Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1916, p. 1

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teht jvctcrit sttt fts volume xijii no 8 vv ilul ucrlniloii i aoton ontattlo tnttkbday mottntug auttust 21 1010 uubwi notion- ine singuik ooliffis tuttlbv oisnts 1h ylumshuil uviiuv tiivunnjvuautiihi v tuh vttxtv wlkllh iiuicidiko ayoirruuscmiirtiom out dollar per yasr hotly lu edvauea si 60 la subaerilmia lu uie unltad iiuim all aalxaijptlona iteanmuu4 wliea ti tiui for wliloli liey bate been pls anvakvisiwtf iutms transient aavactlse ejuenl lueeitlon ueutrsat display advaallea tnanta for w or luebaa wor u an bo to 10 atiu par lush eaeii luearlloa yaerlyeonti eb seen h ldvanea advattlmmattfa will l ebauaad ease afteb montli it- daalra1 fcor elian ojuiiar than sbove luauliatiad th sxtr eonapeelueu raws be peal fotf s rtfulr raise all eeeouuu eolleelad monthly tl i uoouu imltw ui pvopsister vtuitusb bimdortr t ihos gray u d c m megill fc luvrab ouwow ummahahajmauumoioalaaeoouviow kc ooee lrreaarleli bbraes eaten oat diu 1 ucwivbw 1 hyalalan ami burt sen ovntu u itkhluhhch i cnv ii hi tij john niveau ibe formar home of tlie late w u kitofej esq aetou out osteopathy 11 vijiinon o atidlntuw 1 0t ok a yuio fll vbicuv otaoelpbeiepbonnioenottlea til ui il b d cmhe ifihirai to il tuesday a uie dominion hotel aotou cfuhopnactlc du haitpkh ii hollow v omaevauoyom herald duiuloa oualpb out baftino uoniuy dee 90th i will health heu of lira wm amioraott ulll tt aeton monday tuaajay wadueedey yb ureas v nod ifrmay ol eaeli week oam uptu vmtjsjunajry joun lawfiow vutbu1uauv bdbokoh alton ontario nradusu of oouilo vetarleanr dells imo otteeaitbuis meek lieaueaee ulll hi galls day tut ulbt vroupily auaibud w utoju a j uiaeiutloh owuw mui m4l la rwrrn4a blak u a lflu4n w uuiuuc usuiitar aj kouvy astblt otono s uilud t nioalc ddoabw ml oualuu wouay to laa uauta a i tan anaaul atuo- w du j h ohll ddfl ld pmtrtlarf aotui rbiuu no w uom u hilda coraar uiu attd lrwiuli aiiiuu uoaios abairijath ov vdhard utfjmw tbut ajjuutuu i udia d 1l l l btmtilltt dkwt1bt ujmchlljjfmoum jytiuhoia huh aw booxbiuoiuu ovwwuiumafe aaa huka of 1i kl jw iaut kutfvuau broity a mhaluuiau lxgkutwil imtttts bf mlfihlf tilchi j ivtuomu- moyltflmiiifc4b- tj m lu tba 1mi irwkmamhtovol tffe j kmutt lli ajlbtyujjak blib aiuatlui uu h4 uaua a jau4 dnul by uui to wlu v cl uugbaaa in -i- la wtrr uii4muuu ofdwuiik us amatf will kllttiiuu uimklm mpmui una id halw tu aaaad uj ulalij d alex niven wrtjrth a eurvjm subdlvlaloor crtldcti for jvutrchasers aud wart- rust tt- ired uurvey for arcbltacli liull- dartabjluuulclpal couuclbi dfala- mb1roh anys bank bltkx auhlhl ima io4 omt hook u1hduu umkluij bawtabt oftwrt umu uiwmj is au as ulbu hymn all woic aoukly kuuuktfd the old and reliable granite and marble dealers w olu mododl iuuiitaabulutduadauma wtk wtfmliairwitoqatfdwumaawaiwbal jes d wbo u oi- laef otur muataam 1b torpolo mud otba tuaaaa wuara fttbj hf to haiuj vu i dtav mluot wa hav imiaaa tbtia un ettf antuai i wa hawa tba baal jblilutaj tmlyluaitbablmta tbatiamluutii ia bbanitja toua ft ytoviuaa rnxri buudvaa torpolo mud out haod lawaului im iba lamiaat muh baat atow of omaulu in u imtaplnlon y 1a0m thti ally unrtmdaaumiii umtwaat wi ui lanlunuua amdan utd bloy tw uiak aua do uokauaoyoakmatkma bum by aoudla out icuttmut mania to aollcit odaaa wa nitloy tmtababls only hiaj lufy mnbaution hamilton sons co kwfolli aud woolwubbtaubuu savage fi co iftobluhd iu4u jcwcliek guilp1i the old and reliable wnfehmnkcrs and jewellers savage co guclph out it ioa question to people who wear glasses why those who need glasses dont get them and end the squinting and scowling caused in rye tit rain if jou squint or tcowl con sult uu about your ceti jqutlrhjqm organs one of our guaran teed second hand organs will last you as long as a new one they are cheap uu as good as new c w kelly fal son 33 lower wjmcfham st ouelph r ont nmhuiihaaanndnaddaortiiitiiiwwh 1 grain chopping i ij r s weu done and qulckly at only jj 5 cents per bag s haattlsivco limiud 6ckwkd ont handoddnaoannodhuhiiw special kiuumkhbolho huouu vou ohildnuh all blud white and tua rulilxr ttie tieumhbli liu luhliioiiimw hhoe lor iajul menii rtml womutiu cunlilnii hnluu hi bettrauve hoya natl olrla dooih in finu aucy nnil for civorv ly wuar mbipaihino promttcv as ubual kenney bros main st acttm a beautiful complexion how to insura the regular use of lifebuoy soap tnaurea a healthy clean slow- innrnkin and bocaubo it la healthy your com plexion will bo clear and volvot like tlio mild carbollo odor van- lahoaaftor uao loavlnor a tuiiuoof utter claanllncaii lifebuoy healthy 5dap guelph big hardware store headquarters for summer hard- ware cret but 7s to3 uufrlrcratont 7 so up hummocko 200 up habv hnmniocui latfoup gnrtuu renin ioo to i ho vcnindah clialra 1 htttohytt ico cream ireewnt ifttc un cliorry filoncm itfc euoli wat urine cnnu iflttc un i icclrlc irons iiho picurvlnsr kettle nnd all utomila wo imvo wliat you wnnl the bond hardware go limited phone ioi 3 tantwalv qublph speculation id tint ilk ulau prudafct ptapls exafciaa the krata tare la tho hattdunjc of tha meaoaat uubr dlnpobal tha rdual accuoiulauoa of you hav1ax a deooait aouat btu4 a ral tiua of ixuilty and ulliiactloa bil ftcu- liuod will odly add to your cata and may htiei yoava- tuallaaa yla iujuui alfalb a al ttoa bank arioia t kufc k- uuua td d4bdliofa wa loto ufl ittthah wfc husa fcj bjball u the bank of novascotia wrrnipcttu oitaxtsmqoaai ijttahcttko at attoa gtialjlg komf aalitad and bbtlw ip i knew yo amd you knew me ii i bnttw you atid ynu kttow mo tla mtiloui wa would tllmrrofl i hut imvar liavlujyot cliimwl lianj llotli ollou fail to ti rid oral ml llmt miiii iiiioihih to do wiiuih rljlil and trout aaoh ollmr honor llrlfdil how kttlatocotiiitldin tlierod im h i buaw jou uuil yon brow mo if oor w nhipi on liy i1himijo or in your bill mmo error inalto in vi fmm irritation joud lo froo if i koaw you mid you liiom ma or wliau llu choc i a don t coma on tlmo and a kiatooiant mud uh narj a lino ud wnlt wltlthiitniiklaij if i know you and you know mo or wlian aomoaumomor complain or maki n klek on till nr that wad thko it in yooil imrfc jou ao if i kiiaw you and you know im wiui fluktomora ton tlioiiaand dtronflf oooaalontdly tlilliq ro wrony hmiietlmaa our fault nometfmoa tlielra i forltaaianm would deorfiivo all car a kind frlond how nlaatant uiiurs would if i know you and yuti know mo t lion let no tloulitlng tlioujlit alildo of firm cootl faith on oltbor aldo i confldanoa to oaoli elltor hi ijvlinf ourulroa let otliars llvo hut any tlina you eoma tltla way tliat jou will nail wo hopo and pray l than fnoa to foot wa oaoli nhall am and ill know you and you ii know me an aa a a a a an the honor of the diggings dknkihii stovam a b a robtnoble rtoim and rced oat clwp wlioat chop brau fihorta glutuu kleal ollcak whaat oati uuckwheat chick feed tlbhytt croaro uqulvalatit plymouth dlndar ywlna j l warren manaohh vhilhiiiohh c c speight -hahdwame- electncstovcu lamps and irons garden im plements oil stoves paintb and oilu chi namcl a specially grnmophones and all ol the latent records call nnd hear thrm c c speight 111 slrul acto nanddaadnaaan aixm0 tha winding oouraa of an unolflnt river oluinnol ttiat rllia tbo california biaklyoua a aoow of hydraulie monitor hurtod tliair mluhty atraama hqalnat tli towrliif oihtn malting ilia moontalnn down nnd uaahiiig from tham tlio ralnu of pre i mm gold night iwl diy ilia laiu thundered llmt no moment of tho viilualito time oover by the into winter wuaon of tain and unow miht bo lot kvar miniilo tho monitor could ho worked mount moro traaaura add lo iho lncrjlrnt more caught hy tha aluioaa pips linaa wora tratolioi dawn tha mountain aidao ftwdhnj tli hungry laiita from tha flumoa that uound in and ilamo i llio hill- plannl ahlrtai mon worktl liko 1 uy nl in tlio rwl oluy dig wall down towurtl tho low wr cod ol tho oldchanuat on what uat linown ua tho dluo inival mlna duck duckaon ami ill ton iofunl atood uotwaou bauary of two glaou and talkad aoliorly all tha murnlntr and iort of tho night lforu tha f4tur and tho roo with tha dlua qravi orow hail worked ilka trojana in an attempt tocuar llm difmlnira and got tha tuloa optratlng eain vor tlia two glanta ucra iual ijka arlm cannon tlialr nouua polotad at tha towering uounuln wall tliay atood in alunoo in tha laa guaga of tlio mlnaa tho ulu crvl wa ohokad auffooatad anj atreogud by tha groat maw of grurl and dahrfa lu owh uonltoa luul torn down in tha proca of unaarthlng lit nuggl oigilj ubaa badly chokad and no tuluaka pok laonirj ii was a tall broad aiuwuarad youtli with ilia cloia uulaand tka cuar j4 of a atudant la truth ha waa a attetuat ef tula log anglnaarlaal at barkauy fl two wka ha xouk apead oa hla fatuatf ulna wr la llaa wluthu twwraaof atidy at tha unlvuty oura rlflii laa apnka tl tjdar hiio with utttr auphaii tba dp ukw of hu wvltlw liiiaj chkt wblfh toil of thtjf urvloa la tl dlggidtf j togtw pvptltly tuafw 1u waj a ug uua aad ta waj a tybioal bilaw froa lla ikuwwi bat to tu atacl ihoj ldota hji a ehokaj all riakx aj chokaj hj ha dchui and w woa t fct aaotlr wia of frilj ul of 0- hilla uu lia dlfaa u opwj that luel6k la tu guuji u ud um of all tha uwiua it wt ba luaul out aa lhuj tha oaly way lh aoa avj it cw to la tiy for i ujr- buad it li ljj will htolw aij uj fua twuuclj all it huwla u a uiia to tovh it njifan awtt uwiur btab ituia ga who un obiavl tha httum and ruh tlowiur itwodkl tavabiaatliua yj it woukl tak a lot aj ui r hack jakfcoa iuauij ioapalually yltala what vanu ua aoa i i eaat watl im eauht la a ttap i aj tha trap waa tet hy aooa athw than ua llolta ha oxoaj that gratiai daws llaad ha aolj cwt ta tha uoyal roip cuatajay t ha told eii to lua jua to giva ui a cha to ervuh taa told avt and puyl tha traitor aftw i iiad tnutj tdu u i would uuat yoa uy own aoa v rta pi- ulnar roi lo hla full bai cuaoh ad hi hudtfahauuaar uu aad aoks hatw oloaa at utb i vox u oaly a hoy aad 1 bad faith la tiltn i but i uutt aay that i wuh id tivr haaa him t iim afraid youra too hard od voit rtur laoaarj laid it uu etto- gatbarfalr toldabu blni vltb ourtrouuaa ha didnt load lha hogback with iha powdar it wan ioaiiai wbaa b houghfcib t anyhow thara usual ba aoaia en on tha fihanaol who oau help ua out no thera tatit i book jaokaoa da oured iva apakaa toaovaral aboul t uoiia of thaw ttau do aaythln and all ara afraid of lha iadcj ollff i au utlafiad that von undaratood it ami oould hava fir- ad it aafly tbalt why i took blu in and tratad blui ilka a pardner hii uavlbg wa and aalllng out to tha ijg oowpauy looka ilka nothing but n hatohad up aeheua to kt oontrol of tha wlua 0 ravel you know leonard uioy hava a hold on thu waptrty t muit makeaflnal paywant to thaui nahfc waek i oouhl do it aay enough if tba gunla wora kept at work it iialitod leonird kaattly to nolo uia enpationofblttemaaathat cuma into hu fatbaia faoa no ona know batter thin teonanl bow liard and fallbfully iiim father hud tolled vet ha looked at tha matter mora hopofully ami in wa daterulnad on the inttant to brln into tha problem all tlio purpoaf all thn rourao mid ability ho tttiuld tuuhlor boinohnw lie mnibl not botleva vou lloberla wan tha traitor iiih father thought ho bud known von a long limn and the two hud apont many delightful bourn together in tha red cluy digging hut vox wmh gmia now und boond iminodlato roach i yet thero whn one other a youth alao whom he lioliovad oo u iii hatp thorn i imllave hithor wo oould gat llown morton to what i howe morton i malcolm morton rod und thn junior loeinlier of thuoomtany t iluck jackaou turnod und gaxed with inoreduloiiheyea into leonard feoe on mutt lie out of your right mind lul to help tin u tho hut thing ha would do old malcolm ban been wailing forjuktauohn chanoo ah llila ha would oruah me and laugh while doing it i vou 0 toll ma anything about him i i know mm well im not trying to tall ynu anything i liout muk lm morton ieonard returnetl undlnmnol hy hla futliera upfavorabla opinion i do know ifowe ho and i played togaihar you know aa little hoye i and wo are olaaamatea now at llarkeley ha too fa home for a aeaaou of practical ekiuirlenca if j ou dont mind i ii go over and have w talk with him nothing can be loot by lu uuok jackaon waaallaab foru time and all the while ha kept hla gate on iiih boy looking at hint intantly aearoblng lilin keenly it wan aa if tliere were aomttblng in the heart ol ida own eon that he could not iindoralimd tho joutliatoodunninch ingly before him with purpoaa and deter ml nation printed on hi faoa finally hla fulharagane miftuiiod mid a aubdued tone came into hlu tltop baaa voice do ahead lad he said i luave it to you ill admit that i cant get at tha bottom of tho thing lei me know hy two oclock tli la afternoon what luck you moat leonard jackaon raallttod that hla father had little hope of thalr getting any asala tan re from the mortona vet the youth waa determined to try he atruok out at once over tho winding trail that connected the two digging though the two pro prrtlaa adjoined lha graat iloyal j roup with it thouund boms of working ground and tlinhcr lend with lit milea und milea of itutne being juit aliovotho niuelntol iho two dlgginga were three mllaa apart tor two iniloa leonard followed their own illicit lo tbo intake tllon cllmliod a ridge and came suddenly ujmn iho deep broad hguing of tho itojal ilroup it wunaa if lie hod coma unexpectedly to lha rlni of u vaur crater iktwn in ita red aourred ilapthe foiirglunta hurled thalr ahafta of llipilil htoel roaring and growllnir like vnniiu mon at or j tho itigginga crew urmal otor iho ilute btdrock and among tho network id iiuimb it waa a boene that made the youth h blooil pulae with uloker beat vat lie turned alck at heart whon lie utounht of their own mine only a utile below standing idlo end ulll he followad tha rlta of the dlgginga of tha itoyal oroup ubip with lu j mbla of cublns bulhllnga and tenia a ti tofed thanty but little more protantioua than the atruoturaa about it aarted a uiaooio in here leonard found howe mortoa tlie utter waa dreewd like hlmulf in tha mrvloaabla garb of the winau ha waa psrehad on a high alool cloaly alodyiag a working diagram he awung round and aaunileil a cordial hand hallo laa hop up no that otl wool and tall ua what a oa your ulad troaua howe laoaard rplld dwirlng tooomaatonto tba buiina of hie call t1h blue tlraval choked aa ue yeaurjay ho i itaafd tha yvuntrw uortoo ta- gpntuu it heiriiil to laoaatd that bo ajvile taiftla balur waaei utuaouawa tbia brooabt a fjie of ulivloif and doubt into the wind ef the elu i bavaaakua lie tha hohck iuh lu tha gulch thafa lolbar og you it cabt to la hlaaud aut of tba way if aau- 1 iu ura ef it laouatd tkwol it feaut be lluuj eat if wa r tt lha ulaa eihkl aad uartad ifj ha ujuuj aa if uwttald lvw u nn iiujfj a ukta pll ea tha wall t aal tub it uj hi hula it jj i toiub we 1 wjp la wat oa iwl ha ena wba ea fctndabua ot lha tymuot by wluh tki uuk w lwui ab1 fir tba powdw uowa uofui lktwj ajvaaj oa hie etoj aad look hucatw tujdy la i la faaa vvr a fall half tau no vd i ba- twwl lb foard fjt klaujr un ou hekawtbathwauolaagwiaal what wi waaud ue ua thai howa eaaalbwwd tbauaai6kaa riu aa bou lpohlbaaad abufd t waa bot ihui a iwa the way rival eapaiiua trwauj aaab oum voa have a lo w4 bjpt iiwa flajly acska ha did wat atau liua qhtwufri t la wi itaa btawt hhblabtafaeteinaulnfun bud ai la tba aaaale of gokl aaulag ifa otetubaj ta leak laaad la tha ja aad oaly by a 6a aftut of will eulj laoaard aiaad uefhtuiblujtly iwfetw blj at udgut ha fwibj ooaria to aay aawar ihg howai vwiitk i hava not oowa to tba cooipuiy for help t i lave eua to you alight of understanding earn at oaoa lata howe uorteue faoa thai freod- that what i hoped im glad that youve eotaa to tna len voo unl x uojaratand aatihothaf thara tbouu bahoaorbetwaaa ua tba raal honor of tba dljahuft wavo beard our father ulk about it of tha honor ef tba obi day wbaa red uoodad wen stood byaaoheutuadfaatyaglnat vary faa rouabow in tba lone tiard atmggla tay fetbar awl your eeetrj t for gab tha bortor of tba dlgahug dab thatll horaawut for uatwo lo forget wa ahould upliold tba code and wa ahould protect tba good runta ef our mutual friend pox roberta put aorry that your father ahould talajudjr him vote oams to ua voluntarily and offered to mil hla holding to tba com pany ita bad to aiva money ha baa m kuterwboae ufa depended upon a aurglael operauon icox ueetld fund with which to iid bar to tha hoplti and thatn why lie aaorlaoed all hla poaaaailooa howe mohoiirot down fromhuhlghatool and went over ta tba wall lifting a anger to the blus print thatrlrateaujbtleonartva attention vow left thle with ma i ho aay it la a dhtgrau not only of tho hold inftrthoaold mo but of the powdor ayatom in the hoftbaiik 1 vo btudled it out ami i underatend it though van know it even the road to success what w need in depth depth can ho imparted through tha teaching of any thing ft can ho imparted through lit tin ornminar through hn ml writing through oarponur work through arithmetic the one ele inenl of iicei la time depth cannot bcimparted quickly or in many aubjecla at once jlaure la neoeauarya alowlng down a taking of thing not easily but ajowly detemiinodiy patiently an if there wore plenty of time and nothing olae counted thla la the roajl to rapid and brilliant work ami thero la no other tli amalleat children ahould 1m ml on thla road and gullied and governed and heljied and alaved over hy tho beat of i neater one auhject underetood meana the world mattered jehu j chapman in atlantic belter than 1 so go tell your lather that lilua qravel the illu 0 ravel will ha opened and tha glanta thundering wilbiu twenty four hour tliere are two of uu ian to pro claim tint tliere la atlll honor it tliean digging ijaonanl daokaon waa unable to apeak hla gratitude hut howe morton aaw tha look of relief uiat glowed in hla eyea and understood willi light feet and feat beat lug heart leonard hurried lack over tba trail within two hour it waa known all along the channel that tho hogback in the dlueoravel ouloh waa to lie blown out three year before even iiefor fox roberta eatrin into poaeeuloti ef th ailjlulng iiold inea a deep tunnel wa driven into tha hngliaek and drift run from thla in which aealad can of powder wore aet and ooa nected wltli funa for tlia purpose ef blow ing up the obatruotloo whan tlia work waa nearly dcoa tho engineer in charga waa aoeldently killed leaving no one who fully understood tho ayatam uiat hail been planed th hogback then liecama a menace particularly to tlia dlua oraval a it filled uie gulch juat below the digging at thran oclock thatafternoonaelroleo aafety bread in tallulte weadrawn arouiwl tlia hogback tba craw from th luua i t travel watched from nfar and anunjf thoea who lookad down into tha canon from uiadutantrldge were hook jackaon am fiuaan leonard bhading tlielr eye wltli uieirpalnutlieyutokadataadliy wbattliey aaw wane ion horaaman drop down from th main road and follow th eroekwl palh that hwl to the bottom of tha gulch tvo handrwl yards from tha hogback tha horae man got out of th aaddle and left bla pooy tied to a scrub pica than b wat on atoppjng agala near th black mouth of tba old tuan1 tliat eu tared th ehargwd oliatrucuao hera lie took a blue print frooi hla pocket opaoatl and ipraad it oa a atump atudying it a moment a if to gat hla bear lag than ha folded ltajn ami replaced it in hi pocket all tba whiu uuok jackaon followed evv uovemat of tba lo youth twlo ha rubbad a work hardaaad palot achwi hi aya a if to bake hla eight mar cuar tbabauaawl forward and apok aofaa- thing alouj tha tauecue of hla powerful body who uaealy drawa yba wa ialblajrlatbablp la evwy tao ef tba 0a buow tliat rooiluj ubiut thlrttf i wluva i woader a it poa- alhla that it cwj b hlta r bk uunaul aud 1h1 hla gsa tua lauatly oa the youth iwuw at tkat hat tha oee on wbooi ao bnauy aailoueav waa faauad wauj tba uvtk ttioaj aad fr a fv tlbtw of bntbli fcrfpaaa wa ipw trad vu tua la srj aj khaalner twittl alfmhrht fr tba kaa tht waluj ha t ua f i leok eat fw tba llue m yaluj a ehrua of vioaa uaavatboa who lookaj tumj tj urainhud tvt oovar hck jukaoa uiwj up with tba oho but whte l ran ha lk a eaia eulht aowa uta tba tba olbra aalag ku uii to tail lla iw if la baarj u pmlj ao bal ha wa eoavitwl ef tha youuv llwuty how aad botblnaf weuu atafl bid wltblaafww mmwutu6im a tbwp uuml ruuua a of a dulaul emiittaau tbla wa qulekl folhmd hy ah egplua tbt hda lha tamtuhtalid u hi a gratt ijiftk taaaa wprtliajf tha untold tuwi of artb au1 rok tfcl dehli that 60aiwwj tba lotfueh llftad hlh inta air and kprajlarf fr aloft breka aa4 aaaiivl aj riaad ta deadly ball upoa tba we lravl hwuuy unma youth frow tba uaaal a put of tba fall earth eauajkb hit ba- fda ba ooakl fcwb from uedar tbrowlag blaidawu tidjih jaokaoa now ekwa to hid tboafth throw hf mat bi mi tot up ftjfala though took aad mith ui around hlu b f tubed ew raacbad tha voath avail lifted him up taking hlu in bla aiwwia arm b oarrud blm up tba ttup alap ami laid bhd down oa tba soft gtaa bv tba bonlarof tba dlgslua tba youth apaaad hi ye and lookad around hlu ma aaw a group of flannel thirled man aland iti haar by and othara approaohlng but eoar than all hla waatharlwonud faoa lighted haprvlly waa hook jaekfoa i it outf aaked tba youth 1 tba bin 0 ravel clear r clear u a whlatla uy hut liuck answered though hi beut liaat ult abtly in tha truth that the ulu 0 revel wa now free hi greateat joy waa in whet tha digging eada of boonr luul brought tohltn vwthui youth wbo bad proved tba end waa noo othe uuui vox uoharu u might ruiva known it waa you ilueb oootlnuad a ha took tba youth band and irrlpped b bard no one alea oould hava drfna 1l turning hla baauiug fee tba old miner mw hi own boy with howe aoilmaloalm morton alainllngnaar thera wa an aaroeab look ih ue yaa of tho itoyal hroup chief whan tluok looked hi way without a worl ha oaua over and oflered hi hand book jackion took lb eagerly and tba two gripped lotto end hard if our toy can uphold die honor of tba dbfthig wa oufiht to do the earn thing apoko malcolm klorton klnoerely bur tturot agreed the how of the twenty yeah3 ago from our luut of the froe pru of thursday aug 2 1800 thonuu morton harbor ha acid hhibual- neaa her nnd removed to milton ctiaa v loodeve of itlpely tiaa rantov al to acton ami vlll ahartly open u a tore in mattltewn dlook rattier than take ten cent per bag for a load of early applca in wulbarton acarglll farmer took tliam ami emptied them along tho road on hi return homo a begf ul every mile nr oo o people oould help themaalvea ilev tho amy of naaaagaweya praoh d in tlio metlioiliat church hero it bun day and bla appointment at ebenaterend campellvllle were uken hy uev wrd rrn nnd at corwhln hy mr itohr j rdiniaton mr u wutklixi ul line boa a uoven- aero field of corn uhlch averagea tan fmt high eoma niuiiih mnxaurlng twelve feet sir david mucllieruoo nna of canadaa highly rruicctml puhlla men died on tlio b 8 lehrailar whilo on tnld ocoun ou hundiiy afternoon manitoba whaatnrop iiukpectod toraaoli twenty million hualiou hlkit doufusu lit trufulgar on august lttih uoorg dorlun i 1 1 hla mth year tai hot in iuelpli oa augutt jllh jama tlhoc br fmmorly of kramoau aged wl yearn kiviiv- in irln townahlp on auguat 2jiul hawuuh k korayth wife uarlua kennedy i or hind yoar iiuowhruuii at her hoow toronto oa auguat llhh miry anne widow of tho lata john hroanrulga ad ho year mix in a little thinking tharo lealwutnelltludiugvrof astagger- alloa in tlio impoitancu of ebayldg ordra while it la truo that tmpoyre want biea who will carry out tlialr s they era tjuite aa much oooottl la having workara wbo will think a wbiiu oby a macbloa caa ha dapandad oa to do ctaln thing undr owtai n clrcumtaaoaa a maa should able to do mora tli atory la tolj of on of tba great sa anclar of america that haoaeegavae aaw adployaa a waaaajj to be talraiilmd uiwi tbaoaatlomit in rard to a mailer la wklob a large miu of tbonay waa tovol vi tw amploy cam back to aay that tba miimfra waa wnm tba qaatcu took tba papo ba biu if bj wtluad ad it ovr aiul tko aau with a aod of athhatloa veau do i tblek aad prvhably bla feeling ww tboa of elf imjtmi over bla bnt aad velu buduoorry tl wobar wbo ium a ba li told u a gvvat lbprobauat 6a th ou wttolhraugb tntiln aul aaurft bjl to cmsty out dinuuuoa liut taaraly ta ohay onlwa ilk a mlbm budilaa l uw uiraua tbaa tobolx thinking with eobluuua old 1i hoax away bitk la lbu wli ullur waa pbltur th bear j of tba w rid thar woa two uaa lluiaf lu law iwuttv ilia bhbora who uuy lia twhel ilrowu and juii wha wra lik uuto jantban and luvld jmoj wei a chlckaa imcuf llwtb uko u pwjaa la that day duoua- d uilurud on haturday night browa wbo hd rad aaalwbra tkt if a poiau1 ethb wfa dipped la oil aaylblajr wrlttwi with it oi an egg and with tba agy bjd to tba fire would fmalu touullhla browo wrote ea aa ogg tba wotu will com to aa aad oa ool 1w ik41 tba day miller bad etawl tod plaoid tba la ooa of jos haau iicuo joba wouli oaaiatdhlbt a6ooiiaba found jt and after a good laugh ba would tall bow lb waa dona hut jooaa aa boon a ba eoubl gat hla eloth cai ruabed to th bom of ret laa tba haw troad like wlldflra and paraoa oamlitg to town to church carried iu awl all sunday there was a throng call ingort joaea to ae tba egg brown vuw oil tho crowd with a much troubled mind and at but ba went to joua and told th atory never atertbtb did jouea apeak to llrown a littl bird tells now hiit it atranga tliat our mother can find out ul unit wo do if a body doc4 anything imuuhty or navn anything thuta not iruot they ii look at you just momont till your heart in your bosom awollx and then they know nil about it tor a llttlo bird tells now where that little bin comn from or wliero that lltie bird gooai if heoovereil wlui lieautltul plumage or hluok aa tho king of orowa i if his olee lean hoarse aa a raven or aa claar ax the ringing of bells 1 know not hut thi 1 1 am sure of a little lilnl tells vou may b in the dvth of a oloaet where naluvly see hut a moiimi i vou may bo alone in tha cellar t vou may lie on ton of tlia house i ou may lie in the dark and iheailonc or out in the woodu mid tlie delu no matter u herever it happen tlia little bird tell and tho only way you can atop him i juat to he aura what you aay t bur of your words and action i bur of your work ami your play ba honest b breve and be kindly i 11a gontln andjovlng nnd well and v a leugh at tlia stories all the birds in tltaoountry may toll school kduoath t light beers to thn kdltor i tha lloneer la doing a great public aervloo in sounding u nolo of warning against die insidious danger which threat en our tang fougbtfor prolilbiton of tha liquor tralllo i hopo tbo following from tliat paper will be taken to heart by tha friend of temperance i vo year the lliuor trafflo baa been preaching beerdrinking the d it tiller do not raise any objection to this they know tliat beer drinking develop an alcoholic appetite tliat demands stronger beverages they know tliat tha disgrace ful and lying statement hy which beer men have been endeavoring tu induce women to drink will und toward tli shocking aplrltdrlnktntr of wire and molherathnt emruea croat britain today cermany bearganlett ha produced a brutality that will make lenuauy a hy word for centuries to came vet soma of these liquor men would tlkn to establish tlia oerman beer garden hero it la not strange tliat th great philanthropist who la general secretary of tli research dopt of tha m k teuparano society i com pilled to cry out if wa mast have tha liquor bushtm in coda name let u hava the bar room where nvm take their drink standing and fully realise that they are poisoning themaalvea keep tho woman aad children out el it w hare a lot to learn in regard to tlia liquor prohlsta bat pump cant uaob us anything to say th uaat tba lur garden prof can net when there are eytuptom already of a campaign in ontario looking to tha culu vatlon of a public opinion in favor of bear and win when tha 1010 rf random owaea it i with dap regret that wa red in aa editarui la tba woodstock futlnal iuvljw tli following muchlevoau auggea- uon i it a rwoliabla that much of tba oppfeuuod to total prohibition would die appasf atoacaor in tlmalf socb provulod ware made for tba sale of light bre and win a good many who do ooelikaeou pulikwi would locoma tweonclud to a taw reattlctlng tha sale ef stronger driaka a tb sale of drug is rwtrlctat but thsy eoauad that the allmpt ta out n all al cohallo dhak at oaoa la not ian y utlmpaouaulj aad that tb tawvitabla vvault will b to eaoourmaa illicit ummd la alrwig aad ouoaau tauture of aloubol thy araa tbet ta pamilt lb iwuil aal of llabt wle aad lw woau be lo aoeour ag lmapevaaoa by oowieg a sfgttajrd atalbt tba tramo in tba dure dgwa llqao thai a tba bu eooar to a new tuaa bb wa uua nuniuur lht wra dhaki kkara aloobal ta bow in law than iu tba wo of spirit and it tauat bt ba ir- goua tbt bw euatala lbia bolaoaa wbllj wblakay if pta cualahia only eaa sio thai bear- driakw biv tp la jub uty what 1 uehlatf la siiab of awl ii arwottubucfb uk quauruo a rsoatuk anotukhitauly a food atory la told of alooalclargymad sarvlng at tha front a year ago ba wa a curate and oao day a child wa brought to bird tu oltrutou nuiua thla ohlld he said to uus apoii- or ami tha reply ua luka hnvent you previously brought ma uatlliuw and mark t ho asked ven wan tha answer iluod uld tlie curate bring ran john too and ml preaenthimwllh a all vor chiutoulng cup a ioeb or two ago tbo reverend gentle man slilca removed to another elty pahj a visit to hi old pariah tbo proud father waa waltiotf for him and holding up for hi inapactlisfl yet another now arrival he cried nxultantlyt htiroa joltn i where t oupv a tuiktab uory ruua that dyug eploj au lquktbwl afotuiuitobusoa tit leg blm toglva tvkl to the uiajnt saau ba oould fll aa1 w0 to tba w t foolub tba butot foolub 1 anultter story aa to tba meaniat aooouou agr j uwtaear ula cadi filud tba ulb aoorjiugly tba duuful aoa ofl 1 blu twd put leaab takayour 100 said ua odi i navar know your father ttara wa no reaaoa why b should uuve to th btoaay it you real light ptltd tba taaurd- lag youth i might take it lu a flctlclou tranaae tiod sakl tba eili relenting buppoa iu tall you what ill do 1 ii eat you all that snow in tba court yard for zo0 tba young taau agraad willing to ba quit of hi trust on any tana next day ba waa arrested taken ufora tha cadi and orderd to remove hi enow at oooa a thla wa a command tb young man wa utterly unable to execute ba waa flnad f 100 by tba cadi tor contumacy at uaat tha young man said ruefully aihaufttbaoourt father 9a00 wut to tha right uah liio foot rarer is a ttiun who get u run for hi money isihauited from aalhnta many who read tb word know tba terrible drain upon health and strength whloh ootuea in tba train ef aathuatlo trouhlea mauy do not raailu however that lhr i otts true remedy which will aurely atop thla strain ih j 1 kellogg aalhma remedy i a wonderful check to thla enervating ailment it baa a counties raoord of relief to ita credit it i soil almost everywliare a bafa 1111 for hufierwtbro ara pill that violently purge and iu tha atoutatdt and intaatlea with pain wruelev vaga- tabla plluaro mild and effeotlva they am purely vegatabla no mineral porgatl antarlng into their ooupoaltiott and their recti soothing awl beneficial try them and he oonvluoed thousand eau attaab their great curative qualltla wcu tliousand owo their health aud atratigth to llualy uao of thla excellent uadleln

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