney 4 co doing business in the city d toledo county aud state aforesaid and thab aabl firm will pay the sum of onk hundrfil uohlarb for each and every eaae of catarrh unit aannob he cured by the use of halls uataurh oullh frank j ohknky sworn to before toe and hubaerlbed in uiy preaonoe uiu dtb day of heesmber a i luhu ai w olkahon heal notary publlo hallh oaurrl ctra ia taken internally und acta through the blood ott tbe uuoeua hurtaoea of the system seud for ustb monlala free f j ohknky oo toledo o bold by all rirunrute 71y halts family pills for oonaupatleo jamk3 j hill is dead the groat canadian ballway magnate bom at bookwood dus suddenly june j hill iilroadbulbwbapiulut and tnoab widely kbown figure of the canadian and auerloaa northweet died ab hla realdanoe at st laul uluo oa uon day as the result of bloed poloalugdu to bowl trouble ur hill waa bora fu ereuaoee township near ilookwood and within fclx ullea of aoton oa sept kith ltt3a lie was du- oated ab rookwood aoaday sad went west wbaa about twenty he was a piooear railway oullder sad built tlie first railway and ateamtoat line into manitoba from tbsbtatae he waa a great american in tbe broadest unas of the laroi a native ol canada be became one 1 of tbe euifilre bulldera of the united stele and no man probably btter raalliad tbe poakibllltlae of the great uuauslppl valley and of tbe boundless prairie stretching north and weeb of labs superior he was mainly identified iu tbe publlo mlud with the oreab kortliera und northern paclflo kailwaya but be was always anxloua to link up these systems with the future developmsnb of canada his aeoumuuted fortune is setinuted at upwards of 100 000000 hla wlfeand two sons survive sir donald mann who is u native of acton and janes j hill have heea war psrsoosl heads ilia put thirty years ur o iv brown acton owned and resided on the fartfl whleh was ur hiua blrthrjaoe for tea years or more baluwafad b0ckw00d tbe heaviest thunderstorm of tbe bare was experuaowl oa saturday more lug tbe llgbtaiag was vivid and lbe downpour was libs e deluge lightning atruck the beeohaa tba borne of ur jobn cummins 3rd una fremeee the chlmuays were ahattaraj sod thetaupboae pub out of bualnaas and ur ulohaal cass mine reoawed a alight shock the buslbsse baaa of ueekwoed have eoatributad geoerouly to the eouaotioa taksa up for the bulijiegof a pavilion or ahalur for plonlobsrs and vuilora to the rooks sad this will be gone oa with short ly the building will be amply bug to etford proueuoa agai t itwumeotwaatbar end will no deabt drove aa added altrawlo to llackwooda many aatural palate of ia- rookwood aoaoarry is so woodw al ly beautiful that ll wall repay a vulb from outside polete abaay time daring the sum- 1 r rev 1 w fimltbermaa u attaadlag oeafateoee st aumeoe rev j a kfaas of itrameaa will he received ia full ooaneouoe and ordained ab the ooafareuos aaa atbuaooe next sun day itookwoode buab prominent aoa jamas j hill tbe great railway magnate of bt paul ulna dud steiewhas euddenly oa uoaday of blood poisoning he was in hie 7utb yar his uatu abu left oa mooday for be paul to atuad the f aaeau mas3 the storai oa saturday uorolag rm the worst thab we bare had for some time tbe lightning was furos the baraef ur arthur nightingale ol knatohbull was atruck by a bolt of lighting bevaral of the raftara ware splintered and boatds and tblugua torn uff thu liara of ur peter clark oa lob 3 in the srd eodoaaslon waa auo alruah and a rafter torn oat and sev eral boards apllnterad fortunately ue4tbsr haras ware aee oa br there were u good many trees struck during the sloha also and tbe rain woe the heaviest that we have had this season therearea good many farmer la the township who have not been able to finish their apring seeding yet owing to the web weather next sunday ia ooefereuos sunday rev ur carter will attend and a spseul supply from ouslph will take charge of the tarvless of ebaneaer church sad also tbe cor whin owl auerfoyle churches spseul oollsotlous will be taken at eaeb seniloe ur and ura wheeler of wrtt and mr ellis of uiltoa visited friends la naseagaweya last sunday university fudge tba ihnlie sopu- cook back give tli vvl txt tlu hai mmtvf otbtf hw wu sead kvj ludj buiuik eut mu a err- uniic sugsar will please you ly iu bririty cotiviiloaco utd blah wmtailug perm ter sugar wa a ivlaalcsjum ail lba sogtf bar1oaua1f el kwrauusuosriaaax iinmmhiiiiiin mfeiflgtisiaiagai yoijk pkotection money in the lunk is the best protection unainat hard time stirt a savings ac count at the bank of hamil ton small depouits mount up quickly khhi oeobobtown branch tupu bsldud sifiodtoe w m iaav eeair kurplus mraood notice to farmers new driry in acton saxe rubinoff hove poaed a wholearoo cream dairy bualneaa in acton nnd will nay the blqheat market prlco in caali for alt cream dtltvcrvu at u baxee store cruarncuna will be imnnllrd to all armere desiring to supply crcum andcasli will bo ptld upon delivery dally lor all cream dellvared other wboleaalere pay monthly but we pay daily and will take all etandaid cream offered the new bualnesa will commence at once wool wooli wool cash prlcee will bo paid for any quajiiity of wool delivored by tbe farmers- mill st m saxe acton buy made in canada goods mr jobn boolt who has heea wanned to hu usd tho greater part of the winter has recovered sumoeutly to be removed to lnn where lie will live with his sister urs john davla mr will olbaoa of cataract aooompan- iod by uiss katie ueartbur of tbe saua puos were guests at tbe home of ur ire rosxell end otlisr frunds over sunday mrs ietsr ferguson apenb a few dsyaf last week with oeorgetown friend urs o van allen of oeorgetowu a guest in ualllnsfad last thursday thsuiiigerbreadsmlallisld in the metho dist church here oa the evening of uie gflrd may waa well attended julio a number from here took ia true raose at osorgetowa on tje 4th urs stephen kosnel has returned to her borne for the hummer ttftw epending tha winter with her luugbtere ab terra ootlav and oraad valley chevrolet 4k4444ssvaa4aii4iii i ttwiftaorlcultuhtl 4 a agriculture is truttliiu u iu 4 a tnlnulo gait tbe ddyw li iiiuiu 4 4 st hustler to keep up with out 4 thing agricultural au kliulh ut 4 educators are teltlug us tnnv nil 4 4 sorts of domoustrdlorn ulmuinu 14 4 us what is what a bout ur in 4 4t vesilgatore is busy dlguluu up t 4 facts ror us aud the rartu uuiu 4 agetuent experts aro surtvxng i 4 oar baslnesm with their ghihsea 4 4 oa no doubt much good will 4 coma oat of all these luluns inn 4 4 tatytte wed bettor try to uiui- 4 4i luto it graduslty than tti tret in 4 4 digestion in an utetnit to wur 4 4 rotmd it all at ouce while wt 4 i 4 bailor for wore nit mount flloeh 4 f 4 tnau and farmer a av4 4 1 av comfort in its splendid roomlaeas in la odequste spring equipment and ample leg room power beyoad tho requirement of itu weight in a vslvelnthediead motor that rehpeads instantly to every domaud lliot you make on it strenoth in its sturtly chauls and staunchly built body every part well made aud finished service we are prepared lo give our cus- tomers every attention price the chevrolet doe not sell for a thousand dollar or over as you might expect hut for65 t o b oahawa and that price includes complete equipment aud a starting aud lighting system built into tho car as part of the car itself on exhibition at willougnbys show room f a pull llhkd op ntepaims alwav0w mvoou j a w1ix0uchbv pwprletor ce08getowm jambs woods les msuer lit m 1111 iii iitiiiiiiiii

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