Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1917, p. 3

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wftllpopcrs window cumin poles wo lnrry i c mi iclu nloilt rlccidro rij 1 i blaiuuaclu licumoicu i shnda br gko jiyetds ontahio otijc qxtan jfm ttss tliuiulijay maiich 1 1017 bniep local items now nia la nyrup eslerday accorduift 31 ho her bp tu will soon 1 n ii sptfncs to tho aln t wheat un teen 1 special norvteni will roi motice- m tho mcudlt church fan tuiklay hujldfiij operation jidiniiib to bo fairly brisk la milloo ml year tho electrician in rowirinr the town hall ad j pultltiff in a now pwitchboard thejreo library iwrtl wjll meat in ho fcooticll chnmbsrlhis afternoon at three oclock st patrick a day foun i tho atrweps nn tunally slushy and uncomfortable for po doatrisns clear uioieo from your parotnoata now the b and tho apring tcipjxiraturo will help you motor cars a i hi i ood of tho county on tho mow toronlo- uamiltoo higliwjy tho milton reformer suggests that tho agricultural fairgrouuda there bo aub- divided into building iota after nixteen wooka of continuous ol8 jjews fa locat import klllod by n falling tlfo wlulo u oy were foiling trot at mr fcoalherstonoo 1 rsfnlt or 1 i wrd iutpinii named i if aid hoarier wan atruck acrovlhlsfarolya limb id n full iiiiplreo nnl no badly injured hint bo only lived d shot timo afterward acton a posbomcabusinqj tho atuual report hfrttho 1 nattnaater fonoml shows a larjro increase of bunnowi hero tho ont revenue eb ac ton ioab oirco laacyoar woes- 0j71 tliainorioy order business totallftd jl h3 hh nearly 1 000 iono orders etn handled bore tho aajary and commissions octft a led s17m0a colobratod ilia ofith birthday tha many friends o iu t m jetton will bo ploosad to iuu uiat lbo uteraii tu in la tor u rallying after ft eoiiiqwhat aer oufl ulnswl thisweek bo won ol in to a t up iart each lay aliowl a mouth nj i harolsbratod bla ninoty llltli t itll lay and reosfvd niwimn f oougratu- latloii oaklt sur thonossaguwyaoiftsta soldlon tlio fiio dollar gol 1 iocoo protontad to oacb of tba men wbo have cpliutot in naaaajfawaya waa not lbo gift of il o muni ciliakounc aasutod bgt baa bon ilil tiin a fund provided by roaidanta of uo tow nab ip tho treaaurar la a moniur ni tho canned bonce tlio lmpreaii on m noma quartan tbat tho gift waa row that body now muchlno shop and oaraffo moaara hlow qwliolt at woodatocu late purcbaaod uio pootwilf of it1 laid well ind wiir open a llrat cimmh mncli ahop and garago ia actop thoao i ptin hfjtrx t rrpiinn if lljr social and personal mr i a mnru mr tl ii tit ki 1 y a br oylo nrr i kj i tor fashioned alofghinj lho wboela liavo boei pat jnto comminalon again tho tirla of tho iitorroodlato itod oroea will uatm tbotowu no it weak for waato ppor and old riiwapra tho prefy llttlo ehamroek waa muca in ertdonco on saturiuy ixyal iriilmen roro prood to ahow tfioir colors build a homo thia summer aod have thaj adyaaiagoof all improtomanta ioatoad of doing lhfitn fox your bujdlord people wbo won id lika homoi of lhcir own ara looking otf tho maplebarst lota irith a iaw to socanng budding altos the woautar is a tirasoma thing aa changablo aa nero todayit amiloa iiko gaauo apnog to mprrow drops to urn tho prwoottltion of tbo comtnon law at tho now wonderland tomorrow aftemooo aud otoning wilt attract crowded booaoo thn falea of tlio varoal equinox am rod fw day ahead of tba almanac a achodulod time saturday 17th inhered la these fifty mile breaua ontario nnraea namng orersoaa wilt bo poton lbo yotera into bare and lima be auttuod fovote at die next ganoral election a well u the sold era thodeprtitaentof arti culture ad uoa daalan id agga to keep them out of the httnlfght aod hoat aod never to diaplay egjfn iq store wiodowa a 100000 ault bgunat the torodto sotorban railway by acton tanmag co waa heard ab oagoodb hall tiua weak jodpneat was reaerred we anderaund there are poijiioaa at tio aball worka for any milton eoldiers wbo have retomdfrpm the front incapac itated tor furtliar service reforcaer 1 the old saying that the weather ef taa jiat march rules the throe moalha following y than a very coo iring- ia in tore vaaterdsy was a maab propitious apriafday a big cattle sale of 75 head will bo anal the sacrament of the lord a supper held at j a wiuonphba- bphng brook farm deorgttpwn on wneeday april 11th tba hot will appear in these colamna aaai wea urer of the patriotic aasociatiou liaa rccoi ed from mr g k ferric seorouy of the jjauaoalberticeboard in toronto a latter expressing tlianka to tiio inetnbeni of tho committee- in acton for the very effective work done bare in raaponae to tlio appeal for national- registration tho returns hao been gratifying but there oui remain melton mua malloa provtooaly owned a hoose on willow btroet aod feels at noma in that locality following trafalgar township a ox per ienoe with a mad dop miltou baa fixed the yearly dog lax at a dollar and a half for the aral dog and throe dollars for tho eeo- oon quito aiargo number ward la favor of a twp dollar tax reformer acton a tax baa been 3200 for lomo time mr jamas liamaha w who has conduct ed tho biackami thing buaineaa at the corn of mill treetf and lako avenue the past year mi broogbt hn fftroily from erin their new homo a on brock avenue mr john 3 colenuui baa sold his real dance on willow street which was adver tised i the iitkc pimiv il mir atmubw o c not been aignad and forwaralad the time has been extended to march 31st aod it ia boned every eititcn will be loyal and send in hia card presentation to missionary workors tho monthly meeting of tho woman a missionary society of the methodist church last week bad mteral unusual feature tho meeting was held at the home of mrs willuun mcnabb bower avcauc afti the compisuoa of the study hour coud uctd bjrmrsaviaon the meeting was called to- order by mroa t brown the president when minx ethel co i em n waa iraaentod with a ufa membership pin and mi fraakum with allfa inemuuahlp certificate bo tii ud 1 on made brief replica cipreaaing- thojr sincere appreciatiou of tho much prized evidence of esteem oi tho jtert of uieir fallow numbera this wook3 k a b cuutlng the meeting ef tho king o orderhen bible class on monday night was nt m attguat audemons church and will streets and wu very urgoly attondod ite j 1 bcarrow a former mom be r and home possibly on last leave tvo a good address on personal cuaracteriatic in cahiplifo under llio beads of rivalry oo opuratlon couiradoanip apt lunlatioi pointed out llin ood afloat rojulung ait well as sonio dmgorn cajwclajly it uon- this was followed ly a lon account of mie roat trek last fall wblcb bo fever was prouy wall known provloualy vocal numbers wore ieu by hov mr avtihin a id moaarv ilcuumu aiurbroj an i hrowii the uaual h breroertf oujm miki plato- follunwl ii i pas made ait earuesi bid for oo oporatlon iu f oouiidg evaugeliauo sorvicea military notes moat of the mambers of acton platoon of tho lojtfi batuliuu vroro homo oa leavo this week for foor dayn leul cob jamea llallentiue 0 8 o la returning to his com maud this month and ia aow on his way to bnglaud pte- liubert molhorhiit of tho beavers bsttalioir toronto baa been home on bu last leave tbo utollon leaea terooto lor the seaport to day john luce it k no 2 acton rooeired word but week that bis brotl er 1 to itqbert itiosi was seriously- wounded a later re port says lie died of his wounds private itob cook lbs orauorillo fight- ar who was let one of jh to join the forces then deserted and j rd ouotlmr rojrlment and wont orerrcs hat toeii doing good work for hi country on t baa loen recoiu neaded for tlio pcm bob will fight no more however in recent batue bla righc hand was dulrojed tbo widowed mother of pto bolf wilder of tookoot wb bappy oo tueadaj oi ivlfuory jlst b rccelrod sn official wire from otu- tbi bar boy had been killed in action tuesday mom ing she received two letters frutu her sou one plated march 41b saying tbat bo ls alive and well and in 1 upland mrs juhn kenuoy received a to lag ram frolu tl o mllltla ptilatttieiit laal ttiursday saying that limolliy irving previously ro ported missing was now uiuolally reported m klllod inaction n july jth lolo mr and mrs kentiey took i le irmg to tboir boms when bis mother died when bo waa a child of two yours ho lived in actou with them for ten or twelve joars lie waa 21 yearr of age the irat oltltlai rvloionra u i o clut- w h y at fl 4 inajeur of tl d royal iuuk montreal since u was ropirted miosiug after an wigagamoaiv in 1 muce mi juua 1uui wa given i the canadian casualty hot on j tuesday aa filloww a 10101 c v i snyder montreal prevlaa roportel j miaeipfc- 1 nnuuied to have d mr a an bntediiiod son f acton bpcod motor car roach in late mr caldwell hasagood position witli the rubber ttro works in ouolph has purchasod tho stovons farm mr james moore of rarooeahaa purcb aned the farm on queen street wbloli mr- c- btevana bonght from sir onald n n fear roars ago mr moore expects to remain on htsfarm ioatorowbona cory era until after banreat neib fall when be will coino to acton ho ia especially anxious to eocure the advantages of ac too high school for his daughters bfimafknblo commflnlty changes as allowing the chaogct wtinji constant ly occur in a oommuolty like ours w learn from the aocretary oriii6 mefbodist hon- day school that- df tbo boys primary class of eighteen membernin charge of tho uto mrs jennie smith id 1001 only one now ia now resident here nino of thoclatscn listed for military training some of them now being overseas and one has jiajii tlio great sacraflce of tho other eight there may be more- enllsunentn as the present location or several are unknown momorials of el patrick o day last saturday mrs joseph coleman at tamed bar sixtieth wedding anniversary mr coleman baa been doceaaad aome eight years two of her eeteemod lady friends mra sunderland taylor and mrs jtmej mooro for whom the lay had special ticm oriats wars invited to spend the day in her homo mr aad mrs taylor were married seven teen yearsago in kochdale fog land and mr jamea moore of one of acbins early families passed away on sl patricks day 1013 spoclal sorvlces in methodist ctiurch mr aviso ii will commence a acnea of bpeeisl earricee in the methodist church oeit sunday tocontinuo until raster ser vices will be iml eao with addmss ea on topics relating to decision for cbrial rev j d fiupatnck pastor of byarsou church hamll ton a raoat aucccaifnt pastor evangelist will preach on food fnday morning itojr coo w barker of juolpli chairman of the district will preach on mr i i nn- so icrvillo 1 as bmi aerioua ly ill for ek orao mra itolert scott ilowar avenuo ban liocti very ill tlie jtaat voak hlrl loin it kennedy ia apaading a few daya in toronto tbi week mutbcruormilhlalurneo from toronto loot wcokeuncxiiiftfrem the grippe hovj c wilson b a atunded a ineetiiij of juolpb ircnbytery on tuesday mr james camabao jr laft on tune day for alcraolhy kask on a pronpoctiug mm lamci mooroaii 1 iiui am airfindiut a couple ef days with friends in foronfo mra n i mnlxun topk her little grandson urti 1 omo tocliatbam on ohaa vinndreii we two n ofjpnrofljd ient tho week end with mr awl mrs a 1 llnwii mecim joaeph itotliin and thoraaa wbitloy left o i tiiewja y for tboir homo in jro dell bask mim i la s poole of theth lino loft on saturday morning for a month cf visit with friends in iturlinf v mr and mra neil monabb were called to wiugham last week through tlio death of mrs mcnnbbs motliar mr and mrs lredmaudo of hamilton were here oa battirday attandftig thefunor al of uiehttle boo of lr and mra cose conoral aympotliyia fait for br nod mra coxe main street lnliie loos of their dear 4ttte- i ir b l iter c u i- hmith m a and messrs harold wilds john antl allan lalthmau attendd the concert by ysaye tlie great belgian violinist at toronto on monday ovouing ir and mra il j iluaund borhog ton anuounco tlie engagement of tbeir dbujjbtcr daisy margaret to mr norman donald mol hie hamilton the marriage to take place in ajiril mr inest brown of the puxr pjuuj3 spent tbo week end with foeudaio toronto and en monday evening attended tho con cart iu masaoy hall by the greu belgian vloliniit ijugeno ysaye mr and mrs win johnstone announce the vngagenumt of their eldut daughter lartru lo jean to mr frederick alexander mclean of tlio merchants bank watonlrf only eon of mra donald mclean windsor tho marnsge will take place at ca mi lillio trunk urn loft for bar new homoathamatoocstcrday miss frank utn will bo greatly missed by the youug people here hlio baa boon a friendly helpful and useful qung lady her- activities asa teacher in the melhodiat sunday school a worker in the 1 p worth league and a mom ber of tlio choir hro been especially appreciated tho farmors are bosy getting all their tofcesftg done before the roa ja bibak up willar mqrsd to tbo murray wiuotlgjlhy soils three farms in onojf 7tj oonoeasnn nasgaweya last number of fabhs change hands day and six during tho weok willoughby aellt mclchorn fann rf 140 aclca at tho cataract formsrly the mo nicholl farm to mr william akitt of 1 no lowanliip the old bir donald mann homestead at actou of c2 acres changes hands was sold to lit james moore of eramsaa townahip by j a wdloughby georgo tnwn mr william cunningham of ueorge- town has purchased ej scree at george town belonging to mr jamea mckachnie sale ka made by j a willoughby eorgetown willoughby sells throe farms in lie one the death of christ on taster sunday f day as follow toortjlog a reception earioo will bo bold j mr harold smart ef milton purchases 100 acres in lrin township helnngiog to will be administered i mr q d jry tho nauonal soivlco card ur n i purchases 175 s in mr r m mcdonald a mirtowdahp ti5ogmgtomr thomas iryor mr tbotnaa aryer purchasee 110 ocros in najaagaweya township lolonging to mr t j hoddell of doorgetown bod ahdguh the mn iv- f iathrmrttr ada thatrapreaaatlvocanadianbportaman a publicatiou is now on sale on the newa sianda a glimpse through thiabsoeroreals tlio fact that the manh issue contains much tbat is of in tercet to lovers of outdoor life in addition for the more genera reader there are atones of outdoorlife to bold the at ten lieu and divert it for a umo freni tlie current newspaper and magatino recital pertaining to tlio war w j taylor ltd woodstock ont are the publishers new wonderland i a aiich23 clara uuuall i young pill day b the common law prom lbo novel b uobcn w ji nut om i bis cxell ftaluro will bo kliawu three limes inatioeo 4 jo aild 7 3 and 9 11 oclock 15c prices matinee adults luldrtn u night dtlulta bildriii 10c above pneca include war tax batuiioay ha iioii 4 tlio secret i ove wllli nn all txjlt tntt jnciudihc helen ware 1 iu i til hnre i arcy tueuuay ih aiicm z7 per 11 woriuq a lflir name a vtgrupfi fi uurc uudnuoday baroll ej stronger love with vivian l gregory marmalade 1 made it witjuxiy tuimo old n but i used lantic sugar ou ocroitnt of its j1110 gpmulatloa u isbsk duoolvca uibtouliy ulujung a cujtr jlly 2 5ibcartons10 20100 ihowiu a way to soften the hard wafer of the bath gclotitliic-lxhx- parjeage pour r-3ot-4-torilc- spoonfula into the water anil ntir a little the water immediately becorncn creamy coftvmont refreshing and very beneficial to tlc okin try it tonight youll beplcased well pleased people where the water ia unusually hard just revel in for the hath cerned fzepecaaliy where babies are pon- tliese oilky smooth little essence of bono rxrrcif flalceu of the purest qlhl cleanaing effect on tiie nkin that in very stimulating after a trying day lux ai all zrcm 10c dritiih tmmd mnf lever brothers limited toronto 33 balunafad i mr- roy vannatter left for tho wet tatt saturday mrs joseph bwindlaburat whowostoken kitba st two aeaksago is neb tmpror ing very much aad mrs oliver marshall fergus spent tlio weekend with the iatxrs parents mr and mr and mrs g bl sayora mr robu mcknery bai moved to mrs ilward msrsball s farm which he lias rent ed for a term of years mr e scottr 7th lme fno has moved to mr moffat farm hui line lwjueeing mrs bingham of alms was a recent guest of friends hero cbews0ns corners week mr chester plank acton has purchased tbo farm vacated by mr millar east half of lot 32 first line fc- noting mrs croon unolph visited friends boro last week a tire a wise am thor i we oorr free this book tnat tciu you about many 01 the ri lajniitinjr liom and jhuw u treat llmra kendalls spavin cure c u nao adrtjuijorrilr i re llltyboioohrjlntml other bony n u rctncn to it la aloo a reliable re- icilr for curbs hpnun ilmtira cuts ihi licirarsa itilocattiewetradclr 1 aeunailcxncnse 1 amlcrwra otnd rralrlo na send toe ii em ta jitrrt i j xenoslt apavln e bwrlllno cn andallkltulbofuiarots anil flna u a buoccm- ill sjvio c j afa uiiiljfjn pk jjb a bottle 6 tar jjtxi if you i llr cmti amlcrwra j city alia writes j a aor of joar trmttu z have unj h a 9 cure tor a f illwa mliifci the groundwork healtii comfort and econoimy when days are wet and all outdoors is sloppy is agood pair of rubhers rubber boots or rubber farm shoes jtjiesurcguide-to-ggod- rubber footwear your guarantee of service and protection is oneof these trade marks jacques cafttien merchants mapbe leaf gkamby daisy dominion canadian consolidated rubber co limited arji manufacturers of rubber gowla in tuu linttx raptro kxccutivl offices johtuul p q seven ladcc uptxdatri mamol ctunirlc plant 1m canajxa jcnvici auajicuni and waquiousut tiiuouguout canada hnyiuf i w sweet or soar best prices paid cans supplied all express charges paid the farmers dairy company ltd toronto p h 51 our presentation rsf new spring and easter fashions pnvolviis mot ditmui lied fitlu nn of iuw wc irdblc for woiulii ind d miuj you will find it exct cdiiijly intcrc itiiif ai w h 1 idvntigtou u tome ui guclph to cp ndchdosl nt w apparel from macdonalds spring fashion lxlubit you wdl ho w ii nlc i d willi tin cxucptional diversity in the new modi wc arc showing tins spring i his u t feature tli it is provuii highly gr ttifying to everybody mnce it 1 o e t y to cliooe farment i along line mot becoming to ovory figure the modes for spring a i whole have several source of in pirt- tionarrton which are the b trrel silhoutte wfiich is the mojt triking of the latent rpuovations the graceful line of the grecian l iq straight line pjownrimd many suit models tile l rbitin oruannts and chmase motif on the uvhlouies the rndrur dotarnd bending- on thencw necicfixiqgs a personal visit to tin store will revt i ill important det uls of the na spring mode choice range ia now at it wide t come this week p e macdonaid earos limilcd z goelphs leading and largest store wyndhara macdonnell and carden strccla guelph on r nppcaranto for tho h- tuy depend i tij tjy on o cl the- vvliy iv t start ni hi withn nutty i itllo hal cdl and tjr our lau tlnjapnncro and other deigna misses cooper clcahino aucttojs saie in kdahojax township iatim stok tmpli mkkks 1ia and g if a 1 n 1 ho undcriijued uao received mtruc t u from pltank day to ih by pnbio auction on the premira 1 t 3 7tfj lino of 1 ronioa 3 rmlei eut of jl oct wood 5 mi lea west of acton on monday mancu sot iq17 at t o clock sharp the following hoksl s heavy iwy horse 5 yer 1 old good in all tiarncui heavy blacl hore 3 ycia broken double bay farm cliunk 4 ycirgood in all harnci cattllibttlow 6 yr duo time of jlc iiolitcin cow 5 years due april ij red cow 5 ycatk duo juno 15th red cow 3 year furrow m puttbl i dr of red steers vuilit ulxiut 3300 it 11 red 1600 1500 i400 runu 1400 red 1300 bcifcra 1400 young cattlb pair of rcl licif crj 1 yeir pair f red ud white icara 1 year pair of roan tteeru 1 year jvur spritii calves hogs 1 york bow vttd litter of pifs 1 york now frith litter of pipt 4 tboico young owi hup posed uj bo iu far row 5 ajittata about 150 iba each blluo 4 puro bred youog oxford down awa poultry 1 duck and druko hay grain aud illdabout 10 tons of no 1 timothy huj about 5 tonj of mixed hay 75 but of o a i 7a tints fit for wl as bus of buckwheat tit for setd 500 uxt of oilcako 350 lbj of bhulitrap quantity of uuofoltli and turnip imlllulntb igia model ford car with shock absorlmrt safety uocr cvjrio tire holder and cover in good nditioa mnarcy uarris 7 ft binder ith truck lhcaf cniricr and ore car riago good ui uow moey harris manure prradtr largo njie in t work 1 dc order mousey hnrtu rawer 1rtwt sc wood 11 ft ruko with tongue or cbufe great dane hay loader nearly masse y hurru two low torn ctilti or with duckfci 1 mouldeiu jiml nb 1 ida seed drill 1imi vtxh culti utor j or 3 1uiimi iiofcljt wootl i plule ilsc out thniw i ou leu barn our fit iuuu mig l4ir 5 fe tdiugn 13 rl ulletj pulley cbancru tit uou do nvai ljuu beparutor 67s iba tap oitibitintioii rvuou box alock ami buy rik mud double box with 1 pnti neat nearly now mado by watson hick- viood farm wajoc cprliij wa mi liar ler ti p buijfy cutter icitba 1roit tk wood j 4 or 5 ftcttiou buirow b plcniry no rplwi turnip nwcr nmk uluih lb wu box buy mik w h 1 k noiiiiu ler mi cy uuru ul li utile banc 13 boro tporu t vcu 33 title loo lb twiuo lloicul boni ciipicik nearly now uxu forku hoc 1 hovel botkcti loirtfk obnlti cluvicob himli r c ivcr 3 h bj 3lk1 ltxlr jtlllu uatb ittfo 111 i lk l3tl iiakn1 j nt i if tia 11 i iiiut wt f kill in harnchs ill j hl t ndl tton illirs itaik 1 ploib lu e- tel- in li ftr u itmj buy tum t od pi iliiv wine uii 1 mm- of l j aud uuilcr iuj1 vrr that nun unt iu m uh lu lit on pj n ved onit note- o pr ent per uuuiii if fir luib i tm4iivciv no ricrvo iu tho piujirictur isji eulii td f ir ovlsitvs ftoi vko i ills farm of b utrce is for tuilo on asy terms it lousials of 7s rej uu lur ullivatiou tialnuie liatiiie aud iwaiu liauk burn mxro with itocl rot straw il ftltiillied j ixjo hi k pttiotiil ttul- unr cemented lu t6od tidltiol und equipped with litter carrier throiitho it run oil l nil 35x13 obuinrcablu toj uil frame liauw uu 1 itiivinj ulicd jrjo ii am ua 111 vrr filling wella aud jinj with ruuun j muici all thf yeal furio is ill hijli slalo ul luluvauun ail i irej tiu atlv cicjui has wintered fiuin 5 to ju bad uf iauiq furyoaiu ai i has tood 4ui huc aud ith ti uu iu itald vvt hotijluvtiuu in 14 loaui 11 tiy v 30 kcres tall iluwxl several too- f trait at d ij lautlty uf aiutllafcu a ly rank tiny iu il i rkihkl 1 14 e fllra or measm u illougbl y fajui aironu luur aud uol i out jt j ktcltti 1 wiuit l uil ai ti 1 ci the girls of the intermedi ite red cross club will canvass the town next week for waste paper and rubbers bundle up what you have for the girls when they call and your support will be lreitly ippreciated capital authorised 45000000 cap hi paid up p000000 curplna jxmcvoqo in the beginning thc primary objeci of the bant was to encourage the habit of saving especially nmonyt tl c small wage earner the bonk of ham hon has never lost sib of lbia ohject the wnall depositor is always imured of courteoui ireahnent one dollar will open a savings accounl georretown branch n w udur masvajsrj jordfibdgsj jmh ew store wall paper 20 per cqnt off ladies spring suits and coats 25 per cent off the balance of our shoes at 10 per cent off see our girls raincoats i j tblashillco i mill sl acton x caiii tl t7 oooooo llhtjlclivit 1unuh and unoittulcd t uopitu j luxjjiyt the merchants bank or canada 1 ii m iituuo albm e v o iea dent look to the future fund may tlruuo aud wi rk bccnuio it- plentiful t r yuu with uflv mvl 1 yeaiiiuiul 1 will luivo no nilli kip iiiiywh o 1 oui nitu bulo few 1 1111 he 1 d illaii iwvc 1 in m mu uu 1 cuiia li it hunk uo1ji now wlui only quo ikillar makt tt hold y 1 it o ti ml a 1 ii ml inn ah o nil u uur lun l j tku builh r t tointoit l ixtiiul y 11 u 1 11 t look utk ac on branch l b shorey manager

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