Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1916, p. 1

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jvjrfjftft sttt ft voijumm xtnno a kvtry 11ulittitllll lilit in il acton ontario tiiursav mobning auoust 10 110 lubmrimiau il00 tor asmus singtm oopibjs thkllillii obmt8 ic jttoit ifttt wb3 l vluiiuwm1 kvbiiv tilljlhdlvuoumimo puuk ililllh iiuildiko uiix itraitky acvowomy tvkfclljmumllrnow ouedetlerpa yar tuutly lu advauaa eiu to fcublbh lu um fuluj hltud all aolmrumloiie iluatlitu1 wtit tit lluia lav wlilolt ifiay lava 1 a w h sala vila ilai lo wbuti fcubwilk- tort u imu u iuuoi i ou lieadavibl atrvuayuimo 1utv trsluliil ei1ftu- imou fu w m incbu biaif pw ouuum id tu fcw ldli fctb lullou vwilrfaiouhu tf4kdlu4 tualu u cut tr luu ili l fcsiuu without kiwiia aiiwuooi hujiiii tinul1 ilj kijl uurl- tuff- tui- tjtftuuiiiu uitwt l iu jhtuuiau will be laaj on stab wwbui u iwji vuv til uuw tli fetwlioud lb buu fcuullwaluud bib b hxj lu fci tliu tbl u v uo0um wtulnrts sirrdoit hos gray u d c u mcgill buof euukod t uv p aril uliww rri r ttj 4 ucwivsim ofvuu mo uxstuskcj w uiu4jju osteopathy dr vuhion o al duilttnh oarotuio rkiiouruv 0oujt4iulioijr hjftifctvuuli 1u wm la u yuj uu viliaa al lu uvaitauti lloul aetoa chiropractic d lu liaiubil il nolwjwlv if ilululog aujjoioot 8tautino uon4r lln kli i will btllb hoia of un wui adlarou uill kii4 aetou maajay totjar wedulyttiutbdv and ttrlmy of cu w diuuti vtu veterinary calu day w uiu twroaiptly sluaild to uftfai a j uaokiunoh hjuuluvtlm fialuifah ceimivakiaaa qgjrtflu mill bufl in rrityuu lllk w u 4 uflluth ilatiuur balluior sad korry rublla 8 ualn 1 illoeb doulu urut jkohilf lo imo iuui lltu p luo- dicaftjx- du j m dull ddb ld a ilhhviftv actoh tltoa mo u utfu hi umuouoa ooiuw uill ud pmjwtab lumu uauom qkadutrii or toiuwto dbivsiiai ou l l liknnkxt dentidt ouiuuh block ohcwutwwh mosoxllaineous u00kd1mdbh wyuaboiu ut aolpb oolulo 0ir w i bloiai loeootil boelta of oil kind ui4o to etrdu pritfiadtauaofovtrydmlduaubuaidnyboaiid uallckuutlvpm drompuydouo m ajluiaoij liobhskb u p uoohh iwidll ov llaebuam luttugtu vint vrm oum 1ov0h r llouuiiio ad0ti0k88 pot tint oobdtlu of wgllloflton llftltod fm uia puff riu and tli ally of oiulplt hdlm oodutud wltb mllsfutran uid upon rououauu uius ilc by utur to otou p o i it oh lu rtjiltum lu oauuadllatl willi til ouilftdnr- juiu 1hkm 011im aoloa will nuih luioihliau luutlu uaiw by utuir to oitoa 1 a ov caixjod tupu0hlu rmjtllm lu oauuadllail lir nrhl0wf ni mdtoi un b mul ofiuw 1 4ft ki vi aoloa will nuih luioidlau hiuul hliolai btuullot to mla4 lu aetou bil flaiulty vimub to ubix o itrltv dalexnivun burveya sulmllvlslanh plauti uo- norib doscriptlonb blueprlnu etc certificates for purchanom anil mort- sajfooa hurvoyu for architect uull- er anil municipal councfu drain- nae reports kutlmatar etc merohants bank uldo ouulljfl vhau 1084 ont j b chbbwbrs book bihdith quibwbtiuut- oualtout llaaju olid ubuiiuu bound lu lluidaauoua uubauutlol cov mbuim lattaiwl is go j ou lilblu ifvuu uookd aud otbor lloolu alii wouu prouptlv kxboutkd the old and sellable granite and marble dealers wuaiw manuf40tuiwftlt4dlhlllutattm of mh wouubiwui mid luadatao trotk wwll0llrmllo0tlviiutotitrtklmfa0la ull mtlhu uu wvlkuf oov oguooirt 40 t mut w hv ui iwtl appllaiibm wul ilia only umliaole lu tba uomlmlou who mm optr- ihcriammt oud ltl mtotk of flrulu fu tha bomlnloti ov uor thau iwy ihmtftuaifmlu tbwat w losltlual daim utd m- klay u mitttiitm tin dn uot utboyotr maaua- iidtniliy mutlluu out lunoifhtajntaaiuilliill ovdah wa miloy wwltauu ouly ud doty ojoiimtltlmi hamilton sons gov moifolk adj woolmleb hkouuliii savage co kblabllahnd iu4u jcwellck uuhliip the old and reliable watchmakers and jewellers savage co- guelph out it lu a question lo people who wear ijlattf vvliy tlioe who netd lati dont jct tlicm and end the mjunitmj and hcoiihiii ctiitd l ec it rain if ou squint or coul con sult uu about our e j grand trunks attractive triis inidrk mlvf hmwmkhh ltlutt mujraitietawbin klvt rmitiwmtiil feto round trip loufiht tlcuuti nmr mi wile from certnlu stallonn in ontario nt very low rales witli liberal ltup om muskoka exfpes3 leave toronto n oi i m daily lxccpt gontlay and j oj a m lally for muitlinup wharf coiincctiauadm mntto at uim koua wliarf for muiltoba luutn uoivu toronto 1015 a in tally cuclpt smicliiv nml ooj o- m daily for hnnlsvilk for points on lake nf layn kqiiipmmt tliu nnoul 1ult particulani on application to agtntu h s holmes agent phon no 13 hhathhhoanaddaqdaaar aammmtih s s grain s chopping i i i g well done and i quickly at only g g 5 cents i 8 a per bag g u harris ff co limited g jj bo0kw0od ont a e mtvuhhwanaaddnaaddnaniihwiihh special rtennitiuiioiih howm nuuuiinaolunc0iisviii toll all hiwb wliitejaml tun riihhur tlie new iiltfli nil lahnmuunlu blioo lor laillcs mens aiut woinonit cunlilon kolcit in botit itinueu iioyn uixl tilrls llootii in fine- funcy mul for overv lay wear rttpaiihlna phomvtlv au visum you feel safe whon youvo washed with llfobuoy sonp no matter how yrlmy your imndti no matter how fformladon thoy may bo from tho dayo work life buoy cleanuca and nafcfjunrda your ildn tho mild cnrboho odor quickly vonlnhcfl but ita bcncilti linkur all ohoouh orequoy healthy 5dap gulephs big hardware store fleadquarfefs for summer har-d- ware 7iup cruit su uifiintnn haninmw hulv hdtnmnclt lw up f inlet irfjl limfto vh4 vt imlali i tialru i 3 lo 116 in lrum irkum c up lurry su ifr t wrtutliikcjiiu 3r up i ktltk iront xsty ruiui krllltit nu1 all utcniu wu have wliat wi vnt kenney bros main si aclon tho bond hardware co umltau ihuno lol3tntwelv aumpit organs one of our puuan- tctd second hand oranb will last you as lonp as a new one they are cheap and a good as new c w kelly son a 3 lower wyndhum st ouelph ont thrift thd tohgor tha wtr coatlnuei the gnatcr tha flaiacul burden that csnitu will hive to bear it is therefore a patrlotlo duty and necessity to biv u urg a portion of our earnings u we caa the larger lie uvuiks the better the country can fin ance its obligation and the better the individual will be prepared for any emergency open a savings account wth the bank of nova scotia 5tbhyit ijn jloo006o iiramciiiig at acton ouolpli norval milton and btreuuvlua i the pird on tdk hat i ti10 uily nf the ifunmiio clnli hortutmoil t hail iwiyn ilfint you bitow at llltlo lilisla ronlh uml hul it la very wrok to throw 1 jflltlu unli you rruolly kill tlialrnioilior will nonrl illo i hor happy iwart with urief will fill ami hito will ntyli mill mourn nml ry tlion a muny imy ujutlio up biiihiu4i no iluuuar imly of tlml tlinmolltor lilnl luulromly loml 1 vouio yd her on your lint aoaaaaanaaana aa nn n begun in jest d d 411111 d daaddddddaddd aoton uiiahoii a l wyttnt hamjurop robtnoble flour and fked oat clinp wlttiut chop ilrnii hiiorth dtitun moat oilcake wheat ontn iluokwheat chick l itlhbyu crtinm icipilvilnnt 1lymmitli hlinlur twlttf j l warren man a it ii tlblhphonlb ho 4d fvauaii 1 itaiooti iila the wot mi1j hlia uly duwunt i k iltltilj ol 1i vnu i ii mih diplnr nuclalnio1 llto icu uunifiii id tlm turn of one who hie m rrium to uctl mcmit if r titer 111 thtuul jle i ni quilo in urnct jutiwta how tlilotc uro ul liuii a ii i ovcd at thay arit tluty cjut io in mucli ituijicr i cuutot ur iu i mut bgi ai i uiut t bouutliini to iljitmtiiot di tut in m w ion ite ciocwlo of onaat iivt now xly ujtht i takathtx pufo ilmla wlat oj rjll it lot it and lcjj it op in fir you at i lei jou ato trtur miiiiliij 1 in- v turn up fur l mi dujjmo m i lu uunii i ull uilt in 11 an rnrtl rwoul sowmul nu l 11 jojj tilufcl ta etcila jiwtwlf uo iijwii nj luun ukllj lo 1110 ivj cu ii uu llut it lint ujl o nut utj on ihw yoj ar turrylnif or injn tlila jtutidn pjutur1iit t bi llllt r t nf r tay tiottil ik b1ui iihj lla w fur ilui laltc wdl ilicrv i uiuit yt wmwtlilc la tut iolkly will iiahs ui boi lillliuuilf lor ulut ui 1 itfor jo tnatio iwijiw iiujil inari wouj mu lu 4ll h4ft tm tlj rliap4 i ut ilint oil lnt cujiia m uay llfyly tut in ou u till you inytm 1 uoo1 injn lutni up 1vo jot to lli 1 nocr ut alurall if it i1i nt ucn for you i liouuint lu aa lirounlit up nt 11 1 ilont tiaow ii i do tauili credit to jou but at kjt i try to run fctmlulil i ilorlaro 111 y loouth wauixl wltqii i lookixl down tho llu of caaba wanted in j hterdaya taif r till i luiju to think that if noliojy would liava mo aa a 10 tal tloj than id lie lavey in earnwu you dont know ht ive hid to do at tito cottage tiuco i vesed your rililiui cool by malt inn nicuu ovr the achool rooin fire ut the howar houu than i hunt of your dilonnoa ami i had my innplation lliw l4pline dr put it out of your head you oouhlnt why not just booauao you couldnt holplaaaly well look st youmelf in tho there aa the filrl leunha and tell me wliut any tiontlonmn would uy if you ware you to olyar to he hi cook houackeaper tho qlrl amlle1 into tho iii tie biam which gave hut a dim redaction of a face in which if there wa no brtual iteauty tbore was tho stamp of hirthmid raco in every kn6 and with mind and wit informlnir ft ho you think my faoo wouldnt ite a certificate much uae s fortune 1 but halt a htc bho threw olf her broad hlook bat with one or two dexteroui toucltoa ho draw tha hair which rono in a hroad wave from hor brow into two rtraqht band heh i nil iter oera then pinning on bar hat again and pullliijr tho hrlm to a diifur ant curve eho turned and atnail demurely faompf sarah with downcnht eyes and prim ly folded bunds i ventured to tnko tho liberty ploeno sir barah uwwl mm ltiphno luujjhwl youll f the doath of me oh for neodom uho my dear dont daphno uiijhod and wwopt her bair up fiaaln now you nee it imb en impoaoibb no tell mo all thorn in about it know alrondy that benau elderly booklali gentle man not likely to take much notion and that iiib elilor mrs mam ton ongajoii you and that niioh a trimmer ay i uho hut ml daphno that uall vary well ai u joke ajokol it dead earneat and the wuffcfl tho altar youuir xolce fallinpr a llttlo will help to pay the doctor flarah and got anmothina for tho children vai imlred la uecor done anything for my qnd ltiuhtor yet but with alaurb the ages are still to earn so we naod aay uothlnu alutut tlioni nieantimo daphne vorrlitderu potltlou wan n he hail bitid fust heonuilnit itipawlhlo her father tho tat of 11 iplotidm sjiondthrllt raoe bad inado a final and fatal downward utep in a raoklcaq moment ho bad tnar rlml tba barmaid of a secondrate hotel he freiuont nnd where tho broken kue man hail lltl a littla olrola of ibittereih after thut ho had noaud to enlt for tha county and daphne hlawuimfiifjf into womanhood found horeelf ahut out from tho hnolely nf her uuah with hor ttlwireillt ed father and tho ooarwi uuoiluouteil woman who bad iumii thrut into tho idaoo nf the younff mnher whom aha faintly re- mewuroii and for whone loea bamb iter mine bail dona her utmoet to mako up till at taut alio had reluctantly rewarded the lonif fidelity of jlmrlnkoii one of tho tanloiinr and had timrrled hltn ior humiri weddeil life was bub a fow yearn old when a ncjrlfielod chill carried decent ateaily jim awaj and left itir with two litllo children to face tho world ajrein moanwhilo the verrludeta had tloollned from tha itower lloune the manor lioil itoen oold long itefnre luplman day lo wind bad 0110a iteen u iwiiuth colltio from which und iho lifti hiib wmh oiinelll to lvo within ha narrow hindu llapbno uiib koadod at uu tuifrftup nt any inaaiia of enchpn lllionll her larr mie bail a i10l bditit nml a hlfh xpirlt t hho wan yomitfi end life wan mill un wlveuture atiylhlnjr muat ho better than euittenoe at tlw cot- tk lvuy alt down eaurteoualy mtrw htokea mnt you you aay my slater hiwnjn arranged iiidm mattera for ma but fchohuaounahraftdforh time mri htokeu lllnni iaoartnlnty very unfortunate ami maurice llroeke iicrvounly fclilfted the papers en the tahto itefore him if ouly lltu hail happened ufore mareella bad left oimirintf hi w that fclt had found tlw very prton to nult him u middle atreil widow utald colter and a very drnoii o rikc utility what did people do under thete circummtauceat what would mar- oha have donot certaluly this laily was the word b would hae lntlnotlvey ukm hut ho doubtfully nulmtlluun per- boh for 11 mjl ry younf jxliiff at the lull tlim hgure in tevera muck and the pale fac- umlur the drojipinn hrlui of the lilaln hucb hit elflltet bla khert aluhuil eeu pofiotltcul him tn wo areyou 11 rolutive of mr hiultu ite abel chiefly fur the tuike nf uyintf souie- thlnif no air hut i havo knowtt lar all my if tlr hu it vcy uimloii to i tku up tlte the puc an inon u he lj aide blr but i- hut lite ihouuhl that i inljht null fa a tlm ulr i ooylt to ull ou ilt60jii lliat via navar lce out hfae air tl njwili un uitcrul in flurry of nr04i hiitc tlii tall dreiiiyyd ujiiwii vcr lifrom tra lha ehlsdy kritlinan diphiw hifl ucturvd to lr wlf hi14ui fully mul white lialr ami lptu mturtc luooko anituj mt miu1 iho mr u mil uy liiur ur liar kuwi thought highly of uro lltokw i inflw a uil ru- ji l bull you i have iioduultyou will do uey wu i rwally iiilr orry ml u chufly not lo ho ill luiu1 lu iinu btlll lln la hi jr0a l yljuc i rutj the look lilmd wall uinl at tli tpr wkkh lwapl the uhla what a iltiiit voloe luj hd w lliujlit of roor eji clta4 were wore fctoratrd iiooiuysi hill hr to aiu cc- ul wfrsjrly rjllv rtuiarbahlo i iloiut tuiiik 1 live your rian he tjl i elur haliijilcii a fow dm4e dir ttuwiin i u j juki blaited 1or uiia mau ojivloaa of all uiiiona tlio liad ultoll fotfotteii to par whit woiu ho o likely aoit of name fur e cook houkorur 1 not one wool i occur lo iter crow tba tounnurvd cjrew related ilrooke tu lr eera thr fcuui6d a klut of hut- primi lu hla tone why hadnt lta ulil kinilhor ilrowii fr urn crewt he aiked doubt fully a wave of paluful rd flooileit ue al oval ol tlte faoa under lite drooping hit iutlioa tnule aame alight choking sound and than hurriedly boed bar head yv4i hrookea altort aldhiad eyee ootsd lu ami dan fluh tha palaful 00a fusion im afraid ive put my feet in it he thought- hualund dead pouibly with ajjunceet uie hleok prown or perhaps wore a brute whom tlie h4d to leave or who has deurtwl her tltat uill do for the itreaeat he sold liutfly vou will want r tows about your vaguely hannah heater 1 forget her name will show you every thing uho la a well weanlny girl i have do doubt hut i shall ho grateful if you will teaoh her that a door soay he oloaed without hanging lu hin eei tell on the paper before him with a tittle formal movement half bow half courtesy mrs uorew slipped from the room und tho door closed aaundleaaly niter her at least idio would not bang doors and thank heaven for it was the thought which crossed bar employers mind before alto passed wholly from it for the time beyond tlwt silently closed door nemesis hail overtaken daphne swift and ahamad repsntanoeliadselud upon hor what a hateful thing she was doing the task to which she bail so lightly sat her hand seemed vary different now with uioa grave eyes used upon hor and aha had always prldsd barself upon running straight wall sha was in far it now and if alio 1 chesting him in this at least lie should ham nothing elio to complain of and when ilrooke after having been summoned onoe or twice at last entered the dining parlor he was conscious of some change in hla surroundings gradually it jaw nod upon him that a dirty artificial plant of a dull sanguinary hut woe gone from the center of the table and in ita plsoo there stood a tall slender glass crowned with fragrant sprays of honey- micklo then ho further dlscoierwl that tho heavy damaak curtains which bad duflured tho broad low lattloo windows for ho bad adapted a quaint old faruhouse to his few requirements were pleoed by simple white uoreens and that the co mtmta stood opsn admitting the early ummor dusk and the gracious evening sir the dinner llwlf waa 011 a much more elaborate soale than his former housekeeper had thought fit to provide master novor know what he ale was her settled com lo tion and alio had acted up to il jjr cera w wbb mora ambitious and the meal wan oddly oomjuiuniled of suoos ami allure an entree und a savory were mnod to perfection while ho simpler portions of the repast left something to bo doilred hut in tho cool ho wer- scented roon dinner did not seem marely noma- thing to begat over as sooii ft iouible sod llrooko dually scoepted ills bousekeep or falterod apologias 1oor daphno i her ehoeha were aa bob as tho kitchen fire anil ber oyas bright with auiloty before that memorable first dlulior was over her ujlde was touched ami her sense of right and wrong itislnted that mrs carew must be at least 11 good housekeeper hho itrougbt all her quick wlta und energies to the task and maurloe hod hood every reason ut congratulate him suif on iiih new acipjultlon doora itanged 110 longer holerm footfalls grew ntystar loimly lighter nnd wander of wonders be found bis study arranged bis books dusted und yet not a paper mlsplaoed ho ac cepted tills chaiigo with a pleated surprise hut by und by it won tho author of them who hogaii moro und more to occupy bla tlioiiuhts fur luuvery way mr carew was r pukhlo ono day returning sooner than bo bad expelled after u fow louiv absenoe lie surprlmxl hla houmbespnr in hu atudy book in hand oh do forgive ms hut i was so hungry foru book she exclaimed startled out of her uul quiet idmntt hunlensomely re spectful manner mrs csrw had a eon slderable nhiire of thodrsinaua instinct but like most bagiuusrn she lauded to over- act her part times why shouldnt you imves book said ilrooke kindly voutako audi excellent care of them glaiiclng round the uhelvoo what have you got tberot picking up the book which she hail dropped it was a volume on of recent esaayn ou literary subjects subtle sugieuve al- lutlve fjurely a remarkshls choice for bla housekeeper i congratulate you on our choloe he said and uie aurprlse in his tone ami look brought the brlgbt u001i iwaeplng up ever herfaoetotho prim liands of hair under the plain cap he caught one glance from her oyes hefor tliey werw swiftly droppod a glance which he could notreail but in which dlitrs ami frlfllit and even a am of rueful sbiuiiient seemed strangely iilngld i was alwaye foad of tfailing then i ny take the book thank you vry much sir i tjull uleftood care ef it aitd with an instant ralip into lr met subdud uaniver she mads bar p pr hate retlter to hrookea ehoprln wlten a day or two uur he found u lovk again upon his lahu lt toek coo kid crabu pains to uuot saetur which he iltougbt bilyht suit mrs carowe tosle blutuld lie take it tw be woubird for uieniiiit 1 tlwd yielding to ut prooipung of instinct ite uft it ou lu table wui lli other bail lain an evening cr u af urwude he strolu1 out inro the dim rdo luyllht wna gouo hut over lite tra tho brtwl yjlow mooa ef larvet was kuwly 1 1 ting iuii ami lkre waa light shouii to dlunguuh a ulii1 uick figure from the waterlog oiilowa ikmt ut iks drive you away lira carew uls maurice as the draw quickly ssuo i liave ben wsntlag to ok you wliui i havfiinaje s 00j choloe of s liook 1ar yen a if you would ralltsr choo- aa for yourtwlf y thank yi sir 1 wlutuvor you are gwod snough to ut ui have koiuim 1 broke in usurloe abruptly tlte sultwltaive note lu lit ruar voice jar red htm vou uaui to ins tit have a vary individual taste vou nesilnt take a hook from me as if it were a ulck out of a heap a rai tute la rcadlnglsapommlon which many pue might envy you itaally air i never thought ef it in that way before of courts i know what i liks though ive uevar had much school log the moao hod climbed above the tree its broadening light fell upon her face bringing out its floe lines iu delicate mod elling maurice brooke fait as it be ware seeing it for tlte first time nor was lie mistaken far lb was daphnes face which be new uro carew e mask for the mo ment was dropped not much sohool- iugl did ever fsoe so give the lie to wonle before t what did ll mean r as if to prevent further inquiry aire carew hastily asked some question about tlte book and in a few moments they hod gilded into a very pleasant talk the talk as maurloe roogniisdafterwardof equala in station ami of kindred winds higher still the moon floated leavlsg the old gar den in lambent light- harsh daylight facts all piled eut of sight outward relation were for the timo wholly forgotten un der the whispering houghs the universal miracle waa wrought onoe ware though all unconsciously as yet the pair were the one man and the one woman out of all the world to each other foellng a new thrill in life a new sweetness in the evening hush and vague stirrings of new emotions un known before next morning ilrooke was afa bla desk as must wherever bla thoughts might bo when a low tap at the door was followed by mrs carewu entranoe he looked up i ml felt as if a dash of cold water had been flung in his faoe he hail keen dreaming of a faoe prowl and pure yst which in the glamour of the moonlight hod seemed strangely softooed by aame new emotion now in the broad daylight that faoe wan before his eyea again cold eipreulonlass hla housekeepers face i was ever man ao tantaliud what did it mssnt i liave a letter from mn blokes sir she began in a neutral oolotloi veloo lie- for be could speak hho is better now and is anslom to tako up her duties 1 ao if ynu please i shall leave to morrow and she will take my place hut but this is very sudden in the overthrow of his thoughts brooke wan unable to find words i ar glad if i have liaen able to please you sir but it wax only ull mrs stnkea oould come that i took harplaoeforatima and as shell be able to rie jou every satisfaction i hope youll have no objec tion if i leave tomorrow indeed i would have gone to day for i find i am required 1 but she could hardly be here hi time ami witli a slight courteous movsment she waa gone before hrooka was alia to compre hend the rush of mingled feelings which bad mastered him fat her go 1 heooubl not let her go he could net think of bla law called rooms without that dim ffgura moving quietly about them of the dsrhllng garden with out her presence by his side why ml no wordat he could not think of his life trt from bar he loved her ho knew tlte truth now inspltooffatldlousprfdf of natural cun feeling iuj laved thla woman of whom be know absolutely nothing nlso but who hod com into his solltury life ilka a my of suuahlae on a day of grey drilling clouds who was site t waa her husband allvo was it he who required herr brookes breath caught at tba thought dead or alive lie knew be listed this unknown aj tip ami down the roam he paced 11 ijuered by tha force of his iiakslon now strlvlug against it now loathing himself for them aa ho recalled bar dear brow and candid ayes suddenly bo pauued he must and thin what did convention matter t what waa the world to him t he would go to hor and with tho right a laiun tionmt tove gave him demand bur reason for this mas querailefor masquerado it was thou aand proof now rushed in to convince liltn one thing ut least ha mml know was she wife or widow had any man living a claim upon bert that suspense at least ha oould hear no longer ha turned to wards thn door when it suddenly opanad hhe had come bock then his faoe lit up llutlnateod of the block gowned figure a strong fosturod woman with crisp grey hair and wearing a very hsndseins travel ling drimo iteppod ovr the threshold with an sir of hrlskdeoltilnn my dear maurice you look an if i worn 0 ghot i i know 1 urn uneupectod but really with a laugh you took more aur prlaod ui en is quite comjjimenlary one would think i had caught you lo nomo mln chief come confess what is it seeing that i supposed you to be still in hwluarland i may aurely bo allowed n little surprlie when you walk in on ino in this fashion said brooke recovering him self when did j uu come homo t why have you changed your plauel jane ooddaid turned iii i might havekuown site would do something tire some of that sort 1 but it wsm only decent to come borne with her and thou i utougbt 1 ought to look you up i must udmft your room looks tidier i hope mrs hloke is satisfactory in other wsya 1 a sliarp note of question in the decided voice maurice brooke groaned in uplnt he was too much aoouutomad to lliots sudden descent of ma real lis to retant litem hut why of all deyn mum the come to day t her preiioo would romlsr that explanation which be must hsvo found wll nigh litios uibls lusidea with the click ol her he sml iter itard high tones there came troop log luck all the contention which he had bsn tnady to fling overlioanl he could msrcvllaa face wlten alie lesruod his lotentlona mru mart ton hin elder by a food many yearn still regardod him in spite of hlu 1u1110 and fame an the motbar ha lioy whom she hud brought up while the tncrliuku which tho hail made uun hlu helialf hail been ao camtinlly luiirsiteil upon hliu that bo waalwnya conscious of tlte burden of hin obligation to marcel la i hope she la satufactory repeated mru muratou i saw no be i y about not even hrator an i came in 1 hut i suppose i can liave tea though i kuowyon dont take il is it tea timo 1 aid ilrooke vaguely and glancing at hu watch i am very sorry mr carew a parhaui oul aa i dont neon anything in the afternoon he lias an hour or twu to herself just now mrs carew i who nn earth is mrs carew v esclalmud mrs msrston dldnt i wrlto to jou about her i tliougbt i bad hho came instead of mr stokos who la 111 now i understand said mrs marston wlui tortontous signlucauce i could not reconcile what i heard from mrs car- jieater at tlte koctory wlui snyuiltig i saw of mra bloke but this explains it i have oot coim n day too soou my poor maurloe i am afraid noma designing wo man ban been trying to make a victim of you as it happens you have come just one day too soon sild brooks dryly mr carew la leaving to morrow alii ejaculated mrs marston triumph antly just what f should have aspect- ed alio would know that her little ga me was up aa soon aashe heard i was coming tarliaps she has decamped already since there is no sign of lier i shall go am see if mrs what does site call herself r carew lo her naina grimly what a ukoly name i with a laugh i shall oee if she has returned i am rather curious to see tier after whst i have heard i dont know whatyou have heard began brooke hotly merely that uho doubles the parts of housekeeper and companion laughed bis sister the housekeepers place waa empty mar- oollacait a critical glance around eager for faullh it lighted on a book on uie win dowseat bo she liorrows your hooka i site ex claimed and persuades you no doubt that she understands them with an acid auntie a skadow fell aoroii the threshold ilrooke looked round framed la the doorway a ull slight girl was utandlng tho sunlight burnished to a brighter tlut her fair uncovered hair which rose in brood waves from iter brow her ayei were bright and dilated wan it with unshed teara t at night ol the stranger tho troud dellcata faoe became one burning blush brooke stared in blank uu moment hla sinter found voice first am i to understand that this young imwon is mrs carewi thosllghtpsuse bofnro the name seemed to turn it into a taunt then to tho girl 1 isirhapi you wlllaiplsln to mo bow it la that i find a stranger acting as my brothers house keeper i know that you have told him that mrs btokaa sent you hut i think that any information about yourself will be newe lo hlui as well as to mo- stop marcelh i exclaimed brook in a tone that made oven uro msrston pause and the girl broke in 1 i owe no explanation to youln a voice i aquiver with puln and pride hut i shell tell mr brooko now turning tn hlui what i ought to have told hlu long ago j dont tell mo auything union it la your j wish todooo exclaimed brooke hastily but therels ono question ami only una willed i mutt ask eager passion surging up again under the hurried words ask auything you iloasa cried tho girl but lot 1110 speak first i thought i oould go away without speaking bub i cant i must tell you that i have chested you mrs marston lauglied a muddeulug laugh it was all true all but eae thing went 011 daphne hotly foot sarah vol my nurse the only mothering i got waa from iter bbe le a widow she hits two littla eh lid roii alio was ml i want ti tell the trutli now looking pleadingly at brooke we are horribly poor ut homo i v silted to do oomeihliig i iroposed to come hero instead of her bite waa ao anxious about it but it was all my fault vou must not blame her for itt aha ttood against it to the last it waa really for her aako imt but 1mafrald i thought loo that lb would be good fun till till i came but i have been ao usliarned hor voice broke i am glad to know that you itave still home proper feeling left began mr the phone bell bhe ran to oook bis iiancakea and ti phone hell rang hho ruidiod to start the corvee and tho phono i tell rang breakfasthe went without it 1 goodbye tliey hail to shout it j bits would have wept about it but tho jjiono bh ranu bhe tried to dreu the children and the phone hell rung bhe went to wash the dishes and the f hone itell rang the parlor needed dusting the chafing dish waa rusting ami the silverware dlgutlug 1 but tha phono bell rang tha grocer atopiied for order and the phone bell rang a neighbor came for gossip ami the ttlione lielfrang flhe thought by being hasty bhe onuhttnake some hiaouhu tiuty i her hands with dough were panty and tha phono bell rang all day the housework waited while the phone bell rang no time for rest or lahor when tlte phono itell rang at last lie came to fold her tn his armn ioor girl 1 ha i old iter j for a seoeud ha consoled bar and u10 phone ball rang newark news twenty yealts ago from our issue of the prod pwsa of thursday aug 10th ism mr kdward nloktlns faithful hound sport suffered a orusl doath under the wheels of an excursion train on saturday evening ex councillor anderson has just com puted a floe cement lavement at his resid ence it a lioped that it will be so satis factory that mr anderson will he engaged to uy iavemonlfi on the principal streets in town ior a full week including monday the weather was ununually hot the mercury blng most of tha time in tho nineties a gooj mauy think tha heat was unprece dented it wan not however so hot aa in may and aarly lu juno a year ago tlte ouolpli 1roabytery at the meeting in ouelpli 00 tueeday sustained tho oall of the congregation of knox church acton to bet hugh a molmierson to become their minister tho induction set for september let tha vacancy thus will tie filled wjuiln four month whereas titer were twenty two months of tha irevloua aoanoy mr hugh maun leaves today on u trip to the northwest he will visit ida nou mr d d maun contractor of the dauph in hallway and other friends lu the north- west li hung cliang the great chinaman wlio la on a visit to england will return by way of canada thunder storms during tha week have done great damage throughout the county the plum cansiuam 11x11 tanr mu 2 cups flour i cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder hub 3 level teaspoon al butter in till it crumbles best i egg into cup of milk then stir it into tlte flour with a fork boll littlethlnnerthanapi crust line able and bottom of deep layer oak tin- fill with halved ami atoned 1 pluwa bugor the fruit liberally when for ready serving heap with whipped team piru b a um scold plums remove aklna and pub on loo to harden 1 open side remove stone pub lb halved kngllsli walnut or on almond 1 arrange on lettuoe and serve with freaeb i dressing vlvu thifd scald plume and remove stone 1 simmer till tender in cup of water mixed with cup of auger 1 take up ami cool pub in glaoe j dish and cover with whipped cream servo cold pfru tab scald ami peel good sired plums bub do not remove stone pill deep baking dish and sweeten cover with tlilu rich crust and bale till brown plcu jkuy cook to a itulp and strain measure the juice add pouml for pound of hot sugar and boll jo minutes arhumvawii liiu jaw uoo half and half of sprioots and plums and make by usual motlinds for jama 1itu burrm in jelly making tlte dum left may be put through a naive then placed on a stove with equal quantity of sugar 000b- lug an hour or lodger till thfclt aa daalrad tlds may h eplood if iliad mumtoh but brooke made one atop to daphnes side toll m one thing only are you mra carew are you married t the proud bead aank not bub wbaa you atlisd my uaine i could think of ttena but my luouiere it is mine too my name is daphne carew verrluder i waa soaaslous for borah oak i know lb was foolish wrong hut i thought that if perhaps i aald mies sh broke off thank hod l brooke involuntarily uttered under ms breath a most edifying confession atieered mr mateton but really ue have beard enough we mustnt trouble you to le make further tllscloaurea though it u a caso for inquiry my brother will doubtleaa be lenient ami ask no more questional- do and leave us t esolalmad uroow turning ou bar fiercely yes i hav coa more question to ask one which means all the world to me the tirtu vol qulvr iug tlra uaretooa jaw dropped uar tor rent of outragad protest soak to a wlplsoa babble por a moment sha stood staring speechless b daphnes droopedbaail at tit sweet roserod which had mounted to the waving hair anil at tha new fit and turpoolnbbr brothers faoo for tboea two on tha brink of lifes fulllluutit alia no longer xuted what did site or hor judg ment matter to thaw nothing and aba knew it there was no loogar any place there- no nor lu tbe new life that was opening for maurloo brooke she took tbe one wlae course left open to bar she went away and left them alone together the christian world more wasps are caught by honey than by vinegar i01d proverb

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