Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1917, p. 2

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1 11 1 d luvul u f ii 1 ir lit bpr jlrl year m4tiiii i unrrh 1 od f i yrjir iiu7 ii i n ti th irwlaj 1 ray matthewn mn tito holt i u th v i f to o 1 ica 0 hto year 1 ni in itta 1 i lay m on late r hln daughter larkviow avo mi to tli ion o acton m hie llljc jrf on jm 3rss tiiuhbiay aililil7 editoniaiinotes tim mlw ii xr couurrcti o thoift inture li li juped on iumii linont la tlio municipal act giving h munlripalitiru tho power to airem up to mil in on tiro dollar irreipectivoof school end wartaxes tliq provio in maximum wu 20 mrlls vn j i txi a- who u now ovoraoaa with uio hath novia fcjeotis llighlaniers contril utri to tho caiia lian magazine lor april an ii m v ually uiteraiting article entitled rho psychology of khaki dr ixrgsn iayirlwtcttlifitcct7thabthdonnlngv cf die kings uniform had on hira and ha f alto hi a optrhorrpfwhatthp g effect is an effect which lio says ovaijgehlu call a chaujo of heart tho a oltcat ivni province which n the rovonoo of uio id lend to roliavo hat tho pressure of other tajtfttlon oomoi ilbh dirocb result of tho campaign carried on by tho liberals in tho legislature ainco 1015 for heavier taxation of uio inter national nickol comjiany mr itowoll mr carter oud mr dewart with other provincial highway through acton lllf ollflm ih dl i m tl and riunl ip ilitli i in ninth i ii hmilo duutaiioh t li i thl hi liil dovirnmi nt u u jly jii 1 ly 1 u ioj r lukl 1 i uw idl ifumii nt lay mtrn ml ii iii ulod that tho irv ir nf nnl ii mtruf llu iule ttorondy io laucii ui f highway ixitwoo i in r nu via it mm urn corj otowi kite oner now ilaml ur hu marys tu loii lo i i hatha inluvsi io r lotktc 1 row il jrorn iiearlul of ll tu o ani well ni- f rotfi t od on eh vjnra an other ikiinln ktalipliea ahiwl pir ulutlon aorved i oi 1 atuo lilt f pi tun on i tkxl rm nrtlmrji romtl oil 1 il c1 vvatrhx j that arnnlli g to iiuulit n uvfjutork on mluruin flill uxmttdi and iriljr ty tho tho od in wrtro over of tlla mid ix irtl on ufmhi ly tho l rool hal ton tocih cixt ifi o droy itroo hich 1 ao etil a iruol roods audi mrjihrtvftlhuim fiiutr hd uow it is cominu it is rougldy oatli alod that undar tlio now ytotq of taxation if tho act foil awn tho bos id of tlio comcnla aioaa report tlio inuraational hickol company will haa to pay tho province- tbijrow ne a million do in txa tirarinitoiiror tho paltry jio 000 a yaar whicii thoy havo boon paying wlmlmipiily m thocaunliai u tiortlioro routo wo ild wolhiigton walorluo midlloiax hlmcoo hi puitonn mid aiiii ton total of 2 30 jooon k jitidrca it was fliliiittr dutliar roiiui ooitrooii hi w 1 udo- w oultlar i -quly-tli- 1 l oxor 1 ilraiil norfolk an i hold mand whirl hv axpondod only 17 000 on roads and 1 ridiii tho population oarvod in tho norlhorn aonci of counues wu oaticnaud at i 1 7 comparod with j 75 iltaarvod in tho bouthcnibcrjca a raaolmion m unanlmoujily passed ondomnijr thj jropoicd action of tho pro rinctal govornmont looking to tlio con atmction of o jormauent highway from tho cantorn to tho itotttli wen torn liomidariea of afc pad id uio oducational ayatem intarfer log witli tlio cliddran of tho prorinco in oocunng an adoquato traininp in finda roan talsuhjectdn ore dincusaad iothahouso hy wrn mcdonald libor roam be r for north bruce a fonaar teachar ho tamod his attention particularly to tho regula tloni and ciamlnatjon iapra irrart 0na of thoq ucsliori9 which had been required of uiopuriiu iru draw and paint tho wild caxrotlii tlowcr why not hava tlio children aakod mr mcdonald taught to pull thorn out anotlior examplo of a question an led was draw tho no my rosso that gabbled o eruio poop what goofe domatklcd mr mcdonald put chat on uio paper and uion bo turned to uia minister of rdncatioa auikold why not clip tho can of these jackasses who put such questions on tho iaprs f tub ci iiiirrt toi il of converaauon this week hoalcca tlio dcdarauoi of war on germany by tho united slates and uia masterly opcocli of president wilsoo boforo congrats on mdnday where ho urged uiat acuon bo taken tho entrance of tlio united states into tho war wiui tho allies onnga wiui it tremendous adranuges and will mean thai tlio war will be soonerendod a passage in the preat lent a address which will ho hiatorio ih as follows we are now about to accept gage of liattle wiui uila natural foe to liberty and shall if nocosaary apend tho whole torco of the natfoa to check and nullify itu pretsnsions and its power we are glad now that wo seo uio facta will an veil of false preetneo about tlicm to fji iiirs fpr the ultima velopiuent of a defitiiui policyof porniaiiont road building in tmpexatlvo to promoto properly both uie agricultural and tho commercial mtereatu of tho 1 rovinco tho conference unanimously paused a resolution urging upon uio provincial govcmmotit that tho proponed liihwaj fallow as closely as may bo tho lino of uio grand trunk railway- from toro ito to london passfng uirough tho atwvo namod munlciiialitles and recommcndoj uio appointment of a strong tloiiuutioo of represonuuvetef municipal councils and boards of trade to piesont tho r claim to uid government at an early date a k g smith of now hamburg dominion seed lxport ly sijcial invita tion addrcased uio conforenco giving statlstlca to show that the highway would do greater norviro by passing uirauli ot adjacent to tho noruiern counties interact ed tlirougji sotno migundemtindfng acton wan not foj rosontod at tho coufaronco at kitchener delegates from noighlxinng avotions kindly saw that acton wu i lacod on the proponed northani roulo tho council should boo that we aro duly ro preseotod at such further confaroucw on may bo called 0uh boys for overseas obituary ilil rt uujn ann ht dtki t inf ilolnte all or dynes of 1 i lwril dyne won xu ito i mm lay after luuin mill la rviow omotcry 1 ixrlrn wan rundurted in tie h lrcii ly hv mr it nan da real od wan a iistlvn of ai ton hut has lived in j oi ii to lnro hin ayhkml days he win in hin iocaj yoar an 1 loaves a wd w i ut id clujicii two la lorn and three 1 roth aro also survivs tioiiimlc stfvcm in tl odeaui of holmes c htavsns at the home of inn daughter mrs coiilu 1 larkviow ayoribq torouui lost friday ar ton luies iti oldoatcitiien mr htevoni wunt tu lorouto latt fall to ariend u o win ter lu uio citj he was taken sariaiialy ill a u ouut ago and baa gradually failed einco 1 ho was in his eighty aovenui yearatm fljiunt most of his year in toronto ha waaoontetr there- and builb neveraj 1 irnportantl ml liftiii ha noa a conuartor on rt- jairjea cftuiodral on king htroot- four yes ao mr htevang re in civ od to ac ton with his no a mr harry htavfiiia and maiuntjiter mln htevens ho enjoyed hfa tciilleucjjiororond wait ablo to walk down town to tho 1oat office and tolliurch on hun lay until ho venb j toronto mrs steveni prodocoased her husband tovoral yearn lofiro ht romoat from toronto mr htevona wan a lifa long marabor of uio methodnt church and was always in tenia led in its activities tjio funeral was hold on min lay an 1 iuurrneat took plao at 1 roipacb cemelary toronto hkv w b frudlav luiv william uruce find lay bupehn tendon t of toronto s industrial farm vungo street diod at jils home on uio farm sunday afternoon ho had suftarod a general break down ij healui but woo ablo to attend to his duties up to two wooks ano ho was forty eight years of ao and ia nurvived i y a wi low ooo girl and uireo lojo tholator tindlay was born in uunll h and was educated at knox colleo toronto for uio presbyterian ministry ho was pastor at claremont niagara i alls and for aome time at tlio historic drum mood hill cljorge later ho wont to tor onto to st luocb n church and 0vo years auction sale 11 kllirtownullli ihv- maple iluit herds ok iuitls ullicu yoiik and iltckic lloofj hoilfjlxo oattiie luilumcntu oltaln uayandhooru ilia undarslgiiad have recoivod instruc tiousto mil by 1 uhlio auction for ii j 1c1ciui lot jo lrt lino i riu near ouprlaga on tukoday apitllto 1d17 at 130 o clock el arp hjiofolluwiug hoitfjlh choico heavy i rown mare 0 yearn eircd by utar ot hoses in foal to montrovo 1 nvoy i jet black mare 10 years general purpose a rat more doublo or aiugle a guaranteed bailee driver heavy 1 rown gelding rising 3 yearn hired by i jar on i la tor i rokan roadster brown mare manlo xiural if loss f years good ainfflo erdouhlo witli groat action in foal to ltostan hamblotonlan road bay hosq rising c yearn good elugle or doullo wiui ploatyobu and quality t rood gelding uingi years aired byalma itoci j rood gool eiigi qiiottt u i years aired by alma itoci j rood coltming 1 year sired by lloston hamliu toaiaa thoea rood horsei fiart bbeu priw win oattll hhortliorn cow c yoars ell giblo tor registration red caw 1 years calf at foot n pot tod ha for 3 years calf at foot brad ian lfth tad cow years calf at toot rod cow u years dualn april red cow 9 years milking well brad marc 13th grey cow h years milking well brod doa jflth j black cow due april lfi a groat cow where only ono is kept spot tod heifer bred i oh oui rod cow c years duo in juno rod cow h years i red doc 11th j rod cow 7 years calf at fool this is a good lot of cows shorthorn grades young oattlluad and blank steer ahiyfetr about 0000 lbw palroi iollad angus heifers portly fat about 11 co pair of tod beifarsiltpars pe ir-of- steers naing- 2 yearn 2 heifers one year heifer rising years suitable for beef ring j 3 w tears no year j 2 heifers rising ono year 3 calve s months t 2 calvoa 3 monuis j 2 calves 4 weeks 2 yonog calves j shorthorn bull calf 0 moauia eligible iat rcgutra lion sitenr 10 choice lofceater owes all young and bred to pure brod oxford ram i abearling mm oxford down pure bred i oultiw 70 bens pure lredsand all brod from prixewinuing stock 30ihymouui rocks 30 wyandottes 10 ulock mlnorcaa i bachelor suits for mefl r sell the bachelor suit the hcit suit made for the money the cloth in these bachelor suit i ij thorouphly hrunjc and hand tailored anurinq permanent hape fit and itylc eycty suit la trimmed with no i tnmming a bachelor guarantco goes with every uit the patterns aro neat pin checks in fancy wored cloths the ahadej arc browns grays and bluei colors arc guaranteed faat dyc3 size 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42- drop in and look this lot of bachelor suits over they will plcase you boys bloomer pants 35pttirsboyj blocmzy iaiiis instrong stripe tweedsjmed all i through with strong cotton lin ing sizes 24 to 33 special at 150 ladies ciiamoisetre gloves just pfbeed in stock j dozen cliamoi3ette glbve3 white only 2 dome fasteners sizes 6 6 i2 and 7 special at per pair 90c ladies buck anp white silk hose black hoses fibre silk feet with good quality lisle top sizes 8 12 9 9 12 10 special at 40c or 2 pair for 75c black and white silk hose and stockings that will give good satisfaction sizes 8 r2 g 9 j2 10 special 00c id leghorns 4 wyandotte cockerels y0kksj0 saws supposed to bo iu far raw row wi b litter sow 1 year due april i youno hows no 40 duo april 23rd no 41 due april 2flth t no 42 duo june 21st no 43 duo may 7th no 44 duo slay 7ui no 45 duo juno ib olo ho was appointed to take charge of the no dljo mo 0tl no do mj dtjl rjjsoitation of tho industrial i arm was a man who performed his duty at all times and put 1 is wholo heart in it was uio tribute of mr daniel chlaholra toron to pcojierty commissioner whan he hoard of mr iiindlays deaui deceased was well known in acton where he was a frequent vintor being a warm friend of j c wilson and family in knox church lost fall hn last visit to acton uio he epoko of of the world nod for the liberation peoples uio uerroan peoples includod for rights of osti gmat bmal 1 -arrd- thd privilege of men everywhere to chooao tboir way of life and of obedience wa have nosolush ends to serve wo desire so conquest no dominion weaoek no indem muoo for ourselves no matonaj com pen sauoaiorlbeaacnilceflwaaball f reel j make w aro but quo of tho champions of tho rights of mankind wo shall be satisfied when uioio rijrbts havo boon as secure as tho faith an 1 tho freedom of uio nations can mako thorn canada welcomes its big next door noighbor as an all upou a basis so unselfish end sincere the children s aid society offlcors or halton society for tho year financial statement at the annual meeting of tho child aid society of halton county hold in court house milton uia following officers wore elected 1 honorary president judge i jliol president mr j m tjonyaa 1st ico pres uov a d draper 2nd vlco pros miss hudly treasurer mr c ii hluart becrourj miss o young the 1 loculwo couimitteo the cleruy inau at tho town rcovcsof inuniripalltlts mojsro luck oakvilla j w h htowart acuinyt l buiith uurliiibin d 4 robertson i j mercollu j 1 oereii mm oorham mn d 8 robcrtsuii mrs mccaiiuoll miltoti the lliisiicial statement fur uio year is as igllowe iicteirra cash on lian i omul fro 11 acton coum ii oraut frt m nunsaawuya cou bull dp vvataan i b hobertouu wrn i h ituheruou f l a idon flrontfrmn cu rgutovn couuc bank interuit tho men of acton platoon loft mon day evonlag after their last loavo icro wcro many tearful partings when our boyn ip khaki loft on monday evenii g ftcril oirlast loavo before 1 rocoeding to halifax wiui uio lc4th battalion whonoe thoy will cmliark for overseas tho reality of war and what war meant seemed to hi mora manifest on una occasion than at any previous loavo taking of our soldier boys it was a hard tiling to nay gooi bjo to wives cl lldroo mothers end ouior relatives and fnsnds ifmvcly the tioyn met u e onlesl nn 1 hearty nassagaweya tlie following is uio reiort for ifareh or school ro 0 s11 iv c m tching j kmghuryh wilson iii u kjogshury o mclaughlin 1 wilaon ij nightingolo o shnvo a nellia julutgio wilson charlie mclauih in ell iol iteblie kingsbury mary darly violot shriva j 11 i o nlghdngalo t mclaughlin l nellin pilfrwm wi l hhnve 83ri 42 1 ihi it ik 1 00 1 ih 6 0o 1 00 u 1 1 it ul lxprom to hrip ion halary anj 1 ct- mr rt 1 lxprtii 1 co mlit km ly postage ur ru rls 1 avoloikn linxlj tialarv and tu l to a dl jo mr iortui printing roik rt lttiiii ton con account r n rtun halary mr norton tlalaryanlui unt mr notion adouut mr norli n war tax t nip balance cash on lmt i 17 77 hi it hi 00 l h7 lu 12 ih 10 44 fll llfl elni u 00 nn 4j v 370 2 j c ii saut ireasor ceriuuorrcct w j m vv b cieinents auditor 1 words of cod jocd which we ro uddrcoiod to every one of uicui not only by those uio bund re la of fneudn and fellow citiieiis whn assemble 1 to soo uiom otl tliero was to boutorouu send olf but quiet heartfelt fnronolts ware iincoraly expressed a baud p inuale on uuch au occasion would liata been out of phics let tho ban in uy with all juyouttnena when tho bos oomo home ofur the wur fiuteofo hcartw daaired no baud ou mon day evening tho following actio lxa aro on this roll of honor and go ovorueas with ulb hhtii battalion hllult ii r swaclvuami r pdrifi 8muthurht w j stuchly ti m olull corp c cook m 8011 r ii c01dham i wa1son i1ucilr r bti wari j jejuni r uaxdsman m coi i h r htrlrchl r rl altl itj oom y itl l il rr man c morton t maitail a cook h r hwariufami it i- lrfhson j 1 hlarrow a waiaon i mimnnon l i a4down m kui y ii doubii wth11uij a ih m u a andi rmn k 1uil1 k is ill witl mk tut hnptntojiu tlo iwttall iiimi ru cloy eiuhark ut hnllfux markod present every day dunns march l r nelson mr james mcjionaid auctioneer of ouolph con luotod a very auccossful aalo of horses and implomeuts and house hold joodn for mr charles hortop of ldon millff on saturday last whilo at tho sale of mr charles hortop of ldeu mills od saturday mr james watson blaksraith of rock wood bad the riiifortuna to receive a kick from a four yisr old colt that was being sold in the loft arm which will lay him up for a while jiortunntely no bonos ware broken ih ciib una band qi froga have ouca mowcoliio fllfutlpinttnrith bring says that spriug isalmoatuoro agali the big catua bale of willoughby s ia comiogofton wednesday april llui see adv riago t scots imiusion of purest cod liver oil usually stops a stubborn cough or chest cold when ordinary specifics fafl it helps strengthen the lungs and thjroat adds energy to the blood and gives the system the force to help resist disease use scotts refuse substitutes lalvivue torontu out 48 duo juno 12th no 40 due juno 14th n co due tnno 1 iui no 01 duo june 16th 3 sows 4 months berks aged sow rivervlow- luoy jfqfvffr dtfcapi 07u1 yoarllng sow woodburn bella 3rd no 30441 duo april 30ui thin sow was a winner at toronto london ottawa and provincial fair young sows no tl dqo april 23rd no 53 duo april 24ui no m duo april 25th no c5 due ari 24ui no 1234 due aprit 24th no 123 duo may 2nd no 234 due april 22nd no 1 duo march ird no 2 supposed to bo in farrow no t auppoaod to be ip farrow 2 youftg sows 4 moouis old boars york boor lakoviow sandy tb no m31i 10 months ol i lircd by john duck port credit from pricewin uing stock and good enough to go in any company i he young sown are all bred to uiujouiil loar 2 boars 4 mouus old sired by flatt hojr agod berk boar cheery lone tom no 20so0 tho undo fcatod show boar don t fall to aliond this tale ol hogs and procure uio results of 30 years of careful selection aaul breading imillmlnts lialo wagon 3 inch tire as good as pew mcconnell two-aeat- ed democrat la good shape top buggy road cart good as new masse j i arris binder six foot cut with truck and sheaf furrier 1 11 f thspft mower ax foot cut good as ever maaaey harris 13 spout combined aaod drill 3 horse attachment new j large stock rack in tornatlonal 3 drum steel roller fcow in ternauonal diso harrow 14 plate now blaury turnip sower new sulky horse rake mbsoo scuqlsr with all attach meats now coulter soott culdvator wiui t horse attachment set bohaloigl s good grain scoop set lleury harrows with two aad three horsodeublelrees new set iron harrows potato moulder wire basket cutter with email scab in front stock rack for democrat 125 feet 3 inch ltiu birtrtisfmrnts gtijc iltrtuolist otljurch artan ii waviuonm a o urnlnlatbr- sundaysiillld 1017 i amik hunimy a m subject an i aatcr mesaage uio iaitor jucetition of iliembern foster jntiaic by tho choir p m itov w i hansard the work of the bible- hclcty good pkiimy a h rev g w barker of ouelpli will preach jincramcnt of tho i onl a fauprwr o add atx aptiool in the afternoon at 2 30 o clock all wjtlcolnff dkivkr for sale lot an hejviodljo luts taiuawekesiience wscsr sailo floor sniedl4 foraaa sletile ltxliicim3rs1n sll in rirscslars ivpair las mto oedoptl tfv trrat im trmuag wot ttmaad prtlalaa applyxo thm pvscalmai ta sht altexaxdeb bell hay fork 1 0 1 ig crates boggy pels wl ike hoary 2 lurrow plo rope no illaya 1 three etraaa neck yoko uio ory j lurrow piew flenry plow no l fanning mill stock rack hay rack atone beat set ot springs maxwell for stock rack cap 3000 lbs set of platform scales larga water trough 25 grain hags 2 neck yokes 1 short massey harris pal per fattening crate for chicken pick axa 2 axes crow bar enstlon fork manure forks scoop shovel long faaodlo 1 whealbarrow f aat of hows equalizing doubletrees 2 set doubletree logging chains sickle hay knife now 1 wedge j crosscut saw sledge hammer stump puller forks devices ate harness 2 eat team barnaea ooe nearly new all complete set doable dri ing harness set of plow harness 2 sets single harness light sat of home and collar 0 horse collars 3 light collars sweat pads aadjte string of bells trace chains 1 show halter now blankets curry comb etc j grain hay roots75 buahala ol karly lmpiro oata cleaned lit for aoed 1 100 bushels of 0 a 0 72 oatn cleaned qt for seed j 100 bushels mlied rralo white and black barley and oats tit for seed h busbela of timothy seed half bushel mixed clover 20 lb orchard grass a few bags of delaware potatoes eoma seed small ones 10 tons hay a quanuty of heavy chop household effects bedsteads prings happy thought wood stove pipes and elbows creamery cream can ubw awinjfchum 3 small milk can atralnmr peibmilkpaita buttarbowl ladle aod printer larg drop leaf table terms j10 aad under cash over that amount 10 months credit oa furnish ing approved joint not 4 per coat off for cash hay grain fowl and root credit no reserve as the farm is sold horning trains will bo met at orton c p r and rockwood o t it stations on morning of aalo far peoplo coming from a distance jas mcdonald ind ii j kehh auclioneexs henry reed a d frr clerks jf this is the econoiucal falirt use certain inherent qualities are essential in paint to ensure your permanent satisfacuon with its application of these the more important are endurance and covhsg capacity the extent to which these qualities are present accurately dlttrrnines the real value of your paint encdsh bint 30 pnta r 100 pom point mpfcelhhkai now on w6e market 35 centrally located building lots for prompt bale at very reasonable priccb choose yourh today bdivisitiu with iu ntimberoua buildfu icn to purchasers wido streets an poa the now maplehun1 lota in tiplcu ud mtii itian is laigo loti all near th 1 ceutro of tho town convenient to ntatlo t ofbeco xhurcics iicliqolauii 1 with 1 11 a few yards of tho now shoe factory building kand m cvo y cellar or supplied from a wind pit on the property puro water taidly obtainable for full particulars aa to prlcca tcrma etc call on robt wallace acton made in over fifty artistic ehades combines these virtues in such a manner as to produce a result no other paint can eicel and few can equal t it is economical because it will cover jnoresurface and wear longer than other paints a cheap paint does not permit of the use of the best ingredients and always is expensive in the long run bh english paint costing but little more than a cheap mixture produces a better job that lasta three to four hnw aa long czllspeigh ftc are our authorized agents they will gladly give you color cards and prices or you may write our service dmartment direct for advice on your painting problems katt3eklpaftlhke capital nbbisnvn tronds and undivided profits the merchants op canada 7xkxdo6 7scx0o4 bank sir h montaguo abon c president d c macarow v general manager desirable property for sale tw0 lets aetu vruu hoes cood basemeef m wn trxrea hslsd wiui o air fsraaea roaetitet sl nirptoo olnee sewtia naoa itjr oowj foiioo wtjililbx thai woald raiia jtmdnfdtutl4bm vo itnievxa ueo aed panleaiar aetlr h j jlj esaczcrcw fkoplsrty for sale 3 terwr t reeenev srich paotrr wash rooco and hamrtm tar bad rootna tijd aad son mur riinnni ir mutt bo olf farsae utr ugbm ail b11t daeorad latbw town lets ertui pteoty shads mod twira fre aroosd ut pcaae jook a cfltritesi pewteeiufhsk f o flne bkick besibience von sale bnrclesisihl ceota wui an adjetalac lea kwfyto notice to public ubmbt patbom ibst sst3n ef cow lffinrr board bavtsc s nma ealltttogm oacs tal nnntin of the boosa forf i to 1 tmaw t 11 raarad la oltr rf mtat pttmm i moadhiaa be board unbf tatarmm h b tal all frrmsa rnrrrrinirrttin cnmt nift rlii intm wl thw flwtwi trf tn lioe wfl b vhmmlimot cftw uftrar- imrtrtr tea fallow grand trunk ivgw plan your summer vacation now arcar to vvut aasie 0 tio following pcazta oil rjeaxtr srics ciaac to nature full lsfunrrajrg aid jescrrptiro liter ature tajy be iccnneti c application to c e horning dp a ucuoa station- toronto onl ti s holmes agcat actow pho no 13 0 new wonderland i spring terms open otilucoduy april iotti and ilurr t int 1 summer sca ion tt ra juiyjril no f rvc 1 vat uious no waste time twomu 1 reu cutalogtie vrito shaws schools lorouto oj jongo bt i acton dairy is jiuvin tlui week 45 cts to 46 cts 5 fur iluttir lat h uking your chcam to us 1 r rubinoff s acton dairy illlllllllllllllullllilllllllllllllulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllilllllillllllil cream wanted sweet or sourjbeflt prices paid cans supplied all express charges paid the farmers dairy company ltd toronto look to the future times may change and work become loos plentiful for you with advanced years and you will havo no auch help anywhere as jour nice uttlo low hundred dollars saved la oomo sound canadian bank pajfln now with only lone pouir a hohhy of it bee how tar behind you can leave tiouulo and hard times abovo all things do not look backward ia your run to tho harbor of comfort 333 branches ia canada farmers business solicited acion bratich l b shorey manager if j uncertainty o one knows v4iat the future may bring forth now while your health u good and your earning capacity unimpaired is the tunc to accumulate a competence one dollar depouted in the bank of hamilton will start a savings account good friday april 6 alatmce and night wr it noallyu of tbs paebi qftenalwo betoro vw- duii7 pbotogtaphcil by caph donald thompson leslies famous atafl photographer oattjnday apflll 7 llulda from ustr holland pickrord homdav april o bluebird feature tho wrong door with ploro aad parker de ilavca tobsday apitll 10 kio badge el courage a vita graph lcaturo in cdx paru r l gregory d judge our spring stock as critically a3 you will georgetown branch n w laekar uaaaiar you ncrdn t take uu thing jou buy- on faith csamiuu cvryh xjaubuy iorrpr ideally from anlnble wolvhour shueu in tht lalance of your judnrooiit and ull not cud thciu wanting luan rttptvt we ve built up a big bumafem iere ou the idea that gl atii pjeod mirvico and good aile atv vvhat you want coruo lu tovlay an lfty show roe vyc m prove our vhum t yof atu factiou ivona vxbo to soo l b fd yuutrta pr4aea lht kcpairlup- akllfull atul prominly done jtubbcr llcvl ut on wlillo ou walt kenney bros acton ontario wmikmifc rfi

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