ihulwiw iii floor town mi tueudav iuiuisu tolmo im mri win david- iiaii a caii afarmed cm iim uiau inrv at montloelln melho- ilut larsomijte n wednesday june7th 1011 by hev i tliornlon meek joseph colbeok of colbeali to ullvan may daughter of john fjvrty of monok ittmcu1lluuulov auheconuroratloil u churflb oiudnh on uvlitftfcjrty 2fuh june idin by ftv w hpotioewii llntn autfiifitu ltwlcr of krmnwi to jrmaphluo ukhimwn nf fluid ph died x itauuiui at hookwood on wednesday july flth matthew berries ajred 14 year mi nun at jraoa hospital toronto on tuesday junetfftli 1010 jehmiuoy of krln nd 13 yoar oaulhlil at tlio ileneral hospital ilatnlltoti on hundav july 2nd 1010 mary margaret landsborouuh wife of ii ft a campbell bd m years mouttin at tho homo of ms j wren i main direct acton on tneedet i 4th ima btuart muir win of mr ami mr tho win morton ukh1 ii joara ami b months ffllic rtoit jfree rafi thuitsday july n 1010 editorial notes ainuiximayua 41000000 liuhol of wheat are yet to bo delivered tn market out of tlio pralrlo province fills fact will it oi p in maintain railway traftlo euro ingai until tlio now crop in ready to market i iiialgnltlaaiitthat dr ilodgetta tha v suiarlntondent of tlio canadian red cro activltle in kurom ties advised tlt lied croas organtutlon of canada that supplies hava ihmii sent forward in such trenarou quantities that no further ihlpiruinta of surgical apijlanoei will bo required for some lime he adleod tho knitting of nocks awl tha making of hotimiwivoi hou pltal shirt and pajamas but no tnoro stir glcel appliances uu k w ititwil the liural leader boa bona to england wum ha will make a special atudy of advanced lefruuueti tuatitt tha una of aooia and moral reform mr rowall iailmete that tha abolition of tha bar had removed lha greatest ohatoola to a genuine social advanoa and mt forth number of important reforms which were urgently needed such quettlon aa that ef providing for tha full and healthy da velopwent of our children 1 sickness and unemployment insurance 1 old afl and widows pensions 1 tax reform t and thenar of tha feebleminded featuredeaoutstand- ititc social reforms daaarvlitff tha moat eora f dl oodaldarollod on tha port of tha paopla of tha provlnoa with hu euttouiry ual and aaarfry mr rowall hat no aoonar aohlavadthaoonauaimauoa of bla aim to da away with tha avlu of tha liquor trfio than ha at 000 davouthla attaatloa to a atudy of tha bat wathoda of oowbatjiiji tha ftthar avlla la oar rauitt whiut in knuiwl tha llbaral laaiar will alao la vug4t tha uaani atiibloyd thara in or joaliio lha hwunu ef tha oouatry witli avlmk raporilar oa bla ratuni to tha oouultua oppuaud at tha loot ajoa of tha louutar to aura hmlu obiuoi ef lha fvaourtea of onutla ik thimkiho op yo kvehyday a rouhkra ltrrib i havaot had tlua to ait dowa aad wrila atul thouuhi pwbapa you wljhb plaa 1 ba i aand you thla card jurats aay lw ol all ral qo riubt lhaeoii fiabt ffocior in u routed a thrill 1 aa uw 1 wualha erttfi cui for vor i fjil bttwliijiuu hj im at nlitfx caup laid at drllt lha wok it u alia wara at it all day and ootujbitf half of tha night 1 ntww hahudlajt la it gaturf qulu st attd thaab kaojuwa for lkkil vro ayou vry wji kaov yd th avoal u tha t0 uydutyc 1 u dna and whd our bddoh ft urlp a l f- twm rid uttiaji rd till uuiy woo ha thw up wy iuor fruoj lha rtj w ara and ihoak i u tut tit away u lod go a erw dt la ay iboafhlo ito ihlbklno of yoo avy day a hattau h idkus ktit oflloar a youl afaitaloaf uld kwy oua fallaud ft cuah 8oaa folbw obd fawthua lava baa lwoj ta wy wlthu tha p woaiha that wklla thy voiu otharwua ij prou1 ubathjraouaktlato khaki and uka m ahar a tha kupww straat atruggu thy wr hluat aboat anally agrlng ta thu up uoauaa thy fu tht tbalr oy buwoj bbmfur wa not vat flaolly auli awl thy wm4 afraij ef tha tulu if ha ww allowed to eooia uitur tha bda- tloua nsmoohalpful tusoanou of tha or- dloury 6o unit that a ploaa fo jul aueb luya la col k w hatfartya lulat tuttallm la vtfodto tha solfct u uinr raartilud urly frou y ii- 0 a bi euon oturdy young ulowa who ara eot only aaxlous to ha tujibt and euaa thdtolva but alao to bald tha othar fol- uw boua ida of thu uoy ba eiload frou tha foot that avary ofhmr of lha battallod without axteptlod wu koowrt to ba total autaliwj bafora ba was avn eouahurad thaaa by tha way inelud tutkttwotanlaf omoaw who hava wu ovaraaait uarvloa and who hava baaa in- vaiuudhomairaanklout to rat lato tha blf wrap aaia witli a battalion wabroo- luatmth elaar out tdaala no paraut iioad baalutaaboat wadlao bli boy provldod ba baa raaebaj tha tpaelfiad military tatbstmue uheh0usb mr nod ura w flowdy and douuu apaub tha holiday lu kouataway muawinlfrd uolklkujltorna wan hoaia frotii voroato 6var saturday and uunday 1 ura w uoitewoll and luutfhlar of toronto vlltad at lb baua of mr lo- ulan wlnnlfrad ifvunn a houa for tha holiday ub k itoaa of toronto a jktullrib n faw utiaka with umehouw frend ulaak mivatta of toronto mr and mr w iraltf tmd oon of llnmlford and maura j and 1 malaluu of toronto vlaltad l tha boati- of mr and mra t 1 j van mb vlvuti meradltb of toronln in vudllttf ijmabuum frlenda mr hlanlay oarvln la pondlnff bla boll- dy with hj grandparent mr and uw i tiarvln the promotion examinations kosuluoftho mldiumrnot fixamlna- tlonu or tho f uplls or aoton fublto bchool thn following irainntlntnt havn iwwi mada mm avomtilt of tho exnmlimtlonu of tha inihllo bchool pupil- in judo tho naitim aro ulvon in alpliautloal onler with bonara irnlloalo hanara fnu ivan only to thomi who ara urotnotod from on room to another 1 from junl6i4lh to senior tlh vlda altderaon charlla anderuon max wall hell clara catllntf tlorenoe cook abnen llohhla klnier ifenderaon willi kaley charlls mann ifaxel molkmtul utuart morion lrl nutlay willi buuart rram senloc ttta to junler 4lh halon anderaon hon arthur llenton hon may oarnoohan hon khna cmtinfr hon ihiru cilltoro hon annie crawford hon violet davli lion i annie uohuteln hon david llamlarann hon vraiima hunt hoji alio jamee hon eu1 iapln hon jennie fthy honh joulo munn hon marqaret mokabh hon babra kaluin hon jmle uumell on uutchera report john ilolxrtoon hon iaura boctt iullior riarkman hon i fleoraa taylor wnn i pearl wnllaoo hon may will qtikt han from junior tij to br ted jaulo anderaon jeorgo illihop lena ooetallo dorla aohlhain vera hurar eddie hunman unity joy on howard jamei aiiu kennoily jordan lawaoti orenvlll maaalei jean moffat aux moohrle martha orr claude 1roolotip jlmmlfl koai ilailya wlwn prod war ton from senior 3nd to junlof fd mlnnla dlalr floorge urowolee hon myrtle caraochan willi cook lalnl danoey hon wdey elliott ooyd forltu agnoi llbliona on taaohark report george jibkiih donald kennoily mart mowab hon laalla martin margaret morgaaon marguerlta ryder oaorga rudmon hon mary bloukllo noel bteele from junior frtd to senior snd jean darur jack drlitow lleatrloa imair miriam ciktord willie coleman earl cooper marojuerlta cottello jim ewlng nora frowen nay uamble willie oobuteln nellie hall willie huffman telford kenney xvillla kelley mary laaby agnea mann kenneth martin jeoela monabb laird modonald ivy iraoloua entaab prevoeb flubaoll llou barnloa field dorli bcarrow robert buwart taddta tyler calvin wllaen vimllay wlloon from senior t w junior 4 ctarenoa raluook hon walter dauer alfred illthop hon ernaet colea john nla duoh oaorga nollowoy hon ralph hendereon on teoobera rejiort wallace laaby eva mutter ilea madeline maeale hon tommy mochrie hon mrytl ryder hon harvey raweaa mobfile ryder mfn bane hon lyad bmlth hon sidney smith norman wilda albert wlldffuit arlington white frm junior lit to santor lit olive cooper emily uoawell cordon elliott tholma gaiuhl leolob croea joph hurst btowart laaby eugene mofhereon helen modonald jl morton joei4t trevoet matthew tyler from salor rvlmer to junior tt charlie del willi raboaok jlra illaekweil 00 teaohara report helen coxa hon teddla clifford campbell currle noraun darwt frank oibhau hon charlla joy hon crank kaluy eju laaby dohbla lappin aa taaohara re put eninia little on teaohora repait edna morgaaen jaia uoeure bunley moekl taenia orr hwi aoau obue jim imoe 04j tohr rport witoea raid thoa morria kurkmoa hon clara savage hon howard butham v wuia will hoa viola welur vraaijaaucuubeaujrmbuytaav cuu rluhla uentoa annie ionn fred ewlajf cordon huffnan auuule hurt ruvul holowa hugh luby wliiu utu john mkita jau mofxuvam ckarll pre voet uary buwart f hi junk- f hm u u im lloe luutow haul cauwll 1uu culdwell ida citolo 1u- cuttla tlorwau ivjt rtousa elliott jack ewu john tlibbana uu j4jtia ujutjrwa iuas km urtort hall albert hall arthur headeraa cumos hiadnoa crank hollay louie hoihm hol jataea uuju lauwi ivy liltuy matto molaoa lola uartoa john uj 1 illlllard ivlfa iwil baia thelua huar mas kirkuaa uorloru boiathurt cofdoa billh w ii brawjfct immlpal ltttkb r0h phlva j d etmrtu daarlbel lha jouil y tlrm tdronta until ha uaanjed t ho treuupok luuajirav mr a waojiiallhaikinllyhvaled the fukk ilikulhafallowltix ulut froui lie j ix sailih wbo wo far ave or a a yore atajdaiitof aoton and who aalll at turonla laeb year 1 dear ftuode 1 wa had a gooj trip down front tofoato to hallui i had todn gruaril duty for a day ou lha train going down wawere fed fairly well hal but dog for itraakfaot itread ami ohtee fov luaoh ojvl a lato dinner of stow bud witli their jaoketaon aaolety etyla and rlo pudjiag wo had a little kid oa the train a plueky little ohap whauud to sell papari around oariuartsre at the exhibition ib a toronto how ba got on nobody bnowe ha doourel he woa golnr over aa with ua we got a good oaod oh at tomnt but inourahortbiaroltlhrougbmonoton k ii wa never relied a ohaer ab halifax wa boarded tha olympic otto of tlio iart ahlpm afloat tha uiaati aro pretty good but wa hava to clear up utter our lueal do quite lot of other fatiuo work on tha boot wd ituva over 7000 wan on boaid i am writing thla ou tha flrit of june ul hope it raaohae you allrlght vary hlneoroly j i humi older but stronger to be healthy at aeveuty prepare t forty b oouttd ailvlce becauoe in tlie atreurthof middle ufa we loo often forget that neglected oolda or carclea ttt- uettt of alhiltt acliea tul juilni felmply underrnlde alrenrth and bflujf chronid wcaknew or later yt to ba atrontfcr when omer leep y jowl pure and rltlmtid active vfitli lit alretintlilhilldltik blnfuliionrlaliliiil ptc bill alor writes after enimgomant in whtoh ho wol slightly wounded mr thoo alger leorgetown reoelved the following utter on tuoeday from her eon pta dill algor 1 deer mother 1 junta fw llnoa to let yon know i am getting on inn i uw at h rent billet and will imfor awoek or ua tlien ill ba hack with the battalion i gueu you heard of uh ami the pata and 40th going to it with hayoneta i otmt through with jukt m ulljtht nhrapnel wound in the leg am nearly oh wall aa ever how tha ehella dropped around ua like rain and the imperial whn were there aald it woe like the battle of yprea the llermana dame over in drovea with full paoka and blanket a though they had oome to uy rut w let them remain only long enough to got aettled then we atarlod forward and retook thn buah the night wh enough tn unmttht any one the dead were hed three deep in many pit mostly all lermnne i remember a big pruailan outrd o ingatme witli bin bayonet then i hi nothing wore until i woko up jub lb wa breaking day i wan lying on top of two dad men i altoak them but both wore gone far good i crawled no a hhell hole until i could eee where i wax i aeon onw a trench and oi imbed into it two men lialted ma than told ma our battalion bail jurt i keen relieved ao i beat lb down lha trench to tha road where i got a transport lorry and got hack to camp i am itill worth twenty dead men and will aoon be hook in tb tranche iftueu tho with will aoon b here now raaureand nob let via loin if ell gee well ill b home liefore chrlattaa aa i think vrlta la about all in the parcel with chocolate and chewing rum oeme all right i get the fhkh pukou and jock canuck every week love to all bur a norn itiuiu tim deer mother 1 i am ataylng at a oonvaleeoent camp at lloulonge but am getting on all right i got blown up in tha air and wu burled with a ohetl titer nothing to worry about aa thla la ft aplendld place and by the time you receive thla i will ba book with tha battalion again i had a groat aurprue alter getting burled i suddenly saw a lot of german coming aero tha field and thought wa wuhl be in the oenaon una bub i oeoa adw a lot of our fellowe prodlug tham be hind they ward prleonera they all think tha war will and aoon and th nnmne teem to ba all in write again soon with lov to all tou obituary muo ii r caupbkm tho funeral of mary margaret land- borough beloved wife of 11 1l campbell took place on tuatday july lh front bar late retkunoe 303 emerald bireit nortli hamilton the pall bearare ware iter three brother william of acton thoina of kerwood edwin of colt and three brotltr in uw frank wloklns ef colt vred llabcook of milton ead w 1l caup- bji of hasaltou tha urge nuubcr of bwiuilful floral uwtm paid aluat tribute to tha high euw la w tilth aba wag hld by a wide olreu of frundo fib 1 aurvlv d by her bubond and oaa eon itonohl sruar dlaiu movom the booie of mr thonia monoa u greatly tedjail today through tha datb oa tuday evaleg of btuoit tha brbjht thirteen yarold aoa btuoit w tha victim of dubetea although ba tartefj a giwt dl l wee abu to t about uutil the day ufof hi tuatb huparta did arerythlajr la thrlr powr to aava tha dox udalife sji took klu to toroato to a epeculutoa uoaday btaarl wa a boy of vwy flsa qualiluo he woj lery lov abu elweya rjjwtful and a faulta evrywhu ilia lmtm found blu aa aiteptliiifllly brikt ocbour as a w- lioy la wa etw oourteuua ami oblllag and a aa oimod by foiutful uroljhlfor- word and hoit utuort will be uimj vwy taoob about town tha moy ci buepuodid youn ufa will ojwaye l a comfort to bu aorvowlaaf punu who will have the byupaihy of all in lblr uvwt bnavihbel ilawaenoiitej fo two hoa of thie county rev dr tllolr aaj dr bluett now of ouelph tha fuawoj will uka puoe oiu afuroooa at thha oelook ltttha moa cohp 0e0 uywd3 wdi id heavy kagaawnedt la vriuzi tn hlddlaof juaa reeve hynd rejhoj two utue ikie wi froa hie aoa umye dald juaa lth and 18th tha following luuu ara of laureet had to ba ajdeto ut yau know i ud all right i wouu hava wtltua aoaimr but have not bad um i hava uu oou utrougb a bob 6agojwimat aad ou all rlbt eiwpfc for a few bruu and fcctaieb i auppoee you have seen la tha paper reparte of lha big aght w hava bea in i daot know bow i ooua utrougb lb with out got i lag hit wa nioda tha charge thiougb deep baud but wa gave fcvttx a dort ba will remember for a long tlma i reoelved pare and socks and other good stuff all ritfhb tha box of cigar from otiarllo matthew oitua through ail ilftht hava juit had a bath but lb will uka a weak to get ult tha mud off lov to all hhow ioptrtle of bnhta ititiuttihm which la a ootln tonic nnd hrncllclim to berpyotir blood rich alleviate khehntatlotu aud avoid alckncoi at any drug store febtt at stewm inmoeto obl l0hme tha following loroa bohool luport- for june 1 r bu lvcura lsnu alvla ryder isabella watklna carolina ryder ju ivk9 mokaohem donald mo dougall 8k ill lturu lambert klmre jolin- vlon nnd arnold modonald wiuu lliitum mnknohern huyh ilrown wllmer walk in- jit ill marie iaiiix jhhio ryder liny jdhmtnn howlo modonald hector mucdninihl tu ii onnlnn jolnieton anguii me kiehern rltaaorawooa edna craweon j11 i harold buaokhamer camp tell miller ciw a kaudeen miller jack mo- doujfiill iiur murray tlardon mo dougall charlie lambert oi am ii mary meeaehem n a jakdink teacher another a b killed private aloxaridor orlbbon klllod in action on juno 24th the following meeaaga reached aaton yaeterday morning 1 ottawa july 4th 10hi alex orthhan aaton ont deeply regret to inform you that ltai2 pte auxanderdrihlten infantry oltloully reported killed in action june 24th rkfoim orru 1 mr orlhwi and family rijod in aoton wunthelreon eolulel but they removed to toronto laat apriiifr tho kail nowi wan forwarded to them ther military notes co bergt llenn and borgt will bluckey of the lflltli hatulion spent the holiday with the latter parent mr 1 mrs w j htuckey mr w a irlbrook gavo u dinner party of sixteen oouro to tho niilocr of tho 210th datulion of which mr hugh vlratbrook i a lleuunant on dominion day at hi trout ponds mr thomas alger f41oorgtown he received word from ottawa that her eon pto thamau alger has beon wounded and we admitted to roulogrve hoplulon june lath mr i ilutoheon county treasurer has reoelved word that hi sou pto huloheon who enlisted for overa servloo early lu the war and who has be at lite front for some time 1 among tha inlilnu ilnoa a re cent engagement new reached mr kourt dennett lake ave lost thursday that his son thomas who has been in the tranche in france since last vebruery ha iteen wounded in notion ami aukulned a fractured shoulder he i now in the millury hospital at 11 rig h ton eng the following soldier from orungevllu camp visited aoton over the holiday t ptea philip ltsuluk roe bwaokhammer geo wither j p boarrow t marab perry it creamer a decker m cooney j coaney e perry man j easan e stewart p coik a wattan a rudman booul a anderaon and m boper duglcr h puffer and ltnoe corporal e darr mr tbomaa hendereon of quebec brother of hon d hendoroon aoton write to a milton frieod as follows too june 2atb mr and uw joltn a hawkins of dund river ont received a uugraph maeaaga stutlng their sou oeorga henry hawkins died from woumla oomawbere in vranoe on june htk ills motheru my dsufhur delia so you will see lie wo my grandson he tailed from halifax on the lapland 011 tit 20th of november last daluhapad tha barn of mr jama russell fifth una erin was struck by lightning during tha thunderstorm on bundsy lb was set ea fire but few minute of welldirected effort subdued the flame james cree of the same locality reoivd an electrla shock while sluing in bli home with bis feet on the stove mr roltert short ii i of relutlue i vuuinpj hi mother mra wn bliortlll mr will hiltv of london spent the weekend at his hom bora mr a r vannatter and ilule 1 phoroa are ipendlns a couple of weeks with her husband ab colling wood tha illue mounuin and ivacook bchoou held tltelr annual pla ale on thursday in buuuy pork eria mr robt drdner of camibair croaa vujud ballinsfad frund one day recently mr and mrs j gluvwi and obilirei uteier joliaeoo and mia uyrtle of cataract vuiud mr and mr ire ro1 sunday mra clbsoo and chluren remain lug tha w mr and mrs luoo iuaout aiul little daubtar nareen aooompanled by mra tuaaul bretber mr v itudjell uearge towu and mr and mr i vannatter ta6terj to aylaier and spat live wek dj at mr wu dlnguuo uwn will oiwl joe antlny of lliua- hottea spit uunday with mr ami mra wu rej ancient anesthetics h- il oj oihsr aiht wm ul by ou t1m guvra tho- wtu imaiiiuo luot auruuxt kaowuda bvgan with later gcutiu tumm aoj thai ihr dunttrry of ibloru- fortu ravalulloulil the nciuc uliutitd r4 au artlrl puliihird in hr j lo feoiloa lu tlu boutli rrunu jounjjil obauce varuua anralhttulug uuvdla and teethoda ucrr well bnuwn t tli lu ai tlqtj ly and tlurlmr tho tulddl act- tloci uwotloni tlta biwalhetli- etfe ts 0 bapanllie nrrtttlntun staltsi that ibo bvylhuna obfaliiid aluillarcltocia fntiu tha vapors or biuii rod need by throwing hemp vrcl 011 hot alouca a chluo physlcun of itta third century il x tarn hi jiatlciila a ptvparutluti of bmp tit mate llirtu inwiislblo dur ing surgical opfiutiotis tha most linitortniit nitfllwtk of aa- runt and inedlrrsl tlmcn tmaa bow ever wlno of mditdnikura tbo use of which la iiiciitlonril by a prion l nrtmber of early writer and u referral tn by bhalchjurtrv llmv rcrcutl in ilia fcaf iw the oman surceon wlan utur lnimii an llhlium ampulatevi lup font nf autimiiis iii klnn of po land ultlle iiiulrr tho liiihiiiiro of niaii- ilracord tun nlhrr ancslbflluliift bftucu wen fiiiplujfsl in rr rnrly tlmea arfrrhil nnirtrctoilnn and uypnotutd bio loaves of bread in prattee they ara made rm pou to dih feet in length tlie ljjiitit lnni4 of brood baked 10 lii ctituu niv tliittd tiinilo in prauc aud italy in thu iiiw nf tbo pip limn of ibo lut 1 it ciiulr tlio loavofl nrc utuwin two riot nnil tliroo foe hi ifiiigtb uiul occnuloimlly otcu loug- or 1i1ii0 tho lrocu pwpht inuko their laavoa in tho ulmiwt of very i01111 rolla of br d rtliutlnu from four fool to fw fft uiul lu ll few iihlnlir ovcu to six fct lii trust li iltvhid lu purls in ilslrtbutod oltuoal cutin alroly li women tbcao so to ilm vnrlomi bukohuk at ttjo ta mid utkiid uihiui iiii imur in bruahiajf l lu- hum limjvtst wild spiilul itrhbhem wliiit tbclr load la t icmtod or ertt alio dust ilia ptvririihu up uiih booh tba roiitul to thi emit hi iiurn custntnitm wli mvo lii ttnia hav ihilt buit printed up iitpihiat tha doorx or lliflr aimrtitteuu liopbep- era 1 rnl mi nit en w mid tubor ruhtomara who luiw niitnuth in ihilr iiroiuuoa lu ui atkwet dud thrlr iwrlloim of that htarr of lir loanluu mmiust tbelr front doora when tlut tnko ilnwu the shut tem tbo wngca of iboao bread enr- herw vary from 3 ahllllugs to 2a thi 11 day their work being generally ova at 10 or is oclock in tbo morning- londoo tltdlta middies for children 6 8 io years for misses 12 14 16 years for ladies 34 to 42 bust all white and wliitu with bluo colltr uhort nnd long ulcovcu a complete range from fftc upwardii delineator 75c per year wc lire permitted by the publiuhiw to lake your order now for this nplcndid magazine at the remarkable price of 78c per ycar mrs e c glbb or underlet publishing co will be in town friday june 30th to assist in a special subscription campaign this is the greatest magazino bargain ever announced henderson co mill si acton ont p when pigs were cheap fn your grandfathers day ask him about it you could buy a dressed hog for three dollars a nice big pig and a live pig would cost you no more everything in those bygone days was cheap that is the things of common use clothes boots milk bread bcclstcak eggs but ter lumber farm labor domestic servants they all cost a good deal less than they do today it coot lens to live and less o be born and less to die filty years ago and it cost much less to publish a country weekly fifty years ago than it does today very much less vet you paid or your grandfather did just a dollar a year the same aa you are paying today but the dollar rate must yield to the pressure of necessity we must do now what we ought to have done years ago raise the price of the freb pkess to 150 the tremendously increased cost of paper ink supplies and the more-than- doubled cost of living have mado us furiously to think and so the price of the fnoe phues will be 150 a year at a date this year to be announc ed good readers all if you were in our place and knew all we know about the higher costs of publishing you would wonder how wc didnt make the ad vance long ago we trust you to meet the new rate with a smile not for 50 cents a year will you say stop my paper but it is our duty to let you know now what s coming ivlngjts ttftomto canada makoyow strawberry preserves with laniic sugar tha puro eane sugar with fine granulation that dissolves instantly giv ing clear bright eyttip 10 nnd 20lb bag 100lb bag alwlc of tteirviir label v itee if you send ua a mil hull traile knuk cut from a luiitlo sugar bag ov eattou atlmlle humr iminmba lu kwviu uomumi 2b notice to farmers new dairy in acton jlrlu- tvblirrtlnrlnriile saxe rubino t tlavo npuned a wholesale cream dairy huijrjfeia lu acion and will pay lha hltfucrt market prlco la cash for all cream ullvcrau t m baxos store cnnm emit ulll bo supplied tn all farmer tleslrttip to untnly in mi mid cash will bo paid upou delivery dally for all 1nm11 iwhvtrut other wholesaler pay monthly but wo pay dally mid will tubu all atamlard cream offered tho now luinhiesh will commmitra at once wooli wool wool cosh prices will bo paid for any quantity of wool delivered by tho farmera mm st m saxe acton i straw hats j e w uaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaam p e tliatuuitou lu now 011 for btraw halo heo the model we p aro bliowlnrof tho latent llilimeiuuma tuyleu imuusomaboodaauu j z prlcod from ioo to 400 c s panama and leghorn hate b tliovory latost in thla twaaona stylo in bat absolutely new 5 j gowl a ami correct htyltm nrlced t6o to k99 jj i r e nelisolsr j otln iuaijobit kljurtlf arton llfw avisuhmaodminuu qundav julv dth noxt kimclfiy tho inlnlstor will prenfti moriiiii nnil waau kliort aervl ea a woltoiiio to nil aud ati somfoolj iii thu nftoniunn 330 onu hour ueoiifin altj wklc6mh grand trunk v attractive trips sses musknta inks lstkaot swarrassf sssxsna hatirsnktawsu tiivec tmaiotnlvata round trip tourist ticktatu now on ule froiii cortnlu stations in onurlo at very low raleu with liberal stop overs muskoka exphes3 loavo toronto 13 01 p 111 daily escept kuiiilny aud 3 oj am dally for muukoka wharf coiinectlona ro niaila at uus- koka wharf for muakoka lakes leave toronto 101s o m daily except kuhday and 3 oj a ni daily for lluntavlllo for nolntu on lake of day equipment the fluent pull particulars on application to agent h s holmes agent phona mo 13 robt noble flour and feed oftt clian wtiuat cliop hraq bhoiu gluten meal oltcake wtst 0tf lluckwlieat chick lad illhby cream kqulvetant flhioutb dinilr twine j lwahben hahaokk talamoms ho w o p new wotnk lan the yomiauy tho dollar mark j parts with robert warwick wmioavjulv 7 the llattle cry of peace in 9 parts matlne at 3 oclock children ijc adults ijc kvudiod at 7 and 9 children isc adults ijc above prices include war taa satunoavjulvw uy old dutch a beautiful story of a father aud mother ulf lacriflce for an only wo who proved worthy of tbalr lov and devotion womdavjulv id episode iq of tba tlrokeu coin wauhkhdav 0hjlv ik cplsode 11 of neal of tho navy jl gregory d 0 rwl s harahaiife twiui 5 men ktitmlahai wyatdhiuu alumaa h aumlth omt georgetown patriotic outing 1 dircctud by tk druinniar bud1 club under the patronage of ts hail lea patriot it league of corji towu bowllnli tournament amday july satb citlunsof goot venitis travelui open alt concfcrt valday july flu a 00 p 111 in tba park beet o talent hand in ntundance georgetown ontabio base ball game atuvday july toth ibno atii hamilton travcllen vomit himck travollori patriotic procession atufday 1 1 w iluudredaof flafnol the alllod nations kvory boy and ftlrl march lug getu a flap games hatuiday july soih ip 111 all kinds of contests friuflkalore ilandliiattenrlatice nbduobp mailwav vawoj admission sadii1taisc children iv fiawtaei children a olnrlnuit object every ilnl tr of niirpluh tbia year koeu to lu p lha tallica in tliu noblr work hiv aieokiaktown friday and saturday july 28th and 29th j a wu loiniiinv ilomehcvy l a koihivumiii pronhhiit lll