Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1917, p. 2

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ilfruta uarrlapti a 1 nn tllta 1 ul mnt marrtac kxl natl a uta k j half- rtwwc io- jor 11 atr dild ims at tin fa ly 1 eat a 1 nooon i lie war rt o mp lnj may of uio ti ion rttrr mi 1 ollar ll wl low lalo marti i my 11 hi 1 er mil ynar ije jlcfoit xcz uss thukhday may 101b 1017 r m0tue s day nart sunday will u mothers throughout tho norlli arnorioau ponunoat at lout tho wl it flower of regard and aflocuon will i worn 1 y tmll onn o loyal loving sens and dai jblera tl era in one word that wo quickly ifarn in at language writer on american lied cross nurso wbo is serving- in on army awpital in i ranee it is uio wonl uiat carno rnoel often ta tho lirw of oici and wounded soldiers whoa suflerint or delirium wrings utterance from them it iirnadrc mood or matter andfimuar editorial notes tnxiui ia considerable epprel enilon on tiopjrt ofrfowcltzini who have boon clnbbinir with fnondi in sending for small consignments of liqoor uinco doci alona iq the courts tl o post week malco such practice punishable by j20ff flaes- it la poaitltjj illegal ta carry away a portion of a shipment oi liquor from a fnond a house poor roads are very expensive for coon try communities the farmer wbo think improved highways aro mainly for tho benefit of those who drive automobiles thou id re q act on tho results of a recent invostigatio by tho depertraont of affri culture which finds that tho coat of bsul off farm produce over ordinary country roadsis twenty three cents per intie whttfeu over tho good roads system it is only thirteen cents per mils- dzcinioko in connection with tho ooui io temperance act ahow it to bo a remark ably prohibitive measure a man can victod of an oftcnee against tho act cannot afterwards legally hae liquor in his owrr dwelling- tho tapdinff of a dwelling in wbichl iquor ia legally kept may bo ajeected by tho presence of audi a roan any honse into which a convicted man enters to reside coasts to be a dwelling within tho moaning of the act a pnohinisrr waxrxn in ono of the leadlbfvapersof tho united sutca sys if we are to da oar share in terminating the war the prohibition of too liquor traffic must bo nauoa wide national autigucs ahow that 000 000 000 bushels of grain are annually can turned in the manufacture of liquors would it nod be a colossal bjundor to permit tho consumption of that i among t of food that is do mach to snpply the cghbng nations and not to ahrengtban this nation vhoftadu gajldeniho informa tion 1 rof mclrmnuii of tho ontario agi 1- lultural coiioko ouclph oavo om cltl7n- many valuablo ninl u llur iw i ila jy i rci ic 1 al a wllllltudrl i coll of ila ir i lie t auii last wrl cviuy ovo i k wl on i rof a if mcleinan v cotalio oxrt of tl o a co 1 h ni it 1 olp ful illuslratwl ml lret on itruwlnj vpo tablet i tl o 1 o i o njildn s at tl o oiiliatv o i rofeasor nted aul in unn ntakal it tormn tl at tho world ia on tl o ov fa pontxl of el ort ratioi tho jc i lo of o la la raid are now in a posltla i i rolat o i to food novcr liefore ijr enced it ta t ino the j ublio bejan lo real i to tt at owlni to the war tl oauri lu of food pri ota wl cl i as always i o rela tor ikio i i i lorni0 in now eiba int 1 and it itidmolutely i crowary that ovory jm i lo iomoii wl o can lo so should liocomo a liroduror of food fttuifi to u fa ond every 1 onto should en leavor to bsvo a vegetable art ion a fd grpw vcgotablw iiufbclont for llu fam ly in aaerios or vivll jiirlurta tha moat nuccooiful mot oda of growing vsgotablea irrthbhmturgarttcii ttont j aaenlad jjfo rccon men led that tha oays and grli bo ancourmotl to iiolp fn this work so impor taut for tl o season jdt opening tho boynjti d giria nan to their wt ly taking timo from ball ami uie roov pi and dovoting it to gardao woru afwhlco uiuy would laarn nomatln j jut woll as en jay themselves tl y woul i loom nomettiing of what nature really mbann and wliat it in when we get tlta cl ildren coiuideridg plan la as individuals rathef than as rows tliey will irrow up ttio cl inaaa bava- a boaton in tils matter they look on each lantas an individual and not simply a row of lattuco or colary from the habit of intennivo cultivation tl 0 chinese get results far aurpaaaing our yields irof mclanuan looked oa pardon fog as an amusement as muoh am a profession here was fun to begot out pf it considering tha plants row beatinf out the diseases beating out the insect peats seeing a tnrnato groir on uipcrf action that whon jqu cat it open it makes tour mouth waiter 1 tliat was what counted in garden worlt youug folks would grow u- under its inqaenca let the men help tho farmers but let tho women and children do their si aro in tho home gardens it ts up to them io do thtsmucb far tlie men who ore fighting for themat the front ai mr a t brown presented oach picture it was interestingly elaborated nponly prof mclennan wl o garo the results of his long experience and careful observation in growing vegatablos emphasis was laid upon tho methods fopnd fqpflt bucccfflful lor qtcrconilog the ravages of insects and other pests which attack the growing vegetable questions were freely asked and they were answered to tho satisfaction oi all a cotdial vote of thanks was tendered to prof malennan for his helpful lector and bio informal on on t waste io in war times y the one dominating note that runs all through tho making of sunlight soap is purity the 5000 guar antee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement it marks a standnrd setior thebuyors who select the choice sunlight soap materials for the soap boiler for the expert chemists for the girls even whojwrap and pacicsunlight- ah are mindful of the guarantee it is a source of gratification to all die sunlight workers unligh sap jl 5 bat te weak an this nation a loaw diaratcai aaya that itotb boon decided that sunday workjptytho munition works of england is tohjafbpluh ed as far as possible this d of the authorities is the result of prorberiment camod out for four montnu lt monition works on tho tyno taits it was found that tha iahsuftooirtay labor was id moat ttwycgtilv tagftol both to tho health oivtlaiecaral imd tho oatpat of inmplrftti- ilflvr fartmm f it nal wgfbg tyttesrarrpd by tho workman with oaedv ojstfil seven a jjitx itmyxsrxy of torontsi tlto other dsj i faiths oonrsa nf ha lirtiira on flili msuiautj mr hawaii emphasised the prjmtnt food crisis and gave warning that famine wonld be felt in tha world if pro ductioo failod it wop difficult to realise sbaiati w had only enongh vurplfls food to last for throe months if tha next crop is nob a good one said mr rowoli some people next year will euftor scats hungtu it is therefore tl e duty of thopeoplo of canada to use their energies in the organization of our resources to meet tha crisis obituary t una siaktih iltn oao who was perhaps tho oldest resident of tl is vicit ity passad peacefully away on monday morning whan mrs martin fly no slept tha sleep of jio juit without a strug gla mrs hjonwiskomon ua farm of her fatlier the late john mulbollond on tl o first lino lsquesing almost within ai of tho homo on 0 o second lino where she died eighty four jcam agar sbo was mamod to 1 or husband martin flyun who predeceased her thirteen yearn ago in i860 i ita nona an 1 two daughters bless od uib union of wl om tha following snr vivo mary joseph and james at homo tint onjixia times issued a highly cradltablo historical number of twenty pages last week to commemorate tho corn plotionufiu fifty yaars as alocal journal lb oontainad a eplendid history of lbo times and coiocidcn tally of tho growing town of orillia tlie istua was pi run m added interest with imustratio s of earfy and praaent huildinjrs and portraits of loading cilisoos tho times was ostabl all ad try tha neetot of ontario newspaparfl tha vaosrable 1 black ott robinson of ottawa an ax prcsidont of tho canadian trass association it is now published by it j buckstock and is as it baa always bean awortly and sucoeaafol ropreseqta live of tho best interests of the town and community wtilch support it tha fills pbjeaafias plaasura m heartily cou grain lot ing its old time friend and contemporary upoti ae auspiclouslw attaining its jul dee year oanourrontly with the jublloo year of thedauainuin lolm at hitchonor and michael at centra ha wooh mrs flynn was ia tho enjoy ment of good health and quite actfvo until the first of iol ruary when fvbo mado a mis ntep in coming down stairs and fall down thqlast tour elope to tho floor by the fall her leg was fractured at the anklo the injured member mended readily and tho old lady was able lo get about on crutch os thoil ock bawnrexhadaxcry iialhlo effect upon- her and she gradually failed though up to hub irlday she was able to got to the dining room with tho family er many years tho family rosidod at smiths mills on tho town 1 oe between etquesiug and i aaaauawoya at tha m lis mr flynn was for eighteen years head mw in itioo tho family came toacton mrs h lynn was a devout roman catholic dublin church was first erected on property given by her father and tho late matthew mccann she was always rrhehw in her atten lanco at tho church services tho funeral was held yesterday morning at n too o clock after service at st jose pit a cl urch iolurmcqt was mode st dublin coraetirj p business change w woodcock baker having purchased the bakinp depirtment of d c russell will continue the business as usual being a practical baker ajid employing expen enced help and best materials i am confident i can pleasethe public my bread cakes and pastry may be had as usnal at russells store i invite your con tinued patronge w woodcock actqn l come to thio tort and buy a bachelor hand tailored suit juot instock a nice range ot pattern in gray browns and blues fancy worsted the bachelor guarantee stands behind every suit we suit mens balbrhrran underwear at last years prides wc have in stocfc car ried iver from last season a good range of mens balbnggan tlnderwear shirts and drawers all sizes in stock old price coc each mcnsmerlno underwear sizes 32 to 44 shirts and drawers the correct weight for this time of the year save your winter weight underwear by buy ing merino weight special at coc each 1 ilthi uurrliamitnlji ijht ifftflhoomt ljurrlj jlrian ii w av18uh uaod ulnlatar buhoav may i3u 1017 hotlliks day tli mint ttr will prrnch raorumi noil oventnj s ccinl m iilu cjalina71 bctlool lu tho nf tornoon at 3 30 o cloclf alotlicrn day will la oborved with npecial roriiiiimci al1we1x30md residence kor sale tlxsteomfottlil0 1 rtok reausdoa of the an- istbliiiad on mill hiraei orrposlta liaison a oo a ator a clem it as ell t rooms and ball fumtar alacule llffhts pantry dimb wejlaraneulnanablrtbt tt u tlonae is oantral lyiocauo lapraourallvviewandlaaaasoailans awjo of rnar it t aa a verandah and baloony with small i orel ai u bek uard and soil wauron ittt ratnlao alsowkood irardan aa jawo vor farther particulars oppr t uroa 00 ilia nrotalaaa o a 11 nnowh tx uih ntreet aoton sanitary w011k tlic uadanlansd has i lomplata sani mens merino sox sizes gj io 10j and 11 special t 25c and 35c per pair mill street coiiway mclean csnoossaosa to hhdoqsom a co act oft by our blood we live if you tire easily are subject to cold hands or feet if you catch colds readily or have rheumatic pains your blood or circulation is probably at fault and you need scons enu15i0i of the purest cod liver oil whichs natures easilyassimilated food to increase your red corpuscles and charge the blood with life- sustaining richness scotta creates warmth to throw ull culds and culds aii u giv l to picwcijl aium always insist on scotts eoery druggist has ti scott rflbwwe taronio oat tsia jraiv 4f tuit lcadeiu of tho united states are olio wing jhsibsnlves remarkably well in formed as to tho stops iieccaaar to bo bake 1 y that coo u try to moot eftbcmvely their fair shore of reaponall iltty 1 1 tlie war with germany an article in u o advo cat of nashville toon aa n wa n ijht to conscript because only 1 y that means osn wo got tho best eoldisrs jt is just wosjum tlui individual voluptear for the army is nut abloto know where he can reader the bostaervioes eutfib would notlw fair to tho soldier who is tit to have wit i hi cltewsons conellb arlwr day was observed 1 1 tl e rural schools p i friday mn jan drone 1 iva and harold of west toronto apei t 8u doy at mr r cloavou vial tin her mother who has been ill tha pastcouplo of waoka mra cleaves n at j frien is hopo oho nuy soon be restored to tood hcaltl sirs itoy wa isborough loronto vlalu od frioudn 1 ore last week mr uud mrs aunorcuaii lcuoro st 1 iviuah tuoljl ape t the week end with frionda 1 era mr hariaai- ucl h lias rented and mov cd auto thu urm of mr inxnk lay wa wulcomo b ni ki i 1 is fu ily to our ui dol j u ira k ly kith tl o lnd bau ulloiat ldcrnl tcini n vs hcotis mr an mrs holm i mclau if naiaa lawoya vu led n mr m t lowson a on bu u lay to in tl l w port lf wm waitiuuiho tlu tcurt tl will lw a uni oteury duy i r tr tlie anrvioo tl t t ul 0 i la r ijilj t i i ic by lioriwootamal i if war not n duy should bo lost in piutl li furtrut i tl a equipped and trained army that ie rlj 1 tty ipected of this tuition id thisb ur 1 r word to the llgt ung hue auht to bo i ur war cry that wonl shoul 1 m juy that a fryi american cltisen st oul 1 1 iaod in the fullest sense ponail lo to tl n w i i oery i mam nf nnr jxwortioakltlqfjlij to forward witli shi food mut ill is d diars set plies of avery kid 1 vnrytm t id our lod sbouhl bo utilised to tnako uh strong in the front line oobscrviag all jjoaaible stroot 1b homo base to keep eatha fighting strength over tl nro yburbesftiorsc worth fowbu yet your best horsn is jiiatas llablo to develop a spavin itiubouc sj lint curborlatuctieasasyourpoorcst i kendalls spavifj cuhe i aaauved n any ii ot uu buf t illats lu harm tie ill i y cull tfy t 1 tf h cm j wciiia 1 itluone lljtllu rto oil writes i ilittlmnmimr ivxrkr ljlltihitu curd lebouljuydra will auxl v haiviiil yuuauinl wa wllh your jim tuts ltif iv ut take chat era wllh your horwa krr i luu fjtr lllhn 1v li nf rtf uurlxxk ticaluc illallnse fra at diutlttla uf dr j kcanlu c awls rlu tt ms going out of business we have decided to quit jhe dry goods business and will give 20 per cent off all lines commencing thursday may 10th this is a genuine sale the goods all being marked in plain figures here is a chanoe to obtain real bargains especially in comparison with the pre vailing high price of every thing x we lnyitejxts 25 per cent off wall paper art clothes wok bros 1ljvcn iimitcr y3u re dealing in very definite quantities when you consider our clothes the style the weave the wear the value are all known and established theyre standard in every way the clothes which this store sells reach a stage at valuegiving that no other clothes have ever attained thousands of sat- jrfieh wearers- tablish thisf act very conclusively wrtcl are tailored to your measure from any of hundreds of selected fabrics and from any model the prices are sur prisingly moderate tap george wallace gue ontario pools la a tl oroexl ir sanitary and i fociotv mannnr javlna uiapramucafn a eisan ana udy oondllion wj wots in tba past is a ipauienaattoti orastswnitiavarpnanpr- finedoubtie dwelling iron qatnt toewolwjuillconjirat block doobla dweluna attbaeornarof at alo and cbnrsn streets acton splendid oeatral iooa41oo aavan roofna in aach iiodm good oalur solt water in alteb- eoa hloculo llsbu in tha corner bona in splendid repair brlnca rood rant all partlea lava ivao oe uia pvauilaa- if not sold ooeaitla will ba available to rent on june 1st uaae nnrruan the public health ornzna jinrs ncquctrrd to comply with the puduo tl mscaltu act notice is barsby clvorj that all raaldanu i acton or raqalnd orthwhh to cleat esusrs aratns yaidfpl sty watesrei oatbolldlnaa and ouiar procnl and r tborafroni all dirt manora ans other sabstanea wfclth rnay endaober tbe poblio oeajui and to baveiaaeameeotupleiad by iba lanln day of uealuj act pvonlblttdf tna keaplni st i betwaao thelohof mav soa ibautbaf hot bar axaept in pons at least to feat irasa any dwalllnc house and do feet trota any straat or r and resn laxly ciaaaaad i anioroad au ehlxaos are eamaatlj ragoastad to keep thatr jwarnlraa oops tan uf elesua and tnrcobcnly oro htt iteeraof tnamai acton april kb 191c drttr plant optgmbtrtst qpa d torootm bu d tt lerssuat 1909 georgetown ontario willo in acton ot mr a t brown b drug store on friday of each week for tho examination testing and prcacribideftj gloss from a 30 to 630 p m rjoujts new wonderland i d vhiday may u the rainbow hatund ay may a broken pctura vrlos violet mcrscrcau tuesday may ib episode 5 of tho secret king dom a t cam tto vtuktahirot kibboa leature wbdnbsdav hay 10 unprotected witii blsaclie sweet coming clara kimboll youur in tho p r l gregory i jtblashmco t mill st acton an wlvcrtlsemcnt py the ddl tslopbonc co of canada to uudtqvs party4jne service at- opcttttlotlz pach subscriber should cooperate to better the service on his line fho practices suggested below havo been found to greatly improveipactyuno service 1 before callinil bud out who tier tho lino is in utm if it lalianu up your receiver promptly 2 emergencies will arise if a partylino subscriber desires ta mako an emergency call usl persons using it should fuvosp the line temporarily 7 3 do not allow children ilija to listen or interruajp your s conversation when in use 4 malta your calls as brief as possible short talks will keep the lino open and make tho service of most value to every ono 5 answer promptly when you hear pour ring the bell telephone co of canada wire our true latent i grand trunk svstcff homeseekers i excursions round trip tickets to points ja man tobn snslrjjtchewnn and alberta via north bay cochrane and tranaoontio caul route or via chlcs st paul or duluth on solo each tuesday until oct so luclulvo at low farea through tourist slcminff cora in wnnlrtecunntxwosiofci leovinfctorf onto 1045 5 d rto change oi clra wiv transcontinental rutcx itctum limit twornoniiia exclnsivt ofdateofnalc iitisj return limit on al ucltab doc 31st berth reservnlion and full mrtlcuurs ot oil grknd trunl ui s othccs or wnto c e horning uiatrict uasengor agent toronto oot 3 h s holmes agent acton pnonno 13 themark or class which distlupnijiei cuntoi i ulonne 3 m ovcry garment the 24th of may la juat lout two ireeka qny lot tliat jlou iilllueoco yt u to proparo in umplo unlo wo havo probably the e to lectmu vrc hayo cvor tljaplaycj 1 il woerjb03 twntmpb onaranloed fait colors in liloc and black sorr3 and li lots mado to atoaiuro o i il preoiiaca oflt allowing or uuart i prin style in hat ci shlrta collar iovj is now c mnpltle r e nelson kntsqutpnt r

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