Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1917, p. 4

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l retail 3frf ijprcss l hill 4 k 1ju tilt buv day my pt i flltstcakes it it invl i i mm l tn i l ly jill rioiiuo m limy ly i ai i f u cdmn wj no i creap to look ifoi writ c lib iu or rjuicuy rctnltaf id a book u t buny then i wby when 1 m t uy i juat race ownitajrn thn liko m not i ly bock to u nttiar plco i or ftomotliing i forgot i then i all lo clown the ualium ami from tbo porcli i priof i arliapn i tumblo irf tho burs tbao go and take a swing and then i race jck kmltb to town or rtimt tbo garden wall and though i m aura to tmnblodown nobody minds fall hut iflnt htill in a clialr 0 itrwoaldnrtrbwmytrby r to my wjtb uob important air this it my rumj bjf 1 carolyn walla la hl nichoua has been canadas favorite yeast for mope than 30 years make perfect 4 wade in canada iiiibnawu ir news topics of the week wednesday a profit of f3l 823 la shown on tbo years operation on tho niagara elydro system a portion of the toronto golf clnb grounds will bo nocd for tbo ralajor of vegetables americana la toronto are lncroir- ing in larro numbont for chances to enlist jn tho tj fl army lnllatmcnta in tbo canadian ex peditionary forces to tbo ond of march totallod 407302 a largo meeting in maasoy hall torodto considered means or ansist- ftifc in farm production itov dr w f wilson of toronto r died at tbo ago of sixty ho was a prominent methodist leader subncrlptiona to tho tblrd cana- cll in war loan totalled 2gc7- 300 coming from moro than 0s40 subscribers frederick pcthlek lawrence a ilrltlah peace adrocato rccowed only 333 voles in tho bylectlon for south abt rdecn ilia opponent n vote 3283 interest at 5 per cent payable tomlannually la to bo paid by tbo government on withheld pay of tho otoccm and men of tbo canadian form lorrnid bcnglct a young merch ant of mcgregor ont died at tbo hotel dlou windsor from a junahot wound recolcd wbilo cloanlns a re volver colonel uarlow latoly resigned trom tho pont of a t m s military district no 2 baa been granted an appointment overseas to on import ant post in tho canadian army medi cal sonrico francis jaanca mckay a now zca- londer 35 years of aro on cxmom bcr of canada a military force tlcad- od guilty to four charges of uttering forged checks and waa sentenced to seven year in tbo penltontary the french chamber of dopotiea adopted n mcnsnro authorlxlng tho government by docree tojjj tbo price on wheat and other grain substitut lug law for a crctloan ono by which tho prlco of wheat for in stance waa mado 33 franca for a metric hundred weight or apprcod- inntoly 220 pounds thursday tho american senate declared for war by a vote or 82 to g aylmer baa joined tbo long llstof dry towns in tho province of quebec royalist plots against tho venfrel- ist party woro discovered in athena 1 fito malda wore badly burned by a flro in tbo historic old qaeomf hotel at toronto ono meatless day weekly waa ordered in tho united kingdom and potatoes can bo caton only twice a wook tho effect of president wilsons address to congress on tbo qerman exebango rato was to send the mars down to 774 con times tho lowest price on tocord tbo enquiry into the death of an austrian laborer held at toronto ro- tcalod tho fact that certain firms haro been employing alien in mnnltion works the four small children of mn alex mcklchoi a soldiers widow were humed to death at gait tbur m had jeft tbem inbed whdjl she went o majco a call vtro started while she was out women will bo allowed to toto la tho elections to tbo constituent a- aombly in russia prince lrolt premier in tho protloional govern ment has so informed n deputation of womsa who waited upon blow qdcon huxabeth of bclglnm per sonally told pope ronodlct of bel giums pllgbt under german oppres sion and of gorman atrocities fully authenticated by official investiga tion according to a report in vati can circles yesterday tho qooca was recently in italy and visited the vatican charles peton indian constablo at walpolo island was shot in tho bead and thigh by 1udr klosbk whom ho aitoniptod to arrest on a cbargo of being a dcaerter from the ltb battalion tbo abooung oe- currt d vt klosbkt home on the is land and following it tbo former soldier managed to mcapo ttnho am erican side f1uday tho american congraatotod fox war oarly this morning two more belgian relief ships woro reported destroyed hli hospital uhlps have been ounk by tjio teutons alnco tbo war began tio victims of tbo jtusslan revolu tion woro burled in tbo field of mars go coral ioch tho hero of tbo mar no waa retired from tbo active tol from california to inlint in tbo nnndlati i xpftfltfotiary fcorct md if tt r n mnrknblo ndvon lurm roaclrd iondon wboro tboy iplnod tb g3rd uatlrry w a coto nn xttavn auction tor inolipihlo for military iiorvlco banpured asubrtitntoin irycnrph mechanic hitherto prevented hy jacrj lly olillgatlanji from onllstlng whom bo will insure and pay 2 u month batuiway tbo alberta lof islature prorogued tburnday uohand refused to relooao tbo in- lernod german nubmarlnca six gorman conspirator rocclvod uff sontencea in now york r- tho turka aro in retreat boforo tbo allied troops in mesopotamia throo toronto policeman aro ja bo cello on cbargca of immorality john adams for fortythroo yoars connected with thp dank of toronto la dead tho president of cuba baa naked hla conrress to dccloro a ntato of war against gormany trinity anrllcan church toron to boa sent marly 500 men of its conpncatlon to tbo war tbo y m c a asks its omploycfl to ncpond to thr call for oervico in tbo army or otherwise i lout gov rnor uarnard baa form ally npprovfd tbo bill giving votes uotmn in drlti ii columbia air gcorr to ttr baa expressed canada a uatijfation at tho entry of the united sutcu into tho war towno of the ktntlab coast were bombarded by a german airplane but no casualties or damaco resulted sir llonry newefl ilato head of the wholesale rrocory firm of date a sono limited ottawa died after a lengthy uln s ivlbert kaltschmldt of detroit and lonr wanted in cinadi was arrested on a cbarpi of plottlnt to dynamite a munitions plant at walkorvillo caroswl computation of groin in clovaioro nnd imrey of tho oituatlon in tbo novcnl province load to an estimate of 102 000 000 bushels on hand tbo miss jonah dow prfres for most meritorious oil painting and water color ro thla year to clarence cagnon a n c a of montreal and r m boll smith hc a toronto several german venaoln in cuban harbors will bo seized an soon as conpresa docldos to accede to preal- dont mcnocal a mesuaec urging a de claration of war aj alnst germany mod sober restraint markod womens faster apparel now ilrunswlck ltgislaturo is callettli mprttfae 10tb of mar another bbirlan roliof aplp won destroyed by a gmanaobalarino there hi a demand for manitoba wheat for purpono of seed in franco mall ccrvlco between tbo unitod states and tbo central powers was suspended tho nation a london nowspapcr was nuspendod for violating the ccn how to keep well ixy johh w b aicorruxroarf mi dj h run v onaoit op t1il1 xttovxnciaij floalu ov uilaini inhfit wluutarl oonvnbuons xr0 preparingjresoil i irsi things to do jn qcltinp the onrdcn ready rew tools are necessary these ailc commonly caused by indlponllon acute jljnisn itaroly aro tboy duo to brain dlnoane olbow lnde 1 any an tnjoctlon of no tip audi and a warm mustard bath madi hytulunp ono lialf n cupful of mustard in a- half full bathtub with water not abovo 10c org 1 teat ho water with your firm lived il uvo tin t is oaity to burn a baby by having ho wuler l warm wliilo or noru ttiroat yft dlpbthcrla thui in being done gotn doctor ooldn nnd contoglona lliacasrs acuto ooldn aro yory contacious children with cold should bo kept away from other chlldton tho dinooso scarlet fever or innanlcs tboy aro all daimoroiui r hkln lyuptlons itashcs if tbo ha by hau any skin rjinh got n doctor end if tbo dinemo is prn nouitccd to ho contaglqus notify tho honlth officer and utihrnlt o tho health ro ulntitjnb don t bo oarolonn about lottlnp your nolrhboru children pot tho disease from yonrs jocolloct that your child boil probably contracted his jiidojj trom uomeono a carolnjiormua wli kplng congh whooplnp cnusli doonn t herln with tijo whoop it hoi inn liko any other coutli and aftor s tvoral dayn tho whooptqcjiound ondhig lko the coo of o pit non marlfii tho t nff condition ihd contagion louts about four w i kr or iui loni as tbo whoop it la a danrerouii dldoaso in young chlldn n md kills moro babies than scarlet favor and measles put toothor ijcitden it is u rr n htlon upon which tuborculosln is of u n grafted chll drnn witi a cuui ii should bo kopt away from other children tboy should not go to school or be token on trains or into public places diarrhoea if tho baby ban too frequent movements it is always aafo to glvo a toa spoonful of castor oil and cut down the- food-trapply- if- lg digging baa taxahpjsce bottle cut on milk or dlluto tho mixture or glvo bollod water till tho doctor con es if diarrhoea is aovoro cut oft all food ln older children givo only uator nnd f rucl or dry toast but delays aro dongqrouo llaro tho doctor s advice constipation if thu baby has not had a movement for 4b hours glvo him a small onomn of ro or threo ounces of warm soapsuds or a nupposltory of ooap tfr lycerine milk of magnesia one dessert spoonful at nix months should bo h ti to an luro a movement next day enemas and suppositories cannot bo continued an a loutinp measure an tboy may irritate tho rectum 1 tlavo a regular time for bowol movements stick to this rigidly 2 twi plenty ol fluids boll tho water to bo certain of its purity and glvo tt to thu baby frouly an infant after a fow months should take ono ahd one ialf to two odncea of bollod water in tbo twontyfour bourn increasing to six to olght ounces by one year 3 diet orango juieo and prune juico aro useful tn preventing con stipation and rood for tbo baby 4j loo llttlu fat in tho food cream tends to cattao constipation fj an tho child goto older coarser cereals and brown broad aro useful cg rncourago tho uno or vegetables especially ones of coamo flbro 7 maoaaco tbo belly up on tho right across tho top and down on the lefi iaraclk cbtl rcn rften havo earacho as tbo result of largo tonsils and xujenolda or with tr i eourco of a cqjd earacho is dangerous aa it may develop into a runnlur tan denfnena or mastoid disease p irarjr iif hut it is a cuso for tho doctor f ntcct uj puiicturu tho eardru infonnatioa on digging plantlnif and transplanting which will help the amateur u or htnrtcd lught iy fi c joiuiftton vo flpoelvjiat ontario loprti u t ut aorlrultartt roronto tho soil la tho workshop in whlcb is round many of tbo countltuontx which o to make up plant food thoso foods xuuat bo so treated that tboy will bo in such a condition that they may bo readily token up ijy tho nlondor rootlets of tho plant so that the jlant will thrive nfld tntttqro if ponaldls add somo manuro to youtnoujmdwnrkllno weuhofor- plnntmg time this manure may bo obtained pooalbl r various sourcea close to your homo hviiry btnblofl or onus dealing entirely with ronnuro would bo willing to supply it at a reasonable rate on hoary soils it is particularly recommended that heavy applications bo mado fn order that tho soil will bo jjf a much finer- conditiob4o6 that it will retain a largo quantity of plant food uaor of tho garden noils will be benefited by tho application of llmo this may bu scoured from various soarcss such aa tho contractor and builder llmo and cemont dealers and may be in the form of fresh lime or erea slaked llmo this llmo abooid be scattered over tho burfoeo of the soil hoat applied may glvo torn- d mlloo ti trooblu auntr tii to tholr npclr mitil after- un oc or toutyobtb thoy iulto i ikt aro ortcn dao to bad digestion or improper food no lii tti t i euro of nucb a txoublo hayo uo doctor forrct out i jll proper troatmonu ill u for lflyersshness use milburfts laxahver pills thty never fail to do good vslae list lion mr ucgarry promised to secure information concerning race truck profits i lulatjou was brought into tho onlnrlo ieinlature doslgnr d to pre vent tli huft f power i rtife isor ooorlo m wrong of to ronto alloloo that well todo people neplort tholr educational opportun uhs moro ttmu a hundred windsor huulnius meu will devote a wuok of tholr varatlim to furiu work without coal to h farmers y union droh of lroaton hau boeu appointed tuanai i r of thu la nib ton tinu r coopurative aasoclation with in tidquurtoru at 1utrolou major n ral iesttard cautioned mllltiir ortlc tra who are to conduct tho n irtiltliik campaign in quubec province to avoid friction and noil tics tho ntnamor westmount ono ol the largest biats yt built lu can ada was launchod by tho collin wood shipbuilding co for the mont- real transportation co i two young man noinod oldhau noathm lumdy lika it dr j d kellogg ajilbtm ketnady u diainctly dlfforaot from other mocalud ronjodliy were tblanot o it would ooh have edatia aed itncroat work of reusi until known f renvewa to omm dr its wooderf aleysloe kollogft ths foredtoet aad best at u sthaia remeulee suods apou s repuutloa- louatm la to beoru of ibas4wh have fcuowm ltaeaafita- dors regulations toronto ministers welcomed tho united states into tho war in easter sunday references cuba declared that a stato of war existed with germany and seized four bhlpa in havana harbor all hope of recovering any more ot the entombed miners at coal crook b c has boon abandoned a heavy fajl of snow demoralized the to i op bo no service tn hamilton township causing great damago- to poles and lines unitod states cltlxono living in st catharines celebrated tbo entrance of their country into tho war by a torchlight and automobile parado saturday night i eight thousand ono hundred and thirty 0vo troops havo aafoly arrived in lngland including thu buffs and tmmcaveru or toronto and thaj il al ha 256th construction battalion residents of the lake shore road toronto held an indignation mooting at humber bay to protest against tho legislation levying tho cost of tbo hamilton highway as a local m- provamonl tuesday austria baa eevcred diplomatic re lations with tho united states tho goriauu torpedo hoat o 88 was torpedood and uunk off tho i lom- isb coast on tbo nlht of april 7th bjr a british torpedo the auierlcau st louij has arrived in zww vurk after makfng tbo round trip to lnuulid llibhard qlney hcroturj of stato under i rualdojrf gryvor clevoland diod at his homo in buulon laut nlbt uted 8 2 years fortopinlui j bottlo of whiskey on k c 1 h ti un on saturday mornliik nd ireatiup a comrade w bt afford a young man hatliug from ottawa was sentenced to threo months at tbn prluon larm bur- woiih b mur tut rato weetar of north boy hoy scours tbroulhout canada will in accordance with tho wish of their loader sir robert badop powell obsorre at geori o a day tlio annlvoruory of tholr patron aalnl tbuy will liuluto tho hag road tho scout law hold cliureh pnrndt a and ronawol of tholr scout promises of loyalty and bulpfulnoss i homo oxcltoim ut was created on o0onnall titreet in dublin lao tor monday by tho houitliib- of tuo rw j publieau uag on the rulna ftuf poatotneu whllo u uumll party waved a similar flag from thu nolson pillar ibo pollco removed tho 11 ai from thu postoulco and dlttperuod tho crowd without mukinc uny urreuts captain ilev b l mckegnoy chaplain of tho 15th battalion who as rector of thti irlulty anglican church liranttord has hud leave for the past 12 months hau reulgnud bis charge an ho wan desirous 6x loav int tho church frou to go forward under a n rector 1 iio urltiblon fru however refused to accept hti retirement colonel aruiand lavorini nation allst will tuku churto of tbo n erult tng in tho province of quobor foi homo defence 1 he duj lslon of mr laverno to undortako this was un nounced yotitorduy hy major gt noral lessard luspuetur tnural tor 1 ant ern canada colouol ijiv rj n httn uulf conqrmed ocnorui lcuuurd u atatomout mrs j shelhrworth hau7ax n writes i take pleasure in writing you concernins the great value i have re ceived by using your milburn sloxa- liver pilb for a sluggish hver when ray liver got bad i would have severe head aches but after uang a couple of vials of your pills i have not been bothered with thebcadaches any more milburno laxa liver pills clean away all waste anrl pojjonous matter from the system and prevent as wtll as care all complaints anting from a liver which has become inactive muburna laxa liver pills ere 25c a vial or 6 vials for si ooat oil dcalera or maijed direct on receipt of price by tirq t mtuiusm co lucmu toronto oat had freak heart could not work could not sleep many women are kept in a state fear of death become weak worn and miserable and are unable to attend tc their household nodal or bttsine3sd0tlej on account of the unnatural action of the heart to nil each sufferers milbnms heart and nerve pills give prompt and ner- mancnt relief irs j day 231 john street sdtrtht nomilton onl writes i was bo run down with weak heart i could not even sweep the floor nor could i sleep at mpht x mi io awfully sick sometimes i had tocta in bed allday on i was so weak i used three and a half 5oxes of milburn 3 heart and nerve pills and i am a cured woman today nnd as rtrong as anyone could c i am dcung my own housework even my own washing i doctored for over two car3 but got no help until i use 1 your nilh muburna heart and nerve pilla are coc per box 3 boes for si 25 at all dealers or malic i ti rrrt on rccojpt of ice by the t miluuk i co limited oronto ont and a sufficient amount should applied to mako tbo surface of the ground fairly white this ahoold bo gently raked into tho soil putt pre vious to tbo planting of tho seed digging n is nocosaary in sh gardens that tho soil bo turnodlotbt at ono tlmo or another daring the early aprlng in order that it may be- como dry and fined we find that many of tho troubles of tho back yard gardens aro caused by iifrftvff tho noil too earlyin the aprlng onto of tho easiest ways to toll when the sou is ready for digging is to gather a handful and press tho fingers over it if tho soil in tho hand sets la a so mow bat compact mass tho firn is not far enough advanced for com mencing digging if bowercr the soil foils apart into sovorai small parts w in re that it is perfoctly boxo to dig toohj jt is unnecessary for the baoayard gsxdonerio purchase many tools for this first garden those who hare boon growing hegotablca- children cry for fletchers castorli tho ulna you haro always bought and vrlilclt iiru bn lul so for otcr so jrour luis born o tho igrmtaro at st find ban born mado ttnaor bis per caljcjchl onol aurrvlflon blncoles infnnry- fyzscz4ca444 allow no onto deed to yoti in ihu all counterfeit imltollona and jutaffood aro bat jsznerlmenutliat trltlo witli ind rndan kr iim hraltlt at infanta and children luxprlcnca njrainst lipcrlaiotrc what s castoria sjrtorla laauarmltpttthirt t sorlo jdtropa and soothing hyrarm it is pleasant it contains aeltber opium morphinb nor otber narcolsa nbitanco its aao is lu guarantee it dektror worw nnd allays fctcrisbness fof mora than tliirty ymutm it liau boon in constant nso for tbo relief of constlpadoil 17uitilencjr wind colic all tcctldnfr troubles and plarrhona it reprnlats tbo btomacb and zkrwels assimilates tbo pood clvjnp bcalthr and natural bleep too children rariacea tbo blothertf frlrnd genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought wlfio mothers who know the virtaet of mttlhcrgfuwwavofni lttortmouor always becaoao it prove ilb when hollo way com cure in applied a corn or wart it klltltlia rqqtaand the colioliy comet out without injury to tho flesh xewteaveid operations these three women tell how they escaped the dreadful ordeal of surgical operations hospitals are great and necessary institutions but they should fie the last resort for women who suffer with ills peculiar to their sex many letters on file in the pinkham laboratory at lynn mass prove that a great number of women after they have been recommended to submit t6 an oplration have been made well by lydia e pinmiims vegetable compound here are three such letters ah sick women should read them i murlnotto win i wont to uio doctor and around thu root ol odi plant ho told mo i muht hnvo an otwratlon for u fenuilo fu tntituieul in not ool better uian rich thurubo castoria vor infnnta and children in lis for over 30 years alwwysbflars to bvrostura of troublo ftnd i hated to havo it done iu i hud b ou tnarrlcu only u nhort unio i would huvi trriblo siina and my hands ami foot wuro cold all tho mo i took lydia 11 pinkhiunn verctubb com- pound i won cured tuid i feel lx ttcr in ovury way iglvo you txrnilniiou to jmbllih my numo boeauso i am bo tuaiikfii tliat i fitl wlii ukiuu lira 1aud btuhile llannutu win dutrollmich whon i ural took lydia k pinkhamu vtffotablo oomiwiuid i w aa bo mn down with fumato troubloa uiat i oould not do luiytliinff and our doctor uald i would havo to undurro an oixsratloai i could hardly wullc itliout holp bo whoa i road ubout uio v jwtablo ooiiiiwuuiluiui wliat it bad tloiio for othoro i uiought i would try it i got u itottlo of iydla k xmkhamvi vokwtablo obmiwunil uud a pnckuk of lydlu l pinkiiainh bauatlvu wiuli and uned umiu accordlnr to dlruclionj ihoy howdmuand today i am umn to do all my workuiid lam wulx nlra tuqil divyjcii 080 aulwauki o avo- iiiyt dolmit midi ikdleviio flu u i tiuftnrud inonv than toiikiiu win teill itli tomblo hcuriuk down lulru and lnllaniinallan i ttl d tiieral dootora and thny ull told inu tliu uuno utory tliat i iu t r could kut tu without tui nimritlon und 1 just drctulld tliu uiouubt of thul i aluo triod u ruocj maiiy olliur medicine tliat woro rolomuiundehl to mo and ivoiio of lhum holjx d mo until u friund advi ltd mu to givu 1 ilia 11 pink hamu vtigiitublo ocuniwund a tnal i ho unit bottlo holixd i kipt liktnic it and now i dont know what it w to lw ulek any moro and i am plokliik up in weight i am 0 ywini lild and wtiigfi 146 poundu it vtlll bo thu irjralot plooauxu to uio if i urn hayo ttiu ojjikr- tunity to itioommund lb to any otlu r iiuiroriiiy woruau m lmha iitknu iuqcljuiixu 11w1 nlanlmttiui m kortli hldu hollo vtio ill if von would llko npoplul advlco vrlto to ytllu i ritiuhani mckloofcxinddnntlajxxuumusa yourlottur willlmiopenrd read ana juuwvred try a woman iwd buld in strict confidence accamnlated many apodal tools wnich ore anltod for particular oper ations in tho garden complaints aro no me times beard that tho oxpenao nocosaarr to common ca a backyard cordon is very croat many very rood backyard gardens havo boon mado and ezcolleut harvests obtain ed with vory ow and comparatively inexpensive tools- a dlgblng- fork or spado a rajco and a boo are about all tho tools essential at thooutsot and thoso aro lnexponslvo piiantinq of 8llds wbon it has boon determined that tbo ooll is nultablo for dlefiiqk and tho weather is nice and warm it is necessary that tbo seads be plan tod in tbo garden aa one a ourfneo as possible obould bo socured bo that the little oeodo will quicxly germlnato ond brow to sow tbo soods quickly eveuly aad jhlnly requires conalderablo practice and caro tho row may be made straight by btrotchlne fairly tight a ploco of ntiing from ono portion or the garden to another and using tblt as a raidtfor making tho trenchea or drills lor placing tbo seeds in after tbo soods havo been dropped fn tboy should si oqco bo covcrod with soil by gently drawing some of the looso rarfaca soil in over the soods with a pi dc of stick or with tho ban on this soil should however not be heaped up over tho row bnt should bo placed evenly with tbo rest of tho garden soil and packed down thinning backyard gardeners should not attampt to grow lmmouso quantities at qrau it is necessary to plant aufflclont need to secure a good crop of plants tho moro slander plants being tbinnod oju jioon af thoy aro aoovu grounituo as to assure reasonable room lor a good crop of healthier plants tbo thinning oho aid bo commoncod when tbo plants aro from ono to two inches tn height and should not ba isft until tho plants havo become long and olondor because if tboy aro left ono plant simply vies to bid other another ono out w biro as ir they are thin nod to tho propor distance they will have room to grow to their required biro of maturity transmiantina i tho city dweller will and it almost impossible to grow plants of n ratclass quality ol each vegetables as tomatoes co lory or cabbages unless he baa other appliances such as a hot bed which enables him to a tart the seedi very early in the aprlng and same tlmo before tbev could have been planted out in the garden in order tliat ba may hocuro early crops it is good practice fpr him to puronaso plants which may bo taken to the backyard gardua and transplanted or net out in tbo garden st a required dlntanco and gobd twalthy eropj grown from thorn ontr tntalt cases when purchasing plants only sturdy and vigorous growing plants should imaccupted tomato plants to givt tho best results should bo eight liiohea high and tho stalk should be at luast as thick as a lead pencil and thicker if poaslblq if the plants al ready are in bloom this may be con- sldurod a very tood featuro tot root ay atom ot tbo plants should be lurgo and having qno rootlets when transplanting individual plants care should be taken to mako urj thai quite u good deal of soil la left the plow is our hope declared right hon david lloyd george the prune minister of great tjntain the tremendous significance of these words in the face of a world shortage of food must be a matter of concern to all it points out the path of duty to men and boys unable to enlist in the army but capable of helping to increase production help the farmer increase production at thi3 supreme hour when ample food production ia one of the jndispensablemcan3 of victory the country faces a senous shortage of men and boys on the forma the department of agriculture euiphnazca the urgency of every man and boy taking to h this splendid oppor far potrtobc service l i grand truniuv iaaoemosn trains its m u i pn so 1 11 in it j4m ra a n wt i o yt j xi 1 1 v 731 tn i pit 17 14 p m i va tn klip tm la ztreijatrt hcti nn good tming3to at at- j r livingtones f and sjilr mrri a tlzl una r t c sa imtrp statr vefrjfal rx cnur crcxu jstffcr zitb rrntq conflict onrry all fjffjcer s sand l order gial y ret rtd promptly flcitvced the chrren crarterasiy dclz with vjm wast to moke 1517 oqr wggafz tminci year j r lbrinzmtone robtnoble we have a rood strpoly of beeds n hand fur the sprinjr tride red clove alsike alfalfa timothyand bltwgras manrolds sogar beet tnrnips vero- table and flower seeds omens too scarce jfet year dutch sets before the supply ts exhausted j l wabren uanaoer jjoys oges of 14 and 18 and have good term record you can secure promotion at school by enlisting for farm service any amc between apru ioth and may jcuh parents arc urged to encourage their boya to enlist for farm aervice the physical and marat tclfarc of your boyi will be advanced by a summer spent doc to nature an interest will bo awakened in an important industry of the country that will bo a help to him in liu whole future 1 the department sppcau to retired farmers to men lvich tillowint no occupation retired to business men who can spare at lcat a portion of their tune to ail men who can arrange their affauu so es to help some former kvcry tnan is invited to enlist for loroi service confer with your district represent a tlve of the department of agriculture or writ a or visit ontario government fimptoyment bureaa 1 15 queen 3 park toronto u ontario department of agriculture w il hnj minutar of agricnltnrw parliament buildings toronto telbpuonb hcton bs lin6 having purcoascd thohveryand ifoodwill of the business from mr a- uccann 1 solicit with confidence tho patronage of the public comfortable rigs supplied at reason ablo rotes special attention to nupplyick conveyances for wcddlags and faaerals aiotorcrs mrntsfaed w re- quired sekts aixtbaih ntra 1 l e atkinson mo st actoonl nnnnnrjannnndnsm grin i chopping a a d well done and quickly at only n n 5 cents 1 per bag maplehur5t now on xoge market 35 had indigestion blfrdock blood bitters cured that grand old remedy burdock blood jlutterv has been oa the market for over forty ycara and we claim with out any ear of contradiction there is not another lucxflcmcaa thcniafket today that can compare with it for the cure of all disturbances of the stomach mn s turplo colborne ont wiita i am uauns to say that i have ujed your iiixdjxl ulixxi hitters loralonit portod 1 sullcrcd witli i ndlg cation and in uil m i took ever tavc tu any relief only for 1 abort tunc i bought ccveral bottles of 1 11 d from oar druggist mr cnllh and can honestly say i coif cit or drink anything i want without ccficndntc any bad aftcritecta 1 may day that it is the only medtdne 1 t cot uny relief from ti ri wv niood bitter is mauufactuml y 1 i itu r miluusm co limited lorwulu out ctntkatly located building lots fur prompt sale at very ii4fcoiiubic prices harris go limited sockwood arjduacmpnaa choose yours todav jtbiinahbtiichurol with its numoruus bu idliii tola iu nplciidid jluialitm is n oiu to pucbascra wide stroctn and laigolols all near tho centre of dio town couvenlont to ttation pot ulhecj ehunhcj uchookon within aicwyrda of i ho row sljoo fuetory liulldiniriiuiid lu cvo y collar t r supplted from u saudnit ou tlio proiicrty itiro water easily obtainable for full particulars as to prlcct tcrmj etc call on robt wallace acton euy made- in canada goods when vou iveed boots shoes at any tiife buy from w williams acton ontario i amous ior satisfactory footwear h asonarlll priol v 1 t t lit 1 1 h 1 vl uimniur a woynal 12 a

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