Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1917, p. 2

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illrtt marvlarna an 1 1 fnrm it n r i i rii i t rrr at tl r 1 mtr h f iwri tltt a k t 1 lh 11 t hi lny lay ujuit r r irlf47th notes phom manitoba intoroiunfr details of the growth of tho crops tho harvest and othur incidents jhic jfwr fires thu1 s1a hi iti mill it 0 101 editorial notes tim recently ai noui ccd curtallaaenb of mtimtion orders will i rolwhly neb lo folb to ll o full itoituf iii tl ornrvenu ijroier atl nnara rmrium tl e mi rnig induit try in almunt certain l tonally bona dtod 1 yho ruloaoo of part ol labor employ ltd on mu nit ioi n a1u o ib iho re in immi dift loneo about thi mi 1 just pint t period it in ruogtilwxl tl at tbin in t ut tho firot atao of anoral raooreftrucuon that will fcibtiwarfuoikof ihe-war-hjomoe- in glit dovnmr lvosouizisn ii a patriotic doty i ut if not prmucwl tho time inay bo approaching whon it will becomo a pntn necessity patriotic pooplo will acre with every word of tha load controllers advice to canadian coma roofs urging tho necessity of tnet ocoooisy end reduction in lbs us af certain food co elimination of waate means feeding iho british population saving monoy to each canadian boaaohold glung our british brothers dinner pails and finally winning tho war too my nuloi mi turn i woeka apo a lclai n ai cntneowrllo tiri f tl o ii m- 1 or tl o itif it fiol in f tion if row i groin chacborod oft t ere- an i there ty inwn liclta nf nu minor fallow a groar no i ton th w 1 as i toco in o tho j roveil it z rturo this i interspersed with l grtio ot lata oat or a growth on the bummer fallow hut a another rharo ha raj 1i occurred and ly tho uro theae notm renrh iitrii i uti readers tlia wide pxauao will represent something of ut ftpiwnranro of a vaat encami mont with tho rows j nil row a nf conical at aped atooke luttl a van unly commenced botwoen atiguht 12 th nnd mth and in now interril la earnest irom early until late with c an f ng laami tlio rattle of tlio bin ler goat on almost iucotaantly tho oroj i very food and tho priori ia high hob roars are oiilorai n od that it may drop aomo perhaps to i00 jjjssrxhfilfjvt hly ahloto oopo with tho ataokiog bat tho galiciao aettlamont up north will probably oond down inoa and toatni to ttiroah and probably thay wilt olpal tlio n took in k ttiero ia an omor ffoooy gang of town profowonal mod form ed for helping tho lawyer who wyor tlio droggiat principal af tho conflolidat- ed nchool innpectorof aefcool district tho lumber yard and elevator managarn go oat ly aato in tha aitarnoona whoro wan tod at 30t5ntjt per hoar and na moau lb pr- cootla to bodorotod to patriot o parpooaa i would much like to bo abla to boo a aiml lar number from tho tuna prafeaaiona from down homo op horo to work aloogaida for tbo aaka of tho naing anyhow hews topics op the week tn towjt couaaih of burlogtaa haa paaaad tho following rcaoluupo wharoai petitions eigned by wires tf aomioro who havo enliatod for otcraoaa wonico in tlio county o ilrjton wore preoonod to tho ooonty coancil on iho 2ut of auguat ro- qatlng that tho patnouo paymont al oald bo increanod to an atnonnt cqnal to that paid m otbar mnmcipal tioainthoprovioca and tha aald conned did not roach any do culon withtoapacfc tq tho icimo and where- aa tha need ianrent wharofora tho council of tha town of barlinjrton wintiaa to plaoo itaouon record afl lcing unanaimiouoly faror of ancl pouupna ton time botwoon tlio harvesting and tho needing of wintar cropn ia exceptional ly abort this yoar mauy farmora will bo nnablo to throah thotr wheat boforo it fi umo to mw far aaothor crop fartnera who haro already threshed good puragrali of utandard vanotioaof winurwboat or of winter ryo might advertjno thair murplaa for aoed pnrponoa to advantage both to thamaolrea and to other r vary effort should ba mado to mcroaao tho winter crop aroaaa much aa pattibla tlio wheat a greatly oaaded and tha incrtawod acroaga own with winter crop will leawa tho labor required for fpnng needing and abio oxteod tho harvanb ovor a longer ponod next year let all aim for a million acroa of winter crops for lois by moans of largo diapby billn tha on taria govommeat at tha rcqoart- of tha dominion foci controller ia drawing the attention of tho pahlio to ho fael pitua- tion in the province it i pointed out tbab war ooojltiana have affected tho normal imp ply of coal and radared impera uve that arery conaaroer prmctico tho ut most thrift man lei pal roligioua ednca tionaj and otherrtuthoritiee and bod lea are roqaaatad to ropaatcdly nrgo and impress the following considerations apon the pub lic 1 refrain from using foal of any kind i laclading gas until it becomes abaolotaly necessary 2 practice rigid economy in tha oae of fuel 3 wherever ioaaibio uae bobaiifiataa totcoat tomiotyireatiiftmo ex ten l 4 quardcatnstantly against waste ol fuel whan making or cleamnarfiro aod- whotrnung gas 3 thoroughly tft ell coal aah and bum tho rosiduo the re- rqltwill he sorjiruwog onetenth of tho foal originally fed to tho cro haa been re oorerad and uuliud in thin way all diversions from tha heateo path of hard work had to bo gotten out of the way tho apace botwoon aoedlng and reaplne which wn brief for it baa astonished ma 1 ow rapid seemed the change from thi need which i saw pub in tha groan j after 1 cacao late in apnl until tho aamo ia in otook there have been three important event in juno the county 8 an day school con ventlon called together largo gavherlnga tq all the sees ions of the day notable was tlo interest taken by ruggod weather beaton man of tha district aroand the patriotic ladles eorrod meals ab paying pneoa and had a rushing bnainons rev manaoordoylatwhcrbu been aa near acton as kockwood was an important ontaide speak or on july 12th a mammoth orange oola hration waa bola acme twenty two lodgaa heme in parade with a great arity of accompanying music a terriflo down poor of rain acatterod tho crowd just after tlia first speaker from winnipeg cemmeno ed and tho ecotrs upon sooraa of aaux were quickly crowded as well aa cattle sheds grand ntaa i band stand etc the agricultural oxh bition was held on augfltt 1st hot hfing rijtht in rood hay weather waa not np to tho onoal nucceaa such a thing aa a fall show aa in ontario u howeror out of tho question in carrying on this extensive farm work on theeo half and whelo aectiooa the im portance nf tha telephone can hardly le eatiinatad it haa bocomo a valued con venienco in rural ontario tut here ln farm hnunen on aqnaxe mile farma and often far from the road id order to be in ahelterof afnandly bluff in winter life would be lonely indeed and buioens tedious without ft the loan of aa imple ment tho locating of a tray animal the uiual emargenciaa of farm life and many other buntnoaa calls are quickly attended to and socially what good imen of chatter and chuckle with in format tan advice arrangement of calls anqulriog after h oncaoragi tha pastor ate olitilr v orahara beu baildad bettar sebqt geobqe gone to france bovertod to a private to get ovor to tbo front tha following letter waa rcceivod but weak east handling kent lor angus to lh 1017 bear mr mooro just a lino to tell yoa i am warned lor a draft next wee i m reverting to a pt in order to go i will write you whon i get to france hoping you are quite well and the acton people aro juit the name yours si iroroly a gzono hiutab7 notes twumldiorn from tho canvalocontn pital turn n to each nf whom 1 ad ioi limb were cntrrtained for two weeks at the bonio of mr king cooper wellington street they enjoyed tl oouti g imnei so- ly at tho homo an 1 in fishing motor g and other pleasant oi lo ts pte iloa anlan son of tto lr faoai ian of port i j wl o visited here a coaplo of wocu nffo isrepartcl woui dl in action tr scanlan ha 1 a son killed in action in may pte fnckor an acton soldier wh i ont avorseaa with the necoti i eo it ngtiit an 1 wbo waa wounded h rcixiited iu having arrived at qnchoo on route for homo the coming fall tairs datos of tho lairs in whlrh loca roailers aro host intarostod tlie uapartmoi l of grlcu1tur publish e this weak tho lll of rail fans in ontario tba following date- aro ive i actoq sfli l ti ilolton oct l urant ton sopt jl 1 hurlti gtyn tl kiv k day lrii oru 11 1- fergus hepe yfl jl leorgutown oot 14 hoiu 7 in oct ll mar wham milton oct 0 10 newmarket s j t fl s ok villa se t 17 1u ore givillo iej i is iu fit ick wood orl 4 hitaetsvllle s t 11 rminlo aug 5 h u 10 waterdewii oct than he knew back in theeevontlea if am tot may fill the flour beg tho potato bios and tho butter tube over and ovor again but is sadly behind in cultivate ed fruits nearly everything haa u ba brought la and largely specially in the summer supplies borne from british columbia tho winter climato ia too sevoro for the life of frulb growth j indeed if all the accounts of thermometer readings and wjnd velocity aro trno it ia well my phrenological extremities are no more prominent than they arm said to be but every six er seven yaara there ia a largo supply of saskatoons a small blue berry on low or easily reached tree which make a very acceptable preserves and this la tholr year they have boon secured in great abundance tho fiuca phem li oagarly looked for although owing to peculiar train aarvlne and mail distribution wo caanot got it until tuesday bub etraadyin tho brief ahseacev1 note nomo onangoa of interest sorry for tlio removal of itobt wallace one of acton a beat men an old fnarf3 tha- detthor u h voldaoiftorthe wounding of blanon lynesit who was one or our flmt k o a c boya iu id09 and tho bo pro too sacrifice of dear john l moore almost llko a son whose aacond homo u ly b bo aala to be at our houe how unbelievcable lb seems that ho la gens well well j g0 hewiota man aug 27th 1017 mr coleman a reading iito tho item nr the veto of mr wallace a property h removal iron acton i rather promature mr wajisco auys bo intends to spend his remaining dava in tl a old borne with an occasional visit to momlxti of hla tamlly at outsido o nts editobj wicdnisspay tho brlttnh baltlo in i landors was naltod by a sot galo iho jorblnn premier outllnod tho proponed now slav nation two pay mcnnongtirn iu chlcnpo carrying ia 100 woro killed by fwo bandits an ordpr imw bton inauod that tho uniform of noldlorn munt not bo com merclallsed ornecofl oovornmont wan upheld in a toto following a long nnocoli by promlor vonliolon tho canadian northorn lullway purchano nieaauro was put through tho commons undor closure wrookago apparently from nomo uargo waa won by a stoat captain l no thirty nrlloo went or lrle tho union or canadian municipal itlon etrongly urged incroaao of sol diers penalona and doubling or tho pay to moo in tho ranks benjamin 12 parkinson nrrentod in toronto jn tho uniform of an am orlcan officer is wanted in the united stales on serious charges silver cronncn for liroeaving woro presented to two boy scouts at tho review bold by tho duko of doton dhlro at tbo fxhlbitlon grounds food controller hanaa will on older tho quention of dropplni- tho embargo on bacon in riow of th t do filrton of britain to eoano impo ting tho duko of dovonahiro had a busy day at tho inhibition and at tondod tho pagoant in the evening he alno signed tbo military nerrlco bill n c j chamberlain han ronlaried as prenidrnt of iho n trunk italic way and howard o kelloy vlco pro aldeot has boon olo tod to succood him speaking at th6 inhibition dlroc torn luncheon hon w j hanna iobd controller advocated tho oper ation at cold ototago plants as public uululeo tiitjltsda auatrla la fauid ly a norioun coal f amino an italian niutor cntabllnhod a now record for o i tlnuous dying prepare now for idj8 wao tho iccbiiaro coulput i tbu aai poduc tlon c ub a ttunulan dwinlon loft itfl poal tionn on the itou nanlau front wltn out fighting exhibition carnp toronto unu been nccurrd for n dloru tralnini njaln next wlntrr j m uardbruio of wcotnn carried oft to 1 1 dulu iu be pony clnjilqu ut tho lxlll our sir ilobort borden according to a ununlmoun rtiolutloa or the conner vativo caucui romninjj bead or tho government tbo orrtarlo unirlp- soociation oont a memorial to otta t on tho leiatlor fie ting the control of streets now before tlio senate mlau maud liotnan a part dill school teacber t u drowned in lake huron off ippcrwaah bench whon hor boat capsized arly wcdnoadoy morning tho uuro f dlvoiiflbiro oponod a now wing at tlio or nto hrco hob pital for consume tivoa and vloltod the various plaiim in tho city con necttd with nvlailon sir wilfrid luuiler accepted tho promlor a luvllatioii to name half of tho board of bulcctlon to appoint ono or tho two members on each of tho local txlbunalj under iho military sorvlco act martin n todd well known in transportation circles president or tho g p h itailway and gonoral muungor of tho l fc n and a prominent citizen of gait died in his flfty ninth year thn moat serious street disturb ancea new york hat experienced olnco soap box oratory becamo on issue between tbo authorities and criticr or tho govornment occurred at an open air meeting or tho frlondn or irish freedom soveral men and womon woro arms tod tha police bad to fight tholr way through a tur bulent surging crowd in order to got their prisoners to tbo night court whoro the uproar increased to such proportions that police reserves bad to bo summoned to dlsporso the tnoba f for washing oddities bilks ohiffona kid doxxs feathers lamp shades pet birds and anianala paintings plaao keys fine woollens ar anythiag dalaty or ua urnaj ose lux w at all grocers lever drothers umitad of uuu c-r- t -urttant- ilton wan oltcttd hie presidency a win the war mrotlng held in tho north toronto lown hall waa mark- od by somo disorder a resolution presented not being to tho likins g ono of tho opealtera b d moroll secretary of tho union of democratic control one of tho loaders of tho paclqot movement woo arrested in london moroll london office and his homo at st ai ban a wero searched lant saturday by tho pollen and aevoral packages of documents wore removed from hla office ho hud been accused by oot- oral nowiipaporn of pro qormanism monday plowmen nro urj ontly needed by ontario farmoni german papnrn woro angorod by i rouldent wilson a reply to tho pope an unknown jowlnh boy was drownod while bathing in toronto hay tho attondanco at tho exhibition saturday wail 127 goo n now record for that day mr lloyd s facr a branch man ager for tho bank of noya scotia died suddenly canon plumptro at sl james cathedral welcomed tho american visitors now in toronto important revelations or anglo- gorman negotlatlona during eight yoaro preceding the war were madu by tho manchester guardian tho national nown sorvlco estab lished for canada aftor noven yearn effort by the canadian press limit ed was inaugurated sunday minn stella alloro of tweed nine teen yearn of ago died onac n r train whllo being brought into king nton for hospltu1 treatment hon dr lyno mlnliiior of lduca tlon in a utatcmont declares ho haa no authority to oxtond tho summer vacatlqn for hith echools to pro mo to harvofltlng ft joseph oliver i lab a young farm laborer committed suicide in tho presence of hla wife by blowing out his brains at tholr homo in mono township saturday midnight w h kipp of princeton ont whllo oiling thq machinery of threahlng mftchlnr on a farm in blenheim township got hlo clothing caught in tho bolting niid wan fatal ly mutilated the commonu pomad an itom of supply of 6 cop for oxpomwi or tho mclcod tclllor commlunlon but mr f b caroll wan proini oi by hon mr molghon becrutmy of stato an opportunity to rovluw hon mr rotora record in tbu lirht of aworn testimony heforo tho commission tuisday 5v addiional excursions forharvesters l0 wrstcrn canda via canadian pailic sept 10 and 12 irop all stations injntirio ottawa smith fall i and west going trip wlfst si200esf w to winnipeg km urn trip east 1800 i- rom winnipeg pnribcr particulara from cnna 1 aii pacific ticket acentn 1- w jj howard d f a toronto i2rhi aoucruermenls sljr ttrlljdijibt tljurrli rtrn it o it laiiqic da fjoraetoe nunoay f litcmdirilo 1017 mu a 1 mitowan oi i el h till j eatli itiorninr- un 1 rvcumg oumdav school iu tbo loomiion at 3 30 o cock allwclcome auction sale op property there will bo offered for sale by lln administrator of tho lalnto of mirandi joyco formerly mccalndh by publk auction on shurbday ot81t rtth m e hour of one o clock jp tftj after noon at tho n eftattoh hfttbl in the viulaob of aoron the following property pnmoly the sonth boat half of tho north east naif of lot number 37 inthcoth concen- nlon of the township of bsqueslng in the county of halton containing 50 acres more or less on the premise ii created a frame barn nud ntablo thirty ncrc workable land balance bush timbered o0011 arclmtd and garden with currants cber rics plums and grapes this property is well watered with thrco wella and a creek running through it situated about 3 miles from acton 5 from georgetown a from limefaoosc property is being oftorcd for sale to wind up an estate terms op sale tn per cent of the purchase money to bo paid down at the time of sale balance to be paid within thirty days property will bo offered for aale subject to a reserve bid for further particulara and conditions ofsale apply to w a ho lsi an vendors solicitor mclean s block guclph wxjjlimgtow hdix auctioneer dated this agth day of august 1917 1 which school ah haiioawi collecsa are nol alike choose eararallj luott tones and chart eelltraeu toronto ontxrio is noted formula grans training for busloeaa life great daman4 lor oar fradaatei cuter ow wj sluoit phin oakville fair september 17 18 and 19 jrjojcd1v s90fta98tlwtt day horse prize list noo 1 to 21 uhlifllwwo olabbes to bo abovn on tho line cuao and nueodw to bo flued in on bntry fottn dheotora huflh 3 wtbofi i j vaixgnan capt ellsworth flav l draught h0r8eo should bo 1250 pounrhj at cror and heavy dxangt typos chua ix 1 brood mare no oo 2 ctujidoronytaia irj fa 5 onoytiaxold gelding ar ffljy 10 00 twoyvjftroia gadding or flbjr io 00 6 thpaoyorkiii qeidlng or ftdy 10 00 c stallion bno two or t2rroo yoarn 10 00 tokneral punpoae h0rbe6 hhoold bo under 1sb0 ponnda euproaa honro type with good boao and rary little hair 2nd n 00 a oo e oo s oo 6 00 e oo 3rd 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 stork 10 hunt piiat eanittinlniu lor at ii of ll 1 lotrn n 1 ii ii tl i vi will w t trmt flu ipt111 m ami 11 lor crlur foil m of i nllji rsuia will uo vacauxll t utll neil vlo ir ai1 f a buli wlhrl i u oaq iwl it for faotiaaii un i aumi ltl jallujuattflewb the ontaeid votebs list act a court will t rlo vnta i t or ii a judto o 11 o o l o t n hall afitd an u i bar i91t ai 10 o clod to 1 lu clay of hpi in ll m oira ut of iwo uuulclliall tor 1dit 1 dated sin day of tjopumtwr 131t a j wckltlkoii 103 cloth qf acton a wtjcb to gkeditoits ib tba uattop or ui iatt ot bxli ad joyoa 1st or tho township or raaumlnir in tb county or ifaiton wldour dmuwd ntiop l b lar t t i b idip 31 m it rlt o rl lclob h h i lit i0 00 10 00 10 oo 10 00 io oo 2nd s 00 00 6 00 0 00 0 00 3rd j3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 lit 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 canadian national txhibition aug 25 toronto sept 10 oa a karttkaa orwhurlly prsfrstuv seals mobilization of national resources cewtrsctlv asj dastnetlva kswa far war children cry o a3 x 0 i a the only way to get a hen put of u o gen an ia to go alow bub stum oa i wasps aro jie moat inretrate anainlea of fliaa- fish u th sea i inb and lake pish now obtatuubleat pood productlbn prices ben had lock fresh caught head lcshuti 1 ilreojod sealol fresh tauglit headle4 an i drraaed tf inx ktd kiniibn haildlo 1 i aim whito pish very ncoxco s i hko i milt do pruut bteati do s5 3 j stauffer ftail dealui1 ao great deeds of borolnm woro dono by tho canadian soldiers in tbo bat tle ror hill 70 w s mclaren a nombex or tho british commons was killed in an airplane accident western provinces day at tho to ronto exhibition uhowed another in crcoao in the attendance rhoro wan quite a spurt in re cruiting throughout canada follow log tho signing of tho conscription bill tho canadian northern railway purchaao bill was pasood in tho house of commons by e vote of g3 to 37 tho duko of dovoashlro went to camp borden and inspected camp hoare tho aviation grounds or the koyal flying corps hor benjamin e parkinson of toronto is now thought to be insane having boon removed from tho police cells to tbo hospital tho womon o auxulary to the on tarlo itosourcos commit too decided to oak tho food controller to conflno ice cr am to invalids speaking to tho ontario municipal asuoclaton hon w d mopbarson chairman of tho soldiers aid com miiaion mild soldiers families must be hell iqqocilaxtor taayoldragrota after uw war r aftor tbo dentructlon by flro of an important factory in the ocbta qnar- toi ot i otrogrod nro otartod in an- ut t krtat tiitablfahmont thn dam algo fh estimated at a vera minion roubles it is a us pec tod that the fires woro started deliberately the liberals of tho commons and sonato in caucus unanimously and onthusiastleally approved the attl tude of sir wufrid laurier in ac cepting the premier s invitation to cooperate in regard to tho board of selection for the local tribunals undor tbo military bervlco act and expressed conflderco n his judgment mid patriotism satuuda bo id lorn awaiting permanont dls cburito papers may take general om ployment i reiuler kermoky expressed high hopes for tbu effect t the moscow confoioneo 1 llibt lorn map dor arnold j cuudwlck of iorouto was drowned in tlui i ugliuh chnunel promlor sir william hearst ro tuiif i onvlncod that tho west is oolldly fot councrlptioii iii lxcoilciilytho duko of devon nhfn opt no 1 tho now usseiubly hall at whitby military h npltal 1nsn day at toronto inhibition druw ah attuiduuco of hi 000 un in- crtauo of 1 q00 over last year some olevon huudrod local tri bduala under tlio military service act havo been olreudy arranged for hydro by laws woro carried in plcton woliingteai and bloom acid by votes hjtgregatlnk 722 frjr and only jo ugalnut 1realdont wilson a reply to tho pope haa alien cod the pauhsta german soclalleu have rone wed their demands for real rotor ru more than a thousand re turn oil in valided soldiers are at quebec un derbolng oxamluatlon 1 efore doing aetit un to their huiun districts ho ontoiio municipal assoclallon cloaud uulrttjniular atafcil ilanilhli gcnoral currio ntrri thoned kriy otttlioctm r lnu his tho sociallat confcrtnco at stock holm hlio been postponed japan seeks fcr atti cooperation with tho united blutci in tho war samuel goiuicrn lu a mesaago lo british labor liltl ibu end of auto cracy in near premier bordon has given notlco in tho commonu of tbu now war- tlioo elections net charlta w oraham a toronto chomint was kilkd in a motor acci dent on don mills road loronto labor day crot da at tho toronto inhibition reached 1g2 500 or only 1 coo short of tbu record in tho faltu history labor day aj colobratod at dtt rorent placts by j moraine of oporta and othur entertainments few par ados being held william goon house whono fa thor is now lu 1 ranco waa tho win nor of tho bwlci utuktjprlzo at too toronto lxhlbltion baby show secretary p m draper of tho trades conjreu3 of canada speak ing ut tho toronto lxhlbltion lunch eon oald labor mti would accept conscription tho final ctitlmaio of tho wootorn grain crop thiu ytar la between c2l and c22 million bushel whont bolus about 200 million bimbula tho prlco of wheatwill probubly- bo sot ar libout j2 20 joseph loduc aljas handfleld ai lojgud to ho u i rlucli i in iteunt dy uamltlnt uud otbur outruns in tho vicinity or moulr- il ubut and killed himself whllo ikiul i uraued by po llco i r r i achute splendid i rot i 3 np i iido by ixndon in p ihllr onuni n utllltlii in tbu i t u j tj report fl nt th j i i tbo corneri ui el u 11 l bullulm confederation spectacle 1200erforme l 2 cuaaas fltary freaa birth u baueaaaea dramautally tali tfcw vary ascx af baectacalar ackuvasmat giant uvlvstock and agwcultural di3p1ay judging compctjooni for young farmer jj jtnn crop com- pctitiona extended quatficauorii rand innovatiom in all departments 1 brood mjutd 8 colt under ono jrmr d orioyearold aeldlng or filly 10 twojviaxiom gelding of fluy 11 tnrooyorold geialng or filly harness horses saltablo for carriaao or roadster mirpoaoa cjoas 12 brood mnro 13 colt tmdet ono year 14 onoyearouaoldlngofffulyy v- i 15 twoyearold gelding or filly 16 tllreroorold gelding or fluy v saddle horses brood maxeo nhouia bo aultahlq types ror prodonlng saddle horsos ani youngators should bo tho rnakinga of saddlo uoraos or huntorn dw 1st 2nd 17 brood mnro 110 00 u 00 ib colt under ono year v 10 00 10 onoyoarold aoldlng or filly 10 00 20 vtwoyoaxmild oilalng or fluy 10 00 21 threoyoarow gelding or filly 10 00 specials tho eonlbolaro f cob donxtod tho pxixo money for two classes of yonng horses class i 22 hunters for boot bora calculated to make a good ban tor to bo 4 yearn or nndor n shown oa uno lo 00 23 caiutlaadfor best horse calcnbxtea to mako a good carriage harness horse to be four years and under pacejuui ail round action to be considered conformation to count co per cent opeod and action io per coot to bo shown on lino jw ia 00 2 lucas special for tho boat spring colt of 1917 sired by malnchanoe s 00 3 00 c il a wilson b special for colt any age elred by ajdner or martin doylo 20 00 10 00 vounq remoumt or saddle horse 26 anmnit special presented by tho c thoroughbred horso society for 2 and 3- yoarold maxes or goldings sultahlo ror ro- mountn or oaddlo purpoaes slrod by a thoroughbrod stalllan registered in tho canadian national itocooda f2c 00 21c 00 10 00 racj noassoc i ati on s peot a lo- 2nd 6 00 1dit tnol i lo 1 r io tl o aniitajsnml h lldwi lnl4ralor of tha aald lorrua ihvlr i iidn ixl aditraaa anrl fu i partlan kiln w ulti f ijoir o alai an 1 a altunnl or ii rlr iy ai i ll onat ttt of 1 1 oorlti if nv hl by i rm 3nlf vbrtflao tiy fi tarn lory daoiar if and titkit ui lo- tti i im rdlt y wf nr u b ot madtlonad aaui tlio aald am liirx r til pnool to diittibnto thn aata of ua aald laaad unoni lbs partita oul 1 ihorata vloa rasard noly u lua olalm of wh ol ba ball than tiava t ad notice ami uiac tha aall adrolnutralor will not ba 11 abla for uia aald mta or any part tbaraor to any panon ir ptnodt of wtmfl clajol tlotlna atiali hit tisas taa raoaltad by tilm al lba umo of auen dl- trumuon w a ucleah ucuaa s lllock qarlpb aohcttrtr for lb sld admlnutrator datadataaalpb uia 131u day of anxaae is1t 4 00 5 00 3rd s 00 1mmehse exhibits of tractors and farm labor saving devices art italian french persian american and canadian masterpieces music innc famous soloists and a core of other leading organizations tho man that i foot lakes a oi aracter make lame horses put back to work quick tyxondallsupevtncure jtbaaibw a great many boraas baa put u cm bank to work even aftor uisy had bean t w tn ui ovwr u yaora ot success has rao uua qierlt ot kendalls spavin cure hniotieemojrt uarcbftb ria i uactl ud many bollua of kendall a strife cure for apntlns aud iiid cucm a lid i do aot uilnk it bas au t mat etpoculty in stubborn caaca tlndiy scud o a oopy of yuur trim omayiria it l vooho bulj by ilfuau yarrwlit m a ttll 6 b iiua if tjjjo clt a ftj y f a liaaliaaixluia llevmr from yavr divfuwt af writs dr d j kfhdall comaanv cnoahurq falla iu x varmswt entire new midway national motor show first showing op loin models greatly enlarged government and other exhibits var in all its phaaca model camp artillery dnvc i aerophine flights sc0fef of surprises in store for old friends and a thousand thrills for new one reduced fares on auluines of travel new fall winter stock ad kinds blankets am icind wool socks good makes of pants and overalls imhc wool sweaters splendid assortment of dry goods we buy live poultry for cash given as on encouragement to lbxht horse breeding through tho cans dlnn thoroughbred horso society t j macabo secretary tho canadian itaclng associations present a premlnm ot jco00 tor tbo best colts or fillicu calculated to become bast suited ror army remount or saddle purposes sired by a thoroughbred staulon rcclatered in canadian national recorda ottawa iitaudlns for public service to half brud maroo at a foo not exceeding tigoo slxo of bono and ilubstanco must bo primary factors in awarding prlxon clasa lne 2nd 27 yoarllnsa roals or 1918 00 s 00 28 twoyoarolds foals or 131 13 00 b 00 horces to de shown in harness dlrociora alfred hlllmer il c cox m boca aooderhum clasa 1st 2nd 3rd 23 hiavy draught pair 130 poanda or over 13 00 js 00 z 00 so gen oral purpoao pair under 13e0 pounda each exproaa horso typo 13 00 fl 00 3 00 31 heavy delivery outilt best turnout horae bar nooa and wagton all to counl horae to bo 1200 ponnda or over 13 00 o 00 3 00 32 light delivery outfit beat turnout horae har ness and wageon all to count horse to be 1200 pounda or ovor 13 00 6 00 3 00 33 fruit farm horse blocky type about 152 with suitable waggon and barneiuj tho outfit to count 12 00 0 00 3 00 pony classes ponies in harness ah ponies must ba under 14 hands a last chance m harvesters to reach western can ada at excursion rates 1200 to winnipeg plus half cent per mile beyond return half cent per milo to winni peg plus 1 800 excursion dates september 10th nnd lath from all points west of and including ottawa ont good going on regular trains tickets anu all information from a- t brown town agentor gericr al passenger dpt toronto ont 34 pair 1 oulcs undor 14 bands shown to a suit a bio vehicle 35 slnelo pony 13 hands and undor 14 hands ahown to suitable vehicle 3g bliirlu pony undor 13 haudu ahown to nullah o vehicle 37 boy afoiiy turnout undur 14 iianda to be ahown ly boy under 14 youru 1h girl u i ouy turnout uudi r 1 luuido to bo shown by tlrl undor 14 yioru saddle ponies luuu 3j ltuut saddle i ony under 14 hands coaforma tlon qunltty and maimers to count 40 bout boy itlder uiidor- 10 years 41 beit boy rider over 10 njid undor 14 yoarp 4- beat girl rider under 10 yeoru 43 u ot girl rldor over 10 iu d under 14 yuum 44 best ltdy rldov cupa value 45 best gentleman rldor caipo voluu 4u boot lady driver cupa voiuu 47 host genueman driver cups voluu harness ci-asoeb- t hittti ia i ulr carrlago horoea 4 t siukiu carrlngu horner u0 iiiifilu turnout horao haxiuuu and trap to bo tho property of exhibitor 61 well stoyi ing pair 62 slufilo hiih stopper roadstej1s- l lane 63 pair rou loioro tti sliifcli itoaduter saddle hofweq lass cb llut saddle homo 6g bout ijidy o snddl 1 horflo hunters and jumpers ii mi 7 on 11 hunter odium to hurauu not uxhehltud bo- f ro s hunttrn on n to all t hlhh jufnp 1st 55 00 33 00 32 00 3 09 15 00 13 00 c 00 3 00 d 00 300 5 00 3 00 c 00 3 00 110 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 lot 2dd 10 00 15 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 fi 00 10 00 5 00 1st zad jll 00 35 00 10 00 00 lt nil tio 00 36 00 10 00 is 00 lul too no 00 15 00 10 00 r 00 10 00 5 00 3rd is 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 34 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3rd 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3rd 3 00 3 00 3rd 13 00 3 00 13 00 3 00 3 00 1 i 1 i i i 1 i u 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i i i i millinery openings the ladies of acton and vie lnityare cordially invited to inspect our i latest modes in english 1 and american p itierns ii hats on frijay saturday september 14 6 15 m cooper mm at aoton oat t 4-m-l-h-m-h-mw-k-m-h-h-w-l- new wonderland 1 n fhiday ottprpjjldjsfl2 vfomt slreak 1 alulr batuhoav smptbeuoieii o costlea f ir twi willi u irio doro toksfday sieitlslaoen 11 nlli tpiswlo of ltlrty aud i tjht3 ot nuw york with ucli baltd xvtlu aaptlsmdjlll o jt of tlio wreck with kttlli lyn willlanlj coming ijrooilwuy joncn r l gregory d lstarkman at i ommodutiou pco idod for livo stoolt in large li nth st uk to bo on kroimdii by 10 ooloot on tuomlay moniiitkhiid lunaiu until aftuc panido of pmo winuorh ihuuloilon wnlnuoduy iifliuruoon budding providi d foi htoi it mid fi i d for bido on tho groundti two big night performances liifuml of gnmil sluud oil tninday and wtdnmdiiy irounds ull ljo brightly lighted utile sheep uatf rt 47 k ida aexl wccjt livingstone williams guelph cakes and pastry l have arrange i or i dally fciipply of tlio wdl known cukci an 1 i n lu by wuliaru ol guelph leavn jeur order to d ly piokl1no vlncar spicci uu kip la lrc3crviui lmiu all rca ly for you j r livingston qrooeuhea atia pvoviadonn tmattkmtmsm

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