Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1917, p. 4

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whe 2ufou 3fvcc ihcsz i i liuhlv off oil k ii iu17 itorlvy anditqhiw 111 mo e lro n u u utldod housphold hints urltlio ll ului litre u 1 1 j ij cn r u list homo no ol ilot tint nol ma lis w lh crops and the ned cross duhue a recanti trip through i as tern mliitiauola writes itay htaunard hater in tlio lied croni mnjjaiino i ran ncron a wonderfully effective plan forarouaihrr do and continued intafcit in the i led croes movement tio idea qrifriuated witji w h moeerip of wftshiojton county ono leho luriini houtei i osttln lrotua o tlxhtalo i fuur 1 him an 1 his aaalstonta buaily ab work making uuiircauvasjteiuoag the people thoy woro aakiuj no money but each fanner was roqueated to nijrn the following pledge in ordor to do my bit in tho pn war i agroo to prow the following crops to be sold ofi a market day sat f r uw pur ijoao the proceed to go to tlio american tod cross practically every farm or io tlio lake elmo district turned these lodges inoqt of thorn aroeinj to oontnl uto tlio pro duct of see aero of k or otliar crojw sam of too oilier smaller formora niynod or half acres tint iroduotu wilt to sold at auction and tlio returns of full acres of wheat com oata or other crops will rep resent a very high average of coolnbutioa for these mlanauota farmera hacb contributor wea f uraiahod with a large card hcannjr tlio i tod cross in thi center and lbeeo words wo in jnnnn crotn to lo dtuiated ifftbo american lud croas mnmlwr of washington cunly 1 atnouo league tbaao carda i saw postou oa tlio road to front of many farms civing striking visual evidenoo of uio mteroab arousod require llq t rgtnroad from norr i ova c ko in tlio 01 an null i tl o i lily mju u pro tot it iniied ith coftia li j load of wauir i rotich fried potatoes dl pod id corn moat wore fryiojj aro oicellont to make imrftwl tea remember jjood tea liedlujf wator aiul a hot toapob wl on mi tiny a cake never beat ui bul tovnnij ar ur och laalo a bit of voaallua fill roaioto mildew or ntaiiut fro pi any kind of loatliar roouilrunltos a unlil bo ilriwl in uu open air an 1 ibo suu ahoul 1 alilno on thorn a j inch of aali in uio wliltaa of ojjn will mako tliom boat mucli mora uickly tim inoub important point about makinj cuod ci too a to uuo tlio water at tho flrat uil milk will pot lxil or or if tho aauoo pau la liuttarod on the upper part and odo cano cliajra can bo cloanod by apoulnjf uiotn until aoakod with aoap and hob wat or wliilo paint u boat claanod wikb a clotli mjuoaxod oub in hob wator and dipped in a littjo bran iron tho jonoonta which uavo button 1 y lay i u tliota faorftfown on a thickly foldod ui i oat or turk tali to wot to mako a faded droaa white boll it in two ifallona of wator in which a half cup ful of tartar la dtaaolvod apploo cored and flllod with chopped dates or flfra then lakod mako an excellent break faabiuah lvijt j contains no auum i toc in canada news topics of theweek vou c by the use of ejilburos laxaliver pills ej cure children ory for fletchers casto r i a ecohoh y 3uqgest10h dui a diatricb of a free motion if the towch daily houldbe the rujc oryoiu for if they do not move rccuurly coluti pation is lure to follow ctntl 1 nut in iu tnuti tuany other troubles when the bowels become doeccd up mi 3a tmm- k mclunon hall fax njs wnta i am h w 20 ycara of ope and cince i wus 11 i have been greatly troubled with con tig iti u so much so that at times i would le m bc 3or4 days r month i tneti ull the old fashioned reracda cator oil cacara etc with only temporary rcluf until my aister in law cave mo ronic of milbura a laxa- ijver pilla 1 ruin the fint they cecmed heneilaal and i cvc thctta u fair trud tlit a wns two yeora aj o and with an occaiotial doc i have lept entirely free roni constipation for the penod men tioned i lb aro 25c a ti ulr i direct en 1 uilhuxn co milbura s lna i vial at all 1- dj rrocip of j noc i 1 luu led loront uoino axcaratii hintorieal intoroit aoino workroon cano upon a a to no winch wan nhaped tory like a oofgn tliay thoreupon loyau to diaouaa colli na and an inahmtp remarked wlioy duu b they uao atone coffiua nowt ihoy 1 aavo a lot o mo nay 1 why 7 how would thoyl theyd be moat difficult to make aald another work ob but aal i tlio inahman yoa see a auinocontn would hub a dead man all hla lifo i kiplings aiq pqedlctlolis the oooatitutioa of an aerial control beard and the journey of the nigat mail through tho starry beavcaa waa post dated ereo by mr kiplintfto 2000 ai haw in 101s mails ere boinjf carriod khrough the air an by the italian and aotivo mindaaro botng do voted to all the problems aaaoclated with tho now wonder the power to fly at a high apoed from one end of the world to another carrying maila passengers or morohandtao london dally telegraph tho lerdbates a quitter bub he dooan b halo him son whoa tho quitters quitting something v a ildn tharo begun dont be a backslider today help for working wom some have to keep on until they almost drop how me conley got help haro u a letter from n woman who bad to work but was too wtak and hui- fercd too much to cootlnuo how oho rcgalnld health ivankfort ky i suilcred bo much fith fomajo weakness that i could not do my own work had to hire it done i heard no muck about lydiu limk ham a vegetable compound tuot i tried it itookthroo bottlts and i found it to bt all you claim now i foal us wlii as over i did and am able to do all my own work again x tccommcnd it to any woman nutterlntr from fomalo weakness vou may pul- uahmy letter if you wish mrs jaulj conlcvslobtciairht rankf ori ky no woman aufftnng from any form of icuiato troubles alioulj loao hojto until alie has given lydla k ilnkhamtivcg etuble compound a fair trial this famous remody tho medicinal ingrodllnts of which aro derived from native roots and lurtta hou for forty years proved tolxiu most valuable tonio and lnvijorutorof uu female organism all woukiii are fuvltcxl to writo to tbo lydtu ix tltilfliutu medi cine 0k ljyun mua for himh luj jmt1oo it will bo ooufldentlux oiabbhib and vomiting cured by fowlers extract of wild shadberry the pain and tu fieri lit the weakness and aftcntimea colljj ualcd with an attack of diarrhoea specially wlien violent vomiting occuni make it a disease to be dreaded and for which prompt re hef and a ready cure ujo greatly to be desired the salutary action of dr j owlerp lixtrnct of wild btruwberry in giving nlmoat instant relief from the pain checking the too frequent und irritating stools nettling the ctomch and bracing up the weakened heart lender it without a peer far the treatment of oil bowel complaints of ouhi or old mr james c vandusen medoru man writes we have ud dr iow htro extract of wild struwbcrry and have found it to lc tlic most tatisfactory remedy of ita tort i was troubled with diarrhoea and vomiting for a long time at last i purchased a bottle of your crand remedy and after i had used but u quarter of it 2 was completely cured under no a rcums toners would i bo without a bottle of dr 1 owlcr a extract of wdd strawberry ir fo la an old and reliable fremecty having been on the market fo the post 72 years you do not experiment when you buy it itcfuse cubatitutcs they may bo dangerous price boc manufactured only by the t mil- buiti co limited toronto oal how sue 3 angry he i vouser what tho meaning of tha picturo is f the jouth and tho maiden aro in a tender attitude slie oh doo t you aoot heiajuataak lug hor to marry him and she is accepting m itow swoot i what doos the art lit ii the picture lie looking about oh i so it uton on a canl at the h ttotn iiold your aathtna too 1 1 ufliclanoy of ir i i kellogg a aathiua llcimdy la not mieuung that ia marely u le hop cd for it ia to ik oxpactad it tiuverfaiu to bring rnlief and in jour own individual obao it will do tbq naniu ha unlvoraal haa itoen the auceaa of tlnu far fun wl euro that very na anlictod with thl iitcao i wo ll u httuaolf to try it t ab b vuiiincido tliuro in n propjtitliuii tlmt xmala uutlier iravu worui l itorui i tat r it iim t tho liea t oountloait bit iruo village gbttinu value th ininister droj td into bar bar shop for a suave at wbioi bo pn turotl tliv usual tu eaub irica of the shop ill take it in preaching air replied the polite bareer refuaing ihw oiler cum my friaud rejuluod thu n iniiwr with some dlguily i haven t a teu cunt ser tuon thats all right air quickly rutortad the barber 1 11 oouio twiui i ho uado in l it a dot i aral a hlgltlulilg of thu alio i liu vvnlui frk- hf j ok i it or- aoaui i i aaoltary unvul jm ore a uunjlly attso lim ixm i illhokvrui in auiualla uio leave of wl job yield au oil fruui which camphor can le itiado wi nriisday tlio ontario wctu la holding ltd iortloth annual convention at cornwall ilrltlnh ainnon carriod out a nuc ccaaful attack tin a uornian alrdroino in alanderrn jred o alley of toronto won ar rooted on hla wedding day on a choxgo or then tho allies ana u rod huasla that thoy would not agroo to any praco dutrlmontal to hor tho unitod fjtatoa onato ufti r a brlnf dobate passod thu 48000 000- 000 war crodltn bill rho attondanro at toronto unl voralty durlnr tho coming soaaion will bo very small owing to tho war tho ratopoyaro or bauu 8to mario mud of stuclton voted by a majority of gil to amalgamate as ooo munici pality alox auor a ntturulucd hwedo hvinl in toronto wau hunt to tho ponltuntiary for two yearn for nod tlouit uttorancco llio conforunco of charitlefl and correction which la mooting at ot tawa haa chaui d lta namo tx tho public wolfara lluroau mrs a d macdonull mot hor of senator a claudo macdonoll and of brig ad lor tlenoral archibald mac- donoll died in hor k3rd ynar iropuratlons havo ixm or do rod it is uaid to havo balloting lu canada in tho iodoral election complotod by tho nrflt or oocond wonk in ihcornbor ofllclal recognition haa imkih given by tho militia iktportmont to tho i work of tfa y m c a tn campjl by i tbo authorisation of dlstlncuishlng j braoaardo and tmidgos tho doard of selection under thu military sonrlco act could not mako ita appointments youtordoy owlnc to tho saskatchewan room born not doing present and tho manitoba mom born doalrlng ta review tho judges ap- poititmontn lu tholr provinco to tho local tribunals do ll adjourned jo october 0 thinthday boron pontons worn killed id tho lost air raids on 1 ntlind sir horace pluiikott r ported pro groau at the irish convention tho yrtaldout of tho assoc la tod ad clubs of am rlca uayu that js00 000000 la upout auuialiy on advor tlslnc oonoraj houkhomliuoff tormor runslun war mlniiiltr wan convict ed of tilth trt ui on und uintoucod to bard labor for w tho board of coulrol connldorod favorably un on r from wm ilarrln company to purchauo tho turon to civic abattoir ninuty modlcul hoard colitreu havo boon authorlx d o nocuro tho most eoectivu udmliilntrutlon of tho mili tary h rvico act one hundrud and twtlvo nots con tainlni morn than two tons of nab woro oilxud by tho tlnhorles protoc- tion crultur vii hunt off iort dover ex president tuft was tho princl pal dpoakur boforo tho unitarian nforonco in montreal which adootod by a larto majority hla ro- nolutiou upholding president wll- non a war policy hon vrank cochrano minister of l i tall way a end canals in again ac- ooptlni tho cundldaturo offerod by tlmlskamlntt consorvatlvos said ho fully expected a union govern moot would bo formed within a month british columbia s now prohibi tion moosuro is conuldurod air- fgtitdtrmr cutor and tl o mayor and tho chi of of iollco havo assurod tho pollco of tholr backing in lta otrlct onorco- monl hon w j uaaaa food controller gives warning that thuro must bo no hoarding of potatous urtoa incroasod consumption of thorn tm thuro aliall bo uono wasted and soys tho prico should not ejjrood r 2g por bag arter octobor i pro ruler ijoyd ooorgo accotu paulod by oonurai bir william ll uolhirtaon ciiof of tho imperial htajt left london for franco on monday nlcht accord nt to ofllcial aunouuceuuinl ho had u confer j enco with m pulnlovo tho truuch irouilor on tuuudcy and after- wurdu vlaltod hold murahal sir douglaj halt ut british iloadauar turn lu lranco 1iuiay nova icotla applcj an on tho way to tho cputral and wtutorn prarvlticeii a big oni my plot lu nt w york was nipped by tho urn ut of ubou t 100 toutonu tajo uultod btulen jhipplni hoard will roguliiltlou ull vuejolu of ovor 2 00 tons i rot m sluson was appointed pro fuuiior of unutuiuy ut thu ontario vwt rinary oll t all persona oil board tho british i ttuiu r wontworlh woro lout wheu tin ulilp wuu uuiiil by u uub lh lit t slilpuint of ijiko mipl j hi nth ti lotonio wuu qutikly ob hi i up ut 1iji pir pound tlio ullk iiuiltt undor dlroc- i u of tho food controller u othco h ui iturtid work lu ottawa v ii rul din unu formed thu chluf topic or tl days dliiuialous at tho nidluu 1 uhllc health assocla- c of owon toutid uio aviator who hrui brought down nany inrinini air plant a a maun inn tjtn of c i h and prci ii opera to n ib chli tl o uend n mrtwacn to ottawi urfinj thu oov ornitiont to intorforo on b h ut of fho o n w mployoa tho wifo of w ii matin r of van rouvor formnrly of th army j rvlri corpnwnji found di nil and ho him nolf iirlouni rut o litlii wrfntp in a room in a hotel nt wlnnlpg llio donilidon natural dgu co ho llovt a it ban found ttu sulutlun of tho problem troubllnt ion uoorn in rtovoral w ntorn ontario cltlon and towun in tho uqo of ajuiuonla ut nat ural tomporaturo to eliminate oup- phuratod hyurognn hatuiuiay mr jomca n willis won appolqtod police raoglntrato of whitby viscount mllnnr tnado a vlgoroui rply to admiral vrtn tirpita tho seaborn rommandi r wan pon- i cloned by thn ot rtnan warlords i a blanket indictment won lasuod in chicago ngaliiot tho i w w agj tatom mro joan daptiaui bigran who died at ottawa ui twl ninety eight had 331 dlnt d icoiidants major w a bluhop vc did m c wan rlvuii on onthunlantlr ro- coptlon in bin homo town owon jound tho tactlrul nclu mo for tho trok of troopo from amp bordon to toron to starting octobor k has boon worked out the oovornjnotir in oxpoctod to brlni about a nottlem nt of tho o n w otriko on tho torms of tho hoard of conciliation award tho tug w h murray was mink in halifax harbor by on incoming ntoatnor durlnj a foj and i hot john brown wan ulr km up uncon- nclous dylni shortly aflorwardfl that canada ulnndti alone for total inactivity so fur uu tho jtato lu ldhcurned with rt tar i to child wi ifuro was tho un rtlun of dr alan ilrown of toronto at tho can udiun 1 ubli- hultlt aasoclatlon tuiotln in ottawa i naltictinrt to tx provide d iu addition to t lonn lmji j in tho rriminul cod i i uuuh anyono fgund eullty of till inpllnj to influ ence 1 ui pro i rly my mi dii al board or local iritnniul uppolntid uudar tho military horvk ct i ho oiiurlo u i if adopted a resolution lallliii for th ruqulro mont of a blood t ut ami u rhuui bill of ill for both parties boforo ii co and procurable only nt officials luuuanco of a tuarrlaj o lle that such uct nu i bo procur from special lov mom y u a goneroj utriku thruugiiout ar- pon una won declared a gorman oubmarlno waji uunk by a hrltloh freight steamship tho onuro staff of a college in ar- monla wait nlaulbtirid with axes toronto city n trout cluanorn and ear hat u moi wont out on strike tho retail prico on all coal has boon flxud by tho unlti d stateu fuel administrator hon j d connolly ai outoon oral for australia uuyu liem aro no war profits in aluitralla itov byron slaiirier oald farowell to his contrt nation at bond 8 1 root cunirulutlona1 church toronto itov dr wm i altomon npoaklng nt cooko a i rittbyt rlan church to roil to uaid hull lu tho placo for pro- ntonrn ptu g u clomonl urwhltby con valeuceut ilotipltul was found doad on yongo strui t near tho c p it station bundy canada may uhip 4 000 boxon of apple i to australia tn october and c 000 in novo rubor tbo embargo havlnj boon lifted iuchard uoblnuou toronto la undor arrejt in the general lloapi tal where h wan taken after a motor cor ho lu alleged to havo stolen turnod turtle with him on avonuo road tho public health aaooctatloa pasuod a strong rouolutloa advocat- ini exclusion of mo u tal do foe u vou fronfcanada it also decided to ask tho uovorntnont to lift bo ban on o 1 on margarine tuisday lronch ttlrrnj n bombod tho forti flod curmaa town of stuttgart 1 wo auupectod profoasoro woro i polled roru col u sir wilfrid 1aurior wau lu con sulfation with idboralu lu montreal kuuatan troopo luado pro cross against tho germans in tho riga re gion lie tail coal proilui in tho united u totes wore fixed by tho fuel admin is tr a tar iotatoes aro uolllng ut iort ilopo at 1 a bat and will llkuly bo ciuiapor so- v oral cases have boun reported in hamilton and tho county of wont- worth of women beliij molestod by forituors tho muthodlat board of mluslous decided to award scholarships to imut tho rush of liuiulerimtu expect ud ufter tho wur liout colonel x ivull lvans hau rouignd au cundidat for iouth wl iluttou in tho coiimtrvutivu lutoroutu tlo tin children ory for fletruc o asto ria if its littlo things that till tho bathing ait ought to wouoikiiu tho ouoveraatioa it seems to be th silver bar that makaa tnotiy tight tbo art of ufa it to know b lltela and endura much- ujoy sp bad hiili kidneys woald faint my doans kipney pills cured heh- mrs albert wdliamj imata aaslc writes i have the greatest ijcasuro ia irllnnf ou what doau a kidney pdls did fur inc leu yean ago i was uo bod with nay kidneys thit i would fuiiit away and could n t clatidtod uiivlbiug i haj liecii that way for two jcara and had douc ull i ct ihl but did not bct any fetter until ouo iay tome one put a tittle took in our door und i saw how uiu tlirr yyiuih ten i had oltlfcrrd like 1 tw then op i thought i woidd try them and i um kljd d biy that after taking our ixnes i ha vi newer had the aamg it s u urn thaulei to deans pouu u kidney pills ure the oiijjiuu pill r ul kidney tioublea they are f it i p in uu ol i i hrty ixix and bear the tu lo tn uk t f u m ij 1c iof bee tlmt jihi ji1 doau i when you ask for iuni i ti c 6t per o at all dealers or t i li i dirrti u i t f pneo by the 1 mill whdmau fruit d alors will after tl lul oilobor havo to lut r tlutorod und 11 iitil and o irraku r tuluf liirti of tumuvur aud prolltu xho council of kkii i bt rvico of th an lhuli church ut ottawa uu uniiuoualy u oplod u rvaolu lion av oriui domlulou wide prohlbltlou sir i tlwaid ktui minlatir of militia vlulud lh iir uti mobil ku tlou loulr tli t 1 of v h c li buil twin ine- ui d l i uuu 11111 a duy ioii warmly i 1 i m ij j willi m a blnhud v c li o l ho uayu liu would not oppose h ulll cuthrtu m i an important in tl lib of tho to ronto und york i drl ull lllid as uoclatiuu wuu held to discuss tho beut llluthu lu of ruiiiiilfc thu uiu my uumuuary in iu1k a uuppoiiod pi it to blow up the taukutchowau 1 urlluii i ul build uiu wau dutoverxd thiu ugl 1 u woiuuu lu tiuni in tlwi t u ra i 11 on 1 itul ut it gluu ov rhuarlitg u to ii vo r nation captain aol htt lllh of th i ix nations it uorve wl 10 t lieu utud u fc ood at ho front lu in utlo u 1 for u 1 nil dldutu in ilruut 11 u wi u tlu w ar aud vou a for the indian platform 1- it ialor mi fur llaldiumu 1 out b u off i d bio eoat to dr mi haul clark of uod i r altu if liu will utopt it as a win th war caudldutu und t et tho udoruouiuut f u couv utlo 1 i ilurk 11 1 iwimly oaru d railroads lu orlliuutor of io die 1 ul nleht ut tho castoria fo laiantu and children in uso for over 3 o years always bears lim tcl 1 uruuto out a beautiful lehavior ia utter tha a beautiful form 1 it in the fiuast of lluo arts 1 hero are many people whoeo wholo win dom oonalsts u hiding uieir waul uf il it la the man who keerm his ay a ojiear u whom oppartuotnt cornea a promit should be given with autlou and kept with car e caused dizziness vjcaknocs and smothering spells v when tho heart becomes uucctod titero eiuucs a feehnt of a ihokjug ecu sutiun a ehortucjt3 f luealii palpitation throbliiiig auutiieiiutf ecuatiou aud thn incus aud u weak tanking ail guue feeling of oi picuuou und unxicty qu the brat tuiit of the lieart becoming weakened milbuxiib heart and nerve i mis ahould le tukcu uiid you will bud that ihcy will give piuuipt rclict and soon cilcct a complete ejue mr john doucrttr- 11 itivcr cross ing n 11 wntes i ullcrcd greatly from heart trouble which caused di x r ineaa weukuess and aiuothcuuic spelu i used u great deal of doetor a media no but received no baucpc a friend advised me to ile mil burn a heart and nerve pills and before i hail huhthed the first box i felt so much better that i ot on- other one aud was iomiilcfcly icstorcd i highly recuuniieud these pills to every ouo aitllrnug fuutilirait tivublc mil burn s heart and nerve pdls are iiqc per box at all tlculcrs or mailed direct au receipt of j rice hy the t ssulhuxu co ximjud lurontu out a good set op roles lloro is a aat nl rulai which c vary ixiy an i glrl would do n ii to fop w bo 1 mro courses i uid nohloat ol all gilt bo tilont ft jj your eljorii aro u pea king aiul otlit rwinn wkw 1 1 til dnterot ia ouj otodtctica in tho list duty if ovary boy and girl bo clean beth yourself and uio place you livo iu ljuderatanii and rcapeck your body ii is tlio temple of uio apinu beuiofrional of all harmlaas wild life conserve uio woods and do warn andeajioo ially be ready to fight wild lire in forest or in to wo word of honor ia aacred play fair foul play ia trcaclicry ilo ravoronl be kind do at loaab ouo act of uuliar gaining nflrvicaratary day be lielpful do your aoare of tlio work be jqyful book the joy of itoing alive children ory for fletchers c a r i a palo flees bafora it- there is more vlr too in a bottle of dr thomas lclecuio oil as a aubduor of paiu than in gallons other medicine tho puhho know this and there are few boosobolds throughout the country whore it cannot bo found thirty years of una lias familiarized tlio people with it and made it a household medicine throng hout the woatorn world no matter how doeprooted tho oorn oi wart may he it maatr yield- to hoi low ay i corn cure if used as directed but i have so many thingu to do is the usual excuse for prooraaunauan in tho base of a now shaving mug is a lamp ta beat the water mmmm avbidabfclivpmutaifcfasj imllatlirtlltefoodtylfcllim unquicslogmtongdbgp 1 jtlkkliyltomounidiiesto ghcafotocssanclltotcoitilnii mncrolklrnanccmu iltpoll5upoliorinilbiiirttk frlrnwiims loss op his mothers enow that genuine castoria always bears the signature of se for over exact copy ot wrapper cz wwmimi aawaattwuawjwyl lflvingstomie i toidayi wl wav pri il 1v1n 1 i achi prlsi rvint 1 1 ah itlpk tomaioi con okp jtall i i i ky k1 1 n i 1 pim r wh1t1 pit m in onion potatoi akuat 1 jviryrillni in n1c1 pri sh orocpui1 jf r livingstone cirooerioti cutil 1 acton r noble telcphonu ilouu national for p t try nor- val ind kinf clioice for bread polletl oats oatmeal and 0 rah a m hour wl pay the hihc t marktt price for j11 kititls ol grim j- t warren bananiir which tjchool au lluuuaaa tlol 110- mo tiol allk cliooaa llfott vjjjtf io inuiln i r bulinu wj e llj ott jh i n hct0n chelsea pcnstoncro reading new a of wellington vtctory at waterloo when wellington met napoleon at waterloo the news did not reach london until d week later and it was four months before it was known in new york uut when queen victoria died the news wis known m roroihtrimd new york several minute before u wis known m london 1 his was due to the enterprise although a alight breach of ctitjuctte of one of the correspondents whose pres ser vice we enjoy when the owners oi i he timprcs of ireland sued the owners of thcbtorstad for the ramming of their vessel the i oronto daily stars covering of the trial was comment icd upon in one of the big liverpool daily newspapers as the finest handling of a big i rial story that ever wis known when recently the pope proposed peace the levt of his message was more fully presented on the d iy of lta issue by i he toronto daily btar than by uny other pupcr in ontario i his enterprise in handling big news vents has ciuscd 1 he star to be recognized as one of the gie it iicwspapcii of the world r inking with such p ipeis i- the new york v 1 nncs cincago 1 nhiinc loudon i lines and lon don daily i clcgrjpl a few of the news and special features exclus ive to the toronto daily star in ill uu itohiuunj lluultbco ul only cam oln ui writer la tax in lirllkla ttiw m 1 1 ut- llmtt uj tt 1c it ll u w on r lllr il ll iim bean i ular kit y tut co yarw lo eaaaji uwlil tf ti t i ckuwa tlddll ouilw talnnlu mat xi lll 1 rm uhl wlr all ll ljlca tii k- i nbl ii u if at ultll t l11t3eht anll bus lik1 ilaving purcha- iholivrry an i goodwill of it o i i-tuti- fr in ir a uccuut i solicit with couiidonlo the palrotiugo of tlio public comfortable rtgi tup lied at rcvejonablo rattle special artliiti xl t uli lyitiy couvuyauccs for wf llnp unl funerals motor cau furiu hl wh u rr 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