Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1917, p. 3

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wllpnpcra window shades curtain pole wo carry a complete i lock our jmtes or njll maliniaqr licenejeo id3ued geo hynds ontario belje ton 3frc ms thursday itay 3ut 1017 iilnotday half holiday canaaqcs r brief local items tlio lout day ol may jano tbo mo it ti of rose to morrow now tho weather in really mora sum mry the kings i irtiidny noxt sunday 3rd juno mxt tho mt wmk lion been a great fotato planting uma tlio price of bread him boon rod a cod la toronto from 2ic to sc there sroyarjr rinrnilsing prospects l for an abandon fruit crop this yaar the nrtt ting of banning council vlll b hold on monday june lllh the court of general hessians will bo bd at mil ton on- tuesday juno 12th and now lb la reported that tbaro ii i serious shortage in swodo turerp seed with tho leaves out and blossoms com i lag everywhere tho prospect is surely pleas i r r ladle al knox church will i bold a garden party in tho park on tho 18lh i july polioo magistral jeue of hamilton i has fixed tlio one for drinking liquor la pob1io places att20a tho fall wheat i coming on in maoy i places much better than the prospect indi i cm ted whoa lhe spring opened a cogpu of our youoc rooo wero each i fined jloftw coats bub week for botmv- to toxioated on tho blrseio mtlton ttoforcoer contractor lutcote haa eotrrmenced his wit of cutting down bilver crook hill and latraighteniog tho road on the seventh line eeqnesing every week sees farmers drlrtag to rn with nffwtnatoc cars this u as it 5i be tho automobile la a real bono r corrowfrmida iplot children of mr and mrs ji of kingmoote proton town r kix month old have boon honor living tbo kings bounty of one i atorlidg each if you haro urged a yoaojr follow to btlbrt reme that bo is watching- to see- fyoq back him up he will not aooopb ay excuse about sacnuco for bo baa of jaxwd tho greatest sacrifice of all i j e mackwio and f b r were a apocial commission for making mt of tha real and personal rty tn coorgetown this year tbay tttedfoo each fw their services in the absence of iter mr avlaon at nforenoo next sunuayjthe pulpit of tho uethodutchurcb bofoccuplod in tbo rains by mr eaaterbrook and in the ijenlnjcby ror mr jonas of the baptist barcb- i it a a long titno since trout of any a haro been caught io corporation pood at on saturday afternoon muter jordan atwo aon of chief laweon landed a stnty it measured ovor a foot in length 1 tipped lbs ejosiee at pounds i thi talk about working on mondays t because there ia a war on u rather r staff milton reformer that ia the term opinion and the two or three men i working in their gardens on beard crescent but sunday did not win for lelvea any higher respect in the minds if onr citizens ballinafad tfach sympathy la felrforttietrlendj of n ismondf who died fndsy ovenlng was burled hare on monday mr mood although aihug for preen died jolt aoddanly j mr cameron mceucxy of acton and hiae erana were the gueata of mr and bra david mceoery on sunday i jtfend mis gardiner and children of oltoo motored ortt and wore the gueata fc air end mrs fsrnall on sunday i meters toerge campbell and robt urkwood have each purchkoed now ford imsater loelio sddall happened with a f painful accidottt recoiitly while hand 1 crotchet needle he ran it into fie for and had to havo it cut out mr j c wi lor au mr fvordell of loclpb sod mr and mrs j ii thompson bo third line warocallcra on tha form leloe mo ira i tone on monday mr ii anthony accompanied by bia loghur mra kanneth mcdonald of be ieau of mr apd irs will iteezel on sunday cbewsons corners itho 2 tl waa taucjt too oold end wet for ihing parti or pio nioe a number from here attended the me- irial services is aotoo melbodiat church l sunday to honor of the late ple j h much nyrapatliy u exunded tn 1 bereaved parents mt richard sherluok who formerly ro iled hero died st his home in toronto week mr hhorlock moved to toron j with hi family shout 5 years ago ho aymimtthy of all thoir eld friends la ex ded u hu bore rex family and frisnd wsudmrs wm- donnl visited fnonds facton on bunday imissop cisrs and marie lsntx ac too int the holiday with their grandparent its isabella and master wilmer wat- cpaut the 24 tb wltli norval f rionds iaa kstbloon milurapout the week end jth fnonhp ut ac w onpl larry bound viaited miua ham osr tb 100 reward 100 tbo rosdera or lhl papr wll lesd laarn that ibero i at bat one dreaded ubiso that scionoo haa been able to euro uuttiistskos sod tbat is catarrh catarrh a crey inlluouood by couatitutionsl i10k presi ftiditiona ul as canatituuenal treat llaha ltarrb ouro is taken iuur 1 wits through the rleevtool ib hurfaceo of the hyatfin thereby pjjiiitr t roun ueses t lis- lbs luont strangui ly bulldlog ap l ttatitution and seats ling nature in ifiu otk tw iwoprielors bavo to f ttth in the nirstlvo weri ol hell a errb cure that ut oflor one huedrwd ittn or y esse auat it falls to cure 1 or llrt ul leauusontsla r j ohbmt3 acj lolod ujdro hews of local import oddfollows church pnrodn tlis annuo irado of tlio t o o i will uko 1 ia on hinday iiinn lotji idi7 wtiio iresjlyunincliarcfi whon rev j c wilson r a will imwh apecia ecr vice te tlio order rod cross gordon parly tlio bulfee of ac too red crovi joqioty iiave arranged far a monster garden arty in the park on tucrtuy july 3rd the maple leaf quartetu of fjalt whlcb capu vatodsoroaiplelely our people when they wero hare laat fall havo been eugagad to provide tho prosrramme womonolnatluito hootlnp tho rejrular monthly meeting of tlio acton womens institute wifl lie held st tho boms of mrs jos holm on rower ave friday aftomoos fano 1st ot uireo oclock ooodjirogrsmme and an excliangs of economical yocfpos will le th ladles are invited to attend tho mission in st joseph church tho mimon sorvicea which are beieg conducted in fjl jenepb a church thia week by tho redemptorisb fathora of ixfidon are being largsly attended tlio momlun of th congregation sre greatly intersated in the servioeo and sre attending with corn mendlllo regularity rev father ioyle is mnch oncouraged with results so far unnannl wonthor for victoria dfty v the weather bureau saya last thursday waa theceldeab 2ltb of may in 70 years following two r three days of rain ib ccr tsisly waa not pleaaanb wsatber for tins spring time holiday pictetiraro out of tha questtou the lawn bowlers who hsd planned a bit days sport were dlaappoinb- axl tbo tennis courts wero not put into commission to any extenb tha holiday tickedln many reapscta its uausl test- way of reducing cost of living tbo civic purchani eg board of chatham is hlttiog the biftb coat of living bard lest saturday the board sold ivo tons of flour at 85- id s hundred while the mills quoting j7 to 7 25 nearly tivo hun dred pounds of butter were sold at 37 cants e pound while the market price waa 42 to 45 cents a carload or potatoes was sold atg3 05a bag sa sonant market quota lions of 3423 to st 75 so far the city bos not been called upon to spend a cent m the plan as cash la being paid for everything sod the committee ia just turning oxer the mosey received from patrons- there is no delivery or other overhead cost and sales are being made at actual cost a- fa mlodgoof instruction a highly interesting time was spent at guslph on thursday 24th met by mem bora of the masonic craft of dutrtct fio 8 in a lodge of instruction q rider the sunpicea of no 180- the day was spent in otempu fylng tha work of masonry conoatogo jjodge drayton credit lodge george town speed and coolpb lodges cnelph patting on the various degrees ix d g m dr fisth of drajteo was the gnost of honor dom wardrapo of hamiued r w bro- f w osrcourt 1c c of toronto sod numerous members of the craft from throughout the district wero present a banquet wai tendered by speed lodge st which ndtaberj or brief addressee were dalivsred past masters bros murray mcdonald w m cooper jno r kennedy john wood and bros n i mclstn h wildgust alex keen w msinpriae- preaent from acton- fighting garden foes tand mwm utifroy them or llicy may de- sro your crop spraying a lauy rla1cdy in ihlii column ttu amateur la in troduce j to liiotttii mul i ungus th that tfo may knotv tbna dj tlirlr i irul noiixvt nllnt uimti tlut 104th at east sandlihg camp noway hotcs from ptc j p scarrow and ptc artaor watson of 2nd cnniirhftnbftgnfga wnffqltn letters rem tho men of the acton platooaof the i04th battalion were receiv ed bv numerous friends here last week the fjuts vnxss was remembered with newsy lattera from pte arthur walson and pte j p scsrrow tho men of the 104th battalion have been transferred to tho 2nd gmadiso jtejeryo bttelioa at east sandl in g camp in lngbuid pte watson gives an interesting detail od description sf tha trip from westing bonee barracks hamilton wbch thoy left oo the fitb april uaul their arrival at olterpool camp on tho 21 lh april after remaining there for twelve days they proceeded to east sandbng camp hero tho battalion was divided up and tho bovo who have bees togethar forever a year are dow separated arthur aaye tha boys were greatly amused with the littlocoschea of the eogluh railway trains ho says thoy feel oow that thoy are not far from tho btg guns on the firing lino for they con hear item distinctly at night tho usual appeal to acton fnends write us aocu is the concluding paragraph of his latter pte scsrrow ssyo we had a splendid voyage the sea was calm and vary few were troubled with seasickneaa one or two whales werenlghtcd end several del phins were neen two concpru woru behl on shipboard thoy wero enjoyable and tbo sale of prognrtomes realurd a ssuj sum for the seamans orphanage at liver pool wo ell had afelmg of rillof wliop wo arrived in pert for ovaryene realiied tliat danger lurked io the waters through which we passed our battalion has been attach ed to tha 2od canadian reserve pte l eosdown add pie il goldhom hsvo been ssut to hospital sargl smethurat sorgt t sorgo col u cook and cerp mftthewn are taking courses as iutrurtora our boys wars all pleased to have a viait from pto b rod wilhama ad i to joe ksnnedy both acton boja who preceded wo send greetings to ths 1 uek pojaa oud all acton friooda cuurchill sold by all ivoggmtrt 75c the people of churchill and vltyuily gathered on friday evening at the liouio of mr and mrs ired kydor sod presented mt ivilhsm watson with au addross m 1 a handaotuo uhebtered rocker mr lu tin hwackhamer read theatiiboia nod mr hugh mcouuheon preaonted the choir tho ad dross waa as follows dear sir it wiswith a hum of deep regret we learned yon are about u removo from amoogaius fur about four ears ou havo beqb living i lore and the ties that lavo beea formett during these years tbt hsvo gone so qaickly are alwut to be brokau wo will mies you because of tlib kind and helpful siunb you have always shown always willing to laud a baud whenever ou opportunity offored ad wo feel we would not- be doing you justice to lotyeugo without in some way showing sppreciatlua of your kindness whilo as ikeu of reutembrauce we isk vuu to accept this chair and uiav it may it bring to you pleasaat memories of the frionds willi whom you have spent your time hero a you leave us we assure you of our best tabes for a happy journey lhrou life tbo evonigg was spent in snags b sieechaa an 4 all enjoyed uia refreahmeiite provided by tho ladles mr wateou boa returund to hia bams at ortou jdrtlcn i ocn uafortunnti ly tho jwirkyard ablo f rowoclhaa omiio dltllcultli ovtircomo it will not utall pliktura and proflt wlitch bo munt look for- wird iri imiiiw thoro tiro innumor- ablo inncctn slid funrup dint ani 11 urjilch cauoo niucb worry and trouhlo nnd norxiiuiluito tiu lino of oxtraordln ary motboda to provun or control muut oc ui troublcn may bo ovor- coino by uprnylnj tbo plantu with roujedhn wtiicli can iki oocurod from atod utons and other orma hand- linr tiwim ihu following in a hat of tho moro common vi rotabjtjjj nnd tho tnsocta and plant dlntnun attacking hom with mtnodlrif orpruvgntitcs ahlaltaouh ilocula illuo black or yollowlwti colored about one half jqpi lour which nppar rjariyja may and feed onlho yaunc sboota koop tho bed cloncly cut in tbo spring or allow poultry to run throach it after cuttlnf mjioon io over oprny with amenato of lead n courage- tho lady bird bcttlo which doatroys many of these lnoccu anthracnoiu or pod spots brpwn or reddinh spots on tho foungo and podii lound on low damp rround plant only alodflwhch havo no ciena ut fbo dlccaul pull up ubilbuxn diseased planto an thoy appear cvkuaqi auiji iiowllt and liltuiblls uehouts hoot mag- rot a nmnll whitish colorod mag got onchjuartor of an inch long looka somcthlnr llko a grain of wheat found junt below tho onrfaco of tlio ground cither clooo to or on tho roots thoy caf tbo rootn caus ing tlio plant to drop over apply n solution of cnrrouilvo sublimate anohmt ounco dlrmolvcd in qvo gal lons of water at tho rate of half a tcacupful over tacli plant onco a wwk for nvo wcokn aitrr thoy are not out commcocinl throo or four days after plantlnr- cut worroa and whlto ornbo oroylsh whlto rruba which work at tho onrfaco of tbo noil cuttlngwoft tho plantn they may bo trapped by up reading n mbttaro of poison bran over tho surfco of tho soil closo to tho plantn a pall of bran with suffi cient darin green to highly colpr il ahouid bo moistened wltli molasses until it crumbles readily in tho band this molsturo should bo kept on tho ground during tho carljr part of tho season worm a email groonlah worm throoiunrtoro of on inch lone which appears quite early in tbo noason dost with pyrothrum or helloboro powder when tho plants hojo headod or oust with a tcaapoonful of parln grcon mlxod with throo tablcapoouful of flour when young a pioco of burlap may bo uoid for this purpooo or an ompty can with holes punrhed- in tho bottom apblo also called lonao braall groyiah incecta which multiply rapid ly they may appear nt any unio in tho ocanon spray forclblywlth a solution mndn from stooping ono pound of tnb r o loa of water thia solution may bo used on all plants on which apnls nxo found clleity burbt black opots appear on tho fullago followed by wilting of tlio plant and a soft root on tlio stock bpray each wcolc with a mlxturo of itorrieanr mixture cov ering tho entire plant cucumiiljt htripod hccuo black and yellow striped lwctlo which foods ravenously on the tun- dor leaves of tho plant in tho very early otiuro of growth dost loaves when wot wtb osbts or alrolakod llmo squash bug dark brown bcttlo which sucks uio-iuioe-irom-tho-plaat- hand pick and dmtroy found on tho luavej nrtiions cucumber nonets usual ly attacks and may bo destroyed as given abovo ovion onion majgol a whlto magot olmilar to tho cabbago root inactot- no oftcctlvo mconn of con trol sprvad charcoal ovor tho ground or try tho corrosnivo suhll- mato oolution ns recommended abovo blight a violet color patches appearing 00 tbo leaf of tho onion some advice spraying with bordeaux mlxturo from tbo tlino tho onion plant in thrco inches high potato colorado beotlo or po tato iluj duet with paris groon when tbo dow jn ntlr on do plant or place a tcaupootirul la a watering can of water ai d pour ovor tho plant it possible havo tho plant dusted with paria grcun before tho but nppearn scab lanlly rocohuiiod by cbar- acturhitic rourhnuis of tho skin im- nienw tho uncut tuber jnst before piantlng in a solution of two fluid ounces of formalin with two gallons of water dry cut and plant j3lliltlibikttjipqjjudbitrihate4 over the leafy norfaco usually found in july if thoy aru not preventod from growing tho wholo plant will bo dtfltroyod spray onco a week for four or flvo weeks with bordeaux mlxturo from july 1st- itadxhu root maggol uoo tbo same remedies as given far cabbage and onion maggot tomato tomato worm or horn blower a largo worm which rapid ly dufouatos the plant hand pick und destroy blight black spots appearing on tho loaves which spread rapidly and caiico tho wholo plant to dlo icoci tho plants growing vigorously tho wednesday half holiday commencing uoic wedaeeday 1th june uia bueiucas peoplo of acton will by niut ual sroemeiit close their respective places of i usjnes orety wednesday altornoop aud evoiilug from 1230 o clock uoon dur lug juno july and august this will hard a gotxl uportuiiity for outdoor re- croatiou and enjoy msnt twenty two business isoea luo y lodged thanuwilvcn it uliscrva tlie bolnjny arory week for tho throo niudths mr i rule larr of toronto was bqmo orer sunday mlas ulaerho th crnpnon wo horn from ronmui over sunday mim marj arat tleoilt of toronto vu iiomo for tho lioldojm miaa 1 11a rtcnierson was ltmo from toronto for tlie holiday mr it d warren torouto called on tho i mkb iurjn on fti lay mr harold kennedy npont tlio week enl with men la io toronto miaanara icenney curse washnmafrsm fluslih on a abort visit last week mrs coil y end miss colly of toronto- visited acton fnon is over tha holiday mrs k duraton and her little daughter ofduelpb vulted her sisters thin week mrs hye and mian lilian of toronto oint tlio holiday witlrfrionrbi in town mus norths urown snd mm icau oranthoin of toronto wero hern over bun ljr mr mack hollmgar of acton was a visiter iu town 00a day last week eon advocatn mr l w railoy and maater wilbur of toronto were guests of councillor bai ley over sunday master fred campbell of weut toronto spent tlie holiday with bis taiijmother mrs campbell mr and mrs j e icaioy and family ei hamilton apentafow days at his sisters homo but week mr and mrs j s deacon of toronto who spent tho winter in florida have re turned to toronto misses jean and bertha uhte warb and their frisnd mum loogbeed were home from toronto for tl 0 holiday mit jfolllamcdongill ttftdshct strecl who liaa lcon senoualy ill or some time has been very low this weak mrs robt mcphcrsan imtcj on bsuir day forhhe west tn visit her aon at hsrt ney mao and unn bask mr charlon quantio of vnncoutcr r o arrived this week and will spen i e week or so with acton friends mr il v moore j p ws nt belloville on indsy and saturday stlctidinpa meet ing of albert collrgn iloerd of uanatc uiont mr and mro h p mooro mrs james mooro mianoe iuw speight and cbua h mooro attended tbo woddi7r of mus i lor ence speight at toronto vesterday rev h w avisen m a b v and messrs h p mooro j p rjid j ii donny are the re presents uvea to the sea qions of hamilton conference at brajtlford which opens today mr and mrs james hamilton en a announce the engagement of their eldest daughter rbota mas to mr norman il barbour hillahurg tho marriage will uko place tery quietly early in june at tho musical conteste coo cert by tho school pupils of toronto in moaesy hall on thoevoof victoria dsy miaaaimeespeight formerly of acton played for tho oivens street school pupils who won the all medal an eiinouocement of tho marriage miss elmlxjth joan daughter of mr and mrs william jeans moversvillo n y formerly of acten to mr arthur a dickaoo of onkerv n v oa tho 2nd injt baa boon received y friendji hero m leeget tsudsluoero daopbtcrof s if moore esq torouto wbo graduated hut week at margaret eotou school of literature and lxpreaaion after a three years course was awarded the malddi romero hcholarship prito of 8150 cash am tho dorothy scott raff optima pnro tho following friends from a distance were here on sunday te attend tho roemor io service in honor of the late pte john lowu mooro rev i t albert moore mrs u t le page mrs jsmoo konne- dy mrs jennie tyur and mr chos a o matthews toronto mrs henry lono and mr wilbo lane erin mrs dr well w tfoydorfthaik rtdl lias nothing to hide now uiat tlio government iiauoiitkiitittjy iiroluhilt tl tlio uso of any nrtificinl ctilortug matter in nuijar mto tell you jain uiat wt luvo never i d iut ts nevi r ust tl llltramtirtn nrver uai tl yinijtnii iycs never uslii vt fat labia dyt inrcfminpany of oar uupani thmnu puatlmi cvrry jiouiitl 111 tlie haiiibiof your froccr xa puro pnj nncoiorcil so why taln i hmon wliy not luaiiit ou jinviugxiruuo the sugars that hav altcays been pare and cost no more titan any other iokfartltallnluau trailrmark ji rvrty ijirtan nmi sni among impoku an i i- i uki of macdonalds mekchandis- ing1his wklik is a may displa yof white wlinb prcrnt bind imprrlicii jvo v iritjnj in v onion d iu ic 1 and iltimrcnn utjdrnnu jlnt many pr ft it nud ik hi of r pccinl attntrtivcnit i ikolhu pruci ou tunny otlitr raw product cittou j ricri hivo n 11 1 on 1 tntly i i re ult t f tlio vur ilmijiud and to d iy t ton t tn 1 are high mid firm ely uo j olwervi ti 11 f m itki t londiti n 111 1 by inaliuij 1 nt if- mml or qu uitnk 1 iiiany iiumui m ulnucr wo ui i p ition t tur llib iimti bij it btaiidutd 1 ol whilcrf nr and iritt illy luri o v irinu a1 in pie t ji n w 1 nr rlit lttur fvillh i r ml- to ti percent ew tti it prevailing j r coks1 1 covkr drawi rs iimll k kirts ill idi or imiu j rade imludcl tti tho 0 today in nt rotu 15 owns cdllwiii ohlinalion camiss i s cokslts rrassikrui elxqulolto hnnd icmbroidorod under munllno which have lccuellj htly u led fr si liaiidtiug nro being elcarcdntttumeit iotnrdiietioii embroidery edgtnflo arid flouncingo jtn nl featured at ajccinl prices a shoollnfl barrfoln 1 included at 35c yard nong other altracuons jr many t ther unci of mcrehnndim arc fc iturrd at tin iloro in tho wtm priea nttractlvcticn as our wlpto ood i trc 1 inn traj v 1i110 to be fo mil 111 many c 1 throuliout tho various dcpartmeiitn tn tho form of old un ulviuiccd priec anullioiicw uunnicr jootl 1 ira in tlm 1111 iqry of their fresh lovehnna zs thcrael voryihlnr hist incry body win t ut uacdonald s m clothing and in homo rum lining- qr t id e macdoiald ibros- iw 1 guelphs leading and largest store wyndhnm mncdpnncll and cnrdcn streets guetph ont pisfesk iheijaiis how many people crippled and lame from rheumatism owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment it ia the ejict combination of the purest cod liver oil with glycerine and hypophosphites as contained in 9i and vegetables that has made scotts famons for refieving rheiinia- fcm when other treatments have utterly faned if you are a rheumatism sufferer or feel its first symptoms start 6n scotts emulsion at m it may be exactly what you need seact a pn tecswsvoat tats iezool all kinds of scraps wanted i ho highest cosh pncca paid j goldstein 1 o iix i7 voting st acton tltlioeoa7 sylvan lake alto and mr and mrs john kennedy and tho misses kennedy georgetown mrs j w rows and mtse clarice hamtreet milton mioses dorothy nelson and bertha brown toronto mr ood mrs wm uowdy and douglas limo- houso rpitwifij keep them working rabanjla the fit id u worth two v inlhetmru you can t prmsl onarta lunzbuac flpllot or cnrt from d putung your borsc hi the bara uit yofl can err ut trauhlcs from kctplnc borsralatbcbaravtryloos tiwcmft kendalls i spavin cure i btanydmcrtstsatlabolu bforsj aod kmoallawiuaire tliouaiiasotranucni snd borsetucn will u u our txuk treuooq the borsc free j3 0 br ft j s3s0jixc0aasarrauatt i m 1 1 1 i h ii dusibane t m i savco labor when weeping it kills crnis brightens iloor mau new lik dont c up is loolv t sweep with out dustbane from order a tin to d iy your grocer paelced in barrel i kegs for large conunieib j mel dustbane mfg company limited ottawa ont the one incomparable musical instrument and ir is tone rhnr hns ri columbia grafonolas thtr place they hold it is their tone unmatchable in its natural purityand absolute fidelity that justifies their description as un paralleled instruments of music we are prepared to demonstrate this 135 instrument play any record you may select here or at your homt convenient terms of payment may be arranged columbia grcfoaolaa 21 io 475 c c spciiiiir acton 2m d n business change w woodcock baker iiiviih purchastd the u ihing uepirinient of d c ivubsell will conluiui thehuam is uu d heing l pr ic lit il li iler tnd mploylng experi enced help uid best in iti rials i un confident i can plelse tin putilie my bulad caktb anu pabtkv in y be had as osu tl at russells store i invito yur eon tmued p itoiil i w woodcock ac ton o d capital 57 000000 a hutllmyi kunua anu undtvluud 1ltofltu i souui the merchants bank oi canada sir ii montu altai c v o 1 l m uw lteai uiit lmi d m ui ij look to the future lino tuiyibill an 1 w il iki no u j lelltlfuu i n willi advuuk i hiiil hi will luvu uu iuiji lnlj iiuywh ui ui i in iiilo littlo cw bundled d lutn avt 1 ut mo ju i i uinudun nuv llej ui now wltli only 1 no illar m lt u h i i y f it s hbw uriieliinl ouiau u iv ti n 1 jti 1 ii nd 1 fine l au w ill thiiiij ih nut l k hilki nd iu ar tun tu tbo li irbui tl toi ifort jji lituiulai in ui ui 1 urnur buaiiti wimr 1 ac1 on branch wo t r ivc hipmrnts of these lines tvic a w tk and prcirni t ou fresh quality tioods lettuce iltt en onion i piraus lomitoes spmch cucum ber cirrots pmetpples strawberneh etc we have good values in evaporated peaches at 18c per lb applesat 17c per ib prunti y 15c and 20c per ut cooking ilib frebh at 10c per lb all these are sunkiat brand maple- syrup we hive in stock the same tfod rup is wc had last year made in muskoka eiri iood quality and pure imperial gallon v sa oo ii ivt you tried the uell known sunkist brind cwiikfi floods 1ineir pack known ft lehe pineapples appneots pork and be ins ui irry i full line of mcltanns impernl che si limburrcr roquefort 5 i p n il rtim chilli cream wtjt lwc fcold vr baketyto mrvvoodcock but- ul i umuc to h indie the s une ord issortrntnt til il es uid p istry iitl our windows j russells i cel tebliahed capital auuiortxed 5 capital paid up tzjccojxn surplus twowoo thrift tpo urn o hulc ud to ipcni n hale kj jl wu tlie ntlvicc of robert louu steved- jon tlinft u a virtue that 13 enijy acquired and deadeaiy probmble you wul be aiton- ulicd to find how quickly your ravmgj will accumulalc with the interest added one dollar will lart a saving account for you at tlie bank of hamilton jjjrvjjjkj n mckay moiffcr ccddi 8 ccou g debi or l b shorey manager t i i y i i i y r v y v y y it will pay the people of acton and vicinity to come m and see the bargains we are offering before sending or going elsewhere for their purchases 20 per cetu off all lines 25 m wall paper jlblashillco miljsl acton f v jti v i

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